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A project report is submitted in partial

Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree of Master of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

JUNE 2013


In the power grid system, the ultimate goals are to transmit power with high power
quality and power factor, economical and low risk of system failure. The ever
increasing of power demands and loads especially non-linear loads making the power
system network become complex to operate and the system becomes insecure with
large power flows without adequate control. Renewable energy sources, which are
expected to be a promising alternative energy source, can bring new challenges when
connected to the power grid system. However, the generated power from renewable
energy source is always fluctuating due to environmental conditions. In the same
way, wind power source injection into an electric grid affects the power quality due
to the fluctuation nature of the wind and the comparatively new types of its
generators panel. One way to introduce power system control is by applying
controller known as FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) controllers.
STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) and SSSC (Static Synchronous
Series Compensator) is one of the FACTS controllers and can be introduced to the
power system to regulate terminal voltage and to improve system’s stability and
power quality. The FACTS devices (STATCOM and SSSC) control scheme for the
grid connected with wind energy generation system is simulated using
MATLAB/PSAT in power system block set. By using IEEE 14 bus power system
network, the effectiveness of STATCOM and SSSC are tested by applying the
controller at the critical location of the power system.


Dalam sistem grid kuasa, matlamat utama adalah untuk menghantar kuasa dengan
kualiti kuasa dan faktor kuasa yang tinggi, ekonomi dan risiko yang rendah daripada
kegagalan sistem. Permintaan kuasa dan beban yang semakin meningkat terutama
beban bukan linear membuat rangkaian sistem kuasa menjadi kompleks untuk
dikendalikan dan sistem menjadi tidak selamat dengan aliran kuasa besar tanpa
kawalan yang mencukupi. Sumber-sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui, yang dijangka
menjadi sumber tenaga alternatif berpotensi tinggi, boleh membawa cabaran baru
apabila disambung kepada sistem grid kuasa. Walau bagaimanapun, kuasa yang
dijana daripada sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui adalah sentiasa berubah-ubah
disebabkan oleh keadaan alam sekitar. Dengan cara yang sama, sumber kuasa angin
yang disuntik ke dalam grid elektrik akan menjejaskan kualiti kuasa kerana
disebabakan ketidakstabilan angin dan panel penjana yang baru. Salah satu cara ialah
dengan memperkenalkan sistem kawalan kuasa dengan fungsi pengawal dikenali
sebagai pengawal FACTS (Fleksibel Sistem Penghantaran AC). STATCOM (Static
Synchronous Compensator) and SSSC (Static Synchronous Series Compensator)
adalah salah satu pengawal FACTS yang digunakan di dalam sistem kuasa untuk
mengawal voltan terminal dan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan sistem serta kualiti
kuasa. Kawalan peranti FACTS (STATCOM dan SSSC) untuk grid bagi sistem
penjanaan tenaga angin disimulasi menggunakan MATLAB / PSAT dalam sistem
kuasa set blok. Dengan menggunakan IEEE 14 bas rangkaian sistem kuasa,
keberkesanan STATCOM dan SSSC diuji dengan menggunakan pengawal di lokasi
sistem kuasa yang kritikal.


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Research Hypothesis 3
1.4 Project Objectives 3
1.5 Project Scopes 4
1.6 Report Outline 4
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Power Flow 6
2.3 Introduction to FACTS Controllers 8
2.3.1 Theory of FACTS Controllers 8
2.3.2 Operation and Control of FACTS Controller 9
2.4 Introduction to STATCOM 11
2.4.1 Function of STATCOM 12
2.4.2 Operation of STATCOM 12
2.4.3 Circuit Configuration of STATCOM 14
2.4.4 Advantages of STATCOM 15

