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M20 The Mage Cookbook

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Authors: R.S. Udell, with Victor Joseph Kinzer
Additional Material, Recipes, Brain-Trust, and Kitchen Staff: Eva Cruz Andrade, Satyros
Phil Brucato, Abie Ekenezar, Nina Galati, Antonios Galatis, Kayla Graves, J.F. High, Rafael
Mastromauro, Balogun Ojetade, Sandra Damiana Swan, Chef Wang, Coyote Ashley Ward,
Jason Weeks, and Zack Wilson
Developer: Satyros Phil Brucato
Creative Director: Richard Thomas
Editor: Carol Darnell
Art Direction and Design: Mike Chaney
Art: Aaron Acevedo, Scott Baxa, Joel Biske, Dan Brereton, Echo Chernik, Robert McNeil,
Steve Prescott, Alex Sheikman, Chris Shy, and Joshua Gabriel Timbrook

Special Thanks to:

AFK Tavern (1510 41st St Everett, WA 98201, http://www.afktavern.com/), from which
Kayla’s inspiration for the Wild Sects in the Working Class drinks originated.

For Coyote Ashley Ward

Love, I wish you could have lived to see this one. Thank you for the many years of
magick, wisdom, madness, and love. Oh, yeah – and thank you also for the cannibal stew. It
was delicious, though it would have been better if we’d been able to share some in person.
Maybe next time around.
As you said to me years ago, upon reading an early draft of Mage 20: “Time-up’s over. Time
to get back to the war.”

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This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction
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2 The Mage Cookbook
Table of

Introduction: Children of Knowlege/Solificati 32

A Humble Baker’s Son 6 Wild Sects in the Working Class 32
Simple Syrup 34
Chapter One: Sekahnjebin 34
Mystic Meals 13 The Amazon 35
The Big Hoodoo 35
Many Rooms in My Father’s House 13 The Choirgirl 35
Ahl-i-Batin 14 The Code Monkey 36
Chicken Nanban, Miso Nas, The Darkling’s Dare 36
and Japanese Mayonnaise 14 The Dragon Tiger Prince 37
Chicken Nanban 16 The Flames of Wrath 37
Miso Nas 18 The Keeper of the Great Seal 37
Homemade Japanese Mayonnaise 19 The Kung Fu Kid 38
Akashic Brotherhood/Akashayana 20 The Little Good Death 39
Fish Amok 20 The Mad Doctor 39
Amok (Cambodian Fish Curry) 22 The Magic Man 39
Bata’a 24 The Man-Machine 40
Ceviche and Mofongo 24 The Medicine Talker 40
Ceviche 26 The Moreau 41
Mofongo 26 The Night Tide 41
Celestial Chorus 28 The Nubian Sage 42
Amaretto and Angel Torte 28 The Mr. Spaceman 43
Amaretto 30 The Reality Cop 43
Citrus Angel Torte 31 The Shining Dragon 43

Table of Contents 3
The Subtle Bastard 44 Beef Wellingtons, with Spinach,
The Tankard of St. George 44 Caramelized Onions,
The Time Tripper 45 and Blue Stilton Cheese 80
The Witchie-Poo 45 Orphans 84
Specialty Drinks 46 Coyote Cannibal Stew 84
The Digital Web 46 Cannibal Stew 86
MECHA Grease 46 Sisters of Hippolyta 88
The Orphan 47 Lahanodolmades 88
Porthos’ Revenge 47 Lahanodolmades (Cabbage Rolls) 90
The Secret Agent 47 Sons of Ether 92
Cult of Ecstasy 48 Battenburg Cake,
New England Lobster Bisque, or Gateau á la Domino 92
with Crusty Bread 48 Battenburg Cake,
Lobster and Mushroom Bisque 50 or Gateau á la Domino 94
Crusty Bread 52 Preparation 94
Dreamspeakers and Assembly and Decoration 95
the Thunder Society 54 Taftani 98
Fry Bread and Wojapi 54 Sharbat, Sharbat Sorbet,
Navajo Fry Bread 56 Rahat Lokum, and Borrage Flower Tea 98
Wojapi 57 Sharbat 100
Euthanatos /Madzimbabwe 58 Sharbat Sorbet 101
Muamba Nsusu, with Corn Fufu 58 Rahat Lokum 102
Muamba Nsusu 60 Borrage Flower Tea 103
Corn Fufu 61 Verbena 104
Hollow Ones 62 Polpetted’estate
Decadent Desserts 62 in Tomato Ragu,
with Pizza Bianca 104
Chocolate Chiffon Cake 64
Polpetted’estate in Tomato Ragu 106
Blackberry Creme Patisserie 65
Pizza Bianca with
Port Wine Jelly 66
Carmelized Onions and Provolone Dolce 108
Red and Black Trifle 67
Virtual Adepts 112
Kopa Loei 68
Kuih Lapis 112
Tuna and Salmon Poke 70
Kuih Lapis 114
N’goma 72
Wu Lung 116
Southern-Style Hoppin’ John,
Hongshao Shizitou
Collard Greens, and Gullah Seasonings 72
(Red Braised Lion’s Head),
Hoppin’ John 74 with Mandarin Fried Rice 116
Gullah Seasoning 75 Hongshao Shizitou 118
Collard Greens 76 Mandarin Fried Rice 119
Order of Hermes 78
Beef Wellingtons, with Spinach,
Caramelized Onions,
and Blue Stilton Cheese 78

4 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter Two: Syndicate 134
Technocratic Foodstuffs 121 Seductive Desserts 134
Chocolate Ravioli 136
(Iteration X) 122
Void Engineers 138
Synthetic Cashew Curry Cheese 122
The Statistically Inevitable
Cashew Curry Cheese, Corned Beef Sandwich 138
with Homemade Aquafaba 124
Statistically Inevitable
Homemade Aquafaba 125 Corned Beef Sandwich 140
New World Order 126
Pretzel Logic 126 Appendix 143
Sunflower Kernel Pretzel Knots 128 Coda: Good Home Cookin’ 143
Progenitors 130 Lamb Stew 144
Eggs Came First 130 Soda Bread 145
Colcannon with Bacon, Leek, and Kale 146

Table of Contents 5
A Humble
Baker’s Son

Life is a combination of magic and pasta.

– Federico Fellini

I love food.
Who doesn’t, right? Growing up as I did on a farm, some of my fondest memories
are of the delicious meals that used to emerge out of our kitchen, made from the fresh
vegetables harvested from our garden; the milk, cream, butter, and cheese that came from
our cows and goats and that made our living; the eggs gathered straight from beneath the
hens. The only thing we didn’t provide for ourselves was meat, and that we got fresh from
down at the butcher’s, just a short bike-ride into town. My father, who had a veritable gift
for cheese-making, was also a skilled baker. To this day, my favorite smell in the world is
that of bread, fresh out of the oven, ready to be broken and slathered with aged butter. I
still keep a jar of his thirty-year-old starter in our refrigerator at the lodge and I’ve taught
some of my brothers how to keep it well-fed whilst I’m off on my travels.
The point I’m coming to is that I grew up in a community where everyone cooked.
Men, women, children, everyone. Trips to restaurants where some fancy trained chef
prepared the food were exceedingly rare. In point of fact, though my parents appreciated
the sentiment when my sisters and I would surprise them with a dinner out, they’d have
much rather stayed home and made a special meal themselves. People cooked with joy, with
creativity, with fearlessness, even. I know my Uncle Richard was never afraid to experiment,
though some of his more daring attempts were received with rather less enthusiasm than
he would have liked. But that was expected. It was half the fun! We also ate seasonally,
for the most part. I remember hunting for strawberries with my elder sister in the spring.
My mother and my aunts used to have huge preserving parties at Mabon, and old Jack
Rattigan would invite everyone ‘round for a taste of the new brew at Lughnasadh.

6 The Mage Cookbook

As a young Aspirant newly blessed with the Holy Fire, I came to study and train in
Dublin. It was rather shocking to discover that out of the twenty or so men and women
living at the great lodge there, only a handful of us knew our way around a kitchen and
could cook a meal on the stove or in the oven from raw ingredients (as opposed to nuking
a pre-packaged meal in the microwave). Still, I figured that maybe my Brothers and Sisters
had simply never been taught as I had been. Turns out, the phenomenon was far more
pervasive than I’d previously thought, and extended far beyond our community.
Over the course of my Enlightened life, and by way of my work and adventures, I’ve
had the opportunity to travel all over the world, meeting all manner of people. What I’ve
discovered is that folk don’t cook the way they used to. They don’t teach their children.
Restaurants and chef-made cuisine have become our standard fare. The simple alchemy
of cooking has been removed from the hands of ordinary folk and placed in the “expert”
care of celebrity chefs who speak of “elevating” food and flavor, and who disparage and
even mock the simple, home-style cooking and experimentation that ordinary women and
men have done ever since there were people and food and fire. I suspect that this is by
design, and research done by friends amongst the Virtual Adepts leads me to believe it is
true. That doesn’t make the phenomenon any less sad to me.
The idea behind this little book of magical cookery was sparked nearly a decade ago
when I met Bernadette – or Bernie, as she likes to be called – at a scrappy little co-op in
Las Vegas. The individuals who live there, and who move in and out of that place (some
of whom have the Fire and some who don’t), are among the most unlikely and diverse
folk you’ll ever hope to meet. It is literally as if the place is a magnet, pulling in magi from
all Traditions and none and from all walks of life. I came by the place on the invite of a
Chorister friend of mine who had told me to skip the local restaurants and come with
him to an “underground dinner.” Not really understanding how or why a dinner would
be an “underground” event, but intrigued by the prospect, I went. The experience was
life-altering, and so very uplifting.
When you arrive at the large former-warehouse-turned-gallery-living- and-performance-
space, you’re greeted by a friendly young woman named Chinyere, with rainbow-colored
braids, who offers you a drink and explains the rules: you can pay your way with cash,
which goes towards keeping the larder well-stocked, or you can do kitchen duty. If you
choose kitchen duty, they’ll assign you a job and a dish to prepare. Oh, and there are no
recipes. None. It’s absolutely brilliant! And it doesn’t matter if you screw up, because there
are other folks cooking in that massive kitchen, too. Plenty of food will be had, whether
yours turns out to be edible or not.
At the center of all this is Bernie, a whip-smart, sparkling lioness of a woman who
– while not yet Awake – seems to sense, understand, and even direct the energy raised
by all of the Divinely blessed people in her midst. She glides through the kitchen, telling
jokes, giving words of encouragement, answering questions, and making suggestions, all
the while helping to coordinate the timing and choreography necessary in an environment
such as this. A good two-thirds of the folk cooking and working to bring these dinners
to fruition are residents of the co-op, and what I prefer to call Independents (though some
disparagingly call them “orphans”). On the night I visited, my colleagues included my friend
Esteban, who looks more like a Colombian rock star than an organ-and-choir master; and
a tall, elegant albino woman named Eleanor whose long sleeves were embroidered at the

Introduction: A Humble Baker's Son 7

wrists with elaborate Enochian symbols and other protective sigils used by the Houses of
Hermes. I’d always heard tell that Hermetics were rather haughty and aloof, but Eleanor
was most warm, generous, and accommodating. Nor was she afraid to tie on an apron
and get her hands dirty.
Shortly after we arrived, we were joined by Arvid and Casper, both practitioners of
elder Verbena traditions in Sweden, and Shea, Zenobia, and Katherine, a few of their
American sisters from Tempe. The Swedes even brought their own earth-salt as a gift,
informing us that it had been blessed by the trolls that stand guardian to their ancestral
farmland. In the kitchen when we arrived were a Lakota woman named Alowana, who
sang as she worked herbs and spices in a large mortar, and who had the most beautiful
and mesmerizing voice I’ve ever heard; and Kakena, a Ngoma banker from Kenya whose
initial aspect was of a stern, wizened, sharp-eyed mogul, but who chopped and chattered
and grinned and laughed with all the exuberance of a teenage girl… all while wearing
custom-tailored clothes and five-inch Christian Louboutin heels!
When it was time to dine, Bernie called the gathering together with the following
We are here tonight, some of us strangers, some of us friends, some of us family:
Family of Blood, and Family of Entropic Whim. We have labored to make this food
together. This meal exists only tonight, and we eat as One, no matter how many we may
be when we are away from this table. We eat knowing the only way to experience the
beauty of this feast is to destroy it, and resign it to never manifest in this world again. We
swear an oath of secrets to keep always the memories we hold of this meal. These flavors
will always be ours, and only ours. On this night, we are cabal, and the secrets we hold are
the musky breath of the earth we feed so it will feed us, and the salt of our sweat seasoning
our bread.
I couldn’t tell you the exact names of the dishes we ate that night. There were, as I’ve
said, no recipes. What I can recall is that the meats were delicious: some roasted, some
grilled, some fried. A rainbow of lovely vegetables was served in the simplest presentations,
and also with sumptuous, flavorful sauces. There were beans and rice, pasta, and “gravy”
– not “sauce,” as Bernadette so informed me; potatoes prepared at least five different
ways; bread that would have made my own father cry with joy (and that vanished almost as
soon as it hit the table); and gorgeous desserts featuring flavors and spices that originated
from all over the world but that tasted exactly like home and friends. Oh, and the drinks!
All of us assembled in that place – crowded around a common table, sharing our
stories, jokes, thoughts, and cultures – understood that something important, something
vital, had happened in that kitchen and at that table. As we finished out the evening on the
rooftop, singing, laughing, spinning fire and wondering at the awesomeness of the night
sky, I realized that I’d been given a Calling: To carry Bernie’s powerful, terrifying idea of
an underground dinner with me, wherever God’s or the Generals’ will directed, to share
that experience with all I met, and to encourage people – Anointed and otherwise – to
find the courage to cook real food again in defiance of the celebrity chefs and competition
cooking shows, to trust their old family recipes, humble though they may be, and to share
those experiences and that food with others.

8 The Mage Cookbook

As a young recruit and scholar, I learned so much about the things that divide the
Awakened: Tradition vs. Technocrat vs. Disparate vs. Others. What my travels and meetings
with Enlightened folk around the world (as well as in the strange spaces between and
beyond it) have taught me is what ought to be obvious: We all eat; we all share a love of
good food born out of a collection of smells and tastes and techniques that we call culture;
and we all enjoy sitting down with friends and even strangers to partake of that food in
friendship and peace. What you find collected in this book is the fruit of my labors in this
regard. I pray that you will embrace these stories and recipes and work their magick over
your own cook-fires and within your own kitchens. Play with them. Experiment. Break the
rules. Make them your own. And above all, carry forward the quiet, defiant revolution of
home-cooking wherever you are in the world.
Yours in Service,
- Brother Oliver Lyon,
Knight and Soldier of the Temple of God,
…and a humble baker’s son

Introduction: A Humble Baker's Son 9

Metric Measurements
Speaking as a world-traveler and military man, I realize the metric system is
more universal, precise, and efficient than the frankly outdated systems of US and
Imperial measurements. Yet, as an American-born farm-boy, I default to those
familiar measurements, especially when it comes to food, and many people I know
back home still do, too. This cookbook, then, uses both forms of measurement, but
features the metric versions in [brackets like these]. I’ve followed this convention
even in Chapter Two, where the recipes I received were – as befits their source
– given in metric terms only.
So as not to overcomplicate the recipe listings, and because these forms of
measurements carry over between the US, metric, and Imperial systems, I have
used “cups,” teaspoons (tsp),” and “tablespoons (tbsp)” alone, without additional
metric conversations. Folk who want a more exact form of measurement can
employ the metric ratios given below.
Happy cooking, and enjoy your meals!

US and Metric Conversions

(Conversions are rounded, not exact.)
1 metric tsp = 5 ml
1 metric tbsp = 15 ml
1 metric cup = 250 ml

Oven Temperatures

ºF ºC Oven Settings
200 90 Very Cool
220 105 Very Cool
225 110 Cool
250 120 Cool
275 135 Moderate Cool
300 150 Moderate Warm
325 160 Medium
350 180 Medium
375 190 Moderate Hot
400 200 Fairly Hot
425 220 Hot
450 230 Very Hot
475 250 Very Hot
500 260 Very Hot

10 The Mage Cookbook


US Fluid Oz US Milliliters
1/8 1/2 tsp 2.5
1/6 1 tsp 5
1/4 2 tsp 10
1/2 1 tbsp 15
1 2 tbsp 30
2 1/4 60
4 1/2 cup 125
5 150
6 3/4 175
8 1 cup 250
9 275
10 1 1/4 cups 300
12 1 1/2 cups 375
15 450
16 2 cups 500
18 2 1/4 cups 550
20 2 1/2 cups 600
24 3 cups 750

Dry Measurements

Dry Oz Pounds Grams Kilos

1 30
2 60
3 85
4 1/4 115
5 140
6 170
8 1/2 225
9 255 1/4
12 340
16 1 450
18 510 1/2
20 1 1/4 570
24 1/2 1 1/2 680 1

Introduction: A Humble Baker's Son 11

12 The Mage Cookbook
Chapter One:
Mystic Meals

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.
– Harriet van Horne

Many Rooms in My Father’s House

As its Greco-Persian origins suggest, the word mage represents someone with an intimate
connection to the realm between humanity and the Divine. For obvious reasons of faith and
history, my Templar order views such people with often-justified suspicion. It’s a sad fact that
a person with power tends to abuse that power. Those of us who follow some higher calling
wind up defending innocents from people whose appetites and sins make them dangerous
to everyone nearby. As a result, we don’t usually feel comfortable breaking bread (literally or
figuratively) with people from groups that view us as enemies, and who are seen as enemies in
return. It’s comforting, then, to share this collection of recipes from people whose approach
to “magic” is… well, not my own but also not the Dark Arts of our Twisted enemies and the
Fallen Path they pursue.
As our Lord assures us in John 14:2, God’s house has many rooms. I have been fortunate
enough to explore a few of them in the company of good friends and worthwhile allies. Like
my predecessors in the medieval Crusades, I found common ground with the following mystics
in various societies – a fellowship built on shared adversaries, mutual respect, and, of course,
lots of really delicious food.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 13

Chicken Nanban, Miso Nas,
and Japanese Mayonnaise
One of the first places I visited, following my experience
with Bernie, was Miyazaki Prefecture on the island of
Kyushu in Japan. Far more rural and sparsely populated
than the main island of Honshu, this area boasts
excellent farmland, and thus the markets are full of
fresh seasonal produce and locally raised meat. Of
particular note is the flavorful pork and the Miyazaki
beef, which is raised in the same fashion as the famed
Kobe variety. My team and I hadn’t intended to spend
much time here, but due to events beyond our control,
we ended up staying the better part of a year in the
city of Miyakonojo.
Now, I must admit that Japan was the last place
I expected to find an enclave of Ahl-i-Batin, but that
was the tradition that Yuki Mori claimed. She and her
two compatriots worked in tandem with a small band of
Akashayana defending the strong nodes of power that
converged in that area, and we were often invited to dine at
their highly traditional compound in the tiny town of Obi,
just to the south.
While most of Japan features modern architecture, there
are a few historical enclaves like Obi, where the architecture
of the samurai era is preserved. The Akashayana lived in
what was once the residence of a high-ranking retainer.
Passing through the gate in the high wall off the street, I
emerged into a beautiful and orderly garden, riotous
with colorful flowers and redolent with the fragrance
of mango and hyuganatsu trees. To the left, I could
see a dojo, the warm wood floor gleaming and
spotless. To the right, there was a modest bath
house and a well that, to my utter surprise, was
14 The Mage Cookbook
The Deeper Mysteries
of Deep Frying
Frying seems easy enough: heat up some oil, drop food in, take it out when crisp,
brown, and delicious. Simple, right? Well… not exactly. Oil that’s not hot enough
will soak into your food, making it greasy and heavy. Oil that’s too hot will burn
your food before it’s cooked through. So, how can you tell if your oil is at the right
temperature without running out to buy a specialized thermometer? Well, you
can drop a grain of rice into the oil. If it rises immediately and begins to bubble
and cook, then the oil is ready. Also, if you have a humble wooden spoon close
at hand, dip the end of the handle into the oil. If the oil starts to bubble around it,
then you know it’s hot enough for your deep-fried delights!

still functional. Ahead, beyond the garden, was the vast building that held common rooms, the
kitchen, and living quarters. The most amazing thing about traditional Japanese living spaces is
how easily they can be converted to accommodate whatever requirements the space must fulfill –
often by the deft arrangement or re-arrangement of sliding doors, screens, and partitions. When I
was there, it was in the last part of summer, leading into early fall… which meant that, thankfully,
the worst of the summer heat had passed. The days were pleasantly warm, and the evenings were
balmy and cool.
Yuki is an incredible cook. When I suggested we have our own underground dinner, she
and her Akashic friend Michihiro were eager participants. The Japanese have a phrase to describe
the plethora of seasonal foods available at this time of year: yokushokuaki, roughly translated as
“good eating in the Autumn.” In addition to a heavenly array of fresh sashimi, Miyazaki beef,
fresh vegetables, and handmade soba noodles, Yuki and her friends prepared a couple of local
delicacies that stood out from the rest: Chicken Nanban and Miso Nasu.
Chicken Nanban – which can be roughly translated as either “southern style” or “European
style” depending on who you ask – is crispy fried chicken tossed with a slightly sweet vinegar
dressing and topped with a fresh and snappy tartar sauce. This dish was so common in Miyazaki
that you could get it to go from most grocery stores. The homemade version Yuki made blew
the store-bought kind out of the water.
Nasu is a small Japanese eggplant that is abundant in the late summer and early fall. When
cooked and combined with a flavorful miso glaze, this humble vegetable transforms into something
remarkably delicious. Once I learned to cook it for myself, it became my go-to side dish for the season.
You may not be able to get Japanese eggplant at your market, but Chinese eggplant is similar in flavor
and texture and will do as a substitution. Miso paste and some of the other ingredients might take
some tracking down, but the dish is worth the effort!
A final note about mayonnaise: Japanese mayo tastes profoundly different from American
mayo. I’m not sure why, but if I could hazard a guess, it would be because the Japanese variety
is closer to the flavor of homemade mayonnaise. Because the creamy tartar sauce is a star of
this dish, do yourself the favor and make up a batch of homemade mayonnaise. It is super-easy,
and the flavor cannot be matched. I have included a simple recipe below.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 15

Chicken Nanban
boneless, skinless chicken thighs (1-2 lb [454-907 g], depending on your crowd)
1-2 eggs
oil for frying
For the Nanban Vinegar
red chili flakes, or thinly sliced red chili pepper
small knobs of carrot, ginger, and onion (for seasoning)
About 1/4 cup of each:
soy sauce
rice vinegar
For the Tartar Sauce
1-2 boiled eggs
1 onion, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped and drained
mayonnaise (see recipe nearby)
mustard powder
1 Chinese cabbage, shredded
1 tomato, sliced or quartered
• The tartar sauce should be made first. Finely chop your boiled eggs and about 1/4 - 1/2
of an onion (more-or-less to taste).
• Peel and seed the cucumber, then finely chop the flesh – you’re looking for a rough
mince. To keep your sauce from being runny, lightly salt your cucumber, and then
wrap it up in a bit of kitchen cheesecloth (or paper towel) and allow the liquid to drain
for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once the cucumber has cast off enough liquid, pat it dry,
and then mix it together with the chopped egg, onion, and mayonnaise. Season with
mustard powder, salt, and pepper, to taste.
• Next make the vinegar. In a small saucepan, combine about 1/4 cup of soy sauce, 1/4
cup sugar, 1/4 cup of rice vinegar, 1/4 cup of mirin, and a few red chili flakes or some
thin slices of fresh red chili pepper. Stir until sugar is dissolved, and heat until steaming.
• For added flavor, if you have a small knob of carrot, a bit of fresh ginger, and a small
chunk of onion on hand, you can add those to the pot while the vinegar is heating.
Remove before serving.

