How To Select Knowledge Management Systems: A Framework To Support Managers
How To Select Knowledge Management Systems: A Framework To Support Managers
How To Select Knowledge Management Systems: A Framework To Support Managers
How to Select
Knowledge Management Systems:
A Framework to Support Managers
Regular Paper
DOI: 10.5772/56003
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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide a 1. Introduction
methodological framework which could support
managers in the selection of Knowledge Management In recent years, Knowledge Management (KM) has
Systems. The framework is based on the Analytic become a significant issue both in the relevant literature
Hierarchy Process approach. Several aspects should and in practice. Companies have strived to manage
draw the attention of an organization’s upper level of knowledge more efficiently, the primary aim of this being
management seeking to implement a Knowledge the improvement of performance by gaining a
Management System and many specific issues have to competitive advantage [1‐5]. Knowledge is referred to as
be considered. As such, the framework has been built the sum of information ‐ facts, procedures, concepts,
by making use of an ad‐hoc hierarchical structure, interpretations, ideas, observations and/or judgments ‐
where each singular specificity is described and that human beings can process and store in their minds
compared, second‐order criteria are studied and [6,7]. However, this definition encompasses not only the
analysed, and optional decisions are highlighted and knowledge contained in individualsʹ minds, but also the
evaluated. This methodological framework offers a information existing inside single and networked
good applicability to different business contexts, since organizations [8‐11]. Thus, one of the most relevant issues
its hierarchical arrangement suits most of the needs of that organizations have to cope with is that of setting up a
numerous organizations. Consequently, it can be structure for systematizing information and
regarded as a holistic approach able to assist decision communication and making knowledge storable and
makers in their Knowledge Management System shareable effectively.
selection process.
Today the competition between companies of a global
Keywords Knowledge Management, Knowledge scale requires that knowledge be managed efficiently so
Management Systems, Analytic Hierarchy Process as to get the competitive advantage necessary to succeed.
Most enterprises have acknowledged that codifying, to develop new opportunities. KM represents the efforts
sharing and applying this knowledge to their of an organization to make knowledge available within
environment will benefit the organization. Since the its boundaries, in order to increase the performance of the
development of firms‘ intangible assets is strongly linked employees and the organization [23]. Therefore, the main
to their competitive strategy, and what’s more, the goal of KMs is that of creating, collecting and converting
adopted strategy is a direct consequence of managerial individuals‘ knowledge in order to add value to the
decisions related to external contexts, managers‘ organization [2,24]. KM can be seen as a systematic
perceptions should shape knowledge resources by discipline and a set of approaches which enable
exploiting intangible assets in the organization [12‐17]. information and knowledge to grow, flow and generate
The task of selecting the most appropriate KMS seems to value in an organization. In the definitions mentioned
be not a very easy one. Most companies have failed in above, there is clear evidence that KM appears as a
their KM implementation plans when trying to find a guiding force inside the organization which develops and
business process to adopt for it [14,18]. Thus, it is of the creates organic and holistic approaches showing the
utmost importance to delineate all the necessary business usefulness and the key role of knowledge processes.
processes as the first step by selecting those KMS criteria
which could lead to the successful implementation of the It is well known that ICT is important in contributing to
system. For this purpose, strategic considerations by the success of KM, since ICT facilitates many of the
managers have proven to be of the utmost importance in technology and people‐based activities. However, it is
choosing a KMS. In fact, if the top management are aware important to highlight that effective KM practices are not
of the context in which the KMS will be implemented always encouraged by innovative technology. According
they must be in thorough agreement with the to Alavi and Leidner [25], technology supports and
achievement of the mission and goals established by the enhances the primary organizational processes of
business strategies [19]. knowledge generation, codification, sharing and
implementation. Indeed, the spread of ICT has increased
Most of the literature to date has addressed these the ability of firms to accelerate the emergence of a new
questions by evaluating only a few KMSs [20,21]. The economic, organizational and technological context
research work presented here aims to fill this gap by referred to as the knowledge‐based economy [26]. As
providing a comprehensive study of the most widespread argued by Bloodgood and Salisbury [27], ICT applications
KMSs on the software market. have enabled firms to select and incorporate knowledge
processes regularly. At the same time, the strategic
The further aim of the paper is to propose a integration of IT tools has fostered business policies and
methodological framework, which adopts a multi‐criteria business processes based on intellectual capital [28,29].
approach, in order to analyse and compare KMSs by
making use of pair‐wise comparisons among the criteria 2.2 Knowledge management systems
that affect the selection process of a suitable KMS.
KMSs are systematic approaches to managing
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the organizational knowledge through ICT. KMSs include
existing literature regarding KM, KMS, and KMS intranets, document and content management systems,
selection features. Section 3 illustrates the analytic workflow management systems, business intelligence
hierarchy process (AHP) building processes by defining tools, visualization tools, groupware and e‐learning
the criteria, the sub‐criteria and the alternatives within systems.
the hierarchical structure. Section 4 describes in detail
how to apply the proposed framework. Finally, KMS integrates an extensive range of tools [30]. The goal
conclusions are drawn in Section 5. of KMS is not to manage all the existing knowledge inside
the organization, but to manage the right selected
2. Literature review knowledge and make it readily available to help people
create, store and share it inside the organization: in this
2.1 Knowledge management way individual and organizational performance can be
improved [31].
Most of the several existing comprehensive definitions of
KM refer to the ability of organizations to create, acquire,
In the following section, the most widely diffused
store, maintain and spread their knowledge. Different
typologies of KMSs are described.
perspectives and a variety of approaches characterize the
study of KM. Quintas et al. [22] feature KM as a process 2.2.1 Document Management System (DMS)
by which different types of knowledge are continually
handled to meet existing and emerging needs, to identify In [32] Wakayama et al. (1998) identified the main
and exploit existing and acquired knowledge assets, and business process enablers within an organization. Besides Marco Greco, Michele Grimaldi and Musadaq Hanandi: How to Select Knowledge 3
Management Systems: A Framework to Support Managers
Knowledge transfer Collaboration and communication
The knowledge transfer process matters in the Within organizations, collaborating in solving problems,
distribution of knowledge among members of an sharing knowledge, discussion, and teamwork create a
organization. Knowledge transfer is a more complex significant amount of knowledge assets. Collaboration
process than a mere communication, since knowledge and communication create knowledge and make it
resides in members of an organization, tools, tasks, and possible to share it through any proposed KMS [56]. By
their sub‐networks and is mainly tacit or hard to express. means of a KMS, information should be revealed and
Knowledge management has no value if created could be successively managed and shared in the
knowledge cannot be used to its full potential. organization or among users within the organization
environment. In addition, a KMS could store and update
Knowledge diffusion the knowledge inventory by means of real‐time features,
such as chat and video conferences, as tools for
The last sub‐criterion is knowledge diffusion, which is
information dissemination [57].
considered a result of successful knowledge sharing and
user innovation within the organization. Knowledge Integration
diffusion involves knowledge re‐creation, production and
value‐adding processes, by means of contextualization, Integration describes the ability to integrate and use
projecting and compacting activities. different KMSs as an additional assistance giving internal
and external users the means to facilitate the creation, process of a KMS provider. In addition, the quality of
storage and sharing of knowledge within an organization implementation and consulting services are particularly
[58]. important if the decision maker lacks previous experience
in KMS. As proposed in [10], the best way to improve the
Tracking and Monitoring productive processes and exploit the benefits of
collaboration is to capture the suggestions obtained by
This feature refers to the application of automated
communication and partnerships with suppliers, thus
communication and information processes which control
ensuring a high rate of quality and efficiency in delivery
and monitor users‘ behaviour in sharing and transferring
time [59].
the accumulated knowledge base [57,58].
3. The framework used in selecting a KMS
2.3.4 Stakeholder satisfaction
Some elements have to be taken into consideration during
Another aspect to be taken into account is stakeholders’
the process of selecting the most appropriate KMS [60]. A
and employees’ satisfaction in terms of customer impact
preliminary analysis is necessary to characterize the
and human resource development, and shareholder
business activities that the system is going to serve. Then,
perspective in terms of profit.
it is necessary to focus on the requirements the KMS
should fulfil. The result of the analysis should indicate
Stakeholder satisfaction should be considered as an
the most important features and the general set‐up of the
important part of managerial decisions. This feature can
selected KMS. The appropriate KMSs which meet the
be subdivided into the following perspectives: customers,
criteria from the previous analyses should be identified
employees, shareholders and suppliers.
successively. However, it is possible that the software
Customers market is not able to provide a solution that satisfies all
the company‘s requirements. In that event, the company
In today‘s competitive markets, the definition and should select the most appropriate KMS by evaluating to
maintenance of good relationships with customers is one what extent it satisfies their absolute requirements.
of the most important strategies for every organization.
Customers should be considered as central actors in the The decision‐making process can be supported by multi‐
organization: after their opinions and suggestions, the criteria techniques. The Analytic Hierarchy Process
company can redesign and improve production and sales (AHP) is the method that best reflects judgments based
processes. Customer relations management, when on opinions and emotion, and that best prioritizes
integrated with the right technology, plays an important preferences for different alternatives by expressing their
role in capturing organizational knowledge and using it ranking [61,62]. Moreover, the structure and modality of
to obtain a competitive advantage. AHP ensures that all the desired specifications are
included in the decision process according to the decision
maker‘s perspective.