2.5 Introduction to SSSC 16

2.5.1 Function of SSSC 18
2.5.2 Operation of SSSC 18
2.5.3 Advantages of SSSC 19
2.6 Introduction to UPFC 20
2.6.1 Function of UPFC 20
2.6.2 Operation of UPFC 21
2.7 Previous Studies 22
2.8 Chapter Summary 24
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 IEEE 14-Bus Test System 25
3.3 Data Sampling 26
3.4 The Determination of Location of FACTS
Controllers 29
3.4.1 The Performance of Series Connected FACTS
Controllers 29
3.4.2 The Performance of Shunt Connected FACTS
Controllers 30
3.4.3 The Performance of Shunt-Series Connected
FACTS Controllers 30
3.5 Summarized Flow Chart 30
3.6 Chapter Summary 32
4.1 Introduction 33
4.2 Simulation of Base Case Wind Integration
System without FACTS Controllers 33
4.3 Simulation of Wind Integration System with
STATCOM and SSSC Using Testing Method 1 38
4.4 Simulation of Wind Integration System with
STATCOM and SSSC Using Testing Method 2 43
4.5 Simulation of Wind Integration System with
UPFC Using Testing Method 3 48

4.6 Summarization of Simulation Results 53

4.7 Chapter Summary 54
5.1 Project Conclusion 55
5.2 Achievements of Project 56
5.3 Recommendation 56



1.1 Introduction

Centralized power generation system faces a shortage of main energy sources (fossil
fuels). Lenght of the transmission line is one of the main causes of electrical power
losses. Therefore, the emphasis on the integration of renewable energy systems to the
grid, able to lead to energy efficiency and emission reduction. With the increase of
the renewable energy penetration to the grid, power quality of the medium to low
voltage power transmission system is becoming a major area of interest.
Most of the integration of renewable energy systems to the grid performed
with the aid of power electronic converters. The main purpose of the power
electronic converter is to integrate distributed generation to the grid power factor
standards. However, high switching frequency inverter can inject additional
harmonics to the system, creating major power quality problems if not carried out
correctly [1].
Custom Power Devices (CPD) like Shunt Active Power Filter (STATCOM or
SVC), Series Active Power Filter (SSSC or TCSC), Combination of series and shunt
Active Power Filter, (UPFC) are the latest development of interfacing devices
between distribution supply and consumer appliances to overcome voltage/current
disturbances and improve the power quality by compensating the reactive and
harmonic power generated or absorbed by the load. Solar and wind are the most
promising distributed generation sources and their penetration level to the grid is also
on the rise. Although the benefits of distributed generation includes voltage support,

diversification of power sources, reduction in transmission and distribution losses

and improved reliability, power quality problems are also of growing concern [2].
The development of hybrid Custom Power Devices (CPD) in the power
systems in grid is another solution to fix the issue of power quality and power
stability especially in power factor. This system will be able to detect, analyze and
respond to various perturbations for main energy source and renewable energy
source by integrating intelligent devices, advance control methods and digital
telecommunications on electrical bus networks.
This concept is the outcome of advanced technology and regulation from
various stakeholders who are concerned with demand-side management and
increased usage of Renewable Energy Source (RES). This system development is
underway and is expected to be dynamic, reliable, flexible, diverse and fully
controlled. This new scenario will enable power operators to maximize the power
quality, such as in Total Harmonic Distortion (THDi), Power Factor (PF), current and
voltage balancing. Further, this system meets environmental targets and enables the
power system to become more flexible to support plug-in distributed generation.

1.2 Problem Statement

Nowadays, the increasing of power demand and loads especially non linear loads
making the power system network become more complex to operate. The system
becomes insecure with large power flows without adequate control. To overcome
these issues, a hybrid system; combination main energy source, renewable energy
source and Custom Power Devices (CPD) should be created and applied in the power
grid. Then the system should be injected with Flexible AC Transmission System
(FACTS) controllers to improve their power quality, power factor and voltage
stability. Ideally, these new controllers should be able to control voltage level and
improve system’s stability by applying at the critical location.

Figure 1.1: Example of control system topology [1].

1.3 Research Hypothesis

In the power system, power factor plays a very important role because it can affect
the total cost of electricity. The higher the power factor, the higher the efficiency,
thus was providing significant cost savings. Many advantages will be gained if the
power factor in power systems increases, which can reduce energy and distribution
costs; lower distribution losses in the electricity system; higher voltage regulation
and better quality. In addition, improved power factor will increase the efficiency of
the equipment and help the equipment lasts longer, at the same time reduce the
electricity costs. So, the Custom Power Devices (CPD) should be researched to
overcome this problem.

