Iga News: Newsletter of The International Geothermal Association
Iga News: Newsletter of The International Geothermal Association
Iga News: Newsletter of The International Geothermal Association
56 April-June 2004
Newsletter of the International Geothermal Association
Highlight of the IGA BoD meeting 7-8 May, IGA ACTIVITIES
Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Larderello Italy Highlight of the IGA BoD meeting 1
Energy from the Earth 3
IGA Secretariat
Guido Cappetti and Ruggero Bertani presented the rich One hundred years history at Larderello 5
schedule for the two days in Castelnuovo (see Figure 1)
and the Saturday afternoon meeting in Larderello for the EUROPE
celebration of 100 years of geothermal energy utilisation. Iceland /In memoriam 6
The financial statement for year 2003 has been approved Russia /IGW-2004 - Russia 7
(see Table I). Poland /International Geothermal Days 2004 8
USD Germany /Bonn Conference 8
Carry over from 2002 43'596
Net balance as of 31st December 2003 41'067 THE AMERICAS
Net income/loss 2003 -2'529
USA /In memoriam 11
Financial Provision for WGC2005 5'000
Hawaii /Ormat buys Puna Geothermal plant 11
Table I. Financial statement for year 2003. Mexico /In memoriam 12
The Enel expenses for supporting the Secretariat in
2003 are reported in Table II. AFRICA
Kenya /Government to encourage investment 12
Mailing Expenses 9,592
Office Supplies/Photocopies 1,744 ASIA/PACIFIC RIM
Phone, fax 295 Indonesia /Agreement for Darajat Power plant 12
Subtotal Expenses 11,631
In kind costs 55,176 OCEANIA
TOTAL 66,807 New Zealand /Geothermal energy and manpower 13
Table II. Enel expenses in 2003. Papua
New Guinea /More Geothermal Power 14
One important commitment of the Secretariat was the FOR YOUR INFORMATION
preparation of the election material, printed and dissemi- Upcoming Events 14
nated among the membership. A Web-Page for electronic
voting has been organized in cooperation with the Infor-
mation Committee.
• a cooperation proposed by EuroBranchForum with WB
The final version of the bylaws has been printed and cir-
for the Eastern Europe geothermal development (Geo-
culated among the membership; the final result of the bal-
lot is:
An ad-hoc Committee, chaired by the President, and
71 Yes, 1 No comprising Svalova, Sanner, Garnish, Horne, Teklemari-
The new bylaw version is APPROVED am, Popovski and Zuñiga, will investigate the possibility of
by the IGA Membership a multinational affiliated organization, with special focus
Two activities being carried out in cooperation with the on NIS and Central America countries.
World Bank are still in the preparation phase: The IGA asked the EC for support under the Marie Curie
• the possibility of creating NIS-GA (New Independent Large Conference Facility program umbrella, for financing
States from the former Soviet Union Geothermal Asso- 150 fellowships covering participation in WGC 2005; 75
ciation) with WB support; from European countries and 75 from the rest of the world.
Figure 1. BoD at Castelnuovo: Ruggero Bertani, Kevin Brown, Guido Cappetti, Sachio Ehara, Ólafur Flóvenz, Michael
Fytikas, John Garnish, Roland Horne, Riki Ibrahim F., Franciska H. Kármán, James Koenig, Adele Manzella, Orhan S.
Mertoglu, Joseph Ng’ang’a, Hiroaki Niitsuma, Stanislaw Ostaficzuk, Kiril Popovski, Rosa Maria Prol Ledesma, Carlo
Piemonte, Marcel Rosca, Ladsi Rybach, Burkhard Sanner, Valentina Svalova, Meseret Teklemariam, Kenneth
Williamson, and Ariel Zúñiga.
Among the European fellows, we estimate that 25 can International Geothermal Workshop – IGW-2003,
be selected from the new EU country members, and the held in Sochi, Russia, between 6th and 10th October, 2003,
remaining 50 will be from other Eastern European coun- organized by the Geothermal Energy Society. The IGA
tries. According to the IGA gender policy, the 40% among BoD approved a grant of 1,500 USD.
the fellowships should be assigned to women. The total The International Course on Low-Enthalpy Geo-
contribution requested from the EC is approximately thermal Resources – Exploitation and Development, to
370,000 Euro. be held between 13th and 17th September 2004 in
The Bonn 2nd June 2004 Conference has been present- Zakopane, Poland, organised by the International Summer
ed as the official follow-up to the Kyoto and Johannesburg School on Direct Application of Geothermal Energy.
meetings. The Conference has a governmental, rather than Financial support applied for 5,000 USD was approved.
scientific makeup, where speakers are only invited ones. International Conference for Renewable
The UN Steering Committee has selected the topics, and a Energies/Renewables Bonn 2004, organised in Bonn,
geothermal day has been inserted into the official program, Germany, to be held between 1st and 6th June 2004. Finan-
which was a major result. GtV (on behalf of the IGA) is cial support of 1,500 USD has been granted.
responsible for organizing this event. The Pomarance Con- International Geothermal Workshop – IGW-2004, to
ference, held in January 2004 in Italy, has been a prepara- be held in Petropavlovsk – Kamchatski, Russia, between
tory event for Bonn. 9th and 15th August, 2004. Support is still under discussion,
IGA elaborated comments and suggestions on the due to the lack of funds.
“Environmental Due Diligence (EDD) Of Renewable A new version of the IGA website has been built, orga-
Energy Technologies, UNEP/BASE Guidelines for Geo-
thermal Energy Systems”. The document has been submit- IGA Membership Dues
ted to UN- BASE office (Basel, Switzerland).
