Anita Bratbak
Anita Bratbak
Anita Bratbak
Anita Bratbak
Håvard Frøland
Geir Hovland
This master’s thesis is carried out and approved as a part of the education
at the University of Agder. However, this does not imply that the
University is responsible for the methods that are used or the
conclusions that are drawn in this thesis.
The background of the thesis is motivated by the increased focus on offshore wind power technology.
State of the art technology in the field of floating offshore wind power was reviewed in the first part
in addition to relevant background theory regarding design and operation of wind turbines. The
main objective has been to develop and test a downscaled pitch controlled wind turbine. A pitch
mechanism was designed to turn the blade pitch angle to a given angle with a stepper motor. The
stepper motor transfers rotational movement with a leading screw to translational movement of a
sliding mechanism. The sliding mechanism rotates the angle of the blade shaft to the optimal cal-
culated angle. Control of the stepper motor is achieved by a PLC step drive and a ladder diagram
describing the desired functionality. Optimized pitch angles are calculated and implemented as a
function with the current wind speed as input. The wind speed is measured with an anemometer
and connected to the PLC as an analogue signal. From the PLC the signals are logged with an
OPC server and processed in Excel.
The wind turbine was tested on the campus roof top. The cut-in speed was as expected, and
the turbine require between 3 and 5 m/s to start to rotate depending on the angle of the wind,
while cut-out speed is around 17 m/s, due to high risk of malfunction and destruction of parts
or components. The voltage was measured to be around 150-250 mV at optimal wind speed 9
m/s and the maximum obtained shaft speed generated about 280 mV. More extensive testing
should be performed in order to obtain more reliable results and complete verify the model. Some
improvements has been discussed, including implementing a gearbox, redesigning the blades with
a different profile as well as material. A proper test site with more easily controllable wind speeds
is preferable.
The present thesis, entitled “Development of Motion-Compensated Controller for a Floating Wind
Turbine” is the final work on a two year master’s degree in Mechatronics and Renewable Energy.
The work with the master’s thesis was carried out at UiA, Department of Engineering, during the
spring of 2014. The problem text was formulated by ourselves in cooperation with supervisor Pro-
fessor Geir Hovland, and is intended to mark the beginning of more bachelor and master projects
at UiA involving wind energy in the future.
The report primarily consists of two main parts. In the first part, relevant theory explained and
methods used during the work is discussed. The second part contains the analyses performed, and
corresponding results with relevant discussions, as well as further work and improvements of the
model. The figures presented in this thesis is self-produced, if otherwise not mentioned.
Several persons has in various degree helped and guided us, during the work with the present the-
sis. Without their contribution, the work would have been a lot harder and the result far worse.
We are especially grateful to our main supervisor, Professor Geir Hovland, for the opportunity to
work with wind turbines, for invaluable guidance and interesting discussions. We would also like
to thank him for providing us with an interesting and inspiring subject for this thesis. Program
Coordinator Stein Bergsmark, deserves many thanks for help and guidance with the report.
We would also like to thank Post-Doc Knut Berg Kallestad for help with developing the 3D model
and 3D printing. He has always an open door, answered all over questions and given valuable guid-
ance with the design of the test model. A huge thanks to the lab engineers of UiA, especially Roy
Werner Folgerø, Carl Thomas Duus and Jan Andreas Holm who always helped when the need was
great. Peter Hugh Middleton helped us with various design improvements and guidance regarding
the gearbox and for that we are grateful. The schools maintenance staff deserves many thanks
for lending us equipment as well as allow us to use the roof top as our main test site, both night
and day. Our fellow students at mechatronics and renewable energy also deserves our gratitude for
support and helpful advices during difficult decisions and times with particularly high workload, in
addition to creating a good working environment.
Our best wishes to all readers. We hope you like our work.
In the tables below some important symbols are defined and explained. Symbols are in addition
explained in the text.
Symbol Meaning
α Angle of attack [◦ ]
β Pitch angle [◦ ]
η Gearbox efficiency [−]
ρ Density of the air [−]
ω Angular velocity [rad/s]
Ω Tip speed [m/s]
a Induction factor [−]
Angular induction factor [−]
A Area [m2 ]
A Projected airfoil area [m]
Cl Lift coefficient [-]
Cd Drag coefficient [−]
Cm Pitching moment coefficient [−]
cp Power coefficient [−]
cT Thrust coefficient [−]
c Scale factor [−]
C Chord [−]
dr The circular element [m]
H1 Significant wave height [m]
I Current [A]
i Gear ratio [−]
j Rank number [−]
k Shape factor [−]
MF Torque on [N m]
MS Torque on low speed shaft [N m]
N Section number [−]
Pcalc Calculated power from generator [W ]
Pmech Available wind power [W ]
Pwind Theoretical wind power [W ]
r Distance from center to the circular element[m]
T1 Significant wave period [t]
In the tables below some important abbreviations are defined and explained. Abbreviations are in
addition explained first time they occur in the text.
Abbreviation Meaning
List of Figures
List of Tables
4.1 Tags created PI System Management Tools for logging in the PI Server . . . . . . . 77
4.2 Test run of stepper motor in the lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.3 Test run of stepper motor in the lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.4 Design Specification of Wind Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Abstract i
Preface ii
Nomenclature iii
Abbreviations v
List of Figures vi
Table of Contents xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Problem Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Solution Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Report Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Theoretical Background 5
2.1 Environmental Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Wind Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.2 Wind Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.3 Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Aerodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.1 Blade Element Momentum Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Wind Turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Inside The Wind Turbine’s Main Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.2 Wind Turbine Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Wind Turbine Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4.1 Fixed Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.2 Stall Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.3 Pitch Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.4 Yaw Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 State of The Art: Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.1 Platform Topologies and Anchoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5.2 Prototypes and Design Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Bibliography 89
Appendices 91
A Component Information 92
A.1 Stepper Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
A.2 Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
A.3 Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Chapter 1
Wind power production is the technology of converting the energy in the air movement to usable
mechanical energy, and subsequently electrical energy. This project is intended to be the first
step of increased focus on research of offshore floating wind turbines at the University of Agder
at bachelor and master level. A prototype of a wind turbine with a pitch controller mechanism
controlled by a PLC step drive is to be constructed. In future projects the model can be tested
when mounted on the Stewart platform located in the school’s lab area. This chapter consider the
background and the motivation for the selected topic as well as the problem definition, research
questions and limitations regarding the thesis as well as the structure of the report.
The experimental part of the project includes a downscaled model of a wind turbine with an elec-
trical pitch controller. A mechanical mechanism is to be design to turn the blades to a given
position. This mechanism is controlled by a hybrid stepper motor generating the necessary motion
to turn the angle of the blades. From the pitching system it is possible to calculate the number
of steps required based on the design configuration. The model of the wind turbine is designed in
SolidWorks and printed in a 3D-printer where the most critical parts was printed with low toler-
ance and high definition. The majority of the parts are made of the plastic material used in the
3D-printer. However, some of the components such as bearings and tower structure, are steel parts.
The turbine built in the project is designed as a pitch controlled wind turbine. As mentioned before
a stepper motor is installed to control the pitch angle. The stepper motor is controlled with the help
of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) program. The controller is designed to turn the pitch
angle based on the given wind speed and the number of steps needed to achieve the correct angle.
An optimal pitch angle is calculated with common formulas and known parameters from the test
model. The wind turbine is tested on the roof top of the school during different wind conditions, to
obtain the characteristics of the wind turbine such as cut-in and cut-out speed, including verifying
the functionality of the pitch controller. Hand calculations should be included to verify the model.
SolidWorks, LabVIEW, Open Platform Communications (OPC) server and PLC is used due to
the students being familiar with the programs and the setup from earlier courses. Former relevant
subjects include wind power, control theory, linear multi-variable control, robotics, kinematics, dy-
namics and control and Industrial IT.
1.2 Motivation
Wind power technology is not exactly a new idea, as there are many different historical claims that
wind machines which harness the power of the wind, date back beyond the time of the ancient
Egyptians [9]. The world’s energy consumption from the beginning of the 18th century when the
industrial revolution started and until today has increased at a tremendous degree. Most of the
energy comes from sources like oil and coal, which has a negative impact on the environment.
Therefore, the world looks to more sustainable and climate friendly energy production methods
are emphasized among researchers as a solution to problems regarding future energy shortage and
threats from climate change. Wind power has a large potential as a source for clean energy due to
the unlimited availability. Especially in deep water area outside the coast, many opportunities for
building of large scale wind farms are plausible.
Offshore wind power has proven to be a renewable energy source with a high potential, and the
use of wind energy in general has grown rapidly in recent years due to increased focus regarding
climate changes and increased oil prices. The North Sea and other seas have very good environ-
mental conditions for harvesting the wind resources, ready to cover the need for electricity for the
increasing population on earth. This is technology for future generations and can replace fossil
fuels like oil, gas and coal to achieve the goal of a reducing the climate changes. However, offshore
wind power is without doubt one of the most expensive energy generating technologies when large
scale deployment is considered.
Considering the investments it is always beneficial to find new ways to reduce the cost and increase
the efficiency. In recent years, a large number of offshore wind farms with fixed foundations have
been installed in Europe. However, in 2007 the Norwegian company Hydro (now Statoil-Hydro)
launched their HYWIND project, a study of floating wind turbines to increase efficiency and reduce
the cost compared to fixed installations.
The floating wind farms can be installed further out in deep water where the wind is steadier and
stronger, making it possible to achieve a larger and more constant production of electricity. The
visibility offshore is lower and the absence of ship lanes restrictions is a great advantage to exploit
the available space. However, compared to a fixed foundation wind turbine, a floating turbine may
sustain rougher winds, waves and heavier weather conditions, which can be difficult to control.
If the energy price from wind turbines in the coming years is to be competitive with other power
production methods, a cost reduction is needed in addition to increase the energy gain. To decrease
energy cost, it is beneficial to increase the turbine size and use well defined control system to gain
as much power as possible from the wind. The reason for developing motion controllers as well as
improved pitch controllers for offshore wind turbines is to minimize the impact of the waves and
winds which occasionally can be very large in rough weather conditions. To increase the efficiency
of the wind turbine the blade-pitch control strategy is important.
Some of the motivation behind this project is to contribute to the research at University of
Agder(UiA) on offshore wind turbines, which is a very interesting subject for future research and
project work, both for bachelor thesis, master thesis and doctoral thesis.
RQ 2. Build the pitch controlled wind turbine model in SolidWorks and print in 3D for testing.
RQ 3. Develop a PLC-program for the step drive to control the pitch mechanism of the model with
a hybrid stepper motor.
RQ 4. Preform test during different wind conditions and evaluate the results from the test model.
Study how the change in wind speed, shaft speed and tip speed affect the voltage output of
the test wind turbine. Verify with hand calculations.
RQ 5. Test the functionality of the pitch controller and the PLC program controlling the stepper
RQ 6. If time allows, compare the result of the test model and the simulated model with offshore
conditions. The test model will be mounted on top of the Stewart platform in order to
simulate offshore conditions.
1.3.2 Limitations
Since this work includes building of a downscaled prototype of a pitch-controlled wind turbine, there
will always be some uncertainties considering the functionality of the design. The improvements
done to the design of the prototype will be limited by the time and resources available. Cost is not
considered in this project. The main goal of the project is to build and test the pitch controlled
wind turbine. The Stewart platform testing will only be executed if time allows it, and may or may
not be performed in accordance with the supervisor.
The results obtained from testing will be based on voltage output at different wind speeds and
pitch angles. Adequate wind resources is important to obtain good testing conditions for the wind
turbine, and normally Grimstad provides good wind conditions at this time of the year. If the
wind conditions during the test period proves to be insufficient, alternative wind resources such
as a wind tunnel or a leaf blower may be a possibility. The testing methods may be changed in
accordance with the supervisor.
be plastic material of various quality from the printer, but also some steel components when this
is considered necessary. The model will be built with a pitch system consisting of a stepper motor
programmed in PLC through 1-Step-Drive from Phytron, using TIA portal V12. The results from
the test model is logged with OPC server. The simulated model will obtain its results by testing
over a range of simulated wind speeds. Initially, the testing will be based on onshore wind turbine
conditions. The results found from these tests will will be validated with the simulated model as
well as hand calculations. Finally, if time allows the model will be tested with offshore conditions
on a Stewart platform.
Every week a progress meeting with the main supervisor will be held to ensure that problems was
taken care of as soon as possible.
In Chapter 3, the methods and tools used are described and explained in detail. The experimental
wind turbine setup is widely illustrated in addition to description of each stage of the process.
Chapter 4 include all the obtained results. Simulated results are presented and explained with
graphs, figures, tables and descriptive text. This chapter also evaluates and discusses the results
obtained from the simulations and experiments.
Chapter 5 present the conclusion of the presented work, along with suggestions regarding modifi-
cations and further work and analysis in the area of the topic.
Chapter 2
Theoretical Background
This chapter consider important theoretical aspects of the thesis. The chapter contains an intro-
duction to the environmental aspects of wind turbines. The wind is introduced as a renewable
resource in abundance and the different approaches of calculating the various properties in the
wind at a given site. Next section covers the aerodynamic aspect of the wind turbines, before
the components of the wind turbine is explained in detail. Then a brief study of the operational
considerations, before going deeper into the state-of-the-art devices used in offshore wind turbine
industry. The last section covers motion compensation and topics related to the Stewart platform.
The term wind power describes the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical en-
ergy or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical energy.
This mechanical energy can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding or pumping water) or a
generator can convert this mechanical energy into electric energy. The power in the wind depends
on the wind speed and is proportional to both the wind speed cubed and the rotor area. The
general formula for this kinetic energy, in its unperturbed state is given in Equation (2.1) [10].
1 3
Pwind = · ρ · A · vw (2.1)
Equation 2.1 is very important since it tells us that the maximum available power increases with
the cube of the wind speed and only linearly with the density and area. The available wind speed
at a given site is usually first measured over a period of time before a project is started because
of the importance of the wind speed. Power from the wind as given by Equation (2.1) is just a
theoretical maximum value. The actual kinetic energy that can be extracted is considerably lower.
The actual power depends on several factors like blade design, generator and rotor used, friction
as well as other electrical losses. There is also a physical limit to the (amount of) power that can
be extracted from the wind, which is independent of wind turbine design, according to Betz’s Law.
This law states that no turbine can extract more than 16 27 (or 59.3%) of the kinetic energy in wind.
The factor 16
27 (or 0.593), is the maximum extraction factor for the power coefficient (cp ). This is
the maximum upper limit and its called the Betz limit. Thus multiplication of the kinetic energy
with cp gives the mechanical energy as given by Equation (2.2) [11]. The cp coefficient is given
by Equation (2.3), and this leaves the tip speed (λ) and the pitch angle (β) as the main design
parameters. [12]
1 3
Pmech = cp · (λ, β) · · ρ · A · vw (2.2)
The propeller thrust of the wind turbine can be calculated from Equation (??), and it can be
seen that the power is defined as the thrust times the velocity of the wind, if the coefficient is
disregarded [13].
1 2
Twind = Ct · · ρ · A · vw (2.4)
An important factor when calculating wind speeds is the ground roughness, dependent on vegeta-
tion and other environmental obstacles, which greatly influence wind speeds and power extraction.
Above the ground, in the undisturbed air layers of the geostrophic wind, approximately 5 km up,
wind speed is supposed to be unaffected by the roughness. Wind speed changes between these
two extreme values, is referred to as vertical wind shear. The logarithmic wind profile estimation
for vertical wind shear is used in flat terrain with a neutrally stratified atmosphere. According to
the logarithmic wind profile, the wind speed at a height z above ground level is given by Equation
(2.5). [11]
ln zz02
vw = v0 · (2.5)
ln zz01
The study of variations in wind characteristics at particular turbine location is essential for imple-
mentation of wind power as in the design of machines and energy systems, as well as for economic
feasibility. The variations in wind speeds and geographic characteristics of locations makes it chal-
lenging. To cope with these issues, engineers make use of statistical analysis, meteorology and
correlation of measurements of time series. The increasing development in wind power has led to
more sophisticated data handling techniques and computer modelling for wind distribution studies.
Weibull and Rayleigh analysis are the most commonly used analysis techniques to compute power
available from wind at particular location using the basic measured data of the wind distribution.
A common way to represent measured wind data in a wind flow model is by fitting the measured
wind data into a probability distribution function. This will simplify the calculations and at the
same time give accurate predictions of wind flow and calculations of energy production. The most
common distribution applied for wind energy purposes is the Weibull distribution which is used to
express the probability for a certain wind speed to occur, shown in Equation (2.6). An example of
a Weibull distribution is given in Figure 2.1.
