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VOL. 24, JULY 29, 1968 269

Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

No. L-23606. July 29, 1968.


COMPANY, INC., petitioner, vs. SECURITIES &

Corporation law; Term of existence; Amendment of articles of

incorporation after expiration of its corporate life.—A corporation
cannot extend its life by amendment of its articles of
incorporation effected during the three-year statutory period for
liquidation when its original term of existence had already
Since the privilege of extension is purely statutory, all of the
statutory conditions precedent must be complied with in order
that the extension may be effectuated. And, generally, these
conditions must be complied with, and the steps necessary to
effect the extension must be taken, during the life of the
corporation, and before the expiration of its term of existence as
originally fixed by its charter or the general law, since, as a rule,
the corporation is ipso facto dissolved as soon as that time expires
(8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporations, Perm. ed., 1931, pp. 559-

REVIEW of a ruling of the Securities and Exchange




Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Gamboa & Gamboa for petitioner.
Solicitor General for respondent.

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To the question—May a corporation extend its life by

•amendm-ent of its articles of incorporation effected during
the three-year statutory period for liquidation when its
original term of existence had already expired?—the
answer of the Securities and Exchange Commissioner was
in the negative. Offshoot is this appeal.
That problem emerged out of the following controlling
Petitioner Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing
Company, Inc. (hereinafter referred to simply as
Alhambra) was duly incorporated under Philippine laws on
January 15, 1912. By its corporate articles it was to exist
for fifty (50) years from incorporation. Its term of existence
expired on January 15, 1962. On that date, it ceased
transacting business, entered into a state of liquidation.
Thereafter, a new corporation.—Alhambra Industries,
Inc.—was formed to carry on the business of Alhambra.
On May 1, 1962, Alhambra's stockholders, by resolution,
named Angel S. Gamboa trustee to take charge of its
On June 20, 1963—within Alhambra's three-year
statutory period for liquidation—Republic Act 3531 was
enacted into law. It amended Section 18 of the Corporation
Law; it empowered domestic private corporations to extend
their corporate life beyond the period fixed by the articles
of incorporation for a term not to exceed fifty years in any
one instance. Previous to Republic Act 3531, the maximum
non-extendible term of such corporations was fifty years.
On July 15, 1963, at a special meeting, Alhambra's
board of directors resolved to amend paragraph "Fourth" of
its articles of incorporation to extend its corporate life for
an additional fifty years, or a total of 100 years from its

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Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

On August 26, 1963, Alhambra's stockholders, representing

more than two-thirds of its subscribed capital stock, voted
to approve the foregoing resolution. The "Fourth"
paragraph of Alhambra's articles of incorporation was thus
altered to read:

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"FOURTH. That the term for which said corporation is to exist is

fifty (50) years from and after the date of incorporation, and for
an additional period of fifty (50) years thereafter."

On October 28, 1963, Alhambra's articles of incorporation

as so amended, certified correct by its president and
secretary and a majority of its board of directors, were filed
with respondent Securities and Exchange Commission
On Novembei 18, 1963, SEC, however, returned said
amended articles of incorporation to Alhambra's counsel
with the ruling that Republic Act 3531 "which took effect
only on June 20, 1963, cannot be availed of by the said
corporation, for the reason that its term ef existence had
already expired when the said law took effect; in short, said
law has, no retroactive effect."
On December 3, 1963, Alhambra's counsel sought
reconsideration of SEC's ruling aforesaid, refiled the
amended articles of incorporation.
On September 8, 1964, SEC, after a conference-hearing,
issued an order denying the reconsideration sought.
Alhambra now invokes the jurisdiction
of this Court to
overturn the conclusion below.
1. Alhambra relies on Republic Act 3531, which
amended Section 18 of the Corporation Law. Well it is to
take note of the old and the new statutes as they are
framed. Section 18, prior to and after its modification by
Republic Act 3531, covers the subject of amendment of the
articles of incorporation of private corporations. A provision
thereof which remains unaltered is that a corporation may
amend its articles of incorporation "by a majority vote of its
board of directors or trustees and x x x by the vote or
written assent of the stockholders representing at least
twothirds of the subscribed capital stock x x x".


1 Rule 43, Rules of Court.



Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

But prior to amendment by Republic Act 3531, an explicit

prohibition existed in Section 18, thus:

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"x x x Provided, however, That the life of said corporation shall

not be extended by said amendment beyond the time f ixed in the
original articles: x x x."

This was displaced by Republic Act 3531 which

enfranchises all private corporations to extend their
corporate existence. Thus incorporated into the structure of
Section 18 are the following:

"x x x Provided, however, That should the amendment consist in

extending the corporate life, the extension shall not exceed fifty
years in any one instance: Provided, further, That the original
articles, and amended articles together shall contain all
provisions required by law to be set out in the articles of
incorporation: x x x."

