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4th Sept 2018 Night Batch Medicine

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September 4, 2018 Evening

(Mediicne & Allied)

Medicine & Allied

4th Sept 2018 Evening Batch
1) Diagnostic criteria for metabolic alkalosis
A) pCO2 < 36 mmHg
B) HCO3 > 24 mg
C) pH < 7.4
Ans: B

2) prozone phenomenon is related to

A) antibody excess
B) antigen excess
C) antibody in less amount
D) subatmospheric set point temperature of hypothalamus
Ans: A

3) 29 yrs old female pt presented with easy fatiguability for 5 months. O/E she is pale and her
Hb was 9.2 g/dL. She was given iron therapy and after 2 months her Hb was 10.5. What test
should be performed to know the cause of her continued anemia
B) Coagulation profile
C) serum ferritin
D) serum transferrin levels
Ans: C

4) A PG trainee performed 4 adrenalectomies successfully now he want another right

adrenalectomy but his consultant refused to do so because of which structure
A) aorta
B) liver
C) inferior vena cava
Ans: C

5) Somatic, lactogenic and interstitial hormones are produced by

A) adrenal gland
B) thyroid
C) pituitary gland
D) Zuckerkandl

Ans: C
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

6) A pt got superficial stab wound at the back of neck in posterior triangle. Which muscle will
most likely be affected.
A) platysma
B) sternocleidomastoid
C) trapezius
D) scalenous anterior
E) scalenous posterior

Ans: C

7) A 66 yr old patient came with fever and malaise for few days. On CXR diffuse bilateral
infiltrates. On labs neutrophils slightly raised. Pt was given treatment and recovered in 2
weeks without any sequele. What was the causative organism
A) klebsiella
B) strept. Pneumonia
C) mycobacterium avium complex
D) mycobacterium tuberculosis
E) sarcoidosis
Ans: A

8) a data of a group is given what would be the median 25, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 40, 30
A) 20
B) 30
C) 27.5
D) 35
E) 25
Ans: C

9) drug used for traveller's diarrhea

A) metoclopramide
B) diphenoxylate
C) metronidazole
D) Norfloxacin

Ans: D

10) corneal opacities are caused by

A) phenytoin
B) chloroquone
Ans: B

11) two drugs are prescribed together one is cimetidine and other dnt remember. Cimetidine
should be given 2 hrs apart from the other one because
A) it decreases absorption of other drug
B) it increases toxicity of other drug by inhibiting its metabolism
Ans: B
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

12) an aircraft engineer presented in ENT department with progressive decrease in hearing.
His audiogram shows
A) decrease hearing of high frequency sounds
B) decrease hearing of low frequency sounds
C) a dip at 2000 Hz
D) diff of sounds at >40 dB
Ans: A
Explanation: Aircraft engineers work in noisy environment, which cause deafness for high
frequency sounds. (Ref. First Aid Otology Section in neuro)

13) a pt with hypoxia pO2 60 mmHg and his Hb is 15g/dL. No H/O poisoning, trauma or blood
loss. What could be the cause of his hypoxia
A) anemic hypoxia
B) hypoxic hypoxia
C) stagnant hypoxia
D) CO poisoning

Ans: B

14) the rate and volume of respiration is maintained by

A) baroreceptors
B) chemoreceptors
C) pneumotaxic center
D) apneustic center
Ans: C

15) grading is defined as

A) extent of tumor
B) differentiation of tumor
Ans: B

16) staging is defined as

A) extent of tumor
B) differentiation of tumor
Ans: A

17) nucleolus is composed of

A) small amount of RNA
B) Small amount of DNA
C) large amount of RNA
D) Large amount of DNA
E) neither RNA nor DNA
Ans: C
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

18) a patient with malaise, weight loss. O/E pale, non tender rough liver edges. On labs
HbsAg +ve and anti Hb Ab -ve, HAV -ve, HCV-ve. Alphafetoprotein was 109. What is the cause
B) Alcoholic liver disease
C) Angiosarcoma
D) Cirrhosis
Ans: A

19) alcoholic patient died. What would microcopic histological finding.