· e−( c )·k
k v
h(v) = · (2.6)
c c
2.1.3 Waves
Waves and sea currents, which essentially is energy passing through water, have a great impact on
an offshore wind turbine, both floating and fixed foundations. The forces of the waves affect the
lifetime of the turbine as well as the dynamic response. There exist many theories and equations
to describe waves and loads from waves. However, some theories fits better for larger waves than
other and some fits better for greater water depths. This means that the location need to be
taken into account when performing calculations regarding wave loads. Waves consist of numerous
reasons, such as movement of continental plates, tidal water and wind. Wind creates waves due
to difference in velocity and density between the two fluids, air and water [14]. This creates small
waves with different pressure on each side of the wave. High air pressure push the surface of the
water downwards, while low air pressure move the surface upwards and the wind transfer energy
to the increasing waves. When the amplitude of the wave increase due to steady winds over time,
the wind will transfer energy more effectively and larger waves are created. Water particles move
in a decreasing orbital pattern down in the ocean. As long as we are in deep oceans (>100m), or
the depth is greater than twice the wavelength, we can neglect the friction from the bottom. This
will have a significant impact on the wave energy in shallow waters (<100m). As we can see from
the figure the pattern of movement also becomes more elliptical [1].
It is not easy to describe a wave because of its unpredictable and complex nature. They are a
product of many factors: wind duration, depth, wind velocity, pressure, and temperature. In
deep ocean, waves can propagate over a distance of several hundred kilometres and maintain their
characteristics. A wave is defined in [1] as the profile of the surface elevation between two successive
downward or upward zero-crossings, as seen in Figure 2.3 and 2.4. Waves behave stochastic as the
amplitude, length and period of the waves change constantly, which makes it hard to predict the
next wave. However there exist many simplified methods.
The wave hight, H, is defined as the distance between the highest and lowest surface elevation in a
wave. However, usually the term significant wave height is to define the wave height for a certain
period of time. Significant wave height is the mean of the highest one-third of waves in the wave
record, as seen in Equation (2.7) [14].
H1 = · N/3 · Hj (2.7)
3 1/3 j=1
where j must not be confused with the sequence number since it is the rank number which means
that j = 1 is the highest waves and j = 2 is the second highest wave. N is the number of waves
during the period of time, usually 20 minutes. The period of the wave, T, is defined as the time
from the start of the wave to the end of the wave, or the interval between one zero-crossing and the
next. In the same way as for wave height, the significant wave period can be estimated based on
years of research. The significant wave period is calculated as seen in Equation (2.8) and is defined
as the mean period of the highest one-third of waves.
T1 = · N/3 · T0,j (2.8)
3 1/3 j=1
Where j is defined as the rank number, as seen before, whereas T0 is the zero-crossing period. The
wave length, λ is the horizontal distance between two zero-crossings. All parameters are seen on
Figure 2.5.
2.2 Aerodynamics
This section describes elementary aerodynamic theory and terms, as well as the blade element mo-
mentum theory for wind turbines. To understand the potential of the wind turbine it is important
to know some of the aerodynamic theory behind and some of the common terms used.
The oldest models of wind turbine design relied mostly on the force of the wind to push the blades
into motion to capture the energy. Today modern wind turbines take advantage of more advanced
aerodynamic principles to capture the energy of the wind. Kinetic energy is converted by the wind
turbine, into rotational energy which is then extracted as electrical energy by a generator. This
conversion is caused by aerodynamic forces. As seen in Figure 2.6, the lift and drag force are the
two forces that act on the rotor when the blades rotate.
Pitching moment
Airflow CD
α Chord
The lift force is defined as the force acting perpendicular to the direction of the wind and is a
consequence of the unequal pressure between the upper and lower airfoil surfaces. The drag force
on the other hand, acts parallel to the direction of the wind flow. Viscous friction forces at the foil
surface as well as unequal pressure creates the drag force. The drag force increases when the angle
of attack, the angle of the airflow on the blade is increasing, until the point of stall. Horizontal
turbine blades are shaped like an airplane wing and utilize the same principles to convert move-
ment of the wind to mechanical energy. The pitching moment is defined as the moment around
an axis perpendicular to the cross-section of the airfoil. Lift is created due to the fact that the air
would need to travel longer on the upper side of the blade, and thereby faster, to reach the end
of the blade to meet the wind travelling from the lower side of the blade. A low pressure zone is
created in the upper side of the blade and the blade is sucked in the downwind direction, which is
known as the phenomena lift. This phenomena is taken advantages of when designing airfoils as
well as turbine blades. [15] In Equations (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11) the lift, drag and pitching moment
coefficients defined.
Cl = (2.9)
0.5 · ρ · U 2 · c
Cd = (2.10)
0.5 · ρ · U 2 · c
Cm = (2.11)
0.5 · ρ · U 2 · c · A
The angle of attack is, as the name suggests, the attacking angle of the wind on the blade or
the angle between the chord line and an vector representing the direction of the wind. In Figure
2.6, the angle of attack and other terms outlined. An important term in wind turbine theory is
the stall which is defined as a sudden reduction in the lift when the angle of attack increases too
much. Usually, the critical angle of attack is around 15 degrees [11], but depends on the type of
fluid, foil and the Reynolds number. The stalling of a airfoil causes the important effect known as
turbulence, where the air whirls around in an irregular vortex, as seen in Figure 2.7. Turbulence
is a flow regime categorized by constant and chaotic property changes and despite much research
in the topic still hard to grasp for scientist and researchers. In turbine design engineers can take
advantage of the stall phenomenon when designing the blades.
The momentum theory explains the physics behind the stages from kinetic energy to mechanical
torque. More than hundred years ago, Rankine and Froude developed models to predict the perfor-
mance of propellers, before Betz extended their work to also include a turbine rotor. The key idea
is conservation of momentum to calculate the forces and flow conditions on a rotor with infinite
number of blades. An air stream passing through a cross sectional area contains the same amount
of momentum on both sides, which means that the air speed is reduced to extract energy from
the air stream. As said the velocity is decreased and thereby the pressure will increase after the
propeller. However, the pressure of the surroundings will not increase, which entail that the air
stream expands to create equilibrium. Then the velocity will increase gradually to velocity if the
air stream is equal to the surroundings.
Betz found through his work a relationship between optimal power extraction and the relative
velocity between the free stream velocity and the velocity behind the actuator disk. In theory
it is assumed that a control volume, as seen in Figure 2.8, where the boundaries are the surface
of a stream tube and four station shown. Station 1 is upstream of the turbine, number 2 is just
before the blades, number 3 just after the blades and 4 downstream of the blades. Applying linear
momentum conservation to the CV with radius r and thickness dr gives the thrust contribution as
seen in Equation 2.12. For a ideal rotor it can be found that the axial velocity in the wake could
be expressed in terms of the axial induction factor a and the speed U as (1 − 2a)V0 , seen in Figure
2.8 [13]. The induction factor is a number defining the relationship between the velocity of the
wind before and after the turbine rotor.
U(1-a) 4
2 3
plane actuator disk dr
Figure 2.8: The principles of the momentum theory
dT = ρ · U 2 · 4 · a · (1 − a) · π · r · dr (2.12)
In a similar way, from the conservation of angular momentum the differential torque,Q, imparted
to the blades can be obtained from Equation 2.13.
dQ = 4 · a · (1 − a) · ρ · U · π · r3 · Ω · dr (2.13)
Both the induction factors as well as the density is unknown, which gives two equations with several
unknown parameters. To solve this matter, the blade element theory is used. In the blade element
theory, the blade is assumed to be broken down into N several sections or elements, usually between
ten and twenty, in order to determine the forces acting on these small parts. Cl , Cd and α is used
to express the forces on the blades of a wind turbine. Then all the forces are integrated along the
blade and one revolution of the rotor to obtain the forces and moments produced by the entire
rotor. This theory relies on two key assumptions [13]
1. No aerodynamics interactions between different blade elements, i.e. what happens at one
element cannot affect the other.
2. The forces acting on the blade elements are determined by lift and drag coefficients, and are
constant on each annular element. This corresponds to a rotor with an infinite number of
With the given assumptions, it is shown that each of the blade elements will experience a slightly
different flow as each of them has different rotational speed, chord length and a twist angle. Figure
2.9 refers to the principles of the blade element theory and displays the main variables.
Prandtl’s tip-loss factor F is introduced to correct the assumption of an infinite number of blades
seen in Equation (2.14) and (2.15). The vortex system in the wake differs for a rotor with a finite
number of blades from a rotor with an infinite number of blades. [15]
F = cos−1 ·(e−f ) (2.14)
B R−r
f= · (2.15)
2 r · sinφ
And thus the thrust and the torque can be computed as in Equations (2.16) and (2.17).
dT = ρ · U 2 · 4 · a · (1 − a) · π · r · F · dr (2.16)
dQ = 4 · a · (1 − a) · ρ · U · π · r3 · Ω · F · dr (2.17)
The rotor is composed by three components; hub, blades and a spinner. The blades mounted onto
the hub are shaped like air plane wings in order to use the principle of lift to turn the wind energy
into mechanical energy. For a typical utility-scale wind turbine three high-technology blades are
commonly used, although the number of blades can vary from two to six. The blades are one of the
most critical aspects for a wind turbine and considered a strategic component by wind turbine orig-
inal equipment manufacturers. The blades are made of laminated materials, such as composites,
balsa wood, carbon fibre, and fibreglass. These materials have a high strength and a low weight. In
order to generate lift, which causes the rotor to turn, the materials mentioned are moulded into air
foils and adapted to achieve the best dynamic qualities. The blades also often include material to
protect against lightning strikes. They are bolted onto the hub, with a pitch mechanism interposed
to allow the blade to rotate about its axis to take advantage of varying wind speeds. [16]
The hub is commonly made of ductile cast iron and is one of a wind turbines heaviest components.
The hub is designed to be rigid yet able to absorb a high level of vibration. The hub is covered
by a nose cone. The nose cone is designed primarily with aesthetics in mind but can provide some
protection from the environment for the hub. The nose cone is manufactured with composites
similar to those used for the blades. [17]
The blades are mounted in different ways depending on the wind turbine. There are two main types,
horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) and vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). HAWT is preferred,
and dominate the current international surge in wind energy capacity. [10]. The turbines can be
configured in two different ways regarding the rotor position with respect to the tower, upwind and
downwind. The upwind configuration is the most commonly chosen. The principal advantage of
this configuration is that the tower shadow effect is much less for the same blade-tower spacing,
reducing both dynamic loads on the blade and rhythmic noise effect. Set against this is the need
to take great care to avoid the risk of blade-tower strikes with upwind machines, requiring accurate
prediction of blade deflections under turbulent wind loading [17]. The downwind configuration of
a HAWT has some disadvantages which often result in a higher cost. This due to a larger wind
velocity deficit and significantly higher blade fatigue, which usually is reduced by choosing a more
costly nacelle solution. However, such a configuration allows the use of very flexible blades without
the risk of tower strike. Such blades benefit by being less severely unloaded by the tower shadow,
because wind loading deflects them further from the tower in the first place [17]. The number
of blades is most commonly two or three. When determining the number of blades, the factors
mentioned must be taken into account. [17]
• Performance
• Loads
• Cost of rotor
• Noise emission
• Visual appearance
Some of these factors are strongly influenced by rotational speed and rotor solidity, and the ideal
relationship between these parameters and the number of blades will be briefly considered in this
section. For the blade design to be successful, it must satisfy a wide range range of objectives, some
of which are in conflict [17]. These objectives can be summarized as follows:
• Maxmize annual energy yield for the specified wind speed distribution
• Limit maximum power output (in the case of stall regulated machines)
• Restrict tip deflections to avoid blade/tower collisions(in the case of upwind machines)
• Avoid resonance
Rotor diameter is determined mostly based on cost analysis and the wind conditions at the site.
The larger the rotor diameter is, the higher tip speed ratio λ. A too high λ is unwanted, due to
the higher level of noise that occurs at high tip speed. The issue of what size of turbine produces
energy at minimum cost has been fiercely debated for a long time. Protagonists of large machine
cite economies of scale and the increase in wind speed with height in their favour. From the
other camp, the ’square-cube law’, whereby energy capture increases as the square of the diameter,
whereas rotor mass (and therefore cost)increases as the cube, is advanced argument against [17].
Pitch Drive
In larger wind turbines, pitch control systems with sensors are preferred. The pitch system is critical
in larger wind turbines as a safety subsystem and as well as for optimizing the power production.
The sensor is placed in the hub and exchange information between the pitch controller placed in
the nacelle and the controller which contains the total overview. The pitch system is placed in the
front of the nacelle, the most critical part of the wind turbine, in order to protect it from lighting
and electromagnetic compatibility issues. Based on the data obtained from the sensors the angle
of the blades can be altered. The pitch system is crucial in order to harness the energy in the wind
when the wind goes above rated wind speed, as external influence can lead to fatal consequences
for the turbine. The pitch system controls the pitch angle of the blades, in order to generate the
same amount of power as generated at the rated wind speed. It also avoids damage by reducing
fatigue loads. Normally, the pitch system can pitch the blades to function at wind speeds up to 30
m/s, depending on the given size of the turbine and the location.The drive is a only a part of this
system, which usually consists of wind vane, anemometer and different sensors. [18]
The rotor attaches to the nacelle, which sits atop the tower and encloses the various components.
The nacelle of a wind turbine is the box-like compartment that sits atop the tower and is connected
to the rotor. The nacelle contains the majority of the approximately 8000 components of the wind
turbine, such as the gearbox, generator, main frame, etc. The nacelle housing is made of fibreglass
and protects the internal components from the environment. The nacelle cover is fastened to the
main frame, which also supports all the other components inside the nacelle. The main frames are
large metal structures that must be able to withstand large fatigue loads. [17]
For converting the mechanical energy into electricity, the generator is the main component. When
the main shaft is rotating with the rotor, the RPM is quite low, as one would expect with such a
large rotating mass. Inside the nacelle of a typical wind turbine, the rotor drives a large shaft into a
gearbox, which steps up the revolutions per minute to a speed suitable for the electrical generator.
A wind turbine gearbox must be robust enough to handle the frequent changes in torque caused
by changes in the wind speed. It also requires a lubrication system to minimize wear. Wind tur-
bines have either induction or permanent-magnet generators, depending on the model being sold.
Induction generators are common and require a gearbox as described. [16]
Some wind turbines avoid the gearbox completely and use a direct drive system. A direct drive
system connects the rotor directly to a permanent-magnet generator. This is quite common in tur-
bines which have a rated power output below 10kW. These turbines avoid the mechanical problems
associated with a gearbox, but require heavier and more expensive generators in order to produce
electricity from the rotating shaft based on the actual rotational speed of the blades.
In general the main shaft of wind turbines run at low rotational speed compared to most motors
and generators. The rotor turns the low-speed shaft at speeds ranging from 20 RPM large turbines
to 400 RPM on residential units. Transmission gears increase the speed to the 1200-1800 RPM
required by most generators to efficiently produce electricity. Equation 2.18 displays the effect
which is the relationship between the input torque on the low speed shaft and the output torque
on the high speed shaft.
MS = ηGB · i · MF (2.18)
Further into the nacelle the generator is located. The generator size is dependent on he gearbox
and the location of the wind turbine, whether there are much strong winds or calmer wind condi-
tions. The generator converts the rotational mechanical energy produced by the rotor shaft into
electric energy. As the winds vary at times, the production becomes irregular, and the need for a
battery bank and a dump load is necessary. The most commonly used generator is a unidirectional
synchronous permanent magnet generator. Different designs produce either direct current or alter-
nating current. The electricity may be used by nearby appliances, stored in batteries or transferred
to the power grid. [11]
A computer system runs self-diagnostic tests, starts and stops the turbine, and makes adjustments
as wind speeds vary. A remote operator can run system checks and enter new parameters via
modem. Blades can be rotated to reduce the amount of lift when wind speeds become too high. To
control the functioning of the wind turbine, it is fitted with a number of sensors to read the speed
and direction of the wind, the levels of electrical power generation, the rotor speed, the blades
pitch angle, vibration levels, the temperature of the lubricants and other variables. A computer
processes the inputs to carry out the normal operation of the turbine, with a safety system which
can override the controller in an emergency. The control system protects the turbine from operating
in dangerous conditions and ensures that the power generated has the proper frequency, voltage,
and current levels to be supplied to the grid. [19]
Wind Vane
Detects wind direction and passes it along to the controller, which adjusts the “yaw”,or heading, of
the rotor and nacelle. The wind vane is used in a combination with an anemometer which measures
the wind speed and passes it along to the controller.
Yaw Drive
All turbines have a yaw drive system to keep the rotor facing into the wind and to unwind the cables
that travel down to the base of the tower. The yaw drive system usually consists of an electric or
hydraulic motor mounted on the nacelle which drives a pinion mounted on a vertical shaft through
a reducing gearbox. The yaw drive system also has a brake in order to be able to stop a turbine
from turning and stabilize it during normal operation. The yawing of the wind turbine is used to
turn the wind turbine into the wind to harness the energy, and turn away from the wind when it
reaches maximum power output.
The nacelle and generator are mounted on top of a tall tower to allow the blades to take advantage
of the best winds. Because wind speed increases with height, taller towers allow turbines to capture
more energy. The power available to a wind turbine is proportional to the cube of the wind speed.
