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Basketball Lesson Plan S

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Basketball Lesson Plan (Grade 3/4)

Lesson #1
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will ​acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific 1. Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)

Outcome(s)​​: 2. Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Identify efficient ways to handle a basketball while dribbling to enhance
manipulative skills(e.g. fingertips vs. palm)
- Experiment with dribbling to enhance nonlocomotor skills (e.g. standing tall
while dribbling, bending knees while dribbling, starting to move around while

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative -​ ​n/a

Assessment - Peer sharing Assessment

- Discussion of
*Assessment at this stage is to
see where students are at, and
how I should proceed with the
unit of basketball.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: -​ ​n/a Resources to -​ n​ /a


Time: Content/Description Assessments/Notes


“Gym helper” students will lead warm up in their new
groups. (tag game?)

Students will then sit down around me and I will

explain the rules/behaviour expectations of basketball: - I will call “students
- When I am talking, I shouldn’t hear anything: with a birthday in
talking, moving, basketball bounces. November,
- If students bounce the basketball on December, etc.” to
purpose while I am talking, they have ensure that it doesn’t
to do 5 pushups get congested and
- Basketballs should not be thrown at other avoids conflict.
- Basketballs are to be treated with respect.

Afterwards, students will be told to grab a basketball

and then find a space where they have lots of room and - Students will be
can see and hear me. formatively assessed
by observation in this
beginning stage of
basketball to see how
Body: students are handling
Students will be instructed how they should hold a concepts such as
basketball (fingertips, good but not too tight grip) basketball handling
We will start by holding it and passing the ball back and and dribbling.
forth in our hands with fingertips to learn how to handle
the basketball. After a few minutes of this, we are going
to start to dribble.

Dribbling will start by taking the handling we just - Students will turn to a
learned and turning it upside down. We will start with partner and share how
one bounce and then holding it, followed by two many bounces they
bounces, three bounces… up to 10. Then we will try got with each task,
continuous dribbling for a minute and I will ask students and discuss which
to count how many bounces they get when the dribble one they think is
the basketball high. I will then instruct the students to more efficient before
count their bounces for a minute of dribbling lower. I discussing in the
will then ask students which they think is more larger group.
efficient. - Assessment
(formatively) of

If there is time, we will try and dribble while squatting, students’ ability to
while walking, while moving side to side, or switching perform basic motor
hands. skills while
manipulating form.

Sponge Activity (If time):

Students will find a space on the wall and pass the
basketball to the wall in preparation for tomorrow’s
- Formative assessment
Conclusion: in the form of peer
“Exit slip” - before learning, students will turn to a sharing.
partner and one thing they did well today and one thing
they think they can improve on.


What went well in this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #2
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will ​acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific 1. Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: 2. Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Experiment with dribbling
- Perform various tasks while dribbling to improve nonlocomotor and
manipulative skills

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to

over dribbling in Bring:
the previous

Time: Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Warm up will be
Introduction: switched up for fun
Students will play game of freeze tag to warm up (a and to avoid chatting
very brief overview of the rules. while warming up
(hard to chat when
Afterwards, we will review dribbling (how to hold the you are running).
ball, what speed to dribble at) as well as a review of
behaviour expectations (no dribbling while I am talking
or 5 pushups, eyes on me).
- These activities will
Students will grab basketballs (in the order I call) and need to be explained,
will find a space where they can see and hear me. but I will try and keep
it brief and check for
Body: up/down/middle for
Students will complete a series of dribbling activities understanding
(depending on the time that is available:
- Stand in place and dribble while bending knees, - Scaffolding from
walking around, squatting down, etc. individual work and
- Students will dribble their basketball in a circle to team work
around the gym (completing a full circle)
- Students will find a group of 4 (or 3, depending - Students can dribble
on the number of students) and will complete a when they reach the
relay race (across the length of the gym) while other end and
dribbling continue on or hold
*Relay can be completed several times, onto it when they
depending on how the students are feeling and reach the end and
how much time is left then continue on