As we look in retrospect at the facts, we find these: From

July 15 to October 28, 1963, when Alhambra made its
attempt to extend its corporate existence, its original term
of fifty years had already expired (January 15,1962); it was
in the midst of the three-year grace period statutorily fixed
in Section 77 of the Corporation Larw, thus:

"SEC. 77. Every corporation whose charter expires by its own

limitation or is annulled by forfeiture or otherwise, or whose
corporate existence for other purposes is terminated in any other
manner, shall nevertheless be continued as a body corporate for
three years after the time when it would have been so dissolved,
for the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits by or against it
and of enabling it gradually to settle and close its affairs, to
dispose of and convey its property and to divide its capital stock,
but not for the purpose of continuing the. business for which it was

Plain from the language of the provision is its meaning:

continuance of a "dissolved" corporation as a body corporate
for three years has for its purpose the final closure of its
affairs, and no other; the corporation is specifically enjoined
from "continuing the business for which it was
established". The liquidation of the corporation's affairs set
forth in Section 77 became necessary precisely because its
life had ended. For this reason alone, the corporate
existence and juridical personality of that corpora-


2 Italics supplied.


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VOL. 24, JULY 29, 1968 273

Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

tion to do business may no longer be extended.

Worth bearing in mind, at this juncture, is the basic
development of corporation law.
The common law rule, at the beginning, was rigid and
inflexible in that upon its dissolution, a corporation became
legally dead for all purposes. Statutory authorizations had
to be provided for its continuance after dissolution "for
limited and specified purposes 3
incident to complete
liquidation of its affairs". Thus, the moment a
corporation's right to exist as an "artificial person" ceases,
its corporate powers are terminated "just as the powers of a
natural person to take 4
part in mundane affairs cease to
exist upon his death". There is nothing left but to conduct,
as it were, the settlement of the estate of a deceased
juridical person.
2. Republic Act 3531, amending Section 18 of the
Corporation Law, is silent, it is true, as to when such act of
extension may be made. But even with a superficial
knowledge of corporate principles, it does, not take much
effort to reach a correct conclusion. For, implicit in Section
77 heretofore quoted is that the privilege given to prolong
corporate life under the amendment must be exercised
before the expiry of the term fixed in the articles of
Silence of the law on the matter is not hard to
understand. Specificity is not really necessary. The
authority to prolong corporate life was inserted by
Republic, Act 3531 into a section of the law that deals with
the power of -a corporation to amend its articles of
incorporation. (For, the manner of prolongation is through
an amendment of the articles.) And it should be clearly
evident that under Section 77 no corporation in a state of
liquidation can act in any way, much less amend its
articles, "for the purpose of continuing the business for
which it was established".
All these dilute Alhambra's position that it could
revivify its corporate life simply because when it attempted


3 19 C.J.S., p. 1487.
4 Id., p. 1485, at footnote 76, citing Sharp vs. Eagle Lake Lumber Co.,
212 P. 933, 60 Cal. App. 386.

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Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

to do so, Alhambra was still in the process of liquidation. It

is surely impermissible for us to stretch the law—that
merely empowers a corporation to act in liquidation—to
inject therein the power to extend its corporate existence.
3. Not that we are alone in this view. Fletcher has
written: "Since the privilege of extension is purely
statutory, all of the statutory conditions precedent must be
complied with in order that the extension may be
effectuated. And, generally these conditions must be
complied with, and the steps necessary to effect the
extension must be taken, during the life of the corporation,
and before the expiration of the term of existence as original
fixed by its charter or the general law, since, as a rule, the
corporation is ipso facto dissolved as soon as that time
expires. So where the extension is by amendment of the
articles of incorporation, the amendment must be adopted
before that time. And, similarly, the filing and recording of
a certificate of extension after that time cannot relate back
to the date of the passage of a resolution by the
stockholders in favor of the extension so as to save the life
of the corporation. The contrary is true, however, and the
doctrine of relation will apply, where the delay is due to the
neglect of the officer with whom the certificate is required
to be filed, or to a wrongful refusal on his part to receive it.
And statutes in some states specifically provide that a
renewal may be had within a specified time before or after
the time 5 fixed for the termination of the corporate
The logic of this position is well expressed in a
foursquare6 case decided by the Court of Appeals of
Kentucky. There, pronouncement was made as follows:

"x x x But section 561 (section 2147) provides that, when any
corporation expires by the terms of its articles of incorporation, it
may be thereafter continued to act for the purpose of closing up its
business, but for no other purpose. The corporate life of the Home
Building Association expired on May 3, 1905. After that date, by
the mandate of the statute, it


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5 8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia Corporations, Perm, ed., 1931, pp. 559-560,

citing cases. Italics supplied.
6 Home Bldg. Ass'n vs. Bruner, 120 S.W. 306, 307.