1.4 Project Objectives

This project will be implemented based on the main objectives as expressed below:
i. To develop novel method to analyze the positioning tolerances of the CPD
and the posterior application of that method to the CPD.
ii. To conceptualize the technically and economically optimal realization of
future large scale CPD.

iii. To propose a model to evaluate parabolic troughs of a functioning prototype

to test and validate the model.
iv. To form new criteria and development of new methods for coordinating
control of CPD.

1.5 Project Scopes

This project will be conducted under the scope of review set out below:
i. To develop novel method to analyze the positioning tolerances of the CPD
and the posterior application of that method to the CPD by MATLAB/PSAT
ii. To conceptualize the technically and economically optimal realization of
future large scale CPD by using FACTS controllers.
iii. To propose a model to evaluate parabolic troughs of a functioning prototype
to test and validate the model by using IEEE 14-bus test system.
iv. To form new criteria and development of new methods for coordinating
control of CPD by using STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC.

The main goal of this project is to improve the power quality and efficiency
of power grid system especially in power factor while reducing the losses.

1.6 Report Outline

Chapter 1 contained about overviewed of overall of this project, objective of doing

this project, scope of project description, and the problem statement regarding to this
Chapter 2 consist of basic information and literature review that been read. It
contains of review of the technical paper written by expertises that have been taken
from website and also books. Literature review is crucial for every thesis not only to
support the proposed title but also for guidelines and references on the conducted
Chapter 3 represent about the analysis approach that involve in this research.
It also included the procedures and the tools that used in the analysis which is

Chapter 4 states the result and the analysis made from the research and the
discussion during the research done. Every result from the simulation are stated,
analyzed and explained briefly.
Chapter 5 contains the project discussions and conclusion of overall project
by state the final result that gained from the project. Future recommendations also
stated in order to improve this project in the future undertakings.



2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the basic information and working principle of the FACTS controllers
would be discussed. It would also include brief overview of the power flow analysis.
Lastly, the reviews of related work would also be included.

2.2 Power Flow

Power flow study, also known as load-flow study, is an important tool involving
numerical analysis applied to a power system. A power flow study usually uses
simplified notation such as a one-line diagram and per-unit system, and focuses on
various forms of AC power (i.e.: voltages, voltage angles, real power and reactive
power). It analyzes the power systems in normal steady-state operation. A number of
software implementations of power flow studies exist.
In addition to a power flow study, sometimes called the base case, many
software implementations perform other types of analysis, such as short-circuit fault
analysis, stability studies (transient & steady-state), unit commitment and economic
load dispatch analysis. In particular, some programs use linear programming to find
the optimal power flow, the conditions which give the lowest cost per kilowatthour

Power flow or load-flow studies are important for planning future expansion
of power systems as well as in determining the best operation of existing systems.
The principal information obtained from the power flow study is the magnitude and
phase angle of the voltage at each bus, and the real and reactive power flowing in
each line.
Load flow studies are performed using computer software that simulates
actual steady-state power system operating conditions, enabling the evaluation of bus
voltage profiles, real and reactive power flow and losses. Conducting a load flow
study using multiple scenarios helps ensure that the power system is adequately
designed to satisfy the performance criteria. A properly designed system helps
contain initial capital investment and future operating costs. Load flow studies are
commonly used to investigate:
i. the component or circuit loading
ii. the bus voltage profiles
iii. the real and reactive power flow
iv. the power system losses
v. the proper transformer tap settings

The goal of a power flow study is to obtain complete voltage angle and
magnitude information for each bus in a power system for specified load and
generator real power and voltage conditions. Once of this information is known, real
and reactive power flow on each branch as well as generator reactive power output
can be analytically determined.
Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem, numerical methods are employed
to obtain a solution that is within an acceptable tolerance. The solution to the power
flow problem begins with identifying the known and unknown variables in the
system. The known and unknown variables are dependent on the type of bus. A bus
without any generators connected to it is called a Load Bus. With one exception, a
bus with at least one generator connected to it is called a Generator Bus. The
exception is one arbitrarily-selected bus that has a generator. This bus is referred to
as the Slack Bus [3].