- The sponge activity is

a really big IF but can
Sponge Activity (if done and students look like they can be completed the next
do this): a game of tag BUT you have to dribble the lesson because I think
basketball if you are running away from the “it” person it would be fun.
(who does not have a basketball). When the “it” person
tags someone with the basketball, then they get the
basketball and have to being dribbling as they run away
(cannot tag who tagged you) - I will discuss this
before and ensure that
Conclusion: students understand
Students will put away their basketball and give me a the importance of
1-5 on how they felt they did today and WHY honesty


What went well in

this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #3
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will ​acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Develop (further) dribbling skills (locomotor and nonlocomotor)
- Identify correct passing technique
- Experiment with passing

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to

over dribbling in Bring:
the previous

Time: Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Warm up will be
Introduction: switched up for fun
Students will play game of freeze tag to warm up (a and to avoid chatting
very brief overview of the rules. while warming up
(hard to chat when
A quick review of behaviour expectations (pushups, put you are running).
your ball on the ground). ** How to be a leader in the

Body: - Students may or may

Students will play the dribbling-tag game mentioned in not know the rules,
the previous lesson (a game of tag BUT you have to depending on if it was
dribble the basketball if you are running away from the played last lesson.
“it” person (who does not have a basketball). When you Students will be given
are tagged, you give them your ball and become “it” as either a review or a
they run away (cannot tag who tagged you) ). full explanation.

After several minutes of this, students will be

introduced to passing. I will tell them to find a spot on
the wall and watch me. I will go over:
- How to hold a ball
- Bounce pass
- Chest pass
I will review how important it is to have control, and to
be paying attention when throwing the basketball (just - Scaffolding of
like Newcomb Ball but the stakes are higher because independant to
basketballs will hurt more if they hit you in the head). partner work
This will be an individual activity, but if there is time I
can get them to try and experiment with passing to a
partner. - I will review the
importance of
honesty and how it is
expected/likely that
Conclusion: no one has a 5 on the
Students will give me a 1-5 about how they feel about very first day (to
passing (1 = I don’t understand at all; 5 = I did make them feel better
everything perfect). about lower


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #4
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will ​acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Demonstrate control over ball while dribbling
- Experiment with passing a basketball
- Understand the importance of control while passing a basketball

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to

over dribbling in Bring:
the previous

Time: Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Students have played

Introduction: this game before -
Students will play game of Dribble Tag to warm up (a may need a quick
very brief overview of the rules. reminder of rules

A quick review of behaviour expectations (pushups, put

your ball on the ground). ** How to be a leader in the


Students will be introduced to passing. - Scaffolding of

independant to
We will start by (individually) bounce passing the partner work
basketball to a wall, and then talk about chest passing.
Things to mention are:
- Control and why it is important
- Elbows
- Firm grip on basketball with fingertips
- Height of passes (pretending the wall is a
person) - I will review the
*This may take awhile. I want to feel confident that importance of
students understand techniques before I unleash them to honesty and how it is
begin throwing heavier balls at their classmates. If I feel expected/likely that
there is time then I can introduce passing with a partner. no one has a 5 on the
first day of passing
(to make them feel
better about lower
Conclusion: numbers), and to
Students will give me a 1-5 about how they feel about mention that if I had
passing (1 = I don’t understand at all; 5 = I did to make them do
everything perfect). pushups and they still
gave themselves a 5 I
won’t be very happy.


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?


What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #5
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will ​acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Demonstrate control over ball while dribbling
- Experiment with passing a basketball
- Understand the importance of control while passing a basketball

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - n/a

over passing in Bring:
the previous

Time: Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Students have played

Introduction: this game before -
Students will play game of Dribble Tag to warm up, but may need a quick
this time, when a student gets tagged they must use a reminder of rules.
correct pass to give their ball to the formally “it” player. They will be getting
used to using passing
A quick review of behaviour expectations, as well as in a fast-paced
introducing the peer review that will be shared at the environment.
end of the lesson and how to do this.
- How to be a leader in
the gym, putting your
ball on the ground,
Body: honesty. *Peer review
mentioned in
Students will continue to work on passing, this time conclusion.
with a partner.

Students will find a partner and one ball.

