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Backbase Enterprise Ajax 4.3.

JSF Edition
Deployment Guide
JSF Edition 4.3.1 2

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction 3

1.1 About the Deployment Guide........................................................................................................................................3

1.2 Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................................................3

Chapter 2. Prerequisites 4

2.1 The Backbase_4_3_1.war Application.........................................................................................................................4

2.2 The blank Application ..................................................................................................................................................4

Chapter 3. The blank Application 5

3.1 Working With the blank Application..............................................................................................................................5

3.2 Building the blank WAR ...............................................................................................................................................5

Chapter 4. WAR Deployment Procedures 7

4.1 Pre-Deployment Considerations...................................................................................................................................7

4.2 Deploy in Tomcat 5.5/6.0.............................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Deploy on WebSphere 5.1.1 and 6.0.2.........................................................................................................................8
4.4 Deploy on WebLogic 8.1 ..............................................................................................................................................9
4.5 Deploy on WebLogic 9.1/9.2 ........................................................................................................................................9
4.6 Deploy on JBoss 4.0.3 SP-1, 4.0.4, and 4.0.5............................................................................................................10
4.7 Deploy on Oracle 10g 9.0.4 .......................................................................................................................................10
4.8 Deploy on Oracle 10g 10.1.3 .....................................................................................................................................11
4.9 Using a Front-End web server....................................................................................................................................11
4.10 Compression ...........................................................................................................................................................14

Chapter 5. Contact Backbase 16

5.1 Community ................................................................................................................................................................16

5.2 Support .....................................................................................................................................................................16
5.3 Training .....................................................................................................................................................................16
5.4 Sales .........................................................................................................................................................................16

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 3

About the Deployment Guide

The Backbase Enterprise Ajax 4.3.1 - JSF Edition Deployment Guide describes how to deploy JSF Edition web applications
in all supported application containers. The procedure requires deploying the Backbase_4_3_1.war file and Backbase
JSF application WAR files directly into an application server. Although the deployment instructions vary from one application
server to another, for each individual container the process to deploy the development application is the same as for the
production application.

The Backbase_4_3_1.war and Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war applications run the Client

Runtime (development and production versions, respectively).

For the production WAR file, we walk you through the process of deployment in all supported application containers.
Information is also provided on server compression.

The information in this guide is IDE-agnostic. For information on how to create and run JSF Edition web
applications in the Eclipse IDE, please refer to the Tooling chapter in the Application Development Guide.

Intended Audience

The Deployment Guide is intended for web/system administrators and developers with responsibility for deploying JSF
Edition web applications in either the development environment or a production environment.

Getting Answers

If you are working on a difficult problem that cannot be resolved using information in this document, try the following:

• Refer to the other documents listed in the Start Guide.

• Customers with a support license can contact Backbase Support. For more information, see Contact Backbase [p. 16].
• For hands-on examples that demonstrate best practice when developing Backbase applications, refer to the Backbase
Examples Pages at http://bdn.backbase.com .
• Search the Backbase Developer Network Forums at http://bdn.backbase.com/forum for information on your topic.
Your question may have already been answered. If your question has not been answered, Backbase Technical Support
checks the forums regularly.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 4

The prerequisite to deploy a JSF Edition web application is that the Backbase_4_3_1.war (the Client Runtime) is first
deployed. JSF Edition components render Backbase XHTML and BTL tags. This means that every JSF Edition web application
is reliant on the Client Runtime.

The JSF Edition installation includes a blank application (blank.war). Although not strictly a prerequisite for
JSF Edition web application development, the blank application is the recommended starting point for
developers not intending to use the Backbase Eclipse plugin.

The Backbase_4_3_1.war Application

The Backbase_4_3_1.war application makes the Client Runtime available to your JSF Edition web application.

The Client Runtime is loaded by the application component.

In your JSF Edition web application, the Backbase JSF Server Runtime and the Client Runtime are responsible for managing
communications between the web server and the client browser. The Client Runtime is installed as a web application in your
servlet container, and is downloaded transparently to the client on an initial request.

The Client Runtime application (Backbase_4_3_1.war) is located in the client folder of your JSF Edition installation.
For detailed instructions to deploy the application, please refer to WAR Deployment Procedures [p. 7].

