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5 0 0 - 0 6
For Architectural
and Metal Products

of Architectural

Copyright @ 1964, 1969, 1976, 1988, and 2006 & Miscellaneous
By the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers Metals Association
All Rights Reserved
This manual was developed by representative members of the National Association
of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) and the National Ornamental &
Miscellaneous Metals Association (NOMMA) to provide their opinion and guidance
on the selection and specification of metal finishes. This manual contains advisory
information only and is published as a public service by NAAMM and NOMMA.
NAAMM and NOMMA disclaim all liability of any kind for the use, application, or
adaptation of material published in this manual.

National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers

8 South Michigan Ave., Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60603
312-332-0405 Fax 312-332-0706 www.naamm.org

National Ornamental & Miscellaneous Metals Association

1535 Pennsylvania Ave., McDonough, GA 30253
888-516-8585 Fax 770-288-2006 www.nomma.org

Copyright © 1964, 1969, 1976, 1988, and 2006 by

National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
All Rights Reserved
INTRODUCTION TO METAL FINISHING....................................................................................... i

CHAPTER 1 - ALUMINUM...........................................................................................................1-1

CHAPTER 2 - COPPER ALLOYS................................................................................................2-1

CHAPTER 3 - STAINLESS STEEL..............................................................................................3-1

CHAPTER 4 – CARBON STEEL AND IRON . ............................................................................4-1

CHAPTER 5 – APPLIED COATINGS..........................................................................................5-1

CONTRIBUTING AND REFERENCED ORGANIZATIONS ....................................................... R-1


NAAMM and NOMMA wish to thank their members and officers as well as industry experts
for assistance and cooperation in producing this edition of the Metal Finishes Manual.
Introduction To Metal Finishing

In This Section
General Classification of Finishes.....................................................................................................ii

The Function and Source of Finishes...............................................................................................iii

Variation in Appearance; the Value of Samples...............................................................................iii

The Choice of a Finish.....................................................................................................................iv


Table 1: Comparative Applicability of Finishes................................................................................. v



The variety of finishes used on architectural finisher, the architect and the contractor. It is not
metals, like other aspects of building technology, the sole responsibility of any one of these parties.
becomes increasingly complex. Recognizing the The architect must understand the characteristics
need for organized information on this subject, and limitations of the many finishes available, so
the National Association of Architectural Metal that he may select those which are proper and ap-
Manufacturers (NAAMM) published the first propriate for his purposes, and he should be able
edition of this Manual in 1964. A second edition to clearly define his requirements. It is the respon-
was published in 1969, a third edition in 1976, sibility of the supplier and fabricator to interpret
and a fourth edition in 1988. In response to the these requirements sympathetically, to furnish the
continuing demand for the Manual, this edition, appropriate alloys, and to see that all necessary
containing still further revisions, is being published steps are taken to produce the desired effects.
jointly by NAAMM and the National Ornamental & The contractor must see that the finishes sup-
Miscellaneous Metals Association (NOMMA). plied are handled and installed with care, and are
The scope and nature of this edition are the properly protected after installation. A satisfactory
same as those of the former editions, but all of the end result is the common aim of all parties, but a
contents have again been carefully and critically lack of mutual understanding can easily result in
reviewed. Obsolete data has been deleted, errors dissatisfaction. One of the aims of this Manual is
have been corrected, references to standards and to minimize the likelihood of such deficiencies by
supplementary sources of information have been encouraging a better common knowledge of the
updated, and the text has been extensively revised subject, for the benefit of all concerned.
to reflect current practices.
The Manual consists of five chapters and an General Classification of Finishes
Introduction to Metal Finishing, which briefly ex- All of the finishes commonly used on the archi-
plains the applicability of the various finishes for tectural metals can be classified as one of three
architectural applications. The first four chapters principal types:
cover finishes for the specific architectural metals,
aluminum, the copper alloys, stainless steel, and Mechanical Finishes, which are the result of
carbon steel and iron respectively. Chapter 5 cov- physically affecting the surface of the metal
ers applied coatings used on all metals. by some mechanical means. This means may
It is still the prime purpose of the Manual to be the forming process itself, or a subsequent
provide the architect with essential information operation performed either before or after the
about the many finishes available, and to assist metal is fabricated into an end use product.
him in selecting and properly identifying them. It is Chemical Finishes, which are accomplished
intended as a reference handbook, dealing briefly by means of chemicals, and which may or may
with all of the finishes commonly used, but not at- not have a physical effect upon the surface of
tempting to provide complete information about the metal.
them. With the many new developments con- Coatings, which are applied as finishes, either
stantly occurring, a small volume such as this can to the metal stock or to the fabricated product.
serve only as an introduction to this very broad These coatings may be either:
subject. For those desiring more comprehensive
information, numerous references to supplemen- a) Formed from the metal itself by a
tary sources are provided. process of chemical or electrochemical
The production of satisfactory finishes on ar- conversion, or
chitectural metal requires teamwork and coopera- b) Formed by the application of some
tion among the metal supplier, the fabricator, the added material.

The relative importance of the three basic are applied for protective reasons, some for rea-
types of finish varies with the different metals. sons of appearance, and a few are simply clean-
They are all used extensively on aluminum, but on ing processes. Usually several steps are required
carbon steel and iron, the coatings are far more in preparing a metal surface for its specified end
important than either mechanical or chemical fin- use condition. All of these steps are designated, in
ishes. The copper alloys are commonly subject to the terms of the trade, as “finishes,” though only
both mechanical and chemical finishes. On stain- the final treatment is actually exposed to use; the
less steel the mechanical finishes are the common others are in fact simply preparatory treatments.
standard, while chemical finishes and coatings This is often the case, for example, where com-
are infrequently used. Table 1 - Comparative Ap- pound finish designations are the general rule, as
plicability of the Various Types of Finishes pro- is explained in Chapters 1 and 2.
vides an overall view of the extent to which the Only a few of the many finishes discussed are
various types of finishes are normally used on the provided by the basic suppliers of the metal. In
different metals. the main, these are the so called “as fabricated’’
Because many of these finishes are not dis- finishes, which are usually the cheapest form of
tinctly or uniquely suited to any one metal alone, mechanical finish, and are available on all of the
and usages overlap considerably, the subject has metals. Sheet stock of various metals is also avail-
not been found to lend itself to a neatly compart- able from the basic suppliers with several types
mented treatment, arranged either by metals or of applied coatings, and aluminum and stainless
by finishes. It has seemed advisable, therefore, steel sheet are supplied also with embossed and
to classify the bulk of the discussion according to coined patterned textures. All of the other finish-
metals, treating under each metal not only those es are “process finishes,” and are applied by the
finishes which are uniquely its own, but also the manufacturer or fabricator of the product or by oth-
mechanical and chemical finishes as applied to er companies specializing in finishing work. The
that metal. This necessarily involves some repeti- quality of finish on many architectural products de-
tion of basic information regarding the more com- pends largely, therefore, on the skill of the fabrica-
mon finishes, but these overlaps seem justifiable tor or finisher rather than on the basic supplier, but
in the interests of providing optimum clarity and the quality of the alloys furnished by the supplier is
minimizing the need to refer from one chapter to always a factor of prime importance.
another. With certain types of applied coating,
however, the chief concern centers on the coating Variations in Appearance;
itself, rather than on any particular substrate, and The Value of Samples
it has seemed advisable to discuss such finishes Visual appearance is often a major concern with
under the heading of Applied Coatings, rather metal finishes, and uniformity of appearance may
than identifying them with any one metal. Thus be critical in many architectural applications. Some
the typical mechanical and chemical finishes, as types of finish present no problems in this latter re-
well as the unique coating finishes for each of the spect, while others are subject to slight variations.
metals are discussed in Chapters 1 through 4 un- Uniformity of appearance is often dependent upon
der headings identified by the metals, along with the alloys used, and in certain mechanical finishing
the designation system used for denoting these processes it is affected also by the equipment and
finishes. The organic, laminated, and vitreous speeds used in the finishing operation itself. With
coatings, however, being generally applicable to the non ferrous metals, the achievement of a de-
several metals, receive separate consideration in sired result often depends as much on specifying
Chapter 5. the right alloy as on choosing the right finish.
With rigid control of such variables, a high de-
The Function and Source of Finishes gree of uniformity can be achieved in any finish,
The function of metal finishes may be protec- but the architect should recognize that, except
tive, decorative or both. A majority of the many with opaque coatings, it is unrealistic to expect
surface treatments identified in this Manual as perfect uniformity of color and texture, particularly
“finishes” are not, in fact, final treatments, but only if the finish is provided by different parties or from
intermediate steps in a finishing process. Many different stocks of metal. For this reason it is rec-


ommended that the supplier or fabricator should only with the esthetic effect desired, but also with
always be consulted concerning critical require- their practical appropriateness and their relative
ments. The use of representative samples is usu- costs as well.
ally advisable, too, as a means of describing re- These finishes vary considerably in the
quirements in applications where precise control amount of labor they require, and consequently in
is essential. When color is involved, at least two their costs. Frequently money is wasted in the use
samples should be used, to define the permissible of unnecessarily expensive finishes in locations
range of color. where they can’t be distinguished, and sometimes
the choice of impractical finishes has needlessly
The Choice of a Finish complicated production processes, resulting in
A good working knowledge of metal finishes objectionable delays and expenses. On the other
requires more than an understanding of the tech- hand, some important jobs have suffered because
nicalities of their processes and the ability to des- of the unwise selection of a “low cost” finish or the
ignate them properly. If the architect is to specify arbitrary decision to avoid the relatively insignifi-
them intelligently he or she will be concerned not cant cost of a critical finishing operation.

An attempt has been made in this Manual, by the prominent listing of
“Precautions,” to specifically point out the limitations inherent in certain
types of finishes, and to indicate their most appropriate applications as
well as their relative costs. It is hoped that the architect will find this infor-
mation helpful in using all of the architectural metals more effectively.


Type of Finish Metal

or Treatment Stainless Carbon Steel
Aluminum Copper Alloys Steel and Iron
As Fabricated ---------------------------------common to all of the metals-------------------------------------
(produced by hot rolling, cold rolling, extruding or casting)

Bright rolled ----------------------------commonly used----------------------------- Not used

(produced by cold rolling)

Directional --------------------------commonly used------------------------------- Rarely used

grit textured (produced by polishing, buffing, hand rubbing, brushing or cold rolling)

Non-Directional ----------------------------commonly used----------------------------- Rarely used

matte textured (produced by sand or shot blasting)

Bright polished ----------------------------commonly used----------------------------- Not used

(produced by polishing and buffing)

Patterned ------------------------------available in thin sheets of all metals---------------------------

Non-etch -------------------------------commonly used on all of the metals-----------------------------

Matte finish Etched finishes Seldom used Not used Not used
Widely used
Bright finish Limited uses Rarely used Not used Not used
Conversion Widely used as Widely used to Not used Widely used as
coatings pretreatment for provide added pretreatment for
painting color variations painting

Anodic Traditional Not used Not used Not used

(See Ch 1 ) type of finish
Organic Widely used Opaque types Sometimes used Most important
(See Ch 5) rarely used; type of finish
transparent types
Vitreous Widely used Limited use Not used Widely used
(See Ch 5 )
Metallic Rarely used Limited use Limited use Widely used
(See Ch 4 )
Laminated Substantial uses Limited use Not used Substantial uses
(See Ch 5 )


Chapter 1: Finishes For Aluminum

In This Section
General.............................................................................................................................................. 1-2

Summary of Typical Aluminum Finishes........................................................................................... 1-2

Mechanical Finishes.......................................................................................................................... 1-3

Chemical Finishes............................................................................................................................. 1-5

Precautions Regarding the Use of Mechanical Finishes................................................................... 1-5

Anodic Coatings................................................................................................................................ 1-7

Precautions Regarding the Use of Chemical Finishes...................................................................... 1-7

Precautions Regarding the Use of Anodic Coatings....................................................................... 1-10

Care and Maintenance of Anodized Aluminum............................................................................... 1-11

Care and Maintenance of Painted Aluminum.................................................................................. 1-13

Table 1-1 Finishes for Aluminum Hardware................................................................................... 1-15

Standard Finish Designations......................................................................................................... 1-15

Table 1-2 Summary of Finish Designations................................................................................... 1-18

Table 1-3 Designations for Mechanical Finishes............................................................................ 1-19

Table 1-4 Designations for Chemical Finishes............................................................................... 1-20

Table 1-5 Designations for Anodic Coatings.................................................................................. 1-21

References...................................................................................................................................... 1-22



Aluminum is unique among the architectural finishes, which are used on other architectural
metals with respect to the large variety of finishes metals as well, are discussed in detail in Chapter
used. Nearly all of the finishing processes 5, Applied Coatings.
discussed in this Manual, in fact, are not only Note that most of the finishes in the following
appropriate but commonly used for this metal, Summary are not applied by the prime producers
whereas some of them are seldom if ever applied of aluminum, but by other processors or by the
to other metals. Those used on aluminum include manufacturers of the end use products. The only
several varieties under each of the three major true mill finishes, in fact, are the “As Fabricated’’
types of finishing processes, as shown in the finishes, though some producers also supply sheet
following summary. The mechanical, chemical and coil stock with organic and laminated coatings,
and anodic coating finishes, along with their as well as patterned sheet. All of the other finishes
descriptions and standard designations, are are referred to as process finishes, being applied
explained in detail in this chapter. The other coating by others after the metal leaves the mill.

Aluminum Association _ Finish Normally Supplied By
Finish Designation Proces- Fabricator Relative Costs
Finish (see page 14) Mill sor or Finisher (on flat surfaces)
As Fabricated ....................................M10 Series X base
Buffed.................................................M20 Series X wide range
Directional Textured ..........................M30 Series X wide range
Non-Directional Textured ..................M40 Series X wide range
Patterned MnX (Specify) X X low to medium
Cleaned only......................................C10 Series X X very low
Etched ................................................C20 Series X very low
Brightened .........................................C30 Series X very low
Conversion Coatings.........................C40 Series X X X very low
Other CnX (Specify) X X low to medium
General ..............................................A10 Series X X medium to high
Protective/Decorative ........................A20 Series X X medium to high
Architectural Class II .........................A30 Series X medium to high
Architectural Class I ..........................A40 Series X medium to high
Other ..................................................AnX (Specify)
Electroplated and Other Metal E Series
Resinous (See Chapter AMP 505) 5) .................R Series X X X low to medium
Vitreous (See
(See Chapter
AMP 505) 5) ...................V Series X X high
Laminated (See Chapter AMP 505) 5) L Series X X medium
The term PROCESSOR. as used here, refers to a "middleman” between the mill and the fabricator, who applies coatings, textures or other finishes to metal in
bulk form, generally cut sheet or strip or coil stock. FABRICATOR refers to the producer of stock metal shapes or the manufacturer of the end-use product. He
either provides the final finish, or sends the fabricated product to a finisher who does this work. The FINISHER does not usually fabricate products, but provides
finishes as specified, to products fabricated by others.
The RELATIVE COSTS indicated are necessarily approximate, for general guidance only. Exact costs vary considerably with quantity, type of product, method
of application, quality of work and other influences, and should always be verified.
If these finishes are applied by automatic means in production lines, the cost is generally low, but if applied by hand methods. as is sometimes necessary, it can
be relatively high.
Certain embossed patterns, because of their stiffening effect, permit the use of thinner metal, and this saving can in some cases offset their cost. In other cases
patterned finishes involve extra costs.

Mechanical Finishes brighter and more metallic color. Extruded prod-
Mechanical finishes are those that involve the ucts have an intermediate appearance, somewhat
use of no chemical or electrochemical treatment resembling that of cold rolled items, and can have
and no additive but provide a surface texture by noticeable surface striations caused by the extru-
mechanical means alone. These textures vary sion die. Castings have a rougher matte finish, die
widely in character, ranging from the surface ap- castings being the smoothest and sand castings
pearance resulting from the various production the roughest.
processes to highly reflective surfaces produced The typical variations of the “As Fabricated’’
by successive grinding, polishing and buffing op- finish can be identified as follows:
erations, with costs also varying considerably, in a) Unspecified: This is the natural finish provid-
proportion to the amount of processing required. ed by extrusion, casting, hot rolling or cold roll-
ing with unpolished rolls. On rolled products
it can vary from dull to bright, and can have
“As Fabricated” Finishes stains or light films of rolling oil.
The term “As Fabricated” can refer either to the b) Specular as fabricated: A mirror like cold rolled
metal stock or to a fabricated product. As a finish des- finish, produced on one or both sides of sheet by
ignation for aluminum stock it refers to the surface final passing through highly polished rolls. Not
appearance and texture imparted to the metal by the applicable to extrusions, forgings or castings.
rolling mill, extrusion press, or casting mold which
c) Nonspecular as fabricated: This is a desig-
shapes it. Subsequent fabrication operations on the
nation used to refer to a more uniform finish
aluminum, such as forming, sawing, punching, drill-
than that provided under the “Unspecified”
ing, milling, etc., including scratches, can mar the “as
classification but lacking the specularity of the
fabricated” finish, Under some conditions the marring
“Specular as fabricated” finish.
can be corrected by simple mechanical deburring and
smoothing. For other conditions, the marring results
in an unacceptable “as fabricated” mechanical finish, Buffed Finishes
and a subsequent finishing operation will be required These finishes are generally produced by suc-
and should be specified. The subsequent operations cessive processes of grinding, polishing and buff-
most commonly specified for aluminum are a smooth ing, or by buffing alone, if the “as fabricated” fin-
specular buffed finish or a medium satin directional ish is acceptably smooth. They are used where a
textured finish. Where welding is required on exposed top quality bright appearance is required, and are
surfaces, discoloration and surface irregularities will frequently specified for entrance doors and their
result. Discoloration on etched or anodized surfaces framing or for highlighting extrusions and patterned
resulting from welding cannot be removed. sheet, as well as for hardware. Because of their
‘’As Fabricated” mechanical finishes, as a high reflectivity they should not be used on wide flat
class, are the simplest and least expensive obtain- surfaces. The cost of these finishes varies widely
able. Such finishes can be quite acceptable for ar- with the complexity of the product and the number
chitectural applications and are widely used. Typi- of steps required to achieve the desired effect.
cal of these are specular “as fabricated” cold rolled These are process finishes, applied by the
sheet and nonspecular “as fabricated” extrusions. fabricator or finisher, and among the many varia-
Highly polished rolls used at the mill for the final tions possible, two types are generally considered
pass provide the specular finish on the cold rolled as standard:
sheet. Carefully machined and well maintained
a) Smooth specular (mirrorlike): This is the
dies for the extrusion press ensure extruded sur-
brightest mechanical finish obtainable and is
faces free of objectionable die marks or striations.
produced by buffing. In order to achieve this
The uncontrolled natural finishes resulting
lustrous finish the surface is ground and/or
from the different forming processes vary some-
polished in one or more stages prior to buffing.
what according to the process. Hot rolled and heat
When this is required, the final finishing prior
treated products have a comparatively dull surface
to buffing is done with 320 grit.
finish and show a certain amount of darkening or
discoloration, while cold rolled surfaces have a b) Specular: This finish is accomplished by buff-