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Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

could continue to act for the purpose of closing up its business, but
for no other purpose. The proposed amendment was not made
until January 16, 1908, or nearly three years after the corporation
expired by the terms of the articles of incorporation. When the
corporate life of the corporation was ended, there was nothing to
extend. Here it was proposed nearly three years after the
corporate life of the association had expired to revivify the dead
body, and to make that relate back some two. years and eight
months. In other words, the association for two years and eight
months had only existed for the purpose of winding up its
business, and, after this length of time, it was proposed to revivify
it and make it a live corporation for the two years and eight
months during which it had not been such.
The law gives a certain length of time for the filing of records
in this court, and provides that the time may be extended by the
court, but under this provision it has uniformly been held that
when the time was expired, there is nothing to extend, and that
the appeal must be dismissed. x x x So, when the articles of a
corporation have expired, it is too late to adopt an amendment
extending the life of a corporation; for, the corporation7 having
expired, this is in effect to create a new corporation. x x x."

True it is,8 that the Alabama Supreme Court has stated in

one case. that a corporation empowered by statute to
renew its corporate existence may do so even after the
expiration of its corporate life, provided renewal is taken
advantage of within the extended statutory period f or
purposes of liquidation. That ruling, however, is inherently
weak as persuasive authority for the situation at bar for at
least two reasons: First. That case was a suit for
mandamus to compel a former corporate officer to turn over
books and records that came into his possession and control
by virtue of his office. It was there held that such officer
was obliged to surrender his books and records even if the
corporation had already expired. The holding on the
continued existence of the corporation was a mere dictum.
Second. Alabama's law is, different. Corporations in that

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state were authorized not only to extend but also to renew

their corporate existence. That


7 Citing cases; italics supplied.

8 Rayburn vs. Guntersville Realty Company, 93 A.L.R. 1055, 1059-
1060, cited by petitioner.



Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

very case defined the word "renew" as follows; "To make

new again; to restore to freshness; to make new spiritually;
to regenerate; to begin again; to recommence; to resume; to
restore to existence, to revive; to re-establish; to recreate; to
replace; to grant or obtain an extension of. Webster's New
International Dict.; 34 Cyc. 1330; Carter v. Brooklyn Life9
Ins. Co., 110 N.Y. 15, 21, 22, 17 N.E. 396; 54 C.J. 379. Sec".
On this point, we again draw from Fletcher: "There is a
broad distinction between the extension of a charter and
the grant of a new one. To renew a charter is to revive a
charter which has expired, or, in other words, 'to give a new
existence to one which has been forfeited, or which has lost
its vitality by lapse of time'. To 'extend' a charter is 'to
increase the time f or the existence of one 10which would
otherwise reach its limit at an earlier period". Nowhere in
our statute—Section 18, Corporation Law, as amended by
Republic Act 3531—do we find the word "renew" in
reference to the authority given to corporations to protract
their lives. Our law limits itself to extension of corporate
existence. And, as so understood, extension may be made
only before the term provided in the corporate charter
expires. 11
Alhambra draws attention to another case which
declares that until the end of the extended period for
liquidation, a dissolved corporation "does not become an
extinguished entity". But this statement was obviously
lifted out of context. That case dissected the question
whether or not suits can be commenced by or against a
corporation within its liquidation period. Which was,
answered in the affirma-


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9 At p. 1059.
10 8 Fletcher, p. 535. In 18 Am. Jur. 2d., p. 612, we find at footnote 14
the following: "Loeffler v. Federal Supply Co. 187 Okla 373, 102 P2d 862,
wherein the court notes a distinction between the words 'extend' and
'renew.' The court said that the word 'extend' means to prolong or
lengthen in time, whereas the word 'renew' means to restore to existence,
to revive, reestablish, or recreate."
11 Abercrombie vs. United Light & Power Co., 7 F. Supp. 530, 542.


VOL. 24, JULY 29, 1968 277

Alhambra, Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. cvs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

tive. For, the corporation still exists for the settlement of

its affairs.
People, ex reL.vs. Green,12 also invoked by Alhambra, is
as unavailing. There, although the corporation amended its
articles to extend its existence at a time when it had no
legal authority yet, it adopted the amended articles later on
when it had the power to extend its life and during its
original term when it could amend its articles.
The foregoing notwithstanding, Alhambra falls back on
the contention that its case is arguably within the purview
of the law. It says that before cessation of its corporate life,
it could not have extended the same, for the simple reason
that Republic Act 3531 had not then become law. It must
be remembered that Republic Act 3531 took effect on June
20, 1963, while the original term of Alhambra's existence
expired before that date—on January 15, 1962. The
mischief that flows from this theory is at once apparent. It
would certainly open the gates for all defunct corporations
—whose charters have expired even long before Republic
Act 3531 came into being—to resuscitate their corporate
4. Alhambra brings into argument Republic Act 1932,
which amends Section 196 of the Insurance Act, now
reading as follows:

"SEC. 196. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,

every domestic life insurance corporation, formed for a limited
period under the provisions of its articles of incorporation, may
extend its corporate existence for a period not exceeding fifty
years in any one instance by amendment to its articles of
incorporation on or before the expiration of the term so fixed in
said articles xxx."

