Lûëîßûäá., Patented July 8, 1913.: C6265 Z1' MEN@ Mijn
Lûëîßûäá., Patented July 8, 1913.: C6265 Z1' MEN@ Mijn
Lûëîßûäá., Patented July 8, 1913.: C6265 Z1' MEN@ Mijn
Lûëîßûäá., Patented July 8, 1913.
s sHEETs~sHEET 1.
C6265 Z1' MEN@ mijn
lßmgûmì, Patented July 8, 1913.
swmwk. .
-nînrrnr) >sim'rias .PATENT OFFICE.
cELEsTIN r. Naan-1N, or woont-zeven, New YORK.
1,067,054. 1 Specification of _Letters Patent. Patented Jul'yS, 1913.
‘Application flied August 6,1912. Seriana-713,603. '
To aU vaag/concern .' Psightinto alinement with the top of the lock I
a citizen of-France, >residing at VVoo‘dhaven,> >The trigger frame Silbears on'a forwardly ,_
Long> Island', in the` Icounty of Queens _ and extending shelf9 carried by the handle 10 ' 60
State of New York,~have invented-new and andthe trigger pin 11 which passes through
'nseful 'Improvements in Automatic- 'Fire-` I `the _trigger 12 land through openings in the `
.ai-ms, of' which thejfollowing' is a specifica-l sides of theti-igger _frame_8,l' has one end
tion. - - -
loosely fitted in one side o‘f'the lock frame
vThe general *object of thefinvention is to while _its opposite end is loosely fitted in the 65
io improve the construction of automatic pis opposite side -1_3 of the said lock frame,v saidv
tols byjso'- arranging the _Several parts `as to opposite side 13 having _one end pivoted to
Vadmit of 'their -bein'g> readily dismantled the under side of the false barrel 5 and its
:whenever desiredfand to obtain the full proopposite end provided with a latch 14 which
pelling *effect 'on' the projectile of the ex
interlocks with the- rear end ofthe lock
15 ploded gases. - And to this end the invention frame 6 when the _side 13 lisarranged as
-consists in` certain'combinations and arrange shown in Fig. 1. By having the side 13 piv~
vments of parts hereinafter more fully de oted and acting as a ‘door’ for. the lock- frame
scribed „and pointed. out in the appended and at the same time as a means for co- i
-operating with the opposite side of the lock 75
I 'Other-'objects' will appear and be better frame to retain -the trigger frame against
understood from that _embodiment of my in lateraldisplacement, the said trigger'fra‘me
;vention of which the following is a specifi together with the other parts in the lock
cation', reference being had to the accom frame7 may be' readily removed or inspected'
panying drawingsv forming part hereof in when the side or door 13 is swung out 80
as which_:--j- » . '- l ` `
wardly, _ `
_ - .Figure 1 is a side 'elevation of the device. The true barrel 16 `is arranged inthe false
Fig. 2 isa detail side elevation Vof the mov _barrel 5 and is kept concentric‘with the
able side> o he lock frame. Fig. 3 is a ver said false barrel by a 'bushing 17 which it
, tical longitudinal -sectio'ntaken through the carries and which is of suchsize as to slide
30 barrel, lock frame and upper portion of the within the false barrel 5. The >retractor
-magazine and showing the position ofthe spring 18 has yone~ end bearing on a sliding`
parts at the end of the movementi produced member 17 ’ and its opposite end ona shoul
by the' recoil. Fig. 4 is apdetail'partly in> der 19 in the false barrel 5.v ` ' _
longitudinal section and side elevation show The breech block 20 reciprocates in a lon 90
35 ing the position ofthe parts when the piece gitudinal recess. 21 in'the upper side -of the
is loaded and preparatory to effecting the lock frame _6, its movements being limited by
>initial firing. Fig. 5 is a `vertical cross sec an end of the said recess 2‘1-vand the true bar_
' tion on the line 5 ' 5 of Fig. 1. Fig. 6 is a
rel 16. The guides 22 carriedby the breech
detail side elevation partly in section of lthe block, slide .in the guide grooves 23 in the 95
breech block'- and its lock. Fig. 7 is a detail forward end portion of the look frame and
side elevation of the trigger. Fig. S is asec are connected together at their outerA ends
tionalplan-view on the line 8_8 of Fig. 1. as indicated at 24, at which point they are
Fig. -9 is a sectional detail of the trigger also pivotally> connected to a handle 25 _
dock. Fig. 10 is a section on. the line 10-10 which latches onto a stud 26‘depending from
oflFig. 6 and also showing one side of the the forward end portion of the true barrel 16
' __ magazine. and extending through a longitudinal-.slot
The jacket er false barrel 5 interlocks with 27 in the lower side of the false barrel 5.
the lock frame 6 and for this purpose t-he The rear end of the true barrel slides
’lock frame and false barrel are by prefer through the forward end_of the lock frame 105
_ence provided with mutilated threaded por and this portion-of the true barrel is some
tions 7 which admit of effecting the inter what enlarged and formed withf an angular
i loclring of the parts when one of these, such shaped extension Í28 and a cam groove 29.