IGA Membership dues for the year 2004 should have been
The estimated “In-kind contribution” of the IGA BoD
paid by 31st March. In order to keep your name on our mailing
members for the year 2003 is about US$ 390.000 including list, we advise you to pay as soon as possible!
Enel’s in-kind and cash contribution.
The following events have been, and will be, carried out See the application form on the back cover of this issue for
renewal details.
in 2003-2004 with IGA financial support:
No. 56
nizing the old material in a different way, adding a web distributed by mail and posted on the website shortly.
page relating to Election, preparing an electronic form for André Gerard presented the Soultz activity and the new
voting on the web, and presenting a new version of the doc- European Project: the identification of new HDR sites in
ument “What is Geothermal Energy”, whose translation Europe. Gerard asks all interested parties in Europe to fill
into a dozen of different languages is under development. in a form for identifying partners in each country that may
Updated geothermal potential data and running capacity be interested in cooperating in this task, under BRGM lead-
have been added. Geothermal events, useful links, Minutes ership. If you are interested, please contact the IGA secre-
and lists of Approved Motions are continuously updated. tariat or André Gerard [gerard@soultz.net].
New geothermal congress databases have been added to The selected dates for the October 2004 meetings in
those already available on-line and the electronic database Antalya are: 9th and 10th October for 36th BoD; in the
relating to WGC1995 is under development. afternoon of 10 October, the 37th BoD meeting with the
The Membership Committee set a target in 2001, at the election of the new Chairmen of the IGA Committees.
beginning of the present term, were to maintain and expand The XV AGM will be held on 10th October. The settle-
the current membership of the association. Particular objec- ment of the new BoD and Officers will take place on that
tives were to persuade the GRC to retain its affiliation with occasion.
the International Geothermal Association, and to seek new
membership from two very major geothermal countries, Energy from the Earth
namely the Philippines and Japan. The Committee is pleased IGA Secretariat
to report that all three of these specific targets have been met. Last May 8th, 2004, in the framework of the initiatives
Table III is a “snapshot” of the present situation con- for celebrating the first centennial of geothermo-electric
cerning the Membership Database, according to the stan- generation, a round table meeting on the “Energy from the
dard IGA classification: Earth” organised by Enel and the IGA was held in the Flo-
rentia Theatre at Larderello, birthplace of the geothermal
CATEGORY NUMBER energy exploitation for power production (see Figure 2).
AFFILIATED 2482 Franco Barberi, Chair of Geothermal Energy and Vol-
CORPORATE 21 canology at “Roma III” University (as well as former Head
INDIVIDUAL 331 of the Italian Environmental Services Agency), did the
INSTITUTE 5 honours focussing on the high significance of the meeting
STUDENT 8 that was aimed at accounting for one century of geothermo-
SUSTAINING 7 eletric production.
Facing a packed audience of professionals and universi-
Table III. IGA membership. ty students coming from every corner of Italy, Barberi re-
collected that this sector has attracted a growing interest in
The strong increase of the affiliated members is due to young people, and all the more so in current circumstances
the new affiliated organizations, mainly the contribution of in Larderello where they also had a chance of meeting
IGAJ. some top-level international experts.
In response to the initiative to encourage affiliates to Thanking Enel and the IGA, Barberi remembered the
endorse candidates for nomination to the IGA BoD in essential role of Tuscany in geothermal history, and noted
2004, 28 candidates have been nominated. 18 first term that the use of the Earth’s heat is underestimated inappro-
BoD members have indicated their wish to be candidates priately, as is the need for disseminating information on
for the next election (Eight of the 18 are already candidates these facts, which are still poorly known. Today there is a
proposed by the affiliates). Eight candidates have been pro- crucial need to change the attitude toward geothermal to
posed by the Nominating Committee and 1 by petition. The boost it anew and to strengthen the close relation between
final number of candidates is 47. man and nature.
As for the WGC in Turkey, the selection process for Following this exhaustive introduction Graziano Pacini,
local organizing company (PCO) has been completed and it Mayor of Pomarance, greeted the auditorium with a heart-
will start its activity soon. A grant of USD 200,000 from the felt speech, noting that Larderello is recovering its leading
Turkish government has been approved. Orhan Yesin, on role in the geothermal world. In fact, work is in progress
behalf of TGA, presented Antalya and its Conference capa- for the realisation of a research centre on geothermal and
bility. There are 870 abstracts, a satisfactory number. The the environment. Pacini ended by wishing that the studies
Second Announcement of the WGC2005 and the Invitation in this field start with renewed effort not to dissipate an
to Exhibitors are in final stages of preparation and will be age-old heritage.
April-June 2004
No. 56
Subsequently, Kiril Popovski, professor at the Bitola Ronald N. Horne, Standford Geothermal Program
University, Macedonia, explained the situation in central- Director, described the USA situation, focussing on Cali-
eastern Europe, identifiyng the distinctive features among fornia, Nevada, Utah and Hawaii. He showed that Califor-
22 countries. The geothermal potential is not thoroughly nia provides about six percent of the State’s energy demand
explored (Hungary is the nation with the higher expertise in with its 46 geothermal plants and outlined the contributions
this sector), and the biggest problem lies in the fact that all from the main areas: the Geysers, with 970 MW, Salton
countries have the same needs. Therefore, as Popovski Sea with 350 MW and Coso, with 270 MW. Geothermal
noted, there is a crucial need for setting a common strategy energy in USA seems to be ready for a new boost after hav-
to the research, so that this part of Europe can develop the ing suffered because of natural gas proliferation.