- Control and why it is important - Students will be
- Positioning (elbows, feet, movement) asked to partner up
- Firm grip on basketball with fingertips with someone of the
- Height of passes and target (where you should same skill level. I
be passing to, partner putting their hands out) may want to switch
some of these
partners around
Conclusion: depending on how it
Students will find their partner and give a peer review goes.
of one thing they think their partner did well and one
thing they need to practice more.
- I will review the
importance of
sportsmanship in peer
evaluation (how to
give constructive


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?


What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #6
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will a​ cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Experiment with “shooting” a basketball at the wall
- Demonstrate teamwork

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - n/a

over passing in Bring:
the previous

Time: Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Students have played

Introduction: this game before -
Students will play game of Dribble Tag to warm up, but may need a quick
this time, when a student gets tagged they must use a reminder of rules.
correct pass to give their ball to the formally “it” player. They will be getting
used to using passing
A quick review of behaviour expectations, as well as in a fast-paced
reviewing the peer reflection that will happen at the end environment.
of the lesson.
- How to be a leader in
Students will watch as I demonstrate how to shoot the the gym, pushups,
basketball, using the “BEEF” (balance, eyes, elbows, putting your ball on
follow-through) acronym, as well as “reaching in the the ground, honesty.
cookie jar” visual. *Peer review
mentioned in
Transition: students will get a basketball (staggered) and conclusion.
then find a spot on the wall to practice.

Students will practice shooting the ball. I will let this go - Students will be
on for a few minutes (ask them to “shoot” 15 times) and asked to go to their
then come back for the next activity. assigned court
immediately to avoid
Students will be numbered 1-4. Once in their spot, they dishonesty.
will line up at one end of the gym. Each relay
participant must: Dribble all the way down to the end of - This relay combines
the gym (opposite the foyer), “shoot” the ball at the all skills learned thus
wall, dribble back, and correctly pass to the next far without being an
teammate (I will explain which pass they must use each actual game (I do not
time) and then sit down. I will explain that I am looking think we are ready for
for controlled dribbling, passing, and “shooting.” If this).
students are out of control, they will have to restart their
turn. When the last player has passed to the first and - If students are
everyone is sitting down, the relay is done. purposefully out of
control, I will make
Conclusion: them restart. If it is a
Students will put away their basketballs and self mistake I will let it
evaluate themselves 1-5 (1= I need much more practice, slide.
5 = I was perfect). - I will switch the
teams around if

- I will review the

importance of
honesty in self


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #7
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will a​ cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Identify correct form when “shooting” a basketball
- Experiment with “shooting” a basketball (distances, technique, etc.)

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - n/a

over passing in Bring:
the previous

Time: ​30 min Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Students have played

Introduction: this game before -
Students will play game of Dribble Tag to warm up, but may need a quick
this time, when a student gets tagged they must use a reminder of rules.
correct pass to give their ball to the formally “it” player. They will be getting
used to using passing
A quick review of behaviour expectations, as well as in a fast-paced
reviewing the peer/self reflection that will happen at the environment.
end of the lesson.
- How to be a leader in
Students will review the “BEEF” acronym as well as the gym, pushups,
how to hold the ball when shooting (two hands vs. one). putting your ball on
I will demonstrate aiming at the net. the ground, honesty.

Transition: students will get a basketball (staggered) and - I will go over

then find a basketball hoop. behaviour
expectations, such as
Body: being aware of your
Students will practice shooting the ball at a net, surroundings when
experimenting with different techniques and distances. shooting and how to
They did fairly well practicing at the wall, but I want to choose which net to
give them a chance to practice shooting with a little shoot from.
freedom to experiment.
- Small basketball and
hoop for modification

Students will come back to the circle and we will
discuss what went well, what did work, and what didn’t - Examples of good
work when experimenting with shooting. answers will be
discussed. The
Students will turn to an elbow buddy and tell them one element of ​why ​brings
thing they did well with shooting and ​why. a bit more reflective
critical thinking to
their sharing.


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #8
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will a​ cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Demonstrate correct form when “shooting” a basketball
- Experiment with “shooting” a basketball (distances, technique, while
dribbling etc.)

