Gns 4 Success
Gns 4 Success
Gns 4 Success
COURSE: FIN202(Financial
TOPIC: Problems of
Financial Administration
Finance is needed to meet the requirements of business concerns in the economic world. It is
often regarded to as the “life blood of every business”. Irrespective of the size of a company,
Finance plays an important role in appropriating the rent, the staff and the materials which are
necessary for the functioning of any start-up, enterprise, industry, corporation, or company.
Financial administration is the fuel for all administrative activities in a firm and all
undertakings in the firm depends on finance. This term refers to some sort of accountability,
regularity, well-ordered method and rule of revenue and expenditure. It is a vital part of
its shortcomings. This paper makes an effort to first, explain the concept of Financial
Administration, and thereafter point out some of the problems of financial administration.
According to the English dictionary for Windows Phone, “Finance is the commercial activity
of providing funds and capital”. Finance is a broad term that describes two related activities;
The study of how money is managed and the actual process of acquiring needed funds. The
Analysis and Fund Procurement of a business concern. It is also the activity that deals with
Planning, Raising, Controlling and Administering funds used in business. It involves the
acquisition and conversation of capital funds in meeting financial needs and overall objective
of a business enterprise. Finance is simply having two parts Private Finance and Public
Finance. The former involves Individuals or Firms to meet their requirements, While the latter
includes revenue and disbursement of government such as Central Government, State
financial tasks such as, controlling the budget, writing financial reports, and providing money
for projects, for a company or organization. In general terms, financial administration implies
administration in relation to the fiscal management, accounting, and financial reporting for
running a company. The economic progress of a firm as well as its regression, both depend
upon the fitness of its financial administration. The centre part of financial administration is
the presentation of budget - a logical estimate of income and expenditure during a financial
year. It is the duty of Financial administrator to see that funds earmarked for bankrolling the
operations of the company are properly utilised and the purpose of the allotted funds are being
properly utilised.
This is some employed personnel of a firm who is responsible for developing the firms budget
and allocating to each department, the funds it has need of based on the requirements of the
business. He/she prepares financial reports of a firm and is involved in directing the investment
developing and maintaining an investment portfolio; managing the accounts receivables and
payables of the firm; planning the firms long term financial goals and protecting its assets;
administrator manages cash controls in the organisation, ensuring that money is properly
The nature of financial administration refers to the set of characteristics with which the
needed for sustenance and growth of an organisation. It emphasizes upon the set of
funds as well as to regulating mechanisms and processes which ensure proper and
management process of organisations rather that one of raising and disbursing funds. It
All organizations, including nonprofit institutions, cope with challenges that accompany
efficient operations. Government regulations, State of the economy, Securities exchanges and
borrowing costs are part of the factors affecting financial administration. The problems
One of the most critical aspects of management pertains to the funding of a firm. The pressing
issues in financial administration is the company’s ability to raise cash for the financing of the
business, not just for a department or two but for the company as a whole. So, the management
has to procure the capitals needed to get the business off the ground. Cash is needed to provide
working capital, make payroll to employees, expand sales, cover monthly and daily operational
expenses and grow. Although, operating revenue and the sale of assets can generate money for
a firm, financing problems can also occur when there isn’t enough cash for the uninterrupted
operation of the business and or when it has a lot of debt to pay up.