right role for geothermal in as short a time as possible. Rosa Maria Prol-Ledesma, of the UNAM, Instituto de
This wish was shared by Barberi, who then introduced Geofisica, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, explained the sit-
Hiroaki Niitsuma, Tohoku University Professor and vice- uation in Mexico, for Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
president of the Japanese Geothermal Research Society. and El Salvador. These countries need a regulation of the
Niitsuma outlined Japanese geothermal history from private companies involved in geothermo-electric genera-
1925 to the present and spoke of the EIMY (Energy In My tion. In Mexico the first geothermal production dates back
Yard) project; a concept aimed at the practical use of local to 1956 but today contributes only 3% of total production.
sources of renewable energy, for the betterment of the envi- To the uneasy situation must be added the opposition to the
ronmental situation and a full exploitation of geothermal in construction of new plants by the environmentalists, as in
conjunction with other renewable energies. Regrettably, the case of the “La Primavera” geothermal field.
since 2002 the Japanese government has cut the funds for Fausto Batini (responsible for Enel international busi-
geothermal research. ness development - geothermal branch) spoke of the new
Ladsi Rybach, IGA vice president and professor of the Enel strategy aimed at expansion abroad, in the developing
ETH, Geophysical Institute in Zurich, illustrated proudly countries, with the support of its own expertise acquired in
the great success in geothermal heat pumps of Switzerland. Larderello. Among the targets, Enel has highlighted the
Heat pumps are installed in wells of modest depth and in Americas, where it already has two subsidiaries: Enel Latin
roadway/railway tunnels, allowing both winter heating and America and Enel North America.
summer air conditioning. He confirmed the commitment of Batini also reported on projects in progress in El Sal-
his country toward such technologies which allow a note- vador, in collaboration with the largest geothermal compa-
worthy reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. ny of Latin America, La Geo, for the formation of an inter-
Kevin Brown, of the Geothermal Institute at Auckland national technical team. The challenge is to improve com-
University, synthesized past, present and future geother- petitiveness of geothermal, cost abatement, and optimisa-
mal developments in New Zealand. Starting from the first tion of production performance.
uses that Maoris made of the natural manifestations, he Jorge Burgos, the La Geo representative, illustrated the
continued to describe the present plants producing 329 exploration in Berlín, Oriente and Ahuachapán fields,
MW for greenhouses, industries, prawn farms, and spas explaining the drilling of wells that will increase produc-
for tourists. In future additional small plants of 30-50 MW, tion by 63 MW between 2005 and 2008 in El Salvador.
are foreseen. Concluding, Prof. Barberi resumed the meeting high-
Barberi then introduced Meseret Teklemariam, geolo- lighting the importance of research in this sector, and pin-
gist and geochemist of the Ethiopian Geological Survey, pointing the need for correct information on a scientific
who was one of Barberi’s students some ten years ago in basis, so that geothermal potential can be thoroughly
Pisa. She gave an overview of the eastern Africa situation, evaluated.
using the examples of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Tanzania, One hundred years history of geothermal
Uganda, Zambia and Kenya, the last being the continental
leader in this field. According to Teklemariam, this energy power production at Larderello
source is complementary to the hydroelectric generation, Pierdomenico Burgassi, Guido Cappetti
which is unfortunately affected by the drought, but the The industrial utilisation of the geothermal resource in
biggest problem for the development of geothermal in the Larderello area, identified through the natural manifes-
Africa is related to financing. tations, dates back to the beginning of the eighteenth centu-
Ken Williamson, Unocal General Manager, described ry. It was then used as thermal energy in the process of
the state of geothermal in Indonesia and the Philippines, extraction of chemicals from the same geothermal fluids by
explaining the reasons for the enormous geothermal poten- Francesco de Larderel, and, at the same time, the Larderello
tial in the region and showing the power plants already in village was growing in conjunction with the expansion of
operation. As for the Philippines, the second biggest pro- the factory itself (see Figure 3).
ducer of geothermal energy in the world, he defined the The chemical industry continued uninterupted growth
features of the four most important areas, i.e., Luzon, through the construction of the covered lagoons and of the
Leyte, Negros and Mindanao, that have recorded important so-called “caldaie Adriane” (Adrian boilers), the beginning
growth trends over the last 30 years. of drilling activity in order to reach more fluid and the use
April-June 2004
No. 56
international geosciences and geothermal development. tium of the Ocean Drilling Program, and active in the
Gudmundur realised early on in his geothermal career, that IUGG as well as the International Heat Flow Commission.
the key to understanding the behaviour of the geothermal He served on national and international committees on
systems was to understand the geology and the physical behalf of the Government of Iceland, dealing with a vari-
processes in the crust. He was not only a key person in the ety of issues, including the Law of the Sea Conference.
geothermal development, but also in the research on the For over three decades, he was very active in the interna-
crustal structure of Iceland and the oceanic rift systems. He tional geothermal community. He served as a geothermal
received the degree of D. Sc. in Geophysics from the Uni- consultant for United Nations agencies in several coun-
versity of Iceland in 1971 for his fundamental work tries. He was one of the founders of the International
“Crustal Structure of Iceland from Explosion Seismology”. Geothermal Association, served on its Board of Directors
Furthermore, he developed a mathematical model of the 1989-1995, and was the Chairman of the Programme
crustal formation in Iceland and described its application to Committee of the World Geothermal Congress in Italy in
submarine mid-ocean ridges. He was also very active in 1995. He was the first President of the Geothermal Asso-
heat flow studies and gravity mapping in Iceland. He pub- ciation of Iceland. In recognition of Gudmundur´s great
lished over 50 articles in refereed journals, numerous contribution to the geothermal community, he was award-
reports, and edited books. ed an honorary membership of the association at the Inter-
During Gudmundur´s directorship of the Geothermal national Geothermal Conference held in Reykjavik in
Division of Orkustofnun, geothermal utilisation in Iceland September 2003.