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - n/a

over passing in Bring:
the previous

Time: ​30 min Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Turn and tell rules to

Introduction: a partner.
Students will play a game of Dribble Tag to warm up.
- How to be a leader in
A quick review of behaviour expectations, as well as the gym, pushups,
reviewing the peer/self reflection that will happen at the putting your ball on
end of the lesson. the ground, honesty.

Students will review the “BEEF” acronym as well as - I will go over

how to hold the ball when shooting. I will demonstrate behaviour
aiming at the net. I will also review some things I saw expectations, such as
from yesterday: a good start to shooting, distance being aware of your
suggestion, introduce layups more. surroundings when
shooting and how to
Transition: students will get a basketball (staggered) and choose which net to
then find a basketball hoop. shoot from.

Students will practice shooting the ball at a net,
experimenting again with shooting a basketball. After
shooting, students will dribble to the next hoop to shoot - Examples of good
at (clockwise). answers will be
discussed. The
element of ​how b​ rings
a bit more reflective
critical thinking to
Conclusion: their sharing.
Students will come back to the circle and we will
discuss what went well, what did work, and what didn’t
work when experimenting with shooting.

Students will turn to an elbow buddy and tell them one

thing that ​improved ​from last lesson and ​how.


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?


How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #9
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will a​ cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific Basic locomotor skills (A3-1, A4-1)

Outcome(s)​​: Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)
Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Combine skills of dribbling and shooting
- Demonstrate correct steps of a lay-up

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - n/a

over dribbling, as Bring:
well as various
of shooting.

Time: ​30 min Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Turn and tell rules to

Introduction: a partner.
Students will play a game of Dribble Tag to warm up.
Students must stay on the lines of the gym again. - How to be a leader in
the gym, pushups,
A quick review of behaviour expectations, as well as putting your ball on
reviewing the peer/self reflection that will happen at the the ground, honesty.
end of the lesson.
- I will go over
Students will review the “BEEF” acronym, and we will behaviour
talk about dribbling and lay-ups. Things to mention are: expectations, such as
- How many steps you can take without being aware of your
dribbling. surroundings when
- How to keep your eyes up when dribbling. shooting and how to
- How to use “BEEF” when doing a lay-up. choose which net to
- Where to start dribbling from. shoot from.

Transition: students will get a basketball (staggered) and

then find a basketball hoop.

Students will practice performing lay-ups. We will start
on the right side of the net, and will switch to the left
side half-way through.

Conclusion: - Examples of good

Students will come back to the circle and we will answers will be
discuss what went well, what did work, and what didn’t discussed. The
work when experimenting with lay-ups. element of ​why ​brings
a bit more reflective
Students will turn to an elbow buddy and tell them one critical thinking to
thing that worked for them, ​why, ​and one thing they their sharing.
want more practice with.


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?


Lesson #10
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will a​ cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific - Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3, A4-3)

Outcome(s)​​: - Basic manipulative skills (A3-5, A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Experiment with manipulative defensive techniques (“Kings Court”)

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - n/a

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - n/a

over dribbling, as Bring:
well as various
of shooting.

Time: ​30 min Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Turn and tell rules to

Introduction: a partner.
Students will play a game of Dribble Tag to warm up.
Students must stay on the lines of the gym again.
- Defence vs. Offence
A quick discussion of what “defence” is and why this
game we will be playing is important to a real game of - I will go over
basketball behaviour
expectations, such as
Students will listen as I explain the game we will be letting someone get
practicing. I will ask a few students to help me their ball back if they
demonstrate. were just chasing it,
words, etc.
Students will play the game. The rules are:
- The gym is split into 4 quadrants, one being a
“Kings Court” (by the window side). Students - Students
start in the “lowest” quadrant. demonstrating
- Students will each have a basketball and effective defence
dribble. strategies (getting
- The purpose of the game is to knock someone low, arm up, etc.)
else’s ball out of their hands while dribbling. demonstrate effective
When you do this, you advance to the next nonlocomotor
court. If your ball gets knocked out, you move sequences.
back a court. The goal is to make it to King’s
court and stay there. 34

If a sponge activity is needed we will practice shooting. - I will be watching

for: teamwork,
Conclusion: effective basketball
skills, and the
Students will put away their balls and come to the circle following of
for their reflection instructions. directions.