16 The Mage Cookbook

• Prepare the chicken by cutting it into large, bite-sized pieces (about six pieces per thigh).
Season liberally with salt and pepper, and then coat the meat in flour.
• Heat your oil – either in a deep fryer (if one is available), or in a Dutch oven, or in a
frying pan with tall sides.
• While the oil is heating, beat the eggs in a small bowl, and set them aside. When the
oil is hot, dip the flour-coated meat in the beaten egg, and drop it into the oil to fry.
• To assemble the dish, make a bed of shredded cabbage on the plate and pour a spoonful
of the vinegar over it.
• In a bowl, pour in a bit of the vinegar, and lightly toss a serving of the hot fried, chicken
in it.
• Arrange the chicken on the bed of cabbage, garnish with sliced cucumber and tomato,
and top with tartar sauce – or serve the tartar sauce in a small dish for dipping.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 17

Miso Nas
2 Japanese or Chinese eggplants
3 tbsp of white or red miso (or more, to taste)
1 tbsp mirin
2 tbsp sake or gin
2 tbsp Japanese soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
chili flakes
1 tbsp sesame oil
Optional Ingredients
4 oz [113 g] of ground pork, chopped
scallion or green onion
• Cut the eggplants on the diagonal into pieces of about 1/2 inch [12.7 mm] in thickness.
In a frying pan, heat the sesame oil on medium heat.
• While the oil is heating, in a small bowl, mix together the miso, mirin, sake, soy sauce,
and sugar. Don’t worry if the miso is lumpy; the glaze will smooth out in cooking.
• When the oil is hot, add the eggplant and cook until the flesh begins to take on a pale-
yellow color. If you are adding the ground pork, do that now and allow it to cook until
the eggplant turns golden.
• Add the miso glaze, and stir the mixture, allowing it to coat the meat and the eggplant.
Turn the heat up to high, and cook until the eggplant is dark brown and caramelized.
Serve over freshly cooked sticky rice, or with pan-fried tofu.

18 The Mage Cookbook

Homemade Japanese Mayonnaise
2 fresh eggs, at room temperature
2 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 cup of mildly flavored oil
fine sea salt
• If you refrigerate your eggs, take two of them out and allow them to come to room
temperature. This will not work with cold eggs!
• In the meantime, squeeze a fresh lemon to get about two tablespoons of juice. You will
also need about a cup of neutral-flavored oil; grapeseed, sweet almond, and walnut oils
all work well, but you could just as easily use light olive oil. Please, for the love of little
chickens, don’t use Canola or “vegetable” oil. Those are perfectly fine for frying, not
for fresh mayonnaise!
• Take out a small but deep bowl and a whisk. If you wish to use a food processor or a
blender, you can, but I prefer to make mine by hand as I find it easier to monitor and
control the consistency. I also find that placing the bowl on a little piece of rubberized
drawer liner, or on a damp kitchen towel, makes the entire process easier to manage
when you get to the part where you’re using both hands and don’t have a third to hold
the bowl steady!
• Separate the eggs, placing the yolks in the bowl and saving the whites for the next time
you make an omelet or a meringue. Add your lemon juice, and whisk to combine with
the yolks.
• Starting with a few drops at a time, slowly begin to add the oil, whisking briskly and
constantly. After you’ve incorporated about a tablespoon or so of oil in there, you
can begin to add the rest in a slow, steady stream. If the oil starts to pool, ease off and
whisk until smoothly blended. Of course, if you’re using a blender, this process is
considerably easier.
• When all the oil has been incorporated, the mayonnaise should be creamy and your
whisk should make “ribbons” through the mixture. If it’s too thick, you can add a bit
of water, a teaspoon at a time. If it’s too thin, you can whisk in another egg yolk. When
you’re satisfied with the consistency, stir in your sea salt to flavor.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 19

Fish Amok
When I was a child, I happened to encounter a series of glorious pictures of Angkor
Wat in an old National Geographic magazine. At the time, I had no idea where in the world
Cambodia was; nor did I have any inkling of the terrible atrocities perpetrated upon her people
by Pol Pot and his horrific Khmer Rouge regime. The only
thing that concerned my seven-year-old self was the
awesome power and mystery of those ruins, and
my imagination ran wild with thoughts of the
people who had once lived there and the lives
they had led. I swore I’d get there someday,
though deep down, I didn’t really think I ever
would. This was long before the blessing of
Divine Fire made a genuine world traveler
out of me.
As it turns out, I have now made
seven trips to Angkor Wat and its
surrounding temples. Perhaps
my young soul recognized what
the place was long before I
received Enlightenment. I
can tell you with certainty
that the Fallen know
about it all too well. After
Cambodian Akashayana
wrested control of the place
back from the dark forces
behind Pol Pot, they vowed
that never would a place of such
immense sacred power be allowed
to fall into Nephandic hands again.
In recent years, as globalization has
opened up the world in so many ways, the
Akashayana have enlisted the aid of the Batini,
the Brethren, and others committed to fighting the

20 The Mage Cookbook

Twisted Ones wherever they may lurk. This strengthening of forces is necessary, most especially
now, as the Fallen grow bolder in their attempts to plunge the world into chaos and death.
Thankfully, the locals in Siam Riep seem blissfully unaware that their hamlets and villages
are at the center of a horrifying spiritual war. Then again, crushing poverty has a way of focusing
one’s priorities rather sharply upon basic survival. Thankfully, the tourism industry and Angkor
Wat’s status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site provide direct sources of income for enterprising
young men and women (and quite often boys and girls as well). Fishing is a way of life here, and
amoung the most delicious and delightful things you can find in the area are the carts selling the
distinctive fish curry called amok or hormok, made with a mild, herby curry paste called kroeng,
steamed in banana leaves, and served over steamed coconut rice. So popular and beloved is
this dish, amongst natives and tourists alike, that village folk have set up cooking classes so that
visitors can learn how to make this national dish.
I learned about this recipe from a twelve-year-old boy living in a town just outside the west
gate of Angkor Thom. He spoke almost flawless Middle-American English, and invited me and
my companions back to his mother’s house, where together we cooked and ate our curry as he
translated for his parents and siblings, who were curious and eager to learn all they could about
me. I am quite sure that I was the first Black man they’d ever seen. For dessert, the boy’s mother
made an amazing dish of a small steamed pumpkin filled with sweet custard. My companions
and I agreed that it was one of the best things we’d ever tasted. To reward their hospitality,
I made sure to recommend the young man to the chef of a nearby restaurant that catered to
wealthy tourists. Last I heard, he’d been hired as a line cook… and with the money he’s earned,
all five of his siblings can now afford to go to school in the city.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 21

Amok (Cambodian Fish Curry)
For the Curry Paste
1 stem of lemongrass (with the outer layer removed), the bottom 3 inches finely sliced
1 1-inch [25.4 mm] piece of galangal, sliced
4 kaffir lime leaves, sliced, with the center stem removed
2 long, red Asian chilies, sliced and deseeded
4 cloves of garlic, sliced
3 shallots, sliced
3 tbsp of fresh turmeric, or 2 tbsp of turmeric powder
2 tsp of shrimp paste
For the Amok
1 lb [454 g] of cod cheeks (or other white fish), cut into chunks
2 tbsp of coconut oil
1 cup of full-fat coconut milk (the thick cream part from the can)
1 tbsp of palm or brown sugar (plus more, to taste)
1 tbsp of fish sauce
1 large egg
banana leaves (or foil)
3 kaffir lime leaves, sliced with center stems removed
1 red chili
lime wedges
steamed rice, or coconut rice
• Place the sliced lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, red chilies, garlic, and shallots
into the bowl of a mortar and pestle, then pound them until they’re well-combined.
• Add the turmeric and shrimp paste, and then pound again until you have a smooth paste.
• Heat the coconut oil in a wok (or pan), over low heat.
• Add the curry paste, and stir until the fragrance permeates the kitchen.
• Stir in the coconut milk, sugar, and fish sauce, then simmer for 5 minutes.
• Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature, then add more sugar or fish sauce to
taste; it should be deliciously sweet with a rich coconut flavor.
• When cooled, stir the egg in thoroughly, then fold in the fish.
• Lay two banana leaves on top of one another, so that the dull sides are together and the
glossy sides face out. Fold the banana leaves so you have a cup-shape that will hold the
curry, fixing the edges together with toothpicks. (You can also use staples.)

22 The Mage Cookbook

Banana Leaves?
Don’t panic if you think you will never be able to find these items. Many Asian
food markets sell them. If all else fails, Amazon.com sells packages of frozen
banana leaves that are already cut into rounds.
The day before using them, simply thaw the leaves in the refrigerator and then –
on the day you plan to make the dish – take the package out of the refrigerator,
and allow the leaves to come to room temperature.
If the idea of folding banana rounds into cups terrifies you, fear not. The internet is
your friend! You can find several lovely tutorials that will show you how to transform
those flat rounds into lovely little curry cups that will astound everyone at your table.

• Spoon the curry into the leaf cup. Repeat until all the curry is used, then place leaf cups
in a steamer and steam for 20 minutes, or until the fish is opaque. If you are using foil
for this step, fold a doubled piece of foil into a boat shape and fill with curry.
• When the curry is done, shred the lime leaves and chili, and sprinkle them over the
top of the curry.
• Serve over steamed rice or coconut rice, and squeeze a bit of lime juice over the top.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 23

Ceviche and Mofongo
Miami is a captivating place. It has this marvelous mix of cultures – not just Cubano, which most
people associate with the city, but also Venezuelan, Salvadoran, Colombian, Dominican, and Haitian.
Up until a few years ago, it was also a city with one of the highest murder rates in the country. Thanks
to the efforts of a strong Bata’a community, the city’s murder rates have plummeted significantly. It
helps that they’ve spent the past three decades slowly taking control of the police force and working
their way into elected civic offices. Now, typically, Bata’a practitioners don’t tend to get on well with
the likes of me and mine, so I had every intention of laying low, keeping my head down, and not
getting into any trouble. After all, I was on vacation. (Even Knights go on vacation once in a while.)
Following a lovely day at the beach, I headed out to sample the nightlife. I love salsa dancing, so I
was eager to find a dance club where I could test out my moves and maybe meet some new people. Miami
did not disappoint! After two glorious hours of dancing, most of it with a lovely Afro-Dominican woman
named Isela, I offered to see her home, as her friends had already hooked up for the evening and left.
Moving through darkened streets, I suddenly got that feeling of wrongness that only comes when one
of the Fallen is in close proximity, accompanied by the tell-tale itch and hum of dark energy building.
I haven’t yet mentioned the specific nature of my work, because this duty is far too sensitive and
complex to explain in depth. The short version is that my Brothers and I have a mission to locate
objects imbued with Holy Fire, and to help those individuals and communities who own such items
keep them secure. If there are no obvious owners, then we strive to prevent them from falling into the
hands of Darkness. That hum I felt came the distinct Resonance of a Holy object… and something,
or someone, foul was in the process of using it for a purpose that could only be nefarious.
I turned to tell Isela that I’d have to call her a cab, and she was lit up like a beacon. It would
be just like me to dance with a girl half the night and never notice that she was Enlightened. With
a laugh and a “Keep up, Irish boy,” she slipped out of her heels and took off running, barefooted,
towards the danger.
We rounded a corner, and were nearly knocked off our feet by a shockwave of energy emanating
from the center of a deserted parking lot. Isela suddenly clutched her head and fell backwards into
me at the same time I felt something akin to a small sandstorm envelop and pass over us, temporarily
blinding my directional sight. Years of training kicked in automatically, and I fought to re-orient myself
and prepare for the next attack. But it never came. Instead, all I saw was a solitary figure lying dead
on the ground about 40 feet in front of us, and another figure running for the shadows of a nearby
alley. Without thinking, I set off in pursuit, trying to get a measure of the murderer’s dimensions,

24 The Mage Cookbook

energies, and capabilities. Every line I cast out to latch on to him slipped off until eventually I’d lost
him to the night.
Retracing my steps, I found Isela standing over the dead man, speaking heatedly into her cell
phone in a rapid Creole, her face grim. Beside the body lay a colorful casino chip that gave off the
telltale static of a recently-used artifact. She looked up at my approach and gestured for me to keep
a healthy distance from both the body and the object.
“Police are on the way,” she said, ending her conversation.
“Surely not!” I pointed to the colorful plastic round: “Do you know what that is?”
Isela placed a reassuring hand on my arm. “I get the feeling you do.
Don’t worry,” she said. “These officers are Awake. They’ll know what to
do. We’re going to need a statement from you, though.”
Not more than two minutes later, I heard a siren in the distance
growing closer, until the blue flashing lights of a police cruiser came into
view at the end of the street. Fifteen minutes later, Isela and I sat in the
office of Detective Fernan Acevedo, giving witness statements. It requires
a massive amount of power to destroy an Enlightened soul, and the relic
that we found beside the body of that unknown magus would have
provided a deadly focus for such an atrocity. I felt it was my duty to
cooperate with my companion and her associates, but I also knew
that one of the Fallen with that level of power could not be allowed
to run free. By the time we were finished at the police station, it was
nearly dawn, and the sun was just rising as Isela and I made it back
to my hotel room.
On television, this would have been the moment when the
brave, young hero beds the gorgeous young woman he’s just been
through hell with. In reality, all we both really wanted was a shower
and sleep, so Isela said goodnight and promised to come back in
the morning with “some real food. Not that touristy ‘gourmet’
crap they serve here.” I slept for most of the following day, and
when I woke, there was a note on my nightstand that read: Call
me when you’re ready to eat. Within the half hour, Isela arrived with a
glorious meal of ceviche and mofongo served up with fresh
guacamole and handmade corn
tortillas. While this might
not have been the dramatic
sexual escapade so dearly
beloved by our Hollywood
establishment, it was a fine
interlude in a larger adventure
that, again, I am not
at liberty to freely

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 25

Make this on the same day you buy the freshest fish possible.

2 lbs [907 g] of fresh, firm-fleshed fish fillets (snapper, tilapia, grouper), completely
deboned and cut into ½-inch pieces
1/2 cup of fresh-squeezed lime juice
1/2 cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice
1/2 red onion, finely diced
1 cup of chopped, fresh-seeded tomatoes
1 Serrano chili, seeded and finely diced
2 tsp of salt
dash of ground oregano
pinch of cayenne pepper
tortillas or tortilla chips
• Combine the fish, onion, tomato, chili, salt, oregano, and cayenne in a large glass
casserole dish. Pour the lime and lemon juice over the fish mixture, covering as much
of it as possible. Cover, and marinate in the refrigerator for one hour. Stir, ensuring that
any fish that was previously uncovered is introduced to the lime and lemon juice. Allow
to marinate for another hour or two, until the fish is opaque and no longer translucent.
• Serve in a transparent glass dish. Garnish with chopped cilantro and slices of avocado,
and serve on fresh tortillas or with tortilla chips.

For the Broth
2 tbsp olive oil
1 lb [454 g] beef bones (any type would do)
2 cloves garlic, mashed
1 onion, halved
4 cups water
1 sprig cilantro
1 sprig of cilantro (optional)
1/4 tsp oregano
3/4 tsp salt (or more, to taste)

26 The Mage Cookbook

• In a deep pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Brown the bones, taking care that they
do not burn. Add the garlic and onion, and stir.
• Pour in water, and add cilantro and oregano.
• Simmer for an hour over low heat, topping off the water occasionally to maintain the
same level.
• Season with salt, to taste. Sieve, and remove the solids.

For the Mofongo
1 lb [454 g] crisp fried pork rinds (also known as chicharrón)
4-5 green plantains
2 cups olive oil
kosher salt (to taste)
6 garlic cloves
2 tbsp extra- virgin olive oil
2 slices of thick-cut bacon, cooked
1 cup beef stock

• Peel the plantains and cut into one-inch slices.
• In a large saucepan or deep fryer, heat 2 cups of oil to º350 F [º178 C]. Add the plantain
slices in two batches, and fry for 5 to 7 minutes, turning once, until they’re light-golden
all over, but not browned. Drain on paper towels.
• In a large mortar, crush garlic cloves with a pestle, and sprinkle with salt.
• Add olive oil to the mixture, and keep pounding until it’s well-incorporated.
• Transfer to a small bowl.
• In the same mortar or bowl, crush half of the fried plantain slices with half of the pork
rinds, 1 slice of cooked bacon, and half the garlic aioli. Pound it all together.
• Add up to 1/2 cup stock as needed, to make it moist.
• Spoon the mixture, and shape into two-inch balls. Repeat with remaining ingredients,
and keep in warm oven until ready to serve.
• Garnish with a spoonful of broth, and top with more crushed chicharrón, or cilantro,
if you wish.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 27

Amaretto and Angel Torte
When you attend services at the humble Church of the
Epiphany in the sleepy Appalachian town of Henleysburg,
the first thing you notice is the simple, artisanal beauty of
the traditional Anglican architecture. The second thing
you notice is the clear, strong voice of the Reverend
Bettina Lockheart leading her parishioners in the
singing of hymns. With her small congregation of
blessed associates, this steadfast member of the
Celestial Chorus single-handedly protects her
community (and a major nexus point for sacred
energies) from the assaults of Mad, Fallen, and
Technocratic rivals who have been lured in
by its considerable power.
At the time of my visit, Bettina was
already engaged in providing something
akin to underground dinners in her
community. Because her parish is small,
church members of all ages prepare the weekly
Wednesday night dinners in the parish hall
kitchen. In addition to these regular meals,
her church staff – all of them Enlightened
Choristers – funds much of their ministry
with a small-batch distillery, producing
Scotch whiskey and French brandy. That
brandy is used to create a delicious home-
made Amaretto cordial, which Bettina
likes to serve with a light and delicious
angel food torte.

28 The Mage Cookbook

Regardless of common misconceptions, neither Choristers nor my Brethren are
forbidden from enjoying the blessings of a good alcoholic drink. We must be careful,
of course, not to overindulge, or to let a good thing become a curse. Such pleasures in
moderation, however, are a sign of God’s favor. As Scripture tells us, the Lord Himself
was no stranger to a good drink; in fact, He Himself claimed that his enemies called
him a glutton and a drunkard. Although we have been known (to put it mildly) to hold
disagreements of interpretation and implementation, Templars and Choristers can agree,
if nothing else, on the joys of tasty food and delicious liquors! Perhaps it will be such
shared pleasures that allow us to put the often-acrimonious differences of our sects aside
for good and all. May God will it so, and soon!

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 29

Brandy / Vodka Mixture
2 cups vodka
2 cups high-quality brandy
1 fresh vanilla bean, cut in fourths and split lengthwise
6 tsp almond extract (real, not artificial)
• Combine vodka, brandy, vanilla beans, and almond extract in a jar. Cover tightly, and
let steep in a cool, dark place for at least 4 weeks. Strain and filter. (A coffee filter in a
funnel works well.)
Sugar Syrup
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
3/4 cup water
• Combine sugars and water in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat;
reduce heat and simmer until sugar has completely dissolved. Remove from heat, and
let cool to room temperature.
• Combine sugar syrup with filtered brandy /vodka mixture. Pour into bottles, and cap
tightly. Let age at least 4 weeks before serving.
Note: Expensive vodka is not necessary but, in general, higher-quality ingredients will
improve the quality of your liqueur significantly. Also, the longer you age your liqueur, the
smoother and richer the flavor will be. Amaretto that has aged a full year or longer is exquisite!

30 The Mage Cookbook

Citrus Angel Torte
General Ingredients
angel food cake (either 1 tube or 2 loaf pans)
assorted fresh fruit (kiwi, raspberries, etc.), sliced thin or smashed
3-4 cups whipped cream, or whipped topping
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 tbsp corn starch
dash of salt
1 1/2 cups cold water (or tangerine juice, if preferred)
4 beaten egg yolks
2 tsp citrus zest (orange, lemon, lime)
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp orange juice concentrate, or 2 tbsp mango juice
1 tbsp key lime juice
2 tbsp margarine or butter
• Combine all ingredients except for margarine /butter in a small saucepan.
• Cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat until bubbly, then cook 1 minute more.
• Stir in margarine or butter. Cover surface with waxed paper; cool.
• Mix 1/2 of cooled filling with whipped topping. Slice angel food cake horizontally
into 4 layers.
• Spread 1/2 of remaining filling on first layer, add bits of fresh fruit to taste, then cover
with second layer.
• Spread whipped topping mixture on second layer, add more fruit, and then cover with
third layer.
• Spread remaining filling on third layer, add fruit, and cover with fourth layer.
• Frost entire cake with remaining whipped topping mixture, and decorate with remaining
fruit. Chill until ready to serve.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 31

Wild Sects in
the Working Class
Edinburgh, Scotland, has two colors:
stone gray, and mist gray. The pervasive chill
and gloomy skies suit perfectly the heavy
stone architecture and rolling streets that
curl around the hills and valleys of this
modern medieval town. Despite
the gloom, though, the heavy
surroundings feel very much
like home, especially for a
Knight of my order. The
people, however, tend to
be more cheerful than one
would expect, even if an
American like me needs a phrasebook
just to understand what half of them say
to you. I was attending a meeting in a loud
nightclub, literally underground, when I met
Kayla and T.J. – a pair of alchemists from the
sect sometimes called “the Children of Knowledge”
even though the title they prefer is an older, much-
disputed one: Solificati.
All three of us were strangers of a sort in Scotland,
Kayla being an American of German / Scottish descent,
T.J. being of Scandinavian extraction, and me being…
well, me. This club, however, was Kayla’s territory: a
venture she pursued when the political situation in
both England and the United States no longer suited
her. As my hosts and I spoke with several associates
who had gathered around a scarred oak table, our
conversation captured inside a bubble of focused
sound that would scramble our words to outside
ears but leave them perfectly audible to us, Kayla
shared a collection of drinks she had whipped

32 The Mage Cookbook

up for what she called “her special customers”: people who understand the shadowy war
waged underneath the perceptions of the Sleeping world.
The names given to these drinks display Kayla’s sardonic commentary on groups (and
people) who perhaps take ourselves way too seriously. She also mentioned that she hoped
I might understand her tribute to some ‘80s band that I confess I’d never heard of until
she explained the story behind what she called her “wild sects in the working class” series
of concoctions… a series she considers to be an ongoing project in whatever passes for her
not-at-all-spare time. Although there’s nothing “magical” about the drinks themselves, I
can say from personal experience that they taste delicious… or, well, most of them do, to
be honest. I suspect that in several cases the taste of the drink may have taken a back seat
to the commentary involved. Kayla would neither confirm nor deny that suspicion. When
I asked, she just laughed and finished her drink.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 33

Simple Syrup
An important ingredient in certain drinks, alcoholic and otherwise.
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
• Pour water into a saucepan. Dissolve sugar into water, while stirring the mixture over
medium heat.
• Once is has warmed up but not boiled, remove the saucepan from heat and allow the
mixture to cool.
• Store the syrup in a tightly sealed container (preferably glass) in the refrigerator, for up
to one month. Use as needed.

A refreshing Persian hospitality drink. For those who can’t or don’t drink alcoholic
concoctions, substitute this recipe for the other drinks in this entry.
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup water
1 bouquet of fresh mint
sprigs of fresh mint
2-3 tbsp of grated cucumber for each drink
• Put the water and sugar into a 2-quart [2 l] steel pot. Bring the mixture to a boil over
medium-high heat.
• Remove pot from stove, and drop the bouquet of mint into the hot syrup. Cover the
pot, and allow the syrup to cool completely.
• When mixture is cool, remove the mint plants, discard them, and pour the syrup into
a glass or ceramic jar. This syrup will keep fresh for a long time without refrigeration,
so long as it is kept out of direct sunlight.
• To serve, pour roughly 3-4 oz [89-118 ml] of syrup into a glass, top it off with cool water
(and perhaps ice, if desired). Add 2-3 tablespoons of grated cucumber to each drink,
and garnish with sprigs of fresh mint.

