Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited is a joint venture between Honda Motor Company Limited
Japan, and the Atlas Group of Companies, Pakistan.
The company was incorporated on November 04, 1992 and joint venture agreement was signed
on August 05, 1993. The ground breaking ceremony was held on April 17, 1993 and within a
record time of 11 months, construction and erection of machinery was completed. The first car
rolled off the assembly line on May 26, 1994. Official inauguration was done by then President
of Pakistan, Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari. Mr.Kawamoto, President of Honda Motor
Company Limited Japan was also present to grace the occasion. The company is listed in
Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges.
On July 14, 1994, car bookings started at six dealerships in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.
Since then the Dealerships network has expanded and now the company has Twenty Five 3S
(Sales, Service and Spare Parts), Sixteen 2S (Service and Spare Parts) and Six 1S (Spare Parts)
authorized dealerships network in all major cities of Pakistan.
Since the commencement of production in 1994, the company has produced and sold more than
200,000 cars till July 12, 2012.
All dealerships are constructed in accordance with the standards defined by Honda World over.
Percentage of local parts conforms to the government's policy. Local vendors are continuously
patronized to develop parts locally. The quality of local parts is thoroughly checked to meet
stringent international standards.
In addition to providing regular service to customers, the company also regularly conducts
Service Campaigns, to facilitate customer's need for service. This has given our customers
absolute confidence in our cars, clearly evident from the ever increasing sale volumes.
It is the constant endeavor of Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited to achieve No .1 Customer
satisfaction. Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited is committed to meet customer expectations,
and to provide good value for money.
Currently, we are offering Honda Accord, Honda CR-V, Honda HR-V, Honda Civic (three
variant), Honda BR-V, Honda City Aspire (two variant) and Honda City (four variant) in wide
range of colors with advanced technological features.
Company Profile
Vision Statement
Striving to be a company that society wants to exist by sharing joys with people throughout the
world creating products that maximize the joy of customers, with speed, affordability and low
Company Registration number: 0028815
National Tax Number: 0829237-0
Regional Offices
1. Lahore Office
HONDA Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited Asia House, 19 - C & D, Block L, Gulberg III, Main
Ferozepur Road, Lahore. Ph: (042) 35694851-3 Fax: (042) 35694854
2. Karachi Office
HONDA Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited (Regional Office ‐ Karachi) C-16, KDA Scheme No. 1,
Karsaaz Road.
3. Islamabad Office
HONDA Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited (Regional Office ‐ Islamabad) Shirazi Trading Company,
Plot # 41, East End Block, Ataturk Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad.
Associated Companies
1. Atlas Honda Limited
2.Atlas Battery Limited
3.Atlas Engineering Limited
4.Atlas Auto Parts (Pvt.) Limited
5.Atlas Power Limited
6.Atlas Insurance Limited
7.Atlas Asset Management Limited
8.Shirazi Trading Company (Pvt) Limited
9.Atlas Worldwide General Trading LLC
10.Atlas Venture Limited
11.Honda Atlas Power Products (Pvt) Limited.
12.Atlas Metals (Pvt) Limited.
13.Atlas Foundation
14.Shirazi Capital (Pvt) Limited.
15.Shirazi (Pvt) Limited.
16.Shirazi Investment (Pvt) Limited.
Board of Directors
Mr. Yusuf H. Shirazi Chairman
Mr. Hironobu Yoshimura President/CEO
Mr. Aamir H. Shirazi Director & Senior Advisor
Mr. Kenichi Matsuo
Mr. Akira Murayama
Ms. Mashmooma Zehra Majeed
Mr. Feroz Rizvi
Mr. Satoshi Suzuki
Ms. Rie Mihara
Audit Committee
Mr. Feroz Rizvi Chairman
Mr. Aamir H. Shirazi
Mr. Akira Murayama
Ms. Mashmooma Zehra Majeed
Mr. Satoshi Suzuki
Mr. Hamood-ur-Rahman Secretary
Company Secretary
Mr. Maqsood-Ur-Rehman Rehmani
Company listed on
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Financial Highlights
Legal Advisor
M/s A.F. Ferguson & Company Chartered Accountants
Share Registrar
M/s Hameed Majeed Associates, HM House, 7-Bank Square,
Lahore. Tel: 042-37235081-82
Lahore Chamber of Commerce and industry (LCCI)
Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association (PAMA)
Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP)
Honda's principal automobile products include passenger cars, mini vehicles. Its passenger car models include
(Sedans): Honda City, Honda Civic and Honda Accord and SUVs such as Honda BR-V, Honda HR-V and Honda CR-
Strategic branding alliences
The company, here in Pakistan has also established alliance with Bank al Islami. BankIslami
Pakistan Limited and Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited had extended their agreement for the
year 2017. With the successful completion of One year of Alliance, both BankIslami and Honda Atlas
Cars (Pakistan) Limited re-pledged to mutually serve the Automobile Industry of Pakistan and fulfill
customers’ vehicle requirements by offering valuable Honda products coupled with Shariah
compliant Auto financing solutions. Moreover, this alliance provided attractively priced Honda
vehicles through Islami Auto Finance under market competitive terms and conditions. This initiative
created an ideal scenario for both BankIslami and Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited. With
extension of the alliance, both aimed to strengthen their customer relations by providing best Honda
vehicles at the best possible financial package offered by BankIslami’s Islami Auto Finance.
