Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Cultural Theories
Ronaldo Carrillo
Santiago Lescano
Doris Macias
Katherine Matza
• Cultural change is subject to certain universal laws. • All societies evlve in a single direction towards
complexity, progress and civilization.
3 Stages of development
Psychological Structural
functionalism functionalism
He distinguished 3 types or levels of needs
Primary or Derived or Integrative
biological instrumental or synthetic
needs needs needs
Procreation Economical Knowlegde
Nutricion Magic
organization Religion
Defense Laws Art
Protection Education Play
• Herbert Blumer: Symbolic interaction was one of the first social theories
to addres, we use culture to learn. This theory developed during the 1920s
and 1930s.
G.H. Mead (1934): each of use learn many different social roles through
interaction with others. Our actions are being “conditioned” by others while we
are affecting their actions. We learn social roles through interaction and through
experiences in daily life situations.
• Mead: human socialization permits more or lessconscious interpretation of
stimuli and planned responses. And this happens because of symbols.
Symbols are arbitrary, the use of symbols transforms the socialization