1. Prepare all the materials needed Organization facilitates accurate skills performance
2. Remove all jewelries and watch Removal of jewelries facilitates proper cleansing.
Microorganisms may accumulate in setting of jewelries
3. Roll sleeves above elbows To facilitates proper cleansing
4. Do not touch outside or inside the sink The sink is considered contaminated. Uniforms may carry
organisms from place to place.
5. Turn on water and adjust temperature to Warm water is more comfortable and has fewer tendencies to
warm open pores and remove oils from the skin. Organisms can lodge
in roughened and broken areas of chapped skin.
6. Wet hands thoroughly
8. Lather hands and arms well, using Friction caused my firm rubbing and rotating motion helps
rotating motion loosen the dirt and organisms
9. Clean fingernails
10. Hold hands and forearms lower than Water should flow from the cleaner area toward the more
elbows. Wash hands and arms to elbows, contaminated area. Hands are more contaminated that the
with running water, using rotating forearm. Friction caused my firm rubbing and rotating motion
motion and giving special attention to helps loosen the dirt and organisms which can lodge between
areas between fingers. Leave water the fingers, in skin crevices or knuckles, on palm and backs of the
running during entire procedure. hands, as well as the wrist and forearams. Cleaning the least
contaminated aread (Forearms and wrists) prevents spreading
organisms from the hands to the forearms and wrists.
11. Rinse thoroughly, keeping hands lower Running water rinses microorganisms and dirt into the sink
than elbows.
12. Dry hands thoroughly from fingers to Patting the skin dry prevents chapping. Dry hands first because
forearms with paper towel/hand towel or they are considered the cleanest and least contaminated area.
under air dryer
13. Turn off water supply. If faucet us used, Turning the faucet off with a clean paper towel protects the
protect hands with paper towel. clean hands from contact with a soiled surface
14. Use lotion if appropriate Lotion helps to keep the skin soft and prevents chapping. It is
best applied after patient care is complete and from small
personal containers.
1. Explain the procedure
2. Prepare all the materials needed
3. Check the sterile glove package is dry, and unopened.
Also note expiration date, making sure that the date is
still valid
4. Place sterile glove package on clean, dry surface at or Any moist on the surface could contaminated the
above your waist gloves.
5. Open the outside wrapper by carefully peeling the top
6. Remove inner package, handling only the outside of it. To keep the inner surface sterile
7. Place the inner package on the work surface with the
side labeled “cuff end” closet to the body
8. Carefully open the inner package. Folds open the top To maintain the sterility of the gloves
flap, then the bottom and sides. Take care not to
touch the inner surface of the package or the gloves.
9. With the thumb and forefinger of the non-dominant The hands are not sterile. By touching only the
hand, grasp the folded cuff of the glove for dominant inside of the gloves, the caregiver avoids
hand, touching only the exposed inside of the glove. contaminating the outside.
10. Keeping the hands above the waistline, lift and fold
the glove up and off the inner package with fingers
11. Carefully insert dominant hand palm up into glove and
pull glove on. Leave the cuff folded until the opposite
hand is gloved.
12. Hold the thumb of the gloved hand outward. Place the This helps prevent accidental contamination by the
fingers of the gloved hand inside the cuff of the bare hands
remaining glove. Lift it from the wrapper, taking care
not to touch anything with the gloves or hands
13. Carefully insert non-dominant hand into glove. Pull the
glove on, taking care that the skin does not touch any
of the outer surface of the gloves.
14. Slide the fingers of one hand under the cuff of the
others and fully extend the cuff down the arm,
touching only the sterile outside of the glove. Repeat
for the remaining hand.
15. Adjust gloves on both hands if necessary, touching In this position, the thumb is less likely to touch the
only sterile areas with other sterile areas arm and become contaminated
16. Continue the procedure as indicated
20. Perform hand washing/hand hygiene. Contact with microorganisms may occur