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
1.1 Market Segmentation and Target Market
A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants.
Geographic Segmentation: this factor helps the company to determine the demand forecast
from different areas as per their geographical basis and also helps in laying out the distribution
Demographic Segmentation (age, family size, gender, income, family life cycle, occupation,
religion): the company can benefit from this factor by analyzing the demand of its cars as per
the social setup of the area.
Psychographic segmentation (lifestyle, personality): people in metropolises have different
lifestyles and social setups as compared to the other areas an cities of the country, on which the
company offers its products as per the needs on basis of this factor.
Behavioral segmentation (occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, attitude
towards product): this factor is of paramount importance in market segmentation as it allows
the company on what basis customers prefer its products.
Economic factors: this allows company to know about the income levels of its customers and
helps it offer the products that can attract customers of different income levels.
Brand positioning
Brand positioning refers to “target consumer’s” reason to buy your brand in preference to others. It is
ensures that all brand activity has a common aim; is guided, directed and delivered by the brand’s
benefits/reasons to buy; and it focusses at all points of contact with the consumer. Differentiating
targeting strategy is what used by Honda for selection of the defined population to whom the
specific product or services can be offered. Honda has positioned itself as a value-based
company whose objective is to enrich the lives of the people worldwide and give them the power
to enjoy their life.
Honda Atlas positions its product among close competition such as Toyota, Suzuki etc. as a "value
of money" product that offers high engineering quality, better fuel efficiency and strong performance
at very competitive rates. In its positioning and differentiation efforts, Honda tries to leverage on its
strong capabilities in engine performance and quality and back up such capabilities with good design
and high quality overall package that appeals to buyers that look for quality cars that offers good
"Value for money" for their purchase.
Over the years, Honda has positioned itself as the one of the top manufacturer in Pakistan whose
cars are very competitive in terms of engine quality, fuel efficiency and longer term performance
and other features that builds a strong marketing positioning of the company.
HondaAtlas Marketing Objective:
Honda Atlas Pakistan Limited as well established automobile companies in
Pakistan they always keep focus on that mission and vision in the same direction
HACPL does target of goal achievement. The standard of the HACPL according
to marketing is very high. HAPL existence and central point of Honda Atlas to sell
dream Car because in Honda point of view “Power of Dreams” itself attracting the
customer for that need to build unique product. HACPL marketing objective has been
targeting in terms of provide satisfied customer s e r v i c e , m a k e p o s s i b l e t o k e e p
i n r e a c h t h e p r o d u c t , a n d s t r i v e t o g i v e o u t s t a n d i n g service to valued
customers. In addition to providing regular service to customers, the company also
regularly conducts Service Campaigns, to facilitate customer's need for service. This
has given company customers’ absolute confidence in their
cars.I n t h e c o n s t a n t e n d e a v o r o f H o n d a A t l a s C o m p a n y t o a c h i e v e
No .1 Customer satisfactions with respect to loyalty of brand. Hon
d a A t l a s C o m p a n y h a s b e e n committed to meet customer expectations, and to
provide good value for money.
Honda Atlas has competitive edge to other automobile Companies in term of
product quality.
Witness the debut of the astonishing new Honda Accord: the outcome of our all-out
pursuit of sedan excellence, successfully uniting all contradictory
e l e m e n t s . A b o l d exterior presence with a luxury air, yet a sporty youthful feeling.