A) fibrosis
B) fatty liver
C) mallory bodies
Ans: C

20) left hemicolectomy was performed on a pt due to some lesions found on colonoscopy
and other tests as well. What would be the serum marker of disease
A) beta hcg
B) alpha fetoprotein
C) chorionotropic hormone
D) carcinoembryonic antigen

Ans: D

21) hepatitis B transmitted by

A) feco oral route
B) sexual transmission
C) Air droplets

Ans: B
22) anti H antibodies are found in a person what is the actual blood group
A) A
B) B
D) Oh
D) O
Ans: D

23) The cause of increased V/Q will be

A) increased dead space
B) inadequate ventilation
C) shunting of blood
D) increased perfusion

Ans: A
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

24) pulmonary artery supplies

A) main bronchus
B) terminal brochus
C) aveoli
D) bronchiole
Ans: C

25) hayline membrane.disease of new born is influenced by which factor

A) obesity
C) prematurity
Ans: C

26) most common cause of PDA

A) increase maternal age
B) decrease maternal age
C) prematurity
D) dnt rememb other options

Ans: C

27) regarding articular cartilage

A) formed by irregular columns
B) covers epiphysis of long bones at joints
C) covered by periostium
D) derived from hayline cartilage
Ans: B
28) basophilia imparted to cell is due to
A) golgi bodies
B) mitochondria
C) lysososomes

Ans: D

29) A similar question to 28 was there with same options and addition in stem was reddish
purple structures in the cell indicate what

30) phospholipid cardiolipin is exclusively the component of

A) plasma membrane
B) nuclear memb
C) mitochondria
D) lysosomes

Ans: C (inner mitochondrial memb.)

September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

31) drug used to control nausea and vomiting in pt taking chemotherapy

A) metoclopramide
B) odansetrone
C) domeperidone
Ans: B

32) pudendal nerve block applied at the landmark

A) ant.iliac spine
B) ischial spine
C) pubic tubercle
D) ischial tuberosity
Ans: B

33) which of the following receptors are Encapsulated

A) ruffini
B) merkle disc
C) pacininion corpuscles
D) meissner corpuscles
Ans: A

34) which of the following component is involved in detecting the sense of vibration and is
distributed in deep layers of skin throughout the body
A) pacinion corpuscles
B) merkle discs
C) meissner corpuscles
D) Ruffini
E) Nociceptors
Ans: A

35) a pt is having difficulty in maintaining his posture when closes his eyes. And he also
complaints of decreased sensations of fine touch which of the following component is
A) anterior column
B) posterior white column
C) anterior grey horn
D) lateral column
E) lateral gray horn
Ans: B

36) Patient having pendular knee jerk. Lesion is at

A) cerebral cortex
B) cerebellum
C) basal ganglia
D) Thalamus
Ans: B
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

37) component involved in fine motor tuning of voluntary muscles

A) cerebellum
B) cerebral cortex
C) basal ganglia
D) thalamus
Ans: A

38) Standard deviation of a data is calculated with mean because

A) validity of constituents
B) variability of data
Ans: B

39) a person loses 2L of sweat while working and he drinks 2L of pure water what change will
occur in body
A) Increase ICF volume
B) increaae ICF osmolarity
C) increase ECF volume
D) increase ECF osmolarity
Ans: A . Controversial

40) CSF in comparison to plasma

A) high osmolarity
B) increase potassium concentration
C) decrease pH
D) increase protein content
E) increase glucose
Ans: C

41) a patient presents with acute renal failure. Damage to which structure of nephron has
C) collecting duct
D) macula densa
E) loop of henle
Ans: A

42) A known chronic smoker with myxedema. Is diagnosed with hypertension. What will be
the drug of choice
A) propranolol
B) verapamil
C) diltiazem
D) captopril

Ans: A
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

43) which of the following drug often causes tachycardia when given in regular doses
A) propranolol
B) verapamil
C) guanethidine (or a similar drug but not pethidine)
D) diltiazem
E) isosorbide dinitrate

Ans: E (not sure)

44) patient's thenar muscles are spared and atrophy of hypothenar muscles has occured.
Which of the following nerve is involved
A) radial
B) C8 to T1
C) ulnar
Ans: C

45) the most alkaline secretions are

A) gastric
B) colonic
C) pancreatic
D) gallbladder
Ans: C

46) ileum resected in a patient will lead to

A) decrease absorption of bile salts
B) increased absorption of bile salts
Ans: A

47) acid release in stomach is mediated by

A) pepsin
B) food in stomach
D) stomach distention
Ans: D . Controversial

48) the cranial nerve which contains both afferent and efferent fiber
A) optic
B) occulomotor
C) abducent
D) facial
E) hypoglossal
Ans: D

49) the final motor efferent pathways are

A) myelinated fibers in spinal cord
B) 2nd order neurons in spinal cord
C) corticospinal fibers in spinal cord
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