expanded very much. At the onset of the energy crisis in the After his retirement in 1997, Gudmundur started writing
1970s, about 45% of houses in Iceland were heated by a comprehensive book in Icelandic on all aspects of geo-
geothermal and over 50% by imported oil. With the enor- thermal energy in Iceland, its nature, exploration, develop-
mous increases in oil prices, a national policy was devel- ment, utilisation and history. He completed the fully edited
oped in Iceland to replace space heating with oil by geo- manuscript of the book two weeks before his death. The
thermal heating where possible. The government and the book will be published in the autumn of 2004.
municipalities increased the funding for geothermal explo- Ingvar B. Fridleifsson, President of the Geothermal
ration and development significantly, and the results Association of Iceland.
became better than even the most optimistic could envis-
age. By the time of Gudmundur´s retirement, about 85% of
houses in the country were heated by geothermal and the
remainder mostly by electricity (produced by hydro and
geothermal), and electricity was produced in four geother-
mal fields. Under Gudmundur´s directorship, the Geother-
mal Division grew from a few to over forty experts cover-
ing most fields of geosciences and engineering related to
geothermal development. The Geothermal Division
became one of the foremost geothermal centres in the
world. In 1978, when the United Nations University
(UNU) and the Government of Iceland signed an agree-
ment on the establishment of the UNU Geothermal Train-
ing Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland, it was decided that
Figure 4. Gudmundur Palmason.
the UNU-GTP would be hosted by Orkustofnun (NEA) and
its Geothermal Division.
Gudmundur Palmason was very active in international
cooperation both in earth sciences and geothermal energy. RUSSIA
He was a good lecturer and was invited to a large number International Geothermal Workshop
of international conferences. He was also much sought
after as a member of international committees dealing with IGW-2004 - Russia
crustal structure as well as geothermal energy. He was Oleg Povarev, RUGA-GES
highly respected for his theoretical knowledge, long and The International Geothermal Workshop – IGW-2004 –
wide ranging experience, logical mind, and his gentle man- will take place in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, Russia on
ners. In his committee work, he sometimes planned sever- August 9-15, 2004. The Organizers of the Workshop are:
al moves ahead, as he had learned during his substantial the Russian Association “Geothermal Energy Society”, the
international chess carrier. RAO “UES of Russia”, the Administrations of Kamchatka
Gudmundur was a member of the Royal Swedish region and Elizovo district, the Kamchatka Scientific Cen-
Academy of Engineering Sciences, the chairman of an ter and institutes of Far East Division of Russian Academy
international working group on the Earth´s rift systems, a of Sciences, the SC Geotherm.
member of the European Science Foundation´s consor- The International Geothermal Workshop will be sup-
April-June 2004
International Geothermal Days 2004
in Poland
Beata Kepinska and Kiril Popovski, PGA
The organisers are pleased to inform all the IGA friends
that this year the International Summer School on Direct
Application of Geothermal Energy (ISS) will work in
Poland together with the Polish Geothermal Association
The following events will be organized in Zakopane,
September 13-17, 2004:
• International Course on “Low Enthalpy geothermal
resources - exploitation and development”
• Technical field trip to the Podhale region
• International Workshop on “Geothermal energy
Resources in Central and Eastern European Countries:
State-of-the-Art and Possibilities for Development”
For more details, please refer to the Website:
which will be updated in the last week of each month
before September. You can also write your questions
directly to the co-organizers:
Dr. Beata Kepinska labgeo1@tary.net.pl
Prof. Kiril Popovski isskiril@sonet.com.mk
With the hope that some or all of the events will be of
your interest and many will join in to work and have good
time together. See you in the beautiful Zakopane!
ported by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of
Industry and Science of RF, the Ministry of Economic Bonn Conference on Renewable Energies
Development and Trade of RF, the RAO UES of Russia, the W. Russman, B. Sanner, GtV
SC DVEUK, the World Bank (WB), the Global Environ- On 1-4 June 2004, Germany will host the International
mental Facility (GEF), the International Geothermal Asso- Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004, as
ciation (IGA), the Center of Energy Technology Russia-EU. announced by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in September
Main themes of the Workshop: 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in
1. New geothermal projects in Russia and other countries. Johannesburg. The conference – Renewables 2004 – will
2. Local district heating of towns and settlements based on chart the way towards an expansion of renewable energies
geothermal resources; complex utilization of geother- worldwide, responding to the call made at the Johannes-
mal resources. burg Summit for the global development of renewable
3. Binary power plants. energy. It will also keep up the momentum generated by the
4. Geothermal reservoirs, methods of their investigation coalition of like-minded countries for the promotion of
and modeling. Drilling efficiency. renewable energies (known as the Johannesburg Renew-
5. Environmental aspects of geothermal energy and CO2 able Energy Coalition, JREC and its declaration “The Way
market in Europe and in the world. Forward on Renewable Energies”). More than 1,500 par-
6. Economical and financial aspects of geothermal pro- ticipants are expected to meet in Bonn, among them offi-
jects. cial governmental delegations including energy, environ-
7. Organization of financing for new geothermal projects. mental and development ministers, representatives of the
Information on the International Geothermal Workshop United Nations and other international and non-govern-
can be found on the web-site: mental organisations, civil society and the private sector.