With equity, managers raise capital by either selling common shares in the firm, whereby,
investors provide the firm with new investment capital in exchange for ownership rights in the
firm; by selling preferred stock of the firm with which investors are paid a stated dividend
amount and can offer the opportunity for a later conversion into common shares, known as a
convertible preference stock; or by selling warrants or rights. Warrants are securities that grant
its holders the right to purchase a fixed number of ordinary shares in the same firm at a specified
price for a specified period of time. While rights are simply similar to warrants, the firm issues
additional ordinary shares to raise new capital, the shareholders are issued right in proportion
With debts, the financial managers can source funds that can be used to finance the firm for
short and long-term. For the former, Loans of varying sizes can be borrowed from financial
institutions such as banks, finance companies and other financial lenders to alleviate temporary
cash flows. For the latter, Debentures which are debt securities in which investors become
creditors of the firm in exchange for the right to receive payments of interest at regular interval,
are used to finance long term loans. All organization borrow funds to harness the occasional
cash shortfall. The debt ratio can vary from corporation to corporation depending on the Capital
structure of the business and its reliance on debt. If a company is highly geared it may struggle
to meet interest payments, leading to a higher risk of being liquidated and the firm may find it
harder to get further loans, since investors will be put off by the high gearing level. Yet, a lower
geared company runs the risk of paying regular dividend payments since the higher ratio of
Shareholder funds entails that the company will now be owned by its shareholders more
After the successful borrowing of funds, a company must find adequate avenues to invest it
into, in order for the principal and whatever interest that accrues on it be regained as raising
cash for corporate activities goes together with financial long-term initiatives. Financiers prefer
lending money to companies with track records of responsible fiscal management and often
decline loans to businesses that have prospects of defaulting repayments. When loan payments
are not made on time, the companies’ credit rating can be ruined and borrowings in the future
might be difficult or impossible as over a period of time this idea influences the goodwill of
the firm in the market because the more the firm borrows, the higher the risk becomes to the
lender so a higher interest rate is required on each subsequent loan. In financing a company
with debts, agreeing to provide collateral to the lender could put some business assets at
potential risks. Financial managers continue to fight against non-repayment of debt as too
much debt can permanently sink a business because anytime debt financing is adopted, the firm
is running a risk of bankruptcy. Solvency refers to a borrower’s ability to repay a loan and steps
the debtors takes to maintain a strong balance sheet. This is very important to investors as it
helps guide them when making investment decisions. Financial managers must take corporate
solvency serious as it is central to financial success. The company’s sole obligation to the lender
is to make payments even if the business fail, here, the lenders will have a claim to repayment
Transactions recording require adequate and accurate record keeping. The inability of
managements to lay groundwork for long-term profit monitoring may be caused by incorrect
financial data. Competent financial management involves meticulous bookkeeping and proper
planning. An incorrect prime entry equates to an incorrect financial statement which will
certainly not be complete and in line with accountings conventions and concepts. Challenges
arise when companies are under pressure to present partially accurate financial reports,
accounts will be an abridged truth; not all the facts will be revealed. Firms want to avoid putting
too much detailed information in the public domain, as it then becomes available to their
competitors. Some companies employ the skill of Window dressing whereby company
accounts are presented in the best possible, or most, flattering way. In public companies, this
type of "creative accounting" can amount to fraud. Financial managers should always strive to
make sure their accounting data abides with the relevant governing standards like GAAP
Central to good financial administration is forecasting and planning. It is important for a firm
to have a business plan and a financial budget as a guide to raising and spending money. A
budget helps in handling financial surpluses and shortfalls. Failure of a company to properly
risking the profitability and viability of the business and their inability to meet revenue goals.
Not paying close Attention to the firm’s business plan and budget may not efficiently help in
ensuring a positive cash flow neither in keeping expense in check. A successful budget prevents
the types of shortages or surpluses that can result in financial crisis, such as inability to pay
creditors or purchase additional inventory to meet production needs. Lack of proper planning
results in heavy drainage of funds and thus there is serious financial problems in the wake. It
is seen that in most administrations there is no serious budgeting system. Prepared budgets are
not for implementation but just a smoke screen to obtain funds from government. Budgets
estimates are very unrealistic which is why there exist a very wide variance between standard
budgets and actual expenditure, likewise, expenditures are not linked with standard budgets
and actual expenditure. Similarly, expenditures are not linked with targeted performance and
targets achieved.
Managing current assets starts with managing cash, receivables and inventory. Cash
management is tricky for many firms as cash provides liquidity needed to meet daily
nonearning asset, corporations spend considerable time and resources in cash management.
on how long customers are allowed to pay for goods or services. Receivables are money owed
to the firm that has not yet been collected, they represent an important investment for the firm.
Real costs are associated with these issues and inability of managers to find appropriate
tradeoffs results in both low sales and little profitability. Inventory management involves
decision of managers to either coordinate production with sales patterns or maintain production
regardless of current high or low demands, negotiated credit lines are utilized to access capital
commercial paper and bank loans. The longer a firm takes to pay its creditors, the longer it
maintains access to and has the use of funds, therefore, managers pay outstanding bills as
Managers usually run into problems, when they do not successfully manage their current assets
and liabilities, incapability to maintain a cash conversion cycle that provides the firm with
liquidity and profitability and correspondingly avoiding cash flow problems that so often result
in financial stress.
Whether a financial administration is working successfully or is not should be linked with its
simply because there are no standard means on which performance is tested. Some of these
problems focus around the delivery of cash for current needs and disposal of surplus funds in
the most beneficial mode, while some are based on the perception of the organisation by
external factors which strongly have control over the administration of the company in one way
or another. Foremost attention should be paid to the treasury that is why we must understand
the immense value attached to this concept. A balanced and precise financial administration is
the base as well as the means to attain successfully all goals of development as well as growth
of a business. It is imperative for anyone who wants to set up a company to have a good basic
economy, vol 28, no. 1(Dec., 1920), pp. 793-826. The University of Chicago Press.
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