Therefore, a 10 % increase in wind speed would result in a 33 % increase in available wind power.
Towers are typically made of three or four tubular steel sections coated with paint and sealants and
joined by flanges and bolts. Currently, the most common wind turbine towers is usually about 80
to 100 meters tall. Most towers come with load lifting systems with load-bearing capacity of more
than 200 kilograms Ẇhen estimating the wanted power output and the forces that will affect the
wind turbine, the tower is of large importance. When constructing a tower different aspects such
as height, soil and mooring, if necessary, must be taken into account. When using a higher tower
the power output will increase, as mentioned earlier. However, a higher tower also have higher
requirements for stability and effects of forces induced by wind and waves. [10]
The blocking of the air flow by the tower results in regions of reduced wind speed both upwind
and downwind the tower. This reduction is more severe for tubular towers than for lattice towers
and, in the case of tubular towers, is larger on the downwind side because of flow separation. As
a consequence, designers of downwind machines usually position the rotor plane well clear of the
tower to minimize the interference effect [17].
Above cut-out wind speed, the turbine is shut down to prevent from structural overload. Con-
structing the turbine robust enough to support the underlying mechanical stresses under very high
wind conditions would be completely uneconomical. In fact, even though wind speeds above cut-out
speed contain are powerful, their contribution to the annual average energy is negligible. The rating
of the turbine arises from a compromise between available energy and manufacturing costs. For
instance, designing the turbine to extract all the available energy up to cut-out wind speed would
lead to an increment in the cost per kW. Wind speeds above rated wind speed are not frequent
enough to justify the extra sizing of the turbine required to capture power above rated. [19]
The following control configurations can be used to manage the functionality of the turbine through-
out the ideal power curve, as shown in Figure 2.11.
Before continuing with the current topic, all configurations will be explained briefly. Configuration
number four, a variable-speed variable-pitch turbine, is the only one of the control strategies that
theoretically can achieve the ideal power curve. This configuration is a combination of number
two and three, which resemble the ideal power curve at rated speed and before rated speed re-
spectively. Fixed speed operation implies a maximum output power at one or two wind speeds, so
these turbines has limited options when it comes to active control of the turbine. The generator
is directly coupled to the power grid, which causes a fixed rotational speed. Passive control is
used to prevent that rated power is not exceeded, but it would be impossible to follow the ideal
power curve. In this project the turbine is of type two, fixed-speed variable-pitch. After reach-
ing rated power, the pitch control mechanism is activated, to limit the power output to rated power.
Rated power
1 2 3
In a wind turbine, the rotor blades can either be rigidly mounted on the rotor hub at a fixed pitch
angle, or through a variable pitch mechanism. The interaction of the rotor blades with the oncom-
ing wind results in the development of an aerodynamic torque Ta , as shown in Equation (2.19),
which rotates the rotor. In this section, both fixed pitch and variable pitch is discussed.
Ta = (2.19)
The pitch angle β is the angle at which the blade surface contacts the wind. Pitch angle control
is the most common means for adjusting the aerodynamic torque of the wind turbine when wind
speed is above rated speed. This kind of control is required in conditions above the rated wind
speed when the rotational speed is kept constant, in order to prevent the input mechanical power
to exceed the design limits. Below rated wind speed, the pitch setting should be at its optimum
value to give maximum power [13]. Before discussing more wind turbine control, a few more aero-
dynamics principle is outlined.
In Equation (2.20)the relationship that gives the winds angle of attack α on the rotor blades can
be studied.
α=φ−β (2.20)
φ = The angle between the local flow direction and the rotor plane [◦ ]
β = Pitch angle [◦ ]
The pitch angle β is measured between the chord and the rotor plane, as shown in Figure 2.12.
Note that the chord length and the pitch angle may vary along the blade, i.e. they may be functions
of the radial distance of the blade element to the axis of rotation [13]. The cP has its maximum
when β is at a small angle, ideally zero. Forces acting on the blade can be resolved in tangential
and axial components. The tangential forces describe the torque on the rotor, and the axial forces
describe the thrust on the rotor hub. The forces the air blade experience is expressed in Equation
(2.21) as drag force, and Equation (2.22) as lift force.
Cd = Drag coefficient
Cl = Lift coefficient
v = Wind speed [m/s]
A = Area swept by rotor [m2 ]
Where the lift cl and drag cd coefficients are dependent of the the attack angle (α). As previous
mentioned an increase of β, decreases α, thus decreases the forces acting on the blade. We see in
Figure 2.12 how an increase of β, would decrease α. The lift-to-drag ratio is determined by the
angle of attack of the blades, i.e. the blades’ angle with respect to the apparent wind, its shape
and its aspect ratio.
fD fT
Figure 2.12: Description of airfoil with relevant parameters
In most cases, the fixed pitch wind turbine includes any turbines in the range >10 kW rated power
output. This is due to the fact that a pitch controlled system is more costly to produce, and the
market for small-scale wind turbines is mostly common household or farms, which prefer a low
maintenance system.
Generator Capacitor
the rotor during high wind speeds, to prevent damage of the turbine. In the early 1980s Danish
wind turbine technology used passive stall control. The blades stall at a certain wind speed which
increase the angle of attack above 14 - 15 degrees, and create a turbulent vortex which limit the
rotor power[CITE]. However, passive stall control gives a very limited form of control, but since
the eighties more sophisticated control options has been developed. A variable-pitch configuration,
allows very effective active stall control in which the blades are turned around the lateral axis to
give a smooth transition from normal power generation to limited power generation. The blades
can also be pitch the other way to a negative angle of attack, known as feathering.
The pitch control can be hydraulic, electric or a hybrid system which uses both. The electric
control requires more monitoring, but one can avoid the maintenance problem of leakage in the
hydraulic system. A more modern mechanical approach is the passive pitch control. This pitch
control was introduced to passively govern the pitch blades at high RPM. The governor has masses
connected to spring-loaded links that swing in and out depending on the RPM of the rotor. During
high RPM, they swing outwards, increasing the pitch angle of the rotor and slowing it down. As
RPM decreases, the springs pull back on the links which decrease the pitch of the blades. A block
diagram showing the function of a pitch controlled wind turbine can be seen in Figure 2.14.
Setpoint r + e U Output y
most commercial and non-commercial wind turbines has a yaw mechanism installed, used to turn
the rotor blades against the wind direction at all times. If the rotor is not aligned perpendicular
to the direction of the wind, it has a yaw error which implies that a lower part of the wind energy
will pass the rotor area [13].
A yaw controller can either be passive or active, depending on which type of technology used to
achieved the desired result. The simplest type of yaw control is achieved through passive yaw control
systems which use the wind force to rotate the nacelle in the direction of the wind. Typically, roller
bearings is used to connect the tower and the nacelle. A tail fin is mounted on the top of the nacelle
which aims to apply a torque to turn the entire nacelle in such a way that the rotor is pointing in
the direction of the wind. This kind of yaw control is suitable for small scale wind turbines. More
advanced control capabilities is provided if an active yaw controller is implemented. The feature
which differentiates an active yaw controller system from a passive, is the mechanical mechanism
included inside the nacelle that produces torque in order to revolve the nacelle to a suitable position
according to current wind parameters [19]. A typical yaw controller as seen in Figure 2.15, consist
of a bearing mechanism joining the nacelle and the tower structure, a yaw drive(including a motor
and a gearbox), a controller and a yaw brake to provide counter torque. Usually a wind sensor is
installed to detect the direction of the wind, and this is the signal input to the controller. Then
the system aligns the rotor with the wind direction and thereby minimize the yaw angle error.
Yaw drive
Brake pistons
In recent years it as been a significant growth of offshore wind farms which have been installed all
over Europe, especially in The North Sea outside the cost of United Kingdom and in Skagerak out-
side the cost of Denmark. However, these wind farms have a fixed foundation, which is considered
to be encouraged weaker and less steady winds, restricted by ship lanes and less economical poten-
tial than floating turbines [6]. Off the coast of countries like Japan, China, USA, Spain and Norway
large wind resources exist in much deeper water than the current standard. In these locations it
is not feasible with support structures fixed to the bottom of the ocean. There is without doubt
a large economical potential in floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) due to the wide range of
possible locations and smaller devices, but these topic will not be addressed in this project. [22]
However, the realization of this large potential requires cost efficient, reliable and optimized control
designs to compete with other energy resources.
The design of a wind turbine with regards to the foundation is very important, as the wind turbine
will experience several forces offshore. In this section we will study the stability contributed by
the chosen foundation and tower design. This design takes into account the forces generated by
wind loads and wave motion and other structural design criteria such as buckling, deflection, stress
and natural frequency. The best method for determining these forces are calculated using dynamic
models, which account for the wind inflow, aerodynamics, elasticity, and controls of the wind tur-
bine along with incident waves, sea current, hydrodynamics, platform and mooring dynamics of
the floater.
The concrete base of a conventional offshore wind turbine is replaced by a floating structure, which
needs to withstand pitch, roll and heave motion from the waves within reasonable limits. This
floating base structure will also need to provide enough buoyancy in order to support the weight
of the wind turbine. In practice, floating structures has been in use for decades in the marine and
offshore industries, which gave inspiration to the developing of floating structures for wind tur-
bines. The actual platform configurations may vary widely from platform to platform and usually
determined by a static stability analysis. [24]
When designing a floating turbine, a concept of either multiple- or single-turbine floaters is possible,
as seen in Figure 2.16. A multiple-turbine concept consists of a single platform with several turbine
towers. This is done in order to decrease anchor costs and provide increased wave stability. To
benefit from such a structure, the spacing between the turbines must be optimized in order to
maintain the efficiency. There are also considerations that needs to be taken into account during
placement of the turbines in force direction. When the direction of the wind change, the turbines
need to yaw with the wind or stop producing energy until the direction shifts back to the prevailing
direction. As for multiple-turbine concepts, there are a variety of possible single-turbines concepts,
which is a combination of the selected platform topology previously listed and the selected anchoring
system [24].
In general all platforms, both multiple and singular turbine floaters, can be divided into three cate-
gories based on the given principle used to achieve static stability of the wind turbine construction.
In reality all floating wind turbines are hybrid designs that gain stability from all three categories.
The three categories and a general description of the main principles are:
1. Ballast: In this configuration stability is achieved by using ballast weights which are hung
below a buoyancy tank located directly under the wind turbine. This approach creates a
righting moment of inertia and high inertial resistance to pitch and roll movement, as well as
enough draft to offset heave motion.
2. Mooring Lines: This category includes all types of floating platforms using mooring lines as
the main method to achieve static stability. A concept called the tension leg platform use
this concept to obtain righting stability of the platform structure[CITE].
3. Buoyancy: As seen in Figure 2.17, these types of platforms achieve stability through the use
of distributed buoyancy. To obtain a righting moment of inertia, the weighted water plane
area is used, the same principle that are used to keep a barge floating.
Turbine blades
Tension leg
Ballast tank
Mooring lines
Suction Anchor
Figure 2.17: Three main platform topologies for floating wind turbines
The structural design depends on the depth of the water, and it is common to have land-based
turbines with a concrete pile in the ground, or a guyed wire tower. In offshore cases the common
approach is to have a monopole structure in depths of 0 - 30 meters, this is considered shallow water
and allows for this foundation. At transitional depths of 30 - 60 meters the tripod foundation is
common. At deepwater floating, the depths are 60 - 900 meters and in these cases the foundation
is mooring lines which is attached to the seabed and a floating foundation some meters below mean
sea level.
Different anchoring systems are used depending on the bottom soil conditions in the area of the
wind turbine location, and whether it is shallow or deep water. Often the three different types are
combined. The soil and bottom is of great importance, and this factor leads to individual design
of the anchor system for each site, at least for permanent installations. Of importance is also the
direction of the applied force, the direction of the wind, which influences the holding capacity of an
anchor. Different anchor systems take advantage of the conditions at the given site. Even though
not all single turbine platform used mooring systems to achieve static stability, they may use moor-
ing to keep the turbine construction in place. The three most commonly used mooring systems,
catenary mooring, taut-leg mooring and vertical tension legs, have been used for several years in the
oil and ship industry. All three systems are represented in Figure 2.17. For a wind turbine, where
horizontal forces acts so far above the center of buoyancy, it is important to maintain the stability
of the turbine with a sufficient anchor system. Catenary systems has some problems maintaining
stability against overturning due to the low acting center of buoyancy. However, when combined
with ballast the system can provide stability and this system has in fact been used in the success-
ful Hywind concept, discussed later. When the water depth increase, taut-leg mooring systems is
advantageous due to the fact that less and shorter mooring lines are needed. Vertical tension legs
are a subset of taut-leg mooring systems. Deciding on one concept or another is always a trade-off
between complexity, selected anchors and turbine cost as well as the environment and other factors.
Figure 2.18: A photo from the transportation process of the Hywind turbine [2]
With this turbine Statoil combines its offshore experience from the oil and gas industry with tech-
nologies from the wind industries. The Hywind turbine size is 2.3 MW, the turbine height(from
sea level to nacelle) is 65 m and the rotor blade diameter is 82.4 m. At the selected site the water
depth is 200 m, which is a common water depth outside the coast of Norway[CITE]. The turbine
was constructed by Siemens wind power division and mounted on a floating tower construction
with ballast stabilized design, described earlier in Section 2.5. Regarding the anchoring system of
the Hywind concept, three slack anchored mooring lines keep the floating turbine in place. The
3-point cantenary mooring system is described in Section 2.5.
The intention of the project is to test how different wave and wind conditions affect the structure of
the turbine and its components. This allows further development of the design through optimization
of the output power, and thereby reduce the cost, an essential part of commercializing the turbine.
In 2009, the Hywind turbine was assembled. From Finland the floating substructure was towed to
Åmøyfjorden, where it was raised to a vertical position. In Dusavika outside Stavanger, the wind
turbine was pre assembled in two parts. The tower, the nacelle and the rotor was was connected
with the tower accounted for one part while the blades and the hub the second assembly. Both
part was transported to Åmøyfjorden where the wind turbine was lifted in place and mounted on
the substructure. The test period started in 2009 and lasted for 2 years. Since then, Statoil has
started working on a pilot park i Scotland with five 6 MW turbines. [2]
The most innovative and important feature of Hywind is the active damping pitch control system.
Normal procedure for a pitch controlled land based wind turbine is to adjust the blade pitch in
such a way that constant power is generated for a relative wind speed above the rated wind speed
of the turbine. However, for a floating concept this may not be as simple due to the tendency
of increased negative damping of the tower motion. Hywind’s active damping system utilizes the
velocity of the tower structure to optimize the pitch in the system, with respect to damping of the
tower motion as well as well as keeping the power output at constant level.
The High Power, High Reliability Offshore Wind Technology is an EU funded research and de-
velopment project started in 2010, to contribute to the development of renewable resources in the
offshore wind industry. The project focused on very large cost-efficient floating wind systems and
farms to take advantage of unused deep water areas all around the world. Originally the project
was intended to test a prototype on 50 m depth in the Bay of Biscay to deliver data to researchers.
Due to funding problems, the project stranded. However, The Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU) and the Norwegian company that designed the floating structure, intend
to transport the prototype floating structure to Trondheim to test the wind turbine, and continue
research and development on offshore wind. As of today it is not known when and if the prototype
is transported to Trondheim. The design of the structure can be seen in Figure 2.19a.
This floating concept is developed by Principle Power and the turbine by Vestas. A full-scale
prototype was tested offshore 5 km outside the coast of Portugal in 2011. The WindFloat is a three-
legged floating foundation structure for multimegawatt FOWTs. It is designed to accommodate a
wind turbine, approximately 5 MW or larger, on top of one of the legs. The platform is intended to
be used with onshore turbines which simplifies the design process significantly, as no new turbine
part has to be developed. As Hywind this platform structure was also based on design previous
tested in the oil and gas industry. The floating structure itself along with the wind turbine was
completely assembled and commissioned onshore before being transported to the test site outside
Aguacadoura. This significantly reduces the cost of deployment significantly compared to other
structures which require lift operation of heavy constructions offshore. [4] A subsea cable delivers
electric power to the local grid, and last summer the test turbine past the 10 GWh threshold for
total energy produced. The project have been extended to include test sites outside Maine and
Oregon. An illustration of WindFloat can be seen in Figure 2.19b.
Figure 2.19: Two different floating offshore wind turbine design: HiPRWind Project [3] and
the WindFloat project [4]
Japan started developing alternative energy sources after the Fukushima nuclear melt-down in
March 2011. This project is called Fukushima FORWARD, and the intention is to install a wind
farm outside the coast of Japan and bring the local community of Fukushima a step forward and
recover from the incident. So far three wind turbines and a power station have been installed. The
first construction of a compact semi-sub floater for a 2 MW downwind turbine was completed in
May 2013. This floater is a three-legged structure with an extra beam in the middle connected to
each other. Ballast tanks are located on the bottom of each leg [25].
In June 2013 the turbine was assembled on top of the floating structure and after a commissioning
test the construction was towed to the test site where it began generating power in November the
same year. Figure 2.20 shows the floating structure at the construction site.
