Lect 2
Lect 2
Lect 2
2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 What is Emotional Intelligence? 19
2.3 The Emotional Brain 19
2.4 Origins of the Concept 20
2.5 Defining Emotional Intelligence 23
2.6 Advantages of Emotional Intelligence 24
2.7 Emotional Intelligence Models 25
2.8 Measures of EI Models 39
2.9 Applicability of EI on Other Factors 46
2.10 Conclusion 47
References 48
|| Shree Shrinathji Prassannostu ||
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Intelligence is considered as one of the most desirable personality qualities in
today's society. I.Q. tests are presently employed for many purposes such as
selection, diagnosis and evaluation in all parts of society. It claims that, "it is the
single most effective predictor of individual performance at school and on the job.
(Andoh, 1998)1 Some critics of I.Q. believe that intelligence is more of a result of an
individual's opportunities to learn skills and information in a particular situation.
They emphasize that successful learning in school depends on many personal
characteristics such as persistence, interest in school, and willingness to study.
Encouragement for academic achievement received from friends, family and teachers
is also important, together with other cultural factors. Another criticism of I.Q. tests
is that the tests declines when they are used to forecast outcome in later life, such as
job performance, or salary. Moreover, I.Q. tests become less effective on population,
situations or tasks change. Some studies have showed that I.Q. positively predicts
leadership quality in low stress conditions.
Another issue is the validity of IQ tests. Present researchers of human
intelligence, such as Robert Sternberg and Howard Gardner (1983)2, argue that IQ
tests measure only a restricted aspect of human intellectual ability. These researchers
also highlighted the crucial importance of considering the cultural context for a fair
evaluation of individual performance. I.Q. tests based on western thoughts which
cannot be applied to other cultures, which may have different values. This tends
strong support to the notion of the existence of several kinds of intelligence, and
recent theories argue for a further extension of the concept of intelligence also
include emotional intelligence.
2.2 What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotions are involved in everything people do: every action, decision and
judgement. Emotionally intelligent people recognize this and use their thinking to
manage their emotions rather than being managed by them. In the course of last two
decades, Emotional Intelligence (EI) concept has become a very important indicator
of a person‘s knowledge, skills and abilities in workplace, school and personal life.
The overall result of researches suggest that EI plays a significant role in the job
performance, motivation, decision making, successful management and leadership.
Thus applying EI methodology in higher education can have lots of benefits for
students. It not only fulfills their desire but also makes them more efficient in their
Everyone experiences and relates their feelings and emotions in day to day
life. Emotions have valuable information about relationships, behavior and every
aspect of the human life around us. The most recent research shows that emotions are
constructive and do contribute to enhance performance and better decision making
both at job and in private life.
the amygdala can trigger an emotional response before the cortical centers have fully
understood what is happening.
Caudate Nucleus
Globus Plalidus
Accumbens Thalamus
intelligence, or the ability to understand and manage men and women, boys and girls,
and also to act wisely in human relations.
In 1940 David Wechsler4, the originator of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale (WAIS), referred to both non-intellective and intellective elements of
intelligence. He described the effects of non-intellective factors on intelligent
behavior. The non-intellective elements included affective, personal, and social
factors, he later hypothesized that they were essential for predicting one's ability to
succeed in life. He further argued that our models of intelligence would not be
complete until we can effectively describe these factors.
In 1983, Howard Gardner's2 Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
Intelligences included both Interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the
intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and Intrapersonal intelligence
(the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and
motivations). In Gardner's view, traditional types of intelligence, such as IQ, failed to
explain cognitive ability fully. Thus, there was a common belief that traditional
definitions of intelligence are lacking the ability to explain performance outcomes
Psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salovey5, introduced the concept of
emotional intelligence in the early 1990‘s. According to them, emotions are internal
events that coordinate physiological responses, cognitions, and conscious awareness.
They defined emotional intelligence as, ―The ability to perceive emotions, to access
and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional
knowledge, and to regulate emotions reflectively so as to promote emotional and
intellectual growth‖.
