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Koblitz Curves and Its Practical Uses in Bitcoin Security: Kristian Bjoernsen Krbjorn@umail - Ucsb.edu

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Koblitz Curves and its practical uses in Bitcoin

Kristian Bjoernsen

Abstract—Abstract-Koblitz curves are a type of elliptic curves II. KOBLITZ C URVES

characterized by its non-random construction which allows
for especially efficient computation. This is different from the The name Koblitz curve used to describe binary anomalous
most commonly used elliptic curves that have a pseudo-random curves over GF (2k ) which have a, b ∈ 0, 1. The curves are
structure where the parameters are chosen by a specified on the form:
algorithm. With the rise of online cryptocurrency we are seeing
practical uses and implementations of Koblitz curves in the
exchange and ownership of cryptocurrency.
y 2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + 1

Bitcoin uses a specific Koblitz curve secp256k1 defined by Or for curves defined over the finite field Fp :
the Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG). The
curve is defined over the finite field Fp : y 2 = x3 + ax + b

y 2 = x3 + ax + b The Koblitz curves defined by the Standards for Efficient

Cryptography Group (SECG) are defined over the finite field
With a = 0, b = 7 Fp . This is a generalization of the Koblitz curve, but the same
principles for efficiency in computation are present in both the
In my paper I will introduce Koblitz curves and look at
its advantages or disadvantages in comparison to normal
forms of the curves.
pseudo-random curves. I want to explore the different defined
Koblitz curves from SECG and see why the specific curve
secp256k1 was chosen by the creator of Bitcoin. I also want to III. S TRENGHTS OF KOBLITZ C URVES
give an overview of how the Bitcoin protocol uses Koblitz curves
The implementation of Koblitz curves with characteristic
to ensure security in signing and transferring funds.
2 in Diffie-Hellman type cryptosystems have the following
benefits when performing complex multiplication:
1) They are nonsupersingular
2) The order of the group has a large prime factor
Neil Koblitz introduced elliptic curves with a special crypto- 3) Doubling of points on the curve is very efficient
graphically usefulness in his paper CM curves with good cryp- 4) The curves are easy to find
tographic properties [1]. Parameters associated with Koblitz Since the curves are nonsupersingular, this prevents the use
curves admit especially efficient implementation and complex the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone reduction of discrete log from
multiplication. The name Koblitz curve used to describe binary elliptic curves to finite fields as an attack on the elliptic curve
anomalous curves over GF (2k ) which have a, b ∈ 0, 1. The cryptosystem. In order for it to work the curves have to be
Koblitz curve discussed later in this paper will have a, b ∈ 0, 7. supersingular.
The process of which the recommended parameters associated Since the order of the group has a large prime factor,
with a Koblitz curve are chosen, is by repeatedly selecting Koblitz curves prevents the computation of descrete logs by
parameters admitting an efficiently computable endomorphism the baby-step/giant-step algorithm, as well as the Pollard-
until a prime order curve is found. There are several computa- Rho algorithm. Typically the curve defined over GF (2k ) has
tional advantages of Koblitz curves in complex multiplication, k ≥ 160 and with k as a prime.
which will be presented. The doubling of Koblitz curves can be done almost as
The online cryptocurrency Bitcoin has implemented the use effective as Vanstone does with supersingular curves. One
of the Koblitz curve secp256k1 defined by the Standards for avoids the problem that the descrete logarithm problem can
Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG) [2]. It is believed that be solved using index calculus algorithms on supersingular
because of security reasons the creator of Bitcoin preferred the curves since k ≤ 6.
non-random secp256k1 over the pseudo-randomly structured Another advantage with Koblitz curves is that they are easy
secp256r1. Bitcoin uses Koblitz curves in the exhange and to find, and easily accessible for implementation. Standards for
verification of ownership of cryptocurrency, and we will Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG) defines many Koblitz
explore what algorithms are used in practice in the security curves for the use in crypotosystems which are easily acces-
of Bitcoin. sible online [2].


One of the nice characteristics of Koblitz curves is that the The process of which the recommended parameters associ-
orders of the curves are easy to compute. ated with a Koblitz curve are chosen, is by repeatedly selecting
√ !k √ !k parameters admitting an efficiently computable endomorphism
k k −1 + −7 −1 − −7
order(ε(GF (2 ))) = 2 − − +1until a prime order curve is found. Following SECG standard
2 2 for elliptic curve cryptography, elliptic curve parameters over
√ 2 Fp must have:
Such that i = −1, i = −1.