Figure 2.20: The floating structure of the Fukushima FORWARD Project [5]
FAST, Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures and Turbulence, is a publicly available simulation tool
for horizontal axis wind turbines, which initially was developed for the conventional analysis of
fixed-bottom wind turbines. Later on, the FAST code has been extended to also include analysis of
floating offshore wind turbines. The FAST code can combined with the two packages AeroDyn and
HydroDyn to include four categories: analysis, structural dynamics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics
and mooring lines. The HydroDyn packages apply the Airy wave theory to calculate the wave
kinematics with free-surface corrections [26]. The forces of mooring lines are represented using a
quasi-static mooring system module. This module represent the weight of the mooring lines in
fluid, the stretching of the lines and the friction at seabed.
SIMO is used to model and simulate offshore structures, and this simulation tool is also extended
to include floating wind turbines. This is done by adding an external model to simulate the
aerodynamic forces of the rotor. RIFLEX is coupled with SIMO to include dynamic of analysis of
mooring lines among other [6]. A picture from the simulation tool can be seen in Figure 2.21.
When designing an offshore floating wind turbine it is necessary to think of the new mechanical
constraints which affect the nacelle and the rotor. The motion of the selected floating structure will
affect the performance of the wind turbine and vice-versa. If the concept is economically feasible,
the mass of the floating structure is not much larger than the mass of the wind turbine. [22] Due
to this fact, the rotational movement of the rotor and the conversion of kinetic energy to electricity
will affect the floating structure. The current trend is also to design taller wind turbines to catch
the more effective higher wind speeds, which causes small pitch and roll rotations that result in
large motion at the location at the nacelle. The same effect can be seen for velocities and accel-
erations which cause a large load on some of the most sensitive components. The large load on
structural components, increases the importance of designing constructions that can handle the
increased load, which will invariably increase cost. It is also important to gain stability of the
structure during its entire lifetime in rough weather conditions.
As for most large scale wind turbines the installation process is a complex and time consuming
process. When installing a wind turbine at sea, the water and weather conditions are of great
importance. From the Hywind installation, two main challenges can be outlined; the water depth,
and the conditions of the waves and swells. To upend and assemble the structure a sufficient water
depth is required. This was not an issue at the assembly point for Hywind, but would be in other
areas where the water is shallower. Close to shore or if there are some shallow passages offshore
on the way to the the destination point of the wind turbine this may cause trouble. To assemble
such a large structure as the Hywind turbine involves very large forces, and the effect of waves
and swells increase the impact on the turbine and the constructions used to upend the turbine.
It is necessary with low winds and low waves for a sufficient period of time. This restricts the
installation period to the summer months in the respective parts of the world, which is unfortunate
since time and time delays increase the cost. Also the assemble process need to be optimized to
assemble structures safely, efficiently and economically.
To install a wind turbine construction and take advantage of the energy in the wind effectively
requires a lot of work, but usually more than one turbine is located in the same area in a wind
farm. A wind farm can include 10 - 100 turbines or more. One issue that needs to be addressed is
how the transportation of multiple turbines to the destination point can be done efficiently. There
is no doubt it is complicated to transport a 80 meter turbine mounted on the top of a 100 m
substructure. This is an important question for the future, as Statoil plans to locate large wind
farms outside the coast of Scotland.
As for all structures and especially rotating structures, maintenance is required to ensure a safe
and reliable operation. Sometimes large and heavy components, such as the blades, need to be
replaced. Then it should be easy and cost efficient to perform the operation itself as well as the
transportation of the components. Stability needs to be maintained during the maintenance period
as well. Other issues related to the maintenance is the possibility of corrosion due to the corrosive
environment and fatigue due to the constant impact of waves, wind and rotating components. In
areas where the temperature goes below zero, the possibility of ice formation on the blades must
be considered.
Multiple turbines in a wind farm create a complex flow field since the turbines affect each other. In
other words, it is not beneficial to place a wind turbine in the shadow of one of the other turbines,
due to loss of mechanical energy as the wind field is distorted. To avoid these circumstances some
of the towers can have an increased hight, but wind farms are carefully planned and all these issues
are taken into account. However, despite the challenges in the coming years it is expected that the
offshore wind industry will increase significantly.
2.6 Motion-Compensation
A motion compensator is, as the name suggest, a device that compensates for any undesirable
effect of the relative motion between two connected objects, for example the wind turbine and the
surrounding water. The motion compensator usually compensates for the effect of motion in all
directions, both linear and rotational. An offshore wind turbine has six degrees of freedom which
means that it can move in all six directions. The three linear motion are heave, sway and surge
and the three rotational motions are pitch, roll and yaw. Heave is the up and down motion along
the linear vertical axis, sway is the side to side motion along the lateral axis, while surge is front
to back motion along the longitudinal axis. Pitch motion can be defined as the motion around
the lateral axis which in terms of a wind turbine, means turning the angle of the blade. The roll
motion occurs around the longitudinal axis, while the yaw motion occurs around the normal axis,
i.e. the axis along the wind turbine tower. All motions are illustrated in Figure 2.22.
Y’ X’
Heave Z
Y Yaw
Pitch Roll
Figure 2.22: Degrees of freedom for an offshore floating wind turbine platform
2.6.1 Stewart-Platform
University of Agder has two Stewart platforms to be used for scientific purposes situated in the lab
area. A Stewart platform is a robot mechanism that incorporates six prismatic actuators to be able
to simulate motion in all directions. The prototype was designed by D. Stewart, and described in
a paper for the first time in 1965 [27]. The mechanism he built consisted of a triangular platform
supported by ball joints, connected with three legs adjustable in length. The adjustable legs was
then connected to ground through a two-axis joint. Eric Gough, another researcher of the same
period, suggested an improvement with the use of six linear actuators in parallel, which was similar
to a tyre test machine he had designed some years earlier. In the paper the Stewart platform
is described as a mechanism which has six degrees of freedom, controlled in any combination by
six motors, each at a given distance from the ground. Initially it was designed to simulate flight
conditions in order to generate general motion in space to be used for pilot training purposes. It
has since been used in numerous applications in the field of robotics.
The design of the platform has been subjected to modifications since the first models, but the
concept is still the same. Currently, a Stewart platform consists of a base and a platform connected
together with six extendible legs, each leg with spherical joints at both ends.
Chapter 3
This chapter describes the methods and tools utilized in order to finalize the project description
presented in Chapter 1. All models and procedures are described and illustrated to give the reader
a good understanding of the project. The chapter is divided in different subsections to easily get
an overview of the different parts. The first part consider the making of the test model, while the
second part consider the experimental setup and the functionality of the pitch controller. In the
third section, force calculations regarding the blades as well as other components affected by forces
have been carried out. The final section considers the simulated part of the project.
In this section the wind turbine test model is described. All parts are explained and widely
illustrated with descriptive figures from the CAD model and photos to ensure that the reader
understand the different concepts. Moreover, all choices taken regarding the feasibility of the
design is explained and justified.
3.1.1 Concept
A small scale wind turbine model is designed in SolidWorks. The different components are 3D-
printed using a ProJet 3510 HD printer, and later assembled to test and optimize the pitch controller
mechanism. The main shaft as well as the bearings, screws, washer and nuts are made of steel.
All other parts are plastic materials from the 3D printer. The concept of this model includes a
mechanism to pitch the angle of the blades to the desired position relative to the wind speed. The
pitch angle for wind turbine blades is described in detail in Chapter 2. A stepper motor is used
to provide the rotation needed to move the slider mechanism in order to rotate the blades to the
desired angle provided by the control system. The stepper motor is connected to a PLC-controller
developed for providing the desired angle. Figure 3.1 shows the final setup of the wind turbine
with the main components inside the nacelle, the rotor mechanism, the tower and the base. The
modelled parts shall be mounted on a steel plate, which means that some of the parts might not be
printed, as they are not needed. However, they are included in the figure to illustrate an example
set up. Illustrative photos of the final concept can be seen in the experimental set up section.
Parameter Value
3.1.2 Blades
The blade is modelled after NACA4415, provided from the UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database.
In Figure 3.2, the shape of the foil is shown and important values can be seen in Table 3.1. To
transform the shape of the foil to a blade, the blade is divided in ten section, with a different chord
length and a different angle. With this approach the blade will get a smooth surface.
The total length of the blade is 478.86 mm, the distance from rotor center to the beginning of the
blade is 146 mm and the diameter of the blade connection section is 40 mm. It can be observed
that the distance between the rotor center and the beginning of the blade is quite long, and this is
done to be able to extend the blade length as well as some space, if modifications are required.
146 C1 C2
40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 3.3: Wind turbine test model: Structure of the blade
The idea of this setup is to be able to control the pitch angle of the blades simultaneously in order
to achieve greater output power. Bevel gears are used to transfer the linear motion of the slider
mechanism to rotation of the blades. A link mechanism turns the blades, and the pinions follows
the track of the gear head. The design ensure that the motion is transferred, and at the same time
limit, the changes in pitch angle to prevent too large angles. Figure 3.4 shows the the gear and the
three pinions rotating around. In the middle of the gear shaft, the main shaft of the wind turbine
is connected. The main shaft is rotated when the wind rotates the blades, and mechanical power
is created from the wind energy.
Figure 3.4: Wind turbine test model: Gear and Pinions
In order to precisely control and track the pitch angle of the blades, we use a stepper motor which
is programmed in Siemens PLC. The drive mounted on the PLC is a 1-Step-Drive from Phytron.
The program enables pulses to the stepper motor, thus we can program and monitor the pitching
system as it changes based on the pitch angle as a function of different wind speeds.
The stepper motor used in this project is the 440-470 stepper motor delivered by RS Components.
The stepper motor is a pulse driven electric motor which is suitable for motion control in many
different areas of application. The 440-470 is a 8-wire unipolar stepper motor. The main parameters
for its task is the current rating and the degrees the motor rotates per pulse. The current rating
is considered as a unnecessary powerful motor is unwanted for the small-scale test model. The
deg/step relationship is vital to precisely control the pitch angle. The specifications for the stepper
motor are shown in the data sheet from Phytron, an excerpt of the most important data is shown
in Table 3.2.
Specification Value
For different drive requirement, the windings can be connected either in series or in parallel. The
configuration of the stepper motor used in this project is unipolar, and the windings for the motor
is connected in parallel, which is standard for this model. The motor is further connected to the
PLC as a 4-lead stepper motor as shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5: Wiring scheme for 1-Step-Drive module. In this project a 8 lead stepper motor is
connected in parallel as a 4-lead.
The connection from the stepper motor to the 1-Step-Drive on the PLC is shown in Figure 3.6.
The motor provided for this project was connected properly in advance, so the main focus was to
design the program and establish a satisfying pitch control.
Figure 3.6: The stepper motor from RS components connected to the Siemens Simatic et200s
PLC via 1-Step-Drive from Phytron
The pitching system consists of a screw with a rotating nut, a slider and a lift mechanism connected
with two links. With the help of the nut, which is connected to the lower hole of the slider, the
screw transfers rotational motion to the slider mechanism. When the slider is moved back and
forth, the link mechanism is moved accordingly. This motion contributes to the pitching of the
blade angles, controlled by the bevel gears connected to the pinions, link mechanism and main
shaft, as shown in Figure 3.7. Here are all the components that constitute the pitching system are
shown and named.
Main shaft
Link mechanism
Lift mechanism
Figure 3.8 shows the lift mechanism connected with the links. The links are fastened to the lift
mechanism with bolts and nuts. It is seen that it is the upper part of the link that gives the
rotational motion. The gear is fitted inside the middle hole in the middle the lift mechanism, while
the link mechanism is connected to the three pinions. In table 3.3 and 3.4, the selected size, number
of teeth and other parameters in connection with the gear and the pinion is shown. The module
indicates the size of the gear, which is the reference diameter of the gear divided by the number of
teeth. The gear ratio is 1.75.
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
Link mechanism
Ball bearing
Lift mechanism
Bolt and nut
The stepper motor is connected to the rotating screw as shown in Figure 3.9. When the screw
rotates the l-shaped slider mechanism moves linearly and the tube connected to the lift mechanism
rotates the pitch angle.
Tube Nut
Blade support
Bearing: lift mechanism
Bearing: support
The lift mechanism rotates when the blades rotates, but is also required to move linearly along
the lateral axis. To achive this, the lift mechanism is mounted on the slider. However, to avoid
rotation of the slider, a deep groove ball bearing (single row) is located between the gear and the lift
mechanism to allow the gear to rotate freely. The bearing is of type 61810-RS, and all dimension
and tolerances can be seen in Figure 3.11. RS means that it is lubricated and covered with rubber
coating. A single plastic tube is fitted between the slider and the main shaft to avoid the need for
more bearings. Between the tube and slider a relatively small tolerance is kept in order to insure
a smooth sliding.
50 cm
65 cm
Figure 3.11: Bearing between the gear and the lift mechanism
To support the components inside the nacelle as well as to ensure the rotating of the main shaft,
two bearings are included between the main shaft and a support structure mounted on a horizontal
steel plate. The bearings of type 6005-RS are glued to the support plate with epoxy. All the
dimensions can be seen in Figure 3.12.
80 cm 140 cm
Figure 3.12: Bearing between main shaft and the support structure
To keep the blades in correct position a support mechanism is connected to the main shaft, and
a total of three bearings are utilized to ensure the rotational movement of the blades. The three
bearings are connected to the blades to support the blades as well as allowing free rotational
movement of the blades, as seen in Figure 3.10. Dimensions of the bearing can be seen in Figure
22 cm 50 cm
Figure 3.13: Bearing between the support structure and the main shaft
Most components of the test model are made of plastic, while the bearings are made of steel and
therefore a potential problem could be the linear movement of the bearings during during operation.
The bearings are press fitted, but a small edge is included to prevent unintentionally sliding of the
bearings. However, plastic could never withstand as much force as steel or a different metal.
The prototype model is mostly made of two different types of plastic from the two 3D-printers used
to produce the components. However, the printers also print with different methods which gives
a large difference in quality. The high definition printer produce massive components which gives
them high density and relatively high weight compared to the component of the other printer. The
standard printer (see Appendix B.2) produces components with a solid surface, while inside plastic
material is layered up in a zigzag pattern with air in between. This gives the components a much
lower density and thereby much lighter than the massive components. This way the wind turbine
was built in the lighter components where this was possible, and high definition where this was
needed. The main shaft, the bearings, the slider mechanism fixed to the tower structure and the
tower structure itself is made of steel.
The foundation of the wind turbine, or the wind turbine tower, is an important component that
needs to be stable and strong in order to handle the forces from the rotational motion from the
wind turbine. For this reason, the entire set up of the tower is made of steel parts. The tower
structure is shown in Figure 3.14.
The tower is assembled by the use of a welding robot from ABB, shown in Figure 3.15. With the
robot, the upper plate and the bottom plate could easily be welded to the legs, which was also
the case for the bracing structure. This made the tower structure strong and stable, as well as the
possibility for human error during assembly was reduced. A simple program used for the welding
robot makes it possible to accurately weld the components together.
The tower structure is made of a steel plate with dimensions 300 mm x 500 mm x 4 mm with four
hollow metal legs welded to each corner of the steel plate. A second steel plate of the same material,
but with a larger thickness, is welded to the other side of the legs forming a sandwich structure. A
robot can weld faster than manual welding and prevents too much damage of the thin steel plate
as there is less time to heat the material. To support the PLC placed beneeath the main body of
the test model, four metal pieces is welded between the legs. The bracing steel both supports the
entire structure as well as creating a platform for the PLC. As the cables from the motor to the
PLC is of limited length (30 cm), the bracing structure has to be welded in an appropriate height.
A slider mechanism is mounted on the steel plate, which makes it possible for the stepper motor
to move the pitch mechanism back and forth.
Main Body
The main body as shown in Figure 3.10 consists of two bearing casings, the slider connected to
the mechanical pitch mechanism as well as the electric stepper motor and a tube that encloses the
main shaft through the slider. The pitching of the blades will be prompted by the bevel gears
connected to the main shaft. In Figure 3.16 the assembly of the three pinions are shown. These
will be bonded to the supporting plate in front of the blades and also connected to the large bevel
gear, keeping them tight in position.
All the bearings used in the prototype is press fitted. Since the bearings are made of steel and the
surrounding components are made of plastic, epoxy is a reasonably choice to fasten the bearings
in the casings. All surfaces are cleaned sufficiently with acetone before assembly. The turbine is
assembled from the rear, starting with the support structure for the casings, before assembling the
rest of the components. The bearing houses and part of the mechanical slider mechanism is shown
in Figure 3.17.
Figure 3.17: The main body mounted on the tower structure with the plc placed below on the
The final model is shown in Figure 3.18. Here the model is mounted to the tower structure, with
the programmable logic controller placed below the turbine on the bracing structure. The assembly
of the complete turbine is done mostly by using epoxy and locktite to attach the different parts.
By gluing the parts together like this, the model becomes more rigid, and the level of tolerance due
to vibrations is high.