ing only, no preliminary grinding or polishing Non Directional Textured Finishes
operations being necessary. The resulting fin-
These are matte finishes of varying degrees
ish can show some evidence of scratches or
of roughness, produced by blasting sand, glass
other surface irregularities.
beads, or metal shot against the metal under con-
trolled conditions. Their principal use in architec-
Directional Textured Finishes tural work is on items produced by casting.
Finishes of this type are used in many applica- The texture of the surface is determined by
tions where a smooth satiny sheen of limited reflec- the size and type of abrasive used, the amount
tivity is desired. The characteristic soft texture results of air pressure, and the position and movement
from tiny, nearly parallel scratches in the metal sur- of the nozzle. The finer the abrasive the smoother
face produced by wheel or belt polishing with fine the finish. A comparatively rough finish is obtained
abrasives, by hand rubbing with stainless steel wool, by using coarse silica sand, while the smoothest
or by brushing with abrasive wheels. Always be sure finishes are obtained by dust blasting with a very
when using any metal finishing materials to clean the fine abrasive and by ‘’vapor honing” with a slurry
aluminum prior to any anodizing process. In belt pol- of extremely fine abrasive and water.
ishing, the fineness of the finish is controlled by the The architect should recognize that these fin-
size of the grit used, the speed of the belt, the hard- ishes produced by blasting have restricted appli-
ness of the block or pad used, the pressure exerted cability. Because the impingement of the abrasive
on the block, and the condition of the belt. under pressure tends to distort the metal, their use
These are all process finishes, and generally is not recommended on material less than ¼ in.
five standard types are recognized: (6 mm) thick. There is usually difficulty, too, in ob-
These finishes are taining uniform appearance, especially after anod-
a) Fine satin izing, unless special equipment is used to regulate
produced by wheel or
b) Medium satin belt polishing with grits pressure and nozzle movement.
of varying degrees of
c) Coarse satin fineness. Since the surface produced by even the finest
abrasive is actually rough, readily shows finger-
d) Hand rubbed: This is another type of prints, and collects and retains dirt, some type of
satin finish obtained by rubbing with abra- protective treatment is necessary to retain a clean
sive cloths or with stainless steel wool of appearance. Clear lacquers are often used for
increasing degrees of fineness, finishing this purpose, and anodizing provides an excellent
with No. 0 or No. 00. Hand rubbing is a protective coating, particularly on castings, where
comparatively expensive finishing pro- such finishes are most appropriate.
cess, and is used only where the nature of The common variations of the sandblasted fin-
the work being finished makes other meth- ishes obtained by using washed silica sand or alu-
ods impractical. It is frequently employed, minum oxide of different degrees of fineness are:
however, to even out and blend in satin
a) Extra fine matte
finishes produced by other means. Again,
b) Fine matte
when using any metal materials in finish-
c) Medium matte
ing, be sure to clean before any anodizing
d) Coarse matte
Shot blasting is used to provide peened fin-
e) Brushed: Several varieties of directional ishes. By using steel shot of different sizes the fol-
finish with approximately parallel scratch lowing standard variations are produced:
lines can be produced by using power
driven stainless steel wire wheel brushes, e) Fine shot blast
brush backed sander heads (Vonnegut f) Medium shot blast
wheels), abrasive impregnated foamed ny- g) Coarse shot blast
lon discs (Scotch-Brite®), or abrasive cloth Note: steel shot can become impregnated in
wheels (PG wheels). Again, when using aluminum causing a problem of dissimilar metals.
any metal materials in finishing, be sure to This also will cause serious problems during the
clean before any anodizing process. anodizing process.

Patterned Finishes Chemical Finishes
Patterned finishes are available in thin sheet, There are numerous methods of providing inter-
in a wide variety of sculptural designs and textures. mediate process finishes on metals by washing or
These are produced by passing “as fabricated” dipping the fabricated product in chemical solutions,
sheet either between two machined matched de- and many of these are of a proprietary nature. Such
sign rolls, impressing patterns on both sides of the treatments have a variety of specific purposes, but in
sheet (embossing), or between a design roll and a general they are used
smooth roll, “coining” one side of the sheet only. • to merely clean the surface, without other-
Some coined and embossed patterns are wise affecting it.
available from the mill; others are produced only • to provide a clean matte textured surface
by secondary processors. (by etching),

Regarding the Use of Mechanical Finishes on Aluminum
An “As Fabricated’’ finish is the finish on the metal as it is received from the rolling mill,
roll former, extrusion press, or casting mold, prior to any further mechanical, chemical, anodic,
organic, or vitreous finishing operation. In many architectural applications this finish will be
acceptable without further mechanical finishing. However, in some products, fabrication opera-
tions subsequent to the original as fabricated finish, such as forming, sawing, punching, drill-
ing, milling, etc., can mar the finish so that it is unsatisfactory for architectural applications.
Clad sheet should not be mechanically finished because of the possibility of penetrating
such products. It will be necessary to perform additional mechanical finishing operations, and
these should be specified for the cladding.1
Buffed finishes are not recommended for broad surfaces where visual flatness is desired.
The high reflectivity of these surfaces accentuates the waviness or oil canning caused by
forming operations or temperature changes and can be objectionable. The use of patterned or
etched sheet, with or without formed contours, is advised for such applications.
Bright finishes accent all surface blemishes while satin finishes tend to minimize surface blem-
Sandblast finishes should not be specified for thin sheet because distortion usually re-
Chemical etching will usually cause noticeable discoloration at welded joints regardless of me-
chanical or anodic finishes. Where etching and anodizing are to be used, the product, if possible,
should be designed so that welded joints are not exposed. The degree of discoloration will depend
on both the parent alloy and the filler alloy used for welding. In the selection of filler alloys ease of
welding, strength of joint, color matching, and the effect of subsequent heat treatment are factors
which must be considered. Some combinations of parent alloys and filler alloys can provide accept-
able color matching but not provide adequate strength, and vice versa. Information on this subject
is available from The Aluminum Association, or contact the finisher.
All surface protective coverings such as non-adhesive papers, adhesive papers, and strip-
pable plastic films should be removed after receipt at the site as soon as there is no longer a
need for the protection. These coverings can affect the surface finish and become brittle and
unpeelable under exposure to sunlight and the elements as well as cause staining on the fin-
ished product.
To improve the finishing characteristics and increase the corrosion resistance of certain alloys in sheet and plate form,
they are sometimes “clad” with other aluminum alloys. The thickness of the cladding on each side is usually 5% or less of
the total thickness, hence it can be penetrated by abrasive processes.


• to produce a smooth, bright finish, or Matte Finishes
• to chemically convert the surface of the Finishes of this type are referred to as etched
metal, providing a film which is a good sub- finishes in the aluminum industry, where chemi-
strate for organic coatings. cal etching is a very common finishing treatment.
Many types of chemical treatment are used on The so-called ‘’frosted” finishes are obtained by
aluminum as finishing processes, but few of these this means, and the etching process is often used
are in themselves true finishes. Most of them are also to prepare surfaces for anodizing. Where a
intermediate steps in an overall finishing process, less durable finish is acceptable, the etching can
requiring at least the subsequent application of be followed by simply the application of a protec-
some form of protective coating. tive coating of clear lacquer.
These finishes change the surface texture of the
metal from a metallic shine to a satin or dull sheen, and
Non-etch Cleaning are regulated to give varying degrees of roughness.
Various chemical treatments are widely used This controlled surface roughening can be accom-
to thoroughly clean the metal preparatory to the plished either by alkali solutions with various additives
application of other finishes. These have no physi- or by various acid solutions. Where production quanti-
cal effect upon the surface of the metal, and can ties are involved, the cost of obtaining satin finishes
not be classified as true finishes. They produce a by such means is usually much less expensive than
chemically clean surface which is free of all foreign that of producing them mechanically. However, for
matter such as oil, grease, fingerprints, solid par- short runs, or when dealing with assemblies of various
ticles of any kind, tarnish, other chemical reaction metals or large assemblies with only small areas to be
products, and even surface absorbed gases. Such finished, mechanical methods may be preferable.
preparatory cleaning is essential for the success- A wide variety of acid and alkaline etches is
ful application of any type of additive coating. used, producing various degrees of matte finish.
The more common of such standard finishes are:
Two such cleaning methods are commonly
used: a) Fine matte: This finish is produced by using
a mild alkali solution such as trisodium phos-
a) Degreasing: Vapor degreasing exposes the phate.
metal to vapors from chlorinated solvents such
as trichlorethane and perchlorethylene, and is b) Medium matte: The most common ‘’caustic
performed in special degreasing machines. etch’’ finish, obtained by treating the surface
Solvent or solvent emulsion cleaning, with with sodium hydroxide (caustic soda).
hydrocarbon solvents, is used to remove oil c) Coarse matte: This finish is generally pro-
and grease from the metal surface, and is less duced by using a solution containing sodium
expensive than vapor degreasing. To achieve fluoride plus sodium hydroxide.
maximum cleanness, degreasing of any type
should be followed by chemical cleaning. Bright Finishes
Check to see if this method is subject to EPA A variety of bright finishes, ranging from “mir-
regulations. ror bright “ to ‘’diffuse bright,” are produced either
b) Chemical cleaning: This method is used by chemical brightening, obtained by immersing
when animal fats and oils must be removed. the metal in certain acid solutions, or by electro-
The metal can be sprayed with, or immersed lytic brightening—both methods producing visu-
in, any number of proprietary or non propri- ally similar results.
etary solutions, usually at elevated tempera- In electropolishing, minute irregularities in the
tures, after which it is rinsed with water. In- metal surface are removed by making the article
hibited chemicals are used on aluminum, to to be brightened the anode in an electrolyte. This
prevent etching of the surface. Solutions used process produces surfaces that are free from me-
on ferrous metals are usually not appropriate chanical stresses and embedded abrasive par-
because of their etching effect. Most of the ticles, and also results in a somewhat different
commonly used cleaners are special deter- appearance than that produced by mechanical
gent products. buffing.

For aluminum products there are two standard ing in either clear or yellowish surface colors.
types of bright finish, designated as: Finishes of this type are usually governed by
a) Highly specular: This finish is the result of ASTM B 449, Specifications for Chromates
preliminary buffing, followed by electropolish- on Aluminum. The proprietary solutions used
ing or chemical brightening, and produces a include Bonderite 714 and 721, Alodine 1200
mirror like surface on certain alloys. It is widely series, NR2 and NR3, and Iridite 14 and 14-2.
used as a finish for reflectors. b) Acid-chromate fluoride phosphate treat-
b) Diffuse bright: A finish generally produced by ments, which generally employ proprietary
first applying a caustic etch (medium matte) chemical processes and result in either a clear
finish, followed by chemical brightening. or typically greenish surface color. Among the
more common of these processes are Alodine
Conversion Coatings 407-47 and 401-45, and Bonderite 701, the
Although chemical conversion coatings are former producing a light green surface suit-
generally used on aluminum to prepare the sur- able as a final finish.
face for painting, some types can also be used as c) Acid-chrome free phosphate free fluoride
a final finish. treatments usually use proprietary chemical
Since the natural oxide film on aluminum sur- processes and produce a clear or iridescent
faces doesn’t always provide a good bond for surface color. Among the proprietary finishes
paints, other organic coatings, and laminates, its of this type is Alodine 4830/4831
chemical nature is often “converted” to improve
adhesion and undercoating conversion protection. NOTE: Alodine, Bonderite and Iridite are registered trade
These ‘’conversion films’’ or “conversion coatings’’ names of Parker/Amchem and Allied Kelite Division of The
are generally applied by use of phosphate or chro- Richardson Company, respectively.
mate solutions, many of which are proprietary in
nature. One of the simplest methods of improving Anodic Coatings
the adhesion of organic coatings is to etch the sur- Probably the most important, and certainly the
face with a phosphoric acid solution, thus provid- most unique, of all of the aluminum finishes is that
ing a good mechanical bond. provided by the anodizing process. In essence, the
The conversion ‘’finishes’’ commonly used anodizing process consists of immersing the alumi-
are: num to be anodized in an appropriate acid solution,
a) Acid-chromate fluoride treatments, also referred to as the electrolyte, and passing a direct
provided by proprietary chemicals and result- electric current between the aluminum and the elec-

Regarding the Use of Chemical Finishes on Aluminum
Proper pretreatment is absolutely essential to the satisfactory performance of the sub-
sequently applied finishes. For organic coatings it should take place immediately prior to the
application. Strict quality control is a necessity throughout the process.
Chemically brightened finishes for large surfaces such as fascias and spandrel panels
can cause handling problems and some difficulty in obtaining uniformity under production
Chemical finishing of assemblies involving different metals or alloys is usually impractical
because each of the different metals or alloys is likely to be affected differently.
All surface protective coverings such as non-adhesive papers, adhesive papers, and
strippable plastic films should be removed after receipt at the site as soon as there is no
longer a need for the protection. These coverings can affect the surface finish and become
brittle and unpeelable under exposure to sunlight and the elements.


trolyte, with the aluminum acting as the anode. This Color anodic coatings are obtained by im-
results in the controlled formation of a durable oxide pregnating the coating with organic dyes or pig-
film or coating on the surface of the aluminum. In ments, by using alloys and processes that produce
general, such coatings are many times thicker than integral color, or by electrolytically depositing pig-
the naturally formed oxide film and can be transpar- ments in the anodic film. The clear anodic coatings
ent, translucent or opaque, depending on the alloys produced by the sulfuric acid process are suitable
and/or processes used. Anodic coatings do not af- for accepting a wide variety of organic dyed colors
fect the surface texture of the aluminum, however considered sufficiently resistant to ultraviolet deg-
fine this texture is, but they greatly increase resis- radation for exterior use.
tance to corrosion and provide increased resistance Integral color anodic coatings in the bronze-
to abrasion. grayblack range are produced by both the basic
Proper surface treatment prior to anodizing is sulfuric acid process and by proprietary mixed
essential. This will require the use of the appropri- acid processes. These colors are durable, have
ate chemical cleaning and finishing processes de- good resistance to ultraviolet, and are widely used
scribed under Chemical Finishes. If soil or grease for exterior applications of architectural aluminum
are present their removal by vapor degreasing or products. One such process also goes by the title
inhibited chemical cleaner is the first requirement. Duranodic Process.
All metal residue from finishing or grinding must In the basic sulfuric acid anodizing process,
also be removed. Chemical etching or brightening integral colors can be obtained with certain con-
are commonly used following the cleaning where trolled alloys and by employing lower tempera-
the final appearance requires such preanodizing tures and higher current densities than those used
treatments. Etching is the most economical and in the conventional process. Coatings so produced
most extensively used pre finish. Its matte appear- are referred to as integral color hardcoats. With
ance is not only attractive, but it effectively con- proprietary mixed acid electrolyte processes, con-
ceals minor surface marring. trolled alloys and higher current densities are also
Pre anodizing treatments can receive one of used, and temperatures are closely controlled as
the buffed, directional, non directional or patterned are the concentrations of the mixed acids. With
finishes described under Mechanical Finishes. mixed acids, integral colors can be obtained with-
However, “as fabricated” mill finishes on both sheet out the relatively low temperatures required for the
and extrusions are of a quality that eliminates the sulfuric acid process, hence they are more eco-
need for a subsequent mechanical finishing oper- nomical to produce. The color and the shade of
ation. Because of this, most architectural products the oxide coatings produced by these processes
today are simply etched and anodized. are determined by the composition and temper of
Several different anodizing processes are the alloys used, by the concentration of acids in
presently used for architectural aluminum prod- the electrolyte, and by anodizing conditions such
ucts. The principal differences in these process- as time, temperature, and current density.
es are the solutions used for the electrolytes, Brite Dip Anodizing is used primarily in the
the voltages and current densities required, and bathroom fixture industry. This ‘brite’ finish is ac-
the temperature at which the electrolyte is main- complished by a mixture of Nitric acid and Phos-
tained. Depending on which process is used, and phoric acid. The vapors from this process are
the length of treatment time, the anodic coating environmentally hazardous and not available ev-
will vary somewhat in thickness, hardness and po- erywhere. There is a chemical brightening pro-
rosity. Because of this there are some differences cess, basically electropolishing, that is starting to
in the protective capabilities of the different coat- replace the older more hazardous process when
ings. this brite appearance is requested.
Clear anodic coatings are produced by the Electrolytically deposited anodic coatings
sulphuric acid process which was the first com- are produced by proprietary processes used in
mercially used process for anodizing architectural conjunction with sulfuric acid anodizing and pro-
aluminum. It imparts an excellent, comparatively vide colors in the light bronze to black range,
thick, transparent, durable, protective coating to the similar to those produced by integral color pro-
aluminum surface, and it is economical. cesses and equally appropriate for exterior use.