Human resources are considered a key factor in the
3.1 The Analytic Hierarchy Process
success of any enterprise. Furthermore, in the context of
KM, the employees are considered the key players in The AHP, originally introduced by Saaty [63], is a
creating, sharing and capturing knowledge inside the flexible, structured technique for dealing with complex
organization. Thus, the right KMS should help companies decisions. It is aimed at breaking down different choices
create, share, and codify existing knowledge. arising within a hierarchical structure consisting of goal,
criteria, sub‐criteria and alternatives.
The use of existing knowledge within an enterprise gives AHP structures the decision hierarchy from the top,
the companyʹs activities added value in terms of cost where the goal of the decision maker is placed, passing
reduction, time management, human resources through the intermediate levels (criteria and sub‐criteria
development, new product development and the sharing on which subsequent elements depend) to the lowest
of knowledge among workers. This sub‐criterion analyses level (which usually is a set of the alternatives). The
these factors from the point of view of profitability and alternatives are placed at the bottom level of the
earnings [57]. hierarchy. The criteria and their attributes are shown in
the middle levels of the hierarchy showing the evaluation
Suppliers process. Figure 1 illustrates the goal element, criteria,
attributes and alternatives.
Reputation, service and support orientation play a vital
role in selecting a KMS and are considered important
factors in guiding the decision maker during the selection Marco Greco, Michele Grimaldi and Musadaq Hanandi: How to Select Knowledge 5
Management Systems: A Framework to Support Managers
o Integration
o Tracking and Monitoring
‐ Cost reduction
o Capital expenditures
o Operating expenditures
‐ Stakeholder satisfaction
o Customers
o Employees
Figure 1. The generic hierarchical structure of AHP
o Shareholders
3.2 The hierarchical structure for selecting KMS o Suppliers
Figure 2. The complete hierarchical structure for selecting KMS
4. Application of AHP framework Specifically, the computation of the weights is made by
asking the importance of each component with respect to
Once the hierarchical structure has been defined, it is each of the others, at a peer level. The verbal responses
possible to start implementing the AHP in order to are then quantified and translated into a score using the
calculate the relative weighting of each component of the nine‐point scale shown in Table 1.
hierarchy. Then, the obtained weights are aggregated and
synthesized for the final measurement of given decision To do this, a pair‐wise comparison matrix is created for
alternatives. each level of the hierarchy. In each pair‐wise comparison
matrix (Table 2), rows and columns of the pair‐wise
In the hierarchy, criteria, sub‐criteria, and alternatives are comparison matrix are allocated to the components
independent components, so that AHP is enough to belonging to the same parent component in the decision
calculate their weights with respect to their parent hierarchy. The weight of component ʺiʺ compared to
components. To do this, all the elements at the same level component ʺjʺ (aij) with regard to the parent component is
are pair‐wise compared using the ratio scales 1,3,5,7 and 9 determined using Saaty’s scale and assigned to the (i, j)th
as Saaty suggested in [64]. position of the pair‐wise comparison matrix [64].
Automatically, the reciprocal of the assigned number is
Rating Definition assigned to the (j, i)th position. This procedure is repeated
9 Extremely preferred
for all the criteria, sub‐criteria and alternatives.