The frame built to keep the stepper motor from moving is shown in Figure 3.19.
Next step is to assemble the blades. The blades were divided in three parts since the dimension of
the printer is to small to fit the entire blade at once, as it is 478.86 mm. On each side of the blades
either a tap or a hole was made on the end of each blade in order to enable a simple assembly.
After cleaning the surface, a two component Locktite glue is used to bond the blade together, as
seen in Figure 3.20.
The taps give the blades a some additional strength, which is needed, as the blade is printed in
three parts. At the root of the blade the pinion is mounted as well as the support structure to
prevent the blade from falling out of position. Bearings are mounted inside the support structure
as previously described to allow the blades to rotate freely. The complete support structure consist
of a rigid support rig, which ensures the stability of the rotor. The finished assembly of the rotor is
shown in Figure 3.21, where the supporting plate is connected to the shaft and rotates along with
the blades. All technical drawings can be found in Appendix D.
Power Generation
A generator is connected directly to the main shaft of the wind turbine. A DC brush motor from
Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH is provided by UiA, and the data sheet can be found in Appendix
A.2. To measure the voltage, the generator is connected to the same analogue signal detector
as mentioned before to be able to log the data from the generator in LabVIEW. The program
developed in LabVIEW, as seen in Figure 3.22, log the data in a txt-file which easily can be
implemented in MATLAB.
Figure 3.22: The LabVIEW program developed to log the data from the generator
The generator was tested with an electrical drill to see if the relationship between voltage and
rotational speed indeed was linear and thereby verify the functionality. As seen in Figure 3.23, the
relationship is linear, as expected.
Figure 3.23: Relationship between voltage and rotational speed in the generator
1. A function determining the optimal pitch angle from the wind speed corresponding to the
size of the test turbine. The wind speed is the input variable.
2. A function determining the distance travelled by the screw in order to achieve the given pitch
angle. The Pitch angle is the input variable of the function.
3. A function determining the number of steps required to achieve the distance travelled.
The method used to calculate the pitch angle utilize some of the principles from [ref] and [ref].
The angle of the pinions is the same as angle as the pitch angle of the blades. It is necessary to
calculate this angle in order to find out the distance the slider would need to move to turn the
blades to a given position, as well as preventing the link mechanism to move out of position and
break. In addition it is necessary to find out how many steps the change in position requires. When
calculating the pitch angle, three main positions are considered, and then curve fitting is used to
find the rest of the angles and a suitable function. The three positions are the start position(initial
angle of the blades), the middle position and the end position(max pitch angle), which are shown
in Figure 3.24. Dimensions and angles are shown for all three positions. If the pitch angle can
be controlled, the power output can be optimized compared to a fixed pitch wind turbine which
usually have one or two fixed speeds and cannot rotate the blades along the lateral axis. Most large
scale turbines (more than 10 MW) nowadays have electric pitch controlled blades.
P3 = 54.70 P2 = 75 P3 = 54.70
β2 = 90 β3 = 136.83
β1 = 46.83
P1 = 116.89
d = 153.42 θ = 39.91
x2 = 95.69
X=0 x1 = 63.76
The test model has a mechanical construction, described in the previous section, to turn the angles.
It is beneficial to use a hybrid stepper motor because it is possible to calculate the linear movement
of the slider based on the rotational movement of the given hybrid stepper motor RS 440-470.
Technical specifications can be found in Appendix x. Since the stepper motor is of type hybrid
with a step angle of 1.8◦ , it is capable of delivering much higher working torques and stepping rates
than a permanent magnet motor with 7.5◦ and 15◦ step angles, which is important for positioning.
The given step angle means that the shaft angle moves 1.8◦ for each step from the stepper motor.
This gives 200 steps per revolution.
The linear distance of the screw can be described as a function of the shaft angle and number of
steps. A M10 standard screw has a pitch of 1.5 mm, which is quite large for this particular use.
Preferably a small pitch is wanted since then it is a smaller pitch angle difference corresponding to
the achieved linear motion and consequently a higher precision. Equation (3.1) and (3.2) gives the
representation of the linear distance based on number of steps.
α = Pα · S = 1.8 · S (3.2)
Since the distance will be the input, the equation is inverted and can be seen in Equation 3.3.
360 · x
S= (3.3)
Screw thread · Pα
In addition to the calculation of the linear position, the pitch angle is required to be calculated as a
function of the linear motion. A mathematically representation of the two link mechanical system
is given by Equation (3.4) and (3.5) based on the design of the test model.
A = Distance from start position(equal to start position of link 1) to position of blade shaft [mm]
X = Distance from start position of pitch mechanism to position of link 1 (same as screw linear dista
P1 = Length of link 1 [mm]
P2 = Length of link 2 [mm]
P3 = Distance between link 1 in upright position and blade shaft [mm]
θ = Angle of link 1 [◦ ]
β = Pitch angle [◦ ]
Initial position of the pitching mechanism is given by Equation (3.6). The minimum pitch angle is
determined to be 46.83◦ , and then the distance between the center pinion and the start point of the
link mechanism can be calculated. At this point θ is 0◦ . x1 and x2 can be found using Pythagoras.
Then Equation (3.5) can be solved with respect to θ and inserted in Equation (3.4), as seen in
Equation (3.7) and (3.8).
P2 · sin β − P3
θ = sin−1 ( ) (3.7)
P2 · sin β − P3
X(β) = d − p1 · cos(sin−1 ( )) − p2 · cosβ (3.8)
Equation 3.8 gives the travelled distance from the offset point as a function of the pitch angle.
The required distance to given angle is obtained. The function is plotted in Excel to determine
a function with only one input, the pitch angle. In Excel it is possible to add a trend line and
calculate an approximate polynomial with a function called LINEST. All values are listed in Table
3.5 including percent deviation from calculated values. The function calculated by Excel is given
in Equation 3.9, and the corresponding graph is seen in Figure 3.26.
Equation (3.3) is combined with the calculated function from Excel, and the only unknown is the
number of step or the pulses from the stepper motor which is detected by the controller in TIA
Figure 3.26 displays the relationship between the blade angle and the linear travelled distance and
the approximate function.
Figure 3.26: The relationship between the blade angle and the linear screw distance.
In section x, the optimized value of β is found based on the test turbine and the current wind speed
above a given speed. In Excel curve fitting can be used to generate a function from the calculated
parameters, as seen before. The estimated function can be seen in Equation(3.10) where the only
variable is the wind speed. The Excel function LINEST was used to approximate values to obtain
the estimated polynomial function. All the optimized values of β and the new values of β from the
estimated function are seen in the graph in Figure 3.27.
β(vwind ) = −9.24364 · 10−6 · (vw ind)6 + 0, 000983244 · (vw ind)5 − 0.043127738 · (vw ind)4
+0.998122086 · (vw ind)3 − 12.92224067 · (vw ind)2 + 90.59341266 · (vw ind) − 254.5406814
Figure 3.27: The relationship between the wind speed and a optimized pitch angle
In order to achieve a satisfying pitch angle control of the blades, a stepper motor is controlled
with a programmable logic controller(PLC) manufactured by Siemens. The control system for the
Siemens ET200s PLC which is programmed in TIA Portal v12. The language used in programming
the main function block is ladder logic programming language (LAD). In the ladder diagram, func-
tion calls and function blocks were added to control the motor accordingly to the flowchart. This
enables monitoring of the stepper motor as it moves the slider mechanism at a given speed and
with a decided torque set in the device configuration. A complete overview of the PLC program
can be found in Appendix C. The step drive from Phytron was provided with a script in order
to enable execution, this can be found in Appendix C.1. The flow chart of the processes used to
control the stepper motor, and thus the pitch angle, is shown in Figure 3.28.
Figure 3.28: Flowchart showing the main operations of the PLC program.
As shown in Figure 3.28 the process starts by measurements of the wind speed. If it has reached
a 7.0 m/s the pitching of the blades will be initiated and the control system continues to the next
process. If not, the wind turbine will continue to rotate with the fixed pitch angle until the rated
wind speed of 7.0 m/s is reached. Figure 3.29 show the contents of the function block F1 for the
process of evaluating the wind speed measured.
Further we read βm based on the travelled distance of the slider. The calculation is shown in Equa-
tion 3.11, calculated as βvwind . This value gives the current angle of the blades, which is further
compared to the value with the calculated βref shown in Equation 3.10.
where the relation between mm travelled by the slider and the angle of the blades is 1.37778 ◦ /mm.
When the process of determining the deviation of the blade angle from the calculated angle βref
and the current angle βm , the steps and direction in which the stepper motor will rotate is calcu-
lated. The number of steps is found by using distref from Equation 3.9 and Equation 3.1. When
the required steps have been executed and the pitch angle is in the correct position, the stepper
motor stops. The function call for the rotational direction and number of pulses sent to the step
drive is shown in Figure 3.30.
Figure 3.30: Function call for the direction and number of steps for the step drive.
The following process executes the stepper motor and monitors the position of the slider as well as
the number of steps wanted. These function calls are shown in Figure 3.31 and 3.32.
Figure 3.32: The function call which tracks when the number of steps needed to pitch the
blades has been met.
The cycle time for each iteration in the control system is set to 100 ms. The networks and transi-
tions from the programmed pitch system is shown in Table 3.7.
Network Function
In the device configuration for the 1-Step-Drive from Phytron the values and settings for the digital
inputs (DI) and different parameters that controls the performance of the stepper motor can be
altered. The device configuration for the step drive is shown is in Table 3.7.
Parameter Specification
The setup of the stepper motor connected to the plc is shown in Figure 3.33.
Figure 3.33: The stepper motor connected to the PLC during test runs.
Function Blocks
The "function" is a logic block with no internal memory. The data used to execute the FC is stored
in a local data stack and is lost after the function is executed.
Applications: Returning a function value to the calling block, for instance a math function or exe-
cuting a functional feature, such as a single control function.
Function Blocks(FB):
The function block is a "function" with internal memory. This enables the block to store data
locally even after execution. The parameters connected to the FB and the static variables included
in the FB are all saved in the instance DB.
Applications: The function block can use embedded program code, which is executed when called
by another logic block. Function blocks simplifies the programming of complex functions with
frequent occurrence.
Wind turbine design calculations are preformed to design an optimal pitch angle function for
the PLC controller. The calculations are based on theory from previous courses. Some of these
calculations, the shaft speed and the tip speed, are also intended to be compared to the test model.
3.3.1 Optimized β
All the design parameter from the test model form the basis for the work presented in this sub-
section. The procedure for wind turbine design is a multi step procedure, and all necessary parts
are included here. The first step is to calculate the power coefficient (cP ) as a function of λ. For
this part β is regarded as constant with the value 1. At this stage the point is to find a maximum
value for cP , while β is later utilized to lower cP for higher wind speeds. Equation (3.12) is used
to calculate the cP according to Equation (2.3) in the theory chapter. With λ as the only variable
left, the optimal value can be found using excel curve fitting. In Figure 3.34 the cP (λ) curve is
cP = 0.5 · ( − 0.022 · 12 − 5.6) · e−0.17 λ (3.12)
The goal is to find an optimized value for cP . For obvious reasons, a negative power coefficient is
not wanted. For instance a larger value then 0.107 for λ would result in a negative power coefficient.
However, the goal is to optimize cP , not use values for a marginally power output. Thus the cP is
optimized with respect to λ using the optimizing tool "Solver" in Excel. This procedure is carried
out according to the test model. Ideally the cP value should be as large as possible, and close to
the theoretical maximum known as the Betz coefficient with the value 0.59. The results from the
optimizing in Excel can be seen in Table 3.8.
λ r/λ cP
A wind turbine with a power coefficient of 0.416 will be characterised as a good turbine, but this
is calculated mathematically, so achieving these results for the test model is hard. A optimal value
for λ means that the tip of the rotor blade must have a speed of 0,052 times faster than the wind
speed, at any wind speed, for the turbine to operate with maximum efficiency. The next step is to
calculate an optimal value for the rotational speed of the wind turbine, see Equation (3.13).
vdesign · λopt
Ωopt = (3.13)
The turbine should have a rotational speed (Ω) of 0.589 rad/s to operate at the optimal point, the
design speed. It is decided that the turbine should only operate in the range of + 20% and - 40%
of rotational speed. Thus the turbine can operate with a maximum cP over a large interval of wind
speeds, and still within safety limits. This allow a turbine design with rotational speed between
0.177 and 0.65 rad/s. For the highest wind speeds the rotational speed will be kept constant at
maximum value, and constant at minimum value for lower wind speeds. This will result in a
decreasing value for λ, and operation with a lower value for cP . New values for λ for constant
rotational speed operation will be calculated according to Equation (3.14).
Ωconstant · r
λn = (3.14)
The next step is to calculate turbine operation values from cut-in wind speed to rated wind speed.
For this project the cut-in wind speed is set to the lowest wind speed where the turbine start
rotating. For the calculations a wind speed range from 0 to cut-out m/s, with a class width of 0.5
is studied. The power from the wind (Pwind ) that the turbine can convert to mechanical power
(Pmech ) is given by Equation (3.15).
Table 3.9 presents the Pmech the turbine can convert from Pwind , as well as the design parameters
for the wind speed interval from cut-in to rated wind speed.
Table 3.9: Turbine design parameters from 0 m/s to rated wind speed
For wind speeds lower than cut-in or larger than rated it is not possible to operate with λopt .
The next step involves power control by adjusting the pitch angle β. According to the literature
study from Chapter 2, the output power at rated speed is the maximum power that the turbine is
designed to produce. Overloading may stress the wind turbine and eventually cause malfunction
and breakdown of the turbine, which is especially important when considering the test model. In
order to keep the rated output power constant when wind speeds increase above rated speed the
pitch control is applied. The goal is to keep the power output constant from the rated wind speed
to the cut-out wind speed. In Table 3.10 we see the results for the turbine design parameters for
this wind speed interval.
Table 3.10: Turbine design parameters for operation during wind speeds above the rated wind
For wind speeds higher than rated speed the cP is the relationship between the rated mechanical
power (Pmech,max ) and Pwind . The pitch angle for each blade can be found, when CP is known, by
solving Equation (2.3) with respect to β. For this project the "Solver" function in Excel was used
to calculate the values for β.
In order to shut down the wind turbine in a controlled manner at the cut-out wind speed there
must be a control system. A brief example is given in here, and can performed on the actual test
model. This can be done by increasing the pitch angle until 90 degrees where cP equals zero. This
means that the wind does not get any attack angle on the rotor blades due to the high pitch angle.
It is important not to instantly brake a wind turbine from maximum rotational speed to zero, since
it most likely cause irreparable damage to the turbine. It can also be done automatic if a sensor
measures continuous wind speed at cut-out speed for some time, at least 1 minute, or increasing
wind speed from this point, the wind turbine must shut down to prevent damage.
Based on these calculations an optimal pitch equation was made. The reason for this is to be able
to find the optimal pitch angle based on the given wind speed. Equation (3.10)in Section 3.2.2
gives the optimal pitch, and the wind speed is the only variable.
F lift
F thrust F drag
F gravity
Plane of rotation
The magnitude of the gravitational force on the blades depends on the position and orientation
of the turbine blade during its 360 degree rotational movement. Thus will the gravitational force
either augment or oppose the lift force. In Chapter 2, the dynamics of a wing profile was explained.
However, the dynamics of wind turbines are slightly more complex than the dynamics of a simple
wing because the direction of the gravitational force on the turbine blade changes with the rotation
of the turbine rotor. In a simplified "theoretical" turbine operating with a single blade at constant
wind force, the magnitude and direction of the lift and drag forces with respect to the aerofoil profile
will be constant throughout the full 360 degrees rotation of the turbine rotor but the direction of
the lift with respect to the ground will depend on the position of the rotor. The magnitude of the
gravitational force on the blade will also be constant for any position of the rotor but the horizontal
position of the centre of gravity of the blade with respect to the centre of the rotor will vary as
the rotor turns. The result is that the net effect of these forces on the rotor torque depends on the
position of the rotor, and can be summarized by the following:
• Horizontal blade: The blade is moving upwards in the opposite direction of the gravity force,
which is pulling the blade down. This reduce the net lifting force acting on the blade, as well
as the resulting torque on the rotor.
• Upside down horizontal: Rotated 180 degrees, the blade is still horizontal but the lifting force
is in the opposite direction. This increase the net lifting force and the torque acting on the
blade since the gravitational force act in the same direction as the lifting force.
• Vertical blade: When the blade is vertical, the gravitational force is perpendicular to the
lifting force, and thereby has no effect on the torque. The torque is created purely due to lift.
Real life turbines have multiple blades which balance the gravitational force and cancel out the
effect and the torque affecting the rotor is constant.
Ft = Fn · cos αn
Fl = Fn · sin αn
This radial component can again be divided into an axial force component, Fx and a radial force
component, Fr perpendicular to the axis as given in Equation (3.17) and seen in Figure 3.36.
