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Forms: Ans: A

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 Forms

1)When a form is invoked with CALL_FORM does Oracle forms issues SAVEPOINT ?

a) Yes
b) No
Ans : A

GET_BLOCK property is a
a) Restricted procedure
b) Unrestricted procedure
c) Library function
d) None of the above

Ans : D

2)When a form is invoked with CALL_FORM does Oracle forms issues SAVEPOINT ?

a) Yes
b) No

Ans : A

3)Can you copy the PROGRAM UNIT into an Object group ?

a) Yes
b) No

Ans : B

4)What is a Built_in subprogram ?

a) Library
b) Stored procedure & Function
c) Collection of Subprograms
d) None of the above
Ans : D

5)Identify the Odd one of the following statements ?

a) Poplist
b) Tlist
c) List of values
d) Combo box

Ans : C
 Reports
What are the different file extensions that are created by Oracle Reports ?

a). RDF file & .RPX file

b). RDX file & .RDF file
c ). REP file & .RDF file
d) None of the above
Ans : C

What are the types of Calculated columns available ?

a) Summary, Place holder & Procedure column

b) Summary, Procedure & Formula columns
c) Procedure, Formula & Place holder columns
d) Summary, Formula & Place holder columns
Ans.: D

If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, what is the hierarchy between them?

a)There is no hierarchy between unlinked groups

b)The group that is right ranks higher than the group that is to theleft
c)The group that is above or leftmost ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it
d)None of the above

Ans : C

Q. What is User exits in oracle apps reports. List few of them.

User exits is used to integrate Oracle reports with Oracle Application Object Library, and run them as
concurrent programs from your forms or through standard request submission.

User Exits in the reports are:


 BI Publisher

 Workflow
1) When will an activity be deferred
a) Activity cost = 0
b) Activity cost < workflow engine threshold
c) Activity cost > workflow engine threshold

Ans : C

2) What is the primary purpose of a workflow

a) Routes information
b) Sends notifications
c) Creates audit trails
d) Defines process rules

Ans : A,B,D

3)What job does the SetItemUserKey API perform?

a)Sets the unique identifier for an item

b)Sets the role to be notified
c)setsthe user-friendly identifier for an item
D)Sets the activity ID for an item

Ans : C

4)How will you define the possible results of an activity in order to drive different transitions?

a)As item attributes for an item

b)AS lookup codes for a lookup type
c)Separate the activity into two
d)Use a process activity

Ans : B

5)Time-out parameters apply to which activity?

D)All of the above

Ans : C

6)What will solicit responses from a notificaction activity?

a)Having a timeout parameter
b)having a performer
c)Having a Send message attribute
D)Having a Respond message attribute

Ans : D

7)which work engine api should you use to begin execution of an activigty?


Ans : B

8)Which implementation process group comes before the product family process?

A)Common application processes

B)Product family process
C)product specific processes
D)Common financial

Ans : A

9)what is the proper format for an internal name in the workflow builder component?

B)No Spaces
C)Unique within item type
D)All of the aove

Ans : D

10)which of the following statements is true?

A)Role can be created in workflow builder.

B)A user is a role if it has at least one active responsibility.
C)A role can only have one user.
D)A user must be a role.

Ans : D
Q. PL/SQL stored procedure parameters? or what are the two parameters that are mandatory for pl/sql type
concurrent program?
Procedure/function (ERRBUF OUT RETCODE OUT ………………….)
ERRBUF :- Used to write the error message to log or request file.
RETCODE :- Populate log request file with program submission details info.

Q. How an API is initialized ?

( user_id => p_user_id , resp_id => p_resp_id , resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)

What does a COMMIT statement do to a CURSOR

a) Open the Cursor
b)Fetch the Cursor
c) Close the Cursor
d) None of the above

Ans : D

Which of the following is NOT VALID is PL/SQL

a) Bool boolean;
b) NUM1, NUM2 number;
c) deptname dept.dname%type;
d) date1 date := sysdate

Ans : B

fvar number := null; svar number := 5
goto >
if fvar is null then
svar := svar + 5
end if;

What will be the value of svar after the execution ?

