Basic Aspects of Financial Accounting
Basic Aspects of Financial Accounting
Basic Aspects of Financial Accounting
Book keeping: It is mainly concerned with Posting: it means transferring the debit and
recoding of financial data related business credit items from the journal to their
operations in a significant and orderly respective accounting in the ledger.
Trial balance: A statement containing the
Branches of accounting various ledgers balance on a particular date.
a. Financial accounting
b. Management accounting Credit note: The customer when returns the
good get credit for the value of the goods
Concepts of accounting returned. A credit note is sent to him
Separate entity concept intimating that a/c has been credit with the
going concern concept value the goods returned.
Money measurement concept
Cost concept
Dual aspect concept Debit note: When the goods are returned to
accounting period concept the supplier, a debit note is sent to him
Periodic matching of costs and indicating that his a/c has been debited with
revenue concept the amounting mentioned in the debit note.
Realization concept
Contra entry: which accounting entry is
Conventions of Accounting recounting on both the debit and credit side
A .Conservatism B .Disclosure of the cash book is known as the contra
C .Consistency D .Materiality entry.
Bad Debts: The amount lost from debtors to Leverage: A force applied at a particular
whom the goods were sold on credit. point to get the desired result.
Outstanding Income: Income which has Partnership: partnership is the relation b/w
become due during the accounting year but the persons who have agreed to share the
which has not so far been received by the profit of business carried on by all or any of
firm. them acting for all.
allows reallocation of source from low t high cost of indirect material, indirect labour and
priority programs. indirect expenses in the factory. This cost is
also known as works cost or production cost
Goodwill: The present value of firm’s or manufacturing cost.
anticipating excess earnings.
Cost of production: In office and
BRS: It is a statement of reconciling the administrative overheads are added to
balance as shown by the pass book and the factory cost, office cost is arrived at.
balance shown by cash book.
Total cost: Selling and distribution
Objectives of BRS: The objectives of overheads are added to total cost of
preparing such a statement is to know the production to get the total cost or cost of
causes of difference between the two sales.
balances and pass necessary corrections or
adjusting entries in the books of the firm. Cost unit: A unit quantity of product, service
or time in relation to which costs may be
Responsibilities of accounting: It is a ascertained or expressed.
system of control by delegating and locating
the responsibilities for costs. Methods of costing:
a. Job costing
Profit centre: A centre whose performance b. Contract costing
is measured in terms of both the expenses c. Process costing
incurred and revenue it earns. d. Operation costing
e. Operating costing
Cost centre: A location, person or item of f. Unit costing
equipment for which cost may be g. Batch costing
ascertained and used for the purpose of cost
control. Techniques of costing:
Marginal costing
Cost: The amount of expenditure incurred Direct costing
on to a given thing Absorption costing
Uniform costing
Cost accounting: It is thus concerned with
recording, classifying, and summarizing Standard costing: A system under which
costs for determination of cost of products or the cost of the product is determined in
services, planning, controlling and reducing advance on certain predetermined
such costs and furnishing of information to standards.
management for decision making.
Marginal costing: It is a technique of
Elements of costs: costing in which allocation of expenditure to
Material production is restricted to those expenses
Labour which arise as a result of production.
Derivative: The product whose value is
Components of total costs: derived from the value of one or more basic
a) Prime cost variables of underlying asset.
b) Factory cost
c) Cost of production Forwards: A forward contract is customized
d) Total cost contracts between two entities, settlement
takes place on a specific date in the future at
Prime cost: It consists of direct material, today’s pre agreed price.
direct labour and direct expenses. It is also
known as basic or first or flat cost. Futures: A future contract is an agreement
between two parties to buy or sell an asset
Factory cost: It comprises prime cost, in at a certain time in the future at a certain
addition factory overheads which include price.
Options: An option gives the holder of the Capital market: It deals with the long term
right to do something. The option holder investment funds. It consist of two markets
option may exercise or not. 1. Primary market: Those companies
which are issuing new shares in the
Call option: A call option gives the holder market. It is also called new issue
the right but not the obligation to buy an market.
asset by a certain date for a certain price. 2. Secondary market: The market
where shares buying and selling. In
Put option: A put option gives the right but India secondary market is called
not obligation to sell an asset by a certain stock exchange.
date for a certain price.
Arbitrage: It means purchase and sale of
Option price: The price which the option securities in different markets in order to
buyer pays to the option seller. It is also profit from discrepancies. In other words
referred as the option premium. arbitrage is a way of reducing risk of loss
caused by price fluctuations of securities
Expiration date: The date which is held in a portfolio.
specified in the option contract is called
expiration date. Meaning of ratio: Ratios are relationships
expressed in mathematical terms between
European date: It is the option at exercised figures which are connected with each other
only on expiration date itself. in same manner.
Basis: Future price – spot price. Activity ratio: It is a measure of the level of
activity attained a period.
Cost of carry: The relation between future
prices and spot prices can be summarized in Mutual fund: A mutual fund is a pool of
terms of what is known as cost of carry. money, collected from investors, and is
invested according to certain objectives.