The blank Application

The blank application provides a template for JSF Edition web application development, and is delivered as a convenience to
developers not intending to use the Backbase Eclipse plugin.

If at any stage you decide to use the Backbase Eclipse plugin for JSF Edition web application development, an
Eclipse IDE project can be created by importing the blank WAR.

All the resources to build the blank application WAR are located in the blank folder of your JSF Edition installation. For
detailed instructions to build and deploy the application for all supported application servers, please refer to the chapters
entitled The blank Application [p. 5] and WAR Deployment Procedures [p. 7], respectively.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 5

The blank Application

This chapter describes the purpose of the blank application delivered with the JSF Edition and provides instructions to
modify the WAR.

Working With the blank Application

The blank application provides a template for JSF Edition web application development, and is delivered as a convenience to
developers not intending to use the Backbase Eclipse plugin.

If at any stage you decide to use the Backbase Eclipse plugin for JSF Edition web application development, an
Eclipse IDE project can be created by importing the blank WAR.

Before starting to develop a JSF Edition web application, it is recommended to copy the original blank folder to a new
location, and to develop using the copy.

During development, Tomcat is the recommended container. To create the WAR, run the build script in the buildtools
folder and deploy the resulting blank.war as described in the chapter entitled WAR Deployment Procedures [p. 7].

To use blank.war to instantiate out-of-the-box features:

• Edit the JSP of the deployed application (adding BJSF tags and client events, for example)
• Redeploy the application and examine the results in your browser

To implement the custom components and backing beans that are likely to be a feature of enterprise JSF Edition web
applications, use the build script to recreate the WAR. For more details about developing custom components, please refer to
the Component Development Guide.

Building the blank WAR

The resources to build the blank application WAR are located in the blank folder of your JSF Edition installation. The
scripts to build the blank application WAR are located in the buildtools folder. This folder includes an ANT build script
and properties files:

• build.bat - a batch file to run the build process in a Windows environment

• build.default.properties - default build properties
• build.local.properties - local build properties
• build.sh - a batch file to run the build process in a Unix environment
• build.xml - the ANT script

The build.xml script contains relative references to libraries on which the build depends. It is thus necessary to run the
script from its original location in the buildtools folder. The blank.war is created in a folder named build.

By default, the build script does not overwrite the contents of an existing build folder. Consequently, before
running the build script, make sure that the contents of an existing build folder are moved or deleted.

The resources are preconfigured to generate an application WAR for deployment in Tomcat. To deploy in a production server,
it is recommended to backup the original blank folder before tailoring the properties files, deployment descriptors, and, if
necessary, the script for the target application server.

To deploy in a production server, be aware of the following:

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 6

• The JDK used to build the application needs to match the JDK supported by the production server
• For production servers (including WebLogic 8.1, Oracle 10g 9.0.4, Sun 8, and WebSphere 5.1.1) that do not support the
JSP 2.0 specification, the build script needs to be edited so that the following code is uncommented:
Example 1 – Enabling Application Support for JSP 2.0

<copy file="${jsp-2.0.jar}" todir="${exploded.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>

Although the blank application provides all the resources needed to start developing a JSF Edition web application, the
rendered JSP is very simple, consisting of a button labelled Hello World that toggles some text.

If the deployed blank application does not display the Hello World button, check to make sure that the Client
Runtime application is deployed, and that its context matches the
com.backbase.bjsf.CLIENT_BOOT_DIR entry in the web.xml deployment descriptor. For more
information, please see WAR Deployment Procedures [p. 7] and the topic entitled web.xml in the Application
Development Guide.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 7

WAR Deployment Procedures

This chapter provides detailed instructions to deploy the Client Runtime application

To deploy the blank application, or any other JSF Edition web application WAR, the procedure is exactly the

Deployment of JSF Edition web applications is supported in the following application servers:

• Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0 [p. 7]

• WebSphere 5.1.1 and 6.0.2x [p. 8]
• WebLogic 8.1 [p. 9]
• WebLogic 9.2 [p. 9]
• WebLogic 10
• JBoss 4.0.3 SP-1, 4.0.4, 4.0.5, and 4.2 [p. 10]
• Oracle 10g 9.0.4 [p. 10]
• Oracle 10.1.3 [p. 11]
• Sun ONE 8.2

Pre-Deployment Considerations

A few things to think about before deployment:

• In your production environment, you should ONLY deploy the production Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war file. It is
optimized for use in a production environment and will perform better then the development version.
• You can find the appropriate WAR file in the client directory. The production WAR file is named
Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war, while the development file is named Backbase_4_3_1.war.