The colors, as the name of the process implies, Coatings in this range have been used successfully
are obtained through the electrolytic deposition of in such applications as railings on piers which are
colorfast, stable, metallic pigments in the base of subject to severe salt water exposure. However,
the pores of the anodic coating by submersion in production of these thick hard coat finishes requires
a metal salt bath, such as cobalt or tin, under low special anodizing facilities of which there are only a
power. limited number in this country. Availability should be
For architectural applications the thickness checked. Please note that the heavier Class I coat-
and weight of the coating are of prime impor- ing will actually enhance surface imperfections and
tance. Coatings specified for exterior applications blemishes rather than hiding them.
exposed to atmospheric pollutants, or not having
regular maintenance, should have at least 0.7 mil Architectural Class II Coatings
thickness and a minimum coating weight of 27 mg. Thickness of these coatings ranges from 0.4 to
per square inch. For resistance to extreme expo- 0.7 mils, with corresponding weights of from 15.5
sure conditions such as sea water or abrasive ac- to 27 mg per sq in., or a density ranging from 22
tions, integral color hardcoats up to 3.0 mils thick to 38 g per sq in.; the lower figures being the mini-
have been used. mums recommended for architectural uses. Coat-
In all of the architectural anodizing processes ings of this class are appropriate for interior items
the subsequent sealing of the pores in the oxide not subject to excessive wear or abrasion, and for
coating is a prime essential, The sealing of the exterior items such as storefronts and entrances,
pores is done to make the coating nonabsorbent which are regularly cleaned and maintained.
and to provide maximum resistance to staining
and corrosion. Clear, integral color and electrolyti- Quality Control Tests
cally deposited color coatings are usually sealed After anodizing is completed, tests are per-
in deionized boiling water or metal salt sealants. formed on representative samples taken at ran-
Surfactants and wetting agents can be used, dom from the rack loads to determine that the
but they should be controlled so as not to cause coating meets the specified thickness and weight
poor adhesion of any organic overcoating. and is properly sealed. The following ASTM Test
Methods for checking thickness and weight are
Classification of Anodic Coatings universally accepted and recommended, and
For purposes of identification, the various an- should be specified:
odic finishes are classified by the Aluminum Asso- • ASTM B 244, Test Method for Measurement
ciation under four general types: General Anodic of Thickness of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum and
Coatings, Protective and Decorative Coatings, of Other Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic
Architectural Class II Coatings and Architectural Basis Metals with Eddy Current Instruments. This
Class I Coatings. Each of these classifications has non destructive method determines coating thick-
several subdivisions, as shown in Table 1-5, page ness by the lift off effect of a probe coil that con-
1-21. tacts the coating and generates eddy currents in
The first two classifications apply to general in- the aluminum substrate.
dustrial work, not to architectural products. Only the
• ASTM B 137, Test Method for Measurement
last two, as their names indicate, are of architectural
of Weight of Coating Mass per Unit Area on Anodi-
interest and will be described here.
cally Coated Aluminum. This test involves weigh-
Architectural Class I Coatings ing a small sample of known surface area on an
analytical balance, dissolving the coating in a so-
These are coatings 0.7 mil or more in thickness
lution that does not attack the aluminum, then re-
and weighing not less than 27 mg. per sq. in., or a
weighing the specimen and comparing weights.
density not less than 38 g per sq in., and include the
Properly sealed anodic coatings are proof
hardest and most durable anodic coatings available.
against absorption of coloring materials or stain-
They are appropriate for interior architectural items
ing. To check for proper sealing the following stain
subject to normal wear, and for exterior items that
test can be used:
receive a minimal amount of cleaning and main-
tenance. It is possible to produce hard coat Class • ASTM B 136, Test Method for Measurement of
I finishes in thicknesses ranging from 1 to 3 mils. Stain Resistance of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum.


Regarding the Use of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum
Anodic coating can be restored only by remov- pearance differences after anodizing due to their dif-
ing the coated item and refinishing it in the shop, fering alloy composition and metallurgical structure.
at the cost of considerable time and expense. Aluminum that has been cold worked extensively,
Items subject to heavy wear or abrasion should such as in tapered aluminum flagpoles and lighting
therefore either receive a sufficiently heavy coat- support poles, can exhibit apparent color variation
ing to insure that it will not be worn through, or within a single alloy after anodizing. This color varia-
should be given some other type of finish that can tion due to anodizing cold worked aluminum can-
be more easily restored, not be controlled. Anodizing should not be specified
Flash welding can be successfully done on for composite or extensively cold worked structures
frontal areas to be anodized, providing the “flash” when appearance differences are unacceptable.
is mechanically removed, but arc welding of as- In specifying color anodizing it must be recog-
semblies to be anodized should be done only in nized that each alloy produces its own character-
concealed areas, because objectionable discol- istic shade, and specific colors can be provided
oring can result. If required, it should be under- only by certain alloys. The selection of alloys
taken only with the advice of a competent and ex- should be carefully specified and controlled, and
perienced fabricator. The selection of filler rod for not mixed indiscriminately.
welding is also very important. If the wrong mate- For example, the ‘Duranodic’ process men-
rial is used, any exposed weld joint can turn black tioned above requires either of four series of al-
in the anodizing process. The most common filler loys to get the proper color: 1100, 5000, 6000, or
rod if the aluminum is to be anodized is 5356 or 7000. However, mixing them together in a struc-
5856 Rod. Again, hidden welds if possible or min- ture, and in some cases within the same alloy (i.e.
imal welds are preferred because even with these 6061 & 6063), does not provide the same coloring
filler materials, a noticeably different shade in the on the entire weldment. All will shade differently
weld area will be seen after anodizing. when anodized together.
Joints between large anodized panels should Specifications should include the require-
be interrupted with divider strips, shadow lines, or ment of color samples showing the color range
changes in plane or texture, rather than being treated to be expected in production of any specific color
as simple butt joints, to minimize variations in shade. and shade.
Assemblies which are to be anodized must With the exception of lead and titanium, other
have drainage holes provided, so that acid trapped metals should not be included in assemblies to be
in hollow areas can drain out and be properly anodized, as the anodizing process will dissolve
flushed. Acid trapped in joints must also be thor- them.
oughly washed out. Otherwise, it will drain out after All surface protective coverings such as adhe-
installation, causing objectionable stains. sive paper and strippable plastic films should be
When thick sheet is used for components removed as soon as possible after installation be-
which are to be anodized, and no grinding, pol- cause they can become brittle and unpeelable un-
ishing or buffing is required, a specialty sheet der exposure to sunlight and weather, and under
product should be specified, to minimize ‘’struc- these conditions they can cause staining.
tural streaking.” Specialty sheet is not generally For maintenance of anodic finishes ordinary
recommended, however, if mechanical finishing wax cleaners, soap or mild detergents and water
is intended, but the finish in such cases should are generally satisfactory. DO NOT USE alkaline
be sufficiently textured to conceal the “structural or acid materials. Some anodizers offer touch-up
streaking.” If a textured finish is not acceptable, materials, in either spray or liquid form, to their
thicker specialty sheet can be used, provided ex- customers.
treme care is exercised during both the fabricat-
ing and finishing processes. Refer to AAMA 609/610-02, “Cleaning and
Composite structures consisting of wrought, Maintenance Guide for Architecturally Finished
cast, and welded aluminum will exhibit extreme ap- Aluminum.”

Quality of the seal can also be checked by the always been concerned about the appearance of
following ASTM and ISO (International Standards the exterior wall. The attractiveness of the wall
Organization) tests: design and the continued excellent appearance
• ASTM B 680, Test Method for Seal Quality of of a properly located building brings in and keeps
Anodic Coatings on Aluminum by Acid Dissolution. satisfied tenants. The architect who has specified
• ISO 3210, Assessment of Sealing Quality by anodized aluminum wall and window components
Measurement of the Loss of Mass after Immersion has done so first because of the beauty which can
in Phosphoric Chromic Acid Solution. be achieved with such anodized finishes and sec-
• ASTM B 457, Test Method for Measurement ond because of the long life, durability, and low
of Impedance of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum. maintenance that these finishes provide. It then
• ISO 2931, Assessment of Quality of Sealed becomes the responsibility of the building owner
Anodic Oxide Coatings by Measurement of Admit- or manager to see that the original beauty of the
tance or Impedance. building exterior is maintained in order to preserve
Recommendations of the proprietary process the desirability and profitability of the property.
anodizers should be followed with regard to seal The American Architectural Manufacturers As-
tests. sociation, recognizing the need for the aluminum
industry to provide information on the care and
Guide Specifications maintenance of exterior wall finishes, released a
and Inspection Methods publication titled “Cleaning and Maintenance Guide
for Architecturally Finished Aluminum, AAMA
Four publications of the American Architectur-
609/610-02.’’ This specification outlines methods,
al Manufacturers Association (AAMA) are recom-
equipment, and materials to clean anodized alu-
mended as references for those who desire more
minum after construction and for subsequent, pe-
detailed information or who require guidance on
riodic maintenance. The methods outlined are ap-
specifying and inspecting anodized finishes for ar-
plicable to architectural products fabricated from
chitectural aluminum products. These publications
both rolled and extruded shapes, including win-
are listed below:
dow and door frames, store fronts, and entrances,
• AAMA 611-98, Voluntary Specification for
curtain walls, mullions, hand rails, flag poles, and
Anodized Architectural Aluminum.
hardware. The information provided in the speci-
• AAMA 2603-02, Voluntary Specification, Per- fication is useful to building owners, managers,
formance Requirements and Test Procedures for architects, contractors, and others in the building
Pigmented Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extru- industry who are interested in the proper care and
sions and Panels. maintenance of anodized aluminum.
• AAMA 2604-02, Voluntary Specification, Per-
formance Requirements and Test Procedures for As with any finished building material, alumi-
High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum num requires reasonable care prior to and during
Extrusions and Panels. installation and periodic cleaning and maintenance
after installation. Although anodized aluminum is
• AAMA 2605-02, Voluntary Specification,
exceptionally resistant to corrosion, discoloration
Performance Requirements and Test Procedures
and wear, its natural beauty can be marred by
for Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Alu-
harsh chemicals, abuse, or neglect. Such condi-
minum Extrusions and Panels.
tions usually affect only the surface finish but do
not reduce the service life of the aluminum. All
Care and Maintenance
exterior surfaces collect varying amounts of soil
of Anodized Aluminum and dirt, depending on geographic area, envi-
(The material appearing in this section has been excerpt-
ronmental conditions, finish and location on the
ed from AAMA “Care and Handling of Architectural Alumi-
num from Shop to Site,” CW-10-97. See also, Chapter 5, building. These factors and the owner’s attitude
Applied Coatings.) regarding surface appearance determine the type
and frequency of cleaning required. The aluminum
General Considerations cleaning schedule should be integrated with other
Building owners and managers, along with the cleaning schedules for efficiency and economy.
architects who have designed their buildings, have For example, both the glass and the aluminum


curtain wall can be cleaned at the same time. with water should be tried. If soils still adhere, then a
Cleaning may be required more often in one mild detergent cleaner should be used with brushing
geographic area than another when appearance or sponging. Washing should be done with uniform
is of prime importance. More frequent cleaning will pressure, first horizontally then vertically. Following
be required in heavy industrialized areas than in the washing, the surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed
rural areas. Seasonal rainfall can affect washing by spraying with clean water.
frequency by removing water soluble deposits and If it is necessary to remove oil, wax, polish, or
less adherent soil. In foggy coastal regions, fre- other similar materials, methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK)
quent cycles of condensation and drying can cre- or an equivalent solvent is recommended for clean
ate a heavy buildup of atmospheric salts and dirt up. Extreme care must be exercised when sol-
which can adhere tenaciously. In climates where vents of this type are used since they can dam-
the rainfall is low, the opportunity for atmospheric age organic sealants, gaskets and finishes. These
washing of the surface is minimal. Los Angeles, solvents should never be used on anodic finishes
for example, with its unique combination of lim- protected by clear organic coatings unless the or-
ited rainfall, temperature fluctuation, smog and ganic coating has deteriorated and should be re-
condensation, requires that aluminum be cleaned moved.
more frequently than in other metropolitan areas Removing heavy surface soils can require the
with more frequent rainfall. use of an abrasive cleaning pad. In this procedure
In both wet and dry climates, recessed and the pad is thoroughly soaked with clean water or
sheltered areas usually become more heavily a mild detergent cleaner and the metal surface is
soiled because of the lack of rain washing. More hand scrubbed with uniform pressure. Scrubbing
frequent and longer periods of condensation also action should be in the direction of the metal grain.
occur in protected areas, increasing the adhesion Scrubbing with a nylon cleaning pad impregnated
of the soil. This is particularly true of soffit areas with a surface protectant material is also recom-
on overhangs, bottoms of fascia panels, sheltered mended for removing stubborn soils and stains.
column covers, and the like. Periodic maintenance After scrubbing, the surface should be rinsed thor-
inhibits long term accumulation of soil which, un- oughly with clean water to remove all residue. In
der certain conditions, can accelerate weathering some circumstances it is necessary to wipe the
of the finish. surface with a solvent. The surface is then per-
mitted to air dry or is wiped dry with a chamois,
Cleaning Procedures squeegee or lint free cloth.
Cleaning procedures for aluminum should be Power cleaning tools can be used to remove
initiated as soon as practical after completion of unusually heavy soils from large areas includ-
installation to remove construction soils and accu- ing panels and column covers. When using such
mulated environmental soils and discolorations. tools, the surface must be continually flushed with
Cleaning work should start at the top of the clean water or a mild detergent cleaning solution
building and proceed to the ground level in a con- to provide lubrication and a medium for carrying
tinuous drop. Using a forceful water spray, an area away the dirt. After an area has been machine
the width of the stage or scaffolding should be scrubbed, it must be rinsed with clean water and
rinsed as cleaning proceeds from the top down. thoroughly scrubbed with a fairly stiff bristle brush.
Because surface soils can be light or heavy, The surface is then either air dried or wiped dry.
several progressively stronger cleaning proce-
dures can be employed depending on the severity Inspection
and tenacity of the soil. Only trial and error testing It is suggested that the building owner or man-
can determine which will be most effective. The ager provide an engineer or other qualified repre-
simplest procedure to remove the soil is the one sentative to inspect the cleaning work. Care must
which should be used. be taken to see that metal seams, crevices, sills,
For light soils, the simplest procedure is to flush and other areas that can trap water, cleaner, or dirt
the surface with water using moderate pressure. If are carefully cleaned and dried. A final inspection
soil is still present after air drying the surface, scrub- to ensure that no discoloration or stains remain on
bing with a brush or sponge and concurrent spraying the surface is recommended.

Cleaning Precautions Care and Maintenance
Certain precautions must be taken when of Painted Aluminum
cleaning anodized aluminum surfaces. Aluminum (The material appearing in this section has been ex-
finishes must first be identified to select the ap- cerpted from AAMA CW-10-97, Care and Handling of Ar-
propriate cleaning method. Aggressive alkaline or chitectural Aluminum from Shop to Site.)
acid cleaners must never be used. Cleaning hot,
sun heated surfaces should be avoided since pos- General Considerations
sible chemical reactions will be highly accelerated Care and maintenance guidelines for anodized
and cleaning non uniformity could occur. Strong aluminum also apply to painted aluminum. The ar-
organic solvents, while not affecting anodized chitect depends on the finish to provide the beau-
aluminum, can extract stain producing chemicals ty in the building he has designed. The building
from sealants and can affect the function of the owner and manager want to preserve this beauty
sealants. Strong cleaners should not be used on thereby preserving the desirability and profitability
window glass and other components where it is of the property.
possible for the cleaner to come in contact with the
aluminum. Excessive abrasive rubbing should not As in the case of anodized aluminum, the
be used since it could damage the finish. American Architectural Manufacturers Association
released a publication Cleaning and Maintenance
Guide for Architecturally Finishes Aluminum,
Field Protection and Maintenance AAMA 609/610-02. This guide outlines methods,
Field protection and maintenance of cleaned equipment, and materials applicable for cleaning
surfaces is of particular interest. A wipe-on sur- architecturally finished aluminum after construc-
face protectant is now available which is estimat- tion and for subsequent periodic maintenance.
ed to provide protection for 12 to 24 months in the Organic aluminum coatings do not normally show
harshest environments. This protectant is applied an appreciable amount of dirt accumulation. In many
to a thoroughly cleaned and dried anodized sur- atmospheres, dirt and soil would not be detrimental
face with a lint free cloth or felt pad. The benefits to the coating, but cleaning and surface care is de-
of such an application are twofold; first, it protects sirable for the sake of appearance. In areas where
the finish, and second, it makes subsequent main- heavy industrial deposits have dulled the surface,
tenance easier. Subsequent maintenance can be where materials from construction processes have
reduced to simply flushing the surface with water, soiled the surface; or where cleaner has run down
permitting it to dry and wiping on a surface protec- from other surfaces, surface cleaning is desirable.
tant every few years. In applying this protectant it Climatic conditions affect the cleanliness of
is very important that the manufacturer’s recom- organic coatings in the same way they affect an-
mendations be carefully followed. odized coatings. In some areas rainfall can be suf-
ficient to keep exterior surfaces looking clean and
Equipment and Products bright. In areas of low rainfall or in heavily industri-
Equipment and products needed for clean- alized areas, periodic cleaning will be necessary.
ing and maintaining anodized aluminum finish- This is also true of foggy coastal regions with fre-
es are listed in Section 7 of AAMA 609/610-02. quent cycles of condensation and drying which can
These include mild soaps, detergents, non etch- cause a build up of atmospheric salts and dirt. In
ing cleaners, abrasive cleaning pads and clean- any climate, sheltered areas under overhangs can
ing machines. AAMA, however, has not evaluated become soiled from lack of rain washing. Cleaning
these materials nor does its listing constitute an painted aluminum components in the exterior wall
endorsement. This list is included only as an aid to may be scheduled along with cleaning the glass.
potential users in identifying the materials. If automatic wall cleaning equipment is to be
Many waxes are available for application to used on a building, a test should be made early in
anodized finishes, but they are best used on interi- the equipment design to ensure that the cleaning
or items such as hand rails, doors, and decorative solutions and brushes, as well as the frequency
metals. It is generally not practical to use these of cleaning, will have no detrimental effect on the
materials on high rise portions of a building. coating.