δ Fa
Fr Fn
Fa = Fl · sin δ
Fr = Fl · cos δ
Fa = Ft · tan αn · sin δ
Fr = Ft · tan αn · cos δ
Figure 3.37 displays the direction of forces acting on this bevel gear construction. The relationship
between the magnitude and direction can be seen in Equation (3.19).
F a1 = F r2
F r1 = F a2 (3.19)
F t1 = F t2
Fa2 2
Normally is the nacelle in a wind turbine construction completely covered, but to be able to perform
basic necessary maintenance tasks, it is decided not to cover the nacelle of the test model. This
increase the forces subjected to the pitching system as well as other parts of the nacelle significantly.
The support rig for the blades is important to support the blades, and transfer the power of the
wind to the main shaft. Three bearings are included, as described before, to support the shafts of
the blades and allows them to move with the least possible friction. The bearings take up forces
acting on the shafts, and keeps them in place in the correct position. Forces acting on the support
rig can be seen in Figure 3.38 and 3.39.
Fblade Fblade
Most of the parts are assembled with epoxy or another type of adhesive called locktite. This works
fine when it is plastic bonded with plastic, but unfortunately it does not work very well when metal
parts are bonded with plastic parts, since the adhesive is optimized for plastic materials. It was
also experienced that locktite as well as epoxy worked better on plastic from the High Definition
printer than than the printer with lower definition, probably due to difference in quality, density
and surface structure. The main shaft is supported by bearings and mounted on the top of the
tower construction. The generator is fitted directly on the main shaft without gearing, and make
sure that the shaft is not moved backwards during operation. This is done in order to simplify the
model, and it is believed it would be to much wear when the wind speed increase. Extra reinforce-
ment is added during operation to reduce the risk of possible damage to the structure. Figure 3.40,
displays the forces acting on the main shaft.
Fslider Fslider
Ftower Ftower
The tower structure should be able to withstand potentially large loads, both when standing on
the ground and when standing on the top of the Stewart platform. Since the tower has no yaw
mechanism, the wind turbine must be turned manually towards the direction of the wind, to prevent
large loads from behind. Extra weights is added to the bottom of the tower structure when testing
to increase the vertical load and ensure the safety of the equipment. The forces acting on the tower
structure can be seen in Figure 3.41.
3.4.4 Friction
Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of two solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material
elements sliding against each other. There is no doubt that friction can be a potential problem due
to the high number of rotating and moving parts. Bearings are used to reduce friction and provide
the required rotational movement. However, these bearings are low cost and requires lubrication
more often to rotate optimal.
Several parts of the pitch mechanism are affected by friction. The slider should move back and
forth at the same time that the main shaft is rotating. This creates a situation where bearings
cannot be used since both translation movement and rotational movement is required. A small
tolerance is included as well as lubrication is used to reduce the amount of friction and obtain
smooth movement. The slider is attached to a metal slider mechanism to transfer the rotational
movement of the stepper motor to translational movement of the slider. From testing it is seen that
the amount of friction is larger for the first few seconds after activating the pitch mechanism. Also
the screw connected between the stepper motor and slider creates friction when the screw rotates.
However, the stepper motor can rotate faster to overcome the effect of the friction.
The gear and pinion is affected by friction, and this is perhaps the most critical friction. When the
teeth is subjected to wear, they become less accurate and might miss a tooth because it is worn.
This type of wear increase with increased use and the quality of the selected material. Lubrication
would reduce both wear and friction. The main shaft is subjected to friction at all places it is
connected to other components.
It is important to reduce the overall friction coefficient because it will reduce the cut-in speed of
the turbine as well as reduce the wear, as discussed.
Chapter 4
In this chapter the results from the test model will be presented and explained in detail. The
results are based on testing of the test model at the selected test site described in Section 4.1.
4.1 Testing
This section consider information regarding the test site and why the selected test site was chosen.
A description of the test setup is included to give the reader an overview. The Open Platform
Communications server (OPC) setup utilized to log data is explained in detail.
The PLC, the motor and other electrical equipments are not water resistant and not covered since
it need to be easy accessible for testing and validating. This means the turbine is tested only during
non-raining periods to avoid damage on the equipment. Optimal conditions are wind speed from
4-12 m/s and stable weather.
as an input in the PLC. A stepper motor controlled by the PLC pitch the blades according to
the given wind speed. When a wind speed above rated speed is detected by the anemometer, the
stepper motor pitch the blades to the calculated optimal angel given by a number of steps. The
rotational shaft is connected to the generator which transfer electrical signals through the analogue
signal detector (DAQ) and recorded by LabVIEW. Figure 4.3 shows the actual test site with the
wind turbine on the roof top.
The design of the pitch controller is based on the current wind speed detected by an anemometer.
To log the results from the anemometer, a LabVIEW program is developed to convert the voltage
signal to current wind speed and direction of the wind. The anemometer measure wind speeds
between 0 and 70 m/s and wind directions between 0 and 360 degrees equivalent to voltage from
0 to 5 volt. A conversion factor of 14 for the wind speed and 72 for the wind direction. The
LabVIEW program, which also log the results from the generator, can be seen in Figure 4.4. The
logging setup can be used up to rated speed, before the pitch controller is activated. This was done
in order to be able log some results independent of the PLC. The program was initially developed
by fellow students, but was changed to fit our setup.
Figure 4.4: The LabVIEW program developed to log the wind measurements
Above rated speed, a different setup is required. The signals from the anemometer is sent directly
into one of the analogue signal ports of the PLC. The signal is detected by the PLC, and used in
the step drive setup to obtain the pitch angle based on the calculated pitch function. To log the
results from the testing, a connection to an OPC server is established. It is often necessary to be
able to collect, store or manage relevant data from the operation of a system, in this case the wind
turbine. The Plant Information system (PI) is a set of server- and client-based software programs,
designed to perform the automatic collecting, storing, visualizing and analyzing of the PI data.
The OPC server is a part of the PI system as seen in Figure 4.5.
In the setup utilized in this model, the input source is the data from the anemometer and the
step drive, and the data source is the instrument that generates the data you want to monitor, in
this case the PLC. A connection is made in the TIA Portal V12 to be able to send data from the
PLC to an OPC server. In order to send data a new PC station needs to be included in the PLC
program. The PC station will later be used as the PI interface node. The device configuration
window allows to add an OPC server, and an IE general element to the station. It is important to
use the correct IP-address, or else the OPC server can not communicate with the PLC. For this
project is used for this unit. A dotted highlighted blue connection is seen when he PLC
is correctly connected with the OPC server. In the Station Configuration Editor an OPC Server
and an IE general element is added, and the correct network card is selected for the IE general.
It is important to use the same station name as in TIA Portal. The connection can be confirmed
with the OPC Scout and the PI OPC Client. If the connection functions properly, the values from
the PLC can be seen directly in the program.
To connect the PI Interface Node with the data source, the OPC server has to be operational and
connected correctly. Another software, PI Interface Configuration Utility, has to be running before
the data source can connect to the PI Server. When the PI interface is connected it will send the
data to the PI Server.
A PI server need instrument tags for storing the information from the PLC, and has the same name
as in the OPC client. The tags are added in the PI management tool software for every variable
that is supposed to be logged and stored. In this project only a the real variable is used. A point
source has to be selected, and the float32 corresponds to the real value in TIA Portal. The location
and the point source also need to be specified when the tags are added. Table 4.1, displays the
name, type, parameter and instrument tag of the logged variables.
Table 4.1: Tags created PI System Management Tools for logging in the PI Server
Process book is not included in this project, since the data is logged directly in Excel. The PI
DataLink in connection with Microsoft Excel can do basically the same as the ProcessBook. The
data is retrieved directly into a spreadsheet updated at desired intervals. The features of Excel
add-in can be combined with mathematical, graphical and other functions already implemented in
MS Excel.
In this section the results obtained from testing is presented, divided in two parts, before and after
activation of the pitch controller. Also improvements of the test model is discussed.
After assembling the physical test model, it was subjected to different wind speeds. It is difficult
to obtain the exact wind speed, because the test turbine is very dependent of the direction of the
wind. From experience it was discovered that the winds speed could be as low as 3 m/s when
the turbine started to rotate, while other times when the angle was slightly different the turbine
started to rotate at wind speeds around 6 m/s. Figure 4.6 and 4.7 displays scattered diagrams of
the obtained voltage during different wind speeds. As seen, the values varies significantly during
the same wind speeds. From 5 m/s t 10 m/s, the voltage varies between 150 and 300 mV. However,
all the values are low and variations during measurements are to be expected since the wind speed
acting on the anemometer at a given time affects the voltage output of the generator a few seconds
later. At these speeds, the pitch controller is not activated and pitch angle is kept at a constant
Figure 4.6: The Relationship between generated voltage and wind speed
Figure 4.7: The Relationship between generated voltage and wind speed
Figure 4.8 display the voltage output of the turbine with respect to the rotation speed. These
results were obtained with manually rotating the wind speed and measure the rotational speed
with a tachometer. A tachometer use reflector tape and a laser beam to measure the rotation
speed of the shaft.
Voltage, [mV]
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Rotational speed, [RPM]
Figure 4.8: Relationship between shaft speed and voltage of the generator
As seen, the output is low and only some millivolts is generated. This is probably due to the
generator, since it requires a rotational speed of 3800 RPM to generate 6 volts, and the low speed
rotational axis of the turbine hits 200 RPM at the most during manual testing.
The tip speed is measured with the tachometer in the same way as the shaft speed. Reflector
tape fasten on the blade tip provides the necessary signal to measure tip speed. The relationship
between voltage generated and the obtained tip speed can be seen in Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.9: Relationship between tipshaft speed and voltage of the generator
The pitch controller was tested in the mechatronics lab. In Table 4.2 the results from the pitching
of the blades are and a comparison is made between the calculated input, and what the stepper
motor performs. The data obtained is from the moment when pitching of the wind turbine is
considered necessary. The findings show that at wind speeds from 10 m/s to 17 m/s is the wind
speeds where pitching can be useful. After 17 m/s the safety of the test model is prioritized. The
results obtained by running a simulation of the different wind speeds in the pitch system ladder
diagram is shown in Table 4.2.
As shown in the Table 4.2 the blade angles changed after being altered by the angles that are
affected by the slider mechanism which is moved translational by the stepper motor.
In the findings the observation was made that the stepper motor did control the angle of the blades
as wanted. However, some problems needed addressing. While testing the pitch controller it was
found that when moving the slider mechanism forward increased the rotational speed of the shaft,
while moving the slider backwards reduced the rotational speed of the main main shaft, and thus
affecting the voltage output from the generator.
The values given when the wind speed is varied from 7 m/s to 17 m/s is shown in Table 4.2. Here
one can see how the measured values differ from the calculated ones, and where, if any losses are
made from calculating the necessary pitch angle and what the stepper motor performs. From this
it is obersev that the stepper motor performs. Although there is missing some variable wind speeds
that the step count could continue to work from as a starting point.
Setting the β value from a range of 0 to 90 deg gives the values shown in Table 4.3. This is done
to test if the stepper moves the distance accordingly to what has been determined. This is proven
to be correct, although one has to interfere with the script somewhat to get these values.
4.3.1 Calculations
The rotational speed was calculated based on current wind speed with parameters resembling the
test model. Figure 4.10 and 4.11 shows the theoretical calculation of shaft speed versus wind speed
and tip speed versus wind speed, respectively.
Figure 4.10: The calculated shaft speed at wind speeds from cut-in to cut-out
Figure 4.11: The calculated tip speed at wind speeds from cut-in to cut-out
As seen the values of tip speed and shaft speed are very low and significantly lower than values
obtained during testing on the roof top. The reason for the low theoretical values are discussed
Today in literature, most simulation studies still use empiric curves as this [30] from 1981 or this [31]
from 1983. However, as mentioned in section 2.5, the simulation software becomes more and more
advance which decreases the gap between simulated results and the actual turbine. The power
coefficient is determined by the tip speed ratio (TSR), which characterizes the air flow around the
blades of the turbine. This number is a dimensionless parameter, calculated as the ratio between
the speed of the tip of a blade and the wind speed vw , as seen in Equation (4.1. The relation
between the cp and the TSR is non-linear and determined by the shape and the size of the blade.
γ= (4.2)
To calculate a more accurate TSR and power coefficient, an experimental setup is required. [cite]
provides a method for calculation of γ and cp based on a experimental setup. To obtain the γ, the
wind speed is measured with an anemometer connected to a DAQ-device, and the rotational speed
is estimated by measuring the current generator waveform and then calculating the fundamental
frequency. However, a simple tachometer provide the rotational speed of the shaft for the experi-
mental setup in this project. The paper propose a method for calculating the power coefficient by
measuring generator voltage and current. The generator efficiency is included in the calculations
and need to be estimated based on numerous parameters such as speed, current, voltage among
others. If the air density also is known the value of cp can be estimated based on a current wind
speed. To obtain a curve, seen in Equation (4.3), a sufficient number of cp values must be estimated.
cp = (4.3)
0.5 · ρ · A · vw
The simplified methodology for estimating γ and cp has been explained. However, this does not
automatically gives a realistic power coefficient curve. The dynamic performance of the blade is still
unknown. In addition steady wind measurements are difficult to obtain, as well enough operating
points between cut-in and cut-out speed to construct a realistic power coefficient curve. Values
should optimally be measured in steady-state with stable wind and rotational speed.
Equation 4.4 is used to calculate the power with the measured voltage and current.
P =U ·I (4.4)
It was not possible to include wind measurements from the anemometer, due to wind speeds below
cut-in speed during the entire test period. From the voltage a wind speed can be estimated based
on the obtained result from the earlier testing on the roof top. Rotational speed was also measured
to be able to calculate the tip speed. The measured current and voltage is listed in Table 4.4. As
seen the values are very low, which is most likely a consequence of too low speed on the shaft.
Figure 4.13 displays the relationship between the calculated power from Equation 4.4 and the
voltage. A small amount of power is generated from the motor.
The density of the air at the roof top is estimated to be 1.225 kg/m3 . Now only different wind
speeds corresponding to the shaft speed is needed to calculate values for cp . As seen in Figure 4.14,
it is difficult to conclude on a wind speed based on voltage generated. It is decided that in order to
for fill the complete analysis more measurements are required. More operating point above rated
speed is also required to obtain an experimental cp -curve.
4.4 Improvements
There is room for improvement when it comes to the wind turbine, and a few possibilities will be
listed here. The rotor area is x m2 , but the surface area of the blades are much smaller. To improve
the blades ability to capture more wind, the surface area could be increased or a different wing
profile selected. As well as increasing the blade area, the thickness should be increased to make
sure a large range of wind speed is within the safe operation area. Especially large wind gusts are a
weakness with the current test model, as the blades can not handle the forces created by the wind.
Improving the blades are an important part, as they are the reason that the shaft is rotating in the
first place. Ideally the blades should be printed in one piece, and preferably in a different material
such as glass fibre composite or similar materials.
The turbine consist of many parts, and some of them was too large for the 3D-printer. Thus
the parts had to be divided in smaller parts and bonded together afterwards. This decrease the
strength of the construction, and thereby the ability to withstand high loads from the wind. In
general the construction should be printed in as few parts as possible, and holes fitted for bolts
should be implemented in the construction before printing the parts.
4.4.1 Gearbox
The test model in this project do not include a gearbox, which means this is a direct drive. High
torque, low speed input on the generator is not optimal for power production as this will produce
less electricity than low torque, high speed which can be achieved with a gearbox.
In this application it is beneficial to increase the rotation speed of a drive shaft from a wind turbine
to drive a dynamo generator at its optimum output voltage. The primary drive shaft from the
wind turbine rotates at a relatively low speed up to around 100 RPM. This is too low to drive the
dynamo directly as such as speed will only deliver around 100 mV, which is significantly less than
the optimal voltage of the generator of 12 V. The practical way to match the rotation speed of the
wind turbine to the generator is to increase the rotational speed by interposing a gearbox in the
test model between the primary drive shaft and the current generator. A gear radio of 20 to 1 will
be sufficient to convert 100 RPM up to 2000 RPM.
For the current application, a planetary gearbox offers good torque conversion with minimum back-
lash and compact design. A UK based company called Reliance offers a range of small gearboxes
and accessories, and their catalogue indicates that a planetary gearbox type RGP40 with a reduc-
tion ratio of 20 is a good choice. Although the gearbox specifications are given in terms of speed
reduction a gear up is achieved by reversing the input and output connections. In other words
the trick is to mount the gearbox “back to front”, as it necessary to increase the speed not reduce
it. The main considerations in using a gearbox are the output torque, inertia, maximum rotation
speed and efficiency. Figure 4.15 displays an image of the selected gearbox.
Appendix A.3 provides the table of specifications for type RGP40 NEMA 17, the selected gearbox.
In conclusion the overall efficiency of the gearbox is around 96 %, which means there is around
4% loss of energy on full load. The maximum rotation speed is quoted at 18000 RPM which is
significantly greater than the maximum required for the wind turbine application, so the gearbox
will always run within its specifications. The rotational torque is decreased by the speed conversion.
