Example: Usufructs Constituted by A Vendee A Retro Terminate Upon Redemption
Example: Usufructs Constituted by A Vendee A Retro Terminate Upon Redemption
Example: Usufructs Constituted by A Vendee A Retro Terminate Upon Redemption
(1) Waiver: A voluntary surrender of the rights of the usufructuary, made by him with the
intent to surrender them.
(2) Limitations:
(a) Must be express: tacit renunciation is not sufficient;
(b) Does not need the consent of naked owner; and
(c) If made in fraud of creditors, they may rescind the waiver through an action
under Article 1381 (accion pauliana).
and may it any time and in a like manner transfer such lands from one class to another, for
the purposes of their government and disposition.
Section 7. For the purpose of the government and disposition of alienable or disposable
public lands, the Governor-General, upon recommendation by the Secretary of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, shall from time to time declare what lands are open to disposition
or concession under this, Act.
Section 8. Only those lands shall be declared open to disposition or concession which have
been officially delimited and classified and, when practicable, surveyed, and which have not
been reserved for public or quasi-public uses, not appropriated by the Government, nor in
any manner become private property, nor those on which a private right authorized and
recognized by this Act or any other valid law may be claimed, or which, having been
reserved or appropriated, have ceased to be so. However, the Governor-General may, for
reasons of public interest, declare lands of the public domain open to disposition before the
same have had their boundaries established or been surveyed, or may, for the same
reasons, suspend their concession or disposition by proclamation duly published or by Act
of the Legislature.
Section 9. For the purposes of their government and disposition, the lands of the public
domain alienable or open to disposition shall be classified, according to the use or purposes
to which such lands are destined, as follows:
(a) Agricultural
(d) Reservations for town sites, and for public and quasi-public uses.
Section 10. The words "alienation,'' "disposition," or "Concession" as used in this Act, shall
mean any of the methods authorized by this Act for the acquisition, lease, use or benefit of
the lands of the public domain other than timber or mineral lands.
The law clearly limits any usufruct constituted in favor of a corporation or association
to 50 years. A usufruct is meant only as a lifetime grant. Unlike a natural person, a
corporation or associations lifetime may be extended indefinitely. The usufruct would then
be perpetual. This is especially invidious in cases where the usufruct given to a corporation
or association covers public land. Proclamation No. 1670 was issued 19 September 1977, or
28 years ago. Hence, under Article 605, the usufruct in favor of MSBF has 22 years left.
MO 127 released approximately 50 hectares of the NHA property as reserved site for the
National Government Center. However, MO 127 does not affect MSBFs seven-hectare area
since under Proclamation No. 1670, MSBFs seven-hectare area was already exclude[d] from
the operation of Proclamation No. 481, dated October 24, 1968, which established the
National Government Center Site.