34 The Mage Cookbook

The Amazon
“Stand tall, and take no nonsense.”
Glassware: 3 shot glasses
3 oz [90 ml] Sambuca
3 oz [90 ml] Kahlua
3 oz [90 ml] raki or ouzo
• Divide liquor between the three shot glasses, and enjoy with friends. War-cries and
man-bashing not required, but often fun.

The Big Hoodoo

“Let it take you over.”
Glassware: 3 shot glasses, 1 water glass
1 shot VooDoo Hemp Rum
1 shot Captain Morgan’s Cherry Spiced Rum
1 shot amaretto syrup
• Measure out three shots, and then pour them, in order, into the water glass.
• Best enjoyed with a good cigar.

The Choirgirl
“Classic and lyrical without the frills.”
Glassware: 1 pitcher
1 bottle of white wine (as preferred, sweet not dry)
1 cup of sliced oranges
1/2 cup of grapes
1 cup of strawberries
1/2 cup of raspberries
4 oz [118 ml] triple sec
2 oz [60 ml] brandy
• Mix all together into pitcher. Put pitcher in refrigerator for an hour or more.
• Pour into wine glasses. Drink. Simple and good.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 35

The Code Monkey
“Try to hide it with class, but you’re still a Mt. Dew-swilling hacker.”
Glassware: Collins glass
1/3 oz [10 ml] Dude Vodka
1/3 oz [10 ml] Gold Tequila
1/3 oz [10 ml] silver rum
1/3 oz [10 ml] Midori
1 can of Mt. Dew
• In the Collins glass, add Dude Vodka, Gold Tequila, silver rum, and Midori.
• Fill the remainder of the glass with Mt. Dew.
• Garnish with a cherry, and perhaps a small computer cable.

The Darkling’s Dare

“Head like a hole / Black as your soul…”
Glass: hurricane glass
1 oz [30 ml] Kapali
1/3 oz [10 ml] whipped vodka
1/3 oz [10 ml] raspberry liqueur
iced black coffee
36 The Mage Cookbook
• In a hurricane glass filled with ice, layer Kapali, raspberry liqueur, and whipped vodka.
• Fill with iced coffee, and then sweeten it to your liking.

The Dragon Tiger Prince

“All is perfect under heaven.”
Glassware: Irish coffee glass
1 oz [30 ml] Dragonberry Rum
1 bag of Dragon Well tea
1 oz [30 ml] simple syrup
hot water
• In an Irish coffee glass, add Dragonberry Rum to the simple syrup.
• Add hot water, and let the tea steep in that mixture, to your liking.

The Flames of Wrath

“Cast Fireball...”
Glassware: Irish coffee glass
1 oz [30 ml] Dansk Mjod mead
1 oz [30 ml] Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey
1 hot cider packet
hot water
• Mix the mead, Fireball, and hot cider mix into the Irish coffee glass. Add hot water
slowly as you stir. Simple, yet effective!

The Keeper of the Great Seal

“What is your wish, my master?”
Glassware: coffee mug
2 oz [60 ml] vanilla vodka
1/2 oz [15 ml] simple syrup
1/2 oz [15 ml] Jagermeister (optional)
Black Turkish coffee

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 37

• Add vodka and simple syrup into the coffee mug.
• Top off with hot coffee, and float in some Jagermeister if desired.

The Kung Fu Kid

“Mystical, mind-clearing, and it packs a punch.”
Glassware: 14 oz glass [414 ml] (with ice)
1 oz [30 ml] Oolong tea simple syrup
1 1/2 oz [45 ml] vodka
1-2 orange slices
mint sprigs
soda water
• After making simple syrup, steep 1-3 tea bags of your favorite Oolong tea in the hot
syrup. Allow to cool before making drink.
• In the glass, place orange slices and mint in the bottom of the glass, and then muddle
them together.
• Fill the glass with ice. Pour in vodka, follow with the Oolong tea syrup, and fill with
soda water.
• Garnish with mint sprigs.

38 The Mage Cookbook

The Little Good Death
“Life and Death in one glass.”
Glassware: martini shell, chilled
1 1/2 oz [45 ml] Death’s Door gin
1 oz [30 ml] live probiotic kimchi brine
1/2 oz [15 ml] raki or dry vermouth
• In metal tumbler with ice, pour in Death’s Door gin, kimchi brine, and dry vermouth
or Greek raki.
• Stir until the outside of the metal tumbler is frosty.

The Mad Doctor

“Just Victorian enough to still be modern.”
Glassware: stemless white-wine glass, chilled
1 1/2 oz [45 ml] sweet sherry
1 1/2 oz [45 ml] Malfy gin
2 lemon wedges
1 oz [30 ml] sweetened pomegranate syrup
1 orange wedge garnish
• In metal tumbler, muddle lemon wedges, and then add ice.
• Pour in sweet sherry and Malfy gin.
• Stir until frost forms on the outside of the tumbler.
• Strain liquid into the white-wine glass.
• Carefully pour the pomegranate syrup down the inside wall of the white-wine glass.
• Add orange wedge for garnish.

The Magic Man

“Cool and dry”
Glassware: chilled stemmed martini glass
1 oz [30 ml] Ketel One Vodka
1 oz [30 ml] Hendrick’s Gin
1/3 oz [9 ml] dry vermouth
cocktail onion garnish
Chapter One: Mystic Meals 39
• Shake vodka and gin in metal tumbler until ice forms on the outside.
• Pour dry vermouth into the chilled Martini glass, and swirl it around, making sure it
covers the entire glass. Then pour it out.
• Strain the contents of the shaker into the martini glass, and garnish with a cocktail onion.

The Man-Machine
“Modified to graft the best parts of a Texas Tea and a Mai Tai into one monster of a drink.”
Glassware: pounder
1/3 oz [9 ml] Tarantula Tequila
1/3 oz [9 ml] Svedka Clementine Vodka
1/3 oz [9 ml] Don Q’s Coconut Rum
1/3 oz [9 ml] Malfy Con Lemon Gin
1/2 oz [15 ml] amaretto
1/3 oz [9 ml] grenadine
pineapple juice
orange juice
sweet-and-sour mix
• In a pounder, add in grenadine, then add light ice over the top.
• Add in Tarantula Tequila, Svedka Clementine Vodka, Don Q’s Coconut rum, and the
Malfy Con Lemon Gin.
• Then float the amaretto on top, and layer in the sweet-and-sour mix, and pineapple juice.
• Top off with orange juice.

The Medicine Talker

“Time to give back what you have taken.”
Glassware: hurricane glass (with a little bit of ice)
1 oz [30 ml] Kapalli (or favorite coffee liquor)
1 oz [30 ml] grain vodka
1 pinch of powdered cardamom
1 tsp of honey
ginger beer
1 lime wedge (for garnish)

40 The Mage Cookbook

• Fill Hurricane glass halfway with ice. In a mixing cup, using a toothpick, mix the
cardamom, honey, and a very small amount of the vodka. When finished, pour over
the ice inside the glass.
• Add Kapalli and vodka, and then fill with Ginger beer.
• Garnish with a lime.

The Moreau
“Altered to the point of perfection.”
Glassware: pint glass
green tomato mixer (see below)
2 oz [60 ml] potato vodka
1 skinned carrot
lemon pepper seasoning
kosher salt
For the Green Tomato Mixer
2 cups tomatillo juice (or green tomato juice)
1/2 of a peeled yellow onion
2 celery stalks
2 oz [60 ml] lime juice
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp celery salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 dashes of Green Tabasco Sauce
• Combine all green tomato mixer ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth.
Let chill before using.
• Combine mixer into a glass with the remaining ingredients. Serve cold.

The Night Tide

“Cool as moonlight on wet black sands.”
Glassware: Collins glass
1 oz [30 ml] Spiritopia ginger
1 oz [30 ml] Okolehao (or moonshine)
1 oz [30 ml] simple syrup
coconut milk

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 41

• In a metal tumbler filled with ice mix, all ingredients, and then stir until ice frost forms
on the tumbler.
• Strain into Collins glass, and top with chilled coconut milk.

The Nubian Sage

“What’s a Nubian?”
Glassware: bucket glass
1/2 oz [15 ml] hibiscus liqueur
1 oz [30 ml] honey
1 1/2 oz [45 ml] vodka
soda water
• Mix all of the ingredients in the bucket glass, with ice.
• Stir well before drinking.
• If necessary, substitute sekahnjebin (as per that entry) for the liqueur and vodka, using
soda water instead of pure water in the final drink.

42 The Mage Cookbook

The Mr. Spaceman
“Like being plunged into the dark before being devoured whole.”
Glassware: pounder and a shot glass.
1 oz [30 ml] Blackmaker Liquor
1/2 oz [15 ml] Jagermeister
Ball’s Geek Beer
• Pour around 5 oz [148 ml] of the Ball’s Geek Beer into the pounder.
• In the shot glass, add both Blackmaker and Jagermeister.
• Serve this drink as a bomb /drop shot.

The Reality Cop

“You will forget.”
Glassware: bucket glass
1 oz [30 ml] Kapali (coffee liqueur)
1 oz [30 ml] whipped vodka
1 oz [30 ml] clear creme de cacao
soda water
• Pour Kapalli, whipped vodka, and creme de cacao into the bucket glass.
• Add ice, and top off with soda water.
• Use a zombie straw to drink this mixture quickly, like a mind-eraser.

The Shining Dragon

“Let the faerie wear the crown.”
Glassware: martini shell
1 oz [30 ml] creme de cacao
1 oz [30 ml] absinthe
1 oz [30 ml] cream
• In a metal tumbler filled with ice, mix the creme de cacao, absinthe, and cream.
• Shake until ice forms on the outside of the tumbler.
• Pour into martini shell. Garnish with a mint sprig.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 43

The Subtle Bastard
“A little bit of everything from everywhere.”
Glassware: pint glass
1/3 oz [9 ml] Cachaça
1/3 oz [9 ml] moonshine
1/3 oz [9 ml] Genever
1/3 oz [9 ml] triple sec
1/3 oz [9 ml] honey
cranberry juice
• Rim the pint glass with honey.
• Add ice inside the glass, and then pour in the Cachaça, moonshine, and Genever.
• Add triple sec. Top with cranberry juice.
• For guests who do not drink fermented alcohol, substitute the alcohol with sekahnjebin.

The Tankard of St. George

“God wills it.”
(I confess, I chuckled at that name, though I really shouldn’t have.)
Glassware: 14 oz [414 ml] metal mug
1 oz [30 ml] whiskey
1 oz [30 ml] amaretto
4 oz [118 ml] mead
• In a metal mug filled with crushed ice, mix the mead and all liquor.
• Top off with some Coke.

44 The Mage Cookbook

The Time Tripper
“One look and you’ll want one too!”
Glassware: hurricane glass, with ice
1/2 oz [15 ml] amaretto
1/2 oz [15 ml] silver rum
1/2 oz [15 ml] grenadine
1/2 oz [15 ml] blue curacao (topping it off)
fill 1/2 of remaining glass with pineapple juice
fill 1/2 with orange soda (topping it off)
• In the hurricane glass, pour in the grenadine, and then add ice.
• Layer in blue curacao, amaretto, pineapple juice, then amaretto, top off with orange
soda, and then float the silver rum on the very top layer.

The Witchie-Poo
“And your little dog, too!”
Glassware: pint glass
2 oz [60 ml] Rouge GYO Single Malt Whiskey
Montreal seasoning
Bloody Mary mixer (below)
1 celery stalk
1 piece of bacon
For the Bloody Mary Mix
2 cups tomato juice
1/2 of a peeled white onion
2 celery stalks
2 oz [60 ml] lemon juice
1 red pepper
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp celery salt
1/2 tsp horseradish
1 tsp black pepper
2 dashes of Tabasco sauce
1 sweet pepper

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 45

• Combine all Bloody Mary mix ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth. Let
chill before using.
• In metal tumbler with ice, add whiskey, and then shake until frost forms on the metal.
• Rim pint glass in Montreal seasoning.
• Pour whiskey and Bloody Mary mix into the pint glass, and then garnish with the bacon
and celery stalk.

Specialty Drinks
Generally given “on the house,” only to the right people.

The Digital Web

“Almost like real life, and yet not quite.”
Glassware: rocks glass
1 oz [30 ml] Peach Schnapps
1 oz [30 ml] Midori
1 oz [30 ml] Blue Curacao
1 oz [30 ml] Irish Cream
• Layer Peach Schnapps, Blue Curacao, and Midori.
• Float the Irish cream on top, and then carefully drip the grenadine into the center of the glass.
• Best enjoyed while surfing online.

MECHA Grease
“It gets between your gears.”
Glassware: beer stein and shot glass
Irish Death (or your choice of dark beer)
1/2 oz [15 ml] Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey
1/2 oz [15 ml] honey whiskey
• Fill the beer stein 3/4 full of Irish Death.
• Add Honey Whiskey and Rogue Whiskey to shot glass.
• To drink, drop the shot glass into the beer stein, and then down the drink in one go.

46 The Mage Cookbook

The Orphan
“Surely I don’t need to explain this one.”
Glassware: water glass
cold water
• Pour water into glass.
• Add alcohol as desired.
• Drink alone.

Porthos’ Revenge
“Hot and fiery, as in spicy, and rum as in… well, rum.”
Glassware: Collins glass
1 1/2 oz [15 ml] Silver Rum
1 oz [30 ml] simple syrup
soda water
1 jalapeno pepper
3 lime wedges
sprigs of mint
• Muddle mint, jalapeno, and 2 lime wedges in bottom of glass.
• Fill glass with ice, and then add in rum and simple syrup.
• Fill with soda water, and garnish with lime.

The Secret Agent

“So arcane even HE doesn’t know who he is.”
Glass: Pounder
John Courage Pale Ale
Founder’s Rubaeus
• Fill half the pounder with John Courage Pale Ale.
• Using a spoon or beer turtle, layer the Rubeus over the top.
• Don’t let anyone else see you drinking it.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 47

New England
Lobster Bisque,
with Crusty Bread
While traveling to conduct a training exercise
for some brethren in coastal Maine, I happened to
pass through the tiny hamlet of Tupper’s Landing.
Here, I discovered a surprisingly robust art- and-
music collective made up of a handful of Ecstatics,
a few other Awakened ones of undisclosed tradition,
and a motley collection of those people the Sahajiya
call “sleepwalkers.” This delightfully intense and odd
bunch took what was once a dying fishing village, and
transformed it into a vibrant experiment in Enlightened
communal living. I couldn’t stay long upon my first
encounter, but on the return trip, I made a point to stay
for a few days and really take a look around.
The place looks like a picture postcard, exactly
what I always imagined a coastal town in Maine would
look like. But behind those traditional facades awaits
an explosion of delights to stimulate the mind and
the senses. From my conversations with residents
and frequent visitors, it’s clear that all who wish to
do so are welcome to grow, create, experience, and
contribute to the community, which draws a steady
stream of visitors and tourists seeking farm-to-table
and sea-to-table dining; peaceful bed-and-breakfasts;
edgy experimental theatre; vibrant, original music;
and wildly original art. In addition, those people
(Awakened and otherwise) who enjoy the application

48 The Mage Cookbook

of consciousness-expanding drugs can also find quite a variety of substances and experiences
to satisfy and delight.
The owner of Cricket’s Place, the bed-and-breakfast where I stayed, goes by the name of
Radha. She embraced the idea of a communal underground dinner with open heart and arms,
though we didn’t quite follow the original rules. We decided to give the participants a day or so
to think about what they wanted to prepare and to gather their ingredients. Together with her
partner Brianna, Radha cooked up the most decadent pot of lobster bisque I have ever put in
my mouth and served it up with a simple, crispy, crusty bread that required very little work at all.
They started their bisque with a seasoned roux, and then built the rest on a gorgeous seafood
stock that they had on hand. If you really want to go all-in on this one, I recommend making
your own stock. If that’s not possible, you can substitute store-bought chicken stock. Likewise,
we were able to hunt for fresh mushrooms, since they were in season, and came back with a
remarkable gathering of oysters and chanterelles. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do
that, so if you can’t find the fancy mushrooms, portabellas, or even humble white mushrooms
will still do just fine. I warn you, though: this recipe is not for those who are watching their
waistlines or are otherwise afraid to indulge!

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 49

Lobster and Mushroom Bisque
4-5 lobster tails and claws
1-3 lumps of crab meat
1/2 lb [227 g] shrimp, peeled and deveined
butter (1 stick, or more if needed)
2 cups of mushrooms, cleaned and roughly chopped
fresh flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped
3 or 4 shallots, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup flour
2 cups of stock (see below), or dry white wine
4 cups half-and-half
cream sherry
sprigs of fresh thyme
paprika or cayenne pepper
Preparing Your Own Stock
• Clean the meat from the claws and tails of the lobster, and peel and devein the shrimp,
reserving all of the shells.
• In a stockpot, add enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pot, and turn on the heat
to medium-high.
• Once the oil is warm but not yet hot, add in about half of a large onion, sliced; 3-4 cloves
of garlic, peeled and smashed; a bay leaf, a few sprigs of fresh thyme, and a sprinkling
of red pepper flakes, along with the shells.
• Sauté until the onions soften and the whole mixture smells fragrant.
• Add about two cups of white wine, and then allow this mixture to come to a low boil
again. Then add enough cold water to just cover the shells, and bring the mix to a low
boil once more.
• Turn the heat down, and allow to simmer for about 40 -45 minutes.
• Remove from heat, season to taste, and allow to cool slightly before pouring broth
through a strainer.
Preparing the Meal
• In a large pan, melt half a stick of butter (about 1/4 cup) over medium heat, and allow
it to get golden brown and bubbly.
• Throw in shallots, garlic, and mushrooms, and cook until the shallots and mushrooms
are browned. Set aside.
• In a large pot, melt the other half of the stick of butter until it’s golden and bubbly.
50 The Mage Cookbook
• Whisk in about 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour, or enough to make a roux. Stir until the
flour is a dark golden brown, then pour in two cups of the broth (or white wine, if you
choose not to use broth). Whisk together to incorporate and smooth out the roux.
• When the mixture begins to thicken, add one cup of the half-and-half. Stir until the
mixture thickens, then add the next cup of half-and-half. Repeat this process until all
the half-and-half is incorporated and you have a thick and creamy soup base.
• Add in the fresh thyme, chopped parsley, shrimp, crab meat, and lobster, and then allow
it all to cook until the shrimp are opaque and coral-colored.
• Turn off the heat and add in the reserved mushroom mixture.
• Season with salt, pepper, and a few tablespoons of cream sherry, to taste. Let the bisque
sit, covered for about 2-3 minutes, to allow the flavors to marry, then serve with a sprinkle
of paprika or cayenne pepper.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 51

Crusty Bread
Don’t be afraid to bake your own bread! I will never understand the cult of prestige that has
built itself up around this idea of “artisanal” bread… as if ordinary people haven’t been mixing
flour, water, and yeast together and baking it for thousands of years. There’s no great mystery to
great bread (though there is quite a bit of science – more about that later!). It carries the name,
“the staff of life,” and remains one of the most uncomplicated foods on the planet for a reason. If
you want a good, easy recipe to get you started on the bread-baking path, this is a great one.
1 package active, dry yeast (about 1 1/2 tablespoons)
1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt
6 1/2 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour (plus enough for the board)
silicone baking mat (or pizza peel and parchment paper)
baking stone, or inverted cookie sheet
broiler pan
Two-to-Four Hours Ahead of Baking
• Mix yeast and salt with three cups of warm water (about º100 F [º38 C]) in a large bowl.
• Stir in the flour to make a loose, sticky dough. (Radha used a stand mixer with the
paddle attachment to mix everything, and then used a spatula to work with the dough
after that. Kitchen gloves help, too.)
• Cover the bowl with a warm, damp kitchen towel, and let the dough rise at room
temperature (about º72 F [º22 C]) for at least two hours, but no more than five hours.
Shaping the Dough
• Sprinkle a bit of flour on the dough and, with a serrated knife, cut off a chunk of dough
about the size of a large grapefruit.
• Rub a little bit of olive oil on your hands – not dripping with it, but enough to form a
barrier between your skin and the sticky dough.
• Turning the dough in your hands, gently stretch the outer edge of the piece to the
bottom, leaving a smooth, rounded top, and a somewhat lumpy bottom.
• Ideally, a pizza peel is a handy tool to have for this next step; if you don’t have one, you
can use a silicone baking mat or a rimless cookie sheet and some parchment paper.
Lay out your baking mat, dust liberally with cornmeal, and place your rounded piece
of dough on the baking mat. Repeat shaping with the rest of the dough, or you can
cover and refrigerate the remainder for up to two weeks. Allow your shaped dough to
rest for 40 minutes.

52 The Mage Cookbook

Prepare Your Oven
• Arrange your oven racks so that one is at the very bottom of the oven and one is in the
middle of the oven. Place a broiler pan on the bottom rack, and place a baking stone
on the middle one. If you do not have a baking stone, you can invert a cookie sheet
with a shallow rim as a substitute.
• Preheat the oven to º450 F [º230 C]. Once that temperature is achieved, allow your
baking stone to heat at that temperature for about 20 minutes.
Baking Your Bread
• Lightly dust the rested dough with a bit of flour, then take a very sharp knife and make
two or three slashes across the top.
• Slide your baking mat onto the baking stone (or use your rimless cookie sheet to slide
the parchment paper onto the baking surface), then quickly pour a cup of water into
the hot broiler pan, shutting the door quickly to trap the steam.
• Bake for 30 minutes, or until the bread is deeply browned.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 53

Fry Bread and Wojapi
In the wake of the Standing Rock gatherings – a
prolonged act of defiance against the United States
government and its “corporate citizens,” which involved
plenty of metaphysical involvement on all
sides of the dispute – the long-fractured
“tribal” society of Indigenous people from
across the world began a powerful act of
collective healing. Part of this healing process
involved members of the “Dreamspeaker”
Tradition (an essentially forced collective
of… dare I say it… disparate shamanic and
medicine traditions) joining hands with the
Thunder Society: a group of Native American
medicine people who have chosen to forge their
own alliances within the Enlightened world, rather
than to define their company within the
confines of the Dreamspeaker Tradition.
Claiming allegiance to a variety of tribes
and nations, some of which I had never
heard of before in my life, the goal of this
collaboration involves advocacy, education,
group healing, and collective protection; that is,
the celebration of Native peoples, the sharing
of their perspectives on history, the reclaiming
of cultures and languages that teeter on the
brink of extinction, and the resistance against
the enemies which have so long divided
both their people and my own… resistance
by force, if need be.
This reconciliation between longtime
rivals speaks volumes about the changing
nature of these times we live in. Recently, I had
the pleasure of meeting with several members
of what may become a new Enlightened
society in its own right.
Among this new-flowering fellowship,
54 The Mage Cookbook
a young friend of mine named Anna Se-se-pui-che (who couldn’t have been older than nineteen)
displays a prodigious talent for manipulating the delicate threads of time within the realms of
spirit. After a long period of meditation and preparation – wherein I noticed that she constructs
an invisible, protective cocoon of energy around her – Anna sends her spirit forth down the
paths of history to witness the ancestors first-hand, before the arrival of white invaders. She
learns language, stories, dances, rituals, and then returns to recount them to her comrades.
This learning process takes several weeks… at the end of which, another member of the group
places her into a deep, restorative slumber for at least three days. Then, the lot of them piles
into a giant SUV to visit Native enclaves all across the Americas, sharing their newly learned
wisdom. Last I heard, they had plans to arrange a Native cruise of the Caribbean, where the
lost languages of the Taino and Carib peoples will be taught along with the true and authentic
methods for making barbacoa: The food most of us around the world call barbecue.
I was delighted to discover that pie is universal, particularly fruit pie, which in North America
is something of a beloved national dessert; “as American as apple pie,” or so the saying goes,
but I suspect that a vast many Americans would be shocked to learn exactly how much truth
is in that statement. Apples weren’t indigenous to North America, of course, but the Native
peoples had plenty of other wild fruits and berries to choose from when making the sweet fruit
sauce used to fill their pockets of fried bread. Today, this tradition continues in the form of fry
bread and wojapi, which is made with Bing cherries, blueberries, and other more-modern fruits
instead of the wild choke cherries that were originally used.
Fry bread itself has a rather interesting history. During the awful and terrifying period of
forced removal of Native peoples that included the Trail of Tears and the Long Walk, a group
of Apache and Navajo people being held at Bosque Redondo, near Fort Sumner, had to find
some way to survive on the rations of flour, lard, sugar, salt, powdered milk, yeast, and baking
powder provided by the U.S. government. Thus was fry bread born out of severe adversity,
to become one of the most ubiquitous staple foods among modern Native American people.
When I traveled with Anna and her companions, we ate this for breakfast nearly every morning.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 55

Navajo Fry Bread
4 cups all-purpose white flour
2 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 cups warm water
about 2 1/2 cups vegetable oil or shortening (for frying)
• In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Gradually stir in the
water, until a soft, workable dough forms that does not stick to the bowl.
• Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for five minutes. Then return the dough
to the bowl, cover with a clean towel, and allow it to rest and rise for 30 minutes.
• Shape the dough into about 12 or 16 evenly-shaped balls. You may pat the dough from
hand to hand (like pizza dough) to shape it; or you may use a rolling pin to roll it out
to 1/2-inch thickness on a lightly floured board. For crispier bread, roll the dough to
1/4-inch thickness. When done, the dough should have stretched to a circular shape
that is about 10-12 inches in diameter. Poke a small hole in the center of the round.
• Repeat this process with the rest of the dough.
• Pour about 1 1/2 inches [38 mm] of oil into a large, well-seasoned cast-iron skillet or
frying pan, and then heat over medium heat until the oil shimmers: hot, but not smoking.
• Carefully slip a round of dough into the hot oil, and cook until the dough turns golden
brown and puffs up (about 1 to 2 minutes).
• Turn over with a fork, and cook until both sides are golden brown.
• Remove and drain on paper towels to absorb the excess oil. Repeat the process with
each piece of dough. Keep the bread warm between two clean kitchen towels in an oven
set on low or warm.
• Serve at once, either plain, sprinkled with powdered sugar, or topped with wojapi.