D) motor fibers ending at motor end plates

Ans: D

50) During exercise and increase activity of skeletal muscles , signals to inrease RR reach to
brain via
A) stretch receptors in lungs
B) central chemoreceptors
C) peripheral chemoreceptors
D) baroreceptors

Ans: C

51) speed of conduction is fastest in purkinje fibers due to

A) scanty gap junctions
B) short refractory period
C) increase plateu phase
D) increase no of myofibrils
E) Small size
Ans: B

52) Plateu phase occurs in cardiac muscle fibers due to influx of

A) Na
B) K
C) Ca
D) Na and K
Ans: C

53) therapeutic index indicates

A) loading of drug
B) drug metabolism
C) safety of drug
Ans: C

54) A patient is having pain right to sternum radiating to back. On ausculation there is
rubbing sound in 2nd and 3rd intercostal space. Cause is
A) myocarditis
B) pericarditis
C) acute MI
D) arryhthmias
E) costochondritis

Ans: B
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

55) a patient is having acute chest pain and very severe in center at the posterior chest.
Radiating to right arm. His labs and ECG is normal what could be the cause
A) acute MI
B) dissecting aortic aneurysm
C) costochondritis
D) pleuritis
Ans: B

56) a patient came with complaint of no control over urinary voiding. He has urinary
incontinence. Lesion is at
A) S1, S2, S3
B) S2, S3, S4
C) L4, L5, S1
Ans: B

57) the diagnostic feature of pulmonary mycobacterium TB on microscopy is

A) epitheloid cells
B) multinucleated giant cells
C) caseous necrosis
D) langhan cells

Ans: C

58) a patient with malaise and fatigue for 3 months. He also gives H/O fever. On CXR hilar
opacities seen. What could be the diagnosis
A) sarcoidsosis
B) mycobacterium TB
Ans: B

59) a pt is on ATT, after 2 months present with swelling of right big toe. Which of the
followinh drug is responsible
A) isoniazid
B) rifampicin
C) pyrazinamide
D) ethambutol
E) streptomycin

Ans: C

60) most common cause of genetic disorders responsible for inapproprate musculoskeltal
A) achondrplasia
B) down syndrome
C) turner
D) klinfilter
Ans: A
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

61) A baby with umbilical hernia, protruding tongue, hypermobile joints and generalized
muscular hypotony. The type of trisomy is
A) 11
B) 13
C) 21
D) 18

Ans: C

62) the most common familial genetic disorder is

A) becker dystrophy autosomal dominant
B) myotonic dystrophy X linked recessive
C) some similar options like above, dnt remember

63) in urea cycle one ammonia group is derived from glutamate and the 2nd ammonia group
is donated by
A) proline
B) histidine
C) arginine
D) alanine
Ans: C

64) a worker in tyre industry is at risk of bladder carcinoma is due to

A) aromatic amines
B) dnt remember other options but it was mcq of rabia ali

Ans: A

65) carcinogen for Bladder CA is

A) aflatoxins
B) arymamines
C) dnt remember other options but it was mcq of rabia ali
Ans: A

66) regarding focal glomerulosclerosis

A) sub epithelial humps
B) membrane thickning
C) mesangial deposits

Ans: C?
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

67) ADH act on

B) thick part of loop of henle
C) thin part of loop of henle
D) collecting ducts

Ans: D

68) aldosterone acts on

C) collecting ducts
D) loop of henle
Ans: B

69) Na is detected at macula densa, which lead to release of

A) angiotensin 2
B) rennin
C) angiotensinogen
D) aldosterone
E) angiotensin 1
Ans: B

70) hypocomplementemia is seen in

C) Sjogren

Ans: A

71) pt presented with decreases vision in both eyes. On labs her prolactin levels were high.
Defect will be due to
A) hypothalamus
B) pituitary
C) subthalamus
D) Occcipital Lobe
Ans: B

72) patient with progressive decrease in vision in both eyes. O/E have bitemporal
hemianopia. Lesion will be at
A) optic nerve
B) optic tract
C) optic radiations
D) optic chiasma
E) Occipital lobe
Ans: D
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

73) regarding peudostratified epithelium

A) always possess microvilli
B) atleast consist of 2 layers of cells
C) all cells reach to surface
D) all cells reach to basement membrane
E) Nuclei are at same level
Ans: D

74) regarding spread of tumor. Due to

A) separation of cells from each other
B) loss of E-cadherins
Ans: B

75) regarding lymph

A) lymph vessels posess few valves
B) lymph returned to circulation via lymphatic vessels
Ans: A

