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Symmetry Breaking

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Symmetry and symmetry breaking in particle physics

TSOU Sheung Tsun

Mathematical Institute, Oxford University
24–29 St. Giles’, Oxford OX1 3LB
United Kingdom.
tsou @ maths.ox.ac.uk
arXiv:hep-th/9803159v1 19 Mar 1998


Symmetry, in particular gauge symmetry, is a fundamental principle in

theoretical physics. It is intimately connected to the geometry of fibre bun-
dles. A refinement to the gauge principle, known as “spontaneous symmetry
breaking”, leads to one of the most successful theories in modern particle
physics. In this short talk, I shall try to give a taste of this beautiful and
exciting concept.

Invited talk at the 8th General Meeting, European Women in Mathematics,

12–16 December, 1997, Trieste, Italy, to appear in the Proceedings.

1 Introduction
The concept of symmetry is one of the very few on which mathematicians
and physicists agree, namely that


Hence we shall use these terms interchangeably.

In particle physics, there are two main uses of groups:

1. as transformation groups under which a theory is invariant;

2. as group representations for classifying the many particles we see.

In a sense, the first is all important, just like the main characters of a
play. The second is more like the supporting cast, without which the theory,
although it can stand on its own, is much less interesting and also much less
The next question is: which groups does one use or need? Generally
speaking, finite-dimensional compact semi-simple Lie groups. In this talk, in
order to simplify the presentation but without losing the essentials, I shall
consider almost exclusively only the following: for abelian groups U(1), and
for nonabelian groups the unitary groups U(N) and SU(N). At the end I
shall mention an example where a discrete group figures.

2 The particles: a lightning view

Particles used to be called elementary particles, which made good sense when
we knew only the electron, the proton and the neutron, and they were ad-
equate for forming all the elements in the Periodic Table. Then Einstein
proved the existence of the photon as a particle. Also Dirac postulated the
existence of anti-particles, which was well borne out by later experiments.
. . . All in all, there are now more than 150 of them listed, and the number
keeps on increasing! It would be highly unsatisfactory if we had to put them
all in one or more representations or ‘multiplets’ without a good theoretical
Fortunately, we do now have a theoretical basis, the gauge principle,
which we shall study in the next section. In the light of the gauge principle,
particles can be classified under three headings:

• Vector bosons: γ (the photon), W + , W − , Z 0 .

• Leptons: e, νe ; µ, νµ ; τ, ντ . (In words, the electron, the electron

neutrino, etc.)

• Quarks: these are not observable themselves, but they form most of
the other particles by combining two or three together. Each quark
q is in the 3-dimensional or fundamental representation, and directly
observable particles occur in the 1-dimensional or singlet representation
as follows:
qqq : 3 ⊗ 3 ⊗ 3 = 1 ⊕ · · ·
q q̄ : 3 ⊗ 3̄ = 1⊕···

Note that only singlets can be observed as free particles, as will be ex-
plained later.

3 The gauge principle

We said at the beginning that the invariance of a theory under certain group
transformations is the most important aspect of symmetry. Let us study it
now in greater detail.
Recall classical electromagnetism. The skew rank 2 field tensor Fµν (µ, ν =
0, 1, 2, 3) has as its components the electric E and magnetic B fields:
 
0 E1 E2 E3

 −E1 0 −B3 B2 

Fµν =  .
 −E2 B3 0 −B1 
−E3 −B2 B1 0

These are directly measurable quantities and hence do not transform under
any symmetries. However, one can and does introduce a vector potential Aµ ,
related to Fµν by
Fµν = ∂ν Aµ − ∂µ Aν ,
so that there is a freedom in changing Aµ without affecting Fµν :

Aµ 7→ Aµ + ie∂µ Λ,

where Λ(x) is a scalar field, and e is a ‘coupling’ constant representing the

strength of interaction. In classical theory, there is no need to consider the

potential Aµ . However, in quantum theory, it was demonstrated that Fµν is
not enough to describe the physics and one needs Aµ . This is the famous
Bohm–Aharonov experiment.
The ‘gauge freedom’ in Aµ is in fact linked to the arbitrary phase of the
electron wave function:
ψ 7→ eieΛ ψ.
Hence the relevant group for the symmetry of electromagnetism is:

G = U(1)

In 1954, Yang and Mills extended this gauge principle to a nonabelian

group G:
Aµ 7→ SAµ S −1 − (∂µ S)S −1 ,
ψ 7→ Sψ,

where S ∈ G.
This is the famous Yang–Mills theory. In the last 20 years or so, it has
been generally accepted that Yang–Mills theory is the basis of all of particle


A refinement of gauge symmetry is called symmetry breaking, where the

whole theory (including equations of motion) is invariant under a group G
but a particular solution (or ‘vacuum’) is invariant only under a subgroup
H ⊂ G. This will be important for later applications.

4 The geometry of gauge theory

Although it was not realized at the time, gauge theory is intimately linked
with geometry. In fact it is as geometric a theory as Einstein’s general rela-
tivity. Table 1, borrowed from a paper by Yang, underlines this fact.
Recall the definition of a principal fibre bundle, as illustrated in the ac-
companying sketch (Figure 1).
Thus a principal fibre bundle consists of a manifold P (total space), a
manifold X (base space or spacetime), a projection π and a group G (structure

Physics Mathematics
Special Relativity Flat Space-time
General Relativity Riemannian Geometry
Quantum Mechanics Hilbert Space
Electromagnetism and Fibre Bundles
Yang-Mills Gauge Theory

Table 1: Mathematics and physical theories

or gauge group). Above any point x ∈ X the inverse image π −1 (x) ⊂ P is

called the typical fibre F , and is homeomorphic to G. Above an open set
Uα of X, the inverse image π −1 (Uα ) ⊂ P is homeomorphic to the product
Uα × F :
φα : Uα × F → π −1 (Uα ).
Thus in a sense, the manifold P is a ‘twisted’ product of G and X, the
twisting being done by the action of the group:

φα,x : F → π −1 (x)
y 7→ φα (x, y),

β,x φα,x : F → F

giving the relevant action of the group G.

A trivial bundle is then just the product X × G. The most well-known
example of a nontrivial bundle is the Möbius band, where twisting is done
by the 2-element group Z2 . An example which is useful in physics is the
magnetic monopole, which can be represented topologically by S 3 , which in
turn is a nontrivial S 1 bundle over S 2 (the Hopf bundle, of Chern class 1,
for the experts). Here spacetime is thought of as S 2 × R2 , where the second
factor is just a vector space with no topology, and can thus be ignored for the
present purpose. Ordinary electromagnetism without magnetic monopoles is
given topologically by the trivial bundle bundle R4 × S 1 . In both cases, the
typical fibre is the circle S 1 , which is homeomorphic to the group U(1).
To proceed further we need to introduce a connection on the principal
bundle P . This is a 1-form A on P with values in the Lie algebra g of
G, satisfying certain properties and giving a prescription for differentiating


Figure 1: Sketch of a principal bundle.

vectors and tensors. Locally it combines with the usual partial derivative to
give the covariant derivative:

Dµ = ∂µ − ig[Aµ , ·].

In differential geometry and in gauge theory one has to replace the partial
derivative by the covariant derivative so as to preserve the invariance or
symmetry of the system.
From the connection one can define the curvature:

Fµν = ∂ν Aµ − ∂µ Aν + ig[Aµ , Aν ].

One recognizes immediately that these are respectively the gauge potential
and the gauge field introduced in the last section, where the extra commuta-
tors (in the Lie algebra) take into account that now the group is in general
With this language, the mechanism of symmetry breaking can be stated
as the case when the twisting of the bundle are by elements of a subgroup H
of G, and when the connection 1-form takes values in the corresponding Lie
subalgebra. One says then that the bundle with connection is reducible to
the subgroup H. An important example is the ’t Hooft–Polyakov magnetic

monopole, which is a nontrivial U(1) reduction of a trivial SU(2) bundle,
given by the exact sequence (for those who are fond of such things):

· · · → π2 (SU(2)) → π2 (SU(2)/U(1)) → π1 (U(1)) → π1 (SU(2)) → · · · .

The first and last terms being zero, one gets the isomorphism

π2 (SU(2)/U(1)) ∼
= π1 (U(1)).

5 Briefest summary of the Standard Model

Following the gauge principle, we can now try to fit the three types of par-
ticles of section 2 into a more systematic pattern, the better to exhibit their
symmetry properties.
The vector bosons, also known as gauge bosons, are the potential Aµ (x)
when considered as fields. Note that in the language of quantum field theory,
the concept of “particles” and “fields” are interchangeable: particles interact
by influencing the spacetime in their neighbourhood and thus giving rise to
fields, that is, functions of spacetime with a definite tensor property (whether
scalar, vector, rank 2 skew tensor, etc.). According to the interaction, we
have a specific symmetry or gauge group. The other two types of particles
are usually thought of as “matter fields” belonging to representations of the
corresponding groups.
We now recognize that, other than gravitation, there are two fundamental
forces of Nature: the strong and the electroweak. The electroweak theory is
an example of a gauge theory with symmetry breaking. The idea, called the
Weinberg–Salam model, is that at high energies when the Universe was much
younger the symmetry was not broken, but as the Universe cooled down the
U(2) gauge group broke down to the U(1) subgroup which is the electro-
magnetism of today. The rest of the U(2) interaction manifests itself in the
present-day weak interaction, of which radioactivity is the most commonly
known aspect. The breaking also leaves some remnant fields called the Higgs
fields which are yet to be discovered.
As mentioned already, each quark is in a 3-dimensional representation of
SU(3). Hence a quark has in fact three states, fancifully called colour. This
“colour” is not directly observable, as only states in the singlet representation
can exist free. We say that the SU(3) symmetry is exact and confined.

Force Group Gauge bosons Matter
Strong SU(3) [Gluons] [Quarks]
Electroweak U(2) γ, W ± , Z 0 Leptons
(Weinberg–Salam) [Higgs]

Table 2: Forces and Fields in the Standard Model

Table 2 summarizes these ingredients of the so-called Standard Model of

particle physics. The particles in square brackets are not (or have not been)
directly observed, but they are part of the theory.
The standard model can in fact be schematically represented as:
(QCD + Weinberg–Salam) × 3
the gauge group being SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)/Z6 . Most physicists neglect the
six-fold identification, but it is important for identifying the correct particle
The multiplication by 3 above is necessary to model another aspect of
the particle spectrum known as generations. Take the charged leptons as
an example. There are 3 of them: the electron e, the muon µ and the
tauon τ . Except for their very different masses, they behave in extremely
similar fashion. The same pattern is repeated for their neutral ‘partners’ the
neutrinos νe , νµ , ντ . The quarks also come in three generations: the ‘up’ and
‘down’ as the lightest generation, the ‘charm’ and ‘strange’ as the next in
mass, and the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ as the heaviest. Table 3 arranges the 3
generations as 3 rows. The subscripts L and R refer to the left-handed and
right-handed field components, a refinement we shall not have time to go
The role of the Higgs fields in the standard model is crucial. They break
the U(2) symmetry, give masses to the gauge bosons W, Z and also give
masses to the quarks and charged leptons. Without them, all particles would
be massless. Notice that the neutrinos are supposed to be massless, although
some recent experiments in particle physics and astrophysics indicate that
they may have extremely small masses.
Even with this briefest of summaries of the Standard Model we can al-
ready see how symmetry plays a crucial organizing role in our understanding
of particle physics. And in this gauge symmetry is of prime importance.

Quarks Leptons
! !
u νe
uR dR eR
d L
e L

! !
c νµ
cR sR µR
s L
µ L

! !
t ντ
tR bR τR
b L
τ L

Table 3: Generations of Quarks and Leptons

6 Electric–magnetic duality: example of a dis-

crete symmetry
It is well-known that electromagnetism has a discrete Z2 symmetry, that is,
the equations are invariant under the change from ‘electric’ to ‘magnetic’ and
vice versa. Let us look at this in a little more detail.
As described in section 3, we can start with the potential Aµ and define
the field tensor Fµν by
Fµν = ∂ν Aµ − ∂µ Aν .
Further introduce the Hodge star operator, which in this case goes from
2-forms to 2-forms:

Fµν = − ǫµνρσ F ρσ .
This operation interchanges electric fields and magnetic fields. We then have
the identity:
∂µ ∗F µν = 0,
which always holds for Fµν defined as above in terms of an Aµ . On the other
hand, by Gauss’ theorem, this ‘divergen–free’ condition is equivalent to the
absence of magnetic monopoles, because ∗Fµν gives the magnetic flux out

of such an object if present. This very significant link between a geometric
statement and a physical statement can be schematically represented as:
Poincaré Gauss
Aµ exists ⇐⇒ ∂µ ∗F µν = 0 ⇐⇒ no magnetic monopoles
| {z } | {z }
geometry physics