56 The Mage Cookbook

6 cups of fresh cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries
1 cup of water
honey or sugar*
1 tbsp of cornstarch for thickness*
* Traditional wojapi did not make use of sweetener or cornstarch. It was made with fresh,
ripe, and naturally sweet berries, and the mixture was reduced over the course of hours until it
had a thick, concentrated consistency. Given the scarcity of places in which to pick fresh berries,
and the woeful state of fresh fruit in the supermarkets these days, you may need to sweeten your
berries. Likewise, you may wish for your wojapi to have a more pudding-like consistency. In that
case, cornstarch is a convenient and easy way to achieve this.
• Clean the berries and place them in a large bowl.
• Using a potato masher, crush the berries well.
• Add the fruit, water, and sugar /honey to a large saucepan, and bring to a boil over
medium heat.
• Stir often, being careful not to burn the berries.
• Reduce the heat, and simmer on low heat for one hour, stirring constantly. Watch your
pot carefully, because if the berries burn, the scorched taste will permeate the entire
mixture and you’ll have to throw it out and start again.
• As the fruit reduces, taste occasionally to see if you need to add more sugar or honey.
• At this point, continue to simmer and reduce the berry mix to the desired thickness. If
you wish to have a more pudding-like consistency, place one tablespoon of cornstarch
into a cup, and add just enough cold water to make a pourable slurry. Stir well to ensure
that there are no lumps.
• Then slowly add the cornstarch mixture to the hot fruit, and stir until you have achieved
the desired thickness.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 57

Muamba Nsusu, with Corn Fufu
The conflict between Muslims and Christians in the Central African Republic has been going on for
roughly a decade now, though you’d never know about it for all that the Western news media chooses to
ignore the plight of the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the bloody carnage. The vast majority
of those refugees are young women and children under the age of 18, forced to leave their homes for fear
of being raped, murdered, or both. Both my Brethren and the Ngoma, along with other non-affiliated
Enlightened folk in the area, have taken it upon ourselves to strengthen and support human-rights efforts
to aid these refugees as they flood into neighboring Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Unlike the situation in Syria, there are few official refugee camps waiting across the Ubangi
River, the terrain there being mostly uninhabited and undeveloped due to its proximity to a number
of wildlife preserves. What exists in that region are tiny villages and hamlets; communities that have
selflessly welcomed these unfortunate people into their walls, and have shared their shelter, food,
and water with them. Along with UNICEF and other international aid agencies, the Enlightened
work tirelessly to ease the burden on these small towns and provide as much support as possible by
opening and operating free impromptu grammar schools, as well as by funneling vital supplies like
food and medicine to the refugees. Further complicating the situation, the DRC is itself suffering
under the strain of armed conflict; her people starve while international investors siphon billions
from them through the sale of gold, diamonds, and other conflict minerals. Given its vast natural
resources, it’s quite possible that the DRC could be one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
Sadly, however, the exploitation of Africa continues, even in these supposedly modern times.
As much as I detest the so-called “Thanatoic” sects in many regards, I have witnessed first-
hand the compassionate nature of these so-called “death mages.” Beyond their fearsome – some
would say murderous – reputation… a reputation that, as I can attest, is well-deserved in certain
regards… I have also witnessed members of the Euthanatos Tradition aiding refugees from this
horrific conflict, healing memories and bodies that have been scarred by torture and abuse,
and when necessary (as it all too often is) purging unsalvageable offenders from this world. As
a Christian, I cannot square my own faith with the reincarnationist beliefs of these ferocious
magi. And yet, as a Warrior of Christ and a member of God’s own crusade against the Fallen
Ones, I cannot honestly begrudge these “surgeons of reality” their more militant tendencies. I
can dispute their beliefs (which I do), debate their methods (which I have), and attempt to steer
them to a cleaner path of Enlightenment than the one I find so morally reprehensible. In this
fallen (perhaps literally Fallen) world of ours, however, even I must admit that harsh methods
and deadly justice are necessities more often than we would often wish they were.

58 The Mage Cookbook

Given the Tradition’s rather inexplicable Greek name (one that tends to be used incorrectly, even
by the mages themselves), it’s easy to forget the sect’s origins in Classical India, Arabia, and Africa. One
oft-neglected group among them, the secretive Madzimbabwe, even hails from Central and Southern
Africa. Existing between the shadows of the Islamicized world, these Thanatoic holdovers – as with
their rivals and occasional allies, the Ngoma – retain an intimate understanding of the role of death
in the midst of life. Heretics and witch-doctors in the eyes of many outsiders, these people inhabit an
especially dangerous world where the slightest misstep can bring devilish tortures and a very messy
death. As much as I dislike and disagree with the precepts of these fearsome souls, I continue to pray
for their salvation, respect their courage, and occasionally even call a few of them friends.
One of my dearest friends in this world, Mutoto Tambwe, is a tall, lean man with bright
eyes, a strong handshake, and a ready smile that he gives freely
to all who meet him. Looking at him, you’d
never guess that he’s a wealthy and brilliant
lawyer specializing in economic policy and
spearheading a great many of the anti-
corruption efforts underway in his home
country. When he’s not buried in research,
or fighting the good fight in courtrooms
and boardrooms across the world, Mutoto
can be found in that no-man’s land between
the CAR and the DRC, teaching children
how to read and count, making sure that
everyone has what they need to make the
best of the worst-possible situation, and
occasionally “removing” parties who have
inflicted unforgiveable crimes upon the
innocent. A contingent of the Brethren,
headed by the indomitable Sara Goodwin,
operates in tandem with him, ensuring
that the displaced people there can
find a small oasis of peace – an eye in
the storm of war. When I last visited
their headquarters, Mutoto and Sara
prepared a magnificent feast, the star of
which was a rich peanut-butter stew called
muamba nsusu. This meal was served with
skewers of vegetables and the traditional
fufu: a light dough made from corn flour
and water that is a staple food in the diets of
many people across Central Africa. This being
Mutoto, the two of them made enough food
to feed the surrounding five villages, so the
feast was a loud and lively event, full of the
laughter of children and thankfully absent of
the all-too-frequent presence of death.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 59

Muamba Nsusu
For the Soup
3 lbs [1.36 kg] of dark-meat chicken on the bone (drumsticks or thighs)
3 tbsp of palm oil (or coconut oil)
1 large yellow onion
1 hot chili pepper, diced (or 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper)
1 large carrot
4 large tomatoes, diced, (or one 14 oz can of diced tomatoes)
4 oz [113 g] tomato paste
1 cup of peanut butter
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp cumin
salt, to taste*
grated zest of one lemon
1/4 cup of crushed peanuts
1/4 cup of chopped green onions
* Avoid the temptation to add too much salt to this soup, as it can overpower the subtle
sweetness of the peanut butter and the onions. Likewise, the chili may be omitted if you prefer a
milder-flavored soup.
• Chop the carrot into 3 or 4 large pieces, and place them with the chicken parts in a
large stockpot. Add enough water to cover the carrots and chicken, and bring to a boil
over medium heat.
• While the chicken is cooking, finely dice the onion and chili pepper (if you are using a
fresh chili). Heat the palm oil in a pan, and sauté the onion and chili until the onion
is lightly carmelized. Set this aside.
• When the chicken is cooked through, remove it from the pot. Reserve 1 cup of the
stock and set aside, leaving the remainder in the pot. When the chicken is cool enough
to handle, remove the bones and pull it into shreds. Set aside.
• In a small saucepan, melt the peanut butter over low heat. Add 3-4 ladles of stock,
stirring often until the mixture is a smooth, creamy consistency.
• Add the peanut butter mixture back into the reserved stock in the stock pot.
• Add the rest of the ingredients into the soup and simmer until it is thickened to your

60 The Mage Cookbook

Corn Fufu
2 cups chicken stock (see above)
2 cups water
1/2 tsp of salt
3/4 cup of corn flour
• Pour the stock and the water into a saucepan with the salt, and then bring it to a boil
over medium heat.
• Slowly stir or whisk in about half of the corn flour. Stir continuously for about 1 to 2
minutes, and then slowly add in half of the remaining corn flour.
• Continue to stir until the mixture begins to thicken and the lumpiness begins to smooth
out. Add in enough corn flour to achieve a consistency like stiff mashed potatoes.
• Form the fufu into dumpling-sized balls, and place them into soup bowls. Ladle the
muamba nsusu over the fufu, and garnish with crushed peanuts and green onions.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 61

Decadent Desserts
The Brethren of my order prize restraint,
modesty, and moderation (if not Spartanism)
in all things. Some people, though, find wisdom
in decadence… or, at least, in the superficial
decadence of comfortable indulgences if not
the outright selfishness of dedicated hedonism.
While meeting with some contacts in Luxembourg
City, I cast an admittedly wary eye over the club
(a covert hangout named after an infamous but
obscure French story from the Decadent school
of literature) while enjoying a delectable dessert
courtesy of our meeting’s host, who goes by the name
Marcus Aurelius, and his lovely wife, Isabelle. Decked out
in lush black finery with a rakishly romantic air, Isabelle and
Marcus presented a deceptively blasé façade while exposing a
traitor in their group – and they did it so skillfully that he didn’t
even realize the import of what they had said until the noose,
so to speak, was tight around his neck. They did this, by the
way, in the middle of a nightclub, surrounded by unaware
innocents who never realized what was going on. People who
underestimate the “Goth kids” that take their name from
T.S. Eliot’s poem do so at extreme peril.
As with so many things they do, the Hollow Ones
(or, as many of them prefer to be called, the Darklings)
have made an art of luxury while managing… in typically
artistic fashion… to underscore luxury’s illusions.
They put on a great show to disguise how much
they really care. I have seen Marcus and Isabelle
comfort homeless children in the streets of Paris,
calm a madman in a Berlin gutter, talk down a
panicked girl who had combined hallucinogens
and alcohol in a mob full of strangers, and
free a clutch of Russian girls from a basement
slave-market beneath the apparently tranquil
streets of Marseille. And so, while I can’t

62 The Mage Cookbook

pretend to understand or share their extravagant aesthetics, I appreciate their courage and
enjoy their taste in food.
This “red and black trifle,” according to Isabelle, comes from the salons of fin de siécle Paris,
and was supposedly a favorite treat of Jean Genet. Its layer of Port Wine jelly gives the dessert
an air of excess and luxury. Meanwhile, the sweetest, syrupiest Ruby Port on the shelf reminds
one what a mirage “luxury” really is. Cocoa – alkalized past anything even vaguely resembling
nuance – somehow elevates everything else in the dish, while the combination of flavors drives
home the fleeting illusion of glorious excess. As Vincent (Marcus’ favorite chef) remarked that
night, there’s nothing more Hollow than that.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 63

Chocolate Chiffon Cake
3/4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 oz [45 grams] double-Dutched black cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 pinch salt
2 eggs, separated
1 egg white
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
1 tsp vanilla extract, or vanilla paste
• Sift together 1/2 cup of sugar, the flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt
for the chiffon cake. Set aside.
• With a hand mixer, beat egg yolks for the chiffon cake, until they’re slightly pale. Turn
the speed down to low, and drizzle in the oil, water, and vanilla for the chiffon cake.
Gradually add the sifted ingredients, and mix on medium speed until they’re just barely
• In another clean large bowl, whip the 3 egg whites with a hand mixer, until soft peaks
form. Start on medium speed, and raise speed as peaks begin to form. Gradually pour
in the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar, and whip until the whites are shiny and firm, but
not stiff.
• With a rubber spatula, fold l/4 of the whites into the chocolate mixture, then scrape the
chocolate mixture back into the whites, quickly folding until completely incorporated.
• Pour the mixture into a greased and floured number “9” shape in your cake pan, and
bake at º375 F (º190 C) for 20-22 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the middle
of the cake comes out clean.
• Set the cakes aside to cool, and remove them from the pan as soon as the edges pull
away from the sides. If you let the cakes completely cool in the pan, they will be more
difficult to take out.

64 The Mage Cookbook

Blackberry Creme Patisserie
8 egg yolks
12 oz [340 g] blackberries
1/4 cup Ruby Port Wine
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup heavy cream
• While the cake is baking, add the blackberries, sugar, and Ruby Port for the Creme
Patisserie to a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil while smashing the berries
with a potato masher or a large fork. Stir regularly.
• Boil down until the mixture reduces into a lumpy syrup and becomes thick and glossy.
• Force the mixture through a fine sieve, in order to separate the syrup from the skin and
seeds. Push until the pulp mixture in the sieve becomes fairly tacky and dry.
• Add heavy cream for the Creme Patisserie to the sieved blackberry mixture, and stir
thoroughly. Allow this to cool for a few minutes, and then add the egg yolks to the
mixture and mix thoroughly.
• Return the mixture to the stove over medium heat. Heat, stirring constantly, until
there’s light steam on the top of the mixture. Continue to cook at this temperature
for 3 minutes while stirring the mixture. The mixture should thickly coat the back of
a spoon or spatula.
• Push the custard through a fine sieve, but be sure not to push any solidified bits through
the sieve.
• Push plastic wrap down onto the surface of the custard, and put it in the refrigerator
to cool.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 65

Port Wine Jelly
3 cups Ruby Port
9 sheets of gelatin, or 3 packets of gelatin powder
0-4 tbsp of sugar (to taste, depending on the Port Wine and desired tartness)
• Soak your gelatin sheets in water until soft. Squeeze the excess water out.
• Add the gelatin to the Port Wine for the jelly. If you’re using powdered gelatin, sprinkle
it on top of the port wine in a saucepan, evenly, and allow to sit until the powder is
completely moist and blossomed.
• Bring the mixture to a simmer, until the gelatin has completely dissolved. If you used
powdered gelatin, pour it through a fine mesh sieve.
• Pour the mixture into two 9-inch [230 mm] round silicone cake pans. Put into the
refrigerator for roughly one hour, until it sets up.

66 The Mage Cookbook

Red and Black Trifle
1 batch of Port Wine Jelly
1 chocolate chiffon cake
1 batch of blackberry Creme Patisserie
1 lb [454 g] of strawberries
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
3 tbsp sugar
scrapings from 1 vanilla bean
• Slice the strawberries into half-inch slices.
• Once everything is cooled, cut your cake into half-inch strips.
• Add the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla for the whipped cream into a bowl. Whip the
mixture until peaks form.
• Fill your trifle dish with the components above, in the following order:
◊ 1/2 of the cake slices layered in the bottom of your trifle dish.
◊ 1/2 of the Creme Patisserie.
◊ 1 of the sheets of jelly. (If you’re very good, and can get the jelly layers in a single
piece, that’s great, but breaking the jelly up to create a layer in pieces doesn’t
impact the final dish).
◊ 1/2 of the sliced strawberries.
◊ 1/2 of the whipped cream.
• Repeat for a second set of layers.
• Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, to allow the flavors to mingle and the texture to set.
• Serve, preferably with a fine wine, or (if you’re truly decadent!) a glass or two of absinthe.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 67

Tuna and Salmon Poke
The Kopa Loei are not known for their friendliness to outsiders, particularly given the
horrible things that haoles like me have done to them in the past. Still, the phrase, “the enemy of
my enemy is my friend,” is universal, and while I doubt that the Brethren will ever be welcomed
into the most sacred places in the Pacific islands, some of the Kopa Loei – such as Kai Kalawai’a
and his brother Makanui – are at least willing to embrace the idea of strategic alliances. Perhaps
my darker skin, which still marks me a haole, but at least not a white one, had something to do
with their friendlier attitude. In my case, what began as a tentative and even somewhat hostile
relationship with people who didn’t want me there, and who resented having to ask for my help,
has developed over the course of years into a strong partnership and even a budding friendship.
Food, as ever, played a critical role in this evolution.
All things die so that something else may eat, and there is a magnificent power in eating
something that you’ve caught, hunted, or harvested yourself. Some of my Brethren understand
this, having grown up on farms or in hunting communities themselves, but the overwhelming
majority of people I’ve met in my life truly have no idea that this connection between life,
death, and food even exists. The Kalawai’ans and their community, by contrast, try to source
as much of the stuff of their lives from the sea and the land as possible; while I worked with
them, then, I was just as responsible as the others for bringing in the catch of yellowtail and
tuna that would feed us all. Kai and Makanui taught me how to gut and clean those fish. When
that rather messy task was done, my hosts mixed up a brilliant marinade, tossed the cubed and
sliced fish in along with some sweet onion and other things, and served the lot over freshly
steamed rice and salad greens.
Poke, as this distinctively Hawai’ian dish is called, seems to be everywhere you look these
days. More health-conscious diners create demand for simple, healthy, and delicious food such
as this. That’s fine, I suppose – but, as I’ve mentioned before, the temptation to “elevate” or
“chef up” food means that the simplicity of the poke made in a little beachside shack on Maui
gets lost beneath spicy aioli sauces, crunchy tempura toppings, and bright pink pickled ginger.
Ultimately, if you can’t get to Hawai’i, then the best poke is really to be had in your own
kitchen with uncomplicated and fresh ingredients. In this recipe, yellowtail (which is a tough
ingredient to source outside of the Northern Pacific) has been substituted with salmon, which
is considerably more accessible.

68 The Mage Cookbook

Recipe Notes
The most important ingredient in this recipe is the fish. Your best bet is to purchase
sashimi-grade fish for this, but you could also purchase frozen fish and use that.
It is critical, however, that your tuna have as few white streaks as possible. This is
connective tissue that can make your fish tough and chewy.
Traditional ‘alaea salt has a red color and an earthier flavor than ordinary salt. In
addition to its culinary uses, ‘alaea is also used in traditional Hawai’ian ceremonies
like ritual cleansings or healing. If you can’t find it, coarse Hawai’ian sea salt is the
next best thing. If you don’t have either, coarse kosher salt is perfectly acceptable.
Some people enjoy adding other ingredients to their poke. Experiment with a
little avocado, jalapeno, spicy aioli, fish roe, or wasabi; however, when adding
ingredients, do so one at a time, and in small quantities, tasting after each addition.
The fish is the star of the show here. You don’t want to upstage it!

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 69

Tuna and Salmon Poke
1/2 lb [226 g] tuna steaks; and /or...
1/2 lb [226 g] salmon fillets
1/4 cup sweet onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup scallions, sliced thinly on the bias
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp toasted black sesame seeds (white seeds will also work)
2 tsp roasted, unsalted macadamia nuts (chopped and toasted)
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp sesame oil
1/4 to 1/2 tsp coarse kosher salt (or, if you can get it, Hawaiian ‘alaea)
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
• Slice the tuna (and /or salmon): Using a sharp knife, cut the fish into 1-inch cubes.
Place in a large bowl. 
• Combine all ingredients. Add the onions, garlic, sesame seeds, macadamia nuts, soy
sauce, sesame oil, salt, and red-pepper flakes. Gently mix until thoroughly combined.
• Cover and refrigerate: Cover the poke with plastic wrap and refrigerate, for a minimum
of 2 hours, or up to 2 days.
• Serve over warm – but not hot – steamed white rice. You may wish to add some salad
greens to the bowl, or serve over chilled glass noodles.

70 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 71
Southern-Style Hoppin’ John,
Collard Greens, and Gullah Seasonings
One of the things I love most about the Enlightened is how amazingly diverse we are. There
is literally no place on Earth that does not have people who have been Awakened. While the
miserable and brutal events that ripped native West Africans from freedom and transported
them to slavery in the Americas served to nearly destroy the ancient magickal traditions of
the Ngoma, one of the happy results of that awful time has been the emergence of diaspora
communities that have adapted and carried these traditions forward into the new world and
now into a new century.
Dawanda Hopewell is a storyteller and Geechee Gullah Ring Shouter who hails from a
tiny town called Hog Hammock, on Sapelo Island in coastal Georgia. The Gullah and Geechee
peoples are responsible for creating and developing the foundation of what most folk now
know as American Southern, Low-Country cuisine. This culture is remarkably rich, and the
centerpiece of that culture is rice. The Africans who were abducted and forced into labor in the
coastal Southeast were highly valued as cultivars of rice in their native lands. Along with the
“holy trinity” of onion, bell pepper, and celery, plus a dizzying array of spices and seasonings,
the Gullah-Geechee managed to transform a simple food staple into an art form.
Dawanda and I were thrown together by circumstance in Savannah, when my brothers and I
happened to be investigating a human-trafficking ring run by Fallen agents operating in the area.
Dawanda and her American Ngoma community provided us with no small amount of support
and intelligence. As our partnership deepened into friendship, we had several opportunities to
create magick in the kitchen. She introduced me to the famous Gullah dish Hoppin’ John: not
the mushy, bland concoction of canned black-eyed peas and rice that some folk in America eat
on New Year’s Day, but a ridiculously simple but amazingly flavorful pilaf featuring old-fashioned
smoked bacon, Carolina Gold rice, and heirloom red cowpeas cooked together in one pot “until
the rice takes on the purple color of the peas, and each grain stands apart.” Dawanda added pork
sausage to hers along with her own Gullah Seasoning, which I’ve also documented here. Because
this dish is traditionally served with collard greens, I’ve included her recipe for those as well.
Oh, and if you don’t know what a Ring Shouter is, look them up. Better yet, go to a concert
if you have the opportunity. You will not be disappointed!