Initial margin: the amount must be
deposited in the margin a/c at the time of Characteristics of mutual funds:
first entered into future contract is known as Ownership of MF is in the hands
initial margin. of the investors.
MF managed by investment
Maintenance margin: This is somewhat professionals
lower than initial margin. The value of portfolio is updated
every day
Mark to market: In future market, at the end
of each trading day, the margin a/c is Advantage of MF to investors:
adjusted to reflect the investors gain or loss a. Portfolio diversification.
depending upon the future selling price. b. Professional management.
c. Reduction in risk
Baskets: Basket options are options on d. Reduction of transaction costs
portfolio of underlying asset. e. Liquidity
f. Convenience and flexibility
Swaps: Swaps are private agreements
between two parties to exchange cash flows Net asset value: The value of one unit of
in the future according to a pre agreed investment is called as the net asset value.
Open-ended fund: open ended funds
Impact cost: It is measure of liquidity of means investors can buy and sell units of
market. It reflects the costs faced when fund, at NAV related prices at any time,
actually trading in index. directly from the fund.
Close ended fund: Close ended funds Trustee: Trustee is responsible to the
means it is open for sale to investors for a investors in the MF and appoints the AMC
specific period, after which further sales are for managing the investment portfolio.
closed. Any further transaction for buying
the units or repurchasing them, happen, in AMC: Describes Asset Management
the secondary markets. Company, it is the business face of the MF,
as it manages all the affairs of the MF.
Dividend option: Investors, who choose a
dividend on their investments, will receive R & T Agents: The R&T agents are
dividends from the MF, as when such responsible for the investor serving
dividends are declared. functions, as they maintain the records of
investors in MF.
Growth option: Investors who do not
require periodic income distributions can be Custodians: Custodians are responsible for
choose the growth option. the securities held in the mutual fund’s
Equity funds; Equity funds are those that
invest predominantly in equity shares of Schemes take over: If an existing MF
company. scheme to arrive at the price.
Balance funds: Funds that invest both in Call risk: Call risk is associated with bonds
debt and equity markets are called balanced have an embedded call option in them. This
funds. option hives the issuer the right to call back
the bonds prior to maturity.
Sponsor: Sponsor is the promoter of the
MF and appoints trustees, custodians and Credit risk: Credit risk refers to the
the AMC with prior approval of SEBI. probability that a barrower could default on a
commitment to repay debt or band loans.
2. Sum of long term funds. i.e. Share Budgeting: The term budgeting is used for
capital+ reserves& surplus+ long preparing budgets and other procedure for
term loans- (Non buss. Assets+ planning, coordinating and control of
Fictitious assets) business enterprise.
Operating profit means- Profit before
interest and tax. Capital: The term capital refers to the total
investment of company in money, tangible
Fixed interest cover ratio: and intangible assets. It is the total wealth of
Income before interest and tax company.
Interest charges
Capitalization: It is the sum of par value of
Fixed dividend cover ratio: the outstanding stocks and bonds.
Net profit after interest and tax
Preference dividend Over capitalization: When the business is
unable to earn fair rate on its outstanding
Debt service cover ratio: securities.
Net profit before interest and tax
Under capitalization: When the business is
Interest+ Principle payment installment
1- Tax rate able to earn fair rate or over rate on its
outstanding securities.
Proprietary ratio:
Shareholders funds Capital gearing: The term capital gearing
Total tangible assets refers to the relationship between equity and
long term debt.
Working capital: The funds available for
conducting day to day operations of an Cost of capital: It means the minimum rate
enterprise. Also represented by the excess of return expected by its investment.
of current assets over current liabilities.
Cash dividend: The payment of dividend in
Financial analysis: The process of cash.
interpreting the past, present and future
financial condition of a company. Accrued expenses: An expense which has
been incurred in an accounting period but
Income statement: An accounting for which no enforceable claim has become
statement which shows the level of due to in that period by the enterprises.
revenues, expenses and profit occurring for
a given accounting period. Accrued revenue: Revenue which has
been earned in an accounting period but in
Annual report: The report issued annually respect of which no enforceable claim has
by a company, to its shareholders, it become due, in that period by the
containing financial statements like trading enterprise.
and profit& loss a/c and balance sheet.
Accrued liability: A developing but not yet
Bankrupt: A statement in which a firm is enforceable claim by a person which
unable to meet its obligations and hence the accumulates with the passage of time or the
assets are surrendered to court for receipt of service or otherwise. It may rise
administration. from the purchase of services which at the
date of accounting have been partly
Lease: Lease is a contract between two performed and are not yet billable.
parties under the contract, the owner of the
asset gives the right to use the asset to the Preliminary expenses: Expenditure relating
user over an agreed period of the time for a to the formation of an enterprise. There
consideration. include legal accounting and share issuing
expenses incurred for formation of the
Share premium: The excess issue of share Deficit: The debit balance in the profit& loss
price over the fair value. It will be showed a/c.
with the allotment entry in the journal, it will
be adjusted in the balance sheet on the Surplus: Credit balance in the profit& loss
liability side under the head “Reserves& a/c after providing appropriations, dividend&
surplus”. reserve.
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