For assessing the impact of the STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC in controlling
the grid voltage, power flow study is necessary. Moreover, in the planning stage, to
determine the ratings of the STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC, among others, repeated
load flow studies are carried out. Also, in a stability study, load flow solution is
required to establish the initial operating point. Thus, power flow studies are indeed
one of the most fundamental studies necessary to be carried out before implementing
any STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC in a power system.

2.3 Introduction to FACTS Controllers

Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) is a power electronic based system that

provides control of one or more AC transmission system parameters to enhance
controllability and increase power transfer capability [4]. There are 3 types of
FACTS controller, which are namely shunt, series and shunt-series.
The shunt connected FACTS controllers could be used to improve the voltage
profile of a specific bus, improve the transient stability and power oscillation
damping. Some examples of the shunt connected FACTS controllers are Static VAR
Compensator (SVC) and the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) [5].
The series connected FACTS controller could improve the voltage stability
limit, increase the transient stability margin, power oscillation damping and sub-
synchronous oscillation damping [6]. Some examples of the series FACTS
controllers are Thyristor Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC), Thyristor-Controlled
Series Capacitor (TCSC) and Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC).
The shunt-series connected FACTS controller provides multifunctional
flexibility required to solve many of the problems facing by the power delivery
industry. Some examples of shunt-series connected FACTS Controllers are Unified
Power Flow Controller (UPFC) and Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) [7].

2.3.1 Theory of FACTS Controllers

The shunt connected FACTS controller utilizes the basic principle of the steady state
transmittable power and the voltage profile along the line could be controlled by
appropriate reactive shunt compensation. When connected to an ac power source,
capacitors generate while the reactors (or inductors) absorb the reactive power. These

VAR generator and absorber would be used with mechanical switches for controlling
the VAR generation and absorption [8]. There are three types of shunt connected
FACTS controllers actually, in which there are called variable impedance (or
reactance to be exact) type, switching converter type and the hybrid type.
The series connected FACTS controller uses the basic principle of the
cancellation of a portion of the reactive line impedance could increase the
transmittable power. This is due to the fact that AC power transmission over long
lines was primarily limited by the series reactive impedance of the line. The series
capacitive compensation basically to decrease the overall effective series
transmission impedance from the sending end to the receiving end [8, 9].
In series connected FACTS controllers, there are divided into two types,
namely the variable impedance type series compensator and switching converter type
series compensator. The main concepts of the series connected FACTS controller are
actually quite similar to the shunt connected FACTS controller, except for the series
compensator, is a reciprocal of the shunt compensator [8, 9].
For the combinational shunt-series connected FACTS Controllers combines
the main principles of the shunt and series connected FACTS Controllers. It able to
control, simultaneously or selectively, all the parameters affecting the power flow in
the transmission line, that are impedance, voltage and the phase angle [10].

2.3.2 Operation and Control of FACTS Controller

All of FACTS controllers have a converter based which is Voltage-Source

Converters (VSC). A basic building block of any VSC is the three phase converter
bridge. One is commonly known configuration for a three phase bridge is shown in
Figure 2.1. The bridge has two DC terminals indicated by “+” sign and “-” sign in
the Figure 2.1 and three AC terminals “~” in the mid points of the converter legs. By
controlling the states of switches in the legs we can produce arbitrary voltage
waveforms at the AC terminals.

Figure 2.1: A three phase converter bridge-the basic building block of a Voltage
Source Converters [8].

When a VSC is interfaced to a transmission system it has to operate at the

line frequency and to produce a balanced set of sinusoidal voltages. Therefore, a
VSC coupled to the transmission system has only two control degrees of freedom; it
can vary the magnitude and the phase angle of its output voltage relative to the
system voltage [8].
These two control degrees of freedom can be mapped to exchange active and
reactive power with the transmission system. The amount of exchanged reactive
power is limited only by the current capacity of the converter switches, while the
active power coupled to (from) the line has to be supplied from (delivered to) the DC
terminals, as shown symbolically in Figure 2.2 [8].

Figure 2.2: A VSC interfaced to a transmission line- P and Q exchange [8].

Among the main functions of FACTS devices that can enhance the flexibility
and increase the security of a power system are phase shifting; which is realized by
injecting a voltage in series into the power system, voltage support by means of shunt
device and line impedance adaption by means of series devices.

2.4 Introduction to STATCOM

STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) or known as ASVG (Advanced

Static Var Generator) is a solid-state voltage source inverter that is coupled with a
transformer and connected to a transmission line. A STATCOM injects an almost
sinusoidal current, of variable magnitude, at the point of connection. It is based on
the principle that a voltage-source inverter generates a controllable AC voltage
source behind a transformer-leakage reactance so that the voltage difference across
the reactance produces active and reactive power exchange between the STATCOM
and the transmission network. The function of a STATCOM model is based on how
it’s regulating the reactive current flow through it. This property is useful for
regulating the line voltage [4, 5, 8, 11]

2.4.1 Function of STATCOM

A STATCOM is basically a DC-AC voltage source inverter with an energy storage

unit, usually a DC capacitor and operates as a controlled Synchronous Voltage
Source (SVS) connected to the line through a coupling transformer as shown in
Figure 2.3 [4, 8].

Figure 2.3: Schematic configuration of STATCOM diagram [8].

The STATCOM is a shunt reactive power compensating electronic device

that generates AC voltage, which intern causes a current of variable magnitude at the
point of connection. This injected current is almost in quadrature with the line
voltage, thereby emulating an inductive or a capacitive reactance at the point of
connection with the transmission line. The functionality of the STATCOM model is
verified by regulating the reactive current flow through it. This is useful to generate
or absorb reactive power for regulating the line voltage of the bus where the
STATCOM is connected [4, 5, 8, 13].

2.4.2 Operation of STATCOM

The principle of control reactive power via STATCOM is well known that the
amount of type (capacitive or inductive) of reactive power exchange between the
STATCOM and the system can be adjusted by controlling the magnitude of
STATCOM output voltage with respect to that of system voltage. When Q is
positive, the STATCOM supplies reactive power and when the Q is negative, the
STATCOM absorbs reactive power from the system. Reactive power generation was
achieved by charging and discharging the energy storage capacitor [4, 5, 8, 13]. The
reactive power supplied by the STATCOM is given by this equation.


Q = Reactive power.
VSTATCOM = Magnitude of STATCOM output voltage.
VS = Magnitude of system voltage.
X = Equivalent impedance between STATCOM and the system.

Figure 2.4 demonstrates a simplified diagram of the STATCOM with an

inverter voltage source, E and a tie reactance, Xtie connected to an ac system with
voltage source, Vth and a Thevenin reactance, Xth. When the converter voltage is
greater than the system voltage, the STATCOM “sees” an inductive reactance
connected at its terminal. Hence, the system “sees” the STATCOM as a capacitive
reactance and the STATCOM is operating in a capacitive mode. The current flows
from the STATCOM to the AC system, and the device generates reactive power. In
this case, the system draws capacitive current that leads by and angle of 90° the
system voltage, assuming that the converter losses are equal to zero [14, 15].

Figure 2.4: A static synchronous compensator operated in inductive and capacitive

mode diagram [14].

2.4.3 Circuit Configuration of STATCOM

For STATCOM, there are two types of circuit configuration which are multipulse
converter and multilevel converter. Both of these types have different circuit
connection and different operation
. In the multipulse converter, the 3-phase bridges are connected in parallel on
the DC side as shown in Figure 2.5. The bridges are magnetically coupled via a
zigzag transformer. The transformer is usually arranged in order to make the bridges
appear in series viewed from the AC sides. Each windings of the transformer is phase
shifted. This is to eliminate selected harmonics and produce a multipulse output
voltage. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is applied to improve the harmonics
content, at the expense of higher switching and snubber loss, plus reduced the
fundamental of var rating [14, 15, 16].

Figure 2.5: Multipulse converter diagram [16].

Figure 2.6 shows the multilevel converter configuration consists of three

different configurations which are Diode-clamped converter, Flying Capacitor
Converter and Cascade Converter. A cascade converter is constructed by standard H-
bridges in series. Apart from other designs, cascade multilevel converter eliminates
clamping diode, flying capacitors or zigzag transformer. Thus, it’s requires least
components used and low cost are involved. Larger dc-side capacitors are required
compared to the diode clamped and flying capacitor converter under balanced
condition but it provides separate phase control to support significant voltage
unbalance [14, 15, 16, 17].