_is the »false barrel, with the front sight The cam groove 29 receives a stud 30 pro
hereof at right angles to the top of the lock jecting inwardly from the lock frame and
frame, is inserted into the lock‘frame and the angular-shaped extension 28 is adapted
_ given a quarter turn so as to bring the front when turned, to interlock with an angular
'shaped recess 31 in the breech block 20. The lower end of the magazine is pro-.
lVhen the breech block and true barrel are vided on its opposite sides with push but
interlocked the said true barrel forms a con tons 46 which have shank portions con
tinuation of the breech block and the joint structed so as to interlock with key hole
between the parts is sufliciently tight to pre _slots in the opposite lower portions of the 70
vent any appreciable amountl of gas escap handle 10.y ’
‘ ing therethrough. In use and with. the magazine filled with \
The sear 32 has one end pivote-d in the cartridges and with the parts positioned
I hammer .33 and extends'between the guides as shown in Fig. 3, the cooking of the piece
22 of the breech block 2O and into longitu` is eii'ected by simply, pressing the trigger 75
dinal recesses 34 in the lower faces of said 12. Referring now to Fig. 3, it will be
guides. The cam surfaces 35 at the for~ observed that there is associated with the
ward ends of the recesses 34, depress the trigger and its frame, a cooking lever 48
free end of the sear into detents 3G in the arranged in a recess in the trigger 12 and
mounted on a pin 49 which passes through
15 sides of the trigger frame 8 when the breech the sides of the trigger frame. A stud '50 -
block moves lrearwardly and cocks the ham
mer 33. The trigger arm 37 is arranged carried bythe cooking lever 48, has its ends f i
so as 'to lift the sear from the detents when positioned in cam grooves 51 in the oppo
the trigger' is pressed and the. parts posi site sides~ of the recessfof the trigger. A
spring 52 arranged in af socket in the trig 85
20 tioned as shown in Fig. 3, but when the sear er 12, has one end bearingon a projection
- is first depressed into the detents and the
breech block is in open position, the free end of the cdcking lever so as to hold the said
ofthe Sear will be below and cont-acting lever normally in the position shown in
with the under sides 4 of the guides 22, so Figs. 3 and 4, so that when the trigger is
that the lifting of the sear cannot be effect pressed,) as before stated, a projection 53 90.
ed until the breech block moves forwardly of the cooking lever which bears on one end
and carries the cam surfaces 35 beyond the of the seaí' 32,' whenthe parts are positioned
free end of the Sear, at which time, of as shown in Fig. 4, presses the said seìalr -
course, the breech block will be interlocked rearwardly -until the end thereof enters t e
detent 36 in the trigger' frame. It willbe 95
30 with the barrel. Thus it will be Seen -that observed that this movement on the part of
with this'v structure, the firing of the piece
will be positively prevented until the breech the cocking lever is effected by thesides of
block is closed. ’ '
the cam grooves 51 sliding on the stud 50.
The magazine 38 passesl upwardly With the hammer cocked as' shown in Fig..
35 through the hollow handle 10, the lock 3, further pressure on the trigger releases 100
frame 6, through the Sear 32 between the the sear and the hammer is moved for
guides 22 of the breech block 20,- and into wardly under the-action of its spring 54.
alinement with the breech opening 39 in It will be observed that during the action
the upper side of the lock frame 6. The of cooking the hammer by the cocking lever
40 _upper end portions of the side walls of the 48, the breech block will remain stationary
magazine are inturned so as to prevent theV and when the trigger is pressed so as to « ~
cartridges from moving vertically upward trip
the sear, the projection 53 will have
turned forwardly and downwardly
when the breech block is- opened, and to
hold the uppermost cartridge in the 4path and out of the path of the sear 32. When 110
the trigger is released the cooking lever will
45 of movement of the breech block ywhen the be -restored by its spring to the position
the breech block is moving into the open To assist the rearward movement of the
positionA to effect the cooking-'of the ham parts, a spring pressed plunger 56 is pro
mer, so that the trigger may not be pulled vided and has one end abutting a shoulder
until the safety is released and a ñlled mag-> on the enlarged portion of the true barrel 16.