76) anterior chest trauma. 1st rib on right side got fractured. Which artery damaged.
A) subclavian
B) axillary
C) brachiocephalic
D) brachial
Ans: A

78) ipratropium bromide is more potent than short acting beta agonist bcz
A) effective in acute asthma
B) effective in chronic asthma
C) effective in status asthmaticus
Ans: A

79) transiently binding molecules

A) selectins
B) integrins
Ans: A

80) respiratorion of comatose patient

A) kausmaul
B) Cheyne Stokes
Ans: B
kausmaul => DKA
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

81) during exercise, the signal to increase R.R is carried to brain via
A) central chemoreceptors
B) peripheral chemoreceptors
C) baroreceptors
D) lung stretch receptors
Ans: B

82) peripheral vasodilation and hypotension are features of

A) cardiogenic shock
B) neurogenic shock
C) septic shock
Ans: C

83) muscles of back are innervated by

A) ventral rami
B) dorsal rami
C) ventral root
D) dorsal root
E) Both ventral and dorsal rami
Ans: B

84) MOA of Aspirin

A) COX inhibitor
B) Inhibits thromboxane A2

Ans: B

85) worker in demolition of old buildings develops dyspnea recently. On CXR diffuse
interstitial lung fibrosis B/L. On histo iron staining of cells +ve. Diagnosis
A) asbestosis
B) silocosis
C) anthracosis
D) siderosis
E) byssinosis
Ans: A

86) one mcq was regarding medial umbilical ligament from embryology

87) fatal diarrhea caused by

A) vibrio cholera
B) salmonella
C) shigella
D) E. Coli
E) Botulinum
Ans: A
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

88) doctor patient relationship

A) ask personal information
B) start thru asking open ended questions
Ans: B (no option of name , age)

89) maximum pressure dissipation is at

A) venocapillary junction
B) arterioarterilar junction
C) arteriocapillary junction
Ans: C

90) mean arterial pressure depends upon

A) cardiac output and TPR
B) TPR and stroke volume
C) ejection fraction and TPR
Ans: A

91) 25 yr old woman beeding per vagina after delivary presented with high grade fever. Her
PT APTT is prolonged. Cause?
A) septicemia
C) Coagulation disorder
D) platelet function disorder
Ans: B

92) left to right shunt before reversal

A) eisenmenger
Ans: A

93) conducting system of heart is located in

A) endocardium
B) pericardium
C) subendocardium
D) myocardium
E) Subepicardium
Ans: C

94) microscopic feature of polyarteritis nodosa

A) fibrinoid necrosis

95) one mcq was of kawasaki disease dnt remember scenario

K for Kawasaki K for Kaka :P (disease of Kids)
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

96) post op wound with greenish pus discharge

Organism most likely
A) staph aureus
B) pseudomonas
C) klebsiella
D) Actinomycis
E) Streptococcus Pyogenes
Ans: B

97) 6 yr old patient with recurrent rhinitis, urticaria and rash. Most likely cause
A) type 1 hypersensitivity
B) type 2
C) serum sickness
D) arthus reaction
E) Type 4 hypersensitivity
Ans: A

98) pt recovering from shock. 1st sign will be

A) decrease pulse
B) increase BP
C) increase urine output
D) Normal temperature
E) Sweating
Ans: C

99) vertebra are derived from

A) ectoderm
B) myotome
C) sclerotome
D) dermotome
E) endoderm
Ans: C

100) diagnostic of granuloma

A) giant cells
B) caseous necrosis
C) epitheliod cells
D) macrophages.
E) Fibroblasts
Ans: C
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

101) A 56 year old patient with mitral stenosis and pulmonary hypertension and left atrial
hypertrophy presented. O/E he has hepatomegaly and raised JVP. He will most likely have
A) right atrial hypertrophy
B) left ventricular hypertrophy
C) right ventricular hypertrophy
D) both left and right ventricular hypertrophy
E) Right atrial & Right ventricular hyprtrophy
Ans: C

102) Least Hemoglobin of an infant will be at

A) one month
B) 3 months
C) 6 months
D) 9 months
E) 12 months
Ans: B (Reference: Nelson Textbook of pediatrics)

103) A patient presented with yellow sclera and dark colored urine what will be the
investigations of choice
A) serum and urinary Bilirubin
B) Hep B and C status
C) serum Bilirubin and ALT
E) Hep A status
Ans: C