Figure 2.6: Cascade multilevel converter diagram [16].

2.4.4 Advantages of STATCOM

STATCOM has many advantages over the other compensators. The advantages of
STATCOM can be summarized such as:
i. It has short term overload capability of ~20%
ii. It requires 15-35% less MVA rating then SVC to deliver same level of
performance for the system steady state power transfer, dynamic voltages
support, and transient stability performance.
iii. It can act as voltage source in stating other converter based equipment.
iv. It can be used together with other type of compensations equipment.
v. It does not require large harmonic filter.

The other advantages are STATCOM has a dynamic performance far

exceeding the other var compensators. The overall system response time of
STATCOM can reach 10ms or less. STATCOM has the ability to maintain full
capacitive output current at low system voltage, which it makes STATCOM become
more effective than SVC in improving the transient stability.
Compare to other compensator, STATCOM can easily realize redundancy
design, which brings a higher reliability. STATCOM also has a smaller installation
space [16, 17, 18].

2.5 Introduction to SSSC

The SSSC is generally connected in series with the transmission line with the
arrangement as shown in Fig 2.3. The SSSC comprises a coupling transformer, a
magnetic interface, voltage source converters (VSC) and a DC capacitor. The
coupling transformer is connected in series with the transmission line and it injects
the quadrature voltage into the transmission line.
The magnetic interface is used to provide multi-pulse voltage configuration to
eliminate low order harmonics. The injected voltage of the coupling transformer Vs
is perpendicular to the line current IL [4, 8].

Figure 2.7: Simplified diagram of SSSC [8].

The SSSC is in principle a synchronous voltage source, which is typically

connected in series with a transmission circuit to provide line compensation. This
controllability is achieved by using a controllable interface between the dc voltage
source (typically a capacitor) and the ac system. The series capacitive compensation
basically to decrease the overall effective series transmission impedance from the
sending end to the receiving end. The relationship characterizes the power
transmission over a single line is:

P = V2 sin δ ( 2.2)

P = Real power transmission over a single line
V = The sending end and receiving end voltage (assuming Vs = VR = V)
X = The line impedance
δ = The power angle

SSSC is a power converter connected in series with the transmission line and
it injects a voltage in quadrature with the line current to emulate a series capacitive or
inductive reactance into the transmission line. A SSSC equipped with energy storage
system and/or absorbing is also able to exchange real power with power system [4, 8,

Figure 2.8: Line diagram of SSSC [19].

Reactive power exchange is controlled by the magnitude of the injected

voltage to the transmission line, and angle control is used to regulate the active
power exchange. The inductive or capacitive mode of operation is set by the injected
voltage phase angle with respect to the transmission line current. When injected
voltage is leading the line current, reactive power is absorbed and SSSC operates in
inductive mode. In capacitive mode injected voltage is lagging the line current and
injects reactive power to the transmission line [20].
In the equivalent circuit of an SSSC compensated system, the SSSC is
represented by a voltage source and impedance (Lr,Rr). The SSSC is connected
between buses 1 and 2. The pair (L1, R) represents the line and L2 represents a
transformer [20].

2.5.1 Function of SSSC

The main function of the SSSC is to control the real power flow. This can be
accomplished either by direct control of the line current (power) or alternatively by
indirect control of the compensating impedance, Xs, or the compensating voltage, Vc
(1). The direct power flow control has the advantage of maintaining the transmitted
power in a closed loop manner by the defined reference. However under some
network contingency, the maintenance of the constant power flow may not be either
possible or even desirable. Therefore in some applications the impedance (or
voltage) control that maintains the impedance characteristic of the line may be
preferred from the operating standpoint. The degree of series impedance
compensation, S, is usually expressed as the ratio of the series injected reactance Xs,
to the line reactants, Xl, S = Xs/Xl. Therefore for a capacitive series compensation,
the line series reactants is Xline = Xl - Xs, where Xs =S Xl.
Similarly for an inductive series compensation tile line series reactance is
Xline = Xl + Xl where Xs = SXl. The basic function of tile control system is to keep
the SSSC voltage, Vc in quadrature with the line current IL and control the
magnitude of Vc to meet the compensation requirement, which is the degree of series
compensation [19, 20].

