Mitsubushi's Torque Vectoring Technology
Mitsubushi's Torque Vectoring Technology
Mitsubushi's Torque Vectoring Technology
The Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC) system is an integrated vehicle dynamics control system
that maximally exploits the capability of all four tires in a balanced manner to realize predictable
handling and high marginal performance. A direct yaw moment control technology that effects
left-right torque vectoring (this technology forms the core of S-AWC system) can control cornering
maneuvers as desired during acceleration, steady-state driving, and deceleration. Various left-right
torque vectoring mechanisms have been proposed for the direct yaw moment control technology.
These mechanisms are identical in terms of theoretical efficiency, but each has distinct characteris-
tics owing to the employed elemental technology. It is conceivable that various left-right torque
vectoring systems will emerge as various elemental technologies are improved.
Key words: Torque Split, Four Wheel Drive (4WD), Vehicle Dynamics, Integrated Control
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)
vectoring is possible are determined by the respective the differential mechanism and the balance of moments
rotation speeds of the center sun gear SC and right sun as follows.
gear SR, making the gear ratio settings of the speed
reduction/increase mechanism crucial with respect to TL = TI /2 – (ZPC /ZSC) / (ZPL /ZSL) / 2·TCR
the AYC differential’s performance. TR = TI /2 – (ZPC /ZSC) / (ZPL /ZSL) / 2·TCR + TCR
The text hereafter describes the torque acting upon
each element during torque vectoring. With the veloci- where
ty diagram method, the straight line corresponding to a Z: Number of gear teeth
gear set is treated as a single lever and the torque at
each element is expressed as a vertically acting force(s). In this way, the velocity diagram method enables
It is possible to deduce the torque at each element from the respective rotation speeds of individual elements to
the balance of the upward and/or downward be visually ascertained and facilitates deduction of the
direction(s)s of the force(s) acting on each element and relationships between the acting torques. Since the
the balance of moments. By way of example, engage velocity diagram method gives a straight-line represen-
the right clutch CR in a torque vectoring from the left tation of a gear set, it is possible for gear sets with dif-
output shaft L to the right output shaft R in a situation ferent structures to be represented in the same way as
where torque TI is being applied to the differential each other. Once a given mechanism has been
mechanism’s input shaft I (Fig. 11). The torque trans- expressed in the form of a velocity diagram, therefore,
mitted by the right clutch CR (this torque is designated it is easy to find structural variations. It can be seen,
TCR) acts upon the right output shaft R in the direction then, that the velocity diagram method can be applied
that increases the speed of rotation (upward in the dia- not only to shift analysis with automatic transmissions
gram) and upon the center sun gear SC in the direction but also to analysis of complex torque distribution
that reduces the speed of rotation (downward in the dia- mechanisms. Plus, the velocity diagram method is a
gram). In the speed reduction/increase mechanism, valuable tool for devising new structures.
torque TCR acting upon the center sun gear SC is
opposed by torque TX , which acts upon the left sun 5. Distinct characteristics of various torque
gear SL such that the moments about the C element bal- vectoring systems
ance. Since the left sun gear SL is linked to the differ-
ential mechanism’s input shaft I, the reaction force The respective characteristics of the AYC differential
caused by TX acts upon the differential mechanism’s and other torque vectoring systems that have the same
input shaft I. At this time, the reaction forces acting type of functionality are shown in the form of velocity
upon the left and right output shafts L and R (in other diagrams in Table 1. 2 in Table 1 is the Super AYC as
words, the left and right shafts’ respective torques TL the core of the S-AWC.
and TR) can be deduced from the balance of forces in Assuming (a) the driving conditions in which torque
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)
System 1 MITSUBISHI AYC Super AYC (9)
3 HONDA ATTS (10) 4 MAGNA MDT-II (5) Torque Vectoring Differential (6)
Velocity diagram
vectoring is possible are the same for all of the systems elemental technologies are refined, various systems are
and (b) the magnitude of the creatable left-right torque likely to be implemented.
difference is the same for all of the systems, the energy If advances are made in efficiency improvements
losses resulting from torque vectoring are the same and cost reductions with new elemental technologies,
with all of the systems. In other words, the theoretical left-right torque vectoring systems employing electric
system efficiency is the same for all torque vectoring motors or hydraulic pumps (rather than clutches or
mechanisms that use clutches or brakes regardless of brakes) as actuators may emerge. Notably, a system
structure; the merits and demerits of each system in employing an electric motor would offer advantages in
practice are determined by the effects of the elemental terms of controllability and efficiency since it could use
technology whose employment is dictated by the struc- a single electric motor to effect left-right torque vector-
ture. ing and to lock the left and right drive shafts together.
An illustration: The AYC differential requires greater A number of basic structures have already been pro-
clutch capacity than the other systems shown in Table posed. Provided electric vehicles and hybrid electric
1, but it also has merits. The differences in rotation vehicles become more widespread, higher power sup-
speeds in its clutches are the smallest, meaning that its ply voltages are adopted, and inverters are made more
clutch clearances can be made small for superior con- compact and less costly, the day when an electric-
trol response without creating any cause for concern motor-based torque vectoring system is realized may
about clutch drag. With systems that use brakes (for not be far away.
example, systems 3, 4, and 5 in Table 1), on the other
hand, it is possible to make the brake capacity small and 6. Summary
the physical dimensions concomitantly compact but a
number of measures to enhance the elemental tech- Using AYC left-right torque vectoring technology,
nologies are needed. For example, large differences in MMC added high cornering control potential to 4WD
speeds of rotation necessitate measures to prevent control. By doing so, MMC heightened vehicle dynam-
drag, and enhancements in control precision are need- ics control from a dimension in which 4WD gave a good
ed to enable large left-right torque differences with balance of traction performance and cornering perfor-
small control inputs. mance to a dimension in which cornering performance
Even though they have the same theoretical efficien- and turnability are vastly enhanced. The technology
cy, then, systems that use clutches and systems that use forms the core of the S-AWC system – an integrated
brakes each have distinct merits and demerits. As the vehicle dynamics control system that offers a superla-
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC)