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On The Dirichlet Boundary Controllability of The 1D-Heat Equation. Semi-Analytical Calculations and Ill-Posedness Degree

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On the Dirichlet Boundary

Controllability of the 1D-Heat Equation.

Semi-Analytical Calculations and Ill-posedness Degree.
Faker Ben Belgacem∗ Sidi Mahmoud Kaber†

December 23, 2010

The ill-posedness degree for the controlability of the one-dimensional heat equation by a
Dirichlet boundary control is the purpose of this work. This problem is severely (or exponen-
tially) ill-posed. We intend to shed more light on this assertion and the underlying mathematics.
We start by discussing the framework liable to fit an efficient numerical implementation without
introducing further complications in the theoretical analysis. We expose afterward the Fourier
calculations that transform the ill-posedness issue to a one related to the linear algebra. This
consists in investigating the singular values of some infinite structured matrices that are ob-
tained as sums of Cauchy matrices. Calling for the Gershgorin-Hadamard theorem and the
Collatz-Wielandt formula, we are able to provide lower and upper bounds for the largest singu-
lar value of these matrices. After checking out that they are also solutions of some symmetric
Lyapunov (or Sylvester) equations with a very low displacement rank, we use an estimate that
improves former Penzl’s result to bound the ratio smaller/largest singular values of these matri-
ces. Accordingly, the controllability problem is confirmed to be severely ill-posed. The bounds
proved here will be supported by computations made by means of Matlab procedures. At last,
the well known explicit inverse of Cauchy’s type matrices allows to provide a formal exponen-
tial series representation of the Dirichlet control in a long horizon controllability. That series
has to be checked afterward whether it is convergent or not to find out whether the desired
state is reachable or not. Here again, some examples run within Matlab will be discussed and

keywords: Controllability, HUM control, Dirichlet control, Cauchy matrices, Löewner matri-
ces, Lyapunov equation, Penzl’s type bounds, ill-posedness degree.

1 Introduction
Let I be the segment (0, π) of the real axis. Let T be a positive real number. We set Q = I×]0, T [.
The generic point in I is denoted by x and the generic time is t. The one dimensional controllability
problem we deal with reads as follows. Let yT be a given function that represents a desired state
we hope to reach at a time T . We aim at: finding a Dirichlet data u enforced at x = π satisfying

yu (x, T ) = yT (x), ∀x ∈ I, (1)

Université de Technologie de Compiègne, BP 20529, 60205 Compiègne cedex, France.

UMR 7598, C.N.R.S. & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, B.C. 187, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France.

where the symbol yv denotes the solution of the heat equation with a Dirichlet boundary condition:

∂t yv − ∂xx yv = 0 in Q, (2)
yv (0, ·) = 0, yv (π, ·) = v on (0, T ), (3)
yv (·, 0) = 0 on I. (4)

The fact that the initial condition is fixed to zero is not really a restriction. It is adopted only for
simplification and the linear superposition principle restore that generality.

Knowledge on the controllability of the heat equation is substantially less achieved than for the
wave equation. The difficulty arisen in the heat equation is caused by the dissipation which is
mainly irreversible in opposition to the propagation which is a reversible phenomenon. Neverthe-
less, some theoretical results are already stated. May be, the main reference on the topic together
with the popular HUM method is the book by J.-L. Lions [15]. Some others are necessary surveys
for who are involved in the subject, such as [16, 12, 33] without being exhaustive. This problem
is not exactly controllable. Some states yT are not reachable. As a matter of fact, an arbitrary
yT should be considered as non-reachable. Admittedly, the problem is ill-posed in any reasonable
‘Sobolev’ framework. In contrast, controls do exist that steer the trajectory arbitrarily close to any
given state yT after a duration T . We have therefore approximate controllability (see [15, 24, 33]).
Notice that whenever, yT comes from a solution of the heat equation, the controllability is equiv-
alent to the null-controllability that is when the initial condition is given, yv (·, 0) = y0 and the
final state is yT = 0. This last pertains, in the practice, to the stabilization of dynamical systems.
Results on the null-controllability are stated by H. O. Fattorini and D. Russel (see [6]) and also by
G. Lebeau and L. Robbiano (see [13]), in one dimension for the firsts and in the general dimension
for the seconds. The major result established in there is the observability estimate that yields the
well-posedness of the null-controllability problem. The numerical counterpart of this problem has
been considered by S. Micu and E. Zuazua (see [19]) where they show the severe ill-posedness of the
problems they have to cope with computationally. Some issues treated in [19] are similar to those
we are involved in here. The methodology is however very different. Their approach, mainly based
on the analysis of some Bi-Orthogonal sequences, is the one proposed earlier in [6] and surveyed
in [24]. Here, as will be detailed later on, we rather take profit of the spectral estimates for some
known structured matrices such as Cauchy and Löwner type matrices to establish our results.

As indicated and discussed in [2] for the optimal control problem, the point is to consider a
subspace of admissible Dirichlet controls that brings facilities in the computations. That should be
a subspace of L2 (0, T ) (1 ) that allows to define the final observation yv (·, T ) ∈ L2 (I). It can not
coincide with the full Lebesgue space L2 (0, T ), since the final observation yv (·, T ) may not belong
to L2 (I) for some Dirichlet data in L2 (0, T ) (see [15, Chap. 9]). We describe the framework we use
that turns out to be advantageous when a regularization strategy is aimed which is mandatory to
handle safely the computations. Next, comes the main concern related to the incorrect-posedness
of the controllability problem by Dirichlet controls. To state its severe ill-posedness according to
L2 (0, T ) is the Lebesgue space of square integrable functions.

the classification provided in [32], we perform here semi-analytical computations that transfer the
difficulty to the study of the spectrum of some Cauchy type matrices. Connecting them to Lya-
punov equations, and using the important results on the spectrum of their solution, we are able
to obtain the desired ill-posedness results. A predicted effect of it is that when a reachable yT
is perturbed by noise, the control we compute may be drastically changed, it may even blow up
exponentially fast. Additionally, owing to the explicit inverse of Cauchy matrices we are enabled
to provide the exact formal expression of the control in the case of infinite horizon controllability
which demonstrates, if needed, the exponential instability of the controllability problem. Notice
that the algebraic tools on which the analysis conducted here relies, are mainly developed by the
control community.

An outline of the paper is as follows. We describe in Section 2 the variational formulation of

the heat equation (2)-(4) derived by duality. This approach enables to account for the lack of
smoothness of Dirichlet’s data (see [12]). As a consequence, we obtain a mathematical setting to
the controllability problem in the natural space H −1 (I) (2 ). Engineers prefer the L2 (I)-setting.
Despite the practicability and effectiveness of that framework from the numerical implementation
view, particular caution should be paid to the analysis. In Section 3, we provide and discuss the
suitable tools to successfully deal with that issue. We put then the controllability problem under
an abstract form. The HUM method fails and the problem is ill-posed. This is the main subject
of Section 4. Using Fourier calculations, we check out how the controllability problem may be put
under an integral equation defined by a kernel operator. The ill-posedness degree of this equation
is therefore tightly connected to asymptotics of the singular values of the related integral operator.
This enables us to construct an infinite countable symmetric and positive definite matrix of a
Cauchy type whose eigenvalues are exactly the squares of the singular values of the operator under
investigation. Their distribution along the positive semi-axis is obtained after writing this matrix
as the solution of a Lyapunov equation with a low rank displacement. Then, using estimates
established by many authors (see [25, 9] and wide bibliographies therein) produces the desired
information on the behavior on the singular values. Their asymptotics establish the severe ill-
posedness of the controllability problem. Some Matlab computations allow to check numerically
these theoretical predictions. Owing to the inversion formula of Cauchy matrices, we provide in
Section 5 an infinite sum representation of the Dirichlet control that solves the controllability
problem for a given target yT and we check why it mostly blows up exponentially fast. Lastly,
Section 6 is dedicated to the discussion of some numerical examples to check out the theoretical

Notation — Let X be a Banach space endowed with its norm k · kX . We denote by L2 (0, T ; X)
the space of measurable functions v from (0, T ) in X such that
Z T 1/2
kvkL2 (0,T ;X) = kv(·, s)k2X ds < +∞. (5)
The dual space of H01 (I),
the Sobolev space that contains all functions that belongs to L2 (I) so as their derivatives
and vanish at x = 0 and π.

For any positive integer m, we introduce the space H m (0, T ; X) of functions in L2 (0, T ; X) such that
all their time derivatives up to the order m belong to L2 (0, T ; X). We also use the space C (0, T ; X)
of continuous functions v from [0, T ] in X. Finally, we consider the Sobolev space H 1 (I) of all the
functions that belong to L2 (I) together with their first derivatives. The space H01 (I) defined in
footnote (2), is then the closure in H 1 (I) of the space D(I) of infinitely differentiable functions
with a compact support in I, and by H −1 (I) its dual space.

2 Controllability in H −1 (I)
Let us first recall the variational formulation of the parabolic system (2)-(4). As indicated in the
introduction, our willing is to consider controls in the Lebesgue space L2 (0, T ). Because of the lack
of regularity on the Dirichlet datum v, the variational form is proceeded by a duality argument.
We follow the transposition method detailed in [15, Th. 9.1]. Let then f be arbitrarily given in
L2 (Q). Consider rf as the solution of the backward heat equation

−∂t rf − ∂xx rf = f in Q,
rf (0, ·) = 0, rf (π, ·) = 0 on ∂(0, T ),
rf (·, T ) = 0 in I.

The solution rf does exist and is unique in L2 (0, T ; H01 (I)) ∩ C (0, T ; L2 (I)) (see [17, Chap. 4, Th.
1.1]). Provided that the boundary is regular enough which is assumed from now on, the normal
derivative ∂x rf (π, ·) belongs to L2 (0, T ) and is subjected to the stability

k∂x rf (π, ·)kL2 (0,T ) ≤ C kf kL2 (Q) . (6)

Applying the transposition method to problem (2)-(4), we come up with the following variational
equation: find yv in L2 (Q) such that

yv (x, t)f (x, t) dx dt = − v(t) ∂x rf (π, t) dt, ∀f ∈ L2 (Q). (7)
Q (0,T )

The equivalence between (7) and problem (2)-(4) has been checked for instance in [2, Proposition
2.2]. The existence and uniqueness for yv are direct consequences of (6) and Riesz’ Theorem (see
[12, 14]). Then, for any v in L2 (0, T ), problem (7) has a unique solution yv in L2 (Q) which belongs
to C ([0, T ]; H −1 (I)).

Now, we are in position to rewrite problem (1) in a rigorous mathematical words before adding
some modifications to the functional setting for practical reasons that will be commented later on.
The controllability problem consists then in: finding u ∈ L2 (0, T ) such that

yu (·, T ) = yT (·), in H −1 (I). (8)

When the data yT suffers from some perturbations, existence for problem (8) may fail. Noisy data
are unavoidable, this may be caused by erroneous measurement or preliminary processes to prepare

the data before feeding any computational program. More, even when yT is an ideal mathematical
fixed state, when switching to computation, the numerical treatment of that yT generates with
certainty some disturbances. The consequence is that in simulations users can not spare using a
regularization strategy necessary for obtaining pertinent results. (see [29, 5]). In crude computa-
tions, the noise generates oscillations on the approximated control. Their intensity depends on the
bad conditioning of the discrete controllability problem. The indicator to quantify how it is badly
conditioned is the ill-posedness degree that has been introduced by G. Wahba (see [32]). This is the
main subject here. We intend to demonstrate the severe ill-posedness of the controllability problem.

The choice of the framework where to proceed requires some comments at this stage. Most
users interested in prefer to consider an L2 (I) setting rather than H −1 (I) which seems to be the
natural space. Why? The answer is strongly related to the numerical implementation and then to
practical engineering issues. As a matter of fact, computing the L2 -norm of (yv (·, T )), necessary
when regularization is required, is an easy matter while the evaluation of H −1 -norm arises some
difficulties practitioners prefer to avoid. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of the regularization
strategy may also be achieved in the modified framework. This is the content of the forthcoming
work together with the study of the effect of the penalization of the Dirichlet control by a Fourier
boundary condition.

3 Controllability in L2 (I)
The key of the analysis in the L2 (I)–framework is a Green formula written for non-regular func-
tions. It has been stated in [2]. Nevertheless, to be self contained and in order to introduce some
technical tools related to, we need to provide that result.

Let yv be the solution of problem (7). We have already mentioned that yv (·, T ) fails to belong
to L2 (I) for some v. We define then the unbounded operator B in L2 (0, T ),

Bv = yv (·, T ).

The domain D(B) is hence composed of functions v ∈ L2 (0, T ) for which yv (·, T ) lies in L2 (I),
n o
D(B) = v ∈ L2 (0, T ); yv (·, T ) ∈ L2 (I) .

Following [2, Lemma 2.4] it can be checked that B is closed.

Lemma 3.1 The operator B is closed. As a consequence, D(B) is dense in L2 (0, T ) and the graph
norm  1/2
kvkD(B) = kvk2L2 (0,T ) + kyv (·, T )k2L2 (I) ,

determines a Hilbert structure on D(B).

Proof: Let (vm , Bvm )m be a convergent sequence in L2 (0, T ) × L2 (I) and (v, ψ) be the limit.
That yvm belongs to C (0, T ; H −1 (I)) implies that yvm (·, T ) converges towards yv (·, T ) in H −1 (I).

Now, since L2 (I) is continuously embedded in H −1 (I) we derive that ψ = yv (·, T ). Hence, not onlu
yv (·, T ) ∈ L2 (I) but also Bv = ψ. The proof is complete.

A further result is that the adjoint operator B ∗ is well defined with a dense domain D(B ∗ ) in
L2 (I). It is specified by the identity

(Bv, ψ)L2 (I) = (v, B ∗ ψ)L2 (0,T ) , ∀(v, ψ) ∈ D(B) × D(B ∗ ). (9)

A closed form of it may be provided (see for instance [12, 2]). Let ψ be given in L2 (I) and denote
by qψ the unique solution of the problem

−∂t qψ − ∂xx qψ = 0 in Q, (10)
qψ (0, ·), qψ (π, ·) = 0 on (0, T ), (11)
qψ (·, T ) = ψ on I. (12)

The function qψ does exit in L2 (0, T ; H 1 (I)) ∩ C (0, T ; L2 (I)) (see [17, Chap. 4]). The following
result is stated for instance in [2, Lemma 2.5]. Nevertheless, we choose to check it again to be
self-contained. Besides, the proof is really short.

Lemma 3.2 The domain of B ∗ is given by

n o
D(B ∗ ) = ψ ∈ L2 (I); ∂x qψ (π, ·) ∈ L2 (0, T ) ,

and B ∗ is defined as follows

B ∗ ψ = −∂x qψ (π, ·).

Proof: For a given function v in D(0, T ), multiply (10) by yv and integrate by part on Q. This is
legitimate since we dispose of enough smoothness. We derive that
(Bv, ψ)L2 (I) = yv (x, T )ψ dx = hv, (−∂x qψ (π, ·))i.

Using (9) and a density argument yields that B ∗ ψ = −∂x qψ (π, ·) in D ′ (0, T ). In view of the fact
that B ∗ ψ lies in L2 (0, T ), we deduce that ∂x qψ (π, ·) belongs also to L2 (0, T ). This concludes the

Remark 3.1 The space D(B ∗ ) is a Hilbert space when endowed with the graph norm
kψkD(B ∗ ) = kψk2L2 (I) + k∂x qψ (π, ·)k2L2 (0,T ) , ∀ψ ∈ D(B ∗ ).

Given that B ∗ is injective, the mapping ψ 7→ ∂x qψ (π, ·) is a norm in D(B ∗ ). The Hilbert space H
obtained by the completion of D(B ∗ ) with respect to this norm can not contain L2 (I). Otherwise,
B ∗ would be bounded. However, as already noticed in [19], the regularity of (∂x qψ (π, ·)) is not
affected by the (non-)smoothness of ψ away from x = π. As a result, H may contain non-regular
final states ψ provided that their singularities or high oscillations are located in [0, π[.

Remark 3.2 The invertibility of B ∗ pertains to the Cauchy problem for the backward heat equation
where the final condition is to be reconstructed from over-specified Cauchy boundary conditions at
x = π. This is known in the literature as the sideways problem. That problem has at most one
solution by the unique continuation theorem [26]. This means that B ∗ is injective and therefore

Ker B ∗ = {0}. (13)

Homogeneous Cauchy data on {π} × (0, T ) for the problem satisfied by qψ yields that qψ = 0 and
thus ψ = 0. As a consequence, the range R(B) is dense in L2 (I). The approximate controllability
holds (see [12, 33]). Moreover, it will be checked that it has a non-closed range and can not be
continuously invertible.

A Green formula is the by-product of the construction of B and B ∗ . We aim a general version
for it. We then assume given ψ in D(B ∗ ) and f in L2 (Q). We introduce the solution q(ψ,f ) in
L2 (0, T ; H01 (I)) ∩ C (0, T ; L2 (I)) of the problem

−∂t q(ψ,f ) − ∂xx q(ψ,f ) = f in Q,

q(ψ,f ) (0, ·) = 0, q(ψ,f ) (π, ·) = 0 on (0, T ),
q(ψ,f ) (·, T ) = ψ on I.

We have the following result

Lemma 3.3 Let f be in L2 (Q), v in D(B) and ψ in D(B ∗ ). The following Green formula holds
f (x, t)yv (x, t) dxdt + ψ(x)yv (x, T ) dx + v(t) ∂x q(ψ,f ) (π, t) dt = 0.
Q I (0,T )

Proof: It may be found in [2, Proposition 2.5 and Corollary 2.6].

That the operator B is defined in the L2 -framework, the controllability problem (8) can be
reworded as an equation involving B. Given a data yT ∈ L2 (I). The problem consists in: finding
u ∈ D(B) such that
Bu = yT , in L2 (I). (14)

This is the very problem we deal with in the subsequent, unless explicitly contradicted. Whenever
we talk about the controllability problem we mean this one and not (8) (in H −1 (I)).

It is worth to notice that the range subspace R(B) is dense in L2 (I) as made Remark 3.2.
However, it will be more instructive to know that the complementary of R(B), composed of the
non-reachable states yT , is also dense in L2 (I). This means that any perturbation of any reachable
state yT = yv (·, T ), for some v, may produce a non-reachable perturbed final state ỹT 6∈ R(B).
This result is important for the analysis of regularization strategies which are mandatory for the
computational treatment of the problem given its severe ill-posedness.

Lemma 3.4 The set of non-reachable states L2 (I) \ R(B) is dense in L2 (I).

Proof: Let us proceed by contradiction. Assume then that L2 (I) \ R(B) is not dense in L2 (I).
Hence, R(B) has a non-empty interior. As it is a vector subspace, there is no other possibility
than it coincides with the entire space L2 (I). The operator B will be therefore surjective. Now,
suppose that D(B) is endowed with the graph norm k · kD(B) provided in Lemma 3.1, it is a Hilbert
space. Consider hence B as an operator mapping D(B) in L2 (I). It is obviously injective and
continuous. In addition, it is surjective and then bijective. Owing to the open map theorem it
defines an isomorphism. In particular, we obtain that

kvkL2 (0,T ) ≤ CkBvkL2 (I) , ∀v ∈ D(B).

As a result, B −1 will be a bounded operator from L2 (I) into L2 (0, T ) which is necessarily false.
L2 (I) \ R(B) is then dense in L2 (I). The proof is complete.

Remark 3.3 As an alternative to (14), duality for the convex optimization suggests to look at the
minimization problem
min J ∗ (χ) = min k∂x qχ k2L2 (0,T ) − (yT , χ)L2 (I) .
χ∈D(B ∗ ) χ∈D(B ∗ ) 2

Whenever the minimum is reached, let us say for ψ ∈ D(B ∗ ), using Green’s formula of Lemma
3.3 we state that the control u† = B ∗ ψ = −∂x qψ . It is the HUM control of problem (14). As
well known, and will be checked again below, the controllability problem has an infinite number of
solutions. The solution u† , issued from the duality is the one, among all the possible solutions, that
has the minimum norm in L2 (0, T ).

Remark 3.4 Users may be tempted to apply HUM theory to the controllability problem (8), set
in H −1 (I). Standard Green’s formula (3 ) results in the reduced problem that reads as follows: find
u ∈ L2 (0, T ) such that
u(t) ∂x qψ (π, t) dt = hyT , ψiH −1 ,H01 , ∀ψ ∈ H01 (I).
(0,T )

The symbol qψ is for the solution of (10)-(12). The well posedness requires the observability estimate
that is
kψkH 1 (I) ≤ Ck∂x qψ (π, ·)kL2 (0,T ) , ∀ψ ∈ H01 (I).

Unfortunately, this does not hold. Switching to the space L2 (I) in (8), instead of H −1 (I), does not
change that much the situation. Indeed, although we need some weaker observability inequality

kψkL2 (I) ≤ Ck∂x qψ (π, ·)kL2 (0,T ) , ∀ψ ∈ D(B ∗ ),

this is false too. The best inequality of similar kind we know of so far is a Carleman estimate
established by M. Klibanov in [11, 2006].
Green’s formula in Lemma 3.3 serves when the controllability equation is written in L2 (I) and the control is
sought for in D(B).

4 The Severe Ill-posedness
Needless to say that the ill-posedness of problem (14) is governed by the properties of the operator
B. On account of its unboundedness, the degree of ill-posedness of the controllability problem, in
the classification of G. Wahba (see [32]), is inferred from the speed at which the ratio (larger/lower)
singular values of B blows up to infinity. We mainly pursue the behavior of the singular values
of B. The chief tool of our study is the Fourier analysis and the spectra of some structured matrices.

4.1 B and B ∗ as Kernel Operators

Since B and B ∗ have the same non-vanishing singular values we choose to focus rather on B ∗ and
then infer the expression of B by duality. After all, the equation defined by B ∗ is interesting in
itself since it is the mathematical modeling of the inverse problem, well known as the sideways
equation, that consists in reconstructing the initial data from the knowledge of the Cauchy bound-
ary conditions (see [1]).
Notice that the construction of B ∗ is based on the backward heat equation. For easiness, especially
when the Laplace transform is used, we prefer to handle the direct heat equation. All the compu-
tations and constructions are also valid modulo some slight modifications for the backward heat
problem. In particular the structured matrices we have to deal with are not affected by progressive
or backward problems. We consider then the problem
∂t q − ∂xx q=0 in I × (0, T ), (15)
q(0, ·) = 0, q(π, ·) = 0 on (0, T ), (16)
q(·, 0) = ψ on I. (17)

The ‘adjoint’ operator B ∗ is still expressed as follows

B ∗ ψ = −∂x q(π, t), in (0, T ).

Remark 4.1 In this context, the controllability problem related to (15)-(17) is therefore governed
by the backward heat equation as that state equation
−∂t yv − ∂xx yv = 0 in Q,
yv (0, ·) = 0, yv (π, ·) = v on (0, T ),
yv (·, T ) = 0 on I.

The control is the Dirichlet boundary condition at point π, still denoted u, that realizes y(·, 0) = y0 ,
where y0 ∈ L2 (I) is the desired state. Of course, the overall results we state hereafter are valid as
well for problem (14).

The methodology followed here has been used earlier. We refer for instance to [6, 22, 19, 33].
Given that (sin(kx))k≥1 is an orthogonal basis in L2 (I), we may expand ψ, as follows
ψ(x) = ψk sin(kx) in I. (18)

Plug it into problem (15)-(17) and all computations conducted, B ∗ may put under a kernel operator
form Z
X 2
(B ∗ ψ)(t) = (−1)k+1 ke−k t ψk = K(t, x)ψ(x) dx.
k≥1 I

The kernel K(·, ·) is defined to be

2X 2
K(t, x) = (−1)k+1 ke−k t sin(kx), in I × (0, T ).