• DO NOT switch usage of the development and production version WAR files in your production environment. There is a
possibility that JSF Edition enabled applications will malfunction for returning visitors using Microsoft Internet Explorer
with caching enabled.
• By default, the client for JSF Edition will run from http://servername:port/client.
• Please make sure that your application points to the correct location of the Client Runtime. This location is defined in the
com.backbase.bjsf.CLIENT_BOOT_DIR parameter in the application web.xml configuration file.
• As of version 4.3.1, the Backbase.war file has been renamed to Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war (production) or
Backbase_4_3_1.war (development). Screenshots that say Backbase.war or
Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war refer to the same .war file.

Before deployment, you must rename the Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war to

Backbase_4_3_1.war. Make sure that you back up your development applications and create a copy of your
original Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war file before renaming the production war. Throughout this
document, we will refer to the Backbase_4_3_1.war file, but we assume that this is a renamed version of
the Backbase_4_3_1_optimized.war file.

Deploy in Tomcat 5.5/6.0

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 8

An application WAR file can be deployed in Tomcat by copying the WAR file to the Tomcat web application directory. By
default, the Tomcat web application directory is webapps. Tomcat automatically unpacks and deploys WAR files uploaded
to this location. The name of the WAR file without its extension is used as the context path name.

As an alternative to working with the server filesystem, the Tomcat console can be used to deploy application WARs:

1. In the browser Address field, type http://serverName:8080 (8080 is the default port for Tomcat). You should see the
Tomcat landing page.
2. Click the Tomcat Manager link on the left side of the page. You should see the Web Application Manager screen.
3. In the WAR file to deploy section, click Browse.
4. Navigate to and select the Backbase_4_3_1.war file.
5. Click Deploy. If successful, a message is displayed at the top of the page to confirm the deployment, and there will be a
new item in the Applications section of the page labelled Backbase_4_3_1.

The use of automatic deployment in Tomcat is strongly discouraged in a production environment because it
causes dramatic memory leaks each time you deploy or undeploy your application.

Undeploy in Tomcat 5.5 win32

In rare situations, the files in the unpacked web archives cannot be deleted or undeployed due to a locking problem in win32
systems. When you try to redeploy, Tomcat recognizes the web application is an old one but without a web.xml file.
Tomcat continues to trigger the code of the registered listener and eventually hits the class
DigesterFacesConfigUnmarshallerImpl, which is the first to make use of a class contained in utility JARs that no
longer exist.

To avoid locking resources and JAR files for Tomcat version 5.5, for each of your web applications add the following content
to the context.xml file in the META-INF folder:
Example 2 – web.xml contents

<Context path="/webappname" antiResourceLocking="true" antiJARLocking="true">


Deploying and undeploying becomes slightly slower if the locking solution is implemented.

Deploy on WebSphere 5.1.1 and 6.0.2

Perform the following steps to deploy the Backbase_4_3_1.war file on the WebSphere 5.1.1 or 6.0.2 application server:

These installation instructions assume that you have installed the application server with default configuration. If
you have changed your configuration settings, make sure to those changes are taken into account when
following the instructions.

1. Open the WebSphere console by typing the URL. For version 5.1.1 you can access the console using
http://serverName:7090/admin, whilst version 6.0.2 uses http://serverName:9060/ibm/console.
2. In the menu, expand Applications, and select Install New Application to load the Preparing for the application installation
3. In the Preparing for the application installation page, make sure the Local file system option is selected, and click Browse.
4. Locate and select the production Backbase_4_3_1.war file.
5. In the Preparing for the application installation page, set the Context root to Backbase.
6. Click Next to load the Enterprise Applications page.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 9

7. Select the Use default virtual host name for Web Modules option.
8. Make sure the Host name is set to default_host.

9. Click Next.

10. Click Continue to load the Install New Application page.

11. In Step 1 of the Install New Application page, set the Application name to Backbase_4_3_1.

12. Click Next in Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3 of the Install New Application page.

13. In Step 4 of the Install New Application page, click Finish to install the application. WebSphere messages are displayed
that report the installation status.