65 azine substituted for the empty one. When the breech block and true barrel are
a .
interlocked as shown in Fig. 4, the plunger the breech blonk'2 thus the accidental firing
spring will be compressed so as to expand of a second cartridge willgbe prevented.
when the breech block moves rearwardly un What is claimed as new is: ` t
der recoil, as before stated. During the rear '1. In a recoil operated automatic pistol, 60
Ward movement of the true barrel and 4 the combination with a lock frame, a trigger
breech block, the said true barrel is turned and a sear arranged in the lock frame; of a
by the action of the stud 30 in the cam trigger frame arranged in the lock frame
groove 29 and this turning of the true barrel and adapted to interlock with the sear, and
effects the unlocking thereof from the a cooking lever arranged to be operated by 65
10 breech block 2O by turning the angular pressing on the trigger to effect the inter- , ~
shaped projection 28 out of the recess 31. locking of the sear with the trigger frame.
By this time the spring of the plunger 56 2. In a recoil operated automatic pistol
Awill have been fully expanded " so that the the combination with a lock frame, a trigger
true barrel will come to a stop, but the breech and a sear arranged in the lock frame; of a 70
y15 block will `continue its rearward movement portion having a detent to receive the sear
under the. acti’on of the recoil and thus effect upon the cooking of the hammer, and a cock
the cooking of the hammer 33. With the ing lever associated with the trigger and op
hammer cocked, the breech block will move erated thereby to eli'ect the interlocking of
rearwardly until it abuts the rear end of the the sear with the detent. 75
20 lock frame,l whereupon the breech opening 3. In a recoil operated automatic pistol,
39 will -be opened so as to admit of the ex the combination with alock frame and a
pulsion of the exploded cartridge by the com hammer arranged in the lock frame; of a
ined retractor and ejector spring 57, which sear pivotally connected to the hammer, a
is arranged and constructed so as to- lit in trigger located inthe lock frame, a portion
25 the groove of t ' cartridge when the same is arranged in the lock frame and having a
within the true 'barrel 16 and be tensioned detent to interlock with the sear when the
thereby. As the breech block moves rear hammer is cocked, and a ’cooking lever asso
wardly the retractor spring 18 is compressed ciated with the trigger and arranged to be
so that when the force of the recoil is spent, operated by pressing on~ the trigger to eiî'ect
-the breech block will move to closed position the interlocklng of the sear with the detent.
under the action o'f-the spring and during 4. In a recoll operated automatic pistol
such` movement will slide the u permost the combination of a lock frame, a slotted
cartridge from the magazine and irect the false barrel connected to one end of the lock
said cartridge into the true barrel 16. Dur frame, a true barrel slidingly fitted in the 90
35 ing the positioning of the cartridge in the false barrel, a member sli'dingly fitted on the
true barrel the breech block will abut the true barrel and having a portion extending
rear end of the said true barrel and as the through the slot of .the false barrel, a recip- v
said breech block continues its forward rocating breech block located in the lock
movement the true barrel -will be turned and frame, a handle member connected to the 95
moved longitudinally as to eifect its inter breech block and adapted to latch onto the
locking with the breech block by the time projecting portion of the sliding member.
that the latter is at the end of its forward 5. In a -recoil operated automatic pistol,v
movement,- at "which time the enlarged p0r the combination of a lock frame open on one
tion of the true barrel will abut against the side, a plate hingedly connected to one end ..00
(D shoulder presented by the inner end of the of the lock frame, and adapted to `form a
false barrel. Now with the hammer cocked closure for the 'o_pen side of the frame, means
by the recoil a slight pressure on the trigger for locking the free end of the plate to the
fis all that is necessary to eifect the tripping, lock frame, a trigger frame arranged in the ,
¿of the sear and as the said sear moves for-'zj lock frame, anda trigger bar having a bear-- 105
¿L6 "Èardiy, it will abut the projection 53 of thèll ing in the said plate. '
` jdocking lever ’and thus effect 4the projectionïli. In testimony whereof I afhx my signature
>I'oi-fthe trigger 12 against the pressure there-1I'v in presence of two witnesses. '
'on by the operator’s fingers. Now with the4 - CELESTIN F. NARDIN.
,l trigger projected, the detent 36 will be free;~ Witnesses: ' '
Copies of this patent may be obtained for ñve cents each, by addressing the “ Commissioner of Patents,
Washington, I_D. C.”