As a result of the growing needs of EI, the research on the topic was in
process, until the publication of Daniel Goleman‘s (1995)6 best seller book Emotional
Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ was published and then the term
became widely popular. Nancy Gibbs‘ article in Time magazine in 1995 highlighted
Goleman‘s book and EI was popular in media. Thereafter, articles on EI began to
appear with increasing frequency across a wide range of academic and popular
In 1996, Dr. Reuven Bar-On7 explained that Emotional Intelligence reflects
our ability to deal successfully with other people and with our feelings. He developed
the Bar-On EQ-I, and this inventory is the first scientifically developed and validated
measure of emotional intelligence that reflects one‘s ability to deal with daily
environmental challenges and helps for one‘s success in professional and personal
life. Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) was published by Multi-Health
Systems in 1996. This test covers five areas: intrapersonal, interpersonal,
adaptability, stress management and general mood.
In 1997, Richardson and Evans8 explored some methods for teaching social
and emotional competence within a culturally diverse society. Their purpose was to
help students to connect with each other, in order to assist them in developing
interpersonal, intrapersonal, and emotional intelligences, arguing that these
intelligences are essential for personal accomplishment.
In 1997, according to Ediger9 the emotions, feelings and values are very
important for a person‘s well being and achievement in one‘s life. He also states that
science teachers should stress on the emotional area that cannot be separated from the
cognitive domain. He also said that quality emotions and feelings help students to
give their best potential in the classroom. The students who dislike study and think
negatively cannot concentrate for a long time on study and have more difficulty in
reaching their capacity than others.
In 1997, Pool10 the senior editor of Educational Leadership, stated in an article
that emotional well-being is a predictor of success in academic achievement and job
success among others.
Finegan (1998)11 argues that schools should help students to learn the abilities
of emotional intelligence. Possessing those abilities, or even some of them, ―can lead
to better achievement from the formal education from the childhood to adolescent in
the working place and in society‖.
In 2001, Elias12 mentioned that teaching emotional and social skills are very
important at school, it affects academic achievement positively of students not only
during the year they were taught but during the years that follow as well. Teaching
these skills has a long term effect on achievement.
According to Nelson and Low (2003)13 emotional intelligence is the single
most important variable in personal achievement, career success, leadership and life
satisfaction. They feel that an emotionally fit person is capable to identify,
understand, experience, and express human emotions in a healthy and productive
“Knowing how to separate healthy from unhealthy feelings and how to turn
negative feelings into positive ones.”(2008)
“Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate,
recognize, remember, learn from, manage, understand and explain emotions.”(2009)
According to Byron Stock (2007)18,
“Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge
from your emotions and the emotions of others.” You can use the information about
what you’re feeling to help you make effective decisions about what to say or do (or
not to say or do) next.
According to Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves (2009)19,
“Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions
in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your
behaviour and relationships.”
According to Golis Chris (2009)20
“EQ is achieving Self- and Social Mastery by being smart with core emotions.”
According to Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia)(2010)14
Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional Intelligence
Quotient (EQ), describes a concept that involves the ability, capacity, skill or (in the
case of the trait EI model) a self-perceived ability, to identify, assess, and manage the
emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups.
experiencing them). He had developed four branches for this model. (Mayer &
Salovey, 1997).
The first branch, emotional perception, is the ability to be self-aware of
emotions and to express emotions and emotional needs accurately to others.
Emotional perception also includes the ability to distinguish between honest and
dishonest expressions of emotion.
The second branch, emotional assimilation, is the ability to distinguish among
the different emotions such as feelings which identify those that are influencing their
thought processes.
The third branch, emotional understanding, is the ability to understand
complex emotions (such as feeling two emotions at once) and the ability to recognize
transitions from one to the other.
Last and the fourth branch, emotional management, is the ability to connect or
disconnect from an emotion depending on its usefulness in a given situation.
Salovey and Mayer‘s (2000) conception of EI strives to define EI within
standard criteria for a new intelligence. Their continuing researches was revised to
their initial definition of EI was :
―The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion
to facilitate thought, understand emotions and
to regulate emotions to promote personal growth.‖
Thus, the ability based model views emotions as useful source of information
that helps one to work in social environment. This model is shown in Figure 2.2.