14. This step is applicable to WebSphere 6.0.2 only:

Click Manage Applications link, and click the Backbase_4_3_1 link.

15. This step is applicable to WebSphere 6.0.2 only:

Set the following:

• Set Class loader mode to Parent_Last

• Set WAR class loader policy to Application
• Click OK
16. Click the Save link to apply the changes to the master configuration.
17. To test the deployed Backbase_4_3_1.war file, type http://serverName:7080/Backbase_4_3_1/demos/explorer
(version 5.1.1) or http://serverName:9080/Backbase_4_3_1/demos/explorer (version 6.0.2). If the deployment was
successful, you will see the Backbase Feature Explorer.

Deploy on WebLogic 8.1

To deploy on the WebLogic 8.1 application server:

If you use WebLogic 8.1, you cannot use the Sun JDK. Instead, you must use the BEA JRockit JDK starting with
version 1.4.2 or the 1.5 line.
These installation instructions assume that you have installed the application server with default configuration. If
you have changed your configuration settings, make sure to those changes are taken into account when
following the instructions.

1. Open the WebLogic 8.1 console by typing http://serverName:7001/console.

2. In the Information and Resources section of the console, click the Deploy a new Application link.
3. In the Deploy an Application page, click the upload your file(s) link.
4. In the Install or Update an Application page, click Browse.
5. Locate the production Backbase_4_3_1.war file, and click Upload.
6. Select the Backbase_4_3_1.war file and click Target Module.
7. Click Deploy.

8. To test the deployed Backbase_4_3_1.war file, type http://serverName:7001/Backbase_4_3_1/demos/explorer. If

the deployment was successful, you will see the Backbase Feature Explorer.

Deploy on WebLogic 9.1/9.2

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 10

To deploy on the WebLogic 9.1/9.2 application server:

These installation instructions assume that you have installed the application server with default configuration. If
you have changed your configuration settings, make sure to those changes are taken into account when
following the instructions.

1. Open the WebLogic console by typing http://serverName:7001/console.

2. In the menu, click Deployments.
3. Click Lock & Edit.
4. In the Control tab, click Install.
5. Click upload your file(s) link.
6. Click the Browse button adjacent to the Deployment Archive field, and select the Backbase_4_3_1.war.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the Backbase_4_3_1.war file, and click Next.
9. Click Finish.
10. In the menu, click Deployments.
11. Select the Backbase application, and choose Start from the context menu.

12. To test the deployed Backbase_4_3_1.war file, type http://serverName:7001/Backbase_4_3_1/demos/explorer. If

the deployment was successful, you will see the Backbase Feature Explorer.

Deploy on JBoss 4.0.3 SP-1, 4.0.4, and 4.0.5

To deploy on the JBoss 4.0.3 SP-1/4.0.4/4.0.5 application server:

Instead of using the JBoss web console, the recommended procedure is to can copy your WAR file into the root level of the
deploy directory for a given server configuration. The default name for the server configuration is default.

Deploy on Oracle 10g 9.0.4

To deploy on the Oracle 10g 9.0.4 application server:

These installation instructions assume that you have installed the application server with default configuration. If
you have changed your configuration settings, make sure to those changes are taken into account when
following the instructions.

1. Open the Oracle AS console by typing http://serverName:1810/emd/console.

2. Click the Home link.
3. In the Home page of the Oracle AS console, click the Applications link.
4. In the Applications page of the Oracle AS console, click the Deploy WAR file button.
5. In the Deploy Web Application page, click the Browse button adjacent to the Web Application field.
6. Locate and select the Backbase_4_3_1.war file, and set the following fields:

• In the Application Name field, type Backbase_4_3_1.

• In the Map to URL field, type /Backbase_4_3_1.
7. Click Deploy.
8. To test the deployed Backbase_4_3_1.war file, type http://serverName/Backbase_4_3_1/demos/explorer. If the
deployment was successful, you will see the Backbase Feature Explorer.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 11

Deploy on Oracle 10g 10.1.3

To deploy on the Oracle 10g 10.1.3 application server:

These installation instructions assume that you have installed the application server with default configuration. If
you have changed your configuration settings, make sure to those changes are taken into account when
following the instructions.