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To be observed is that the foregoing statute—unlike

Republic Act 3531—expressly authorizes domestic
insurance corporations to extend their corporate existence
"on or before the expiration of the term" fixed in their
articles of incorporation. Republic Act 1932 was approved
on June 22, 1957, long before the passage of Republic Act
3531 in 1963. Congress, Alhambra points out, must have
been aware of R-epublic Act 1932 when it passed Republic


12 116 Mich. 505, 74 N.W. 714.



Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc., vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

Act 3531. Since the phrase "on or before" etc., was omitted
in Republic Act 3531, which contains no similar limitation,
it follows, according to Alhambra, that it is not necessary to
extend corporate existence on or before the expiration of its
original term.
That Republic Act 3531 stands mute as to when
extention of corporate existence may be made, assumes no
relevance. We have already said, in the face of a familiar
precept, that a defunct corporation is bereft of any legal
faculty not otherwise expressly sanctioned by law.
Illuminating here is the explanatory note of H.B. 1774,
later Republic Act 3531—now in dispute. Its first
paragraph states that "Republic Act No. 1932 allows the
automatic extension of the corporate existence of domestic
life insurance corporations upon amendment of their
articles of incorporation on or before ore the expiration of
the terms f ixed by said articles". The succeeding lines are
decisive: "This is a good law, a sane and sound one. There
appears to be no valid reason why it13 should not be made to
apply to other private corporations".
The situation here presented is not one where the law
under consideration is ambiguous, where courts have to
put in harness extrinsic aids such as a look at another
statute to disentangle doubts. It is an elementary rule in
legal hermeneutics that where the terms of the law are
clear, no statutory construction may be permitted. Upon
the basic conceptual scheme under which corporations
operate, and with Section 77 of the Corporation Law
particularly in mind, we find no vagueness in Section 18, as
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amended by Republic Act 3531. As we view it, by directing

attention to Republic Act 1932, Alhambra would seek to
create obscurity in the law; and, with that, ask of us a
ruling that such obscurity be explained. This, we dare say,
cannot be done.
The pari materia rule of statutory construction, in fact,
that statutes must be harmonized with each
other. So harmonizing, the conclusion is clear that Sec-


13 Italics supplied.
14 82 C.J.S., p. 801.


VOL. 24, JULY 29, 1968 279

Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs.
Securities and Exchange Commission

tion 18 of the Corporation Law, as amended by RepublicAct

3531 in reference to extensions of corporate existence,is to
be read in the same light as Republic Act 1932.Which
means that domestic corporations in general, aswith
domestic insurance companies, can extend
corporateexistence only on or before the expiration of the
termfixed in their charters.
5. Alhambra pleads for munificence in interpretation, one
which brushes technicalities aside. Bases for this posture
are that Republic Act 3531 is a remedial statute, and that
extension of corporate life is beneficial to the economy.
Alhambra's stance does not induce assent. Expansive
construction is possible only when there is something to
expand. At the time of the passage of Republic Act 3531,
Alhambra's corporate life had already expired. It had
overstepped the limits of its limited existence. No life there
is to prolong.
Besides, a new corporation—Alhambra 15
Industries, Inc.,
with but slight change in stockholdings —has already been
Its purpose is to carry on, and it actually does
carry on, the business of the dissolved entity. The
beneficial-effects argument is off the mark.
The way the whole case shapes up then, the only
possible drawbacks of Alhambra might be that, instead of
the new corporation (Alhambra Industries, Inc.) being
written off, the old one (Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette
Manufacturing Company, Inc.) has to be wound up; and
that the old corporate name cannot be retained fully in its
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exact form. What is important though is that the word
Alhambra, the name that counts [it has goodwill], remains.
FOR THE REASONS GIVEN, the ruling of the
Securities and Exchange Commission of November 18,
1963, and its order of September 8, 1964, both here under
review, are hereby affirmed.


15 Tr., p. 18.
16 Tr., p. 17.
17 Tr., pp. 17-19.



Almendras vs. Del Rosario

Cost against petitioner Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette

Manufacturing Company, Inc. So ordered.

Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal,

Zctidivar, Castro, Angeles and Fernando, JJ., concur.

Ruling and order affirmed.


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