M.SC - Chemistry SEM 2 Syllabus 2018
M.SC - Chemistry SEM 2 Syllabus 2018
M.SC - Chemistry SEM 2 Syllabus 2018
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M.Sc.- Chemistry
Course Framework
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M18CHCC201 Inorganic Chemistry 4 hrs./Wk 4 Credits
SR No. Course Detail
Magneto chemistry
Introduction, definition, types of magnetic bodies, Russell-Saunders and LS coupling.
Derivation of Russell-Saunders terms, spin-orbit interaction, thermal energy and
magnetic property. Magnetic moment for different multiple widths, multiple width
Unit.1 12
large compared to kT, multiple width small compared to kT. Multiple width
comparable to kT. Stereo chemical applications of magnetic properties of the first
transition series, lanthanides and actinides, determination of magnetic susceptibility
by different methods. Derivation of Van Vleck formula for susceptibility.
Organometallic Complexes
Introduction, Structure & Classification, 18 Electron rule, Hepticity, Ligands in
organometallic chemistry, Reactions involving gain or loss of ligands, Ligand
dissociation and substitution, Oxidative addition and C-H bond activation, Reductive
Unit.2 14
elimination and Pd-Catalyzed cross-coupling, Sigma bond metathesis, Organometallic
catalysts, Catalytic deuteration, Hydroformylation, Monsanto acetic acid process,
Wacker (Smidt) process, Hydrogenation by Wilkinson’s catalyst, Olefin metathesis,
Heterogeneous catalysts, Ziegler–Natta polymerizations.
Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
Introduction, classification of elements according to their action in the biological
system, deficiency and toxicity, detoxification and chelating agents in medicine,
Unit.3 metalloenzymes: classification of biomolecules containing metal ions, 12
metalloporphyrins: introduction, characterization of porphyrins, oxygen carrier and
storage, hemoglobin (Hb) and myoglobin (Mb) in oxygen transfer mechanism &
functions, biological electron transport proteins: iron-sulfur protein and cytochromes.
Inorganic Polymers
Introduction, general characteristics, structure, preparation, properties and
applications of:
Unit.4 (a) Phosphazenes (PNX2)n 12
(b) Borazene (B3N3H6)
(c) Silicates
(d) Silicones
Inorganic Nanomaterials
Introduction, definition of nanomaterials and nano-technology. History of
Unit.5 nanomaterials, causes of interest in nanomaterials, properties and types. Synthesis of 10
inorganic nanomaterials, their characterization techniques and applications of
Reference Books
1. Miessler, G. L; Fischer, P. J.; Tarr, D. A. (2014, sixth edition) Inorganic Chemistry. Library of
Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data (ISBN: 978-0-321-81105-9).
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2. Agarwala S. K.; Lal K. (2009), Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Meerut (ISBN: 978-81-8398-
3. Elements of Magneto Chemistry, Shyamal & Datta East- West Press.
4. Bioinorganic Chemistry, Chatwal and Bhagi, Himaliya Publishing House.
5. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Cotton Wilkinson, W S E Wiley.
6. C. N. R. Rao, A. Muller and A. K. Cheetam, (Eds) (2004): The Chemistry of Nanomaterials,
Vol.1, and 2, Wiley – VCH, Weinheim.
7. C. P. Poole, and Jr. F. J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley Interscience, New
Jersey. 2003
8. K. J. Klabunde, Nanoscale materials in Chemistry, Wiley- Interscience, New York, 2001.
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M18CHCC202 Organic Chemistry 4 hrs./Wk 4 Credits
SR No. Course Detail Hrs.
Multicomponent Reactions
Principal, mechanism and applications of:
Unit.1 12
Ugi, Biginelli, Mannich reaction, Doebner Quinoline Synthesis, Hantzsch
dihydropyridine, Passerini reaction, Bucherer–Bergs reaction.