a) Error
b) 10
c) 5
d) None of the above

Ans : A

Which of the following is not correct about an Exception ?

a) Raised automatically / Explicitly in response to an ORACLE_ERROR

b) An exception will be raised when an error occurs in that block
c) Process terminates after completion of error sequence.
d) A Procedure or Sequence of statements may be processed.
Ans : C

A Stored Procedure is a
a) Sequence of SQL or PL/SQL statements to perform specific function
b) Stored in compiled form in the database
c) Can be called from all client environmets
d) All of the above

Ans : D

Which of the following is not correct about Cursor ?

a) Cursor is a named Private SQL area

b) Cursor holds temporary results
c) Cursor is used for retrieving multiple rows
d) SQL uses implicit Cursors to retrieve rows
Ans : B

Which of the following is NOT VALID in PL/SQL ?

a) Select ? into
b) Update
c) Create
d) Delete

Ans : C

 Discoverer

 System Administrator (Concurrents/Forms/Functions/Menus/Value Sets/Flexfields/...)

1) Can an Alert message be changed at runtime ?

a) Yes
b) No
Ans : A
2)Is it possible to Disable the Parameter form while running the report?

a) Yes
b) No

Ans : A

3) How to get second parameter value based on first parameter?

Ans : :$FLEX$.Value_ Set_Name

4)What is the difference between running Gather Stats and “Program – Optimizer[RGOPTM]” in Oracle General

Answer: “Gather Stats” will simply gather the stats against existing tables, indexes etc. However Gather Stats does not
create any new indexes. But “Program – Optimizer[RGOPTM]” can create indexes on GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS,
provided accounting segment has the indexed flag enabled

5)Which responsibility do you need to extract Self Service Personalizations?

Answer:Functional Administrator

6)Which Form in Oracle Applications has most number of Form Functions?

Answer: “Run Reports”. And why not, the Form Function for this screen has a parameter to which we pass name of the
“Request Group”, hence securing the list of Concurrent Programs that are visible in “Run Request” Form. Just so that you
know, there are over 600 form functions for “Run Reports”

7)How can an end-user be given control to run a script developed by a developer, given that an end user will never have
access to apps password (and rightly so)?

Answer: This script can be attached to a Concurrent Program via a concurrent program executable. The user will then be
given access to this Concurrent Program.

8) But how will the end user or Oracle Apps make this script run every 10hours daily?

Answer: A concurrent program can be scheduled to run at desired intervals. The schedule is defined at the time of

9)What are the basic steps when defining a concurrent program?

Answer: Broadly speaking there are three steps when developing a concurrent program in Oracle Apps

Step 1. Make Oracle Apps identify the executable

Step 2. Provide a handle to the executable by means of defining a concurrent program

Step 3. Make this concurrent program accesible to selected users via their responsibility.
1)OBIEE Application Server helps to work on client components and Oracle provides Oracle10g Application server with
OBIEE suite?

A - True

B - False


2) Designing an OBIEE repository using administration tool is how many layer process?






3) Physical layer in OBIEE supports single data source in a single repository and you need to create multiple repositories to
use multiple data sources?

A - True

B - False


4) Logical and Complex joins are used in?

A - Physical Layer

B - BMM Layer

C - Presentation Layer

D - All of the above


5) Which of the following is faster method of creating Logical tables/objects in BMM layer?

A - Dragging Physical tables to Business Model

B - Creating logical table manually

C - Both


6) The name of presentation columns are normally different from logical column names in the Business Model and
Mapping layer?

A - True

B - False


7) You can disable the cache option from?

A - Capacity Management Tab of Fusion MiddleWare

B - Diagnostics Tab of Fusion MiddleWare

C - Overview Tab of Fusion MiddleWare

D - Deployment Tab of Fusion MiddleWare


8) In the current version of OBIEE (11g), java component used is:

A - oc4j

B - Fusion Middleware

C - Weblogic server

D - None of these


9) How many types of Repository variables you can create?






10) Which of the following Prompts enables you to build very specific value prompts to either stand alone on the dashboard
or analysis or to expand or refine existing dashboard and analysis filters?

