002 Ostrich PDF
002 Ostrich PDF
002 Ostrich PDF
In The Book Of Job
Books In “Capsule Series For Busy People”
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Capsule Series For Busy People?
The Ostrich In The Book of Job
This story about Ostriches is so common that
“burying one’s head in sand” is a common
expression in numerous languages to indicate
people who run away from crisis rather than
face it. Hundreds of stories, thousands of jokes,
and thousands of allusions about the Ostrich
burying its head in the sand are found
worldwide in all cultures.
"Gavest thou the goodly wings to the
peacocks? Or wings and feathers unto
the Ostrich? Which leaveth her eggs in
the earth, and warmeth them in and
forgetteth that the foot may crush them,
or that the wild beast may break them.
She is hardened against her young ones,
as though they were not hers: her labour
is in vain without fear;
Having said all the above, there is an amazing
thing in this passage. Even in the twenty-first
century people believe the fable that Ostriches
bury their head in sand when faced with a
storm. However, Job does not mention it.
the Bible has outlived all these attacks because
it is the Inspired Word of God.
About The Authors
Picture Credits
• Head in Sand:
https://www.flickr.com/people/40803964@N08?rb=1 [Creative