8 Very strongly to extremely
7 Very strongly preferred
i j … …
6 Strongly to very strongly
I 1 ai,j
5 Strongly preferred
j 1
4 Moderately to strongly
… 1
3 Moderately preferred
… 1
2 Equally to moderately
1 Equally preferred Table 2. Pair‐wise Comparison Matrix
Table 1. The scale of judgments
Survey to select KMS
9 7 5 9 7 5 3 3 1 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9
With regard to the selection process of KMS:
Knowledge impact is preferred over Application
Cost reduction is preferred over Knowledge impact
Stakeholder satisfaction is preferred over Cost reduction
Application preferred over Cost reduction
Stakeholder satisfaction is preferred over Application
With regard to criteria Knowledge impact:
Knowledge creation preferred over Knowledge accumulation
Knowledge accumulation is preferred over Knowledge transfer
Knowledge transfer is preferred over Knowledge diffusion
Knowledge diffusion is preferred over Knowledge creation
Knowledge accumulation is preferred over Knowledge diffusion
Knowledge creation is preferred over Knowledge transfer
With regard to criteria Application:
Personalization preferred over Collaboration and Communication
Tracking and Monitoring is preferred over Integration
Integration is preferred over Personalization
Personalization is preferred over Tracking and Monitoring
Collaboration and Communication is preferred over Integration
Collaboration and Communication is preferred over Tracking and
With regard to criteria Cost reduction:
Capital expenditures preferred over Operating expenditures
With regard to criteria Stakeholder satisfaction:
Customers preferred over Employees
Shareholders is preferred over Suppliers
Customers is preferred over Suppliers
Shareholders is preferred over Employees
Suppliers is preferred over Employees
Shareholders is preferred over Customers
Figure 3. The survey to select KMS Marco Greco, Michele Grimaldi and Musadaq Hanandi: How to Select Knowledge 7
Management Systems: A Framework to Support Managers
Broadly, the survey illustrated in Figure 3 synthesizes the The paper proposes a framework to support the decision
questions that managers are asked to answer with regard makers in selecting the most appropriate KMS according
to criteria and sub‐criteria. The relative weights of the to its criteria and attributes. Among the selected criteria
criteria and the sub‐criteria are estimated by calculating and sub‐criteria, the paper suggests features that
the eigenvalues for their judgment matrixes with these characterize the KMS by its capabilities of analysing the
relative weights aggregated. knowledge processes, the economic aspect, the
implementation troubles, and the stakeholders’
Then, managers are asked to pair‐wise compare all the participation. Unfortunately, many factors can create
alternatives (DMS, e‐LP, VHRMS, KPS, DSS, CRMS, serious obstacles and challenges and must be addressed
SCMS) with regard to all the sub‐criteria of every criteria properly to facilitate the implementation of a KMS. In
(knowledge, application, cost reduction and stakeholder fact, rigid organizational hierarchies, cultural acceptance,
satisfaction). staff resistance and the overlapping of initiatives can go
up against the implementation of a KMS. Accordingly,
Once all the pair‐wise comparison matrixes are formed before going through with the selection process, it is
and filled by managers, the weights of components are mandatory to fully understand the current utilized
calculated by solving the eigenvector of the pair‐wise system, the organizational context and the limitations of
comparison matrix. In this way, by making use of the both of them. In order to overcome all these kinds of
AHP methodology, the weights are synthesized for the impediments the proposed framework is based on the
final measurement of the given decision alternatives. AHP approach. The AHP methodology is able to take on
The selection and the decision are based on the alternative the above mentioned aspects during the decision process.
KMS with the highest weight. The data analysis of the It is considered as a comprehensive approach for the
aforementioned questionnaire can be based on Expert evaluation and synthesis of elementary criteria, based on
Choice 11™, in order to calculate and synthesize the multi‐criteria evaluation and pair‐wise comparison. As a
weights of the AHP hierarchy components for the final consequence of the intuitive nature of the process and its
measurement of the given alternatives [65, 66]. power in solving complex problems, the AHP is one of
the most widely used methods where both qualitative
In order to validate the performance of the proposed and quantitative aspects of decisions are taken into
framework, several applications have been implemented. consideration among the given alternatives. The criteria
Individual interviews have been conducted to test the described in this paper as well as the acknowledgement
framework within specific contexts, such as: the of the environment deriving from the survey during the
departments of the university where the authors of the application of the framework make KMS one of the more
paper work, some research laboratories and companies suitable tools to support managers during the process of
that are partners of the universities of the authors. From selecting a KMS.
this validation process, some considerations have emerged.
Firstly, the framework has a reasonable application time of Finally, though the proposed framework has confirmed
about two hours. Secondly, the framework has shown to be its usefulness and viability in the interviews conducted in
easily implementable after a concise theoretical explanation the validation phase, it is important to consider the
of the building concepts of the framework. Finally, at the limitations that could characterize the framework. Firstly,
end of each interview, it appeared evident that the the proposed framework could be not generalizable in
implementation of the framework had allowed the every organizational context. In fact, particular needs or a
interviewed manager to recognize and identify their specific context could induce the necessity of modifying
particular needs with regards to KMS and, consequently, and customizing the hierarchical structure, in terms of
to select the most appropriate KMS. criteria sub‐criteria and alternatives. Secondly, the
necessity of first explaining to the interviewed managers
5. Conclusions and implications the AHP procedure and the theoretical concept of the
framework could represent a limitation in the application.
Rapid technological advances and market
Finally, as in each AHP‐based framework, it may suffer
competitiveness have compelled organizations to
from the inconsistency of judgments by managers thus
improve their strategic capabilities by implementing
making a moderator necessary in order to apply the
KMSs. In this context, organizations are strongly
methodology properly.
recommended to select a KMS characterized by having
capabilities ready for modification or change in order to 6. References
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