Fig. 2.2 Mayer and Salovey’s (1997) four branch model of emotional intelligence
Source: http://ehealthaustralia.org/article/emotional-intelligence-101-for-healthcare/
2.7.2 Mixed Models of EI Bar-On22: A Mixed Model of Emotional Intelligence
The director of the Institute of Applied Intelligences in Denmark and
consultant for a variety of institutions and organizations in Israel, Reuven Bar-On
(2006) developed the first measuring tool of emotional intelligence that was used as
the term ―Emotional Quotient‖.
He defines emotional intelligence as, understand oneself and others, relating
well to people, and adapting to and coping with the immediate surroundings to be
more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Bar-On‘s model of
emotional intelligence relates to the potential for performance and success, rather
than performance or success itself, and is considered process-oriented rather than
outcome-oriented (Bar-On, 2002). It focuses on (1) a group of emotional and social
abilities, including the ability to be aware of, understand, and express oneself, and
the ability to be aware of, understand, and relate to others, (2) the ability to deal with
strong emotions, and the ability to adapt to change and solve problems of a social or
personal nature (Bar-On, 1997). Bar-On mentioned that emotional intelligence
develops over time and that it can be improved through training, programming and
therapy (Bar-On, 2002).
Bar-On found that individuals with higher than average E.Q.‘s are in general
more successful in meeting environmental demands and pressures and deficiency in
emotional intelligence can mean a lack of success and the existence of emotional
problems. In general, Bar-On considers emotional intelligence and cognitive
intelligence to contribute equally to a person‘s general intelligence, which then offers
an indication of one‘s potential to succeed in life (Bar-On, 2002).
According to the Bar-On model, emotional-social intelligence is,
―a cross-section of interrelated emotional and social competencies,
skills and facilitators that determine how well we understand and
express ourselves, understand others and relate with them, and
cope with daily demands, challenges and pressures‖.
In his model, Bar-On outlines five components of emotional intelligence:
intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management and general mood.
These components have sub-components, which are outlined in Fig. 2.3.
Fig. 2.3 Bar-On’s EI model
Source: http://www.cakitches.com/books/reuven-bar-on.html
INTERPERSONAL (social awareness and interaction):
Empathy (being aware of and understanding how others feel)
Social Responsibility (identifying with and feeling part of our social groups)
Interpersonal Relationship (establishing mutually satisfying relationships)
STRESS MANAGEMENT (emotional management and control):
Stress Tolerance (effectively and constructively managing our emotions)
Impulse Control (effectively and constructively controlling our emotions)
ADAPTABILITY (change management):
Reality Testing (validating our feelings and thinking with external reality)
Flexibility (coping with and adapting to change in our daily life)
Problem Solving (generating effective solutions to problems of an
intrapersonal and interpersonal nature)
GENERAL MOOD (self-motivation):
Optimism (having a positive outlook and looking at the brighter side of life)
Happiness (feeling content with ourselves, others and life in general)
The above meta-factors and sub-factors are defined in detail below:
This meta-factor of emotional-social intelligence comprises of Self-Regard,
Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence and Self-Actualization. This
meta-factor relates primarily to self-awareness and self-expression, governing our
ability to be aware of our emotions and ourselves in general, to understand our
strengths and weaknesses, and to express our feelings and ourselves
This intrapersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to accurately perceive,
understand and accept ourselves. Self-regard is the ability to respect and accept
ourselves as basically good. Respecting ourselves is the way we like ourselves and
self-acceptance is the ability to accept our positive and negative aspects as well as our
limitations and possibilities. A person with good self-regard feels fulfilled and
Emotional Self-Awareness:
This intrapersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to be aware of and
understand our emotions. Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize our
This intrapersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to constructively express
our feelings and ourselves in general. Assertiveness is thus composed of three basic
components: (i) the ability to express our feelings; (ii) the ability to express beliefs
and opinions; and (iii) the ability to stand up for our rights and not to allow others to
bother or take advantage of us.
This intrapersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to be self-reliant and free
of emotional dependency on others. This is the ability to be self-directed in our
thinking and actions and to be free of emotional dependency.
This intrapersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to set personal goals and
the drive to achieve them in order to actualize our potential. Fundamentally, self-
actualization pertains to the ability to realize our potential capacities.
This meta-factor of emotional-social intelligence comprises Empathy, Social
Responsibility and Interpersonal Relationship as defined below. It relates primarily to
social awareness, skills and interaction. This meta-factor is, essentially, concerned
with our ability to be aware of others’ feelings, concerns and needs, and to be able to
establish and maintain cooperative, constructive and mutually satisfying
relationships. They understand, interact with and relate well with others. They inspire
trust and function well as part of a team.
This interpersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to be aware of and
understand how others feel. It is being sensitive to what, how and why people feel the
way they do. Being empathetic means being able to ‗emotionally read‘ other people.
Social Responsibility:
This interpersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to identify with our
social group and cooperate with others. Social responsibility is the ability to
demonstrate ourselves as cooperative, contributing and constructive members of our
social group (in the family, among friends and at work).
Interpersonal Relationship:
This interpersonal sub-factor is defined as the ability to establish and maintain
mutually satisfying relationships and relate well with others. Mutual satisfaction
describes meaningful social interactions that are potentially rewarding and enjoyable
for those involved.
This meta-factor comprises of Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control as
defined below. This component of emotional-social intelligence relates primarily to
emotional management and control and governs our ability to deal with emotions so
that they work for us and not against us.
Stress Tolerance:
This stress management sub-factor is defined as the ability to effectively and
constructively manage emotions. In essence, stress tolerance is the ability to
withstand and deal with adverse events and stressful situations without getting
overwhelmed by actively and positively coping with stress.
Impulse Control:
This stress management sub-factor is defined as the ability to effectively and
constructively control emotions. More precisely, impulse control is the ability to
resist or delay an impulse, drive or temptation to act. It entails a capacity for
accepting our aggressive impulses, being composed and controlling aggression,
hostility and irresponsible behavior.
This meta-factor of emotional-social intelligence comprises Reality Testing,
Flexibility and Problem Solving as defined below. This meta-factor relates primarily
to change management i.e., how we cope up with and adapt to personal and
interpersonal change as well as change in our immediate environment.
Reality Testing:
This adaptability sub-factor governs the ability to objectively validate our
feelings and thinking with external reality. Reality testing, essentially, involves
‗tuning in‘ to the immediate situation, attempting to keep things in correct
perspective and experiencing things as they really are without excessive fantasizing
or daydreaming.
This adaptability sub-factor represents the ability to adapt and adjust our
feelings, thinking and behavior to new situations. This entails adjusting our feelings,
thoughts and behavior to changing situations and conditions.
Problem Solving:
This adaptability sub-factor governs the ability to effectively solve problems of
a personal and interpersonal nature. Problem solving entails the ability to identify
and define problems as well as to generate and implement potentially effective
This meta-factor of emotional-social intelligence comprises Optimism and
Happiness as defined below. This meta-factor is closely associated with self-
motivation. It determines our ability to enjoy ourselves, others and life in general, as
well as influences our general outlook on life and overall feeling of contentment.
This general mood sub-factor is defined as the ability to maintain a positive
and hopeful attitude towards life even in the face of adversity. It represents a positive
approach to daily living and a very important motivating factor in whatever we do.
This general mood sub-factor is defined as the ability to feel content with
ourselves, others and life in general. It is the ability to feel satisfied with our life,
enjoy others and have fun. In this context, happiness combines self-satisfaction,
general contentment and the ability to enjoy life.
Fig. 2.4 Goleman’s EI model
Source: http://www.transgrowth.com/transgrowth_website/ei_competencies.php
Goleman (1998) argues self-awareness is critical to understanding others and
exhibiting empathy. The competencies in the self-awareness domain enable
individuals to be recognized their own feelings and thoughts, as well as personal
strengths and weaknesses.