72 The Mage Cookbook

Get the Good Stuff!
Quality ingredients are central to this recipe. Thankfully, in this digital age, finding
these ingredients is not as difficult as it used to be.
Anson Mills (www.ansonmills.com) is responsible for fully resurrecting the once-
assumed-lost Carolina Gold variety of rice. Seriously. Read about it on their
website, as this is a remarkable piece of agricultural preservation and research.
Because this is the rice that the originators of this recipe used, it’s worth your while
to seek it out. This rice is, quite literally, magical as it cooks differently depending
upon the method used. A 14 oz package sells for about $7.00 US. Anson Mills
also sells an heirloom variety of Sea Island red peas. A 14 oz package sells for
about $6.00 US.
Let’s talk about bacon. The smoked pork belly that our ancestors ate was rich,
incredibly flavorful, and well-layered with fat: a far cry, flavor-wise, from what is
sold in most grocery stores, particularly in the US; if you can, take the time to seek
out bacon and pork belly produced in the old-fashioned way (just smoke and salt)
in your area. Farmer Girl Meats (www.farmergirlmeats.com) sells a Heritage Pork
Bacon that is salt-cured and hickory smoked. It sells for about $13.00 US per pound.

Beware the “Struggle Greens”

Some cooks, inexplicably, choose to add all kinds of things to greens that either
overpower the flavor, or alter the texture, of these wonderful vegetables. Don’t
get on the struggle-bus with your greens! Resist the temptation to do the following
• Add water. Greens will release their own liquid as they cook. If you start
with a concentrated stock that fills your pot about 1/3 to 1/2 full, and you
have your heat low enough, you will have plenty of liquid and should end
up with delicious concentrated pot liquor.
• Add onions or garlic. Collards don’t need the flavor-help from these two
agents. Plus, when you add them, they tend to make the greens taste bitter,
which is why people…
• Add sugar or vinegar. Folks do this, even when they haven’t used onions or
garlic, to “help” the flavor of summer collards, which tend to be tougher and
not as flavorful as those grown and picked in cooler weather. Unfortunately,
if you add sugar while the greens are cooking, it tends to burn, lending that
burnt flavor to your whole pot. Furthermore, adding vinegar produces exactly
the opposite of the desired effect, making the greens gummy or rubbery…
not to mention overwhelming the flavor of the greens themselves.
Trust in the simplicity of your concentrated stock and the greens themselves to
give your collards a delicious flavor… though if you want to crumble some crispy
bacon over top of ‘em, I won’t be the one to stop you!

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 73

Hoppin’ John
1 lb [454 g] slab-smoked and salted pork belly or bacon (cut into cubes)
1 lb [454 g] smoked sausage (sliced or chopped)
2 1/2 cups dry, Sea Island red peas (cow peas or pigeon peas may be substituted)
2 1/2 cups Carolina gold rice
1 cup of chopped Vidalia onion
1 cup of chopped celery
1/2 cup each of chopped red and green bell peppers
3 quarts [3 l] of chicken or pork stock
garlic (about 3-4 cloves, chopped)
Gullah Seasoning (see below)
minced green parsley and chopped scallions for garnish
The Night Before
• Wash and sort the dry peas, and then soak them in cold water in the refrigerator overnight.
The Day of Preparation
• Chop the bacon into cubes, and brown in a large Dutch oven or stock pot over medium-
high heat. Remove the solid bits, and then reserve them for later.
• Add the chopped onion, bell pepper, celery, and garlic to the rendered fat, and allow to
sweat until the onion is translucent. Add a healthy pinch or two of Gullah Seasoning
and a bay leaf, and stir until the seasonings become very fragrant. Pour in the stock,
and allow it to come to a steaming simmer.
• Meanwhile, drain and rinse the peas. Add them to the hot stock, cover, and allow it all to cook at a
very low boil until about half-done. Test after about 20 minutes, then again in 10-minute increments.
• While the peas are cooking, rinse and drain the rice. When the peas are about half-done,
re-introduce the browned bacon and the smoked sausage. Allow to cook together until the
peas are almost done. Test the flavor of the stock, and add salt and seasoning to taste.
• Incorporate the rice, and allow it to boil with the peas, bacon, and sausage for about
half an hour.
At this point, you can do one of two things:
◊ You can either turn the heat down to the lowest possible setting, cover the pot, and
let the mixture steam until the rice grains stand separate and apart from each other…
◊ Or you can preheat the oven to º175 or º200 F [º80 - º95 C], and when the rice has
cooked for half an hour, place a lid on the pot and transfer it to the oven where
the mixture can steam. I prefer the second method, as the heat is low and even
around the pot, preventing the bottom from scorching.
Patience is the key to producing a Hoppin’ John that is light, fluffy, and flavorful instead
of mushy and unappealing.

74 The Mage Cookbook

Gullah Seasoning
About 3 tbsp each of:
onion powder
garlic powder
ground celery seed
ground black pepper
About 2 tsp each of:
ground ginger
ground bay leaf
About 1 tsp each of:
mustard powder
• Mix together well, and store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. This mixture
will also keep in the freezer for up to a year. Feel free to tweak the amounts based on
the flavors you enjoy. Gullah cooking is not usually done by measurement, but by
flavor and “feel.”

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 75

Collard Greens
1-2 large bunches collard greens
1 bunch kale or chard
1 bunch turnip or mustard greens
1 package smoked pork neck bones
2 cups chicken stock
bacon fat
hot sauce (optional)

• Place the neck bones in a large pot with just enough cold water to cover them. Bring the
pot to a simmer /low boil over medium heat, and cook until the meat is just about done.
• While the pork stock is cooking, wash and de-stem your greens. (Some people enjoy
the stems, but depending on the season, those stems can be bitter and woody. If you
choose to use the stems, chop them in a 1/4-inch dice [6.4 mm].) Then cut the leaves
into about 2-inch wide [50 mm] diagonal strips.
• Add a generous amount of salt (about two teaspoons) and pepper (about 1 1/2 teaspoons).
Slowly add your greens until they are all in the pot. Next, pour in your two cups of chicken
stock, and spoon in a generous amount of bacon fat. If you don’t have bacon fat close
at hand, you can cube up a stick of butter and toss that in.
• Cover and cook on low, stirring occasionally for about one hour, until greens are tender.
• When transferring the greens to a serving dish, be sure to gather up some of the meat
from the neckbones. Put a bottle of hot sauce or pepper vinegar on the table for folks
who like a bit of a kick with their greens!

76 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 77
Beef Wellingtons, with Spinach,
Caramelized Onions, and Blue Stilton Cheese
A few years ago, near Yuletide, I received an invitation from Lord William Fourtnoy, a
Hermetic acquaintance living in York, to attend a Christmas dinner with him, his students,
and a few other friends. It is a rare invitation, indeed, to enter the exclusive and secretive inner
circle of the storied Order of Alchemy and Magick in this ancient Northern-English city, and it
is doubly exciting when that invitation comes during the Solstice season. I was given instructions
as to where I would be met by my guide and at what time. I was even given a phrase by which
I would be able to recognize said guide, as well as a phrase to say in return! While I recognize
that such secrecy is steeped in tradition and developed out of necessity, I have to say that the
idea of the whole cloak-and-dagger process was loads of fun.
At the appointed time and place, I was met by a stone-faced young man who asked me
my name. When I told him, he asked, “How were you brought in?” I replied as I had been
instructed to do. At my response, the young man’s demeanor softened considerably: “Then be
ye welcome, Brother of the Art.” He smiled and bade me accompany him, apologizing politely
for the necessity of the blindfold.
Now, the Gifts bestowed upon me by the Divine Fire grant that I am rarely, if ever,
misdirected or lost. That said, my journey with Liam was the most disorienting journey I’ve
taken in all my days. No matter how I tried, as we walked down darkened streets and turned
corner after corner, I could not, for the life of me, orient myself to any cardinal direction or
form a connection between Liam and our destination. I suspect that this is because Liam was
taking us on a careful path between the worlds, and I am almost certain that this is where Lord
Fourtnoy hides his sanctum from the prying eyes of the mundane world.
Upon arrival, and with the removal of the blindfold, the feeling of disorientation lifted and
I found myself in a lovely, warm, and elegant entry hallway. Liam showed me into the library
where Lord Fourtnoy, guests, and students were gathered: some around the bright, roaring fire
in the fireplace, others chatting quietly by the bookcases or seated in comfortable conversation
chairs dotted around the room. On this occasion, I was not at all privy to witnessing the actual
cooking, being a guest and all. After about half an hour, during which a few more individuals and

78 The Mage Cookbook

their guides joined us in the library, a
tall, somber butler gravely announced
that dinner was served. We adjourned to
the dining room, where the scene looked
like something straight out of Downton
Abbey: tuxedoed footmen, glittering crystal
chandeliers, gleaming silverware, fine china,
and all! A full seven-course meal was served, “soup
to nuts,” but the stars of the table were the individual
beef wellingtons served to each guest, browned and
deftly decorated with pastry holly leaves. They were so
delicious and delightful that I begged Lord Fortnoy to
have his cook write down his recipe and method. He
was most happy to do so, and although it features the
Order’s requisite complexity, I have recorded it here. This
particular dish is a production and definitely something
to serve for an extra-special occasion!

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 79

Beef Wellingtons, with Spinach,
Caramelized Onions, and Blue Stilton Cheese
Prepare the components of the Wellingtons the day before, or the morning, before you intend
to assemble them. Once assembled, freeze them for at least six to eight hours (ideally overnight)
and up to a week. Make sure you have plenty of room in your freezer before starting.
For the Pastry
3 1-lb [454 g] packages of frozen puff pastry (6 sheets, total)
10-inch [254 mm] round pizza pan or cake pan (as a template)
flour (for rolling)
For the Mushrooms
2 large portabella mushrooms, with stems removed
olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp fresh thyme leaves, lightly chopped
1/2 tsp fresh rosemary, lightly chopped
coarse salt and black pepper
For the Onions
1/2 of a stick of butter
3 medium onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup medium-dry sherry
coarse salt and black pepper
For the Spinach and Cheese
1 large package fresh baby spinach (14-16 oz [397-454 g])
1/4 of a stick of butter
6 oz [170 g] Stilton cheese
For the Filets
6 center-cut beef tenderloin portions, 5 to 6 oz [141-170 g] each
coarse salt and black pepper
3/4 cup olive oil
For Assembly
egg wash made from 2 eggs, whisked together lightly with 1 tsp water
parchment paper, ruler, and pencil

80 The Mage Cookbook

Step 1. Prepare the Pastry
• Roll out each pastry sheet to about 1/4 inch [6.4 mm] thick and, placing the cake pan
or pizza pan over the pastry as a template, cut out a 10-inch [254 mm] round using a
very sharp knife.
• From the scraps, cut out holly leaves or other decorative shapes.
• Layer the pastry rounds (and the decorations) between pieces of parchment paper, wrap
the entire bundle in plastic wrap, or place inside a very large, zippered freezer bag, and
freeze again.
Step 2. Cook the Mushrooms
• In a small bowl, toss the portabellas with about 1/4 cup of olive oil, garlic, thyme, and
• Cover tightly with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for two hours.
• After that time, the mushrooms will have soaked up most of the marinade.
• Season with salt and pepper.
• Heat a heavy skillet over medium-high heat, add enough olive oil to thinly coat the bottom
of the pan, and sear the mushrooms on both sides until they’ve softened and browned.
• Place on paper towels, turning once to drain both sides. When the mushrooms are cool, cut
them in half, and then cut the halves into strips about 1/2 an inch [13 mm] thick.
Step 3. Caramelize the Onions
• Melt the butter in a heavy sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onions, reduce the
heat to medium low, and cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until the onions are very
brown, soft, and sweet.
• Add the sherry and cook until the pan is dry. Season with salt and pepper, then set
aside to cool.
• Once cooled, place the onions in a colander, and then set the colander in a bowl to
catch any offset liquid. Cover and refrigerate.
Step 4. Prepare the Spinach
• If you purchased loose spinach (not pre-washed and packaged), then wash the spinach
until there is no longer any sand or silt at the bottom of the sink. Remove any stems.
• Before you start cooking, fill a large bowl with ice and cold, fresh water. Next, heat a
large pan over medium high heat, and add a tiny amount of water, half of the butter,
and a pinch of salt. When the pan is hot, add half the spinach, and toss just until wilted.
• Immediately put the spinach in the water bath to shock the color and stop the cooking.
Scoop it from the ice water, and put it in a colander to drain. Squeeze the spinach, a
small handful at a time, as much as you can and set it aside on paper towels to continue
draining. Repeat with the remaining spinach.
While spinach is draining, move on to Step 5.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 81

Step 5. Prepare the Cheese and Finish the Spinach
• Using a kitchen scale, divide the cheese into six 1-oz [28 g] portions. Try slicing the whole
piece into six slices. If it crumbles, just evenly divide the cheese. Cover and refrigerate.
• Return to the drained spinach. Squeeze and squeeze again, until the spinach is as dry
as it can be. Wrap tightly in plastic, and refrigerate.
Step 6. Prepare the Fillets
• Generously season each portion of meat on both sides with salt and pepper. Rub the
seasoning into the meat to keep it in place.
• Pour enough olive oil into a heavy pan to fully cover the bottom, and heat it until it
begins to smoke.
• Working in batches, sear the filets over high heat for two minutes on each side, until
they’re brown and crisp on the outside. This works best when your pan is very hot; that
way, you sear the meat rather than overcook it. Likewise, don’t crowd the pan, or the
meat will steam rather than sear. As you cook, check the sides to be sure the filets are
still red in the middle. You want a nice crust but a red center.
• Once they are wrapped in the pastry and baked, they will cook to medium-rare.
• Refrigerate the fillets until chilled, but no more than 24 hours.

Step7. Divide Your Fillings into Portions
• Take the mushrooms, onions, spinach, cheese, and filets out of the refrigerator and
arrange them on your counter.
• Divide the portabella strips into six portions. Make sure the caramelized onions are well
drained, and divide them into six portions too. Squeeze the spinach again, divide it into
six portions as well, and leave it on paper towels for any further draining.
Step 8. Shape Your Pastry
• Cover a large rimmed baking sheet (that fits in your freezer) with parchment paper.
Have a ruler, a small sharp knife, and a pastry brush on hand.
• Prepare your egg wash. Lightly flour one area of your counter.
• Pull a pastry round and a few decorative pieces from the freezer and set them on the
floured surface. Work quickly to maintain the integrity of the pastry.
• Lightly score a 4 x 3-inch [101 x 76 mm] rectangle in the center of the round; don’t cut
through the pastry. Extend the lines of the rectangle and cut out the corners of the
round created by the line extensions, leaving a cross of pastry with a 4 x 3-inch [101 x
76 mm] center. Save the scraps to cut out extra decorations, if needed.
Step 9. Assemble Your Wellingtons
• Give a spinach portion one last squeeze, and spread half of it over the rectangle of
pastry. Follow with a portion of blue cheese, a portion of onions, a filet, a portion of
portabellas in one layer, and the rest of the spinach portion.

82 The Mage Cookbook

• Spread each layer as evenly as possible.
• Brush a light coating of the egg wash on each of the four panels of dough.
• Check to be sure that the pastry is now pliable enough to fold without breaking; wait
a minute or two, if necessary.
• Fold each side panel onto the top, stretching the dough a bit if necessary to make the
ends meet, or slightly overlapping if necessary. Follow suit with the top and bottom
panels. Seal the panels together by pressing in the top panel where it meets the bottom
panel, and by pinching each of the four sides together where the panels meet.
• Don’t worry if the package doesn’t look pretty; it is far more important that it is well-sealed
so the juices don’t leak out. Hold the package upright in your hands, securing all the seals
and smoothing the rough spots to make the package into a neat, rounded block.
• Set it seam-side down, and gently press the top and sides to make them as even all the
way around as possible.
• Brush the top and all sides with egg wash. Put the decorations on top, and brush again
with egg wash. (When the pastries are baked, but before serving them, you will be cutting
the package in half, so place the decorations with this eventuality in mind.)
• Set the Wellington on the parchment-lined baking sheet. Put the pan in the freezer to
set and chill the pastry. Repeat with the five remaining Wellingtons, adding each one
to the pan in the freezer as you go.
• After they chill for an hour, wrap each one tightly in plastic, and return them to the freezer.

Baking and Serving

• Heat the oven to º400 F [º204 C]. Make another egg wash. Remove the Wellingtons
from the freezer (do not thaw), and brush them with a fresh coat of egg wash.
• Put them on a lightly greased, rimmed heavy baking sheet, and cook for 20 minutes.
• Reduce the heat to º350 F [º177 C], and cook until the internal temperature is º110 F
[º43 C] (be sure the tip of the thermometer is inserted in the center of the package),
about another 35 to 40 minutes.
• Set them aside to rest for no longer than 10 minutes; any longer, and the beef will
• Cut each Wellington in half, arrange on warm plates, and serve immediately.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 83

Coyote Cannibal Stew
Traveling the world as I do, one encounters many… shall we say, unexpected moral dimensions.
For most of us, the idea of cannibalism – the eating of one’s one kind for sustenance – is
abhorrent. I share this view, of course. And yet, the eating of meat is a common feature in almost
every sort of traditional human cuisine. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere in this book, all forms
of life exist at the expense of other forms of life. We humans, omnivores by nature and design,
hunt, raise, and kill other animals for our meat. Not all cultures, however, have restricted their
choice of meat “animals” to non-human species. Either for reasons of starvation and necessity,
ritual practices, warlike traditions in which the enemy becomes literal prey for the warriors,
or even in certain near-taboo forms of ancestral communion, human beings do sometimes
eat our own kind. The idea is repugnant to me, obviously, and yet certain people (and certain
mages) do not agree with a more “civilized” impression of where the line between “edible” and
forbidden meats is drawn.
I encountered Ashpaw Ten Sticks during an especially wild gathering, of the sort I don’t
usually attend. Brethren business, though, leads us to unusual alliances, especially in these
strange days, and so I met Ashpaw and her “tribe” during one of the many “burn”-style events
that prosper in the wake of Nevada’s notorious Burning Man festival. It’s not my cup of tea,
of course, but I like to think I’ve retained a fairly open mind without succumbing to the many
pitfalls of our Enlightened world. I kept reminding myself to focus my attentions several inches
above Ashpaw’s bare chest throughout the festival, remembering that many of my own ancestors
held different standards of “modesty” than the ones I learned on my family’s farm back home.
As we talked, she shared with me a rather delicious, hearty meal that she had been cooking as
I spoke to Ashpaw and her companions. “What is this?” I asked her.
Ashpaw laughed. “Cannibal stew.”
It did not, thank all that’s holy, contain human meat. That sort of “communion” would
have had an unfortunate effect on our meeting that night. Still, once I had ascertained that we
were not consuming the remains of some unfortunate hitchhiker, the ensuing debate around that
campsite left me with a deeper appreciation for – if not agreement with – the ethical questions
involved in eating meat, and the sources from which that might come.
As I mentioned in this book’s Introduction, my family sourced our meat from the local
butcher. He was a family friend of ours, though, and everyone I knew back then understood,
whether or not they slaughtered their own animals, that the adorable calf you had raised by
hand might wind up on your dinner table within a year or two… and probably would, more often
84 The Mage Cookbook
than not. Much as we loved our dogs, cats, and horses (often retaining a certain fondness for the
other animals as well), the fact that certain animals were meant to be eaten – and would be eaten,
eventually, by someone else if not by us – was an inescapable part of life on
a farm. Most families we knew hunted their own venison and rabbit, and
the messy business of a butcher’s trade was common knowledge, if not
daily experience, for all of us.
We would, of course, draw the line at
eating people.
Not everyone does that, though. Or
maybe they just draw that line differently.
In Ashpaw’s words: “Everything is a person.
And everything is eatable. When we eat
people, we must honor them; each vegetable,
each grain, each plant, each fruit, each meat. This
is true when working in them with ways other than
eating them as well, but since eating is what we’re
talking about right now, that’s what I’m focusing on.”
The word cannibal comes from a name given to the
Carib people of the region named for them. Spanish chroniclers
insisted that the Caribs ate human meat, and while the truth behind
that claim remains debatable (the Spanish, of course, conquered,
enslaved, and massacred those people… and did the same to my
people too, for that matter), the name has, as the saying goes,
stuck since then.
Let’s be clear: I am not advocating eating people.
For me, speaking as a Christian, the ethos against
eating other human beings is clearly established in
the Bible, as well as by what we typically consider
common decency. Ashpaw and her companions,
however, raised troubling questions about the ethics involved
in eating other animals to which we have attributed human-
like qualities. Modern science and ancient tradition both hold
that non-human animals still have conscious awareness, a sense
of self, the ability to reason in some abstract fashion, and the
undeniable social connections that we think of as friends and family. Is it
then, Ashpaw argued, somehow more “moral” to consider such beings our
food, and yet to hold ourselves above that standard too? Other animals eat
us when they can, she insisted, and so what is it that makes us more ethically
superior to those animals when we raise, stalk, and slaughter them? Despite
my assertion that it is the soul God has given each of us that makes us
different, history and culture do not always offer such clear answers.
It’s not my place, in this cookbook, to present a detailed history
of cannibalism, or to argue its pros and cons from an objective
perspective. I must admit, though, that the meal Ashpaw referred to

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 85

as “Coyote cannibal stew” (named for her relationship with an especially dubious trickster spirit
from certain Native American traditions, as well as for its literally “catch as catch can” composition)
was both delicious to eat and intriguing to consider after eating it. What is it that makes us find the
idea of eating cows and pigs acceptable, and yet the idea of eating dogs or monkeys (traditionally
common in many parts of the world even now), much less human beings, so appalling? Once
raised while we were eating the meat of various dead animals, that question did not seem nearly
as simple as it might seem otherwise.
Meat, obviously, is the essential ingredient in Coyote cannibal stew. The meal we shared that
night featured copious amounts of venison, beef, rabbit, a bit of bison meat, and mostly pork.
Ashpaw informed me that “pork recipes should be easily converted to human meat, provided
you’re paying attention to whether it’s a white- or dark-meat pork recipe and which cut of a human
you have.” I would prefer to think that she was kidding, but given some of the magi I’ve met in my
travels, I am not entirely certain she was. Ashpaw is no Nephandus; believe me, I used my own
gifts to make sure of that! Still, there are many sinister corners of the Enlightened world that have
nothing to do with the Fallen, and many traditions of human cuisine that are… well, “distasteful”
really is the right word for it… to a modern sensibility. Obviously, I cannot in any sort of conscience
recommend eating human meat to my readers. That said, the multitude of non-human meats in
this stew makes for a tasty combination. As for whether or not it is somehow more “moral” to eat
non-human animals but not human ones, I side with the idea that it is immoral (not to mention
impractical) to cannibalize our fellow human beings, though to be honest the question troubles me
more than I had expected it to do.