1. Open the Oracle AS console by typing http://serverName:8888/em/console.

2. In the Applications tab of the Oracle AS console, click Deploy.
3. In the Select Archive step, click the Browse button adjacent to the Archive Location field, and select the
Backbase_4_3_1.war file.

4. Click Next.
5. In the Application Attributes step, and set the following fields:

• In the Application Name field, type Backbase_4_3_1.

• In the Context field, type Backbase_4_3_1.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Deployment Settings step, click the pencil in the Configure Class Loading row.
8. Select the Search Local Classes First check box for the Backbase_4_3_1.war file.
9. Click OK to return to the Deployment Settings step.
10. Click Deploy.
11. To test the deployed Backbase_4_3_1.war file, type http://serverName:8888/Backbase_4_3_1/demos/explorer. If
the deployment was successful, you will see the Backbase Feature Explorer.

Using a Front-End web server

An application container is very useful when serving dynamic content like JSF or Struts pages. However, for static content,
it is recommended that you use a web server which is faster and more robust. This section will help you configure Apache
Httpd Server as your front-end web server in combination with the Apache Tomcat application server.

For instructions on using a front-end web server on other Backbase verified application containers, please refer
to the documentation of the respective container.

Although we recommend using a front-end web server, it is possible to deploy Backbase static content on any
web server, including the Backbase verified application containers.

When choosing a front-end web server, the support for server-side compression is an important feature to be aware of. This
Deployment Guide will instruct you how to enable compression for both Apache Httpd Server and Microsoft Internet
Information Server.

This section assumes that you have Apache Httpd Server (port 80) and Apache Tomcat (port 8080) installed and running.

Connecting Apache Httpd Server to Apache Tomcat

Running Apache Httpd Server and Apache Tomcat in tandem means that you will need to find a way for them to

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 12

Because JSF Edition leans heavily on JavaScript, it is important that, although we are using two web servers, the browser
thinks that all content is coming from the same source. This is to avoid problems with security settings, not allowing
JavaScript to interact cross-domain. Since Apache Httpd Server and Apache Tomcat work on different ports, this is
considered a security threat.

Therefore, we must configure Apache Httpd Server to internally connect to and process all content from Apache Tomcat,
returning the entire result from the request operation to the browser. That is where connectors come in to play.

Apache provides multiple connectors for different front-end servers. These connectors allow Apache Httpd Server to
connect to Apache Tomcat and let Apache Tomcat process the dynamic content. Below you can find a schema which
shows how the connector fits in the entire request/response cycle:
Figure 1 – Http Connectors

Download and deploy the Apache Httpd Server connector

1. Go to the Apache Tomcat web site: http://tomcat.apache.org/ .

2. On the left, click Download > Tomcat Connectors.
3. Choose the most recent and stable version. In this Deployment Guide, we use JK 1.2 Binary Release.
4. Now determine on which platform you are going to run your application. We choose win32.
5. Again, choose the most recent version of the connector. For us, this would be JK 1.2.18.
6. Finally, you will see a list of all the connectors suitable for multiple web servers. Since we use Apache Httpd Server, we
download mod_jk-apache-2.0.58.so. Save the file to a location on your hard drive.
7. Rename the file to mod_jk.so and copy it to the modules folder in your Apache Httpd Server installation directory.
8. Restart your Apache Httpd Server.

Configure the mod_jk Connector

Configuring the connector will consist of three steps: Creating the worker.properties file for Apache Tomcat, editing
the httpd.conf configuration file for Apache Httpd Server and editing the server.xml configuration file for Apache

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 13

Create the worker.properties file

In your installation directory of Apache Httpd Server, there is a directory called conf. Inside that directory, we will create a
simple text file and name it worker.properties. Next, we will add the following content:
Example 3 – worker.properties file


Now save the file as worker.properties.

A default worker.properties file has been included in the documentation folder of your JSF Edition installation.
You can also copy and edit this file to match your specific configuration.