It can be checked directly that

n XX km o
−(k2 +m2 )T
D(B ∗ ) = ψ ∈ L2 (I); (−1)k+m (1 − e )ψ ψ
k m < ∞ ,
k 2 + m2
k≥1 m≥1

and that Ker B ∗ = {0}. Things are a little bit more subtle when we are involved in the range
R(B ∗ ) which is an important issue upon which depends the (non)uniqueness for the controllability
problem (14). In fact, it allows for the determination of Ker B. In view of the expression of
B ∗ ψ the sequence of functions (e−k t )k≥1 is total in R(B ∗ ). Since the (k −2 )k≥1 is summable, then
according to a variant of the Müntz theorem (see [28]) it comes out that (e−k t )k≥1 can not be
dense in L2 (0, T ), neither is R(B ∗ ) in L2 (0, T ).

Remark 4.2 The same Müntz theorem enables one to check that the co-dimension of R(B ∗ ) in
L2 (0, T ) is infinite. Actually, a more accurate theorem by Borwein-Erdélyi in [3, Theorem 6.4]
implies that any function v in the closure R(B ∗ ) is analytic in ]0, T ] and admits the following
X 2
v(t) = vk e−k t , ∀t ∈]0, T ].

That v belongs to L2 (0, T ) yields the condition

X X 1 − e−(k2 +m2 )T
vk vm < ∞.
k 2 + m2
k≥1 m≥1

Be aware that these results are concerned with the controllability of the backward heat equation in
Remark 4.1. When the progressive equation is considered u† will be analytic on [0, T [ except probably
at t = T . The important observation to retain here is that any reachable state yT may be realized by
an analytic control on [0, T [. Recall that the reachable states yT are all indefinitely smooth in [0, π[.
They may contain a singularity at x = π. That singularity contaminates the ‘minimal’ control only
at the final time t = T . At last, notice that this holds true for any initial condition y0 ∈ L2 (I)
and not only when y = 0. A suitable superposition principle applied to the problem allows such a

Now, let v ∈ D(B) be given and denote by v(T ) its trivial extension to the semi-axis R+ . The
operator B can also be expressed as a kernel operator that is
(Bv)(x) = K(t, x)v(T ) (t) dt = (−1)k+1 k vd 2
(T ) (k ) sin(kx), in I. (19)
R+ π

The symbol vd 2
(T ) is used for the Laplace transform of the extended function v(T ) ∈ L (R+ ). We
deduce immediately an explicit characterization of D(B) that is
n X  o
2 2
D(B) = v ∈ L2 (0, T ); k vd
(T ) (k ) < ∞ .

Moreover the kernel of B is specified as follows

n o
Ker B = v ∈ D(B); vd
(T ) (k ) = 0, ∀k ≥ 1 .

Remark 4.3 To have a deeper insight about what really happens, let us consider the particular
case T = ∞. One can construct a collection of functions (va )a>1 that belong to Ker B. Indeed, it
can be checked that the function
√ √
√ −3/2 (a − 1)π 2 h π2 a √ π2 a i
va (t) = π t exp(− ) sin( ) + a cos( )
4t 2t 2t
lies in L2 (R+ ) and its Laplace transform coincides with (see [21, example 7.13, p. 279])
√ √
vba (p) = 2 exp(−π ap) sin(π p)

Then we have that va ∈ Ker B for any a > 1 and the dimension of Ker B is thus infinity.

4.2 Infinite Matrices of BB ∗ and BB ∗

Now, the computation of the singular values of B ∗ requires the specification of the kernel function,
we denote by G(·, ·), of the operator BB ∗ . Recall that BB ∗ is the HUM operator. The HUM
control, whenever its existence is ensured, is given by u† = B ∗ (BB ∗ )−1 yT , for a reachable state yT .
A closed form of the kernel G(·, ·) is provided by
G(x, y) = K(t, x)K(t, y) dt
(0,T )
4 XX km 2 2
= (−1)k+m 2 (1 − e−(k +m )T ) sin(kx) sin(my), x, y ∈ I.
π2 k + m2
k≥1 m≥1

Let then ψ be given in D(BB ∗ ). Using the expansion in (18) there holds that

(BB ψ)(x) = G(x, y)ψ(y) dy
2XX km 2 2
= (−1)k+m 2 2
(1 − e−(k +m )T )ψm sin(kx), ∀x ∈ I.
π k +m
k≥1 m≥1

The eigenvalues of the operator BB ∗ are exactly those of the infinite-dimensional matrix B∞ =
(bkm )k,m≥1 where the entries a provided by
2 km 2 2
bkm = (−1)k+m 2 2
(1 − e−(k +m )T ), ∀k, m ≥ 1. (20)
π k +m
The matrix B∞ may be viewed as an unbounded operator in ℓ2 (R)(4 ) which is a representation of
BB ∗ on the Fourier basis. It is symmetric and non-negative definite.
4 2
ℓ (R) is the space the numerical sequences that are square summable.

Remark 4.4 Conducting similar computations for the operator B ∗ B is of course possible. It may
be defined by the kernel operator
X 2
H(t, τ ) = k 2 e−k (t+τ ) , ∀t, τ ∈ (0, T ).

In addition, the eigenvectors should be sought for in R(B ∗ ) and yield to the spectral decomposition
of the matrix (B∞ )′ = (b′km )k,m≥1 where

2 k2 2 2
b′km = (1 − e(k +m )T ), ∀k, m ≥ 1.
π k + m2

It can be checked that B∞ and (B∞ )′ are equivalent infinite-dimensional matrices. Indeed, there
hold that
(B∞ )′ = QB∞ Q−1 .
The matrix Q is diagonal with qkk = (−1)k k. Of course, a particular caution should be paid to the
domain in ℓ2 (R) of each of them.