Cannibal Stew
3 lbs [1.36 kg] bones and connective tissue
1 1/2 lbs [680 g] pigs’ feet
1 or 2 beef heart(s)
1 1/2 lbs [680 g] pork loin, bison, rabbit, and /or venison
2 lbs [907 g] dark-meat pork (with skin attached)
1 sweet onion
1 white onion
1/2 purple /red onion
1/2 yellow onion
3 red potatoes
3 gold or yellow potatoes
3 small white potatoes
olive oil
salt (to taste)

86 The Mage Cookbook

• Preheat oven to º500 F [º260 C]. Lay the bones and pigs’ feet into roasting pan(s). Thank
them for their sacrifice, and mean it. Salt the meat liberally.
• Roast at º500 [º260] for 45 minutes. Drop oven temperature to º300 F [º150 C], and
cook the meat for 2 more hours. If drippings in the pan look like they might burn, add
1/2 cup water to the bottom of the roasting pan(s).
• Thank the onions. Chop the onions. Cover the bottom of your favorite soup pot with
olive oil, and then stir in onions and salt. Let them begin to soften on the lowest setting
of your stove.
• Pick one of each kind of potato; clean, thank, and chop. Add to onions. Stir occasionally,
and let the vegetables sweat.
• When the vegetables have released their juices, add bones, connective tissue, and feet.
Let simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Avoid burning.
• Add water to fill the pot. Bring to a boil, and then lower to a slow simmer. Keep an eye
on things, and add water if the stew is in danger of burning.
• Place pork loin, dark-meat pork with skin, and beef hearts in roasting pan(s). Salt liberally.
Thank them. Ask the people who were the hearts for strength. Roast at º500 [º260] for
40 minutes. Drop to º300 [º150] for 2 hours. Remove from oven, and set aside to cool
until you can handle them without burning yourself. Let them rest for at least 20 minutes.
• If you wish, remove the bones from the soup. Ashpaw prefers to leave them in.
• Chop up the roasted meat, and add to simmering pot of broth.
• Clean, thank, and chop the remaining potatoes, and add them to the pot. Add salt and
other seasonings if you want them. Simmer until the potatoes are tender. Add water
as needed.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 87

There’s a special sort of wonder in the streets of Greece. Maybe it’s simply because I’m
an American, but the experience of walking among buildings that are thousands of years old,
surrounded on all sides by ghosts and legends at the heart of Western civilization, never fails to
humble me. The people of Greece (or, as they know it, Hellas) are impressive, too: passionate,
generous, charismatic, and so beautiful it almost hurts to look at them. My host during a
“business trip” in Piraeus (the port district of Athens) was named Nina, a so-called “wolf-sister”
among the often-secretive Amazons known to some people as Sisters gathered under the name
of their legendary queen, Hippolyta.
Greece’s fortunes, like those of so many other nations, have fallen drastically in the last few
years. Political and economic chaos left the nation’s finances in ruins, and riots have become
a weekly – sometimes even daily – event in the streets of Hellas. Naturally, this makes Greece a
haven for the Fallen Ones and their pawns. And so, Nina and I – in the uneasy company of her
Sisters of Hippolyta, who have a long, uneasy relationship with my Brethren – hunted them from
the hot stone streets of the Plaka, in the shadow of the Acropolis, to the smoke-filled nightclubs
of maze-like Athens, the jagged cliffs beside the Temple of Poseidon, and the eerie “forest of
the satyrs” near Cithaeron. Fire, swords, guns, and magic drove them from their hiding places
among right-wing political factions and anarchist cells, corrupted temples and graffiti-scarred
mansions. In between those hunts, we shared vehement debates about belief and language and
one’s relationship with what these pagan women regard as their gods. Obviously, we had to –
as the saying goes – “agree to disagree” about our respective paths to Divinity. That said, these
Sisters of Hippolyta have as much courage and integrity as any man I’ve met, and far more than
most. And Greek food, as Nina demonstrated during our campaign, is a glorious thing to share
among kindred spirits, whether or not one calls them “family.”

88 The Mage Cookbook

As Fresh as Fresh Can Be
During my stay in Athens, Nina and I shopped in the street markets ubiquitous in
many Greek cities and towns. Sure, Greek people buy food in the supermarkets
just like Americans do; whenever possible, though, that food is best purchased in
a reputable street market, often from the people who grew it themselves. Freshness
really does make a huge difference in the taste and quality of food!
The experience of buying fresh produce from farmers and their families had me
feeling oddly homesick. Despite our differences of language (spoken Greek, by
the way, sounds nothing like what we Americans think it sounds like), faith, and
temperament, my grocery-shopping trips with Nina and her Sisters felt very much
like home.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 89

Lahanodolmades (Cabbage Rolls)
1 big cabbage
1 lb [454 g] beef mince
1 onion, chopped
dill, finely chopped
2 cups olive oil
1 cup white rice
juice of 2 lemons
2 egg whites
2 cups water
4-5 tbsp white flour
salt (to taste)
pepper (to taste)
• Bring a large pot of water (about 2/3 filled) to a boil, and add some salt.
• Core the cabbage by using a small knife to cut around the stem and then popping the
core out with the tip of the knife. This will create a hole in the cabbage, which will allow
the leaves to come out easily during parboiling.
• Put the cabbage in the water until the leaves are tender. Make sure to not boil the
cabbage, only parboil it.
• After allowing it to cool down somewhat (so as not to burn your hands), carefully peel
the cabbage, layer by layer, reserving the leaves and placing them in a strainer. Let the
leaves cool down.
• Put the beef mince in a large bowl. Pour one of the two cups of olive oil in a deep skillet,
and sauté the onion. After it has cooled down, combine it with the mince, along with
salt, pepper, and dill. Mix well, add the uncooked rice, and mix again.
• Lay a cabbage leaf flat on your working surface, and place about a tablespoon of the
mixture at the bottom. Wrap once, fold the sides inwards to secure the mixture, and
roll upwards to create your cabbage roll.
• Place the rolls inside a wide saucepan, in a circular pattern. If necessary, start a new
layer. Add 2 cups of water, some salt and the remaining olive oil.
• Place a large, flat dish on top of the cabbage rolls (this will keep them from unfolding
during cooking), and cover the saucepan.
• Cook over low heat for about 45-60 minutes. Make sure both the cabbage and stuffing
are cooked. Remove the broth, and reserve it in a bowl.
• In a different saucepan, combine the flour and 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil over medium
heat, mixing well with an egg beater.

90 The Mage Cookbook

• After 2-3 minutes, add the remaining broth (and water, if need be) until the consistency
of the mixture turns creamy.
• Beat the lemon juice and egg whites, until they have all thoroughly combined. Pour the
mix into the saucepan, season to taste, and stir.
• Take the saucepan off the heat, and pour the egg-and-lemon mixture over the cabbage rolls.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 91

Battenburg Cake,
or Gateau á la Domino
The London headquarters of the Society of Ether is
truly a magnificent place to visit, evoking the posh, smoky
warmth and exclusivity of a Victorian gentlemen’s club
without too many of the racist and sexist undertones.
Furthermore, the blend between historical romanticism and
wild, bleeding-edge science and technology can be more than
a little bit terrifying if one is not expecting it. The “servants” may
easily be mistaken for actual humans, so lifelike are these AI-driven
androids! Nevertheless, Etherite Society members are a friendly,
gregarious bunch, and while the vast majority of today’s generation
choose not to revel in the resurgence of the late Victorian-fashion
aesthetic favored by their predecessors, a small few have
been known to don a top hat, a bustled over-skirt, or a pair
of antique, lace-up boots. Thomas Church and Madeline
Mason – the two Peers who met me at my hotel – exhibited this
divergence of tastes when they arrived, Thomas wearing a gray morning
coat with waistcoat-and-cravat over a pair of blue jeans with what my sister
would call “curb-stomping boots,” and Madeline looking sleek in a smart
Victoria Beckham ensemble, Hermes Birkin handbag, and Prada pumps.
Part of what makes a visit to the Society headquarters so lovely is the
daily tea service, which features a beautiful array of tea cakes and sandwiches,
as well as the requisite beverage. On my visit, Thomas introduced me to
the magnificent piece of alchemical equipment that is the Continental
balancing tea siphon. (I have since been informed that one can use it to
render coffee as well, but... well… why?)
On one side of the cherry wood base is the brewing vessel, which
rather resembles a parfait glass topped with a silver lid. Into the
brewing vessel extends the siphon, which connects to the vacuum
flask, itself situated to hover above a spirit lamp. A counterweight
sits on two metal arms which wrap around the brewing vessel and
attach to the vacuum flask. These arms pivot on a central metal

92 The Mage Cookbook

column. A cloth filter is placed on the siphon filter head, and then tea leaves are spooned into
the brewing vessel while water is poured into the vacuum flask. Once the flask has been sealed,
the cap of the spirit lamp is lifted to reveal the wick. When the wick is lit, the water in the
vacuum flask is heated and passes through the siphon to the brewing vessel, which receives the
water. As the flask gets lighter, the counterbalance falls until another small mechanism causes
the cap of the spirit lamp to flip shut, extinguishing the flame. The cooling of the vacuum flask
causes the water in the brewing vessel to be drawn back up into the flask. When the process is
done, the tea is served by way of a small tap jutting off from the flask.
You may well ask, Why all this process when a tea bag will suffice? The answer is in the flavor
of the resulting beverage. It is smooth and nuanced, without the bitterness that comes of water
that was too hot and thus burned the leaves. Again, I am told that the same is true of coffee
brewed in this fashion, but I cannot, myself, attest to that since I’m not a coffee drinker. Either
way, using a balancing siphon is loads of fun, and my experience with one at the Society tea left
an indelible, positive impression upon me.
Included on the menu that day was one of my all-time favorite indulgences: Battenburg cake.
There is no shortage of mythology surrounding the origins of this iconic, parti-colored
sponge cake held together with apricot jam and wrapped in marzipan. The most pervasive story
is that the cake was commissioned to celebrate the nuptials of Princess Victoria and Prince
Louis of Battenburg in 1884. However, when Madeline and I discussed it with the chef, he
pointed us to a recipe created nearly 14 years later by Mrs. Agnes Marshall and published in her
popular Victorian magazine, The Table. She called this confection a Domino cake, and while
the standard Battenburg features four alternating blocks, hers called for six. Honestly, none
of that matters to me. What matters is that this cake is colorful, delicious, and well worth the
time and effort it takes to make it.
Mrs. Marshall’s gateau is actually a pound cake, and the chef modified the recipe so that
the cake itself is moist and delicious, with a delicate orange and cardamom flavor that marries
nicely with the apricot jam and the marzipan.

The Balancing Siphon

This is actually a thing that exists in the mundane world, and it’s a magnificent
piece of equipment to have if you love coffee and tea. Unfortunately, balancing
siphons are not cheap; they run anywhere from $120 to $190 US for the average
model. The Royal Coffee Co. sells completely hand-crafted and bespoke models
that range between $11 K and $20 K!

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 93

Battenburg Cake, or Gateau á la Domino
This is a two-day process, so plan accordingly

For the Cake
1 1/2 cup butter (do not substitute)
8 oz [227 g] organic cream cheese**
3 cups granulated sugar
6 large eggs
1 tsp orange liqueur
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp orange zest (optional)
3 cups all-purpose or cake flour
1/2 tsp cardamom
1 tsp salt
red food coloring paste
** Testing of this recipe has shown that using regular cream cheese leads to strange dense streaks
within the finished cake. For some reason, organic cream cheese does not produce this result.

2 8 x 8 x 3-inch square [200 x 200 x 76 mm] baking pans
baking parchment
cake tester/long toothpick

Several hours before baking, place butter, cream cheese, and eggs on the counter, and allow
them to come to room temperature. As much as possible, all these ingredients should be the
same temperature before you work with them. Resist the temptation to soften the butter in the
microwave; this will make it too hot, and it will not properly behave and incorporate into the cake.
• Arrange the rest of your ingredients in place:
• For the flour: dip out 3 cups into the sifter, and add cardamom and salt.
• Sift into a large bowl to remove lumps. Once all flour has been sifted, measure out 3
cups of the flour mixture as follows: fluff with a fork, spoon flour into measuring cup,
then level with a knife. You do not want to pack down the flour. A light touch is best.
• Preheat the oven to º325 F [º160 C], and liberally butter two 8 x 8 x 3-inch [200 x 200 x
76 mm] loaf pans. Line the bottom and sides of the pan with baking parchment. There
are a variety of methods for doing this; just be sure that your parchment fits snugly
into the corners of your pan. Once the parchment is in the pan, liberally butter the
parchment. You should have butter on both sides of the parchment.
• Using a food scale, measure the weight of your mixing bowl, and write it down. This will
be needed later when it comes time to divide the batter equally between the cake pans.
94 The Mage Cookbook
• In that same large mixing bowl, beat together the softened butter and cream cheese
until smooth. Add in the sugar, and beat for 5-7 minutes, until the mixture is light and
fluffy and almost white in color. This is a vital step, so be sure to let your butter and
sugar cream together for at least 5 minutes.
• Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. A good practice is to crack each
egg into a small cup or dish first, then transfer the egg into the batter. This ensures that
you don’t get any stray egg shells in your cake!
• Blend in orange and vanilla flavorings, and the orange zest.
• With the mixer on low, stir in flour, about 1 cup at a time. Do not over-beat!
• Place your bowl back on the food scale, and write down the measurement. Subtract the
weight of the empty bowl that you recorded earlier. What remains is the weight of the
batter. Divide this number in half, and then add back the weight of the empty bowl to
the result; this measurement will let you know when you’ve poured half of your batter.
• Pour half of the batter into one of the prepared pans (or enough to fill the pan 2/3 of
the way full). If you have any extra batter, set it aside.
• Add enough red food coloring paste to the remaining batter to give it a rich pink color.
Pour the pink batter into the other prepared loaf pan. Tap pans on the counter to
eliminate any air bubbles in the batter.
• Arrange the pans in the center of the oven and bake for 25 minutes to half-an-hour, or
until the smell of the cake begins to permeate the kitchen.
• Take a cake tester or a long toothpick – anything that will extend into the center of the
cake – and test for doneness. When the tester comes out clean (that is, no raw cake
batter sticks to it), the cake is done. If your cake needs to bake a bit longer, set your
timer for 5-minute intervals and re-test until the cake is done.
• Allow the cake to cool in the pans for about 15 minutes. Then turn the cakes out onto
a wire rack and cool completely. When cool, wrap cakes in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Assembly and Decoration

Additional Ingredients
1 jar smooth apricot jam
1 1/2 lbs [680 g] marzipan or almond paste
powdered sugar
pastry brush
rolling pin
Final Preparation
• With a sharp knife (and while cake is still cold), trim tops of each color cake so that
they are of equal size and shape. Cut each cake into four equal pieces lengthwise. You
should have four long rectangles of each color. Each rectangle should be as close in
shape and size to the others as possible.
• In a small saucepan over low heat, warm the apricot jam until it resembles syrup.
• While the jam is heating, lightly dust rolling board and rolling pin with powdered sugar.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 95

Variations on a Theme
While this particular version of Battenburg cake is a traditional one, there is no
limit to the color-and-flavor choices you can make. I have seen chocolate and
coffee-flavored Battenburgs with raspberry jam, blue-and-white vanilla flavored-
Battenburgs with blueberry or blackberry jam. Some people like to make a flavored
buttercream icing and spread that on the inside of the marzipan to help it stick to
the cake better. Experiment, and see what flavor and color combinations tickle
your tastebuds best.

• Roll out half of the marzipan, about 1/4-inch thick [6.4 mm], and shape it into a large
rectangle the length of the cake and wide enough to wrap around both sides.
• Using a pastry brush, liberally paint some apricot jam along the center of the sheet
of marzipan, about the width of two rectangles of cake. Paint one long edge of a plan
rectangle of cake and then join it to the long edge of a pink rectangle of cake. Place the
“glued” pieces onto the marzipan where you brushed it with jam. Brush the top of the
cake with jam and then place two more rectangles of cake together on top to create a
checkerboard effect.
• Brush the top of the cake with jam. Next, spread jam on the sides of the marzipan,
leaving about 1 1/2-inch [38 mm] at the edge.
• Wrap the marzipan tightly over the sides and top of the cake, pressing to mold the
marzipan in place. Overlap the unpainted marzipan edges and press together to form a
seam. Turn the cake over so that the seam is on the bottom. “Hug” the cake with your
hands to ensure that the marzipan is well bonded to all sides of the cake.
• Trim each open edge so that it is neat. If you wish, with a fork or with a fondant decorating
tool, score a quilted pattern on the top and sides of the cake.
• Repeat these steps with the remaining cake, jam, and marzipan. This recipe yields two
8 x 4 x 4-inch cakes [200 x 100 x 100 mm].
• Slice, and serve with tea.

96 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 97
Sharbat, Sharbat Sorbet, Rahat Lokum,
and Borrage Flower Tea
While the modern Knights are best known for our prowess in the arts of war, many amongst
us are more inclined to the loving work of peace. The bloody conflicts in Syria and Iraq have made
refugees out of so many people, Enlightened included,
which means that on occasion, even we Hawks
are called upon to join the Doves in finding
food, shelter, clothing, and medical care
for the thousands of people who’ve been
displaced from their homes and lands.
One would think that such work
might be bloody miserable… and
it can be. Where the Weavers
are involved, however, joy and
wonder seem to permeate even
the most horrible scenes and
I met Aydin and Fatimah
in a refugee center in Kilis,
Turkey, arguably one of the most
strained and overwhelmed centers
along the Turkish-Syrian border.
Aydin is a giant, barrel-chested man with
lush black hair and a full, luxurious
beard that gleams with scented
pomade. When he appears, it’s often
in a swirl of exuberant chatter. He
heartily greets the men he meets as
brothers, and seems to always produce
exactly what this one or that one might
need, out of a colorful cloth bag he carries

98 The Mage Cookbook

slung across his back. All the children call Fatimah “Auntie,” and her presence is announced by
squeals, laughter, and cries of “Again! Again!” as she performs sleight-of-hand tricks to their great
delight. Fatimah stands tall and lean, with a lovely smile and a collection of riotously-colored
headscarves woven with sigils and designs that would give a Batini or a Hermetic pause. Once the
children are satisfied, she moves amongst the women of the camp and – as Aydin does – manages
to produce miracles out of a small, dusty rucksack.
In addition to this generosity – and in spite of the magnitude of the crisis and the near
non-existence of anything but the bare necessities – Aydin and Fatimah somehow manage to
create traditional Arab and Persian desserts out of thin air, and serve them to as many people as
possible until they run out. My rational and Enlightened mind knows that they must be pulling
upon resources from a distance, but the small child in me glories in the magic and mystery of
watching someone produce a bit of sweetness where it is least expected. While I was in their
company, they made a lovely sharbat, and served it up with a light and creamy almond sorbet.
A few nights later, they brought around homemade raha, or rahatlokum. Though we in the West
know of this confection as Turkish Delight, it is popular across the Arab world, and throughout
the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Fun fact: this is the precursor to the modern jelly bean,
though the fancier varieties feature dates and pistachios nestled in the colorful-flavored bites.
Thankfully, Aydin and Fatimah were kind enough to share their recipes with me, and to allow
me to share them with you as well.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 99

Strawberries aren’t
very Middle-Eastern...
Traditionally, sharbat is made with pomegranate, with blue-lotus powder as a
thickening agent. However, finding said blue lotus powder outside the Middle
East is not easy, and can be prohibitively expensive. The mashed strawberry in
this recipe has the same flavor profile, and is much easier to acquire.

1 lb [454 g] of stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, cherries)
1/2 lb [227 g] strawberries
1 1/2 cups almonds
1 cup borrage flower tea, cooled
4 mint leaves
zest of 1 lemon (cut into strips that can be strained out)
2-4 tbsp honey to taste based on the ripeness of your fruit
1 tsp rose water
• Thoroughly rinse the almonds, then roughly chop them.
• Next, rinse and mash the strawberries with a potato masher. Push the mashed strawberries
through a fine mesh strainer, until the pulp is dried out and you have a somewhat thick
gelatinous strawberry “juice.” Rinse the stone fruit, cut into slices, and put them into
a non-reactive bowl.
• Now add the rose water, borrage tea, strawberry juice, honey, mint, and almonds to the
bowl with the fruit. Cover the liquid, and leave it to macerate for 8 hours (or overnight)
in the refrigerator.
• Strain the liquid, and pour it into a wide baking dish. Place the baking dish into the
freezer for 45 minutes. Remove the dish from the freezer, and scrape a fork along the
surface of the liquid to break up any ice crystals. Place the dish back in the freezer,
and take it back out every 15 minutes to scrape the crystals apart, until the mixture is
completely dry.
• If you have access to an ice shaver, you can alternatively put the syrup over shaved ice.
This preparation is more traditional, and is the one that Aydin used at the camp.

100 The Mage Cookbook

Sharbat Sorbet
fruit pulp from the sharbat solid
almonds from the strained sharbat solids
3 cups of borrage flower tea
6 dates
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup of granulated sugar
• Separate out the almonds from the remainder of the strained sharbat solids. Add the
almonds, the dates, and the remaining 3 cups of borrage tea to your blender, and blend
until it’s completely smooth.
• Put the mixture in a nut bag (or strain through several layers of cheese cloth), and push
out the almond milk until no more liquid is coming out. Discard the almond pulp.
• Rinse out the blender, and put the almond milk back into the blender with the stone
fruit from the sharbat solids, the honey, and sugar. Blend for a minute, or until the
mixture is completely smooth. Push the mixture through a mesh strainer with a rubber
spatula to remove the larger pieces of stone-fruit skin.
• Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour, and then freeze in an ice cream-maker,
as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Serve with a scoop of the sharbat to balance the
sharp fruit flavor of the sharbat with the creaminess of the almond sorbet.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 101

Rahat Lokum
4 cups sugar
1 cup cornstarch
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp rose water
1 tsp cream of tartar (do not leave this out!)
food coloring
• Kitchen tools needed include a candy thermometer, and possibly a hand-held mixer
or immersion blender.
• In a heavy saucepan, combine 1 1/2 cups of water with the sugar and lemon juice,
and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Keep stirring constantly, until the sugar
mixture reaches º240 F [º115 C] on the candy thermometer. Immediately remove from
the heat, and allow the mixture to cool while you proceed to the next step.
• In another saucepan, combine 2 cups of water, the cream of tartar, and the cornstarch.
Whisk the mixture until it becomes smooth. Continue to whisk as you bring the mixture
to a boil. Whisk and cook, until the mixture is the consistency of thick mashed potatoes.
Remove from the heat.
• A little at a time (about 1/4 to 1/2 of a cup), add the sugar mixture to the cornstarch
mix, and whisk to combine. Do this until you have incorporated all of the sugar syrup,
and the mixture is thick and smooth. Return the pan to the heat, and bring the mixture
to a boil once again.
• Turn down the heat to the lowest setting, and allow the mixture to simmer for an hour,
stirring frequently. It will turn a lovely light-amber color.
• Remove from the heat, and add in the rose water plus a bit of food coloring.
• Lightly coat a square pan with non-stick spray, cover the bottom and sides with parchment
paper, and then use the non-stick spray to coat the parchment.
• Pour in the flavored jelly, cover lightly with a kitchen towel (or another piece of oiled
parchment), and allow to cool completely. The jelly will be slightly sticky to the touch.
• Combine 1 cup of confectioner’s sugar with about 1/4 cup of corn starch. Liberally
dust your working surface with the powdered sugar, and turn out the jelly onto the
surface. Carefully remove the parchment (go slowly!), and dust the sticky surface with
powdered sugar.
• With a sharp, lightly oiled knife, cut the jelly into bite-sized pieces.
• Drop the pieces, a few at a time, into the powdered sugar-and corn starch-mix, and toss
lightly to coat. Continue until all the jelly is in the sugar mix, and has been generously

102 The Mage Cookbook

Flavoring your Rahat Lokum
While rose water provides the most traditional flavoring for this confection, other
options are just as delicious:
orange water
lime juice
chopped dates and pistachios, with cinnamon
Experiment with your own flavor choices. As mentioned above, rahat lokum is an
ancestor of the jelly bean, so any fruit flavor would more than likely taste delicious!

• Arrange pieces on a decorative tray to serve, or place them in an air-tight container along
with the remaining powdered sugar /corn starch mix. Note: Do not store this in the
refrigerator, as that will cause the jelly to “sweat.” It will keep quite nicely in an airtight
container at room temperature.