Edit the Apache Httpd Server httpd.config file

The next step is to configure the Apache Httpd Server configuration file. You can find the httpd.conf file in the conf
folder of your Apache Httpd Server installation directory.

Open the file in a simple text editor and locate the section on "Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support". Add the following line
to ensure that the mod_jk module is initialized:
Example 4 – worker.properties file

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so

Now go to the end of the httpd.conf configuration file and add the following directives:
Example 5 – Apache Server configuration file

JkWorkersFile "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\worker.properties"

JkLogFile "c:\program files\Apache Group\Apache2\logs\mod_jk.log"
JkLogLevel error

JkAutoAlias "c:\program files\Apache Group\Tomcat 5.5\webapps"

JkMount /*.do backbase
JkMount /*.shtml backbase
JkUnMount /*.html backbase
JkUnMount /*.jpg backbase
JkUnMount /*.gif backbase
JkUnMount /*.js backbase

The above snippet binds the worker.properties file to the mod_jk. Also, it creates a log file, with the level error,
which will log all error messages in the logs\mod_jk.log file inside your Apache Httpd Server installation directory.

The JkAutoAlias directive automatically creates aliases for all folders inside your Apache Tomcat \webapps. This allows
Apache Httpd Server to serve static content from those folders.

You can specify which content should be relayed to Apache Tomcat. Use JKMount or JKUnMount to specify which
documents or folders should be handled as dynamic content by Apache Tomcat and which documents should be processed
by Apache Httpd Server.

Save the httpd.conf configuration file.

You should replace the file locations used in the snippet to match the locations where you have installed your
versions of Apache Httpd Server and Apache Tomcat.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 14

Please read the documentation on the mod_jk connector for more information on proper usage and additional
directives. You can find the documentation at http://tomcat.apache.org .

Edit the Apache Tomcat server.xml file

Finally, Apache Tomcat should also be made aware that the mod_jk connector has been put in place, and ready to process
all requests.

To do so, open the server.xml configuration file, which can be found in the conf folder of your Apache Tomcat
installation directory.

Open the file in a simple text editor and locate the following tag:
Example 6 – Tomcat Server configuration file

<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

Below this tag, add the following line, which will add a listener to Apache Tomcat that is ready to process all requests:
Example 7 – Tomcat Server configuration file

<Listener className="org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig"
workersConfig="c:\progra~1\apache~1\apache2\conf\worker.properties" />

You should replace the file locations used in the snippet to match the locations where you have installed your
versions of Apache Httpd Server and Apache Tomcat.

After you have set up all configuration properties and directives, we recommend that you restart the Apache Httpd Server
and Apache Tomcat application servers to implement the mod_jk connector.

Use Microsoft Internet Information Server with Tomcat

You can also use Microsoft Internet Information Server to function as your front-end web server. You can download the
isapi_redirect.dll plugin for IIS. Please read the documentation on http://tomcat.apache.org for installation


Backbase highly recommends that you implement some form of server-side compression. Compression can be handled
on-the-fly, in which case the web server will compress the output sent to the browser upon request, or by pre-compressing
the content to be sent.

When dealing with server-side compression, the web-server will first determine if the client browser supports it. Browsers
that support compression include an Accept-Encoding header in client-server communication. If the compression is
supported by both client and server, the server will then return compressed content to the browser.

Apache Httpd Server requires the use of the mod_gzip or mod_deflate modules to support compression.

You can download mod_gzip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-gzip/ . Here you will also find
documentation required to install the module.

The mod_deflate is part of the Apache Httpd Server installation. More documentation on mod_deflate can be
found at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_deflate.html

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 15

Microsoft Internet Information Server 6.x has native support for compression, while Microsoft Internet Information
Server 5.x and lower require a third-party component.

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JSF Edition 4.3.1 16

Contact Backbase

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Free community-based support is available through our Backbase Developer Network discussion forums. Commercial
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Courses are available online, on site, and in classroom settings. Our online classes are live with real-time instructors.
Training attendees are encouraged to communicate in real time with the instructor. All of our instructors are AJAX experts
with extensive teaching experience.

Learn more: http://www.backbase.com/training


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E: sales-us@backbase.com E: sales-eu@backbase.com

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