An expansive upper-c l a s s c a b i n w i t h c o m f o r t a b l e t r a v e l s p a c e f o r f i v e
a d u l t s a n d p a n o r a m i c v i s i b i l i t y . A l arger body with sportier performance than
ever before and powerful I-VTEC engines d e s i g n e d f o r h i g h f u e l e c o n o m y . A
r e n o w n e d g l o b a l c a r w i t h a l l a d v a n c e d H o n d a technologies for driving
command, plus eco-performance for increased recyclability. And, Honda's world-
leading safety protection, which even extends to pedestrians and those in other
vehicles. Experience its overall quality, riding comfort, and details for yourself, and
you'll know why the new Accord represents a distinct "status upgrade" for the sedan.
What moves you? What drives you? What excites you? Honda seeks the pinnacle
of technology in pursuit of answers. Now, we present a bold way to stir the body and soul,
designed to quicken the pulse at first glimpse, and stimulate the senses with each
and e v e r y e n c o u n t e r . T h e s p o r t y n e w H o n d a C i v i c p o s s e s s e s r a r e s p i r i t ,
a n d s o d o y o u . See, touch, feel, drive and discover.
See it coming, like an arrow. Striking good looks, cutting-
edge design, sharply focusedt e n s i o n . S e e i t s h o o t s t r a i g h t a h e a d .
W h a t i s i t ? D i s c o v e r t h e c o m p a c t s e d a n breakthrough with strength
to open a new era and outlast fleeting trends. Sleek styling and strong
performance, with swift, gutsy response to the driver's pedal action. Class-leading*
spaciousness and relaxing ride for outstanding comfort. Imagine the pride of driving
and owning this distinctive new-generation standard. Get ahead in the new City. People will be
Dynamic styling appeal. Elevated SUV outlook. Premium driving refinement. And an
exhilarating yet stable feeling. The new Honda CR-V has all you want,
a n d m o r e . A spacious cabin and utilities, due to packaging innovation. Plus superb i-VTEC
response, quietness, and safety. Discover delightful CR-V driving. Now, all roads are exciting.
Honda Atlas (Pakistan) always strives to give outstanding service to valued customers. In
addition to providing regular service to customers, HONDA also regularly
conductsS e r v i c e C a m p a i g n s , t o f a c i l i t a t e c u s t o m e r ' s n e e d f o r s e r v i c
e . T h i s h a s g i v e n t o customers’ absolute confidence in Honda cars. Honda also
participates in promotion of t h a t p r o d u c t . H o n d a A t l a s h a s a r a p i d l y a n d q u i c k l y
p r o m o t e p r o d u c t s m o r e t h a n i t s competitors.
Place / Physical Distribution:
Honda Atlas Network of dealership has expanded and now company has twenty one 3S
(Sales, Service and Spare Parts) and thirty 2S (Service and Spare Parts)
P i t s h o p s network in all major cities of Pakistan.
SWOT Analysis
B r a nd im ag e
Offering Global models.
S m o o t h e r d r i v e a s c o m p a r e t o its competitors.
Timely new models.
Decentralized environment.
Advance Technology.
S a f e t y .
Environment Friendly.
Customer loyalty.
H i g h l y l o y a l , c o m m i t t e d a n d motivated employees.
Greater fuel efficiency.
Friendly working environment.
Strong human resource.
Strong R & D
Dealership Network.
R e s a le v a l ue .
Maintenance cost.
Costly Spare parts.
Limited product line.
S h o r t a g e o f t r a i n e d technicians due to Complex sensor technology.
L a c k o f u t i l i z a t i o n o f capacity.
M a r k e t s h a r e a n d profitability.
High cost production.
P e o p l e ’ s a w a r e n e s s a b o u t Global Warming.
C u s t o m e r d e s i r e f o r h y b r i d and fuel efficient vehicles.
I n c r e a s e i n t e c h n o l o g y i n automobiles forces customers to return to dealer
for service.
I n t r o d u c t i o n o f e t h a n o l f u e l in Pakistan.
Increase in demand of small vehicles
Recession in the economy.
WTO (World trade Order)opening local markets for global competition.
Entry of reconditions cars.
Political instability.
Tightening monitoring Policy.
Energy crises.
Depreciation of rupee against dollar.
Increase in Petroleum and steel prices.
Declining quality of the infrastructure in the country.