B. Group Homomorphism of Koblitz Curves dlog2 pe ∈ [192, 224, 256, 384, 521].
Koblitz curves are defined over GF (2k ), and this gives them Elliptic curve domain parameters over Fp with dlog2 pe =
the following advantagious property: 2t supply approximately t bits of security. This means that
solving the logarithm problem on the elliptic curves of the
P = (x, y) ∈ ε → Q = (x2 , y 2 ) ∈ ε bits mentioned above will take approximately 2t operations.
The advantages in computation of Koblitz curves lies within All the recommended elliptic curve parameters defined over
the existence of the group homomorphism: Fp presented in SECG features a special form of primes for
their field order p. These primes make for especially efficient
τ : ε(GF (q)) → ε(GF (q)) implementations in elliptic curve cryptosystems.
Based on the Frobenius map:
τ (x, y) = (x2 , y 2 )
The elliptic curve domain parameters over Fp associated
C. Point multiplication of Koblitz curves with a Koblitz curve secp256k1 are specified by the sextuple
To show how this identity is benefitial to the computation T = (p, a, b, G, n, h) where the finite field Fp is defined by[2]:
of point multiplication for Koblitz curves we write it in terms
of the squaring map τ (x, y) = (x2 , y 2 ) and the point on the p = FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF

τ (τ (P )) ⊕ [2]P = [µ]τ P p = 2256 − 232 − 29 − 28 − 27 − 26 − 24 − 1

This can be rewritten symbolically as:
The curve E: y 2 = x3 + ax + b over Fp is defined by:
[τ 2 + 2]P = [µτ ]P
We can think of the Frobenius (squaring) map τ (x, y) = a = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
(x , y 2 ) like multiplication by the complex number τ satisfy-
2 00000000 0000000000000000
ing the following equation:
b = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
τ 2 + 2 = µτ 00000000 00000000 00000007
With the solution of the equation:
√ The base point G in compressed form:
µ ± −7
2 G = 02 79BE667E F9DCBBAC 55A06295 CE870B07
By combining the squaring map with ordinary scalar mul- 029BFCDB 2DCE28D9 59F2815B 16F81798
tiplication, we can multiply points on Ea by any element of
the ring Z[τ ]. [3] The order n of the curve:
The property presented above of complex multiplication
is useful for elliptic scalar multiplication. This is because n = FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFE
the squaring implementation of multiplication by τ is free BAAEDCE6 AF48A03B BFD25E8C D0364141
when F2k is represented as a normal basis. That means it is
advantageous to regard n when computing [n]P as an element The cofactor h of the curve:
of Z[τ ], not just an integer. In effect we replace the binary
expansion of the coefficient with a τ -adic expansion. h = 01
9 = τ5 − τ3 + 1 VI. B ITCOIN
Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency platform developed by
[9]P = (x32 , y 32 ) − (x8 , y 8 ) + (x, y)
Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, and released as open source in
The use of τ -adic NAF’s gives a significant reduction in the 2009. The system is based on peer-to-peer, enabling users
number of terms, just as NAF’s give a significant improvement to transfer directly without the use of a intermediary. The
over binary expansions for integers. transactions on the network is verified by network nodes and