Students will discuss what they did well and something

they think they need to work on. This should influence
the number that they each give themselves at the end of
the lesson.

- 1 = I need much more

practice, 5 = I
demonstrated ​all
relevant skills
effectively (passing,
shooting, dribblings.


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #11
Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome A: ​Students will ​acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s)​​: appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor

Specific - Basic locomotor skills (A3-1,2; A4-1,2)

Outcome(s)​​: - Basic nonlocomotor skills (A3-3,4; A4-3,4)
- Basic manipulative skills (A3-5; A4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Demonstrate developed control over locomotive movements in response to
nonlocomotor and manipulative stimuli.
- Demonstrate effective and accurate manipulative skills

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - Rubric (manipulative

Assessment - Thumbs up/down Assessment and locomotor stimuli
middle will be covered in this
- Self reflection lesson)

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - We have gone Resources to - Rubric

over all skills Bring: - Pen
being assessed in - Clipboard
this lesson.

Time: ​30 min Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Turn and tell rules to

Introduction: a partner.
Students will play a (very short) game of Dribble Tag to
warm up.
Students must stay on the lines of the gym again.
- This drill
Transition: students will sit down in front of the encompasses all skills
basketballs and we will discuss what will happen in being assessed this
class. I will explain the criteria of the assessment in lesson. This includes
words that are accessible to students (e.g. I am looking manipulative skills
for students who demonstrate ​control​​ when dribbling, I (dribbling, shooting,
am looking for ​accuracy​​ when shooting and passing passing) and
basketballs, etc.). locomotor skills with
Students will also be informed of the self-assessment motor response to
that is happening at the end of the lesson (students have stimuli (dribbling
done this before). while running,
stopping, turning to
receive the ball,
Body: stance when
The gym will be split into 2 halves, with two lines in shooting/passing).
each half. In each of the halves, students will start
underneath the basketball hoop farthest from the gym - I will start at one half
door in their respective line. They will dribble down to of the gym, ensuring I
the other side, shoot the basketball (we will start with see every student
free-throws, and then move onto lay-ups), retrieve it, perform each task and
dribble back, and then pass to the next person in line then move on. The
(starting with bounce-pass, then moving onto chest full assessment might
pass). take 2 lessons,
depending on
If I have seen all students and a sponge activity is attendance and speed
needed, we will play Kings Court (introduced last at which it is carried
lesson). out.
- Students are used to
Students will put away their balls and come to the circle this reflection with a
for their reflection instructions. 5 included, so they
will need to pay
Students will give themselves a number between 1-4 on attention to the
how well they think they did. I will explain ​each directions. I will ask
number to ensure that numbers given are accurate. 1 = I them for a 1-4 on how
feel my skills are ​not developed​​ and I am in need of well ​they think they

much more practice; 2 = My skills are ​getting better ​ his helps me see
did. T
but are not the best they can be; 3 = my skills have confidence and
shown a big ​improvement ​but there is one or two self-reflexivity.
things I don’t feel 100% confident with; 4 = my skills
are the ​best they can be.


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?

How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?

Lesson #12

Stage 1: Desired Results

General General Outcome C: S​tudents will i​ nteract positively with others.


Specific - Fair Play (C3-3, C4-3)

Outcome(s)​​: - Leadership (C3-4, C4-4)
- Teamwork (C3-5, C4-5)

Learning Students will:

Objectives​​: - Demonstrate effective sportsmanship by way of fair play, leadership, and
teamwork etiquette.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Observation Summative - Rubric (manipulative

Assessment - Questioning Assessment and locomotor stimuli
- Thumbs up/down will be covered in this
middle lesson)
- Self reflection

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: - Students have Resources to - Rubric

learned all Bring: - Pen
necessary skills - Clipboard
being assessed in
this lesson.