2.5.2 Operation of SSSC

The control structure of SSSC is shown in Fig. 2.9. The basic synchronization signal,
θ, is the phase angle of line current. The SSSC injected impedance is measured ms
the ratio of q-axis voltage of the SSSC, Veq to the magnitude of line current, IL This
impedance is then compared with the reference compensation impedance SXl.
A PI controller generates the required phase displacement Δα in order to
charge or discharge the dc capacitor. A negative Δα yields to the real power flow
from the transmission system to the SSSC and charges the dc capacitor, while a
positive Δα discharges the dc capacitor, When Xref is negative Vc lags IL by 90 oplus
Δα (capacitive compensation) and when it is positive Vc leads IL by 90o plus Δα
(inductive compensation). The final output of the control system is phase angle of the
SSSC output voltage θ.

Figure 2.9: Control structure of SSSC [20].

Basically, a SSSC generates on its output terminals a sinusoidal voltage, with

controllable amplitude, in quadrature (nearly) with the transmission line current.
Consequently, the injected voltage emulates either a capacitive or an inductive
reactance in series with the transmission line that increases or decreases the total
transmission line reactance.
As a result, the power flow will change in the line. Hence, the SSSC is a
powerful device to control transmission line impedance, and therefore the power
flow, independent of the line current. ln fact, reactive power exchange is controlled
by the magnitude of the injected voltage to the transmission line, and angle control is
used to regulate the active power exchange [19, 20].

2.5.3 Advantages of SSSC

The SSSC is typically applied to correct the voltage during a fault in the power
system. However, it also has several advantages during normal conditions [20]:
i. Power factor correction through continuous voltage injection and in
combination with a properly structured controller.
ii. Load balancing in interconnected distribution networks.

iii. It can also help to cover the capacitive and reactive power demand.
iv. Power flow control.
v. Reduces harmonic distortion by active filtering.

2.6 Introduction to UPFC

Unified Power Flow Controller (or UPFC) is an electrical device for providing fast-
acting reactive power compensation on high-voltage electricity transmission
networks. It uses a pair of three-phase controllable bridges to produce current that is
injected into a transmission line using a series transformer. The controller can control
active and reactive power flows in a transmission line. The UPFC uses solid state
devices, which provide functional flexibility, generally not attainable by
conventional thyristor controlled systems.
The UPFC is a combination of a static synchronous compensator
(STATCOM) and a static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) coupled via a
common DC voltage link. The UPFC concept was described in 1995 by L. Gyugyi of
Westinghouse. The UPFC allows a secondary but important function such as stability
control to suppress power system oscillations improving the transient stability of
power system [4, 8, 10, 21].

2.6.1 Function of UPFC

Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is used to control the power flow in the
transmission systems by controlling the impedance, voltage magnitude and phase
angle. This controller offers advantages in terms of static and dynamic operation of
the power system. It also brings in new challenges in power electronics and power
system design. The basic structure of the UPFC consists of two voltage source
inverter (VSI); where one converter is connected in parallel to the transmission line
while the other is in series with the transmission line.

Figure 2.10: Simplified diagram of SSSC [8].

The UPFC was devised for the real time control and dynamic compensation
of ac transmission systems, providing multifunctional flexibility required to solve
many of the problems facing the delivery industry. Within the framework of
traditional power transmission concepts, the UPFC is able to control, simultaneously
or selectively, all the parameters affecting power flow in the transmission line (i.e.,
voltage, impedance and phase angle), and this unique capability is signified by the
adjective “unified” in its name. Alternatively, it can independently control both the
real and reactive power flows in the line. The UPFC not only performs the functions
of the STATCOM, TCSC, and the phase angle regulator but also provides additional
flexibility by combining some of the functions of these controllers.
The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) consists of two voltage sourced
converters using power switches, which operate from a common DC circuit of a DC-
storage capacitor. This arrangement functions as an ideal ac to ac power converter in
which the real power can freely flow in either direction between the ac terminals of
the two converters and each converter can independently generate (or absorb)
reactive power at its own ac output terminal [8, 21, 22].