C-C Bond Forming Reactions
Enolate, Enamine and Imine chemistry, Grignard reagents, Cuprates and other
conjugate reactions, Olefination (Wittig, Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons, Julia, and
Unit.2 12
Peterson, Mc-Murry reaction) and Cyclopropanation reaction (Simons-smith),
Bayliss Hillman reaction, Organocatalyzed C-C bond forming reactions: Aldol
reaction, Mannich reactin and Stork enamine synthesis.
Pd-catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions
Introduction, Pd-catalysis, Various ligands, General mechanism of Cross-coupling.
Unit.3 10
Principle, reaction mechanism and application of: Suzuki, Sonogashira, Heck,
Negashi, Kumada, Stille, Buchwald-hartwig cross-coupling reactions.
Photochemical Reactions
Absorption of light by organic molecules, Jablonski diagram, properties of excited
states, mechanism of excited state processes and methods of preparative
(a) Photochemistry of alkenes and related compounds: Isomerization, Di-π-
Unit.4 methane rearrangement and Cycloaddition 14
(b) Photochemistry of carbonyl compounds: Norrish type-I cleavage of acyclic,
cyclic, and unsaturated carbonyl compounds, Norrish type-II cleavage
(c) Photocyclo-addition of ketones with unsaturated compounds: Paterno-Buchi
reaction, Barton reaction, Photodimerisation ofunsaturated ketones,
Rearrangement of enones and dienones, Photo-Fries rearrangement.
Important Organic Reagents:
General mechanism, selectivity, and important applications of the following
Unit.5 12
TEMPO, NBS, n-Bu3SnH(TBTH), DDQ, TBAB, DCC, Wilkinson catalyst,
Azobisisobutyronitrile(AIBN), Organosilicon reagents (TMSCl, TMSCN,
Arylsilanes, Hydrosilation).
Reference Books
1. Ahluwalia, V. K. (2011, Fourth edition) Organic Reaction Mechanism. New Delhi: Narosa
(ISBN: 978-81-8487-115-9).
2. László Kürtip; Barbara Czakó (2004, First edition) Strategic Applications of Named Reaction in
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Organic Synthesis. Philadelphia: Elsevier Publishing company (ISBN: 9780124297852).
3. Organic Chemistry (VI edition) - R.T Morrison- Boyd. Prentice Hall of India (2003)
4. Organic Chemistry- (V edition) - John McMurry), Asian Book Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
5. Advanced organic chemistry (IV edition) - Jerry March
6. Basic stereochemistry of organic molecules by Subrata Sen Gupta, Oxford University press,
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M18CHCC203 Physical Chemistry 4 hrs./Wk 4 Credits
SR No. Course Detail Hrs.
Basic Concept of Polymer Chemistry
Polymer introduction, classification, polymer reactions including hydrolysis,
acidolysis, aminolysis, hydrogenation, addition and substitution reaction, reaction of
Unit.1 various specific groups, Cyclization reaction, cross linking reaction, reactions 12
leading to graft and block copolymers, miscellaneous reactions.
Stereo regular polymers. Polymer nomenclature. Functionality and polymerization
Chain Polymerization
(a) Free Radical Polymerization: Methods of initiating free radical
polymerization. Chain transfer reactions. Kinetics of free radical polymerization and
chain transfer reactions. Factors affecting radical polymerization and properties of
Unit.2 14
the resulting polymers.
(b) Ionic (Catalytic) Polymerization: Kinetics of cationic and anionic
polymerization. Coordination polymerization. Copolymerization and its kinetics.
Evaluation of reactivity ratios.
Reaction route of poly functional compounds. Kinetics of polycondensation
reaction. Molecular weight control in polycondensation. Nonlinear
Unit.3 polycondensation. Statistics of linear polycondensation. Effect of monomer 12
concentration and temperature on direction of polycondensation reaction.
Polycondensation equilibrium and molecular weight of polymer. Factors affecting
the rate of polycondensation and molecular weight of the polymer.