4.3 Asymptotics of Singular Values. Severe Ill-posedness

The subsequent is to exhibit asymptotics of the eigenvalues of the infinite-dimensional Gram matrix
B∞ = (bkm )k,m≥1 . From now to the end the index ∞ will be dropped off which does not modify at
all the results we have in mind. The entries of B are re-transcribed as follows
km 2 2
bkm = (−1)k+m (1 − e−(k +m )T ), ∀k, m ≥ 1.
k2 +m 2

The constant term 2/π involved in the expression of bkm given in (20) is removed. This has no real
incidence on the analysis we undertake here. Define the new matrix Z = (zkm )k,m≥1 where
km 2 2
zkm = (1 − e−(k +m )T ), ∀k, m ≥ 1.
k 2 + m2
Obviously B and Z are equivalent and have the same spectrum. Studying Z (actually the truncated
form of it) is advantageous because it has positive entries and the Perron-Frobenius theory allows
to obtain further informations about the largest eigenvalue (of the truncated Z introduced here
below) called the Perron-Frobenius root (see [30]). The matrix B and consequently Z inherit the
properties of the operator BB ∗ and are therefore both non-negative definite. As a result, their
eigenvalues which are common are all non-negative. The matrix Z may be written as the difference
of two Cauchy matrices. The entries of those two Cauchy matrices are respectively
  2 2
km (ke−k T )(me−m T )
, .
k 2 + m2 k,m≥1 k 2 + m2

Next, let us introduce the infinite dimensional diagonal matrix D = diag {k 2 }k≥1 and vectors
ℓ = (k)k≥1 and ℓ′ = (ke−k T )k≥1 . Set L = ℓℓ∗ − (ℓ′ )(ℓ′ )∗ . It is readily checked that the matrix Z
satisfies the Lyapunov equation
DZ + ZD = L. (21)

Now, to find out what happens for the eigenvalues of Z, we focus on the truncated matrix ZN =
(zkm )1≤k,m≤N . It is the solution of the finite dimensional Lyapunov equation that is

DN ZN + ZN DN = L N . (22)

All vectors and matrices are here truncated in an obvious way. Matrix equations (22) and (21) are
also called symmetric Sylvester equations. They currently arise in the controllability/observability
theory of Linear Time-Invariant systems.

The asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalues of Z are strongly connected to the properties of
the diagonal matrix DN and to the rank p of LN , called the displacement rank of equation (22).
Solving it pertains to the third Zolotarev problem. Bounds will be derived after applying results
assembled, sorted, commented and improved in two interesting Ph.D. dissertations, J. Sabino [25,
2006] and A. Gryson [9, 2009]. The authors propose also a wide bibliography on the subject. Let us
first denote by ((µN )k )1≤k≤N the eigenvalues and ((σN )k )1≤k≤N the singular values of ZN ordered
decreasingly. The following result holds

Proposition 4.1 We have that

r r
log N N
≤ (σN )1 ≤ . (23)
2 2
The singular values ((σN )k )1≤k≤N satisfy the bound
√ π2k
(σN )2k+1 ≤ C N exp − , 1 ≤ k ≤ [(N − 1)/2]. (24)
4 log(2N )

Proof: The bound on the Perron-Frobenius root of ZN which is (µN )1 may be established owing
to the double formula (see [18, Chapter 8]),
X km 2 2
X km 2 2
min 2 2
(1 − e−(k +m )T ) ≤ (µN )1 ≤ max (1 − e−(k +m )T ).
1≤k≤N k +m 1≤k≤N k2 +m 2
1≤m≤N 1≤m≤N

The right bound comes from the Gershgorin-Hadamard circle theorem while the left one is directly
issued from Collatz-Wielandt formula. We deduce that
log N N
≤ (µN )1 ≤ . (25)
2 2
The bound (23) is established. The first thing we learn from these bounds is that the large
eigenvalues blows up with N . This is due to (and expresses) the unboundedness of the operator Z.
Before stating (24), observe first that the displacement rank of equation (22) is two, p = 2. Calling
for Theorem 2.1.1 of [25, pp 39-40] (see also [25, Formula (2.14) in p. 46]) yields the following
(µN )pk+1 (µN )2k+1 π2k
= ≤ C exp − . (26)
(µN )1 (µN )1 log(4κ(DN ))
The constant C is independent of N . The symbol κ(DN ) is for the condition number of the matrix
DN . This bound valid for general Lyapunov equations is related to the matrix DN while the

eigenvalue (µN )1 is connected to the right hand side of the equation. Notice how the displacement
rank influences the counting of the eigenvalues.
Given that the condition number κ(DN ) is easily computed for diagonal matrices, it coincides with
the ratio of the maximal and the minimal diagonal terms and equals then to N 2 . Hence we obtain
π2 k
(µN )2k+1 ≤ C(µN )1 exp − .
2 log(2N )
Using the right bound in (25) we obtain that
(µN )2k+1 ≤ CN exp − .
2 log(2N )

The proof is complete after recalling that (µN )k = [(σN )k ]2 .

Remark 4.5 When j = 2k + 1 ≈ θN with 0 < θ ≤ 1 we have that

√ π 2 θN
(σN )j ≤ C N exp −
8 log(2N )
These singular values decrease toward zero exponentially fast. To summarize, the largest singular
value grows up with N , at least like a constant times log(N )(5 ), while the smallest eigenvalues
decay exponentially fast. The bound in (26) yields that the ratio between the extreme singular values
(σN )1 and (σN )N is bounded from below,
(σN )1 π2N
≥ C exp
(σN )N 8 log(2N )
This lower bound confirms the severe ill-posedness of the controllability problem.

Remark 4.6 We emphasize here on the fact that the controllability problem is intrinsically severely
ill-posed, no matter the support of the control coincides with the whole boundary of the domain or
not. This is in contrast with the distributed control (see [20]), where the problem becomes mildly
ill-posed if the control is operating on the whole domain.

Remark 4.7 Users may be interested in the behavior of the singular values ((σN )k )1≤k≤N with
respect to the final time T . It may hence be indicated that the constant C in (24) is uniformly
bounded with respect to T . However, in case where a sharp study is intended, the dependence of
the bounds on ((σN )k )1≤k≤N may be inferred from formula (26) where (σN )1 should be accurately
estimated with respect to T . A simple look at the Gershgorin-Hadamard bound on (µN )1 shows
that it decays toward zero when T comes close to zero. This means that the exact singular values
(σk )k∈Z is shifted toward zero for small T . This fact is expected as it indicates the higher difficulty
to realize the desired state yT in a shorter time T .

All the ingredients required to provide the main result involved with the ill-posedness degree of
the controllability of the one dimensional equation. We have the following

Theorem 4.2 The controllability problem (14) is severely ill posed.


It will be checked out numerically that it actually grows like N.