The organizers cordially invite the entire geothermal Conference issues: how to increase renewable energies
community, and in particular energy companies, globally?
local/regional authorities, research institutions, geothermal Renewables 2004 will focus on how to increase the
equipment operators, financial international organizations share of renewable energies by concrete action -signifi-
to participate to the IGW. cantly and globally. The key issues are:
No. 56
Policies for market development: What can govern- increase the share of renewable energies in energy supply,
ments, international organisations and stakeholders do for including the promotion of efficient energy systems, and
better developing the market and creating a level playing will show how political commitments are translated into
field for renewable energies? concrete action. This will also help implement the Johan-
Finance: How and under which preconditions could nesburg Plan of Implementation and achieve the Millenni-
public and private capital providers improve financing of um Development Goals. The conference conveners will
renewables both in industrialised as well as developing collect proposed contributions in the run-up to the confer-
countries? ence. All actions and commitments included in the Interna-
Strengthening of human and institutional capacity: tional Action Plan will be of a voluntary nature. The con-
What is necessary to bring capacity building, research and ference will aim at achieving differentiated actions and
technology development and institutional improvements commitments that reflect specific regional conditions,
high on the agenda? capacities of actors or specific sectoral objectives and over-
all development targets. Actions and commitments will be
Conference character: open for participation of private expected to emerge in a bottom-up approach. The follow-
sector ing list of potential Actions and Commitments indicates
Renewables 2004 will be an intergovernmental confer- what the conveners imagine the International Action Plan
ence with a broad stakeholder participation. The German to contain; however, this list is by no means designed to
Government as convener invited official government dele- limit the imagination and creativity of all actors to come up
gations headed by ministers responsible for energy, environ- with other concrete ideas:
ment and development, as well as representatives from the • The EU may present their results of the current consid-
United Nations (UN) and other international organisations. erations to extend the renewable energy target to 2020
The involvement of the private sector, non-governmen- based on the existing targets of 21 % of electricity pro-
tal organisations and other stakeholders active in renewable duction or 5.75 % for biofuels from renewable energies
energies in presenting their considerations, demands, own by 2010.
activities and support to the outcomes of the conference • Other supporters of the Johannesburg Renewable Ener-
will be taken care of. Hence, a number of conference ele- gy Coalition (JREC) present their voluntary targets for
ments will be dedicated to these groups. Numerous activi- RE extension and present actions to reach those targets
ties, actions and events in and around the Renewables 2004 (extension of JREC).
will be currently under preparation.
The role of the private sector, especially business and
industry and the finance sector is of vital importance in the
transition towards a more efficient and sustainable energy 26th WEEC Conference Proceedings
system. Therefore, the German Government encouraged now available
the private sector, i.e. businesses as well as business and
industrial organisations, to participate actively in the WORLD ENERGY ENGINEERING CONGRESS
Renewables 2004 conference and to meet officials, deci-
This comprehensive reference brings you in a single volume
sion makers and stakeholders from all over the world. a comprehensive resource covering the very latest technological
Expected Outcomes developments for sustainable buildings, facilities and industries.
The conference aims at three key outcomes: You’ll benefit from the expertise contributed by more than 90
noted authorities, with detailed coverage of subjects including
A Political Declaration describing common political
“green building” design and operation, power & distributed
objectives, offering a vision on how renewable energy can generation issues, renewable energy technologies, building
play a greater role in a more efficient and sustainable ener- commissioning, methodologies for improving both the energy
gy system, and including agreements on a follow-up performance, energy management, combined heat & power pro-
process. jects and much more. You’ll find reports on the very latest
An International Action Plan in which various gov- developments in day-lighting, combined heat and power, dis-
ernments and other actors propose concrete actions and tributed generation, HVAC optimization, power quality, effi-
commitments for developing renewable energies. cient lighting, solar thermal energy, solar heating and air condi-
“Guidance for Good Policy” leading to greater impact tioning, energy load profiling and management, project financ-
and coherence of the policy strategies employed. ing opportunities, and more, including a wealth of case studies.
April-June 2004
• An alliance of donors offers a facility designed to proposed actions and commitments should generally satis-
enhance strategic cooperation between donors and fy the following criteria:
developing countries and to support actions recom- Significance
mended by the G8 Task Force on Renewable Energy. While the conveners recognise that in order to increase
• Innovative financing tools involving private equity and the use of renewable energy sources, innumerable actions
venture capital are presented. are required by a very large number of actors, the Interna-
• Initiatives for RE market development are presented tional Action Plan should bring together Actions and Com-
(e.g. the Global Market Initiative for Concentrating mitments that are significant in terms of the impact they are
Solar Power). likely to have. Monitoring of implementation of the Inter-
• Government presents a plan to extend access to modern national Action Plan is envisaged to become an integral
energy services by Solar Home Systems or other tech- part of the follow-up process to the conference. There
nologies. should be a timetable indicating how the actions and com-
• International R&D cooperation agreements. mitments are to be implemented.
• A group of private-sector corporations presents a plan to
restructure corporate energy consumption and/or invest- Supported by Financial Resources
ment working towards more energy from renewable Actions and Commitments should be supported, wher-
resources and enhanced efficiency. ever relevant, by an indication of the availability of finan-
• Networks linking policy analysts and advisors, cial resources for their implementation. This indication
researchers and practitioners in the field of RE are should be realistic and may also mention possibilities for
strengthened and extended. expansion and further development.