2.6.2 Operation of UPFC

Inverter 2 provides the main function of the UPFC by injecting an ac voltage Vpq
with controllable magnitude Vpq (0 ≤ Vpq ≤ Vpqmax) and phase angle (0 ≤  ≤
360), at the power frequency, in series with the line via an insertion transformer. The
injected voltage is considered essentially as a synchronous voltage source. The
transmission line current flows through this voltage source resulting in real and
reactive power exchange between it and the ac system.

The real power exchanged at the ac terminal (i.e., at the terminal of insertion
transformer) is converted by the inverter into dc power that appears at the dc link as
positive or negative real power demanded. The reactive power exchanged at the ac
terminal is generated internally by the inverter.

Figure 2.11: UPFC as 2-port device [22]

The basic function of Inverter 1 is to supply or absorb the real power

demanded by Inverter 2 at the common dc link. This dc link power is converted back
to ac and coupled to the transmission line via a shunt connected transformer. Inverter
1 can also generate or absorb controllable reactive power, if it is desired, and there by
it can provide independent shunt reactive compensation for the line. It is important to
note that where as there is a closed “direct” path for the real power negotiated by the
action of series voltage injection through Inverters 1 and 2 back to the line, the
corresponding reactive power exchanged is supplied or absorbed locally by inverter 2
and therefore it does not flow through the line.
Thus, inverter 1 can be operated at a unity power factor or be controlled to
have a reactive power exchange with the line independently of the reactive power
exchanged by the by the Inverter 2. This means there is no continuous reactive power
flow through UPFC [8, 21, 22, 23].

2.7 Previous Studies

The paper by Yao et. al. (2005) is mainly about the application of SSSC in the
purpose of congestion management and transfer capability of the power systems with
high penetration of wind power. In order to verify their result, some tests on
modified IEEE 30 bus system has been done, which consists of 6 generators (5
conventional generating plants and 1 wind farm). Based on the paper, the continuous

power flow analysis are applied to compute the power transfer capability without the
insertion SSSC. With the analysis, the maximum loading parameter, total generation
and generation are obtained by wind. Found that the line that connecting bus 2 and 6
was congested. With this finding (the congested line) they eventually had determined
the place for the insertion of SSSC in the system. Then, utilized the continuous
power flow analysis in order to compute the power transfer capability after injecting
SSSC in series with line 2-6. After the analysis had been made, the maximum
loading parameter, total generation and generation are obtained by wind farm.
Having the power flow results before and after the insertion of the SSSC, by made a
comparison based on the acquired data, and it is shown that the maximum loading
parameter, total generation and generation by wind farm increases. Therefore, based
on the comparison made, concluded that the power transfer capability of the network
increase [24].
Mahdad et. al. (2006) basically presented method on how to choose the type
of FACTS Controllers, the location (or the placement) and control the FACTS
controllers. Two types of compensation, namely the SVC are used for shunt
connected FACTS controller and TCSC for series connected FACTS controller.
Stated that the system loading ability and loss minimization are used as a measure of
power system performance. Similar with the preceding paper, the continuous power
flow method are used in order to determine the weak bus by comparing the voltage
profiles of each bus in the system. With the data obtained the bus in which has the
worst voltage profile (worst voltage collapse among other buses) has been choosen.
Based on their finding, they placed SVC and again, applied continuous power flow
method to obtain the voltage profiles. After comparison made the maximum loading
parameter and the voltage stability proven to be increased. For this project, the
approach proposed by Mahdad et. al. would be used to compare the FACTS
controllers. The use of CPF is more reliable than the ordinary power flow method
available for this case, since the power flow method simulate the increasing of load,
and therefore the FACTS controllers effects and performance are most likely could
be studied [25].

2.8 Chapter Summary

This chapter presents the main idea of power flow study and FACTS controllers’
theory and control in distribution system. As mentioned in this chapter, STATCOM,
SSSC and UPFC are installed at distribution buses and lines in order to regulate the
terminal voltage besides improve the system stability and power factor. This chapter
also discussed the fundamental of 3-phase VSC that is used as the basic building
block for STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC in the next chapters.


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