Surface Chemistry
Introduction, Adsorption, absorption, sorption, Type of adsorption, Influence of
temperature and pressure on adsorption, Langmuirs adsorption isotherm, Adsorption
Unit.4 12
by solid from solution, Electrokinetic (Zeta) potential, Introduction of colloidal state
Lyophobic sols and lyophilic sols, Surface active agent OR Surfactants,
Micellisation, Critical Micellar Concentration(CMC) .
Electrochemical cells
Classification, chemical cells with and without transference, concentration cells with
and without transference, liquid junction potential.
Unit.5 Decomposition potential, over voltage, hydrogen over voltage, factors affecting over 10
voltage, importance of hydrogen over voltage, numerical problems.
Commercial cells: Dry cell, lead accumulator, nickel iron accumulator, zinc silver
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Reference Books
1. Textbook of polymer science-third edition by Fred.W. Billmeyer Jr., a Willey Inter-science
publications, ISBN-9971-51-141-X.
2. Polymer Science by V. R. Govariker, New age international publisher, ISBN:978-0-85226-307-
3. Glasstone, Samuel. (2007) Thermodynamics for Chemists: Narahari Press (ISBN: 1406773220).
4. Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula (2015) Physical chemistry: Thomson Press (ISBN: 019872872-7).
5. Gurdeep Raj (2014, Third edition) Thermodynamics. Meerut: GOEL publishing House (ISBN:
6. Gurtu, J. N. Gurtu, A. (2014, Twelfth edition) Advanced Physical Chemistry. Meerut: Pragati
Prakashan (ISBN: 9350060191).
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M18CHCC204 Analytical Chemistry 4 hrs./Wk 4 Credits
SR No. Course Detail Hrs.
Analytical Chemometrics
Propagation of measurement of uncertainties, useful statistical tests: Test of
significance, F- test, t-test, chisquare-test, correlation coefficient, confidence limist
of mean, comparison of mean with true values. Regression analysis (least square
Unit.1 method for linear and nonlinear plots). Statistics of sampling and detection limit 14
evaluation. Specific study for analytical method radiation by using validation
parameters: (1) accuracy, (2) precision (repeatability and reproducibility), (3)
linearity and range, (4) Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of quantification
(LOQ),(5) selectivity/specificity, and (6) Robustness and Ruggedness. Problems.
Pharmaceutical analysis
Introduction to Pharmacopeia and Pharmacopeial analysis:
Physical and chemical tests: Physical verification and colour test, Loss on drying,
loss on ignition, Tape and Bulk Density, Determination of moisture, limit test for
Unit.2 10
heavy metals, Limit test for Halogens, Purity and assay determination by classical
methods, Concept for Potency determination.
Introduction of Disintegration and Dissolution tests, types of Dissolution apparatus,
Types of Dissolution media, Application
Green Chemistry
Introduction, importance and twelve principles of Green Chemistry. Designing a
green synthesis using these principles. Green Chemistry in day to day life. Green
solvents (alternatives of organic solvents).
Ionic liquids, supercritical fluids, CO2 and H2O and aqueous phase organic
Unit.3 14
Non-traditional greener alternative approaches: Green reagents, catalysis,
Applications of non-conventional energy sources: Microwave, ultrasonic assisted
synthesis, electro-synthesis and sunlight (UV), radiation assisted synthesis.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Unit.4 Introduction, various Technical Terms, Legislation, IPA in India, Criteria for Patent, 10
Patent for Polymorph, case studies.
Analysis of Selected Materials
Principles of estimation of biological fluids. Sampling of biological fluids,
Unit.5 12
Techniques for extraction of drugs from blood and urine, Estimation of hemoglobin,
cholesterol and blood sugar (clinical and enzyme assays).