Time: ​30 min Content/Description Assessments/Notes


- Turn and tell rules to

Introduction: a partner.
Students will play a (very short) game of Dribble Tag to
warm up.
Students must stay on the lines of the gym again.
- The games taking
Transition: students will sit down in front of the place will not only let
basketballs and we will discuss what will happen in me see how well they
class. I will explain that we are playing a real game of can apply their
basketball. basketball skills in
practice, but allow me
I will explain the rules: to assess their
- Each team will choose a candidate to play rock, teamwork, leadership,
paper, scissors to determine who starts with the and fair play
ball. etiquette.
- The objective is to make it to the opposing
team’s basket and shoot a hoop.
- Students must use their dribbling, passing, and
shooting skills in practice, as well as their
defensive skills.
- When your team gets a point, or takes the ball
from the team on the offense, the ball becomes
- We are not keeping score today, as we are just - Students will identify
learning the game in practice and demonstrating good examples of
our best sportsmanship behaviour. sportsmanship
through questioning
I will also outline what I am looking for in behaviour (formative
expectations: assessment).
- Fair play
- What should you do if there is a dispute
between your team and your opponent? - I am looking for
- Leadership students who take
- Should you be dishonest and switch responsibility for the
teams to be with your very best friend? team they are placed
- Teamwork in.
- Should you try and pass to all of your
teammates or “hog” the ball?
- I will decide the
Transition​: ​students will be put into teams and move to teams to ensure they
their assigned court. are as fair as possible.

The gym will be split into 2 halves. Once students are in
their assigned courts and have played rock, paper,
scissors to decide who begins with the ball. Once this is - I will be walking
decided, students may begin. This will take up the bulk around and observing,
of the lesson. filling out my rubric.


Students will put away their balls and come to the circle
for their reflection instructions.

Students will give themselves a number between 1-4 on

how well they think they did. I will explain ​each
number to ensure that numbers given are accurate. 1 =
my sportsmanship skills are ​limited,​​ and I need more - I will ask them for a
practice; 2 = My sportsmanship skills are ​getting better 1-4 on how well ​they
but are not the best they can be; 3 = my sportsmanship ​ his
think they did. T
skills have shown a big ​improvement ​but there is one helps me see
or two things I don’t feel 100% confident with; 4 = my confidence and
sportsmanship skills are the ​best they can be. self-reflexivity.
Students have
completed this
reflection in the last
lesson, so this
formative assessment
should be familiar to


What went well in​​ ​this lesson?

What did I struggle with specifically in the lesson?


How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?


Basketball 4 3 2 1 Insufficient/
Rubric Blank *
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited

Basic Student Student Student Student No score is

Manipulative demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates awarded
Skills highly developed developing under- because there
developed consistency consistency developed is insufficient
(i.e. individual consistency and confidence and confidence consistency evidence of
dribbling, and confidence when when and confidence student
passing, when performing performing when performance
shooting) performing manipulative manipulative performing based on the
manipulative skills. skills. manipulative requirements
skills. skills.​. of the

Basic Student Student Student Student No score is

Locomotor demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates awarded
Skills refined refined​​ control some little to no because there
(in response to control ​when when refinement ​of refinement​​ of is insufficient
nonlocomotor performing performing control​ ​when control when evidence of
and locomotor locomotor performing performing student
manipulative sequences in sequences in locomotor locomotor performance
stimuli) response to response to sequences in sequences in based on the
various various response to response to requirements
stimuli. stimuli.   various various of the
stimuli. stimuli. assessment

Interactions Student Student Student Student No score is

with Others demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates awarded
exemplary proficient adequate ​team limited ​team because there
(team team etiquette team etiquette etiquette and etiquette and is insufficient
etiquette, and fair play. and fair play. fair play. fair play. evidence of
responsibility, Student Student Student Student student
cooperation). consistently usually sometimes consistently performance
accepts accepts accepts accepts based on the
responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility requirements
for assigned for assigned for assigned for assigned of the
roles and roles and roles and roles and assessment
cooperates cooperates cooperates cooperates task. 
respectfully respectfully respectfully respectfully
with others. with others.   with others.   with others.

* ​When work is judged to be limited/insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve.

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