Points To Remember About Arthritis
Points To Remember About Arthritis
Points To Remember About Arthritis
Overview of Arthritis
"Arthritis" literally means joint inflammation. Although joint inflammation is a
symptom or sign rather than a specific diagnosis, the term arthritis is often used to
refer to any disorder that affects the joints. Joints are places where two bones meet,
such as your elbow or knee.
There are different types of arthritis. In some diseases in which arthritis occurs,
other organs, such as your eyes, heart, or skin, can also be affected.
Fortunately, current treatments allow most people with arthritis to lead active and
productive lives.
Types of Arthritis
There are several types of arthritis. Common ones include:
Lupus happens when the body’s defense system harms the joints, heart, skin,
kidneys, and other organs.
Infection that gets into a joint and destroys the cushion between the bones.
Symptoms of Arthritis
Symptoms of arthritis can include:
Causes of Arthritis
Some genes have been identified in certain types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid
arthritis and juvenile arthritis. People with osteoarthritis may have inherited
cartilage weakness.
If you have the gene, something in your environment may trigger the condition. For
example, repeated joint injury may lead to osteoarthritis.
Diagnosis of Arthritis
To diagnose you with arthritis, your doctor may:
Treatment of Arthritis
Your doctor will talk to you about the best way to treat your arthritis, based upon
the type you have. Possible treatments include:
Medications such as:
Pain relievers that are taken by mouth.
Creams or ointments that are rubbed into the skin over sore muscles or
joints to relieve pain.
Medications that may slow the course of the disease and prevent further
damage to joints or other parts of the body.
Surgery, such as joint replacement.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health
Website: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs
Arthritis Foundation
Website: https://www.arthritis.org
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