Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm
Abstract: The mechanical design, structural analysis, and results verification of a new high performance semi-direct drive robot
arm. A design optimization methodology employing finite element analysis (FEA) is reviewed, and a resulting arm design is
reported. FEA simulations of the final design predict high structural vibration frequencies throughout the arms workspace.
Extensive structural vibration experiments with the completed manipulator confirm the predicted structural vibration
characteristics throughout the arm's workspace .Modal and structural analysis of the model is performed for analysis the structural
Fig.1. robot arm.
(d) Rod
Fig.5. Model Of Hollow Circular Robot Arm.
(b) (c)
Fig.8.Mode shapes of Solid Circular Robot Arm system
(a) Mode 1(b) Mode 2(c) Mode 3.
Fig.7.Mode shapes of Hollow Square Robot Arm system (a)
(a) Mode 1(b) Mode 2(c) Mode 3.
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.04, IssueNo.33, August-2015, Pages: 6692--6697
Modeling and Analysis of Robot ARM Using ANSYS
(c) Fig.11. (a) Equivalent Stress (b) Total Deformation.
Fig.9. Mode shapes of Hollow Circular Robot Arm Solid Circular Robot Arm System:
system (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2 (c) Mode 3.
B. Structural Analysis
Solid Square Robot Arm System:
Fig.12. (a) Equivalent Stress (b) Total Deformation.
Fig.10. (a) Equivalent Stress (b) Total Deformation. Hollow Circular Robot Arm System:
Hollow Square Robot Arm System:
(a) (a)
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.04, IssueNo.33, August-2015, Pages: 6692-6697
Conference on Robotics and Automation. Philadelphia, PA,
pp482- 487.
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Volume.04, IssueNo.33, August-2015, Pages: 6692--6697