Emotional Self-Awareness
The first component of emotional intelligence is emotional self-awareness,
knowing what one feels and why. According to Goleman (2002), emotional self-
awareness is the ability to recognize one‘s emotions and their effects on self and
Accurate Self-Assessment
Self-awareness is key to realize one‘s own strengths and weaknesses.
Individuals who score high in accurate self-assessment are aware of their abilities and
limitations, seek out feedback and learn from their mistakes, and know where they
need to improve and when to work with others who have complementary strengths.
Self-Confidence is a belief in one‘s own capability to accomplish a task and
select an effective approach to a task or problem (Goleman, 1998). This definition
includes confidence in one‘s ability as expressed in increasingly challenging
circumstances and confidence in one‘s decisions or opinions.
Transparency, also referred as an integrity, is having one‘s actions consistent
with what one says. It includes communicating intentions, ideas, and feelings openly
and directly, and welcoming openness and honesty, even in difficult situations.
Adaptability is the ability to be flexible and work effectively within a variety
of changing situations and with various individuals or groups. Superior managers
have been shown to exhibit this competence.
Achievement Orientation
Achievement is not just accomplishing things. Rather, it is accomplishing
things through one‘s own efforts, against a clear, challenging standard of excellence.
This competency is most effectively engaged in situations that provide immediate,
concrete feedback from a credible source.
Initiative is the ability to identify a problem, obstacle, or opportunity and take
action in light of that to address current or future problems or opportunities.
Goleman (1998) defined optimism as the persistence to pursue goals despite
obstacles and setbacks. Optimism is a key ingredient of achievement because it can
determine one‘s reaction to unfavorable events or circumstances.
awareness competency includes one‘s ability to identify real decision-makers and
individuals with influence (Goleman, 1998).
Service Orientation
Service Orientation is a desire to help or serve others, in order to meet their
needs. It means focusing one‘s efforts on discovering and meeting the customer‘s or
client‘s needs and distinguishes star sales performers from average ones.
Teamwork and Collaboration
Teamwork and Collaboration represents the ability to work cooperatively with
others, to be the part of a team, to work together as opposed to working separately or
Table 2.1
Structure and levels of feedback from the MSCEIT
Overall score Area Scores Branch Scores Task Associated With
Perceiving Emotions Faces
(PEIQ) Pictures
Facilitating Thought Facilitation
Emotional Intelligence (EEIQ)
(FEIQ) Sensations
Understanding Changes
(EIQ) Strategic
Emotions (UIEQ) Blends
Managing Emotions Emotional Management
Intelligence (SEIQ)
(MEIQ) Emotional Relations
EQ, Interpersonal EQ, Adaptability EQ, Stress Management EQ, and General Mood
EQ. Items are measured on a 5 point scale ranging from 1 (very seldom/not true for
me) to 5 (very often/often true of me). Total raw scores are converted into standard
scores with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15. (Bar-On, 2002).
Bar-On has developed several versions of the ‗Emotion Quotient Inventory‘ to
be used with various populations and in varying situations. Among these are the EQ-
interview (to be completed after the self-report), the EQ-I Short Version (a 52 item
version of the original), the EQ-i:125 (a 125 item version of the original which
excludes the negative impression scale), the EQ-I Youth Version (for children and
adolescents 7- 15 years of age), and the EQ-360 Assessment (a multi-rater instrument
used in conjunction with the regular self-report EQ-I to give a more complete
assessment). In addition, the original EQ-I is available in several languages, including
Spanish, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, and Hebrew (Bar-On,
2.8.4 The Group Emotional Competence (GEC) Inventory24
The Group Emotional Competence (GEC) inventory is based on the work of
Vanessa Druskat and Steven Wolff who have started the application of emotional
competence concepts at the group level. Their research has shown that GEC norms
improve group effectiveness by building social relationship, which facilitates in
effective task, behaviors and processes.
The instrument has now been administered to over 150 teams and provides
feedback on 9 group norms that research has shown are linked to team effectiveness.
Feedback is useful for helping groups for better understanding of their strengths and
weakness and to identify areas for improvement. The instrument contains 57 items
that measure the nine dimensions of GEI.