Cleaning Procedures applied and removed with a clean cloth. Remaining
Painted surfaces should be cleaned as soon residue should be washed with mild soap and rinsed
as possible after installation to remove construc- with water. Use solvent cleaners sparingly.
tion soils and accumulated environmental soils. Since solvents can extract materials from seal-
Ideally, a forceful water rinse from the top down ants which could stain the painted surface or could
should be employed before applying any cleaner. prove harmful to sealants, their possible effects
Some type of surface agitation helps. A low vol- must be considered. Test a small area first.
ume of water at moderate pressure is better than a If cleaning heavy tenacious surface soil or stub-
high volume at low pressure. Rubbing the surface born stains has been postponed, a more aggressive
with soft brushes, sponges or cloth during the rins- cleaner and technique is required. Cleaner and tech-
ing also helps. nique should be matched to the soil and the painted
If a simple water rinse with brushing, spong- finish. Some local manual cleaning may be needed
ing, or rubbing with a cloth is not sufficient to re- at this point. Always follow the recommendations of
move the soil, a mild detergent or mild soap will be the cleaner manufacturer as to proper cleaner and
necessary. concentration. Test clean a small area first. Clean-
Washing with a mild detergent or mild soap ers should not be used indiscriminately. Do not use
should be done by brushing or sponging with a excessive, abrasive rubbing since it can alter surface
uniform pressure, first horizontally, then vertically. texture or impart a ‘’shine’’ to the surface.
Following the washing, the surfaces must be thor- Dried concrete spillage on the painted surface
oughly rinsed with clean water. If the cleaner has can be quite stubborn to remove. Special cleaners
been permitted to dry, sponge the surfaces while and/or vigorous rubbing with non abrasive brushes
rinsing, if necessary. Rinsed surfaces are permit- or plastic scrapers may be necessary.
ted to air dry or wiped dry with a chamois, squee- Diluted solutions of Muriatic Acid (under 10%)
gee or lint free cloth. can be effective in removing dried concrete stains,
Cleaner run down should be minimized and and effective proprietary cleaners for concrete and
those areas subject to run down should be rinsed mortar staining are available. However, a test area
immediately, and as long as necessary, to lessen should be tried first, and proper handling precau-
the probability of streaking. tions must be exercised for safety reasons.
Cleaning chemicals must not be allowed to Mixing cleaners can be very dangerous, as
collect on surfaces, to “puddle’’ on horizontal sur- well as ineffective. For example, mixing chlorine
faces or to collect in joints and crevices. These containing materials such as bleaches, with other
surfaces, joints and crevices should be thoroughly cleaning compounds containing ammonia, can
flushed with water and dried. produce poison gas.
Mild detergents and soaps, which are safe for Always rinse the surface after removing heavy
bare hands, should be safe for coated aluminum. surface soil.
Stronger detergents, such as some dishwater de-
tergents, should be carefully spot tested. Some of Summary of Cleaning Tips
the latter would necessitate using rubber gloves • Overcleaning or excessive rubbing can do
and long handled brushes. Some mild clean- more harm than good.
ing solutions are available for automatic building • Strong solvents (MEK for example) or strong
washing machines. cleaner concentrations can cause damage to
Mild solvents such as mineral spirits can be used painted surfaces.
to remove grease, sealant or caulking compounds.
• Avoid abrasive cleaners. Do not use house-
Stronger solvents or solvents containing cleaners
hold cleaners that contain abrasives on paint-
can soften paints. To prevent damage to the finish,
ed surfaces.
the coating manufacturer should be consulted and
these types of solvent or emulsion cleaners should • Abrasive materials such as steel wool, abra-
first be spot tested. Care should be taken to assure sive brushes, etc., can wear and harm fin-
that no surface marring takes place in this manner ishes.
since it could give an undesirable appearance at cer- • Avoid drips and splashes. Remove run downs
tain viewing angles. Cleaners of this type are usually as quickly as possible.

• Avoid temperature extremes. Heat accelerates items located below. Such considerations can
chemical reactions and can evaporate water affect the timing in the cleaning schedule.
from solution. Extremely low temperature can
give poor cleaning results. Cleaning under Inspection
adverse conditions can result in streaking or
staining. Ideally, cleaning should be done in It is suggested that the building owner or man-
shade at moderate temperature. ager provide a qualified inspector to see that the
cleaning operations are carried out in accordance
• Do not substitute a heavy duty cleaner for a with the recommended procedures.
frequently used, mild cleaner.
• Do not scour painted surfaces. Standard Finish Designations
• Never use paint removers, aggressive alka- (as established by the Aluminum Association)
line, acid or abrasive cleaners. Do not use tri-
For many years, each of the prime producers
sodium phosphate or highly alkaline or highly
of aluminum had his own system for identifying the
acid cleaners. Always do a test surface.
many different finishes available. This resulted in
• Follow manufacturers recommendations for a bewildering assortment of unrelated finish sym-
mixing and diluting cleaners. bols, confusing to both architects and fabricators.
• Never mix cleaners. Recognizing the necessity of correcting this situa-
• To prevent marring, make sure cleaning tion, the Aluminum Association, in 1959, formed a
sponges, cloth, etc., are grit free. committee representing all of the major producers,
to study the problem and formulate an industry
• “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of wide designation system acceptable to all.
cure.” The result was the Aluminum Association Fin-
• In addition to the foregoing, consideration must ishes Designation System, adopted by the Asso-
be given to the effects run down can have on ciation in 1963 and first published in 1964. Sub-
shrubbery, personnel, equipment and other sequent developments in anodizing processes,

Table 1-1: Finishes for Aluminum Hardware

Listed in this table are the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) designations for
finishes most commonly in use today on aluminum hardware. Since U.S. Finish Designations occa-
sionally appear in specifications, the nearest U.S. equivalents of the BHMA code numbers are shown
on the list. For a complete listing and descriptions of hardware finishes refer to ANSI/BHMA A156.18,
American National Standard for Materials and Finishes.
Code No. Description Nearest US
627 Satin aluminum, clear coated US27
628 Satin aluminum, clear anodized US28
666 Bright brass plated, clear coated US3
667 Satin brass plated, clear coated US4
668 Satin bronze plated, clear coated US10
669 Bright nickel plated US14
670 Satin nickel plated US15
671 Flat black coated US19
672 Bright chromium plated over nickel US26
673 Aluminum clear coated USP
688 Satin aluminum, gold anodized US4


minor modifications, and several new designations tem will be extended to include at least the more
have resulted in the current (revised) Designation common of these finishes.
System. The descriptions of finishes given under the
The Aluminum Association’s Finish Desig- heading “Examples of Methods of Finishing” in
nation System, as explained in the following dis- Tables 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5 are intended only as il-
cussion, is designed to cover all commonly used lustrations of appropriate methods and not as
finishes, and provides also for accommodating specifications. Alternatives to these methods of
new finishes as they are developed. The National obtaining the finish are acceptable, provided that
Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers an equivalent finish is produced. There are many
endorses this system and recommends its consis- variations and limitations of both equipment and
tent use not only by all of its member companies procedures in the finishing industry which require
but by all those who are concerned with identifying modifications of such suggested methods.
and specifying aluminum finishes,
In this system, seven categories—the me-
chanical finishes, the chemical finishes, and five Explanation of the Use of the System
types of coatings—are designated by different let- Where only a simple finish is called for, a sin-
ters as follows: gle designation is used alone (e.g. M33), but more
frequently two or more designations will be com-
Mechanical Finishes . ..............................M bined to form a composite designation identifying
Chemical Finishes.................................... C a sequence of operations leading to a final finish
(including conversion coatings) (e.g. C22A31).
When designations for chemical or applied fin-
Anodic Coatings....................................... A ishes are used alone, it is to be understood that
Resinous and Other Organic Coatings..... R other processing steps normally used as prepara-
tion for the specified finish can be used at the op-
Electroplated and Metallic Coatings......... E
tion of the finisher. When a finish requires two or
Vitreous Coatings..................................... V more treatments of the same class, the class letter
Laminated Coatings..................................L should be repeated, followed in each case by the
appropriate two digit numeral.
Each of these categories in turn includes a
The use of the letter ‘x’ in all categories of the
variety of specific finishes bearing an identifying
designation system (e.g. M1x, C2x, etc.) requires
two digit number. The designation for any finish,
additional explanation. This symbol indicates that
then, consists of one of these seven letters fol-
the Aluminum Association has not yet assigned
lowed by two digits. In the case of Protective and
any specific designations in the classification so
Decorative Anodic Coatings (Table 1-5) three digit
designated; any finishes in these categories pres-
numerals are used to further define them by mini-
ently have no recognized numerical designation
mum coating thickness and weight. To date, how-
and must therefore be described in words.
ever, numbers have been assigned to only those
finishes classified as Mechanical Finishes (Table The ‘x’ symbol is to be used by the specifier;
1-3), Chemical Finishes (Table 1-4) and Anodic he should not arbitrarily substitute a digit of his
Coatings (Table 1-5). own selection in place of the “x.’’
The method tentatively recommended for iden- The procedure to be followed where such fin-
tifying other types of coating finish is explained in ishes are concerned is illustrated in Examples 4
Table 1-2, which summarizes the system in its and 5 on page 1-17.
present form. It will be seen that designations have The examples on the following page illustrate
not yet been determined for many of the specific the use of the system. Note that each designation
types of applied coatings. This matter is still under is preceded by the letters AA to identify it as an
study, however, and it is anticipated that the sys- Aluminum Association designation.

Hardware Finishes
Architectural hardware finishes are designated by code numbers established by the Builders Hard-
ware Manufacturers Association (BHMA). The nearest US equivalents of BHMA numbers are listed in
its standard ANSI/BHMA A156.18-2000. Samples of selected finishes are available from its New York
office. The equivalent aluminum finishes are listed in Table 1-1.

Example 1 – Architectural Building Panel

To specify a matte anodized finish such as that produced by first etching the aluminum and then ap-
plying a durable clear anodic coating, the architect would use the designation
AA – C22A41, which represents:
C22 –Chemical Finish, Etched, Medium Matte (Table 4)
A42 – Anodic Coating, Architectural Class 1, clear coating 0.7 mil or thicker (Table 5)

Example 2 – Architectural Extrusion with Integral Color

If an architect wishes to specify an anodized finish with a non specular surface and an integral color,
he uses the designation
AA – M12C22A42, of color to match approved sample.
These symbols represent:
M12 – Mechanical Finish, Non specular as fabricated (Table 3)
C22 – Chemical Finish, Medium Matte (Table 4)
A42 – Anodic Coating, Architectural Class 1, Integrally colored coating 0.7 mil or thicker (Table 5)

Example 3 – Extruded Assembly, Welded, with Integral Color

Because of the necessity of dressing down and blending the welded areas, a directional textured,
rather than bright finish is usually specified in this case, though for some products concealed welding can
be successfully used to join prefinished parts. The designation (for a directional finish) should be
AA – M32A42, of color to match approved sample. This calls for:
M32 – Mechanical Finish, Directional Textured, Medium Satin (Table 3)
A42 – As in Example 2 above

Example 4 – Etched Finish with Clear Lacquer Protection

Since clear lacquer is a type of organic coating and, as such, has no specific finish designation, the
type to be used must be specified.
This finish, then, would be designated approximately as follows:
AA – C22R1x, using ‘’ABC’’ Company’s clear methacrylate lacquer No. _____,
applied in two coats with interim drying, to a total thickness of 0.6 mils.
(C22 designates a medium matte etch).

Example 5 – Patterned Sheet with Organic Coating

In this case, both the pattern and the coating must be specified, and the designation would be
AA – M1xC41R1x, using “One” Company’s pattern No. ____ and
“Another” Company’s (brand) coating, ____
______color, applied... (state requirements)....
(C41 designates acid chromate fluoride pretreatment)



All designations are to be preceded by the letters AA, to identify them as Aluminum Association designations.
Finishes printed in boldface type are those most frequently used for architectural work.


As Fabricated Buffed Directional Textured Non-Directional Textured
M10—Unspecified M20—Unspecified M30—Unspecified M40—Unspecified
M11—Specular as fabricated M21—Smooth specular M31—Fine satin M41—Extra fine matte
M12—Non-specular as fabricated M22—Specular M32—Medium satin M42—Fine matte
M1x—Other M2x—Other M33—Coarse satin M43—Medium matte
M34—Hand rubbed M44—Coarse matte
M35—Brushed M45—Fine shot blast
M3x—Other M46—Medium shot blast
M47—Coarse shot blast
Non-Etched Cleaned Etched Brightened Chemical Conversion Coatings
C10—Unspecified C20—Unspecified C30—Unspecified C40—Unspecified
C11—Degreased C21—Fine matte C31—Highly specular C41—Acid chromate-fluoride
C12—Inhibited C22—Medium matte C32—Diffuse bright C42—Acid chromate
chemical cleaned C23—Coarse matte C33—Highly specular fluoride-phosphate
C1x—Other C24—Fine matte C3x—Other C43—Alkaline chromate
C25—Adhesion pretreatment C44—Non-chromate
C26—Desmut C45—Non-rinsed chromate
C27—Desmut C46—Non-rinsed non-chromate
C28—Etched designs C 4x—Other
General Protective and Decorative Architectural Class II Architectural Class I
A10—Unspecified A21*—Clear (natural) A31—Clear (natural) A41—Clear (natural)
A12—Chromic acid anodic A22*—Integral color A32—Integral color A42—Integral color
A13—Hard,wear and A23*—Impregnated color A33—Impregnated color A43—Impregnated color
abrasion resistant coatings A24—Electrolytically A34—Electrolytically A44—Electrolytically
A14—Nonchromate deposited color deposited color deposited color
adhesion pretreatment A2x—Other A3x—Other A4x—Other
*Third digit (1, 2 or 3) added to designate min. thickness in 1/10 mils. See TABLE 1-5.


The following designations can be used until more complete systems are developed.

Resinous and Organic

R1x—To be specified

Vitreous – Porcelain and Ceramic Types

V1X—To be specified

L1x—To be specified


All designations are to be preceded by the letters AA, to identify them as Aluminum Association designations.

Type of Finish Designation Description Examples of Method of Finishing

M 10 Unspecified
M 11 Specular as fabricated
M 12 Non-specular as fabricated
M 1x Other To be specified.
M20 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
M21 Smooth specular Polishing with grits coarser than 320 and finishing with 320 grit, using
peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 fpm (30 m/s). Then buffing with tripoli
BUFFED based buffing compound, using peripheral wheel speed of 7,000 (36
m/s) to 8,000 fpm (41 m/s).
M22 Specular Buffing with tripoli compound, using peripheral wheel speed 7,000 (36
m/s) to 8,000 fpm (41 m/s).
M2x Other To be specified.
M30 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
M31 Fine satin Wheel or belt polishing with aluminum oxide grit of 320 to 400 size, using
peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 fpm (30 m/s).
M32 Medium satin Wheel or belt polishing with aluminum oxide grit of 180 to 220 size, using
peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 fpm (30 m/s).
DIRECTIONAL M33 Coarse satin Wheel or belt polishing with aluminum oxide grit of 80 to 100 size;
TEXTURED peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 fpm (30 m/s).
M34 Hand rubbed Hand rubbing with stainless steel wool lubricated with neutral soap
solution. Final rubbing with No. 00 wool.
M35 Brushed Brushing with rotary stainless steel wire brush, wire diameter 0.0095
in. (0.24 mm); peripheral wheel speed 6,000 fpm (30 m/s) or various
proprietary satin finishing wheels or satin finishing compounds with buffs.
M3x Other To be specified.
M40 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
M41 Extra fine matte Air blasting with 200-mesh washed silica sand or aluminum oxide,
using 45 psi (310kPa) pressure with gun held 8-12 inches
(203-305 mm) from work at 90 angle.
M42 Fine matte Air blasting with 100 to 200-mesh silica sand or aluminum oxide. Air
pressure 30 to 90 psi (207 to 621 kPa), depending on metal
o o
thickness; gun held 12 in. (305 mm) from work at angle of 60 to 90 .
M43 Medium matte Air blasting with 40 to 80-mesh silica sand or aluminum oxide. Air
NON-DIRECTIONAL pressure 30 to 90 psi (207 to 621 kPa), depending on metal
o o
TEXTURED thickness; gun held 12 in. (305 mm) from work at angle of 60 to 90 .
M44 Coarse matte Air blasting with 16 to 20-mesh silica sand or aluminum oxide. Air
pressure 30 to 90 psi (207 to 621 kPa), depending on metal
o o
thickness; gun held 12 " (305 mm) from work at angle of 60 to 90 .
M45 Fine shot blast Cast steel shot of ASTM size 70-170 applied by air blast or
centrifugal force.
M46 Medium shot blast Cast steel shot of ASTM size 230-550 applied by air blast or
centrifugal force.
M47 Coarse shot blast Cast steel shot of ASTM size 660-1320 applied by air blast of
centrifugal force.
M4x Other To be specified.



All designations are to be preceded by the letters AA, to identify them as Aluminum Association designations.

Type of Finish Designation Description Examples of Method of Finishing

C10 Unspecified Optional with finisher.

NON-ETCHED C11 Degreased Organic solvent using petroleum-based or chlorinated solvents.
CLEANED C12 Inhibited chemically Inhibited chemical type cleaner, 4-6 oz/gal (30-45 g/L), used at
o o
140-180 F. Cleaned(60-80 C) for 2 – 5 min with a pH between 4.5 to 8.5.
C1x Other To be specified.
C20 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
o o
C21 Fine matte Tri-sodium phosphate, 3-6 oz/gal (22-45 g/L), used at 140 -160 F
o o
(60 -80 C) for 3-5 minutes.
C22 Medium matte Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) 4-6 oz/gal (30-45 g/L), used at
o o o o
130 -150 F (49 -66 C) for 5-10 minutes.
C23 Coarse matte Sodium fluoride, 1.5oz (11g), plus sodium hydroxide 4-6 oz/gal (30-45
o o o o
g/L), used at130 -150 F (54 -66 C) for 5-10 minutes.
C24 Fine matte Nitric Acid (25% vol) and hydrofluoric acid (1% vol) used at room
ETCHED temperature for 5 to 10 min.
C25 Adhesion pretreatment Sulfuric acid (98%) at 16.3% vol and 6% (wt) sodium dichromate with
o o
0.25 oz/gal (1.9 g/L) of 2024 aluminum dissolved used at 140 -158 F
o o
(60 -70 C) for 9 to 30 min.
C26 Desmut Nitric acid, 25-50% by vol used at room temperature for 1-6 min
(hydrofluoric acid can be added [1-5% vol].
C27 Desmut Chromic acid, 13.35 oz/gal (100 g/L) plus sulfuric acid, 8 oz/gal (60
g/L) plus ammonium bifluoride 0.4 – 0.67 oz/gal (3-5g/L) used at
ambient temperature for 1 to 6 min.
C28 Etched designs Ferric chloride (42% Be), 50% (vol) used at room temperature.
C2x Other To be specified.
C30 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
C31 Highly specular Immersed in 73-83% (vol) phospsoric acid and 2-5% (vol) nitric acid
(and additions of 0.01% copper and 10-12% aluminum phosphate)
o o
at 194 F (90 C) for 15 sec to 5 min.
BRIGHTENED C32 Diffuse bright Etched finish C22 followed by brightened finish C31.
C33 Highly specular Immersed in 15% phosphoric acid, 70% sulfuric acid used at 185 F
(85 C) for 20 min with an applied current density of 140 asf (15
C3x Other To be specified.
C40 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
C41 Acid chromate-fluoride Proprietary chemicals treatments of the following general makeup
used producing clear to typically yellow colored surfaces – chromic
acid (3.4 - 4.0 g/L) plus sodium dichromate (3.0 – 3.5 g/L) plus
o o
sodium fluoride (0.8 g/L) used at 86 F (30 C) for 3 min.
C42 Acid chromate-fluoride- Proprietary chemical treatments of the following general makeup used
Phosphate producing clear to typically green colored surfaces – phosphoric acid
(75%), 24 g/L plus sodium fluoride, 5 g/L plus chromic acid, 6.8 g/L.
C43 Alkaline chromate Proprietary chemical treatments used producing clear to typically gray
colored surfaces
C44 Non-chromate Proprietary chemical treatments of the following general makeup,
using no chromates.
CHEMICAL COATINGS Example 1: Potassium fluozirconate (K2ZrF4), 0.4 g/L plus ortho-boric
acid (H3BO3),5.0 g/L plus potassium nitrate, KNO3, 10 g/L plus nitric
o o
acid (HNO3), 0.4 m/L used at 50 – 65 C for 5 to 15 min.
Example 2: Zinc oxide, 10.2% wt plus nickel oxide, 1.85% plus
phosphoric acid (75%), 44.3% plus nitric acid, 4.5% plus hydrofluoric
o o
acid (70%), 0.97% plus fluorosilic acid (35%), 4.2% used at 50 -65 C for
5 to 15 min.
C45 Non-rinsed chromate Proprietary chemical treatments in which coating liquid is dried on the
work with no subsequent water rinsing.
C46 Non-rinsed non-chromate Proprietary chemical treatment in which coating liquid is dried on the
work with no subsequent water.rinsing.
C4x Other To be specified.