In the language of differential forms, the geometric statement is no other

F exact ⇐⇒ F closed
Now in the absence of electric charges (remember: only the main charac-
ters and no supporting cast!), we have
∂µ F µν = 0,
just as for the case of magnetic monopoles above, only this time we have F µν
instead of ∗F µν . So we have the ‘dual’ of the scheme above:
Poincaré Gauss
õ exists ⇐⇒ ∂µ F µν = 0 ⇐⇒ no electric charges
| {z } | {z }
geometry physics

We see that the electric–magnetic discrete symmetry indeed holds.

It can further be shown that electromagnetism is dual symmetric in the
above sense even in the presence of charges.
What is even more interesting—and this is what I am currently work-
ing on—is that Yang–Mills theory (or nonabelian gauge theory) is also dual
symmetric, but the proof is not all that straightforward. One has to use
techniques involving infinite-dimensional loop variables and the dual trans-
form is no longer just the Hodge star but a loop space generalization of it.
What is interesting, and intriguing, is that this discrete symmetry is clearly
linked to the continuous gauge symmetry. One consequence is that the gauge
symmetry is now doubled:
G × G̃,
where as groups the two factors are identical, only the physical aspects they
refer to are not identical but dual to each other. Now ’t Hooft proved a
theorem which can be stated as follows: the G symmetry is exact and confined
if and only if the G̃ symmetry is broken and massive. Compare this to the
actual symmetries of the Standard Model:
SU(3) exact and confined
U(2) broken and massive

Applying ’t Hooft’s theorem to these symmetries lead to very interesting
consequences which I do not have time to talk about.

7 Conclusions
Let me summarize the salient points about symmetry in particle physics that
I have mentioned:

1. Symmetry is all important in physics. For lack of time (and expertise)

I have omitted to treat many symmetries, such as Lorentz symmetry,
diffeomorphism symmetry, supersymmetry, . . . .

2. There are two main uses of groups:

(a) in the gauge principle as invariance, and

(b) for particle classification using representations.

3. The Standard Model is a triumph of the gauge principle.

4. Electric–magnetic duality (a discrete Z2 symmetry), when generalized

to Yang–Mills theory, leads to very interesting results.

If, however, you wish to take away with you just one point, then I rec-


I thank Bodil Branner and Sylvie Paycha for inviting me to this meeting,
and the British Branch of EWM for a travel grant.

There are many excellent textbooks and semi-popular books on modern par-
ticle physics which emphasize its symmetry properties. There are also excel-
lent articles in Scientific American which are most suitable to give a taste
of the beauty of the subject. Below is a random selection of such, the first

being a more general appreciation of symmetry in physics by the originator
of Yang–Mills theory:

1. Chen Ning Yang, Symmetry and Physics, in Oskar Klein Memorial

Lectures, Vol. 1, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 1991.

2. G. ’t Hooft, Scientific American, June 1980, p. 90.

3. S. Weinberg, Scientific American, June 1981, p. 52; ibid. July 1974, p.


4. C. Quigg, Scientific American, April 1985, p. 64.

5. S. Weinberg, Dreams of a Final Theory, Hutchison 1993.

For the reader who might want to know more about the last part of
this lecture, here are a few of my recent articles (the last with an amusing
application from the Serret–Frenet formulae for space curves):

1. Chan Hong-Mo and Tsou Sheung Tsun, Physical Consequences of Non-

abelian Duality in the Standard Model, hep-th/9701120, Phys. Rev.
D57 (1998) 2507–2522.

2. Chan Hong-Mo and Tsou Sheung Tsun, Standard Model with Dual-
ity: Theoretical Basis, hep-th/9712171; Standard Model with Duality:
Physical Consequences, hep-ph/9712436; invited lectures at the Cra-
cow Summer School on Theoretical Physics, May–June 1997, Zakopane,
Acta Phys. Pol. B28 (1997) 3027–3040; 3041–3056.

3. José Bordes, Chan Hong-Mo, Jakov Pfaudler and Tsou Sheung Tsun,
Features of Quark and Lepton Mixing from Differential Geometry of
Curves on Surfaces, hep-ph/9802436, February 1998.


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