(1) Appraisal and expression of emotion
(2) Regulation of emotion
(3) Utilization of emotion
2.8.8 Work Group Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP) 24
The Work Group Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP) is designed to
measure emotional intelligence of individuals in teams. The measure is made up of a
seven-point reference format ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
These items reflect on one‘s own behavior such as ―I am aware of my own feelings
when working in a team‖ and ―I am able to describe accurately the way others in the
team feel.‖
The WEIP captures two dimensions of emotional intelligence: Ability to Deal
with Own Emotions (Scale 1: 18 items) and Ability to Deal with Others‘ Emotions
(Scale 2: 12 items) prepared by Jordan et al. (2002). Scales 1 and 2 are described into
5 subscales. Scale 1 is composed of the subscales: Ability to Recognize Own
Emotions, Ability to Discuss Own Emotions and Ability to Manage Own Emotions.
Scale 2 is composed of the subscales: Ability to Recognize Others‘ Emotions and
Ability to Manage Others‘ Emotions.
2.8.10 The Scale of Emotional Competencies25
This scale is prepared by Dr. H. C. Sharma and Dr. R. L. Bharadwaj (2007).
The final form of the scale has 30 items to measure five emotional competencies,
where each competency could be measured by six items selected for the purpose. The
five competencies are 1) Adequate depth of feeling, 2) Adequate expression and
control of emotions, 3) Ability to function with emotions, 4) Ability to cope up with
problem emotions and 5) Enhancement of positive emotions. It is a five-point scale
based on the lines of likert having five alternatives to each item. Scoring of these five
alternatives follow a system of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from upper to lower end. The item
wise scores are to be transferred to the table given on last page of the scale to obtain
different competencies scores. The addition of item scores horizontally will provide
scores of the competencies for A, B, C, D and E separately. The addition of five
competencies vertically will provide the scores for emotional competence. This scale
is for age group of 13 to 44 years.
2.8.13 Emotional Intelligence Scale
This scale was developed by Dr. Pallaviben P. Patel and Dr. Hiteshbhai P.
Patel (2006). It consists 77 items to measure Self-awareness, Self-management,
Social awareness, Relationship management and Empathy based on emotional
Decision Making
Many researchers agree that the key to good decision making is the
combination of both thinking and feeling in one‘s decisions. Positive moods and
emotions help for better decision making. With positive emotions people can develop
problem-solving skills and take good decisions quickly.
Everybody knows that negotiation is an emotional process. By proper use of
emotions and understanding moods of oneself and others, one can manage their
conflict and stressful situations. A person can be successful in negotiations, if he has
an active listening techniques and skill of reading non-verbal cues.
Effective leaders use their emotions to convey their messages. ―When leaders
feel excited, enthusiastic and active, they may be more likely to energize their
subordinates and convey a sense of efficacy, competence, optimism, and enjoyment‖
(Robbins, Judge, 2009)28. Therefore, successful leaders are emotionally intelligent.
Personal Growth
Research shows that emotionally intelligent people achieve better results at
work, school, and personal life. They are flexible enough to accept positive changes
in their life for personal growth which can be achieved by developing EI
EQ will affect educational approaches which is based on IQ that include logic,
data, concrete thinking, and memory power. To be successful in school life EI
competencies can be introduced through educational programs. Thus students in
adolescents age acquired social, emotional and personal identity by the emotional
2.10 Conclusion
western and eastern philosophy believed that success and happiness comes in
life if we handle our emotions and other‘s emotions too. The term ‗Emotional
intelligence‘ was popularized as a result of Daniel Goleman‘s (1995) work. Although
traditional understanding of intelligence is important for success in life, emotional
intelligence is key to relating well to others and achieving goals, because the human
world is all about relationships. We can say that by different measures as shown
above one can observe oneself and feel comfortable to understand other‘s feelings,
social-awareness and social disorder behavior even in adverse condition, better self-
control, social decision making, etc. also can be brought positively and success ratio
can be increased. Thus we can say that to be successful one requires to have effective
awareness; control and management of one‘s own emotions; and awareness and
understanding of other people.
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