All designations are to be preceded by the letters AA, to identify them as Aluminum Association designations.

Type of Finish Designation Description Examples of Method of Finishing

A10 Unspecified Optional with finisher.

A11 Preparation for other 0.1 mil (3um) anodic coating produced in 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ±
o o o
applied coatings 2 F, (21 ± 1 C) 12 amp/sq ft (129 A/m2) for 7 minutes, or equivalent.
A12 Chromic acid anodizing To be specified. Example 1: chromic acid (2.5 – 3%) at 40 C at 0.1 –
coatings 0.5 A/dm2 for 5 to 30 min to produce a 2 - 15 um (0.1 – 0.6 mil)
GENERAL A13 Hard, wear and abrasion To be specified. Example 1: sulfuric acid (130 g/L) plus oxalic acid (14
resistant coatings g/L) used at 48 – 52 F at 36 asf for 20 min to produce a 1 mil coating.
A14 Non-chromate adhesion To be specified. Example 1: Phosphoric acid (10%) used at 23 - 25 C
pretreatment at 10-12 V for 20 to 30 min to produce a 1-2 um (<0.1 mil) coating.
A1x Other To be specified.
o o
A21 Clear coating Coating thickness to be specified. 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ± 2 F
o o
(21 ± 1 C), 12 amp/sq ft(129 A/m2).
A211 Clear coating Coating thickness - 0.1 mil (3um) minimum. Coating weight - 4 mg/in2
(6.2 g/m2) min.
A212 Clear coating Coating thickness - 0.2 mil (5um) minimum. Coating weight - 8 mg/in2
(12.4 g/m2) min.
A213 Clear coating Coating thickness - 0.3 mil (8um) minimum. Coating weight -12
mg/in2 (18.6 g/m2) min.
A22 Coating with integral color Coating thickness to be specified. Color dependent on alloy and
process methods.
A221 Coating with integral color Coating thickness - 0.1 mil (3um) minimum; Coating weight - 4 mg/in2
(6.2 g/m2) min.
PROTECTIVE A222 Coating with integral color Coating thickness - 0.2 mil (5um) minimum; Coating weight - 8 mg/in2
AND (12.4 g/m2) min.
DECORATIVE A223 Coating with integral color Coating thickness - 0.3 mil (8um) minimum; Coating weight - 12
(Coatings less mg/in2 (18.6 g/m2) min.
o o
than 0.4 mi A23 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness to be specified. 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ± 2 F
o o
thickness) color (21 ± 1 C), 12 amp/sq ft (129 A/m2) followed by dyeing with organic
or inorganic colors.
A231 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness - 0.1 mil (3um) minimum; Coating weight - 4 mg/in2
color (6.2 g/m2) min.
A232 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness - 0.2 mil minimum; weight - 8 mg/in2 (12.4 g/m2)
color min.
A233 Coating with impregnated Coating thickness - 0.3 mil minimum; weight - 12 mg/in2 (18.6 g/m2)
color min.
A24 Coating with electrolytically Coating thickness to be specified. Application of the anodic coating,
deposited color followed by electrolytic deposition of inorganic pigment in coating.
A2 Other To be specified.
o o o o
A31 Clear (natural) 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ± 2 F(21 ± 1 C), 12 amp/sq ft (129 A/m2)
for 30 min, or equivalent.
ARCHITECTURAL A32 Coating with integral color Color dependent on alloy and anodic process.
o o o o
CLASS II A33 Coating with impregnated 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ± 2 F(21 ± 1 C), 12 amp/sq ft (129 A/m2)
(Coatings with color for 30 min, followed by dyeing with organic or inorganic colors.
0.4 to 0.7 mil A34 Coating with electrolyt- Application of the anodic coating, followed by electrolytic deposition
thickness) ically deposited color of inorganic pigment in coating.
A3x Other To be specified.
o o o o
A41 Clear (natural) 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ± 2 F(21 ± 1 C), 12 amp/sq ft (129 A/m2) for
60 min, or equivalent.
A42 Coating with integral color Color dependent on alloy and anodic process.
o o o o
ARCHITECTURAL A43 Coating with impregnated 15% H2SO4 used at 70 ± 2 F(21 ± 1 C), 12 amp/sq ft (129 A/m2)
CLASS I color for 60 min, followed by dyeing with organic or inorganic colors.
(Coatings of 0.7 A44 Coating with electrolyt- Application of the anodic coating, followed by electrolytic deposition
mil or greater) ically deposited color of inorganic pigment in coating.
A4X Other To be specified.



For more detailed information on the subject of finishes for aluminum the following references can
be contacted for their publications:

Aluminum Anodizers Council (AAC), 1000 North Rand Road, Suite 214, Wauconda, Illinois 60084.
The Aluminum Association (AA), 900 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006; www.aluminum.org.
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), 201 Isabella Street, Pittsburgh, PA. 15212 Technical
Center, 100 Technical Drive, Alcoa Center, PA 15069; www.alcoa.com.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), 1827 Walden Office Square,
Schaumburg, IL 60173; www.aamanet.org.
American Society for Metals (ASM International), 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073-
0002; www.asm-intl.org.
Architectural Metals, L William Zahner, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA), 355 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor, New
York, NY 10017; www.buildershardware.com.
Electroplating Engineering Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, NY.

Chapter 2: Finishes for The Copper Alloys

In This Section
General........................................................................................................................................... 2-2

Mechanical Finishes....................................................................................................................... 2-2

Summary of Typical Copper Alloy Finishes.................................................................................... 2-3

Precautions Regarding the Use of Mechanical Finishes................................................................ 2-5

Chemical Finishes.......................................................................................................................... 2-6

Precautions Regarding the Use of Chemical Finishes................................................................... 2-8

Clear Organic Coating Finishes..................................................................................................... 2-8

Care and Maintenance of Finishes................................................................................................. 2-9

Precautions Regarding Color Uniformity...................................................................................... 2-10

Standard Finish Designations...................................................................................................... 2-10

Table 2-1 Finishes for Brass and Bronze Hardware................................................................... 2-11

Explanation of the Use of the System.......................................................................................... 2-11

Table 2-2 Summary of Standard Designations........................................................................... 2-13

Table 2-3 Designations for Mechanical Finishes......................................................................... 2-14

Table 2-4 Designations for Chemical Finishes............................................................................ 2-15

Table 2-5 Designations for Laminated Finishes.......................................................................... 2-15

References................................................................................................................................... 2-16



General plied by processors or product manufacturers, rather

than by the prime producers of the metal. The only
Among the architectural metals, the copper al- true end-use finishes supplied at the mill, for archi-
loys are unique in that they are the only ones pos- tectural work, are the “ As Fabricated “ finishes; all of
sessing integral color. Natural colors vary, depend- the others are referred to as process finishes, being
ing on the alloy used, ranging from the salmon pink supplied after the metal leaves the mill.
of alloy 110 (copper), through the golden yellows Fastener alloys generally used are 220 (Com-
of alloys 385 (Extruded Architectural Bronze), 280 mercial Bronze, 90%) and 260 (Cartridge Brass,
(Muntz Metal) and 230 (Red Brass) to the warm 70%). A Unified Numbering System (UNS) for met-
whites of the nickel silvers. The natural color range als and alloys developed by ASTM and SAE has
is augmented by the effects of weathering; patinas been applied to copper alloys and is administered
or verdigris on antiques; and statuary or oxidized by CDA. To utilize the UNS system, simply prefix
finishes achieved either by exposure to the ele- the present CDA alloy numbers by the letter C and
ments or by accelerated means. add a suffix 00. Thus, for example, copper alloy
Originally the term “bronze” was applied only No.385 becomes C38500 in the UNS system.
to copper-tin alloys, and the term “brass” to alloys
of copper and zinc, but this distinction no longer Mechanical Finishes
holds. There is now no definite dividing line be- Mechanical finishes are those that involve the
tween these two general classes of the copper- use of no chemical or electrochemical treatment
base alloys. and no additive, but provide a surface texture by
Architects and architectural metal fabricators mechanical means alone. These textures vary
in common have, for years, referred to the principal widely in character and range from the surface
architectural alloys of copper as “bronzes” despite appearance resulting from the various production
the fact that of the five principal alloys so used, processes to highly reflective surfaces produced
none contain tin and three of them, in fact, are true by successive grinding, polishing and buffing op-
brasses. There is some justification for this, how- erations. Costs vary in proportion to the amount of
ever, since the alloys 230 (Red Brass), 280 (Muntz processing required.
Metal) and 385 (Extruded Architectural Bronze) do
resemble tin bronze architectural castings in color,
“As Fabricated” Finishes
in both the natural and weathered states.
In the natural finish they are dubbed simply The term “As Fabricated” refers either to the
“yellow bronze”; in the intermediate brown weath- metal stock or to a fabricated product. As a finish
ered states, “statuary bronze”; and in the final designation for copper alloy stock it refers to the
weathered or patinated condition, “green bronze”. surface appearance and texture imparted to the
Similarly, the nickel silver alloys are often referred metal by the rolling mill, extrusion press, or cast-
to as “white bronze”. In the acknowledgement of ing mold that shapes it. Subsequent fabrication
this long established custom, therefore, the term operations on the copper alloy, such as forming,
“bronze” will generally be used to designate all of sawing, punching, drilling, milling, etc., including
these alloys, with the realization that two, three, or scratches, can mar the “as fabricated” finish. Un-
even more distinct alloys are frequently required in der some conditions the marring can be corrected
order to complete a given architectural composi- by simple mechanical deburring and smoothing.
tion. The common finishes for “bronze” are listed For other conditions the marring can result in an
on page 2-3. unacceptable “as fabricated” mechanical finish,
Just as with aluminum, many of the finishes list- and a subsequent finishing operation will be re-
ed in the preceding Summary are, as indicated, sup- quired and should be specified.

Summary COPPER
Typical Copper ALLOY

Copper Development Ass’n _ Finish Normally Supplied By

Finish Designation Proces- Fabricator Relative Costs
Finish (see
(seepage 2-11)
Table 2-12) Mill sor or Finisher (on flat surfaces)
As Fabricated ....................................M10 Series X base
Buffed.................................................M20 Series X medium to high
Directional Textured ..........................M30 Series X low to medium
Non-Directional Textured ..................M40 Series X medium
Patterned ...........................................M4x (Specify) X X low to medium

Cleaned only......................................C10 Series X X base or low
Matte Dipped ..................................... X base or low
Bright Dipped..................................... X base or low
Conversion Coatings.........................C50 Series X medium to high

(see Applied
Coatings,Chapter AMP 505) 5)
Organic: Air Dry .................................060 Series X low to medium
Thermo-set ................................070 Series X low to medium
Chemical Cure ..........................080 Series X low to medium
Vitreous.............................................. X high
Laminated ..........................................L90 Series X medium to high
Metallic .............................................. X medium to high
The term PROCESSOR, as used here, refers to a "middleman" between the mill and the fabricator, who applies coatings, textures or other
finishes to metal bulk form, generally cut sheet or strip or coil stock. FABRICATOR refers to the producer of stock metal shapes or the manufacturer of
the end-use product. He either provides the final finish or sends the fabricated product to a finisher who does this work. The FINISHER does not usually
fabricate products but provides finishes, as specified, to products fabricated by others.
The RELATIVE COSTS indicated are necessarily approximate, for general guidance only. Exact costs vary considerably with quantity, type of
product, method of application, quality of work, and other influences, and should always be verified.
Certain embossed patterns, because of their stiffening effect, permit the use of thinner metal; and this saving can, in some cases, offset their
cost. In other cases, patterned finishes involve extra costs.
Pricing practice for these finishes varies with different prime producers.

“As Fabricated” mechanical finishes, as a The following are the typical variations of the
class, are the simplest and least expensive ob- “As Fabricated” finish:
tainable. Such finishes can be quite acceptable a) Unspecified: This is the uncontrolled natural
for architectural applications and are widely used. finish produced by extrusion, casting, hot-roll-
Typical of these are specular “as fabricated” cold- ing, or cold-rolling with unpolished rolls. On
rolled sheet and non-specular “as fabricated” ex- rolled products it can vary from dull to rather
trusions. Highly polished rolls used at the mill for bright and have stains or light films of rolling
the final pass provide the specular finish on the oil.
cold rolled sheet. Carefully machined and well-
b) Specular: A mirror-like cold-rolled finish, pro-
maintained dies for the extrusion press ensure ex-
duced on one or both sides of the sheet by final
truded surfaces free of objectionable die marks or
passing through highly polished steel rolls.
These finishes vary somewhat, according to c) Matte: A dull finish produced by hot-rolling,
the metal-forming process used. Hot-rolled and extruding, casting or cold-rolling, followed by
heat-treated products have a comparatively dull annealing.
surface finish and show a certain amount of dark-
ening or discoloration, while cold-rolled surfaces Polished / Buffed Finishes
have a brighter and more metallic color. Extruded These are process finishes, applied by the
products have an intermediate appearance some- product manufacturer, and are produced by suc-
what resembling that of the cold-rolled items, and cessive processes of grinding, polishing, and buff-
can have detectable surface striations caused by ing. Because they require a series of operations,
the extrusion die, while castings have a rougher they are more expensive than other mechanical
matte finish. finishes, their cost generally being proportional to


the smoothness and brightness provided.
Produced by wheel or belt
Except for hardware items, fixtures, and occa- a) Fine satin polishing with aluminum ox-
sional highlighting of extruded shapes, these fin- ide or silicon carbide abra-
ishes have only limited application to architectural b) Medium satin sives ranging from 240–320
products. Because of their high reflectivity, they grit for fine satin to 60-80 grit
c) Coarse satin for uniform, using a periph-
should not be used on wide flat surfaces.
Among the many variations possible, two eral speed of approximately
d) Uniform
6,000 ft/min (30 m/s).
types are generally considered as standards:
e) Hand rubbed: Usually provided by rubbing with
a) Smooth specular (mirror-like): This is the No. 0 pumice and solvent on a fine brass wire
brightest mechanical finish obtainable and is brush or non-woven abrasive mesh pad. This is
produced by first polishing, then buffing. Pol- a relatively expensive finishing process, and is
ishing is an abrading operation that smoothes used only where the nature of the work makes
the surface by removing a certain amount of other methods impractical. It is frequently em-
metal. It is usually accomplished in several ployed, however, to even out and blend in satin
stages, using abrasive belts or polishing wheels finishes produced by other means.
of cloth, felt, or leather, with compounds con-
taining fine aluminum oxide or silicon carbide f) Brushed: Coarser directional finishes are
abrasives. Coarser abrasives are used in the produced by using power-driven wire wheel
first stages, but final polishing is done with 320 brushes; brush-backed sander heads (Von-
or finer grits. The subsequent buffing process negut wheels), abrasive-impregnated foamed
produces a smooth and lustrous surface, re- nylon discs (Scotch-Brite®), or abrasive cloth
moving relatively little metal, but often produc- wheels (PG wheels). The wire wheel brushes
ing an actual flow of the surface film under the have wires of stainless steel, brass, or nickel
frictional heat developed. The buffing wheels silver; and the degree of fineness is deter-
are usually made of stitched muslin discs, and mined by the diameter of the wire, speed of
the buffing compounds used consist of very the wheel, and the pressure exerted on the
fine abrasives in a suitable binder. work.

b) Specular: This is a finish of somewhat lesser Non-Directional Textured Finishes

brightness and is provided by the polishing
procedures described above, with some sub- These are matte finishes of varying degrees
sequent buffing, but not necessarily sufficient of roughness, produced by spraying sand or metal
to remove all evidence of scratches and/or shot against the metal under controlled conditions.
other surface imperfections. Their principal use in architectural work is on items
produced by casting.
The texture of the surface is determined by the
Directional Textured Finishes size and type of abrasive used, the amount of air
These are among the most common and popular pressure, and the position and movement of the
of the process finishes used on architectural bronze, nozzle. The finer the abrasive, the smoother the
providing a smooth satiny sheen of limited reflectiv- finish. A comparatively rough finish is produced
ity. Their characteristic soft texture results from tiny, by using coarse silica sand, while the smoothest
nearly parallel scratches in the surface of the metal finishes result from dust blasting with a very fine
produced by wheel or belt polishing with fine abra- abrasive or from “vapor honing” with a slurry of
sives, by hand rubbing with stainless steel wool, or extremely fine abrasive and water.
by brushing with abrasive wheels. It should be recognized that these finishes have
In belt polishing, the fineness of the finish is con- limited applicability to architectural work. Because the
trolled by the size of the grit used, the speed of the impingement of the abrasive under pressure tends
belt, the hardness of the block or pad used, the pres- to distort the metal, their use is not recommended on
sure exerted on the block, and the condition of the material less than ¼ in. (6 mm) thick. There is usu-
belt. ally difficulty in obtaining uniform appearance unless
There are six standard variations of this type special equipment is used to regulate pressure and
of finish: nozzle movement.