104) A patient known case of lambago disease presents with sudden left side chest pain non
radiating. His cardiac enzymes are normal. On examination tenderness of 5, 6 intercostal
spaces at posterior side is found. What is the most likey diagnosis.
B) Costochondritis
C) Aortic aneurysm
D) Pleuritis
E) Pericarditis

Ans : B

105) S1 will be heard in which phase of cardiac cycle

A) Rapid ejection phase
B) isovolumetric contraction
C) isovolumetric relaxation
D) slow filling phase
E) atrial systole

Ans: B
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

106) Regarding anterior relations of right kidney

A) Liver
B) diaphragm
C) Hepatic flexure
D) 2nd part of duodenum
E) Right Suprarenal gland
Ans: A

107) Viral disease transmitted through mosquito is

A) polio
B) yellow fever
C) dengue
D) Leishmaniasis
E) Malaria

Ans: B & C both. Don’t know CPSP key.

108) If the aortic opening of diaphragm is constricted, which one of the following
structures will be compressed along aorta
A) Azygus vein & Vagus nerve
B) Thoracic duct & Azygus vein
C) Azugus vein and phrenic nerve
D) Thoracic duct & vagus nerve
E) Thoracic duct & phrenic nerve

Ans: B

109) Structure present right to trachea

A) Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

B) Phrenic nerve
C) Vagus nerve
D) External laryngeal nerve
E) Pericardiophrenic nerve
Ans: C

110) Rectal Biopsy was done. How to diagnose Ameba infection

A) Antibodies
D) Electron microscopy
E) Ova

Ans: B
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

111) Immediate anterior relation of internal jugular vein when it comes out of cranial
cavity through jugular foramen
A) Sternocleidomastoid
B) Carotid sheath
C) Internal Carotid artery
D) Vagus nerve
E) Common carotid artery

Ans: B>A

112) What type of necrosis occurs when an ischemic tissue gets infected
A) Coagulative necrosis
B) Liquifactive necrosis
C) Caseous necrosis
D) Fat Necrosis
E) Dry gangrene

Ans: A

113) Tyrosine kinase receptors are present on

A) Cell Membrane
B) Nuclear Membrane
C) Cytoplasm
D) Nucleus
E) Mitochondria
Ans: A

114) Which of the following stimulate rennin secretion

A) Increase Na delivary to macula densa
B) Increase serum osmolarity
C) Increase blood volume
D) Increase K+ conc.
E) Decrease serum osmolarity
Ans: E

115) Irregular R-R interval on ECG and tachycardia

B) Atrial Flutter
C) Ventriular tachycardia
D) 1st degree AV block
E) Atrial Fibrillation
Ans: E
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

116) One mcq was regarding management of AF or something like that answer was
AMIODARONE. (Poor recall)

117) Splitting of S2 is due to

A) Early closure of aortic valve

B) Delayed closure of aortic valve
C) Early closure of pulmonic valve
D) Early Closure of Tricuspid valve
E) Delayed closure of tricuspid valve
Ans: A

118) Renal Plasma flow is best measured by

A) Inulin
B) Creatinine
D) Creatinine clearane
Ans: C

119) Cut on anatomical snuffbox, Damage to

Ans: Radial Artery

120) Energy from fats

A) 30-35%
B) 20-25%
C) 35-45%
Ans: A

121) A patient complaints of dysphagia to liqids and generalized fatigue for few weeks. What
could be the cause

A) Golossopharyngeal nerve palsy

B) Vagus nerve palsy
C) Neuromuscular incoordination
Ans: C
September 4, 2018 Evening
(Mediicne & Allied)

122) Surgeon is going to operate a child with patent fossa ovale. He want to know the
structure lying in anterior mediastinum

A) Phrenic nerve
B) Vagus nerve
C) Esophagus
D) Trachea
E) Thymus
Ans: E

123) & 124 similar to above question regarding anatomy and embryology of thymus in 6
yr old child.

125) one question of sensory ataxia= dorsal column lesion

126) Prolong PR interval = 1st degree heart block

127) A Hypertensive patient on diuretic therapy presents in emergency in a semi

comatose condition with K+ levels 6meq/L. What is the cause of his unconsciousness

A) Acute renal failure

B) Chronic renal failure
C) Diuretic therapy
D) Anti- hypertensive drugs
E) Drug induced acute renal failure
Ans: A or E

128) Which of the following is transmttied through uncooked meat = Taenia saginata

Best of luck 
Remember me in your prayers!

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