5 Solution of the Controllability Problem
The aim we are assigned here is to solve the controllability problem (14) in the context of Fourier
computations. Here we need to express the operator B in respect with the progressive heat equation.
Let then v be in L2 (0, T ), we set v(·) = v(T − ·). It comes out that
(Bv)(x) = (−1)k+1 k vd 2
(T ) (k ) sin(kx), in I.

We look for a Dirichlet control u that drives the solution yu from 0 at time t = 0 to a fixed state
yT ∈ L2 (I) at time t = T . Let us decompose the data yT ∈ L2 (I) as follows
yT (x) = (yT )k sin(kx) in I.

On account of the expression (19), we obtain the infinite family of equations on u that is

2 k+1 π (yT )k
(T ) (k ) = (−1) , ∀k ≥ 1. (27)
2 k
Recall that, in general, we look for the control u† that belongs to R(B ∗ ). Owing to the represen-
tation (4.2) of the functions in R(B ∗ ), we consider the following expansion
X 2
u† (t) = (u† )m e−m (T −t) , ∀t ∈ (0, T ).

Here, it was necessary to change t into (T − t) to take into account that we are controlling the
progressive equation. Plugging it into equation (27) yields that
X 1 − e−(k2 +m2 )T π (yT )k
(u† )m = (−1)k+1 , ∀k ≥ 1. (28)
k 2 + m2 2 k

The problem in the form (27) looks like the inversion of some discrete Laplace Transform or a
moment problem where the solution is compactly supported. It may be formally solved by means
of the biorthogonal basis related to (e−k t )k≥1 (see [24]). The point is that the formal expansion we
obtain for the solution u† will blow up exponentially fast. Here, in order to have a better insight
about what really happens we conduct explicit computations and use the inversion of some Cauchy
type matrices. This turn out to be possible when the controllability is aimed at a sufficiently long
horizon. We mean that T is large enough to justify the neglecting of the exponential terms in the
coefficients of (28). We are then left with the equation to solve which is somehow simpler
X 1 π (yT )k
(u† )m = (−1)k+1 , ∀k ≥ 1. (29)
k2 +m2 2 k

The methodology we follow consists first in realizing a truncation to a large cut-off N , solve the
finite dimensional square system and finally to pass formally to the limit. As things stand, the
finite dimensional system to tackle reads as
X 1 π (yT )k
(u† )m = (−1)k+1 , ∀1 ≤ k ≤ N. (30)
k2 +m2 2 k

The symmetric matrix involved in this system, denoted by CN = (ckm = 1/(k 2 + m2 ))1≤k,m≤N , is
a Cauchy matrix. The inverse (CN )−1 may be achieved explicitly. Indeed, we have that (see [27])

(CN )−1 = DN CN DN .

The matrix DN = diag (dk )1≤k≤N is diagonal and the entries are given by
QN k2
k2 m=1 (1 +
dk = m2 , ∀k(1 ≤ k ≤ N ).
QN k2
m=1,m6=k (1 − )
Now, for a large cut-off N ≈ ∞, we switch to infinite products. All calculations achieved(6 ), we
obtain the simplified closed form of those diagonal cœfficients,
dk = (−1)k k sinh(kπ), ∀k(1 ≤ k ≤ N ).
Returning to the inverse matrix CN = (c̃km )1≤k,m≤N , we obtain that
4 km
c̃km = dk ckm dm = 2
(−1)k+m 2 sinh(kπ) sinh(mπ), k, m ≥ 1.
π k + m2
All the ingredient are thus available to derive the coefficients (u† )k of the control u†
X (−1)m+1 4 X sinh(mπ)
(u† )k = c̃km (yT )m = 2 (−1)k+1 k sinh(kπ) (yT )m .
m π k 2 + m2
m≥1 m≥1

For u† to lie in L2 (I) , one has to check the bound given in the end of Remark 4.1, skipped over be-
cause the expression is pretty long. We limit ourselves to the following observation, that condition
requires a high regularity on that data yT . Intuitively, the subspace of reachable states appears
quiete shrunk (although dense) in L2 (I). Moreover, using this formula, we see that a small yT ,
assimilated to a noise, may produce a solution u† that blows up exponentially fast.

Remark 5.1 In a short horizon controllability, we observe that the matrix related to the truncated
system of (28) whose entries are
2 2
1 − e−(k +m )T
k 2 + m2

may be decomposed as the product of two matrices defined by

2T 2T
−k2 T ek − e−m
Diag (e )1≤k≤N , .
k 2 + m2
We use the well known infinite product formulae

sin(πζ) Y∞
= (1 − 2 ), ∀ζ ∈ R,
πζ m=1

sinh(πζ) Y∞
= (1 + 2 ), ∀ζ ∈ R.
πζ m=1

The first is diagonal and then easy to invert while the second is again a particular structured
matrix of Löewner type. Different processes do exist to compute its inverse either analytically or
numerically using some particular algorithms. Given that it would be long to expose either of both
methods we simply refer to [31].

Remark 5.2 Realizing similar calculations for the null-controllability yields a problem that looks
like equation (28). Recall that for the null-controllability the initial data is fixed to y0 while the
final target is yT = 0. The linear problem to solve on u† may be written as
X 1 − e−(k2 +m2 )T 2 (y0 )k
2 2
(u† )m = (−1)k+1 e−k T , ∀k ≥ 1.
k +m k

It may be put under the following form

X ek2 T − e−m2 T (y0 )k
2 2
(u† )m = (−1)k+1 , ∀k ≥ 1.
k +m k

In a compact form, it may be written as

QL∞ u† = −(Y0 )∞ .

The matrix Q is the diagonal one defined in Remark 4.4 and L∞ is the infinite Löewner matrix
provided in Remark 5.1. The null-controllability problem has been studied in details in [19], where
the well posedness and the observability estimate are stated. This result is to relate to the invertibility
of the infinite Löewner matrix (see [7]).