Since the surface produced by even the finest The three standard grades of fineness for
abrasive is actually rough, shows fingerprints, and sandblast finishes are:
collects and holds dirt, some type of protective
treatment is necessary to retain a clean appear- a) Fine matte
ance. Clear organic coatings are usually used for b) Medium matte
this purpose. In stripping such coatings, complete c) Coarse matte
removal from the roughened surface can prove
difficult. Shot blasting is used to provide peened and
Sandblasted finishes are obtained by using an burnished finishes that are generally less rough
air blast with silica sand or aluminum oxide or differ- than sandblasted finishes. Shot blasted finishes
ent degrees of fineness that range from #100-#200 are obtained by using an air blast with metal shot
mesh for fine texture to #20 mesh for coarse. ranging in size from S-70 for fine texture to S-550

Regarding the Use of Mechanical Finishes on Copper Alloys

An “As Fabricated” finish is the finish on the metal as it is received from the rolling mill, roll for-
mer, extrusion press, or casting mold, prior to any further mechanical, chemical, organic, or vitre-
ous finishing operation. In many architectural applications this finish will be acceptable without
further mechanical finishing. However, in some products, fabrication operations subsequent to
the original as fabricated finish, such as forming, sawing, punching, drilling, milling, etc., can mar
the finish so that it is not satisfactory for architectural applications. For such products it is neces-
sary to perform additional mechanical finishing operations, and these should be specified.
Smooth specular finishes are shop applied by processing methods that are virtually
impossible to use in the field. The use of this type of finish in traffic areas where the surface
can be subject to marring must be avoided.
Specular finishes are shop applied also. Refinishing can be accomplished in the field,
but it necessitates the use of expensive hand methods. These finishes should therefore be
used only in areas where exposure to marring is minimal.
For areas not subject to close inspection, the cost of a satin finish is often not justified.
An appropriate alternate is a low cost “uniform finish” (No. M36, Table 2-3) that can be
applied by belt sanding in a single pass and is quite popular on extrusions, tubes and roll-
formed shapes.
The appearance of waviness and buckling in large flat areas (“oil canning”) can be mini-
mized by specifying the use of matte or textured finishes or contoured surfaces. Another
option is to use thicker material. Stretcher leveled and re-squared sheet also helps minimize
“oil-canning.” Highly polished or buffed finishes, on the other hand, tend to magnify such
irregularities and should be used only on relatively small areas, or where “oil canning” is
desired or not a concern.
Sandblasted or shot blasted finishes should not be specified for thin sheet, tube, or ex-
trusions, because of the distortion usually caused by applying such finishes.
Because of difficulties encountered in maintenance, wire brushed finishes should be
limited to small areas or highlighting.
All surface protective coverings such as adhesive paper and strippable plastic films
should be removed as soon as possible after installation because they tend to become dif-
ficult to remove under exposure to sunlight and weather.


for coarse. The three standard grades of fineness other finishes. They have no physical effect upon
for shot blast finishes are: the surface of the metal, and cannot be classed as
true finishes, but they produce a chemically clean
a) Fine shot blast surface that is free of all foreign matter such as oil,
b) Medium shot blast grease, fingerprints and soil of any kind.
c) Coarse shot blast Two such chemical cleaning methods are
commonly used:
Patterned Finishes a) Degreasing: Vapor degreasing exposes the
Patterned finishes are also available in thin metal to vapors from chlorinated solvents such
sheet, in a wide variety of sculptural designs and as trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene.
textures. These are produced by passing ‘’as Special degreasing machines are used either
fabricated” sheet either between two machined as a batch method or as part of a continuous
matched-design rolls, impressing patterns on both processing line. Solvent or solvent emulsion
sides of the sheet (embossing), or between a de- cleaning, with hydrocarbon solvents, is used to
sign roll and a smooth roll, “coining” one side of remove oil and greases from the metal surface
the sheet only. The embossing process usually in- and is less expensive than vapor degreasing.
creases the stiffness of the sheet, eliminates dis- To achieve maximum cleanness, degreasing
torted reflections, and minimizes marring in ser- of any type should be followed by chemical
vice. Such patterned sheets are supplied by some cleaning.
mills and by secondary processors. b) Chemical cleaning: This method is used
when mineral and animal fats and oils must be
Chemical Finishes removed. The metal can be sprayed with, or
immersed in, any of a number of proprietary or
Among the most important finishes for the non-proprietary solutions, usually at elevated
copper alloys are those produced by chemical temperatures; and then rinsed with water. Only
treatments. Such finishes are obtained by wash- inhibited chemicals are used on the copper al-
ing or dipping the fabricated product in chemical loys; the solutions used on ferrous metals are
solutions that can be proprietary in nature, or by not appropriate because they attack the metal.
spraying or swabbing such solutions on the metal Some of these inhibited cleaners use as their
surface. In general, these processes have any of base a variety of newly developed alkalis and
four principal purposes: soaps such as sodium tetraborate, disodium
• to merely clean the surface, without other- phosphate, sodium silicate, and soaps made
wise affecting it, from various vegetable and animal oils, often
• to provide a matte textured surface (by etch- with the addition of a wetting agent.
• to produce a smooth bright finish, or Matte Finishes
• to chemically convert the surface film, chang- Although etched finishes are widely used for
ing the surface color of the metal and, at the same architectural aluminum, the term “etching,” as
time, providing a final finish. used in the copper industry, usually refers to the
Some of these are not true finishes, but only process of producing surface designs or patterns
intermediate steps in an overall finishing process. by selective etching, rather than a type of overall
The matte and bright chemical finishes for copper finish. Overall matte finishes, referred to as “matte
alloys find relatively few architectural applications, dipped” finishes, are produced on the copper al-
the former in particular being used far less exten- loys by chemical means and usually applied after
sively than on aluminum. The conversion coatings, first “bright dipping” the item. Such matte finishes
however, are of major importance and generally are seldom used, however, on the architectural al-
do provide final finishes. loys of copper.

Non-etch cleaning Bright Finishes

Several types of chemical treatment are used Bright dipped finishes also have only limited
to thoroughly clean copper alloys before applying architectural application, being used chiefly to

prepare the surface for other finishing operations tions. Among the most common of these process-
such as plating, or to improve the adherence of es are the following:
paint. They are produced by immersion in solu-
tions of sulfuric acid and nitric acid with a small a) Acid chloride treatments develop the chlo-
quantity of water and hydrochloric acid. ride salts of copper by use of a saturated solu-
tion of sal ammoniac in water, applied by brush
Conversion Coatings or spray, or a cuprous chloride-hydrochloric
acid solution, applied by spray or sponge.
The most interesting, and probably the most
important, finishes for the copper alloys are the b) Acid sulfate treatments generally use the
conversion coatings. They serve to chemically ammonium sulfate solution developed by the
“convert” the surface film of the metal. In contrast Copper and Brass Research Association. This
to their typical uses on the other architectural met- is applied by spray, in a series of coatings, to
als, the principal function of these treatments, produce the desired patina density.
as used on the “bronzes,” is not simply as a pre- c) Carbonate treatments employ various car-
treatment for applied coatings, but to alter the bonate solutions and are normally mill or pro-
surface color of the metal and, at the same time, cess applied. These are seldom used for ar-
provide the final finish. Their purpose is often to chitectural work.
duplicate, by accelerated chemical means, the
natural weathered effects generally resulting after Note: Due to the popularity of the appearance
the metal is exposed to the elements from one to of an “aged” patina look on copper, and traditional
twelve years. Unfortunately, these processes de- difficulty in achieving this appearance on exposed
pend largely upon art and craft techniques and are copper by field applied means, some copper mills
not wholly adequate to meet the current demand are currently producing factory patinated sheet
for uniform and economical coloring of large sur- copper through proprietary methods.
face areas. There is a recognized need either to
improve them or preferably to replace them with Statuary bronze finishes are usually obtained
controlled, semi-automated processes. by formation of a surface film of cuprous oxide
These conversion treatments are of two gen- or a mixture of copper sulfides. The ultimate ap-
eral types: those producing the patinas or verdi- pearance of the various statuary finishes is criti-
gris, and those producing the statuary or oxidized cally influenced by such factors as the natural
colors. color of the substrate (i.e. the alloy employed), the
The patinas, in particular, are somewhat dif- coarseness or fineness of the mechanical finish
ficult to control, because successful generation on the substrate, and the thickness of the trans-
of the conversion coatings is dependent upon a lucent conversion film. Color uniformity depends
number of variables including temperature, hu- entirely on the physical homogeneity and chemi-
midity, surface condition of the metal, and method cal cleanliness of the metal surface prior to the
of application. Variations in color are not uncom- actual coloring operation. Statuary bronze finishes
mon, and uniform coating development over large can be highlighted by cutting back the conversion
surface areas cannot be readily controlled. A true coating with an abrasive. The toning achieved by
natural patina on close inspection is not fully uni- this method can vary from a light golden color to
form. A fully “uniform” conversion coating might be black. Protection of highlighted finishes is desir-
considered “unrealistic” if meant to simulate a nat- able since the highlights disappear as the metal
urally weathered surface. Patinated finishes are oxidizes (tarnishes).
normally intended for non-traffic areas and in loca-
tions where little or no maintenance is required. The three most common coloring treatments of
Clear organic coatings can be applied to improve this type are:
wear resistance in traffic areas but such applied
coatings tend to alter the patina color. a) Oxide treatments develop the characteristic
In general, patinas are produced by the action statuary brown colors through formation of
of various chloride salts. A few processes employ cuprous oxide. Potassium permanganate and
sulfate-chloride or chloride-carbonate combina- copper salt solutions are commonly used. Ox-


ide treatments are seldom used for architec- (liquid sulfur) and ammonium sulfide. Antimo-
tural work because of their relative instability. ny pentasulfide (paste) is also used.
b) Sulfide treatments produce the statuary c) Selenide treatments provide deep colors with
brown colors by various aqueous sulfide solu- fast acting selenide solutions. These solutions
tions. Common solutions of this type are po- are toxic and must be handled with care.
tassium sulfide (liver of sulfur), sodium sulfide

Regarding the Use of Chemical Finishes on Copper Alloys
Neither matte dipped nor bright dipped finishes should be specified as final finishes. Uni-
formity is difficult to control in these finishes, and they are normally used as “in process” op-
erations to prepare the surface for further finishing.
The appearance of statuary finishes is impaired by dirt, mill scale and fingerprints. Such
disfigurations are magnified by the conversion process. Welding and brazing should be lim-
ited to concealed areas wherever possible, since weld and braze areas tend to color at differ-
ent rates than the base metal.
Chemically produced statuary finishes are usually hand applied and require skilled arti-
sans to achieve a uniform finish. Therefore, they tend to be difficult as well as expensive to
produce and maintain.
For maintenance of statuary finishes, periodic rubbing with oil is generally recommended.
If clear organic coatings were used to protect the original finish, care must be exercised in
stripping the coating prior to re-oiling in order to avoid marring the conversion film.
All surface protective coverings such as adhesive paper and strippable plastic films should
be removed as soon as possible after installation, because they tend to become brittle and
unpeelable under exposure to sunlight and weather.

Clear Organic Coating Finishes nate, because it is impracticable to heat cure such
Applied organic coating finishes differ from me- coatings in situ at such time as coating renewal
chanical and chemical finishes in that they serve is required. In general, baked coatings tend to be
their purpose by adding some form of covering, more durable and resistant to abrasion and chemi-
rather than by physically or chemically affecting cal attack than their air-dry counterparts. As might
the surface of the metal itself. Applied coatings ap- be expected, they are also more difficult to strip.
plicable to all architectural metals are thoroughly INCRALAC is a clear organic air-drying acryl-
treated in Chapter 5. However, because of the ic lacquer for field or shop coating of copper and
importance of selecting appropriate coatings for copper alloys. In research initiated by the Interna-
preserving the finishes on copper alloys, they are tional Copper Research Association (INCRA), IN-
briefly reviewed here. CRALAC provided the best protection of all air-dry
Clear organic coatings are essentially synthet- coatings tested.
ic resins, natural resins, oils, or combinations of When applied to a properly cleaned metal
these in solvent solutions that either dry at ambi- surface, INCRALAC provides excellent protection
ent temperature or are heat cured to hasten sol- indoors. Although some protection is provided on
vent evaporation. They are designed to preserve exterior applications, periodic maintenance of the
the natural color of the copper alloys by providing clear coating is required and should be taken into
a tough, thin barrier layer on the metal surface that consideration.
effectively retards superficial tarnishing caused by The use of abrasive pads followed by wash-
weathering and handling. For most large scale ar- ing with a cleaning solvent provides a surface for
chitectural applications, air-dry coatings predomi- maximum performance. Steel wool should not be

used because it sometimes contains a corrosion Care and Maintenance of Finishes
inhibitor that can cause discoloration later. If abra-
sive pads are not available the surface should be Brown Statuary
thoroughly washed with a solvent or alkali clean- Regularity is the key to a successful maintenance
ing solution, or by vapor degreasing. INCRALAC program. A schedule should be arranged providing
is designed for spray application and should not periodic cleaning with regular inspections in the in-
be brushed. Conventional spray equipment can be terim. The schedule should differentiate between
used, applying first a mist coat, followed by a wet interior and exterior surfaces, and those surfaces
coat. Two coats are recommended with at least 30 subject to handling, scuffing, and abrasion. When
minutes air dry between coats. For some products, a regular maintenance program is followed, most
where spraying is not entirely satisfactory, dipping installations can be maintained by oiling or waxing.
is an alternate method of application. Some can be maintained by lacquering and a few,
Other widely used clear coatings for both inte- by polishing.
rior and exterior applications include the nitrocel- Surfaces pre-finished or naturally weathered to
lulose lacquers. They are easy to apply and strip. the statuary bronze shades should be maintained by
Their chemical resistance is fair and their exterior periodic oiling with Lemon Oil, U.S.P.; Lemon Grass
durability limited so that they are normally renewed Oil, Native E.I.; or a high grade paraffin oil.
yearly. Nitrocellulose coatings are frequently mod- Mixtures of Carnauba wax and wood turpen-
ified with alkyd and acrylic resins in order to im- tine, or beeswax and wood turpentine, as well as
prove both durability and abrasion resistance. quality commercial paste waxes, have been found
Alkyd resins blended with melamine resins pro- satisfactory. The costs of waxing versus oiling
duce coatings with good chemical resistance and should be compared.
with durability satisfactory for exterior applications. Oil and wax coatings look best when applied
Like the nitrocellulose coatings, the melamine modi- with a well-impregnated, clean, soft cloth followed
fied alkyd coatings are relatively low cost. Unmodi- by rubbing with a second clean, soft cloth to remove
fied alkyd coatings are seldom used. excess oil or wax. Frequency of oiling or waxing is
Acrylic coatings provide good color retention as important as the oil or wax used. Newly installed
and resistance to chemicals, impact, and abra- metal should be oiled weekly for the first month in
sion. They are widely used for both exterior and order to build up a protective film. Metals subject to
interior architectural applications but are some- heavy traffic should be oiled or waxed at one to two
what higher in cost than the previously discussed week intervals. Where traffic is moderate to light,
coatings. monthly treatment is usually sufficient. In non- traf-
Clear epoxy coatings exhibit excellent resis- fic areas, quarterly or semi-annual applications are
tance to chemicals, impact, and abrasion. Their feasible.
use on architectural components is limited by the At a typical building entrance, door handles,
fact that these coatings are only produced in heat push plates or bars, kick plates, and the door stiles
cured or chemical catalyst cured formulations. and rails would normally be exposed to heavy
The clear epoxies are primarily interior coatings. traffic. The doorframe and adjacent window wall
They tend to chalk and darken when exposed to framing usually receive less handling and would
the weather. be considered a moderate to light traffic area.
Color stable, low gloss, modified urethane Transoms, canopies, and similar metal elements
coatings that retain the excellent chemical and normally out of reach would be classed as non-
abrasion resistance afforded by the urethane res- traffic areas.
ins are available. To restore statuary finishes, the surfaces can
Pigmented coatings are sometimes employed be cleaned with a 5% oxalic acid and water mix-
by fabricators and metal maintenance firms to ture together with a finely ground India pumice
simulate the natural weathered or chemically in- powder. Wipe dry with soft clean cloths and apply
duced statuary brown colors. Such simulations the coloring solution.
seldom achieve the desired result since they lack Bronze and other copper alloys can be re-
the subtle shading associated with both the natu- stored to their original appearance even after
ral and chemically induced statuary finishes. years of neglect. Restoration of neglected surfac-


es can require the advice of specialists engaged in If a natural statuary finish is desired on cop-
maintenance work. per, weathering can be arrested at the desired
point by applying a suitable oil, e.g. raw linseed oil
Green Patina or lemon oil.
Copper, brass, and bronze are resistant to de- Depending on the prevailing climatic condi-
structive corrosion. The patina that forms naturally tions and the degree of exposure, the frequency
is a protective film. of oiling can be at intervals of from one to three
No maintenance is required for an existing years. Instances have been recorded where the
natural patina or one that is in the process of for- initial oiling applied in two thin coats has preserved
mation. the statuary finish in excess of ten years.

Regarding Color Uniformity of Copper Alloy Finishes
Standard finishes for Builders’ Hardware. Owing to the differences in the processes of
producing these finishes and the variety of metals to which they are applied, it is impractical
to attain an exact match. A standard finish from two or more sources will compare reasonably
when the items are viewed at arm’s length and approximately 2 ft (0.6 m) apart.
Oxidized finishes represent the natural aging of metals and change with time. Therefore
some variations from standard can be expected. Artificially produced finishes do not neces-
sarily match finishes produced by natural aging. Statuary bronzes, BHMA 623 and 624 (US20
and 20A), are more difficult to produce in a given color (shade or tone) than any other standard
finish, including other oxidized finishes.
Sources of copper alloys can be domestic producers or foreign producers. In meeting a
fabricator’s order the supplier delivers the items ordered in the alloy specified but the items
can be from different sources. Chances for variations in the alloy are increased under these
circumstances, and these variations can result in the inability of the fabricator or the finisher
to obtain the color uniformity desired by the architect. Chances of acceptable color match are
much better if all material is from the same source.
Color of bronze will change with time and will change differently with different exposures.
Treatments that provide green patinas and brown statuary finishes are influenced by a
number of factors that makes exact color uniformity difficult if not impossible to attain.
Standard color samples can change over time thereby changing the reference to which a
finisher is working.
Extruded and rolled shapes and plate do not have the same color tones even though they
are produced from the same alloys. Similarly, cast and forged items can have different appear-
The fabricator of architectural bronze products must be aware of these potential problems
with color and appearance.