International Conference for Renewable Energies,
What is expected? – Turning Political Commitments into Bonn 2004
Action! Conference Secretariat c/o Mike Enskat
In recognition of the challenges involved in the promo- Postfach 5180 - 65726 Eschborn, Germany
tion of renewable energies at a global level and in appreci- Fax: +49-(0)6196-79-4405
ation of the high-level participation at Renewables 2004, e-mail: actions@renewables2004.de
No. 56
AMERICAS ery Pioneer and the Improved Oil Recovery Pioneer Award
SPE, and he was an Honorary Member of AIME and SPE.
USA He was the author of over 250 papers and technical reports.
Bill was a fine scientist, but he was a very down to earth and
In memoriam generous man. His family came first. He and his wife loved
William E. (Bill) Brigham (1929-2004) to travel and enjoyed duplicate bridge. In place of flowers,
William E. (Bill) Brigham Professor of Petroleum Engi- the family suggests donation to The William E. Brigham
neering, Stanford University died February 15, 2004 at his Fund at the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Stan-
home on the Stanford campus. He is survived by his wife of ford University or to the American Cancer Society. A Memo-
49 years Carol, daughters Nancy Blattel, Laurie Jester, and rial Service will be held March 11, 2:00 pm at the Stanford
Sarah Fletcher, as well as sons Bill Brigham, and David Memorial Church. There will be an opportunity for people
Brigham. Grandchildren Douglas and Lynn Weil, Katie and attending the service to say a few words to remember Bill.
Sam Brigham, Elizabeth and Rebecca Jester, Joel and Aman- We have created a web page for people to write a paragraph
da Fletcher, and Nathaniel and Nicole Brigham; and step of their remembrances of Bill. These words of remembrance
grandchildren Arran, Colin and Ainsley Blattel. Brigham was will be collected into a volume for his family, and will be
born April 1, 1929 in Murphysboro, Illinois and later available at the Memorial Service. Please click here to record
received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State your comments. On February 9, 2004, the Department of
University. In 1951 he was drafted into the U.S. Marine Petroleum Engineering inaugurated the Brigham Laboratory
Corps and stationed on Treasure Island in San Francisco. It on the concourse of Green Earth Science building, to honor
was during this time that he met Carol Cobb whom he mar- Bill’s many technical and academic contributions spanning
ried in 1954. After completing his service with the Marine more than 30 eyars as a professor at Stanford.
Corps, he pursued graduate studies in Chemical Engineering
from 1956 to 1962 at the University of Oklahoma while HAWAII
working simultaneously for Continental Oil Company in
Ponca City, OK. Upon completion of his Ph.D. he continued Ormat buys Puna Geothermal plant, Hawaii,
to work for Conoco. In 1971, he accepted an offer from Stan- for $71 million
ford University and joined the faculty in the Department of Graciela Shapiro, ORMAT
Petroleum Engineering. From 1979 to 1990 he served as Ormat Industries Ltd. keeps expanding. Its Ormat
Associate Chairman of the Department. In his more than 30 Nevada subsidiary will buy the Puna Geothermal Venture
years at Stanford he taught countless hours of formal courses power station in Hawaii for $71 million.
to undergraduates and graduate students as well as supervised The Yavne-based company plans to invest another $22
the graduate research of numerous individuals. Brigham million to boost the plant’s capacity once the deal is com-
served as the principal advisor of 25 Ph.D., 3 Engineer, and pleted.
37 M.S. students. His students remember fondly the “ring of The agreement was reached with Constellation Power,
fire” (cigarette, coffee, and Brigham himself) that character- one of the largest suppliers of wholesale power to large
ized the front of the classroom while he lectured. In reflection commercial and industrial customers.
about the graduate students with whom he had worked The plant produces 30 MW of electricity and the annu-
Brigham once stated that, “They make a mediocre professor al revenues are around $2 million.
look like a Nobel Prize winner”. His research into the physi- Within 18 months from the closure of the of the deal,
cal mechanisms of recovery from oil reservoirs was highly Ormat will invest $22 million to increase its capacity by
regarded and cited by his colleagues worldwide. Among 6.5 MW by 2006.
other awards he received the John Franklin Carll Award from This should boost annual revenues to $24 million.
the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the Homer H. Currently, Puna supplies about 10% of the energy con-
Lowry Award in Fossil Energy from the U.S. Department of sumed in its home city, Pahoa, delivering it through the
Energy. He was designated a pioneer in the area of thermally Hawaii Electric Light Co. under a long-term agreement
enhanced oil recovery and received both the Thermal Recov- through 2027.
The plant began commercial operations in 1993, and is
equipped with Ormat machinery. Ormat believes that the
site, hosted in a well know volcanic area, has the potential
to support an additional 20 MW plant.
The sale is expected to be completed in the second or
third quarter, and Ormat has been on an acquisition spree
over the past few months.
To finance the purchases, Ormat held a $190 million
bond offering to US-based institutional investors in Febru-
ary, and there have also been rumours that the TASE-trad-
Figure 5. William E. (Bill) Brigham. ed company will issue stock in the US.
