Roberta Nusim-Art Direction The Visual Language of Film (Teacher's Guide and Activities) PDF
Roberta Nusim-Art Direction The Visual Language of Film (Teacher's Guide and Activities) PDF
Roberta Nusim-Art Direction The Visual Language of Film (Teacher's Guide and Activities) PDF
© A.M.P.A.S. ®
Youth Media International Ltd.
Dear Educator, by the Academy Awards to teach executives, film editors, make-up
outh Media International, in valuable lessons in critical thinking artists, composers, songwriters, sound
Y cooperation with the Academy
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,
and to develop visual literacy skills.
The Academy, organized in 1927, is
and visual effects experts, and writers.
Please share this material with
is proud to present the most recent a professional honorary organization other teachers in your school.
edition of annual study guides that composed of more than 6,000 Although the material is
focus on the different branches of motion picture craftsmen and copyrighted, you may make as many
the Academy. women. Its purposes include photocopies as necessary to meet
This guide focuses on art advancing the art and science of your students’ needs.
direction, one of the many craft areas motion pictures; fostering To ensure that you receive future
involved in the collaborative cooperation among creative leaders mailings, please fill out and return the
endeavor of creating a motion for cultural, educational and enclosed reply card. Also, feel free to
picture. Students will learn about art technological progress; recognizing e-mail us at
direction (or production design, as it outstanding achievements; and to comment about the program at
is also known) as they complete the fostering educational activities any time.We welcome your thoughts
activities in this kit, which is intended between the professional community and suggestions.
for students in secondary school and the public at large. Academy
English, language arts and members are the people who create Sincerely,
communications courses.The movies—the cream of the industry’s
activities are designed to capitalize on actors, animators, art directors,
students’ natural interest in current cinematographers, costume designers,
films and the excitement generated directors, documentarians, studio Roberta Nusim, Publisher
Name or general description of painting or photograph: Where is the camera in the scene?
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe the architectural elements of the room—shape, Do you think that the scene was set in a real location or a
volume, scale, depth—and suggest how they work together to space constructed for the film? Why?
create a feeling about the space: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now imagine the scene in a different setting. Describe the new
architectural elements:
Pick an indoor scene from a film that was recognized for ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
achievement in art direction. As you watch the scene, try to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
focus on the architectural elements of the art direction and ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
their relation to the camera.
How do your changes affect the way the camera moves in
Title of film: ________________________________________________________________________________ the scene?
The scene I will observe is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
Taken together, these set details describe not a successful lawyer, but one
Share your room details with a classmate.
who has no clients and has to live in his office to make ends meet.
Based only on these details, have your class-
Sometimes details like these are mentioned in the script, but often they are
mate guess the sex, personality, occupation and
added by the production designer. As production designer Dean Tavoularis
social background of your character.
(The Godfather trilogy, The Outsiders) notes, “Whether it’s a period or a
contemporary story, one should always think about what possessions char-
Now, using your props, create some action for
acters might have in their environment.”
your character in that room. Describe what
your character is doing and imagine how your
set enhances the story:
Invent a character or pick one from a favorite novel. Imagine
a room (bedroom, living room, office, etc.) that your charac- ______________________________________________________________________________
ter might spend time in.What type of room is it? ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Describe the décor, or style, of the room. Is it funky?
Conservative? Is it cluttered or sparsely furnished? Neat or Elements of Set Decoration:
messy? Are the walls bare or covered? Décor: Style or mode of decoration, as
of a room, building, or the like
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prop or property: Object used by an
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ actor or displayed as part of a set