Standard Finish Designations Standard CS22-40, that defined US finishes, was

For many years, the US Finishes Designa- dropped after World War II, and the National Bu-
tion System has been used by architects as well reau of Standards was no longer a source for stan-
as manufacturers, especially in federal work, for dard finish samples. Hardware manufacturers,
specifying finishes to be used on brass and bronze. however, continued to use the US designations
This system was primarily intended for identifying in their catalogs. Ultimately individual manufac-
finishes for hardware. It was generally found to turers established their own interpretations of US
be inadequate for designating the broad range of finishes and provided their own standard samples.
finishes used in architectural work. Thus, there are not any truly national US finish
The Department of Commerce, Commercial standards. The Builders Hardware Manufacturers

Association (BHMA) has established its designa- not only logical, but greatly simplifies the work of
tions for hardware finishes and has listed the near- the architectural specifier in recognizing the simi-
est US equivalents of BHMA numbers in Ameri- larities and differences.
can National Standard for Materials and Finishes, Four categories are included in this system,
ANSI/BHMA A156.18-2000. BHMA has samples representing the most common types of finish --
of selected finishes available. mechanical finishes, chemical finishes, clear or-
Hardware made of brass and bronze, howev- ganic coatings and laminated coatings -- each be-
er, is extensively used with architectural products. ing designated by a different letter as follows:
Finishes on hardware items are now generally Mechanical Finishes . .............................M
designated by finish code numbers of the BHMA. Chemical Finishes .................................. C
A variety of finishes is available. Table 2-1 shows Clear Organic Coatings .......................... O
those most commonly used today. Since U.S. Fin- Laminated Coatings ................................L
ish Designations occasionally appear in specifica-
The designation for any specific finish in any
tions, the nearest U.S. equivalent of the BHMA
of these categories will consist simply of a letter
number is shown on the list. For a complete listing
followed by two digits. Table 2-2 summarizes the
and description of hardware finishes refer to ANSI/
designation system.
BHMA A156.18-2000.
Only broad classifications have been pro-
Specifiers sometimes use the polished finish
posed for the various types of coatings. All of the
designations for stainless steel shown in Finishes
more common finishes in both the mechanical
for Stainless Steel, Chapter 3. While these fin-
and chemical categories, however, have been as-
ishes are applicable to copper alloys, the use of
signed specific symbols; and these are shown in
stainless steel designations can cause confusion
Tables 2-3 and 2-4 respectively. The descriptions
and is discouraged.
of finishes listed in these tables, under the head-
To provide for a better method of identifying
ing “Examples of Methods of Finishing,” are only
architectural finishes, the Copper Development
suggested means of obtaining them; alternate
Association, in 1967, adopted a designation sys-
methods of producing equivalent finishes are ac-
tem similar to that established several years previ-
ceptable in all cases.
ously by the Aluminum Association. Many of the
finishing processes and effects used on all of the
non-ferrous metals are basically the same. The Explanation of the Use of the System
use of a similar identification system, therefore, is A simple finish requires only a single designa-


Code No. Description Nearest US Equivalent
605 Bright brass, clear coated US3
606 Satin brass, clear coated US4
611 Bright bronze, clear coated US9
612 Satin bronze, clear coated US10
613 Dark oxidized satin bronze, oil rubbed US10B
622 Flat black coated US19
623 Light oxidized statuary bronze, clear coated US20
624 Dark oxidized statuary bronze, clear coated US20A
625 Bright chromium plated over nickel US26
626 Satin chromium plated over nickel US26D
632 Bright brass plated, clear coated US3


tion, but frequently two or more designations will The use of the letter “x” in place of a sec-
be required to identify a sequence of finishing op- ond digit in all categories of the designation sys-
erations leading to a final finish on a given alloy, tem (e.g., M2x, C5x, etc) indicates that no specific
for example, M36-C51. number, other than the general category digit, has
It is understood, however, that when only sin- yet been assigned to that specific finish. To identify
gle designations are used, other processing steps specific “unlisted” finishes having only this general
normally followed as preparation for the specified “x” designation, the designation symbol must be
finish can also be used at the option of the fabrica- followed by a brief word description, as illustrated
tor or finisher. in examples 3 and 4 following:

Example 1 -- Patina Conversion Coating

To specify a chemically induced patina using the ammonium sulfate process, the following designa-
tion would apply:
M36 -- C12-C52 represents:
M36 -- Mechanical Finish, Directional Textured, Uniform (Table 2-3)
C12 -- Chemical Finish, Non-etched Cleaned, Degreased (Table 2-4)
C52 -- Chemical Finish, Conversion Coating, Ammonium Sulfate (Table 2-4)

Example 2 -- Statuary Conversion Coating over Satin Finish

To specify a medium statuary finish on items subject to close inspection, the architect would use the
M32-C55 representing:
M32 -- Mechanical Finish, Directional Textured, Medium Satin (Table 2-3)
C55 -- Chemical Finish, Conversion Coating, Sulfide (Table 2-4)

Example 3 -- Natural Satin Finish, Lacquered

To produce and preserve a fine satin finish on sheet, the following designation is appropriate:
M31-M34-O6x, using “XYZ” Company’s clear acrylic lacquer No.____, applied by air spray in two full
coats, with interim drying, to a total thickness of 1.0 mil.
In this designation, the symbols used signify the following:
M31 -- Mechanical Finish, Directional Textured, Fine Satin (Table 2-3)
M34 -- Mechanical Finish, Directional Textured, Hand Rubbed (Table 2-3)
O6x -- Coating, Clear Organic, Air Dry, to be specified

Example 4 -- Patterned Finish, Lacquered

Since neither the patterned (mechanical) finish nor the lacquer (organic) coating has a specific finish des-
ignation, the general symbols for these processes would be used, supplemented by a brief word description
for each, and the designation for the total finish would be:
M11-- M4x-C12-O1x, using “X” Company’s Pattern No.____ and “A” Company’s Epoxy RR clear
coating, applied by airless spray in two full coats with a 10-minute bake at 275 oF (135 oC) following each
coat. Total film thickness of coating to be 0.9 mil.
In this designation, the symbols used represent:
M11 -- Mechanical Finish, As Fabricated, Specular (Table 2-3)
M4x -- Mechanical Finish, Non-Directional Textured, to be specified
C12 -- Chemical Finish, Non-etched Cleaned (Table 2-4)
O7x -- Coating, Clear Organic, Thermoset, to be specified.


In this listing, those finishes printed in boldface type are the ones most frequently used for general architectural work; those marked *
are commonly used for hardware items.


As Fabricated Buffed Directional Textured Non-Directional Textured
M10 – Unspecified M20 – Unspecified M30 – Unspecified M40 – Unspecified
M11 – Specular as M21 – Smooth specular* M31 – Fine satin* M41 – (Unassigned)
fabricated M22 – Specular* M32 – Medium Satin M42 – Fine matte*
M12 – Matte finish M2x – Other M33 – Coarse satin M43 – Medium matte
as fabricated (to be specified) M34 – Hand rubbed M44 – Coarse matte
M1x – Other (to be M35 – Brushed M45 – Fine shot blast
specified) M36 – Uniform M46 – Medium shot blast
M3x – Other (to be M47 – Coarse shot blast
specified) M4x – Other (to be
Non Etched Cleaned Conversion Coatings
C10 – Unspecified C50 – Ammonium chloride (patina)
C11 – Degreased C51 – Cuprous chloride-
C12 – Cleaned hydrochloric acid (patina)
C1x – Other (to be specified) C52 – Ammonium sulfate (patina)
C53 – Carbonate (patina)
C54 – Oxide (statuary)
C55 – Sulfide* (statuary)
C56 – Selenide (statuary)
C5x – Other (to be specified)
Air Dry (Gen'l arch'l work) Thermoset (Hardware) Chemical Cure
O60 – Unspecified O70 – Unspecified O80 – Unspecified
O6x – Other (to be specified) O7x – Other (to be specified) O8x – Other (to be specified)
COATINGS – LAMINATED (L) L90 – Unspecified
L91 – Clear Polyvinyl Fluoride
L9x – Other (to be specified)
Since the use of these finishes in architectural work is rather infrequent, it is recommended that they be specified
in full rather than being identified by number.
These applied coatings are primarily used for maintenance purposes on site. Because of the broad range of
materials in common use, it is recommended that, where desired, such coatings be specified in full.



Type of Finish Designation Description Examples of Method of Finishing

M10 Unspecified Optional with finisher.

AS FABRICATED M11 Specular as fabricated Cold rolling with polished steel rolls.
M12 Matte finish as fabricated Cold rolling followed by annealing; hot rolling, extruding, casting.
M1x Other To be specified.
M20 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
M21 Smooth specular Cutting with aluminum oxide or silicon carbide compounds, starting with
relatively coarse grits and finishing with 320 grit, using peripheral wheel
BUFFED speed of 6,000 ft/min (30 m/s). Follow by buffing with aluminum oxide
buffing compounds using peripheral wheel speed of 7,000 ft/min
(36 m/s).
M22 Specular Cutting with compounds as for the M21 finish, followed by
a final light buffing.
M2x Other To be specified.
M30 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
M31 Fine satin Wheel or belt polishing with aluminum oxide or silicon carbide abrasives
of 240 - 320 grit, using a peripheral speed of 6,000 ft/min (30 m/s).
M32 Medium satin Wheel or belt polishing with aluminum oxide or silicon carbide abrasives
of 180-240 grit, using a peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 ft/min (30 m/s).
M33 Coarse satin Wheel or belt polishing with aluminum oxide or silicon carbide abrasives
of 120 - 180 grit, using a peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 ft/min (30 f/s).
DIRECTIONAL M34 Hand rubbed Hand rubbing with #0 stainless steel wool and solvent, #0 pumice and
TEXTURED solvent, non-woven abrasive mesh pad or Turkish oil and emery.
M35 Brushed Brushing with rotary stainless steel, brass or nickel silver wire wheel.
Coarseness of finish controlled by diameter and speed of wheel and
pressure exerted.
M36 Uniform Wheel or belt polishing in a single pass with aluminum oxide or silicon
carbide abrasives of 60-80 grit, using a peripheral speed of 6,000 ft/min
(30 m/s).
M3x Other To be specified.
M40 Unspecified Optional with finisher.
M41 (number unassigned)
M42 Fine matte Air blast with #100-#200 mesh silica sand or aluminum oxide. Air
pressure 30-90 psi (207-621 kPa). Gun 12 in. (305 mm) from work at
an angle of 60-90 degrees.
M43 Medium matte Air blast with #40-#80 mesh silica sand or aluminum oxide. Air pressure
NON-DIRECTIONAL 30-90 psi (207-621 kPa). Gun 12 in. (305 mm) from work at an angle of
TEXTURED 60-90 degrees.
M44 Coarse matte Air blast with #20 mesh silica sand or aluminum oxide. Air pressure
30-90 psi (207-621 kPa). Gun 12 in. (305 mm) from work at an angle
of 60-90 degrees.
M45 Fine shot blast Air blast with S-70 metal shot.
M46 Medium shot blast Air blast with S-230 metal shot.
M47 Coarse shot blast Air blast with S-550 metal shot.
M4x Other To be specified.


Type of Finish Designation Description Examples of Method of Finishing

C10 Unspecified Optional with finisher.

NON-ETCHED C11 Degreased Treatment with organic solvent.
CLEANED C12 Chemically cleaned Use of inhibited chemical cleaner
C1x Other To be specified.
C50 Ammonium chloride Saturated solution of commercial sal ammoniac, spray or brush
(patina) applied. Repeated applications are required sometimes.
C51 Cuprous chloride In 500 ml. of warm water, dissolve 164 g. cuprous chloride crystals, 117
Hydrochloric Acid (patina) ml. hydrochloric acid, 69 ml. glacial acetic acid, 80g. ammonium
chloride,11 g. arsenic trioxide. Dilute to 1 liter. Apply by spray, brush,
or stippling. Repeated applications are required sometimes. Avoid
use of aluminum containers.
C52 Ammonium Sulfate Dissolve in 1 liter of warm water, 111 g. ammonium sulfate,
3.5 g. copper
(patina) sulfate, 1.6 ml. concentrated ammonia. Spray apply. 6-8
applications can be required under high humidity conditions.
CONVERSION C53 Carbonate (patina) Various formulations utilizing copper carbonate as the major
COATINGS constituent.
C54 Oxide (statuary) Principal formulations utilize aqueous solutions of copper sulfates and
copper nitrates at temperatures of from 85° C to boiling; or permanganate
solutions at temperatures of from 80° C to boiling, using
immersion periods of from 30 sec. to 5 min.
C55 Sulfide (statuary) 2-10% aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfide, potassium sulfide, or
sodium sulfide. Solutions swabbed or brushed on. Repeated application
increases depth of color.
C56 Selenide (statuary) Principally proprietary formulations. Because the solutions
are toxic, user preparation should be avoided. Follow
manufacturer's directions for use without deviation.
C5x Other To be specified.


Type of Finish Designation Description Examples of Method of Finishing

FILM L90 Unspecified Optional with finisher.

LAMINATES L91 Polyvinyl Fluoride A one mil clear film, adhesive bonded to the metal surface.
L9x Other To be specified.



For more detailed information on the subject of finishes for copper alloys, the following references
can be contacted for their publications:

American Society for Metals (ASM International), 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073-
0002; www.asm-intl.org.
Architectural Metals, L. William Zahner, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA), 355 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor, New
York, NY 10017; www.buildershardware.com.
Copper Development Association, Inc. (CDA), 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, www.
Electroplating Engineering Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, NY.
The Colouring, Bronzing, and Patination of Metals, Hughes and Rowe, Whitney Library of Design,
New York, NY.
Internet Search Engine.

Chapter 3: Finishes for Stainless Steel

In This Section
NAAMM and NOMMA wish to express their appreciation to the Nickel Institute and the
International Molybdenum Association for providing the technical expertise of their consultant,
Catherine Houska of Technical Marketing Resources, Inc., in revising this Chapter.

General......................................................................................................................................... 3-2

Summary of Typical Stainless Steel Finishes.............................................................................. 3-2

Mechanical Finishes..................................................................................................................... 3-2

Precautions.................................................................................................................................. 3-5

The Use of Mechanical Finishes on Stainless Steel.................................................................... 3-5

Polished Finishes......................................................................................................................... 3-7

Colored Finishes.......................................................................................................................... 3-8

Electropolished Finishes.............................................................................................................. 3-9

Table 3-1 - Classification of Stainless Steel Shapes.................................................................. 3-10

Table 3-2 - Designation and Definition of Standard

Mechanical Finishes for Stainless Steel Sheet.......................................................................... 3-11

Table 3-3 - Surface Finishes and Conditions for Stainless Steel Bars....................................... 3-13

Table 3-4 - Finishes for Stainless Steel Hardware..................................................................... 3-13

Hardware Finish Designations................................................................................................... 3-14

Selection of Proper Grade, Care, and Maintenance of Stainless Steel...................................... 3-14

Maintenance and Cleaning......................................................................................................... 3-16

Table 3-5 - Stainless Steel Selection Based on Site Score........................................................ 3-16

Table 3-6 - Estimated Site and Design Score............................................................................ 3-17



General vice center, or polishing house directly, and are

also commonly applied by product fabricators.
The variety of finishes used on architectural
Other finishes, such as embossing, coining, en-
stainless steel is almost infinite and includes stan-
gine turning, non-directional, distressed, and spe-
dard mill and polished, proprietary, electropol-
cial rolled finishes are also applied mechanically.
ished, blasted, rolled, textured, colored, etched,
Non-mechanical options include color and etch-
and any combination of these. The polished fin-
ishes are most popular, followed by the other fin-
ishes most of which are applied mechanically. The
most common finishes are listed in the following Mechanical Finishes
summary. A) Standard Rolled Mill Finishes
Most of the stainless steel used in architectural Rolled finishes are created when a stainless
work is supplied in the form of sheet or strip, how- steel coil is passed through a set of rolls. The fin-
ever bar, plate, tube, pipe, wire, extruded and cast ish on the rolls is transferred to the surface of the
shapes and other common forms are available. coil. This category includes the mill finishes No.
Finishes for sheet, strip, and plate products are 1, 2B, 2BA, 2D. They are directional and the roll-
defined in ASTM A 480/ASTM A 480M, General ing direction should be marked on the back of cut
Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat- panels so they can be installed in the same direc-
Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. There are tion. Alternatively, the metal can be ordered with
no ASTM specifications covering finishes for other protective strippable film with printed arrows indi-
product forms but sheet finishes are often applied cating direction applied to the front. There can be
to them. differences in appearance from one end of the coil
The most common finishes for stainless are to the other due to roll wear. For maximum unifor-
sheet finishes. They are available from a mill, ser- mity, panels are numbered as they are cut from


_ Finish Normally Supplied By

Proces- Fabricator Relative Costs
Finish Mill sor or Finisher (on flat surfaces)
MECHANICAL Standard Mill Finishes ......................................X base
(Nos.1, 2D, & 2B sheet
and Nos. 1 & 2 strip)
Bright Annealed ................................................X low
Nos. 3 & 4 sheet ............................................X X X low to medium
Hairline ...........................................................X X X low to medium
No. 6 sheet...................................................... X high
Nos. 7 & 8 sheet ............................................. X X medium
No. 9 (Super No. 8) sheet .............................. X X high
Embossed and Coined ..................................X X medium to high
The term Finish Processor, as used here, refers to a "middleman" between the mill and the fabricator, who applies coatings, textures, or other
finishes to metal in bulk form, generally cut sheet or strip or coil stock. Fabricator refers to the producer of stock metal shapes or the manufacturer of the
end use product. The fabricator also either provides the final finish or sends the fabricated product to a finisher who does this work. The Custom
Finisher does not usually fabricate products, but applies finishes as specified to products fabricated by others.
The Relative Costs indicated are necessarily approximate, for general guidance only. Exact costs vary considerably with quantity, thickness of
metal, type of product, quality of work, etc., and should always be verified.
With the exception of hairline, No. 9, embossed and coined, these are ASTM A480 finishes. In addition there are numerous proprietary buffed,
polished, and rolled finishes.
Certain embossed patterns, because of their stiffening effect, permit the use of thinner metal, and this saving can in some cases offset their cost.
In other cases patterned finishes involve extra cost.