April-June 2004
In memoriam
José Antonio Sampedro Garcia
Member of IGA and ex-president of The Mexican Geo- Agreement to expand Darajat Plant signed
thermal Association who passed away in April 2004 in Riki Ibrahim, API-INAGA
Mexicali, Baja California México. In Jakarta on May 17, 2004 Amoseas Indonesia Inc., a
We have lost a good friend, incredible colleague. May subsidiary of ChevronTexaco, signed a contract with the
his soul rest in peace close to the creator. State owned company for oil and gas, Pertamina, and the
Members of The Mexican Geothermal Association. Indonesian National power company, PT PLN, for the
expansion of the environmentally friendly geothermal plant
of Darajat, West Java. The Minister of State Enterprise and
Board Commissioner for PT Pertamina and PT PLN, Laks-
mana Sukardi, and the Minister of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, witnessed the event. The
expansion plant, Darajat III, will imply an investment of
around 100 million USD and the start up is foreseen approx-
imately two years after the beginning of construction. Dara-
jat III is expected generating 110 MW, which is enough for
about one million people. The President of PLN, Eddie Wid-
iono, expressed his satisfaction for the partnership with
Amoseas, which has already proved successful for Darajat I
Figure 6. José Antonio Sampedro Garcia. and II, and the new contract is in line with the efforts to meet
the increasing energy demand of Indonesia. The plant will
generate clean power to be sold to PLN, as already happens
with the two units on site that are capable of supplying 145
MW. Mr. Ariffi Nawawi, Pertamina President, stated that it
AFRICA is time for Indonesia to exploit its abundant geothermal ener-
gy for domestic purposes and make a better use of oil and
KENYA gas resources on the export side. Moreover, geothermal ener-
Kenyan Government to encourage gy is clean, renewable, and yield 90% less carbon dioxide
and support investment in geothermal than a typical coal-fuelled plant. Amoseas and its parent
Kenyan President, Mwai Kibaki, opened the 2004 company, ChevronTexaco, have a long record of partnership
Kenya International Investment Conference in Nairobi and investment in Indonesia, as reported by ChevronTexa-
last March. co’s representative McCloskey, and hope that the plant will
He reiterated his government’s commitment toward a be a benefit for the people of Indonesia. As a fact, Amoseas
better operation environment, thus enabling the flow of Indonesia has been among the pioneer companies that have
new investments into the country. The aim is set at Public- developed the country’s geothermal potential since 1984. Its
Private Sector Partnership and at reinforcing physical investments in this sector sum up to over 250 million USD.
infrastructure, among which power. Its parent company, Chevron Texaco, is dealing with every
On the following day, in this framework, Kibaki com- facets of the energy industry. Amuses and its sibling PT Cor-
missioned also the 70 MW geothermal project from the tex Pacific Indonesia, have been operating for some 70 years
Menegai crater in Naivasha, which had been delayed for 12 in Indonesia and employ over 5,400 people and 20,000 busi-
years because of lack of money. ness partner employees.
President Kibaki retained geothermal energy as the only
available source of electricity generation at competitive
At present, the Olkaria I and II power projects in
Naivasha have more than 120 MW capacity. With the addi-
tion of the 70 MW plant the total power generation capac-
ity of KenGen will grow to 1100 MW, which means 280
MW surplus of demand, according to the President.
In addition, some 600 million shillings have been grant-
ed to KenGen by the government for geothermal explo-
ration and developments in different areas, while the World
Bank will ensure 320 million shillings for a feasibility Figure 7. Amoseas, Pertamina and PT PLN signing cere-
study on Olkaria expansion. mony.
No. 56
Geothermal energy and manpower
M.P. Hochstein, University of Auckland, NZ
Recently we looked at the possible impact of fellows
from developing countries trained at the Geothermal Insti-
tute (University of Auckland) upon professional manpow-
er in their countries. Required was a connection between
geothermal energy produced and manpower. Such relation
has apparently not been published although data are avail-
able which contain information about produced geothermal
energy and the number of professionals (with academic
background) for countries listed in the overview papers and
many country reports in the Proceedings of the World
Geothermal Congress 2000. However, this information
contains many uncertainties. Without considering the actu-
al abstraction of geothermal fluids, one cannot obtain a
meaningful figure for the total geothermal energy produced
by a country using separate entries for produced electric Figure 8. Plot of ‘abstracted geothermal energy Q (PJ/yr)’
energy and direct utilization. The manpower figures quot- versus ‘professional manpower’ for countries where Q > 1
ed also contain significant uncertainties or are not listed for PJ/yr in 1999 (1 PJ = E15 J).
many countries (this applies to several countries with large
geothermal energy production). refer to professional staff with an academic background; the
However, one can obtain an approximate value for the term ‘manpower’ is used here with this definition. Previous-
total geothermal energy produced by a country for a given ly quoted manpower figures are often uncertain or were
year by converting the value of the produced electric ener- missing for countries with large geothermal manpower.
gy, listed as GWh generated (per year) (see Table 3 Huttr- Alumni and friends of the Geothermal Institute were asked
er, 2000), into abstracted geothermal energy (PJ/yr) to to check present-day manpower figures of their own country.
which the directly used thermal energy (Table 1 Lund and Error bars in Figure 8 are based on 2003 estimates (extrapo-
Freeston, 2000) can be added. For this, appropriate lated for 1999). Estimates for the US are still uncertain.
assumptions (for example: mean enthalpy of the produced The geothermal energy of countries producing more than
fluids, conversion efficiency, volume and enthalpy of waste 1 PJ/yr varies by almost two and a half orders of magnitude.