Borrage Flower Tea

.10 oz [2 grams] of dried borrage blossoms
4 cups of strained water
• Pour boiling water over the borrage flowers in a 4-cup teapot, and allow the mixture to
steep for five minutes. Strain the tea, and allow it to cool to room temperature.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 103

in Tomato Ragu,
with Pizza Bianca
Growing up, I was not taught – as others of the
Faith so often are – that witches were wicked, evil
people intent on gobbling up little children or selling
them to the faeries. Then again, any witches who may
have been so kept themselves well-hidden in our little
village, though I’m sure they were there. When one
receives the Divine Fire, one’s eyes are opened to a great
many things. Alas, my fellow Brethren do not often seek
out the help and friendship of the
Verbena; to be completely fair, the
Verbena rarely make themselves
seen or available to us, given the
bad blood that has long existed
between the Church and the old
magickal traditions it has relentlessly
persecuted. Nevertheless, I somehow
managed to convince a Stregheria by
the name of Giullietta D’Agosto to not
only talk to me on multiple occasions,
but also to become an ally and a friend,
in spite of my “unfortunate” affiliations.
Nonna Giulla, as her friends and
family call her, lives with her nephew
Cosmo in a rambling Queen Anne
Victorian home in San Francisco with
a round tower pointing up to the sky
and wide bay-windows shaded by lush,
green trees. Inside, the interior and
furnishings are just what one would
expect in an historical home such as
104 The Mage Cookbook
this, but a careful inspection of the carved wood and ornamental glass in the transoms over
the doors reveals hidden figures and symbols that reflect the rich traditions of Italian wise-craft.
The kitchen is warm and inviting, featuring a wood-fired stove in addition to a state-of-the-art
gas stove and double convection oven. Nonna Giulla explains that for some things, the old ways
are best, but that doesn’t mean she’s unwilling to keep up with the times! Just off the kitchen,
there is a good-sized solarium and workshop where a veritable jungle of herbs, flowers, and
other plants grow and thrive. At the center is Nonna’s worn, wooden work table, brought with
her great-grandmother from the Old Country and installed when the house was built. Her
knowledge of herb-craft and the creation of life-sustaining teas and tinctures is a prized and
carefully guarded family tradition.
Luckily, Nonna’s recipe for meatballs and sauce isn’t a guarded secret; upon hearing
about my project, she was more than willing to share it with me. Cosmo thought the idea of an
underground dinner was intriguing, especially given the number of great cooks Nonna counted
amongst her friends. We set up a dinner party for ten. Another stand-out dish from that dinner
was a white pizza drizzled with herb-infused olive oil and topped with carmelized onions and
mild provolone cheese.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 105

Polpetted’estate in Tomato Ragu
For the Ragu
1/4 lb [113 g] pancetta or slab bacon, ground or finely chopped
6 oz [177 ml] tomato paste
1 28 oz [830 ml] can peeled, whole San Marzano tomatoes
1 cup dry, drinkable red wine
olive oil and butter
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 carrot, finely diced
1 stalk celery, finely diced
dried basil, marjoram, thyme, and oregano
salt and pepper
For the Polpette
1/3 lb [150 g] ground pork
1/3 lb [150 g] ground veal
1 cup crumbled, day-old, Italian bread or bread crumbs
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
1/2 onion, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup fresh basil, minced
1/2 cup fresh mint, minced
1 egg
ragu sauce (see above)
salt and pepper
Start with the Ragu
• Heat a knob of butter, plus enough olive oil to coat the bottom of a tall sauce pot, over
medium-high heat. When the butter is bubbly, add in the onions, carrot, celery, and
garlic, and let them sweat until the onions are clear.
• Turn up the heat a little, and add in the pancetta, stirring the contents of the pot near-
constantly. When the onions and pancetta begin to brown, add in the tomato paste,
and allow it to brown a bit. It will not turn very brown, but it will lose its brightness
and turn a richer, darker red.
• Pour in the can of tomatoes with the liquid and add the red wine. Stir the contents of
the pot to mix well.
• Add in the dried herbs as follows: Enough dried basil to fit in the hollow of your hand,
three pinches (what you can pick up with your thumb and first two fingers) each of

106 The Mage Cookbook

the marjoram, thyme, and oregano. Massage or “work” the herbs a bit before adding
them to the pot.
• Lower heat to the lowest setting, and allow the sauce to simmer for two hours, stirring
occasionally to prevent the bottom from scorching.
While the ragu is cooking, begin work on the meatballs.
• The texture of the meatballs will be different depending upon your use of day-old Italian
bread or commercially-produced bread crumbs. If you choose to use the day-old bread,
rip the bread into very small pieces, and then lightly toast them on a cookie sheet to
dry them out a bit more.
• Add all the ingredients for the meatballs except the ragu sauce into a large bowl. With
your hands, blend the meat and other ingredients together as uniformly as possible.
Spoon about 3 tablespoons of the cooking sauce into a small bowl or dish, and then
allow it to cool down before adding it to the meatballs.
• Blend again, then shape the mixture into balls about two inches in diameter, and lay
them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. It is okay if the sides touch. Wrap
the baking sheet in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to marry.
• In a heavy frying pan, pour in enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan, and heat
until the oil just begins to smoke.
• Add meatballs into the pan a few at a time, until the pan is full but not crowded.
• When the bottoms are brown, turn each meatball over and allow it to brown on the
other side. They will not cook completely through!
• As the meatballs finish browning on both sides, transfer them to the pot of hot, simmering
sauce. Gently fold them in, being careful not to break them apart. The meatballs will
finish cooking in the sauce.
• Serve in a bowl with a generous amount of shaved parmesan cheese, a drizzle of fine
olive oil, and a sprinkling of pepper flakes if you like a little kick. These can also be
served over pasta if you so desire.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 107

Pizza Bianca with Carmelized Onions
and Provolone Dolce
Nonna Giulla often laments that what most Americans think of as “pizza” is actually a far
cry from what she grew up with and learned to make from her relatives. The key to an excellent
pizza is a well-hydrated, flavorful dough, and a light and simple combination of toppings that
allow the flavor and texture of the crust to shine along with them. She uses a traditional, wood-
fired oven to make her pizza. For the rest of us, here’s how to re-create that crunchy, chewy
crust in a standard oven.

For the Dough
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 2/3 cups water at room temperature
1 1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp rapid-rise yeast
1 1/4 tsp sugar
about 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
8 oz [227 g] shredded mild provolone cheese
2 tsp fresh thyme leaves, minced
For the Onions
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp light brown sugar
4 medium onions, sliced into 1/4-inch [6.4 mm] thick rounds
1 tbsp water
ground black pepper
stand mixer, with dough hook attachment
rubber spatula
pizza stone
1-2 rimmed, 18 x 13-inch [457 x 330 mm] baking sheets (one can be used in place of a
pizza stone)
Make the Dough
• Place a damp towel, or a rubber shelf-liner, underneath a stand mixer in order to keep it
from “walking.” In the bowl of a stand mixer with a dough-hook attachment, mix flour,
water, and salt on low speed for about 4 minutes, or until there are no dry patches of
flour. You may need to occasionally scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl with
a spatula. Turn off the mixer, and let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
108 The Mage Cookbook
• Sprinkle the yeast and the sugar over the dough, and knead on low speed for about 2
minutes, occasionally scraping down the sides and the bottom of the bowl. Increase the
speed to high, and knead for 6-10 minutes until the dough is glossy, smooth, and pulls
away from the sides of the bowl. Be aware: Once you turn the mixer off, the dough will
fall back to the sides.
• Coat a large bowl with one tablespoon of the olive oil. Use your fingers for this. Rub
the excess from your fingers onto the blade of a rubber spatula. Use that oiled spatula
to transfer the dough to the oiled bowl, and then pour another tablespoon of oil over
the top.
• Again, using your oiled spatula, flip the dough over so that it is well-coated with oil.
Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap, and allow the dough to rise at room temperature
until it has tripled in volume and large bubbles have formed. This should take about
2 to 2 1/2 hours.
Prepare the Onions
• Heat the butter and the oil in a large non-stick skillet over high heat, and allow the
bubbling of the butter to subside a bit before adding in the salt and sugar. Introduce
the onions, and stir well to coat them. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally,
until the onions start to soften. Reduce the heat to medium, and cook until the onions
are a deep, rich brown and are slightly sticky. This will take about 30 to 40 minutes.
Note: Stir frequently, and be mindful of your heat. If your onions are scorching, reduce
the heat. If they haven’t browned after 15 to 20 minutes, raise the heat.
• Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in the water. Season with pepper (to taste), then
transfer to a wide, shallow bowl to cool to room temperature.
Prepare Your Oven
• About an hour before baking, move your oven rack to the middle position and place a
pizza stone on the rack. If you do not have a pizza stone, you can substitute an inverted
baking sheet with a low rim. Turn the oven on to º450 F [º230 C].
Bake the Pizza
• With your fingers, coat a rimmed baking sheet with the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil.
Re-oil your spatula if necessary.
• Using your spatula, turn the risen dough out onto the baking sheet with any excess oil
that remains in the bowl. Press the dough out towards the edges of the pan. Use your
fingertips, and be careful not to tear the dough. Don’t panic if the dough doesn’t fit
snugly into the corners of the pan.
• Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes, until it is slightly bubbly. Poke the surface of
the dough with a fork all over (about 40 times), and sprinkle with salt.
• Bake for 15-17 minutes, until the surface is just beginning to brown in spots.
• Remove the pizza from the oven, spread the onions evenly over the surface, and sprinkle
with the Provolone and the thyme.
• Put the pizza back in the oven, and bake until the cheese becomes bubbly and starts
to brown in spots.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 109

Final Notes
This is a very well-hydrated dough, so you must handle it with slightly oiled hands and
utensils; otherwise it will stick to everything. Standard procedure in bread-making involves
flouring your hands and surfaces. Don’t do that with this dough – you will regret it!
Once the pizza dough has been placed in the oiled bowl, it can be refrigerated for up to
24 hours. I actually recommend this, because a dough that has been allowed slow, cold rise will
develop all kinds of delicious flavor.
If you choose this option, be sure to set your dough out on the counter at room temperature
for a good 2 to 3 hours before attempting to shape it; otherwise it will not relax enough to
spread out into the pan. If you find that it threatens to tear, even after you’ve brought it up to
room temperature, press it out as far as you can, and then allow it to sit in the pan for a few
minutes before trying again.
A pizza stone is a great piece of equipment to have, but if you don’t have one, you might
want to make a few adjustments to get the kind of crispness desired in this pizza. If your crust
doesn’t get crispy enough when baking in the center of the oven, try placing your rack and
inverted pan at the lowest possible position, and increase the oven temperature to º500 F [º260 C].

110 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 111
Kuih Lapis
Sometimes food is a cathartic celebration, particularly if you’ve been through hell and
have come out the other side alive and at least somewhat mentally and physically intact. In my
experience, the vast majority of the Enlightened still believe that the Fallen and their minions
gather around stone altars dripping with the blood of children, summoning demons, and
chanting monsters into existence in cursed languages. That’s complete and utter shite. The
reality is that the Fallen look all too ordinary, like the doctor who readily over-prescribes deadly
opiate cocktails to her patients, or the owner of a for-profit prison who entices elected officials
to invest in his enterprise while looking the other way at the horrific abuses perpetrated behind
those barbed-wire fences and thick cinderblock walls.
Worst of all, perhaps, are those wealthy, upstanding families who put forth their beautiful,
educated daughters and sons as online brides and grooms, promising a life of prosperity in
the cities to naive, rural folk who are desperate to help their families and improve their lot
in life. These people, many of whom are college-educated men who come from dirt-poor,
opportunity- starved villages all across Southeast Asia, enter into these arranged marriages with
the understanding that when they arrive in Hong Kong, Jakarta, or Singapore, their in-laws will
provide work for them until such time as the new couple can establish themselves and make
networking connections. At that point, so the in-laws promise, the young person can move on
to even better, more white-collar opportunities.
Of course, this is a lie.
A young man arrives, and almost immediately, his passport is taken from him by his wife
or her family – forcibly, if necessary. Then he is required to work backbreaking hours during
the day in construction or some other form of manual labor, only to be forced into servitude for
the family at home at night. Any money he makes is directly paid to that family (not his own),
and his meager allowance is monitored to ensure that he’s not trying to secretly build himself
an avenue of escape. He’s trapped as a slave until either he dies or he runs away… and, in the
latter case, with no passport, he becomes invisible.

112 The Mage Cookbook

Where do I Find This Stuff?
Pandan leaves are what give this dessert its distinctive flavor. While they are readily
available in Southeast Asia, they can be rather difficult to source in other parts of
the world. If you have access to a Thai or Vietnamese farmer’s market, you might
be able to find fresh pandan leaves there; if not, there may be online sources that
sell fresh and frozen ones that will work just as well.
As a last resort, you can reconstitute dried pandan leaves, but the flavor will be
much weaker. Avoid many of the extracts or pastes you might see online. These
are largely food coloring, and the artificial flavor is not really appetizing. If all
else fails, you can substitute any sort of floral aromatic flavoring like rose, jasmine,
or orange blossom.

Thank the Lord above for the alliance of the Blessed: a

wildly varied hodgepodge of Tradition mages, Technocrats,
and unaffiliated magi who have begun to fight this particular
flavor of evil head-on, seeking to root out the twisted forces
at the heart of this most heinous form of human trafficking.
Mary Pei, a Virtual Adept I know in Singapore, thought
that perhaps a clutch of the Fallen within her city
were using a relic to strengthen the persuasive
power of their trap. My fellow Brethren and I
engaged in the fight, not only to recover the
artifact, but to save at least seven men and
women who had been tricked and enslaved.
The story of that fight is not important
right now; the thing that sticks with me,
to this day, is the meal that we all shared
with those newly liberated people.
The food in question wasn’t particularly
special: a platter of satay, hand-pulled noodles,
some kind of savory steamed dumplings, a
tureen of seafood broth, and little steamed layer
cakes called kuih lapis, which we ate for dessert with
some tea. But I tell you that I have never seen people so
grateful to eat their fill – to ask for second and even third
helpings, to experience the pleasure of those little cakes – that
they could barely eat for weeping. The overwhelming freedom of
that moment was something I will never forget.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 113

Kuih Lapis
3 cups tapioca flour
2/3 cup rice flour
2 cups water
2 cups granulated sugar
4 pandan leaves
2 cups full-fat canned coconut milk
food coloring
• In a heavy saucepan, combine the water, sugar and pandan leaves, then boil until the
sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat, discard the pandan leaves, and stir in the
coconut milk. Set this mixture aside to cool.
• In a separate bowl, mix the tapioca flour and rice flour together with a fork. When the
coconut liquid has cooled to room temperature, gradually whisk both liquid and flour
together. Strain the mixture through a sieve to remove any lumps.
• Divide the batter in two (or more) equal portions, and then color each portion as
you desire, keeping one portion white. (Traditional kuih are often pink-and-white, or
• Using coconut oil or ghee, grease a square or round cake pan, and place it in the basket
of a steamer for few minutes over boiling water.
• Pour about 1/2 cup of white batter into the heated pan, and steam at high heat for about
4 minutes or until the batter is cooked. Then add 1/2 cup of colored liquid onto it, and
steam for another 4 minutes. You can reduce the amount of batter for thinner layers.
• Repeat this process, alternating white and colored liquids until all the batter is used up.
Be sure to stir the batter every time before pouring out the liquid into the cake pan.
• After the final layer is steamed, remove the cake pan from the steamer, and leave the
cake in the pan to cool completely.
• When the cake has cooled, grease a knife, and run it along the sides of the cake pan,
then invert the pan over a cutting board or a plate to remove the cake.
• Grease your knife again with coconut oil before cutting the cake into small, bite sized
• As a finish, you may also wish to brush some melted coconut oil onto the surface for
a pretty gloss.

114 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 115
Hongshao Shizitou
(Red Braised Lion’s
Head), with Mandarin
Fried Rice
Like many non-Asian Americans, I was deeply ignorant
about Chinese food. As a child, my introduction to Asian cuisine
came by way of the soggy canned garbage sold under the name
Chung King. Occasionally, my food-loving family would go
grab some goodies at the Peking Dragon – a far cry from “the
good stuff,” but several steps up from tinny Chung King. Not
until I worked with a friend I’ll call Zhang Hungzhen during a
London operation, though, did I understand the gulf between
middle-American “Chinese food” and the real thing. I’m not
certain my family knows the difference even now.
Thanks to Britain’s unfortunate history throughout Asia,
London plays host to some of the best (and some of the worst)
Chinese and Indian restaurants on earth. To celebrate a major
breakthrough in our fight against the Fallen Ones of London,
Hung (Zhang is a family name, which I have used first in honor
of the Chinese tradition even though it’s not his true family name
to begin with) took me to a restaurant whose name and location I
must, for obvious reasons, keep secret. After a magnificent dim sum,
zesty hot sour soup, and a startling dish that featured a cooked,
defeathered pigeon cut into bits arranged in the shape of a bird
on the plate, we enjoyed the main course: hongshao shizitou, or
red braised lion heads.

116 The Mage Cookbook

Named because it resembles lion heads (complete with cabbage “manes”), hongshao shizitou
is a common dish in North and South China, but one rarely found in restaurants outside Asia.
The variation I learned from Zhang Hungzhen involves the “red-cooked” (hongshao) style of
poaching food in a mixture of chicken stock and soy sauces. A different version can be cooked
without the soy sauces, simply by substituting a similar amount of chicken broth instead. Like
many Dragon Wizards (which, as Hung explained, is a terrible translation of the group’s real
name to begin with), Hung favors the traditional meals of the Chinese Imperial Courts over
what he called “the mongrel peasant foods” generally found on American plates. Even so, we
also enjoyed large helpings of Mandarin fried rice with that meal, which is a food more common
among merchant and artisan classes than among the upper nobility of Imperial dynasties, but
a tasty dish regardless. And so, I have included that recipe here, along with the one I secured
(through copious flattery) for braised lion heads.
By the way, I recommend using fresh water chestnuts rather than the canned, sliced, and
brined water chestnuts commonly used in American cooking. Shelling the nuts can be kind of
a hassle, but the resulting taste and texture are worth the effort. Also, speaking as one who now
knows better: Do yourself a favor, and don’t eat that Chung King junk. Ever.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 117

Hongshao Shizitou
For the Meat Balls
1 wok, oiled (you really need a wok to prepare this dish correctly)
1 1/2 lbs [680 g] ground pork
20 oz [567 g] Napa cabbage (root ends trimmed, leaves separated)
1 1/4 cup chicken stock (home-made is best)
8 water chestnuts
3 scallions (minced)
3 tsp ginger (minced)
2 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp brown sugar
2-3 tbsp cornstarch
3-4 tbsp peanut oil
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
For the Potato Flour Slurry
1 tsp potato flour
1 tsp water
• Mix the pork meat with 4 teaspoons of water. Mix the meat in one direction only,
and mix it for a few minutes until the texture is somewhat fluffy. Drop in the minced
scallion, ginger, and chestnuts, along with the salt and sesame oil. Mix well, and then
form the meat into 5 or 6 large meat balls.
• Dust the meat balls with the cornstarch, and set them aside.
• Grease your wok with the peanut oil, and heat it over medium heat. Once the oil has
just barely begun to smoke, add your meat balls – one at a time – and fry them. Roll and
turn the meat around in the wok, gently yet constantly (wok-frying is an art of constant
motion), until each ball has browned. Remove and set aside.
• Clean wok (not with soap!), heat it again, and add 6 teaspoons of water. Drop in the
cabbage leaves, cover the wok, and steam the leaves for roughly 5 minutes, until the
leaves are flexible. Remove from heat, and set aside.
• Once the cabbage leaves have cooled down enough to handle, line a small casserole dish
with roughly 2/3 of those leaves. Place the meat balls on the leaves, and then pour in
the chicken stock, soy sauces, and sugar. Lay the remaining leaves over the meat balls,
cover, and braise the meal for roughly 1 1/2 hours on the top of your stove.
• Make a small batch of potato flour slurry by mixing the potato flour and water together.
Set aside, but make sure it does not lose its liquid consistency.

118 The Mage Cookbook

• When the meat balls and cabbage have cooked, remove the meat. Arrange the cabbage
leaves on the serving plate, arrange the meat balls in the center, on top of the leaves.
• Combine the potato flour slurry with the remaining liquid from the casserole dish. Mix
it together until it coats the stirring utensil thickly, yet still retains its liquid consistency.
Pour this liquid over the “lions’ heads,” and garnish the meal with minced carrots or
green onions.

Mandarin Fried Rice

5 cups cold cooked (not raw) rice
2 eggs
1 lachang (Chinese dried-pork sausage, finely minced)
4 cloves garlic
1/2 cup sliced scallions
2 tsp fresh ginger (finely chopped)
3 tbsp canola oil
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp white pepper
kosher salt
• Pour 2 tablespoons of canola oil, plus 2 teaspoons of sesame oil, into your wok. Heat
the wok over medium-to-high heat; when the oil shimmers, break the eggs (which will
puff up almost immediately) into the wok.
• Allow the eggs a few seconds to set up, and then (using a spatula or other tool, not your
hand!) push the sides of the egg-mass toward the center of the wok so that the uncooked
egg can fully cook as well. Flip the cooked egg-mass over for 5 seconds or so, and then
pour the mass off onto a plate. As they cool, break the egg-mass into small bits, again
using a spatula or similar instrument. Set aside.
• Add the remaining oil to the wok. Swirl it around to coat the inside of the wok; again,
heat the oil until it shimmers, and then add the ginger and garlic into the wok; stir-fry
for roughly 2 minutes, until the ingredients grow soft.
• Add in the scallions, sausage, and rice. Stir-fry the food with constant motion.
• Add the pepper, soy sauce, and eggs. Toss and blend all ingredients together.
• Season to taste, and serve immediately.

Chapter One: Mystic Meals 119

120 The Mage Cookbook
Chapter Two:

The science which feeds men is worth at least as much

as the one which teaches how to kill them.
– Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
For obvious reasons, my opportunities to interact with members of the Technocratic Union
are limited. Even though the Templar Knights were once a part of the Order of Reason, the
wholesale betrayal and slaughter of our forerunning Brethren at the hands of their supposed
allies and compatriots, as well as the slow and pervasive rot of Nephandic corruption that
has permeated their ranks, has made saving them impossible and working with them when
our aims overlap an unadvisable prospect. However, after sharing dinner with a Virtual
Adept named Qu33n3L$A in St. Petersburg, both of us were curious about our adversaries’
relationships with food, and had us wondering whether they had the same interest as we did
with regards to working with food.
A month or so after our conversation, I received an encrypted communication from
I did some poking around, not expecting to find anything, but – SURPRISE! You were
right! They DO eat! More than that, I think that the Syndicate communications I intercepted
provide proof that what you’ve observed amongst the “Muggles” is a deliberate initiative on their
part. Anyway, enjoy these notes. Some are rather funny, and others are a bit disturbing, quite
Hope our paths will cross again, Soldier.

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 121

Synthetic Cashew Curry Cheese
ItX seeded the idea of aquafaba a year ago, not only reinforcing the
importance of industrial processing in the Consensus, but also encouraging
more comprehensive use of appliances in the home. It was a roaring success.
Most of my Convention-mates won’t admit this, but the spark of brilliance
that was using aquafaba to make vegan cheese belongs to one of the first
ordinary citizens who started working with the bean juice.
I’ve tried the faux-Mozzarella made with aquafaba, and it’s not bad.
Why, however, would you spend all your time trying to reproduce something
that already exists, instead of pushing the boundaries of what’s possible? I
started tinkering around with it, and decided to take the cheese approach
and see how far in the other direction I could go without having the whole
thing fall apart due to statistically-inevitable failure. When I was done, I had
Indian cashew curry cheese.
The newest member of our amalgam comes from the Kerala School of
Astronomy and Mathematics, and she said her mother would probably gut
me and leave me in the streets for the strays to ravage if she knew what I’d
done with cashew curry. She also ate more of it than anyone else, so I don’t
really know if that’s an endorsement or not.