• A pitch controlled wind turbine has been designed, and tested in various conditions. A stepper
motor turn the angle of the blades.
• The friction in the system is high, perhaps too high to get proper results based on the wind
speed available. Due to this some of the readings have been done by rotating the shaft man-
• The values in our calculations have been derived from theory for larger wind turbines, and a
method for calculating an experimental cp is proposed.
• The stepper motor has not been fully automated, but function well with single pitch angle
• The building and designing of the wind turbine, was a time consuming part of the project,
which limited the testing period. For wind turbine testing, wind must be present. In the
testing period over three weeks, the wind speeds did not reach as high as wanted. Giving a
narrower list of results.
• The cut-in speed is between 3 and 5 m/s and the cut out around 17 m/s based on experience
from testing without any logging of measurement and observation of the vibration of the
plastic blades at higher wind speeds. With manually testing, it is possible to reach higher
rotational speed because the forces of the wind due not act at the blades in the same way.
• The pitch control mechanism has not been tested outdoors in normal high wind speed condi-
tions, therefore the values has been determined in TIA Portal. From the PLC program it was
possible to withdraw important information, but how the stepper works in conterminously
changing wind speeds, was not conducted.
• The power output of the wind turbine is limited by the generator. In the test model, a
generator with high RPM at max voltage is used. This will effect the voltage produce, seeing
as there is no gearbox involved. Implementation of a planetary gearbox is discussed in Section
Chapter 5
Wind power technology dates back centuries. Today the growing population demand more energy
than ever before, simultaneously the use of fossil fuels such as oil and coal needs to be reduced
in order to accommodate to the environmental challenges of our time. There are many different
sources of renewable energy, however wind power is one of the most attractive resources and pro-
vides an almost unlimited source of energy. Installing wind turbines onshore causes challenges in
the form of noise and visual disturbance, which makes the offshore site is a considerably more
attractive location to harness the wind resources. Introducing floating offshore wind turbine, depth
challenges and expensive installation and materials becomes significantly reduced. The offshore
wind turbines installed during the late 90’s and 2000 were limited by the ocean depths, but now
the floating wind turbines take advantage of different kinds of anchoring systems and mooring lines
which makes installation of offshore wind power at depths up to 600 meters possible. However,
installing a floating wind turbine also requires additional calculations regarding the motion and
forces acting on the turbine structure due to impact of waves and stronger winds.
In the present master thesis, the main objective was to design, build and verify a prototype model
of a pitch controlled offshore wind turbine. The testing conditions required a small scale pitch
controlled wind turbine. Due to limitations in production, the industry does not provide such
small scale turbines. Thus, the test model had to be build and designed from draft to complete
model. The pitch control mechanism would also be designed from draft using a Siemens s200es
Programmable Logic Controller to control a stepper motor to rotate the blades by moving a slider
mechanism. Future work include testing the model as well as the controller mounted on the Stewart
platform, simulating offshore conditions.
A wind turbine with a pitch control mechanism was designed during the project. The parts of the
wind turbine is mostly printed in 3D, and thereby made of lightweight plastic materials, while the
rest of the components such as the main shaft, bearings and the tower construction is made of steel.
The tower construction is welded together by heavy steel parts, making it a stable platform for the
wind turbine. In order to change the angle of the blades the pitch mechanism was controlled by
the rotations provided by a stepper motor. The stepper motor was connected to a PLC providing
the number of steps required to turn the blades to the given angle based on a function with wind
speed as input. The data sent and received was logged with an OPC Server. To obtain the current
wind speed at all times, an anemometer measured the wind speed and provided measurements that
could be used in the programming of the PLC. The PLC sends the command to the stepper motor
through the step drive. Future work include to completely automate the pitch mechanism, and as
the wind speed changes, a new signal from the analogue port is provided after a given time to allow
the stepper motor to achieve the desired pitch angle.
A 6 V generator was mounted on the back of the platform and connected to the main shaft. In
order to measure the voltage and the current generated, an analogue signal detector measured the
signals and fed them into a LabVIEW program on a computer. The tip speed of the blades as
well as the shaft speed was measured with a tachometer. Pitch control of the wind turbine was
done by controlling a stepper motor on the PLC using a 1-step-drive from Phytron. The coding for
the actuation of the stepper drive was provided by the same company. The controlling sequence
was created in a ladder diagram, using function calls and function blocks in the diagram. The
pitch control followed the flowchart designed, and started pitching the blades after the wind speed
reached rated wind speed and above. In order to measure the results thoroughly, the pitch system
handled one wind speed at the time so that the data could be logged properly.
The test model was created successfully, with a stable tower structure and functional pitch control
system. However, the materials used limited the weather conditions on which the turbine could
operate safely. Relatively fragile blades and plastic materials also limited the testing intervals. The
programmable logic controller designed to turn the angle of the blades was achieved successfully,
but only for one wind speed at the time. Some results was obtained, and improvements of the test
model and the complete system was discussed in the results section. In conclusion, the systems
designed and the prototype build can be considered a part of a larger and more extensive study
into floating offshore wind turbines.
To improve the model, the test model should be constructed using more robust materials. Adding
additional bearings and relieving the weight on the slider mechanism would reduce the friction,
and should also be considered. In order to capture more wind, the blades could the re-designed
with a larger surface area. Glass fibre or a similar composite material can improve the quality
of the blades significantly due to reliability provided by a higher strength-to-weight ratio com-
pared to the plastic material used with the current test model. Further improvements of the test
model could be done by including a gearbox between the low speed shaft and the generator, in
order to increase the input speed on the generator. This would enable the generator to produce
considerably more usable energy than the current test model. The pitch control system should
also be improved as suggested. More inputs, such as the rotational speed and the anemometer
should be directly connected to the PLC to fully automate the process. Testing indoors with a
wind tunnel or sufficient fans, improves the wind distribution and the results would be more reliable.
[1] Leo H. Holthuijsen. Waves in Oceanic and Costal Waters. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
[5] Takeshi Ishihara. Fukushima floating offshore wind farm - demonstration project. Pamphlet
by Fukushima Offshore Wind Consortium.
[6] Andrew Cordle and Jason Jonkman. State of the art in floating wind turbine design tools.
International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2011.
[8] Reliance Precision Limited. Precise Motion Control Solutions http: // www. reliance. co.
uk/ assets/ uploads/ 1428931960RG36_ Issue_ A1_ Section_ 3_ Gearboxes-Web. pdf , rg36
issue a1 edition.
[10] Paul A. Lynn. Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy. Wiley, 2012.
[11] Paul Gipe. Wind Power - Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business. Chelsea Green
Publishing, 2004.
[12] Ivan Dahlberg and Haavard Froeland. Wind turbine design. Technical report, Univeristy of
Agder, 2014.
[13] Jon G. McGowan James F. Manwell and Anthony L. Rogers. Wind Energy Explained: Theory,
Design and Application. Wiley, 2009.
[14] Kjetil Tangen. Dynamisk respons av vindturbiner plassert offshore. Master’s thesis, Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, 2012.
[15] Emrah Kulunk. Aerodymaics of Wind Turbines, Fundamental and Advanced Topics in Wind
Power. InTech, 2011.
[17] David Sharpe Tony Burton, Nick Jenkins and Ervin Bossanyi. Wind Energy Handbook. A
John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Publication, 2 edition, 2011.
[19] F.D.and R.J Mantz. De Battista H Bianchi. Wind Turbine Control Systems. Principles, Mod-
elling and Gain Scheduling Design. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
[20] Zhe Chen Jianzhong Zhang, Ming Cheng and Xiaofan Fu. Pitch angle control for variable
speed wind turbines. Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies,
April 2008.
[21] Dr. Horizon Gitano-Briggs. Small Wind Turbine Power Controllers, Wind Power. InTech,
[22] Qing Yu and Xiaohong Chen. Floating wind turbines. Technical report, American Bureau of
Shipping, 2012.
[23] S. Butterfield W. Musial and A. Boone. Feasibility of floating platform systems for wind
turbines. ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 2003.
[24] V. Diaz Casas. Mooring for floating offshore renewable energy platforms classification. Inter-
national Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ13), 2013.
[26] Qing Yu and Xiaohong Chen. Floating wind turbines. Technical report, American Bureau of
Shipping Corporate Offshore Technology, Renewables, 2012.
[27] D. Stewart. A platform with six degrees of freedom. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, 1965.
statistikk.html. Retrived 20.05.15.
[30] J. P. Sullivan O. Wasynczuk and D. T. Man. Dynamic behavior of a class of wind turbine
generators during random wind fluctuations. Power Engineering Review, PER-1(6):47 – 48,
June 1981.
[31] J.R Winkelman A. Murdoch and S.H Javid. Control design and performance analysis of a 6
mw wind turbine-generator. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 5:1340 –
1347, 1983.
Appendix A
Component Information
Data Pack B Issued March 1997 232-5749
Size 17
RS stock no. 440-436 with rear shaft shown
31± 0.2
- 0.013
ø 22
- 0.033
ø 5
- 0.013
31± 0.2
4 - M 3 x 0.5
UL 1061 AWG 26
Length = 200±10
Size 23
Lead wire AWG22 (L=300)
RS stock no. 440-458 with rear shaft shown
20.6 50.5DIM A 20
56.4 5
47.1±0.2 1.6
- 0.013
ø6.35+ 0
Rear shaft
RS stock no. 440-442 440-458 191-8328 191-8334 191-8340 191-8356 191-8362 191-8378 191-8384
DIM A 50.5 50.5 38.5 38.5 50.5 50.5 76.0 101.5 101.5
Size 34
Lead wire L = 300
RS stock no. 440-464 with rear shaft shown
30.2 A 28.7
Ø73.025 ±0.025
69.6 ±0.2
6 Wire configuration
Exciting sequence and direction of rotation when
facing mounting flange end.
Step White Blue Red Yellow Brown CW
1 On On
2 On On
3 On On
4 On On
8 Wire configuration
RED Exciting sequence and direction of rotation when
1 facing mounting flange end.
Step Red Green Black Yellow Com CW
2 1 On On
2 On On
3 4 +dcV
3 On On
4 On On
Technical specification
RS stock no. 440-420 440-436 440-442 440-458 440-464 440-470
Rated voltage (V) 5 12 5 12 3 2.5
Rated current (I) 0.5 0.16 1 0.6 2 4.5
Resistance (Ω) 10 75 5 20 1.5 0.56
Inductance (mH) 6 36 9 32 4.5 2.8
Detent torque (mHm) 5 4 30 30 40 100
Holding torque (mNm) 70 70 500 500 1200 2200
Step angle accuracy (%) 5 5 5 5 5 5
Step angle 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Insulation class B B B B B B
RS stock no. 191-8299 191-8306 191-8328 191-8334 191-8340 191-8356 191-8362 191-8378 191-8384
Rated voltage (V) 12 15 5 12 12 12 5.4 3.4 6
Rated current (I) 0.4 0.4 1 0.4 0.48 0.6 1.4 2.85 1.8
Resistance (Ω) 30 45 5 40 25 20 3.8 1.2 3.5
Inductance (mH) 14 22 5.7 40 33 32 6.8 1.5 7.3
Detent torque (mHm) 3.5 3.5 14.8 14.8 29.6 29.6 56.5 77.6 77.6
Holding torque (mNm) 100 100 260 260 494 494 882 1200 1200
Step angle accuracy 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Step angle 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Insulation class B B B B B B B B B
(n - 1)R 1 1' 2' 2 3 3' 4' 4
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
(n - 1)R
Bipolar stepper motor drive board connections (RS stock nos. 342-051 and 440-240)
Motor supply (-12V to +36V RS stock no. 342-051)
2 (+20V to +70V for RS stock no. 440-240)
c a
Ø1 Ø1 Ø1
Ø2 Ø2 Ø2
4 Lead 6 Lead 8 Lead
Ø3 Ø3 Ø3
motor motor motor
8 (Parallel connections)
Ø4 Ø4 Ø4
Synch I/O
Home Ø1 output
Step clock input
Base +12V
26 Aux 12V output (50mA max.) speed
Aux 5V output (50mA max.) (optional)
28 Logic supply (+15V to +24V)
Base High 1kΩ to
Run Stop 10kΩ Optional Half Full CW CCW
32 Common 0V
Stop/Run Base Base/High High speed Current Output Reset Ø1
no speed ramps values 1kΩ program disable. state
ramping values between to 10kΩ normally uses
1 This facility requires the fitting of a thermal switch
10kΩ base and on-board DIP
2 Logic may share motor supply if between +15V and +24V to high speeds switch
3 If the on-board VCO has been fitted the VCO output may be or zero and
connected directly to the step clock input. high speeds 3.5 A unit
if no base
speed pot is only
These components are only required if on-board VCO
has been fitted
Full step
Half step
Full step
Half step
Full step
Half step
Half step
A.2 Generator
DC-Motor M42x30/I (12V)
Ident-Nr. 211102
Application on request
40 80 20 8000
30 60 15 6000
I [M]
η [M] 12V
20 40 10 4000
P2 [M] 12V
10 20 5 2000
0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ident.-Nr.: 211102 M [Ncm]
Sign Unit Value Tolerances
Rated voltage UN V 12
Rated torque 1) MN Ncm 6,5
Rated speed 1) nN min-1 3300 ±10%
Rated current 1) IN A 2,81 ±20%
No load speed 1) nO min -1
4200 ±15%
No load current 1) IO A 0,35 ±50%
Rated power output 1) P2N W 22,5
Rated power input 1) P1N W 33,7
Rated effciency 1) ηN % 66,6
Maximum power output 2)3) P2max W 33,4
Maximum continous torque 2)3) Mmax Ncm 6,5
Maximum continous current 2)3) Imax A 2,81
Maximum speed 1)3) nmax min-1 10000
Stall torque 1) MH Ncm 30,3
Stall current 1) IH A 11,8
Demagnetization current IE A 31,7
Connecting resistance 1) R Ω 1,01
Armature resistance 1) RA Ω 0,61 ±5%
Armature inductance [1 kHz] 1) LA mH 0,61
Rise of speed-characteristic 1) kD min /Ncm
Torque constant 1) kM Ncm/A 2,6
Voltage constant 1) kE V/10 min
3 -1
Friction torque 1) MR Ncm -0,9
Mechanical time constant 1) τM ms 8,7
Electrical time constant 1) τe ms 0,6
Rotor inertia JR gcm2 100
Maximum case temperature 2 ϑG °C 80
Starting voltage 1) UA V 2
Permissible axial shaft loads 3) Faxial N 40
Permissible radial shaft loads 3) Fradial N 100
Protection class DIN VDE 0530 IP 40
A.3 Gearbox
Planetary Gearboxes
RGP40, RGP60
• standard backlash
(RGP40 from <22’)
(RGP60 from <18’)
• high output torque
• novel motor clamp system
• high efficiency (up to 96%)
• ratios i=3,...,512
• low noise
• high quality
• any mounting position
• easy motor mounting
• lifetime lubrication
• direction of rotation
1 Output shaft
High strength one piece planet carrier and output shaft
2 Output shaft bearing
Deep groove ball bearings with contact seals
3 Planet gear
Precision zero helix angle gear with optimised profile modifications and crowning, case
hardened and hard finished by honing
4 Housing with integrated ring gear
Ring gear case hardened for high load capacity, minimum wear, consistent backlash
5 Sun gear
Precision machined optimised gear profile, case hardened and honed for higher load capacity,
low noise, minimum wear and consistent backlash
6 Bearing for sun gear
High speed, deep groove ball bearings eliminating thrust loads from thermal expansion, whilst
providing exact sun gear position for easy mounting
7 Motor adaptor plate
Allows matching up of the gear head with NEMA 17 and 23 motors, made from aluminium for
enhanced thermal conductivity (other adaptors and motors on request)
8 Clamping ring
Balanced ring suitable for high rpm, made from steel to allow greater clamping forces for safe
torque transfer
9 Clamping screw
High strength steel with special low pitch thread to generate a greater clamping force
10 Motor shaft clamp
Multiple closed slot precision clamping system for improved reliability
11 Assembly hole
Access hole for the clamping screw
4 15 24 0.022 98
5 14 22 0.019 98
RGP40 1 87.5 39
7 8.5 13.6 0.018 97
8 6 10 0.017 96
10 5 8 0.016 95
9 16.5 26 0.030 97
12 20 32 0.029 96
15 18 29 0.023 96
16 20 32 0.022 96
RGP40 20 2 100.5 52 20 32 0.019 96
25 18 29 0.019 95
32 20 32 0.017 95
40 18 29 0.016 94
64 7.5 12 0.016 86
60 20 32 0.029 92
80 20 32 0.019 90
100 20 32 0.019 89
120 18 29 0.029 87
RGP40 160 3 113 64.5 20 32 0.016 86
200 18 29 0.016 82
256 20 32 0.016 81
320 18 29 0.016 76
512 7.5 12 0.016 48
Technical information
Specification Unit RGP40 Stage
<15 1
Backlash arcmin <19 2
<22 3
1.0 1
Torsional stiffness Nm/arcmin 1.1 2
1.0 3
0.35 1
Weight kg 0.45 2
0.55 3
Lifetime(3) h 30,000
Radial load for 20,000h(4) N 200
Axial load for 20,000h(4) N 200
Running noise(5) dB(A) 58
Maximum input speed 18,000
Input speed at >50% torque 5,000
max ºC 90
Operating temperature
min ºC -25
Motor mounting clamp torque M2.5 Nm 2
Lubrication Greased for life
Degree of protection IP54
Gearboxes for use with NEMA motors are supplied with a motor output shaft bush
Emergency stop torque equals twice nominal torque, maximum 500 times
Based on nominal torque and output shaft speed 100 rpm
Based on output shaft speed 100 rpm, centrally positioned along shaft
Distance 1 metre, idle running, input speed 3,000 rpm, ratio 5
Degree of efficiency at nominal output torque, reference temperature 70°C at 1,000 rpm
Technical support
• Product overview - see page 3-3
• Technical information - see pages T3-1 to T3-3
• Section view - see page 3-4
• For detailed duty cycle and life calculation, please contact us
• Gearbox complements the Reliance Cool Muscle servo system
- see page 2-2
• For system design information when using the RGP40 series
with Reliance Cool Muscle, please contact us
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DISCLAIMER: It is the responsibility of each customer to determine that its use of any VisiJet® material is safe, lawful and technically suitable to the customer’s intended applications.