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Reference Books
1. Modern Analytical Chemistry by Alka L. Gupta, Pragati Prakashan, 2nd Edition (ISBN:978-93-
2. Practical Statistics (Vol 1 and 2) by Singh, Atlantic Publishers.2003.
3. V. K. Ahluwalia, Green Chemistry: Environmentally Benign Reactions. CRC, 2008.
4. Environmental Chemistry by H. Kaur, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.
5. Environmental Chemistry 7th edition by A.K. De, New Age International Publishers;
New Delhi.
6. Spectroscopy 14th edition -2018 by H. Kaur, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut. Environmental
Chemistry by V. K. Ahluwalia Ane Books India First Edition.
7. Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) Ghaziabad, www.ipc.gov.in
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M18CHCP205 Practical 12 hrs./Wk 6 Credits
SR. Lab
Practical Detail
No. Hours
Inorganic Chemistry Practicals
Inorganic Preparation Binuclear and Mono Nuclear Metal Complexes
Preparation of selected inorganic metal complexes:
1. Tetrammine cupric sulphate [Cu(NH3)4]SO4·H2O.
2. Tri (thiourea)cuprous chloride [Cu(NH2CSNH2)3]Cl.
1 3. Hexa ammine nickel(II) chloride [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2. 3
4. Hexathiourea–plumbus nitrate [Pb(NH2CSNH2)6](NO3)2.
5. Sodium trioxalate ferrrate(III) Na3[Fe(C2O4)3]9H2O.
6. Pentathioureadicuprous nitrate [Cu(NH2CSNH2)5](NO3)2.
7. Iron(III) acetylacetonate Fe(acac)3
8. Copper(II) acetylacetonate Cu(acac)3
Organic Chemistry Practicals
Single Step Synthesis:
1. Phenyl urea from aniline
2. m-diNitro benzene aniline from nitrobenzene.
3. Hydro quinone diacetate from hydroquinone.
4. 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrocarbazole from Cyclohexanone
2 3
5. p-Nitroacetanilide from aniline.
6. 7-Hydroxycoumarine from resorcinol.
7. Hippuric acid from glycine.
8. Benzilic acid from Benzil
9. Phthalamide from phthlic anhydride.
10. Resacetophenone from resorcinol.
Physical Chemistry Practicals
1. Partition Co-efficient: Distribution of Benzoic acid in organic solvent &
aqueous phase, equilibrium constant by distribution method.
2. Reaction Kinetics: First and second order reactions-order determination,
3 3
energy of activation.
3. Thermodynamics: Heat of vaporization, Partial molar volume, etc.
4. Polarimeter: concentration of an unknown solution, specific and molecular
rotation of glucose/sugar
Analytical Chemistry Practicals
Analytical Estimation
Estimation of Drugs by titration
4 % purity of Aspirin, Paracetamol, valproic acid, ascorbic acid etc 3
Food Analysis
Total protein content in milk.
Peroxide value of oil sample.
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Saponification value of oil sample..
percentage of starch content in turmeric powder.
Amount of iodine in the given iodized salt.
The percentage of reducing sugars in Honey sample.
Reference Books
1. Svehla, G. (1996, Seventh edition) Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. New Jersey: Pearson
Education. (ISBN: 0582218667).
2. Parsania P. H (2005, 1st edition) Experiments in Physical Chemistry, Granth Nirman Board
3. Brian S. Furniss (1989, Fifth edition) Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry.
Hoboken: John Willey & Sons (ISBN: 0-582-462363).
4. Jeffery, G. H.; Bassett, J.; Mendham, J.; Denny, R. C. (1989) Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis. Hoboken: John Willey & Sons (ISBN: 0-582-44693-7).
M18CHSC206 Research Writing-I 2 hrs./Wk 2 Credits
Various journals, data mining
Article formats, various literature search options
Recent publication, citation index
Impact factor
Review article writing preparation
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Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University Junagadh
M.Sc. Chemistry, SEM-2
Question Paper Pattern
(Effective from June 2018)
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Unit-5 [14 marks]
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