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GOD Hawking

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GOD & Hawking



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M. Pitkanen



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Scientific GOD Journal | September 2010 | Vol. 1 | Issue 6 | pp. 453-454 453
Pitkanen, M. GOD & Hawking


GOD & Hawking

Matti Pitkanen*

For reasons stated below, I do not find the classical physics view about God selecting initial
conditions very interesting. Hawking should find himself more demanding challenges than killing for
all practical purposes already dead God of classical mechanics.

Key Words: GOD, grand design, Stephen Hawking, M-theory.

There has been a lot of discussion about Hawking's new book The Grand Design. Lubos applaudes
Hawking for believing in M-theory but not so much for deducing the non-existence of God from this

Not Even Wrong in turn strongly criticizes Hawking for his belief on M-theory. I cannot but agree with
his criticism. The fact is that M-theory has gained no experimental support hitherto and the standard
media hype nowadays is that after these forty years superstring theory has finally been able to make
a prediction. M-theory of course contains many mathematical ingredients of the next theory but
involves spontaneous compactification as ad hoc element responsible for the landscape problem.
The need for spontaneous compactification is in turn due to the wrong identification of fundamental
objects as strings. The dead end is admitted also by many of its main proponents.The quirk of
psychology of vanity is that in many brilliant minds the catastrophic weakness of M-theory of not
being able to predict has gradually transformed to its greatest virtue. Sad that Hawking wants to
advocate this kind of give-up-the-attempts-to-predict-anything philosophy after the absolutely
fantastic successes of theoretical physics during the last century.

In viXra the comment of cosmologist Lawrence Krauss about Hawking's book related to the notion of
energy in General Relativity is discussed but Hawking's basic claim is not discussed. I glue below the
main part of my comment in this blog relating to the notion of God against which Hawking is fighting

Before doing it I have however a request to make. "Do not classify me!". Neither as an atheist nor as
a proponent of some religion. With all respect to the proponents of these views, I regard these views
as inconsistent with what we already known from fundamental physics and its deepest problems.
Indeed, my own view point has developed from an atttempt to resolve one of the most pressing
questions of recent day quantum theory: what state function means physically and for world view
and how it should be described mathematically.

From what I have understood from a discussion in Lubos Motl's blog I understand that Hawking's
view about God is badly in need of updating. It is essentially the God allowed by classical
deterministic physics. God dictated the initial conditions of Big Bang and lost interest on the Universe
after that. This because Godly intervention would break the laws of classical physics. In quantum
measurement theory we encounter the same problem: quantum measurement apparently breaks
the determinism of Schroedinger equation. Now we cannot however claim that state function

Correspondence: Matti Pitkanen, PhD, Independent Researcher, Finland. E-Mail: matpitka@luukku.com

ISSN: 2153-831X Scientific GOD Journal www.SciGOD.com

Published by Scientific GOD, Inc.
Scientific GOD Journal | September 2010 | Vol. 1 | Issue 6 | pp. 453-454 454
Pitkanen, M. GOD & Hawking

collapse or something equivalent with it does not occur. The irrational manner to get rid of the
problem is to say that there is no objective reality at all.

In TGD inspired theory of consciousness can be seen as a generalization of quantum measurement

theory in order to overcome this difficulty. It leads to a quantal view about divine as ability to
recreate the whole 4-D Universe (or more precisely, their quantum superposition) again and again.
This allows to understand biological evolution as something genuine and generalize the concept of
evolution. Zero energy ontology means that physical states correspond to pairs of positive and
negative energy states so that symmetries and conservation laws do not restrict the free will of
quantum jump. Every physical state is in principle reachable from a given physical state by quantum
jumps. Free will is completely consistent with the determinism of the laws of classical physics since
the free will of quantum jump is outside the space-time and Hilbert space: entire time evolution of
Schroedinger equation is replaced with a new one. Consistency with physics does not anymore
exclude divine.

Accepting this view means also a new view about relationship between experienced time and
geometric time. They are not one and same thing as should be clear already from the fact that
subjective time is irreversible and geometric time reversible. Their identification can however make
sense approximately and locally applying to one particular system from which the contents of
consciousness of one particular conscious entity is about. Everywhere in 8-D Universe there are
space-time sheets about which a contents of sensory consciousness of a particular conscious entity
comes from.

In this framework there is no sense in asserting that consciousness is a kind of 3-D time=constant
slice moving towards geometric future. The time slice idea is also in conflict with General Coordinate
Invariance since a special time coordinate would be relevant for consciousness. And our conscious
experience is not about time=constant snapshot. We have memories- even sensory ones- and the
experiments of Libet demonstrated that our volitional act induces neural activity in the geometric
past. The contents of our conscious experience is about 4-D space-time region, and the challenge is
to understand why our sensory experience is localized to about .1 second wide interval of geometric
time in the usual wake up state of consciousness.

For these reasons I do not find the classical physics view about God selecting initial conditions very
interesting. Hawking should find himself more demanding challenges than killing for all practical
purposes already dead God of classical mechanics!

ISSN: 2153-831X Scientific GOD Journal www.SciGOD.com

Published by Scientific GOD, Inc.

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