The values presented here are for reference only and may vary. Customers should conduct their own testing to ensure suitability for their intended application.
ProJet® 3500 SD & HD
Professional 3D Printers
Extend Innovation. Extend Production. Extend Choices.
ProJet 3510 SD ProJet 3510 HD ProJet 3510 HDPlus ProJet 3500 HDMax
Printing Modes HD - High Definition HD - High Definition HD - High Definition HD - High Definition
- - - HS - High Speed
- UHD - Ultra High Definition UHD - Ultra High Definition UHD - Ultra High Definition
- - XHD - Xtreme High Definition XHD - Xtreme High Definition
Net Build Volume (xyz)
HD Mode 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm) 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm) 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm) 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm)
HS Mode - - - 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm)
UHD Mode - 5 x 7 x 6 “ (127 x 178 x 152 mm) 8 x 7 x 6 “ (203 x 178 x 152 mm) 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm)
XHD Mode - - 8 x 7 x 6 “ (203 x 178 x 152 mm) 11.75 x 7.3 x 8 “ (298 x 185 x 203 mm)
HD Mode 375 x 375 x 790 DPI (xyz); 32μ layers 375 x 375 x 790 DPI (xyz); 32μ layers 375 x 375 x 790 DPI (xyz); 32μ layers 375 x 375 x 790 DPI (xyz); 32μ layers
HS Mode - - - 375 x 375 x 790 DPI (xyz); 32μ layers
UHD Mode - 750 x 750 x 890 DPI (xyz); 29μ layers 750 x 750 x 890 DPI (xyz); 29μ layers 750 x 750 x 890 DPI (xyz); 29μ layers
XHD Mode - - 750 x 750 x 1600 DPI (xyz); 16μ layers 750 x 750 x 1600 DPI (xyz); 16μ layers
Accuracy (typical) 0.001-0.002 inch per inch (0.025-0.05 mm per 25.4 mm) of part dimension.
Accuracy may vary depending on build parameters, part geometry and size, part orientation, and post-processing.
E-mail Notice Capability Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tablet/Smartphone connectivity Yes Yes Yes Yes
5-Year Printhead Warranty Optional Standard Standard Standard
Build Materials VisiJet M3-X VisiJet M3-X VisiJet M3-X VisiJet M3-X
VisiJet M3 Black VisiJet M3 Black VisiJet M3 Black VisiJet M3 Black
VisiJet M3 Crystal VisiJet M3 Crystal VisiJet M3 Crystal VisiJet M3 Crystal
VisiJet M3 Proplast VisiJet M3 Proplast VisiJet M3 Proplast VisiJet M3 Proplast
VisiJet M3 Navy VisiJet M3 Navy VisiJet M3 Navy VisiJet M3 Navy
VisiJet M3 Techplast VisiJet M3 Techplast VisiJet M3 Techplast VisiJet M3 Techplast
- VisiJet M3 Procast VisiJet M3 Procast VisiJet M3 Procast
Support Material VisiJet S300 VisiJet S300 VisiJet S300 VisiJet S300
Material Packaging
Build and support materials In clean 4.41 lbs (2 kg) bottles (machine holds up to 2 with auto-switching)
Electrical 100-127 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single-phase, 15A; 200-240* VAC, 50 Hz, single-phase, 10A
Dimensions (WxDxH)
3D Printer Crated 32.5 x 56.25 x 68.5 in 32.5 x 56.25 x 68.5 in 32.5 x 56.25 x 68.5 in 32.5 x 56.25 x 68.5 in
(826 x 1429 x 1740 mm) (826 x 1429 x 1740 mm) (826 x 1429 x 1740 mm) (826 x 1429 x 1740 mm)
3D Printer Uncrated 29.5 x 47 x 59.5 in 29.5 x 47 x 59.5 in 29.5 x 47 x 59.5 in 29.5 x 47 x 59.5 in
(749 x 1194 x 1511 mm) (749 x 1194 x 1511 mm) (749 x 1194 x 1511 mm) (749 x 1194 x 1511 mm)
3D Printer Crated 955 lbs, 434 kg 955 lbs, 434 kg 955 lbs, 434 kg 955 lbs, 434 kg
3D Printer Uncrated 711 lbs, 323 kg 711 lbs, 323 kg 711 lbs, 323 kg 711 lbs, 323 kg
ProJet® Accelerator Software Easy build job set-up, submission and job queue management ; Automatic part placement and build optimization tools ;
Part stacking and nesting capability ; Extensive part editing tools ; Automatic support generation ; Job statistics reporting tools
Print3D App Remote monitoring and control from tablet, computers and smartphones
Network Compatibility Network ready with 10/100 Ethernet interface
Client Hardware Recommendation 1.8 GHz with 1GB RAM (OpenGL support 64 mb video RAM) or higher
Client Operating System Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Input Data File Formats Supported STL and SLC STL and SLC STL and SLC STL and SLC
Operating Temperature Range 64-82 ºF (18-28 ºC) 64-82 ºF (18-28 ºC) 64-82 ºF (18-28 ºC) 64-82 ºF (18-28 ºC)
Noise < 65 dBa estimated (at medium fan setting)
Certifications CE CE CE CE
* Requires small external transformer supplied by 3D Systems in the provided country kit.
UK Germany, Scandinavia,
Tel: +44 1442 282 600 Eastern Europe, Middle East Warranty/Disclaimer: The performance characteristics of these products may vary Tel: +49 6151 357 0 according to product application, operating conditions, material combined with, or with end use. 3D Systems makes no warranties of any type, express or implied, including, but
not limited to, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.
Tel: +1 803.326.3900 © 2015 by 3D Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without
Melbourne Tel: +61 3 9819 4422 notice. ProJet, VisiJet, 3D Systems and the 3D Systems logo are registered trademarks of
Sydney Tel: +61 2 9516 5571 3D Systems, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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Stratasys Inc. and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other trademarks belong to their
respective owners. Dim1200esSellSheet-INTL-ENG-1013
Appendix C
C.1 Step-script
C.2 Step-drive
1.1 Short Overview
5 117 MA 1255-A003 GB
• Operating modes:
+ Reference point approach
+ Relative incremental mode (relative positioning)
+ Absolute incremental mode (absolute positioning)
+ Velocity control mode
+ Set home position
• Support of linear and modulo axes (rotary axes)
• Function and active level of the IN0 and IN1 digital inputs can be configured
• Type of the feedback value can be set in the feedback interface (residual distance,
position or frequency)
• Power stage parameter setting after starting the system and during operation: e.g.:
run, stop, boost current, step resolution, current delay time, etc.
• Online power stage diagnostics
• STEP®7 programming
1.2 Overview of the Data Interfaces
7 119 MA 1255-A003 GB
1.3 Directives and Standards
4 Technical Data
4.1 Mechanical Data
Dimensions 30 x 81 x 50 mm (W x H x D)
Weight 80 g
Fig. 5: Dimensions
17121 MA 1255-A003 GB
4.2 Features
Stepper motors Suitable for bipolar control of 2 phase stepper motors with
4, (6) or 8 lead wiring
Step resolutions Full step, half step, 1/2.5, 1/4, 1/5, 1/8, 1/10, 1/16, 1/20,
1/32,1/64,1/128,1/256,1/512 micro step
Security modes Security modes, such as e.g. Safe Torque Off (STO) from
IEC 61508-2 are not directly compatible
Hardware error detection • Over current, > 10 A spike at the power stage
• Over temperature at the power stage T > 85 °C
Refresh rate 2 ms
19123 MA 1255-A003 GB
21125 MA 1255-A003 GB
5 Installation
Following modules/components are necessary for the connection of the 1-STEP-DRIVE:
• ET 200®S station in a S7 system with DP-Master
• 24–48 VDC supply
• Applicable terminal modules:
• 2 phase stepper motor up to 5 APEAK
• Shield contact element
• The necessary wiring material
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Name: Pitch_system Creation time: 3/3/2015 2:40:38 PM
Last change 5/19/2015 6:29:06 PM Author: student
Last modified by: student Version:
Operating system
Name Description
Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version of the operating system 6.1.7601.65536
Operating system service pack Service Pack 1
Version of the Internet Explorer 9.10.9200.16660
Computer name STUDENT-PC
User name student-PC\student
Installation path of the TIA Portal C:\Program Files\Siemens\Automation\Portal V12
Name Version Release
SIMATIC S7 PLCSIM - S7 PLCSIM Single SetupPack‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
age (S7_PLCSIM_V12)
S7 PLCSIM Single SetupPackage - SIMATIC S7 V12.0 V12.00.00.00_34.33.00.01
PLCSIM V12 V12.0 (S7_PLCSIM_V12)
Compatibility Check Tool TIA - TIACOMPCHECK Sin‐ V11.0 + SP1 K11.00.02.00_01.01.00.02
gle SetupPackage V11.0 + SP1 (TIACOMPCHECK)
Totally Integrated Automation Portal V12 - TIA Por‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
tal Single SetupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - HM All Editions Sin‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
gle SetupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - HM NoBasic Single V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
SetupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Hardware Support V12.0 V12.00.00.00_27.01.00.01
Base Package 0 V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - STEP 7 Single Se‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
tupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Hardware Support V12.0 V12.00.00.00_27.01.00.01
Base Package 02 V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Hardware Support V12.0 V12.00.00.00_27.01.00.01
Base Package 03 V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Support Base Pack‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_27.01.00.01
age TO-01 V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Support Base Pack‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_27.01.00.01
age TO-02 V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Hardware Support V12.0 V12.00.00.00_27.01.00.01
Base Package WCF-01 V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - TIACOMPCHECK V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
Single SetupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - TIA Tour Single Se‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
tupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - Simatic Single Se‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
tupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
TIA Portal Single SetupPackage - WinCC Single Se‐ V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
tupPackage V12.0 (TIAP12)
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Name Version Release
SIMATIC S7 PLCSIM V12 12.00.0000 V12.00.00.00_34.33.00.01
SIMATIC S7 PLCSIM V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.39.00.01
SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V11.0 + SP2 K11.00.02.00_02.08.00.01
SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
SIMATIC WinCC Basic V12.0 V12.00.00.00_33.29.00.01
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
PLC_1 [IM151-8 CPU]
Name PLC_1 Author student
Comment Rack 0
Slot 2
General\Catalog information
Short designation IM 151-8 PN/DP CPU Description Work memory 128KB; 0.3ms/1000 in‐
structions; PROFINET interface; S7 com‐
munication (loadable FBs/FCs); PROFI‐
NET IO controller; supports RT/IRT; 3
Proxy; transport protocol TCP/IP, UDP
and ISO-on-TCP; data record routing;
firmware V2.7; expansion with maxi‐
mum 63 modules of ET 200S range; al‐
so available as SIPLUS module with or‐
der number 6AG1 151-8AB00-4AB0.
Order number 6ES7 151-8AB00-0AB0 Firmware version V2.7
General\Identification & Maintenance
Plant designation Location identifier
PROFINET interface [X1]\General
Name PROFINET interface_1 Author student
PROFINET interface [X1]\General\Catalog information
Short designation PROFINET interface Description
Order number Firmware version
PROFINET interface [X1]\Ethernet addresses\Interface networked with
Subnet: PN/IE_1
PROFINET interface [X1]\Ethernet addresses\IP protocol
IP address: Subnet mask:
Use router False
PROFINET interface [X1]\Ethernet addresses\PROFINET
PROFINET device name plc_1 Converted name: plcxb1d0ed
Device number: 0
PROFINET interface [X1]\Time synchronization\NTP mode
Enable time synchroni‐ Enable time synchronization via NTP IP addresses
zation via NTP server server
Server 1 Server 2
Server 3 Server 4
Update interval 10s
PROFINET interface [X1]\Advanced options\Interface options
Call the user program False Support device re‐ True
if communication er‐ placement without ex‐
rors occur changeable medium
PROFINET interface [X1]\Advanced options\Real time settings\IO communication
Send clock: 1.000
PROFINET interface [X1]\Advanced options\Real time settings\Synchronization
Sync domain: Sync-Domain_1 Synchronization role: Unsynchronized
RT class: RT,IRT
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Cycle monitoring time 150ms Cycle load due to com‐ 20%
Size of the process im‐ 128 Size of the process im‐ 128
age input: age output:
OB85 call if I/O access No OB85 call
error occurs
Clock memory
Memory byte 0
Clock memory\Clock memory
Clock memory False
Retentive memory\
Number of memory 16 Number of S7 timers 0
bytes starting at MB 0 starting at T 0
Number of S7 counters 8
starting at C 0
\Time-of-day interrupts\
OB number Priority Activated Interval Start time
OB 10: 2 False None 1994-01-01
\Time-delay interrupts\
OB number Priority Process image partition(s)
OB 20: 3 None
\Cyclic interrupts\
OB number Priority Interval
OB 35: 12 100 ms
\Hardware interrupts\
OB number Priority
OB 40: 16
\Interrupts for DPV1\
OB number Priority
OB 55: 2
OB 56: 2
OB 57: 2
\Asynchronous error interrupts\
OB number Priority
OB 82: 26
OB 83: 26
OB 85: 26
OB 86: 26
OB 87: 26
Diagnostics system
Report cause of STOP True Number of alarms in 500
the diagnostics buffer
Anchor (System diagnostics)
The feature Report
system error is not
Time of day
Correction factor 0ms
Operating mode
Test mode Max. cycle time for 5ms
test functions
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Level of protection No protection
Protection\Password for read/write access
Password •••••••• Confirm password ••••••••
System diagnostics\General
Activate system diag‐ False
nostics for this PLC
Interference frequency 50Hz Bus length <= 1m
Parameter\Reference junctions
Reference junctions False Slot number 0
Channel number 0
Web server
Activate web server on False
this module
Web server\Automatic update
Enable False Update interval 0s
Web server\ParameterWebServerLanguagesMenu
LanguagesMenu was
not filled by one ACF
Web server\ParameterWebServerDisplayClassOfMessagesMenu
gesMenu was not fil‐
led be one ACF
Anchor (ParameterCommunicationMenu)
The TreeNode Parame‐
nu was not filled by
some ACF
Anchor (AddressesOverviewMenu)
The AddressesOver‐
viewMenu was not fil‐
led by some ACF
Web server\Languages
Web server language Active Assign project language
German False
English False
French False
Spanish False
Italian False
Japanese False
Chinese (simplified) False
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal
0028 T "DW2_OUT":P
0030 L "DW1_IN":P //Read 8 Byte from 1-STEP-DRIVE
0031 T "Data_Block_1".DB_VAR_2
0032 L "DW2_IN":P
0033 T "Data_Block_1".DB_VAR_3
0035 A "Start" //Detect flank of the start impulse and start
0036 AN %DB1.DBX12.0 //Set if STS_JOB is deleted
0037 S %DB1.DBX4.4 //Start Counterclockwise delete DIR_M
0039 A %DB1.DBX12.0 //Wait on STS_JOB
0040 R %DB1.DBX4.4 //Reset Start DIR_M, the traversing starts
0041 R "Start" //Delete start impulse
Appendix D
Technical Drawings
1 2 3 4 5 6
VisiJet M3 A4
1 2 3 4 5 6
SCALE 2 : 1
,2 5
119 C
A. Bratbak 29.04
CHK'D H. Frøland HF 29.04
50 VisiJet M3 A4
Crystal 2
1 2 WEIGHT: SCALE 1 : 2 SHEET 1 OF 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
TRUE R3,50
R5 6
11 C
3 ,5
SCALE 2 : 1 C
VisiJet M3 A4
1 2 3 4 5 6
LINEAR: Universitetet i Agder
B 70 TRUE R22 B
TRUE R18,50