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Be«22 Hall Ticket Numbers CET [et IVUIV B.Tech (Regular) DEGREE EXAMINATION MARCH, 2017 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Eighth Semester ‘omputer Aided in Pow Tne: Tre Hous Maxima: 6 Mans Anomer Quon No compo. (212-12 Mais) Anomer ONEgueton om each ani. (2-48 Mass) 1 Anawerallqusions (X12-12 Mais) 2) Whats primitive ner? 1) Deine gran ©) Define basi eut set ©) Why shor circuit analysis is necessary? ©) Whit are th various type of fouls ovcu a a power syste? 1) Whats importance of acceleration factor in load flow studies? 2) Compare N.R and G.S method 1h) What sa swing equation? ') Define inertia constant "TP. 3) Whatis dynamic stability? 1) What are th various methods to solve swing equation? |) Whats the difference between transient and steady stat stability limit? os 2) Prove Yaa] Asing singular oanfrmation ow 1) For he power system shown below » (fig.1) draw the graph and , S faethe a eat OE “© inoe_matix an! eget Cuts cide mati? a O o ot fig(t) © ® (OR) 3) Formulate branch admittance matrix using nonsingular transformation, om 1b) Porthe power system shown below fg.2) prove that Ty - @AKEU Gi) BLA! Fig@) (See om uNtrat 4) Detivean expression for adding a branch to a network EEA22 with mutual inductance. 3) Ferthe network ofa data given below, form Zo matrx using bus building aigrithm ‘Element | Bus Code | No__| (a) iL 12 . i 23 113 n_—_134 035 ives 3) 05 v rs sd (oR) 5a) Explain why short circuit studies are conducted 3 Dae the expresin for elt urets and volisges during LLLG fal at i bs in ann bureystem, UNIT om o aM aM 6) Whatisthe sgiiance ofoad Now studies. Compare N-R method withS metas 6M 2 Paplan the algorithm of Newon Rapson method in rectangle frm fr the lon ow solution (on) +a) Explain the Gauss-Seida! load flow mod with voltage controled bus, i) For the system shown below find the voltages ofall the bus Feraton using Gausysedal method. Each line has a series impedance ra Reactive power ints of generator at bus are 0:2 <1 Spat Bus date: ‘Buniype_| Weliags inp | Generation Toad Sack [OS Pou) es) [Pea [ape | 20, PV LoL ‘as [06 | PQ [4.00 os [19 3) Deve thesving ention of synshonous eshine cones oa infin as 2) Baglin bout Range Kuta method for transient sbi problem soaion Oo) 9 a) Wiha neat block diagram explain EE type 1 excitation ster 1) Explain computational lgoitim for obsning swing method curves using modified Euler's ses at the end of fist (0.02450.06) ot ow on om oo om om GIR BTeeh( Regal) Deuce. Examinations MARCH, 2017 Enahh Semestov E422: Comper Applcehens in Pour Syttero Monty cis key FT. @~ thet is primitive network ) 4 ns: A Stk of cancormected elements 's ab-fined as a prmione — netaionk. ©. Define ger’ A poph tous He Germeti@al sota.cnneahon of He elements of a rehstk The Gnmetien of Re rehinkc ply sham by ryplacig all ite elements ty Ling is Glked @ Gry Define basic cut St: TIndepencoat cutters cde Called basic cubseks. Ans? ze cabsets cohich Contalo Orly are branch and Femaining Gnks be Glled base cutmrr- tha mnof basic citserc is agiad 10 Ki Noot branchy,. + hy shay circuit nasi Hs necess Ny J Ans: Shes circuit Calculations provide cufdents and \ebtages ona Pours gyptem Obihing fault CorclitionS This inrfamation 1 Saguived te absiy0 am adequate protective Selayig syekio and to cht mind inteauptig toyulument® Ar cheenit- breakers at Cub Suaitehing dacation. O- wher fe me vouioun tpg of faults coceh. in as pow Sytem 9 PS! 4. Symmebiont faullS (Balanced faults) —LUG faulr S ue fault 2. tnpyrnenice fouls (cnbalanced fats) — Lg — LL fault — UG fault Pogeno:) 32

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