A - Named Prompt

B - Inline Prompt

C - Column Prompt

D - None of the above


 OAF Main concepts

1) What are the common methods used in a oaf controller and when they are executed?

Ans: Processrequest and ProcessForRequest. when the loads first time the ProcessRequest get execute and
when any action fire then ProcessFormrequest get execute.

2) You wish to hide a bean/field programmatically, where will you do that?

a. In controller
b. In Application Module
c. In Entity Object
d. In View Object

Answer In controller and also we can do this using SPEL.

3) 3Within which method of Controller will you hide that bean/field/button/region programmatically?

1. processRequest
2. processFormRequest
3. Both processRequest and processFormRequest

Answer is 1. - processRequest

4) Tell me the practical steps for extension of a view object, starting from
$JAVA_TOP to jDeveloper

Ans: Get the VO object from java Top which we want to extend and keep it inside
Jdveloper myprojects. Then create a new VO and select the extends option as
the parent vo which is going to be extended. This will be done in JDeveloper
wizard. Now the parent vo sql will be shown in Jdeveloper wizard (sql editor)
and as per our requirement we can modify or can add new attributes.
Once this vo creation is complete we have to right click on project and select
the substitution option.their we have to choose the old vo and new vo.Once it
is done the substitution is complete.we need to compile the project.After
compilation a xml entry will be created in jpx file. the jpx file genrally is the
name of project.So now we need to import the jpx to MDS and have to move
the java and vo xml to java top

5)You are working on two projects, both involve OA Framework.

One instance is on 11.5.10-Rollup2
Other instance is on R12-Rollup4
Can you setup up development environment for both these instances on your
PC/Laptop? If yes, then please explain how.

The Jdeveloper 10g is used for r12 and 9i for r11. We can have two jdevelopers
in local. But when starting the Jdeveloper we have to chnage the environment
variable named JDEV_USER_HOME. It should point to jdev folder where all our
source code lies.

What Is The Pattern Used In Developing An Oaf Component?

Answer :

MVC (Model, View, Controller)

Lists the components in the MVC architecture

Model: Application Module, View Objects, View Links, Entity Objects, Entity Associations etc.

View: Page, Region, Attribute sets etc.

Controller: Controller class files

What Is A Database Connectivity File?

Answer :

It is a .dbc file which is specified in the project properties. The location of this file on the server is

What are different methods for passing paramaters?

Answer :

1. Tokens
eg. vname={@AttributeName}

2. Hash Maps
eg. HashMap variablename=nre HashMap();
eg. pageContext.putSessionvalue(“ParamterName”,ParameterValue)

 DBA main concepts

Which of the following components comprise an Oracle architecture?
a) Database related background processes
b) Tablespaces
c) Datafiles
d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: d

What is the use of an index?

a) Retrieve data more quickly and efficiently
b) Related data requires much less I/O overhead if accessed simultaneously
c) Simplify the user’s perception of data access
d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: a

What is a trigger
a) A piece of logic written in PL/SQL
b) Executed at the arrival of a SQL*FORMS event
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

Answer: C

All datafiles related to a Tablespace are removed when the Tablespace is dropped

Ans : B

A column defined as PRIMARY KEY can have NULL?s


Ans : B
Which of the following does not affect the size of the SGA
a) Database buffer
b) Redolog buffer
c) Stored procedure
d) Shared pool

Ans : C

What file is read by ODBC to load drivers ?

d) None of the above

Ans : A

Is it possible to modify a Datatype of a column when column contains data ?

a) Yes
b) No

Ans : B

Which is not part of the Data Definiton Language ?


Ans : C

The Data Manipulation Language statements are

d) All of the above

Ans : D

If an UNIQUE KEY constraint on DATE column is created, will it accept the rows that are inserted with

a) Will
b) Won?t

Ans : B

What are the different events in Triggers ?

a) Define, Create
b) Drop, Comment
c )Insert, Update, Delete
d) All of the above

Ans : C

Sequence of events takes place while starting a Database is

a)Database opened, File mounted, Instance started
b)Instance started, Database mounted & Database opened
c)Database opened, Instance started & file mounted
d)Files mounted, Instance started & Database opened

Ans : B

Constraints cannot be exported through Export command?


Ans : B

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