recorded on a public distributed ledger, the so-called block IX. H OW SECURE IS secp256k1
chain, available to everyone. Unlike pseudo-randomly chosen parameters for elliptic
To create Bitcoins, users of the network offer computing curves, Koblitz curves are chosen in a predictable way. When
power to the network to record and verify payments into the using elliptic curve parameter standars such as SECG curves,
public ledger (block chain). This activity is called mining and there is some concerns regarding rigidity in the curves. Safe-
the transaction fees on the network, as well as newly created Curves.kr.yp.to is a internet resource that looks at the current
bitcoins are distributed to the users who mine. elliptic curve cryptography standards and the security of many
Bitcoin uses elliptic curves in its cryptosystem, and has different standard curves. [5]
implemented many ECDSA as a way of verifying ownership SafeCurves argues that attackers might have manipulated the
and facilitating transactions on the network. choices of standard curves to be vulnerable to a secret attack
that applies to a small fraction of curves. Rigidity is required
to protect against corner cases in curve vulnerability. [Rigidity
VII. ECDSA IN B ITCOIN is a feature of a curve-generation process, limiting the number
ECDSA is an important algorithm used in the authorization of curves that can be generated by the process.][5]. Without
of ownership and transfer of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. rigidity, a curve creator could keep generating curves until a
curve vulnerable to the secret attack is found.
The curve secp256k1 is defined by SafeCurves as a ”some-
A. ECDSA Key Generation what rigid” curve, where the generation process of the curve
is generally considered secure.
Input: G and n The current SECG chair, Dan Brown, addressed Bitcoin
Output: Public key Q and private key d users on the online forum Bitcointalk.org regarding the use
1) Compute a random integer in the range [1, n − 1] of secp256k1 in Bitcoin[6]. He explains that the Weistrass
2) Compute Q = dG coefficients of (a, b) = (0, 7) cannot be the result of malicious
3) Public key: Q, Private key: d exaustive search of curve selection until the curve lands on a
weak class. The rigidity of the curve stated above supports
In Bitcoin, someone with the private key that corresponds to
this claim.[6]
funds on the public ledger is the authorized owner of the funds
The SECG chair has no good explanation for the base
and have the option to spend them. A private key in Bitcoin
point G, but the general understanding is that the base point
is a single unsigned 256 bit integer.
G cannot contain a backdoor in ECDLP and ECDHP. The
Public key can either be compressed or uncompressed. ECDSA algorithm signature check of (r, s) involves checking
Compressed public keys are 33 bytes, consisting of a prefix if r is zero. If this check is for some reason dropped there
either 0x02 or 0x03, and a 256-bit integer called x. is a possibility of the G being chosen in such a way that for
(0, s) is valid for a particular signature. However this is very
B. ECDSA Signatures
Bitcoin also implements the use of ECDSA Signatures to X. secp256k1 VS secp256r1
manage ownership of funds on the public ledger. In essence, The main difference between secp256k1 and secp256r1 is
with the public key, one can determine through a mathematical that secp256k1 is a Koblitz curve, while secp256r1 is a prime
operation on the signature if the signature was originally field curve. Koblitz curves are generally known to be a few
produced from the hash and the private key, without the need bits weaker than prime field curves, but when talking about
of knowing the private key. In Bitcoin, the signatures are 71, 256-bit curves, it has little impact.
72, or 73 bytes long. secp256k1 is a pure SECG curve, while secp256r1 is a
so-called NIST curve. NIST curves are more widely used
and has received more scrutiny than other SECG curves.
VIII. B ITCOIN AND secp256k1
In particular, leaked documents by the NSA contractor and
Before Bitcoins implementation of secp256k1 in its ECDSA whistleblower Edward Showden suggested that the NSA had
algorithm, this specific curve was not widely used. Many of used its influence over NIST to insert a backdoor into a
the early adopters of Bitcoin questioned the use of a seemingly random number generator used in elliptic curve cryptography
simple elliptic curve, but it is now gaining popularity [4]. standards[7].
Users argue that the closest alternative to secp256k1, namely Satoshi, the creator of Bitcoin, would have wanted to reduce
secp256r1 is a better alternative. Other security software the risk of there being a backdoor in the curve he would
companies like OpenSSL now supports the use of secp256k1 implement, and since NIST and NSA are very close, a pure
in its security protocols. SECG curve might have been preferred.[8]
Like described earlier, the parameters of secp256k1 was
chosen in a predictable way, in contrast to more popular NIST
curves, which is believed to make it less likely that the creator
of the curve inserted any form of backdoor into the curve.

Koblitz curves allows for fast computation and complex
multiplication through the use of τ -adic expansion, and fea-
tures many advantageous characteristics when used in elliptic
curve cryptosystems.
Bitcoin is an cryptocurrency that has implemented the use of
the Koblitz curve secp256k1 in its security algorithms. Other
than the advantageous characteristics of Koblitz curves the
choice of the specific curve secp256k1 was likely made with
the expectation of being the most secure option to prevent
backdoors in the curve. secp256k1 is a pure SECG curve
that is not a part of the NIST standard, and this is probably
one of the contributing reasons why this particular curve was
implemented in Bitcoin.
In regards to security, it seems unlikely that there has been
inserted a malicious backdoor in the secp256k1 curve, as
explained by the SECG chair, Dan Brown. The combination
of transparency, rigidity and the widespread use of the curve
it seems unlikely that the curve is compromised.

[1] Koblitz: 10. N. Koblitz. CM curves with good cryptographic
properties, Proc. Crypto ’91, Springer-Verlag (1992)

[2] Standards for Efficient Cryptography SEC 2: Recommended

Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters January 27, 2010

[3] Jerome A. Solinas Efficient Arithmetic on Koblitz Curves

National Security Agency, Ft. Meade. March 2000.

[4] The Bitcoin Wiki, Secp256k1.

[https://wiki.bitcoin.com/w/Secp256k1] October 31, 2015.

[5] SafeCurves, Index. [http://safecurves.cr.yp.to/index.html].

[6] Bitcoin Talk, forum. Dan Brown e-mail reply.

September 18, 2013.

[7] PCWorld. Overreliance on the NSA led to

weak crypto standard, NIST advisers find.
July 15, 2014

[8] Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange. Se-

curity dangers of the NIST curves.

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