6 Numerical Realizations
In order to check these theoretical predictions, we run first some computational investigations of the
singular values (σk )k∈N of the operator B. We examine the truncated matrix BN = (bkm )1≤k,m≤N
for large values of N , corresponding to the restriction of BB ∗ to the N first Fourier modes. Their
eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of the truncation of B. Calculations are realized
in Matlab. Next, we consider the controllability problem where the target yT is a parabolic pro-
file. The control u† is obtained by the inversion of the Cauchy system addressed in Section 5 after

The first computations are accomplished when the cut-off N ranges from 5 to 24. The singular
values (σN )1≤k≤N are plotted in Figure 1 with different final times T = 10, 1, 0.1 and 0.01. Most
of them seem to spread towards zero when N grows higher. Although it is hardly perceptible
on these plots, the largest singular-values grow slowly towards infinity. In contrast, the smallest
ones decreases visually fast towards zero. Notice that when N exceeds 20, the lowest ones are
smaller than 10−8 and the accuracy suffers at that level. This might explain the clustering effect
observed on those singular values. Indeed, Matlab fails to approximate them and sends back

24 24

22 22

20 20

18 18

16 16

14 14

12 12

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2
4 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

24 24

22 22

20 20

18 18

16 16

14 14

12 12

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2
4 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Figure 1: Singular values of BN for various cut-offs N . The up-left diagram is for T = 10, the up-right for
T = 1, the down-left for T = 0.1 and the down-right for T = 0.01.

inaccurate values. To confirm these first trends, we depict in the right diagram of Figure 2, the
behavior of the largest singular value (σN )1 with respect to N for the two final times T = 1 and
T = 0.01. The shape of the curves and the (non-linear) regression suggests that (σN )1 behaves

rather like the upper bound predicted in (25) It grows up like N . In the left panel we represent
in a linear-logarithmic scale, the singular values (σN )N , (σN )N −2 and (σN )N −4 where T = 1. The
curves are close to straight lines which suggests that those singular values decay exponentially fast
with respect to N . A careful look at the plots yields that for a fixed k, the sequences ((σN )N −k )N

increases like N while the sequence ((σN )k )N decays exponentially fast toward zero for grow-
ing N . Another result confirmed by by numerical experimentation, we claim that an the fraction
of the singular values decays to zero is substantially more important than the fraction that grows
to infinity. Computations show that for kN = 0.1 × N , we have that (σN )kN decreases toward zero.
This indicates that more than nine-tenth of the singular values are small. Another feature may be
noted from those plots. When the final time T is smaller the set of the singular values is noticeably
shifted towards zero. For instance, if T = 0.01, even for N = 5, the couple of smaller singular
values ((σ5 )5 , (σ5 )5 ) are lower than 10−6 . This is in agreement with the intuition one has on the

higher difficulty to reach the target yT in a shorter time T .

(σ _N)_N
10 (σ _N)_(N - 2)
(σ _N)_(N - 4)

10 5

10 2 T=1
T = 0.01

-8 1
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 2: The left panel depicts the lowest singular values ((σ2 , (σN )N −4 ) of BN for various cut-offs N .
Observe that the lowest (σN )N becomes erratic with Matlab at N = 19. The largest singular value (σN )1
to the right.

We turn now to the effective solving of the controllability problem (28). Because of the exponen-
tial ill-conditioning of the truncated matrix, a crude inverting of it provides expectedly irrelevant
results. Indeed, any small (numerical) perturbations on the data yT or on the matrix entries may
have dramatic effects on the computations. Hence, to capture a reasonable control, a regularization
of the system is mandatory. We use the Tikhonov method by adding to the system a stabilizing
term so that we have to calculate the solution u†̺ of the following regularized equation

X 1 − e−(k2 +m2 )T π (yT )k

̺(u†̺ )k + 2 2
(u†̺ )m = (−1)k+1 , ∀k ≥ 1. (31)
k +m 2 k

The real-number ̺ > 0 has to be selected suitably and automatically. Some popular rules can be
used such as the Discrepancy Principle, the General Cross Validation or the L-Curve (see [5, 29]).
This issue is familiar in ill-posed problems and still feeds a lot of scientific work. Addressing it with
the necessary care is beyond our scope. Only, notice that the ideal choice is the one that realizes
a balancing between the accuracy and the stabilization of the numerical computation.
The plots of Figure 3 correspond to the computations obtained by attempting to realize a parabolic
profile. The target is then fixed to

yT (x) = x(π − x), ∀x ∈ [0, π].

The panel to the le left depicts the approximated states realized by three numerical simulations
where the regularization parameter ̺ is equal to 10−2 , 10−4 or 10−6 . The second choice ̺ = 10−4
seems the best as it results on a profile that is close to the very one we want to reach, even at
the vicinity of x = π. The first ̺ = 10−2 results in an over-regularization where the shape of the
computed profile suffer form lesser accuracy. Even if the profile realized by under regularization

̺ = 10−6 is closer to yT within a part of the domain I, it suffers clearly from an unacceptable
inaccuracy at the vicinity x = π. A look to the right panel where the controls are represented
confirms these observations. A under-regularization provokes useless energy expenses while an
over-regularization yields a decreasing in the amount of the energy to reach the target. To close,
we draw the attention to the fact that the smoothness of the control u† for t < T . The oscillations
around t = T suggest the presence of singularity at the final time. This is in accordance with
Remark 4.2.

3 y_T

rho = 1e-02

rho = 1e-02
40 rho = 1e-04
rho = 1e-04
rho = 1e-06
rho = 1e-06


0 -20

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

x t

Figure 3: The left panel depicts the exact final state yT = x(π − x) and those computed using Tikhonov
regularization with the parameter ̺. The right panel draw the corresponding controls.

7 Conclusion
The issue of ill-posedness of the Dirichlet boundary controllability of the heat equation arises tech-
nical difficulties because the linear control operator has two properties that are somehow “opposite”
to each other. One is the unboundedness that is responsible of the fact that a fraction of its singular
values grows to infinity. The other is connected with the compactness and produces small singular
values. The spectrum of that operator is therefore spread from zero to infinity. Conducting Fourier
computations reduces the point to the study of some particularly structured matrices. The analysis
of their singular values concludes to the severe ill-posedness of the problem. In fact, things happens
as if the control operator is a direct sum of two sub-operators, one has a compact resolvent and the
other is compact with an exponential compactness degree that is the corresponding singular values
decrease exponentially fast towards zero.

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