fluids) have to be made. Since the extent of re-injection is A log-log plot was therefore used to display ‘Abstracted
poorly documented, I assessed the extreme cases where all Geothermal Energy Q’ versus ‘Nr of Professionals n’ (Figure
waste fluids are either fully re-injected or fully discharged 8). Data from nine developing countries (past or present) and
at the surface (neglecting cascade use). In New Zealand, eight developed countries were selected for Figure 8; these
for example, the electric energy generated in 1999 from countries produced together about 98 % of all electric ener-
geothermal fluids was 2268 GWh/yr; conversion points to gy using geothermal fluids and about 74% of directly used
a net abstraction between about 20 PJ/yr and 39 PJ/yr for thermal energy. Figure 8 therefore represents the worldwide
the two waste fluid scenarios cited. Since significant re- geothermal energy production in 1999 which amounted to
injection occurs, it was assumed that about 30 +/- 10 PJ/yr about 730 PJ and involved at least 5,000 staff with academ-
of geothermal energy was produced. Adding to this the ic backgrounds. Normalized for energy production this
directly used geothermal energy of 1967 GWh/yr (7.1 points to a median ‘specific manpower ratio’ (n/Q) of about
PJ/yr), the total energy abstracted from NZ geothermal 7 staff per PJ/yr (broken line in Figure 8).
reservoirs was therefore 37 +/- 11 PJ/yr. Despite the uncertainties, the data allow interesting com-
Similar estimates were made for other countries listed parisons. According to Figure 8, two thirds of all geothermal
in the WGC 2000 summary papers. The uncertainty of the manpower is employed in four countries (China, Japan,
produced (net) geothermal energy is reduced where elec- Philippines, and the US). The rather high manpower ratio for
tricity production is from vapour dominated or natural two Russia and China (about 30 and 24.5 staff per PJ/yr respec-
phase reservoirs. For Italy, for example, an energy abstrac- tively) probably reflects planning policies of the past
tion rate of 50 +/-7 PJ/yr is indicated (with about 37 PJ/yr although the proportion of academic staff is higher in Russia
from vapour dominated reservoirs). The uncertainty is even than elsewhere. The manpower figure for Japan (n=690)
less where direct use is dominant (for Turkey the rate is 17 reflects, in part, the demands of the NEDO projects at that
+/- 0.5 PJ/yr). time (1999). On the opposite, specific manpower figures for
Manpower figures (cited in the WGC 2000 Proceedings) New Zealand, Iceland and Italy are all ‘below par’ with n/Q
April-June 2004
No. 56
Industrial Applications of Renewable Resources, 11-14 October 2004,
The Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, USA. AOCS. Tel: +1 217 359
2344, fax: +1 217 351 8091
e-mail: meeting@aocs.org
website: www.aocs.org/meetings/ia IGA News is published quarterly by the International Geother-
6th Asian Geothermal Symposium - Mutual Challenges in High- and Low- mal Association. The function of IGA News is to disseminate
Temperature Geothermal Resource Fields, 26-27 October 2004, Dae- timely information about geothermal activities throughout the
jeon, Korea. Contact: Dr. Takeshi Uemoto, Clean Energy Division, MRC, world. To this end, a group of correspondents has agreed to
1-297 Kitabukuro-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 330-0835, Japan. supply news for each issue. The core of this group consists of
e-mail: tuemoto@mmc.co.jp
website: staff.aist.go.jp/hiro-muraoka/AsianSympo6E.html the IGA Information Committee:
Unconventional & Renewable Energy Sources Trade Fair, 3-6 Novem- Adele Manzella, Italy (Chairman)
ber 2004, Moscow, Russia. Contact: Jefferson Reszetylo (USA). Tel.: 203
357 1400.
Enrico Barbier, Italy
e-mail: jreszetylo@iegexpo.com Rosa Maria Barragán, Mexico
website: www.iegexpo.com/rus_unconventionsl.html Gordon Bloomquist, USA
30th Stanford Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 24-26 Kevin Brown, New Zealand
January 2005, Stanford University campus, Stanford, USA. Contact: Werner Bussmann, Germany
Laura Garner, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, CA,
Ingvar Fridleifsson, Iceland
USA. Tel: +1 650 725 2716; fax: +1 650 725 2099
e-mail: lgarner@pangea.stanford.edu Roland Horne, USA
website: ekofisk.stanford.edu/geoth/workshop2005.htm Riki Ibrahim, Indonesia
The Cairo 9th International Conference on Energy & Environment Franciska Karman, Hungary
(EE9): Technological Advances for a Sustainable Clean Environment, Alfredo Lahsen, Chile
13-19 March 2005, Cairo and Sharm El-Sheikh, Sinai Peninsula. Contact
Pete Ledingham, UK
persons: Abdel Latif El-Sharkawy, National Research Center, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt, Tel: +20 7617590 – 7614150, Fax: +20 3370597 and Ralph Marcelo Lippmann, USA
H. Kummler, Interim Dean, College of Engineering, Wayne State Univer- Alfredo Mainieri, Costa Rica
sity, Detroit, MI 48202, Tel: +1 313 577 3775, fax: +1 313 577 5300 Teklemariam Meseret, Ethiopia
e-mail: President@sat-eng.com and rkummler@eng.wayne.edu
Marilyn Nemzer, USA
World Geothermal Congress WGC2005, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April Sylvia Ramos, Philippines
2005. Accepted draft papers are due by May 2004.
website: www.wgc2005.org Kasumi Yasukawa, Japan
Kenneth Williamson, USA
IGA annual membership dues The members of this group submit geothermal news from their
Individual ....................................................USD 30 parts of the world, or relevant to their areas of specialization. If
• for scientists, engineers, and others you have some news, a report, or an article for IGA News, you
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ted by the IGA Secretariat: Ruggero Bertani and Iris
Individual.........................................................USD 100 Perticone.
Corporate .......................................................USD 1000
• for individuals or organizations who wish to make a vol- Editorial coordination by Adele Manzella.
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Edited and printed by Edizioni ETS Pisa.
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IGA Board of Directors www.edizioniets.com, June 2004
April-June 2004
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No. 56