122 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 123
Cashew Curry Cheese, with Homemade Aquafaba
1/4 cup raw cashews, soaked for 8 hours
1/4 cup aquafaba (liquid from a can of garbanzo beans)
2 tbsp tapioca starch
2 tsp kappa carrageenan
1 tsp lactic acid or lemon juice
1 tsp nutritional yeast
3/4 tsp salt (leave out if you use canned aquafaba with salt)
1/2 cup coconut cream (the solids from the top of a can of coconut milk)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp coriander seed
1/2 tsp chili flakes
1/2 tsp saffron threads
1-inch [25 mm] ginger root, finely minced
2 garlic cloves, finely minced
2 tbsp minced onion
1 tsp coconut (or other neutral oil) for sautéing
• Mix the saffron and aquafaba, and leave them to soak while you complete the next step.
• Add the cumin, mustard seed, coriander, chili flakes, and oil to a small sauté pan over
medium heat. As soon as the seeds begin to pop and brown a bit, add the onion, garlic,
and ginger, and then sauté until lightly browned.
• Strain the cashews from their liquid, and add them to a blender with the aqufaba. Blend
them with the sautéed spices until completely smooth.
• Push the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer with a rubber spatula, to remove the
pulp and any bits of cashew that aren’t completely smooth.
• Add the mixture back to the blender, then add the tapioca starch, kappa carageenan,
acid, nutritional yeast, and salt. Puree again until completely smooth.
• Add the coconut cream, and pulse a few times until smooth. Blend as little as possible
during this step.
• Add the mixture to a saucepan, and stir over low heat until the mixture thickens
completely. When an instant-read thermometer reads º170 F [º77 C], the cooking process
is finished. Be careful not to heat too quickly during this stage.
• Add the mixture to a medium covered bowl, and put in the refrigerator until the
mixture has set.
• Serve the cheese in slices, or shred. It will melt if heated.
• Suggested serving applications: Sliced on papadum, melted over flatbread, shredded
over cauliflower and roasted.

124 The Mage Cookbook

Homemade Aquafaba
Author’s Note
I must admit that I was wholly intrigued by the cashew curry vegan cheese, but I never use canned
garbanzos. Therefore, I’m including the recipe I used to make my own homemade aquafaba.

1 cup dried beans
4 cups of water
• Rinse the garbanzo beans, and then add them to a saucepan with the water, and simmer
that combination on a stove with the lid on. The simmering time with vary, depending
on the beans, but will range between 1 and 2 hours.
• Set the beans aside for use in another recipe. Reduce the remaining liquid until it
has reached roughly 3/4 of a cup for weak aquafaba (which can be used in simple
applications, such as meringue or cheese), or to 1/3 cup for strong aquafaba (for use
in applications where the meringue will have to support heavier ingredients, such as
macarons or chiffon cake).
• If the aquafaba seems too weak at these volumes, leave them in the liquid for anywhere
from a few hours to overnight (once the beans are done cooking) before reducing the
liquid. This will allow you to get more protein out of the beans without overcooking them.
• Aquafaba from a can of chickpeas should be considered weak. It can be whipped
immediately for meringues, but needs to be reduced to make macarons.

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 125

Pretzel Logic
In the interest of maximizing performance efficiency per research submitted
by Progenitor agent Joshua Maxwell, I have prepared the following recipe and
procedural log.
The number of NWO sleeper agents, both Enlightened and Extraordinary, has
increased considerably in the past year. To minimize conditioning regression in the
growing ranks, a food-related identifier has been built into the standard sleeper
agent conditioning regimen.
All sleeper agents consume sunflower seeds as a consistent part of their snacking
habits. This consumption pattern will emerge from a cursory review of their offices,
vehicles, or itemized expense reports. If this pattern is absent during agent review,
immediately refer the suspected personnel for potential reconditioning.
Sleeper-agent partners have reported difficulties related to this conditioning
during extended stakeouts. The following recipe expands food options that will ensure
that the agent-monitoring protocol is undisturbed, and optimal work-stress ratios
are maintained for individuals assigned to agent-monitoring.

126 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 127
Sunflower Kernel Pretzel Knots
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp kosher salt
1 package (or 1 1/2 tsp) active dry yeast
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (plus perhaps a bit extra to dust your hands and work-area)
4 tbsp melted butter
1 egg yolk beater with a splash of water
1/4 cup roasted sunflower seeds
8 cups water
1/2 cup baking soda
For Topping
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
several fresh grinds of pepper
1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 cup shelled sunflower kernels
• Mix the warm water with the sugar, salt, and yeast. Allow to sit in a warm place for 5
minutes, or until bubbly.
• While the yeast is activating, mix together the spices and salt for the pretzel-knot topping.
• Mix the flour and butter into the yeast mixture, and then stir together until fully
incorporated. Either turn the dough out onto a counter and knead until the dough
tightens up, or knead with the dough hook in a stand-mixer until the dough pulls away
from the mixer bowl and is completely smooth.
• Form dough into a ball, and allow to rise in a warm place for 1 hour, or until the dough
has doubled in size.
• When the dough is almost fully risen, add the baking soda to your 8 cups of water in a 4
quart [4 l] saucepan, and then bring to a low boil. Preheat your oven to º450 F [º230 C].
• Separate your dough into 16 equal pieces by cutting the dough in half, then halving
those pieces, and repeating this process 2 more times.
• Roll each piece of dough into a 1/2-inch wide [13 mm] rope of dough, and then loosely
form a knot.
• Put the knots in the boiling alkalized water 2 at a time, and allow them to boil for 15
• Flip the knots, and allow them to boil for 15 more seconds.
• Move the knots to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, or to silicone baking sheets.

128 The Mage Cookbook

• Coat each pretzel knot generously with the egg-and-water mixture, and then sprinkle
with the spice mixture and sunflower kernels. Lightly press the sunflower kernels into
the knots with your fingers.
• Bake the pretzel knots for 12 to 14 minutes, or until they have become dark-brown
and crusty.
Vegan Option
• To make these pretzels vegan, replace the egg wash with aquafaba, and the melted butter
with sunflower oil.

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 129

Eggs Came First
Good day, all! Since the Mirrorshades finally processed Performance
Efficiencies of Allowing Agents on Long-Term Assignments to use Intranet
Systems for Inter-personal Content, I’m starting up a sub-forum on the
new site for recipes.
I’ve been assigned to deep-sea lab duty for the last two years, and
while the nutrition-synthesis team has improved the flavor-profile of the
soy slurry considerably in that time, you occasionally want a flavor you
grew up with.
One of the bench-workers had the shockingly enlightened idea to
buy some sous vide bags and get some extra use out of the incubation
tanks. So I figured I’d kick things off with some of the fillings I put in
my omelettes. I mean I’m using Dulce instead of bacon, and you’re
probably happier not asking what counts as an “egg” around here, but
our breakfasts are still pretty epic.
Other sous vide recipes are appreciated. We have the incubation
tanks and one standalone burner to cook for the whole lab. The last time
someone tried to requisition more cooking equipment, we were reminded
just how much effort the nutrition-synthesis team puts into our rations.
It’s clear we’re never getting a second burner.

130 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 131
Sous Vide Omelette Fillings
12 Eggs
For Bacon Filling
1 package thick-cut bacon
1 8 oz [227 g] package of baby spinach
8 oz [227 g] shredded cheddar
For Shrimp Filling
12 oz [340 g] medium shrimp, shelled and deveined
2-4 cloves of garlic, depending on preference
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
For Mushroom Filling
1 8 oz [227 g] package button or crimini Mushrooms
1 tsp chopped rosemary
2 cloves minced garlic
3 tbsp red wine
1/4 cup sour cream
1 dry parmesan cheese rind
salt and pepper, to taste
• To prepare ingredients for the sous vide via the water-submersion method, put all
ingredients in a large zip-lock bag.
• With the bag open, put the bottom of the bag into a large bowl of water. Do not submerge
to the point where the open top will allow water in. The pressure from the water will
force the bag closed. Push as much of the bag underwater as you can without letting
water flow over the top, then close the zip-lock bag.
• When you prep a bag this way, you can use wet marinades, which you cannot do with
a vacuum sealer. There may be a little air left, so you might need a light weight – like a
small ramekin – to keep your food submerged during cooking.
For the Bacon
• Turn your sous vide onto º145 F [º63 C], and allow the water to come up to temperature.
Then submerge your bacon in its original vacuum packaging into the water bath. If
you purchased your bacon in bulk, bag it using the water method above, or using a
vacuum sealer.
• Allow to cook for a minimum of 8 hours, but up to 48 hours.
• Take the bacon out of the sous vide, and sear it hard on one side, and then for a few
seconds on the other side to remove the pale color. The bacon will be crisp on the

132 The Mage Cookbook

outside, but tender overall. If you prefer completely crispy bacon, then cook until it is
evenly, but lightly, browned on both sides. It will be crisp, but more tender than bacon
that is not pre-cooked.
• Pour all but 1 tsp of bacon grease out of the pan. Sauté your spinach until it begins to
wilt, and then remove it from the pan and put it in a bowl.
For the Shrimp
• Turn on your sous vide to º135 F [º57 C], and allow the water to come to the set
• Add your shrimp, olive oil, chopped garlic, and red pepper flakes to a zip-top bag. Mix
then around in the bag until the oil and spices have covered the shrimp fairly evenly.
Then seal the bag using the water-submersion method described above, and cook in your
sous vide for 15 minutes. When it comes out, it is ready to add to omelettes.
For the Mushrooms
• Turn on your sous vide to º185 F [º85 C], and allow the water to come to the set
• Add your mushrooms, herbs, wine, garlic, and parmesan rind to a sous vide bag, and
then seal the bag using the water-method described above. Cook in the sous vide for
1 hour. You may need to weigh this down to keep it under water with a light weight,
as described above.
• Empty the bag into a small bowl. Remove the parmesan rind and discard. Mix in the
sour cream. The mixture is ready to add to omelettes.

Omelette Preparation
• Preheat a 10-inch stainless steel skillet, and add 1/2 tablespoon of butter to the pan. The
butter should quickly froth, but should not immediately brown or burn. If it browns
slightly, then the temperature is fine; if it burns and smokes, the pan is too hot.
• Put 2 beaten eggs in the pan, and let them cook for several seconds while tilting the
pan to make sure the entire bottom is covered in egg.
• Very lightly ease the edges of the cooking egg up with a rubber spatula, allowing the
egg to cook for a few more seconds so that the bottom sets. Flip the pan a few times to
gather the eggs at the far edge of the pan.
• While the eggs are still wet on top, add your fillings. Allow the egg to cook to the desired
consistency, and then pour out onto your plate and fold over with a spatula. The insides
should ideally be thick and custardy, but not entirely set.

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 133

Seductive Desserts
A note to Syndicate agents in the field managing inter-Convention amalgams.
Don’t be seduced by the flash of the procedures used in the Conventions we fund.
We seduce, and our tools are subtle.
Any good chef (the best of whom, of course, share our Convention), will tell
you it is their job to elevate food beyond its roots while evoking the emotion and
nostalgia buried deep in the primal energy of their work. This isn’t just pretentious
self-aggrandizement. It’s quite true.
The greatest dishes are themselves instruments of our work, as this recipe
shows. No element of these ravioli is quite what you would expect it to be, and yet
these foodstuffs are steeped in experiences embedded deeply in cultural identity.
The burst of gelatinized raspberry is familiar, but in no way Italian. The zabaglione is
intentionally changed so the flavor is unexpected, but (unlike the technique used for
the raspberry) remains entirely grounded in Italian products.
I finish every new negotiation with this dessert. I insist all meaningful decisions
wait until the ritual of breaking bread is complete. By the end of the first bite, I
carefully observe my opponent. Do they lose themselves in the flavor, forgetting
the careful game of chess they are playing? Do they recognize what the dish is
designed to accomplish, and raise their guard, or do they smile with knowing
respect, recognizing the excellence of not only the dessert’s craft, but the elegance
of its place in our negotiations?
By the third bite, I know everything I need to know about the nature of my opponent,
and by the end of dessert the negotiations that follow are a passing formality.
134 The Mage Cookbook
Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 135
Chocolate Ravioli
fresh berries for garnish
Raspberry Jellies
12 oz [340 g] frozen raspberries
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 oz [7 g] powdered gelatin
1 tbsp water
Chocolate Ganache
12 oz [340 g] semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tbsp butter
Zabaglione Sauce
6 egg yolks
1/4 cups sugar
1/2 cups Prosecco (or a similar white wine)
2 tbsp orange liqueur
pinch of salt
Chocolate Pasta
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
3 large eggs
• Mix the gelatin with the 2 tablespoons of water, and let sit to soften while you prepare
the raspberry sauce.
• Add the raspberries and sugar to a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer, mashing occasionally
with a spatula or fork.
• When the sugar has completely broken up, push the mixture through a wire sieve with
a spoon or spatula, until the mixture left in the sieve has dried but the seeds have not
burst through the sieve. Occasionally wipe the sauce from the bottom of the sieve during
this process to make sure no seeds have pushed through.
• Mix the softened gelatin with the raspberry mixture until it is dissolved, and then pour
it into a pan and evenly spread across the bottom of the pan.
• Put this into a refrigerator, to set.
• Bring the cream to a simmer in a small saucepan, and then remove from the heat.
• Add the chocolate chips and butter, and mix until it is smooth. It will look like it won’t
come together and first, but the chocolate will melt. Put this in the refrigerator, to set.

136 The Mage Cookbook

• To make the pasta, mix the flour and cocoa together in a bowl. Set aside 1/4 cup of
the mixture.
• Make a well in the middle of the pasta, and then crack the eggs into the well. Whisk
them together, and slowly incorporate the flour mixture.
• When it is mixed together, pour the mixture out onto a clean counter, and then knead
the dough until it comes together. This will take several minutes of kneading.
• Cut the dough into 4 equal parts, and cover to let rest for 15 minutes.
• Run one of the 4 pieces of dough through a pasta maker on the widest setting several
times, folding it over before each rotation. When the dough begins to become smooth,
and stays together when going through the machine, begin to move to thinner settings,
repeating the folding and turning procedure a few times at each thickness until you
reach the setting your pasta maker’s manual recommends for ravioli.
• Cut the raspberry jelly into small cubes. To make the ravioli, cut out circles of pasta
with a biscuit cutter.
• On a circle of pasta, put a teaspoon of ganache and a few cubes of jelly. Coat the outside
of the pasta circle with water or egg wash, and then put another circle on top.
• Seal tightly with your fingers, making sure not to leave any air in the dumpling.
• Repeat pasta rolling and ravioli filling until you are out of pasta. If you cut out all your
circles at once, keep them well-covered to prevent them from drying out.
• Mix the yolks and sugar of the zabaglione sauce, and then mix until the yolks are slightly
frothy. Add the wine, liqueur, and salt.
• Whisk continuously over a double boiler, until the custard thickens.
• Boil the ravioli for 5 minutes, and serve over several spoonfuls of the custard with a
garnish of fresh berries.
• You will have some leftover ganache. Enjoy this excess on absolutely everything.

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 137

The Statistically Inevitable Corned Beef Sandwich
Most people don’t think much of the VA corp’s culinary sensibilities.
They think we’re limited to dehydrated ice cream, and borscht from a tube.
We aren’t always off-world, though, and sometimes we’re downright cheeky
about our food choices.
In the early days, when we were first integrating the idea of space-food into
the Consensus, an Extraordinary Citizen almost crashed the whole program. In
March of 1965, he snuck a corned beef sandwich onto the Gemini 3 mission
inside his space suit. It was one of the first trips where we were actually taking
the new freeze-dried food packs off the mudball.
Now the public story was it was a cute prank, and some crumbs started
floating around the cabin in the microgravity. Congress threw a little fit because
they thought we were mocking their space-food program. They threatened to
cut funding, and eventually everyone had a good laugh, cast the sandwich
in resin, and we moved on with our lives.
Don’t believe a word of it. We were listening to ship techs grumble about
our flagrant disregard for cascading statistical inevitability a decade later.
The old ‘Nauts still make jokes about how statistically inevitable their lunch
choices are when they can catch an ItX or forgiving NWO agent in earshot.
Let it never be said we don’t have a wicked sense of humor. We’ve also
learned how to make a mean corned beef.

138 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 139
Statistically Inevitable Corned Beef Sandwich
For Russian Dressing
2 cloves of garlic, finely grated
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp chili sauce
2 tsp grated horseradish
1 tsp hot sauce (or to taste)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp sweet paprika
1/4 tsp salt
For Sandwich
8 slices of rye sandwich bread
1 lb [454 g] sliced corned beef
8 oz [227 g] Jarlsberg cheese
softened butter (for sautéing and browning the sandwiches)
• Mix all the ingredients of the Russian dressing in a small bowl.
• Shred the Jarlsberg cheese, and cut the corned beef into thin strips.
• Pre-heat a griddle and a sauté pan to medium heat.
• Spread a thin layer of butter on 1 side of each piece of bread.
• Put a pat of butter in the sauté pan, and put the bread on the griddle, dry-side down.
If the bread won’t all fit on your griddle, then repeat the sandwich construction steps
enough times to make all 4 sandwiches.
• Sauté the corned beef until about a quarter of the surface is somewhat browned but
most of the meat is still soft and moist. Turn off the heat under the sauté pan.
• Repeat this step for each sandwich. Flip the bread so the buttered side is on the heat,
and coat the lightly toasted sides with Russian dressing, to taste. Pile a quarter of the
cheese on one piece of bread, and then pile one-quarter of the sautéed corned beef on
top of the cheese. Put the other piece of bread on top of the corned beef to complete
the sandwich, and press slightly to bind the sandwich together.
• Cook the sandwich until the bottom is golden brown, then flip the sandwich and cook
until the other side is golden brown as well.
• Serve the sandwiches with the side-dish of your choice.

140 The Mage Cookbook

Chapter Two: Technocratic Foodstuffs 141
142 The Mage Cookbook

Coda: Good Home Cookin’

For all that I spend a great deal of my life trekking the globe, there is nothing finer than
allowing my feet to guide me back home to the roads and lanes that I ambled down as a boy.
As I mentioned at the start of this book, I grew up in a town where everyone cooked, so when
I think of home, I think of the kind of food that my mother, my neighbors, and my aunts and
uncles used to make on a daily basis. To this day, if ever I’m feeling low and poorly, or if it’s a
cold, wet day and the darkness is doing its damnedest to drag me down into the pit of sorrow
and despair, I try my best to make a meal that reminds me of home, of my father’s bakery,
of my mother’s kitchen, of my sister’s warm smile, and the many joyful times that we shared
together. Nothing does that better than lamb stew; a rich, buttery colcannon; and fresh soda
bread baked in a deep, cast-iron skillet. I’ve shared so many recipes from everywhere else. So
here are a few of my own from my home.
I wish you peace, safety, and many good meals to come!

Appendix 143
Lamb Stew
2 lb [907 g] of potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters
1 lb [454 g] of boneless mutton or lamb cutlets, cut into 2-inch [50 mm] chunks
2 tbsp of all-purpose flour
2 tbsp of olive oil
1 cup of roughly chopped onion
1 cup of leeks, cleaned and thinly sliced (white parts only)
1 cup of carrots, roughly chopped
3 cups of dark beef stock
2 to 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
salt and pepper
Please note that this stew is best made a day before serving, to allow the flavors to marry
and develop.
• Preheat the oven to º350 F [º177 C].
• In a large frying pan, heat half the oil until it is shimmering but not smoking. Add half
of the lamb chunks, and allow them to brown all over. Use tongs to place the meat in
a large casserole dish, and cover it with a half of the quartered potatoes, onions, leeks,
and carrots. Repeat with the remaining oil, lamb, and vegetables.
• Make a roux by adding the flour to the frying pan, and then stirring constantly to
absorb the fat and juices from the meat. Cook on a low heat for 3 minutes, and then
add the beef stock in, one ladle at a time and whisking constantly, until you have thick
gravy that’s smooth, silky, and free of lumps. Pour this over the lamb and vegetables.
• Add the remaining stock to the casserole, cover with a tight-fitting lid, and bake in the
oven for 1 hour. Add the cabbage, replace the lid, and cook for another hour.
• Check from time to time to make sure the stock isn’t reducing too much. If it is, add a
small amount of boiling water to ensure that the meat and vegetables are always covered
by liquid. If the gravy is too thin at the end of the cooking time, remove the lid, and cook
a bit longer until the desired consistency is achieved. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.

144 The Mage Cookbook

Soda Bread
4 cups of all-purpose flour*
1 1/8 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
14 oz [414 ml] (about 2 cups) of full-fat, cultured buttermilk
*Note: In the US, you may also wish to use “soft” wheat flour, sometimes called “cake”
flour. Just be sure that it is not self-rising flour.
• Adjust the oven rack to the middle position and preheat to º425 F [º220 C]. Roughly
cover the bottom of a deep 10-inch cast iron or enameled Dutch oven with a sheet of
parchment paper; no need to trim.
• In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda and salt.
• Use a large spatula or wooden spoon to gradually fold in the buttermilk, until the dough
is fully moistened, sticky, and no pockets of flour remain. Stop folding as soon as the
dough comes together.
• Scrape the dough into the prepared Dutch oven, and smooth it into a rounded, dome-
like shape. With a sharp knife or a kitchen razor, deeply score a cross into the top.
• Cover and bake the bread for 30 minutes, or until it is golden and well-risen. Remove
the lid, and bake 15 minutes longer. The bread is done once it gives a hollow sound
when the bottom is tapped.
• Invert the loaf onto a wire rack, remove and discard the parchment, and turn it right-
side up. Cover the bread in a tea towel, and lightly sprinkle water on the cloth to keep
the bread moist.

Appendix 145
Irish Cheese and Butter
The Kerrygold brand sells a lovely and flavorful Irish butter, which truly does
make a difference in this dish where butter is rather the star. Likewise, a good
Irish cheese can easily be found at most supermarkets. Do yourself the favor
and splurge on these quality ingredients. They are well worth the extra cost.

Colcannon with Bacon, Leek, and Kale

2 lb [907 g] of red or golden potatoes, cut into large chunks
3/4 cup of whole milk
3/4 tsp of salt
1 cup of leeks, well-washed and chopped (white parts only)
6 cups of finely shredded kale (green cabbage may also be used)
4 or 5 strips of thick-cut bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 cup of shredded Dubliner cheese
salted Irish butter, melted
freshly ground pepper, to taste
• Boil the potatoes for about 20 to 30 minutes (or until very tender). Drain well, and
mash them with the skins on, adding the milk and the salt.
• While the potatoes are cooking, fry the bacon, and then set it aside until it’s cool
enough to crumble.
• In a large skillet, melt about 6 tablespoons of the butter. Add the leeks, and cook them
in the butter, stirring occasionally, until they’re very soft and translucent. Add the kale,
and cook, stirring constantly until the kale is quite wilted and soft.
• Stir the kale-and-leek mixture, the crumbled bacon, and the shredded cheese into the
hot potatoes, and then season them with pepper.
• Transfer the potatoes into a large serving bowl, making a deep well in the center.
• Pour melted, browned butter into the well, and serve.

Nothing would be more tiresome than eating

and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure
as well as a necessity.
— Voltaire

146 The Mage Cookbook

Food is Life
We are what we eat. As mages throughout history have realized, the foods that sustain
our bodies sustain enlightenment as well. Such foods become extensions of the people and
cultures that create them. Now Brother Oliver Lyon, Knight Templar and a humble baker’s
son, travels around the world hunting the Fallen and gathering fine recipes along the way.

Enchanting Recipes
From Mandarin lion’s heads to alchemical booze, Brother Oliver’s collection of
delicious recipes spans the cultural realms of Mage’s human world. Among these many
culinary concoctions, you’ll find…
Lobster Bisque Angel Torte
Chicken Nanban Corn Fufu
Beef Wellingtons Battenburg Cake
Cannibal Stew, and so much more
Feed Your Body
Feed Your Soul
The Mage Cookbook is a non-canon but tasty culinary
perspective on the world of Mage: The Ascension

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