the coil, and consecutive panels are installed in bright annealed coil is given a light pass through
close proximity. If more than one coil is needed highly polished rolls to flatten the coil and enhance
for a project, all of the coils should come from the finish uniformity. This finish is identified as 2BA.
same producer and off the same line. The process produces a bright, reflective, mirror-
like finish, which is used as a lower cost alterna-
1) Hot Rolled tive to highly polished stainless for architectural
The No. 1 finish is dull with uneven color and trim, panels, and fascia. The appearance of this
texture and is produced by hot rolling, annealing, mirror-like finish can vary from hazy to clear. Be-
and descaling by pickling. Grinding marks and simi- cause it is less uniform than polished stainless, it
lar blemishes are common. Heavy sheet, plate, bars, is generally used above street level or for elevated
and shapes used for structural applications are sup- interior applications. It is not unusual for a Buffed
plied with this finish. When these components must BA to be specified for aesthetic applications where
be visible, it is common for a secondary finish, like consistency is important. Buffing produces a con-
polishing or abrasive blasting, to be applied to pro- sistent mirror finish. BA can also be the starting
vide a uniform appearance. No. 1 finish is the least finish for embossing or coining, selective polishing
expensive mill finish. or etching. It is slightly more expensive than a No.
2D or No. 2B finish.
2) Cold Rolled
Nos. 2D, 2B, and 2BA are sheet and strip fin- B) Coining and Embossing
ishes. They start with a cold rolled coil that is an- Both Coining and Embossing are the result of
nealed and pickled. passing a coil through a specially designed set of
The No. 2D finish is a uniform, dull, low reflec- rolls to create a raised pattern. Pressing the pattern
tivity, sheet and strip finish. The dull appearance is into the stainless steel displaces and cold works
produced by pickling or descaling. In architecture, the metal resulting in an increase in strength. The
this finish is almost exclusively used for roofing. A pattern depth or degree of metal displacement de-
final pass through special dull rolls, which transfer termines the increase in strength and impact and
their dull finish to the coil, is used to meet flatness scratch resistance. These finishes provide improved
requirements and improve finish uniformity. Very visual flatness and increase in strength. They also
few service centers stock 2D, and it often must of- make it possible to use thinner sections which can
ten be ordered in mill quantities. It is the preferred sometimes offset the added cost of this finish. Each
finish for deep drawing applications because the supplier has a wide range of unique patterns.
finish holds lubricants well. When a coil is passed through one smooth
The 2B finish is a more reflective and re- and one textured roll, it is referred to as Coining
sembles a smooth, cloudy mirror. The final fin- and the process creates a light, raised, one-sided
ish is produced by a light pass through polished pattern. The most popular Coined patterns mimic
rolls. Heavier passes can be used if higher tensile fabric-like lines. This finish has been used on the
strengths are required (see ASTM A666) for struc- exterior of many well known stainless steel build-
tural applications. It can vary significantly in ap- ings to achieve optical flatness including the Petro-
pearance from supplier to supplier and coil to coil nas Towers and Canary Wharf.
ranging from a fairly dull finish that is only slightly Both Embossing rolls have pattern surfaces
brighter than a 2D to a fairly bright, cloudy mirror. that interlock with each other. This creates the
It is rarely used for architectural applications other deep, two-sided pattern. Embossed and Coined
than flashings, but it is a common starting finish for patterns are used for applications like roofing, wall
polishing and embossing. There is no additional panels, column covers, furniture, elevator pan-
cost for applying either finish. Even if a secondary els, kitchen refrigerator doors, cabinets, and back
finish will be applied, finish matching is maximized splashes.
by obtained all of the 2B from the same producer The starting finishes are most often 2B or 2BA
and processing line (sequential coils). but occasionally a 2D or fine No. 4 is used. The
When the final annealing is done in a furnace choice of starting finish determines reflectivity. These
with a controlled atmosphere, it is referred to as stainless steel finishes are covered by ASTM A947M
Bright Annealing. For architectural applications, the unless heavy gauge floor plate is desired. Stainless


steel floor plate is covered by ASTM A793. than the Angel Hair finish and are applied using a
small grinding wheel, coarse stainless steel wire
C) Other Rolled Finishes brushes, or a coarse nonmetallic abrasive pad.
Rolled finishes were developed by stainless They can be applied by hand or with CNC-oper-
steel producers to mimic the appearance of com- ated equipment. This pattern hides heavier ran-
mon finishes. They simulate abrasive blasted and dom scratching in high traffic areas. This finish is
the No. 3, No. 4, and Hairline polished finishes. usually blendable.
They are applied by passing the coils through
specially treated rolls and are one- or two-sided.
Their strength, impact, and scratch resistance are 3) Swirl Patterns
similar to that of other flat finishes but they are Grinding wheels or stainless steel wire brush-
generally more uniform in appearance from coil to es are used to create swirl patterns, which can
coil and provide better corrosion resistance. They range in size and pattern. The finish can be ap-
have been used for roofing, wall panels, applianc- plied by hand or with CNC-operated equipment to
es, and other applications. The finishes that mimic flat or curved pieces and to small or large areas.
abrasive blasting are flatter, more uniform, and Swirl patterns hide accidental scratches in high
more cost effective than abrasive blasted sheet traffic areas and add visual depth. The pattern is
or strip. The rolled finishes that simulate No. 3 or sometimes described as having a 3 dimensional
4 finishes are approved alternatives to mechani- appearance. A well-known example of extensive
cally polished No. 3 and 4 finishes in ASTM A480/ use of this finish is the Denver Airport. This finish
A480 M. is usually blendable.

D) Other Mechanical Finishes 4) Engine-Turned Patterns

Engine-Turned patterns are created on cut
1) Angel Hair (Angel Hair and Suede are pieces of sheet or strip with CNC-controlled equip-
proprietary names. Vibration or non-direction- ment, which grind circles ranging from 0.5 in. (13
al are more generic terms.) mm) to 12 in. (305 mm) in diameter into a highly
There are numerous names for this finish in- polished or bright annealed finish. The circles can
cluding vibration, non-directional polish, and suede range in size, overlap, and form decorative pat-
finish. A very fine, non-directional scratch pattern terns. When the ground circles cover the entire
is created with a stainless steel wire wheel or a surface, they can be effective in making light ran-
vibrating nonmetallic abrasive pad. The scratches dom scratching less visible by drawing the eye to
can be long or short, and the finish can be ap- the ground circle.
plied by hand or with CNC-operated equipment
to flat and curved surfaces. It hides light random
scratching in high traffic areas and has a soft, low 5) Abrasive Blasted
reflectivity appearance. This finish has been used Stainless steel can be abrasive blasted with
for both interior and exterior applications and has a variety of media to create a non-directional,
a fairly low level of reflectivity. Examples include repairable finish. The choice of media will deter-
the Experience Music Museum and Walt Disney mine the appearance. It is important to clean the
Concert Hall. This finish is usually blendable. surface before and after blasting. Clean media
that has not been used on other metals must be
used to avoid surface contamination. Steel shot
2) Distressed Finishes should never be used on stainless steel. Some
Distressed finishes have coarser scratches abrasives, such as sand and aluminum oxide, can

appearance withvarious
appearance with various abrasive
abrasive media media

Abrasive Media Finish

fine sand or silicon carbide dark, coarse finish
glass beads light, smooth, grainy finish
stainless steel shot small, curved indentations
ground quartz shiny, coarse, angular indentations

become embedded in the surface and can lead working the surface. Distortion can occur when
to unanticipated corrosion problems in demanding abrasive blasting thin flat sheets. Fingerprints are
applications. Abrasive blasting is ideal for heavier much less noticeable on more reflective abrasive
sections and improves scratch resistance by cold blasted surfaces.

Protective Strippable Plastic Films
Protective strippable plastic films can be applied by the producer, processor, fabricator or
finisher to protect the stainless steel surface finish during shipment, installation and fabrication.
The use of a strippable protective plastic film, during forming operations that do not require
heat, helps to protect the surface from contamination by other metals and light scratching.
It also acts as a lubricant. During shipping, storage or installation, film can help to prevent
damage from light scratching. Fine steel particles and dirt accumulations from the job site are
generally removed with the film. If an appropriate film life is specified and the film is UV rated,
the protective film can be left in place until just prior to turnover. This can eliminate the need for
final cleaning or reduce the cleaning necessary.
The commonly used protective films are porous and do not prevent corrosion from salt
water, water containing deicing salt, swimming pool atmospheres, corrosive acids and other
substances that can be corrosive to some stainless steels. When there is exposure to a cor-
rosive environment, the presence of a film can accelerate corrosion by acting as a crevice.
Protective strippable films should be removed immediately after installation if the environment
is corrosive.
If the component that the film is applied to will be stored or installed in an exterior location,
a UV rated film must be specified. The specified film life should take into consideration the total
time that the film will be required and potential project delays. If the film is nearing the end of its
warranted life, it should be removed and replaced as required. Film that is left in place past its
warranted life or exposed to conditions for which it was not designed can be difficult to remove,
leave residual adhesive on the surface, or be a factor in corrosion.
When stainless steel arrives from the mill or processor, it has a protective passive film
on the surface. As long as the surface is clean and exposed to oxygen, the passive film will
automatically form if the surface is abraded or machined. If the surface is protected from con-
tamination and scratching during fabrication, transit, and installation, and there is no welding,
chemical passivation of the surface after fabrication is not required, Washing with a mild, chlo-
ride-free detergent and water solution or an ammonia and water window washing solution may
still be necessary.
If an improper film type is selected or it is left in place too long, the film supplier should
be contacted to determine an appropriate water based cleaner or solvent for removal of the
residual adhesive. The type of adhesive determines the most effective cleaner. Solvents will
not damage the stainless steel. If a solvent based cleaner is needed, rubbing alcohol or citric
cleaners are often tried before more aggressive solvents.

The Use of Mechanical Finishes will likely affect the surface only locally and in a
on Stainless Steel minor way; and these areas can be “blended” to
match the adjacent areas if they have a direc-
For some architectural applications, the metal
tional polished finish.
is ordered from the mill, service center or proces-
sor with the desired final finish. If proper care is ex- The mill rolled, embossed, coined, and col-
ercised, such fabricating processes as brake form- ored finishes cannot be matched in the fabri-
ing, roll forming, punching, shearing, and welding cator’s shop. As a general rule, therefore, these


finishes should not be specified for products not embedded in the surface, the staining can
whose fabrication requires severe bending or usually be removed with either phosphoric or ox-
welding of the metal unless subsequent overall alic acid followed by a water rinse. If the finish is
finishing of the product is intended, or appearance not subject to damage from fine abrasives, a 200
is not critical. mesh or finer calcium carbonate abrasive with no
Pre-polished mill finishes of 3 to 7 can vary chlorides, such as Bon Ami, can be used. Two
from supplier to supplier and coil to coil. If the other household cleaning products, Zud and Bar
finishes are to match, all the material should be Keeper’s Friend, include both oxalic acid and this
polished by one experienced metal finisher who fine abrasive but they also contain chlorides so
can control the uniformity of the finish to a more they must be carefully rinsed off surfaces. Abra-
precise degree. sives should not be used on delicate finishes such
For welded assemblies in which fusion welds as colored stainless steel or mirror finishes.
must be finished to blend inconspicuously with ad- If iron is embedded in the surface, the depth
jacent metal, a directional finish such as No. 4 sheet to which it is embedded will determine the clean-
finish or a special “blendable” finish is usually advis- ing method. Cleaning with phosphoric acid, nitric
able. acid, or citric acid/sodium nitrate solution followed
by a water rinse can be used. Some suppliers of
The proper use of abrasives is very impor- stainless steel welding products also sell affective
tant - use silicon carbide, not aluminum stronger stainless steel rust removers.
oxide, for corrosive interior or exterior ap- The surface must be degreased prior to an
plications. Silicon carbide abrasives may acid treatment and the acid thoroughly rinsed off
need to be replaced more frequently to ob- and neutralized after use. With proper application,
tain a uniform appearance. Aluminum oxide these acids will aggressively attack and remove
can be used in interior, non-corrosive ap- carbon steel but will not harm the stainless steel
plications. A 36-50 grit aluminum oxide can surface. Deeply embedded iron particles can ne-
produce a bright, uniform finish. Do not use cessitate significant surface removal with a coarse
sand, glass beads, or other abrasive media abrasive, grinding wheel or belt followed by re-
previously used on other metals. finishing. Alternatively, deeply embedded carbon
steel can be removed by painting the problem
Removing Embedded Iron area with stainless steel pickling paste per manu-
or Carbon Steel facturers recommendations. This strong acid will
remove even deeply embedded carbon steel but
When iron or carbon steel particles adhere or refinishing will be necessary. The acid must be
become embedded in the surface, they will rust neutralized after use.
and discolor the stainless steel and give the incor-
rect impression that the stainless steel is rusting.
Iron contamination can result from carbon steel Weld Clean-Up
wire brushing; inadequate cleaning of tools or Weld scale and heat tint must be removed in
work areas where carbon steel is also fabricated; accordance with ASTM A380 to restore the corro-
forming without a protective strippable plastic film; sion resistance and appearance of the stainless
use of contaminated abrasive blasting with media; steel.
improper handling; or exposure to airborne carbon Weld heat tint and weld splatter can be re-
steel particles in the shop or at the job site. De- moved effectively with mechanical cleaning or
pending on the depth of penetration, the rusting a stainless steel pickling paste. Acceptable me-
or discoloration can be removed by passivation. chanical cleaning methods include use of a clean
ASTM A380 defines passivation and describes stainless steel wire brush or a grinding wheel. In
appropriate cleaning methods for removing iron or particularly corrosive environments, research has
carbon steel contamination and approved nonde- shown that a combination of pickling paste and
structive tests to determine if there is iron contami- grinding is the most effective means of maximizing
nation. the weld’s corrosion resistance. No matter which
If the stainless steel has been stained by car- method is used, the chromium depleted surface
bon steel surface contact but the carbon steel is layer must be removed to restore corrosion resis-

tance. A visual standard should be considered to sheet, strip, tube, pipe, and any of the other stain-
establish aesthetic requirements. less steel shapes.
The Nos. 3 and 4 polished finishes are char-
Oil-Canning Avoidance acterized by very fine parallel “grit lines,” and are
produced by belt or wheel polishing with fine grit
To minimize “oil-canning” in large flat areas, abrasives or by rolling. When it is mechanically fin-
a nonreflective matte, textured, patterned, or con- ished, No. 3 is usually finished with abrasives be-
toured finish is often recommended. Highly pol- tween 80 and 150 grit and on sheet or strip it can
ished reflective finishes should be used in such typically have an average surface roughness of up
locations only if extreme care is given to thickness to Ra 40 micro-inches. A No. 4 is commonly used
selection, detail design, and fabrication. These as an architectural finish and can be produced by
surfaces are also susceptible to scratches and mechanical polishing or rolling. If mechanical pol-
dents if used at pedestrian level and can look oil ishing is used, the final pass can be between 120
canned even when they are very flat. and 320 grit. The average surface roughness on
sheet or strip can typically be up to Ra 25 micro-
Post Installation Cleaning inches. No common stainless steel specification
All foreign matter should be thoroughly cleaned requires that a finish meet specific surface rough-
from stainless steel surfaces following installation ness requirements. Surface roughness influences
to restore the original appearance. This is typically appearance and corrosion performance so it can
done with a mild detergent and water solution, be important to specify a maximum allowable sur-
ammonia and water window washing solution or face roughness or surface roughness range. There
pressure washing with hot water. Cleaning guide- can be overlap between the surface roughness
lines can be obtained from the Nickel Develop- measurements and grit ranges for the No. 3 and
ment Institute’s Guidelines for Maintenance and No. 4 finishes. Either finish can be polished wet or
Cleaning, series 11 014, or ASTM A380 can be dry. Wet polishing produces a smoother, finer fin-
referenced. ish. When they are applied to sheet, the polishing
In new construction, many contractors use a lines are usually short, but on pipe, tube, and fab-
muriatic acid (also known as hydrochloric acid) so- ricated components the polishing lines are often
lution to clean new masonry, tile, stone, or cement long. This should be considered when matching
work. Muriatic acid will aggressively attack any finishes. Polished finishes on tubing and pipe are
stainless steel causing rapid severe corrosion. If described by the grit rather than a finish number.
it splashes or sprays on to stainless steel it must Fabricators or specialty polishers normally ap-
be thoroughly washed off and neutralized immedi- ply polished finishes to stainless steel bars and
ately to prevent corrosion. shapes. Small cross section flat round, hex and
Surrounding surfaces should also be neutral- square bars are available “cold finished.” Heavier
ized, so that residual acid residue does not com- sectioned flats, angles, other shapes are com-
bine with moisture and come in contact with the mercially available only “hot rolled” or “extruded”.
stainless steel at a later date. Citric acid masonry They are typically purchased with a rough abrasive
cleaning products will not damage stainless steel blasted and pickled surface that must be ground
but the solution should be confirmed to be free of smooth before polishing. Polishing such shapes
muriatic acid. is more expensive. Thinner angles, channels and
shapes can be cold rolled after polishing. If this
is done with a protective strippable plastic film in
Polished Finishes place that is suitable for forming, no further polish-
These finishes are produced by successively ing is required.
finer polishing belts or by passing a stainless steel A soft, satin, directional No. 6 Finish is typically
coil through special rolls that simulate a No. 3 or produced by Tampico brushing a No. 4 finish with
4 polish. The No. 7, 8 or 9 finishes are polished an oil and abrasive mixture. It has a silver white ap-
with successively finer belts and then buffed. They pearance. The high wear rate of Tampico brushes
vary in cost depending on the number of opera- make it difficult to obtain a uniform appearance
tions involved and the degree of smoothness re- and this finish is known for having fingerprint prob-
quired. (see Table 3-2) They can be provided on lems. ASTM A480/A480M allows other polishing


methods to be substituted if they produce a fin- very low sulfur (0.005 or less) levels. If the right
ish with the same surface roughness, reflectivity, quality of stainless steel is not specified, impuri-
and an appearance that a stainless steel surface ties in the metal can cause flaws during polishing.
finish expert considers visually identical. Polishing A true mirror finish obtained by hand polishing is
lines should be soft, and the resultant finish should expensive.
be much less reflective than a No. 4. The No. 6
polish is not widely available. It was used for the Colored Finishes
exterior columnar features on the exterior walls of
Stainless steel can be colored by several
the Empire State Building and in other early stain-
methods. The scratch resistance and color stabil-
less steel projects. A surface finish sample that
ity of these processes vary and should be taken
acts as a visual standard is particularly important
into consideration during selection. Although some
when specifying this finish because a wide range
of these processes slightly improve corrosion re-
of visually different finishes are sometimes called
sistance, this should not be considered a substi-
a No. 6.
tute for selecting an appropriate grade of stainless
Still smoother and more reflective finishes
steel for the environment. Any welding must be
(Nos. 7 and 8 Sheet Finishes) are obtained by
done before the color is applied. The only coloring
buffing polished surfaces. The semi-bright No. 7
process that is repairable is paint.
is produced by buffing a finely ground finish. No. 7
Electrochemical coloring (also called light in-
is a mirror-like finish but residual grit lines are still
terference or INCO coloring) is achieved by im-
visible. The highly reflective, mirror-like, No. 8 is
mersing stainless steel in a hot acid solution and
typically produced by polishing with successively
applying an electrical current. A full spectrum of
finer abrasives, then buffing. Very faint polishing
colors is available including gold, bronze, purple,
grit lines can be visible on the final product.
blue, red, black, and green. Color can be applied
uniformly or varied for a rainbow effect. Ultraviolet
Additional Polished Finishes radiation does not cause fading. The underlying
A) Hairline Polish finish is visible. Color can be removed selectively
A finish with very long seemingly endless polish- by etching, polishing, or engraving. Scratching
ing lines is called a hairline, long-grain, or fine-line can damage the color. When the color is applied
finish. It more reflective than a No. 4 polish. Small over a coined or embossed finish and the raised
scratches can be repaired in the field with Scotch- areas are buffed, the remaining color is recessed
Brite® pads of equivalent grit or roughness. Some and protected and this finish has performed well
suppliers have identified this as a No. 5 or No. 6 in high traffic areas. Forming or bending sharp an-
finish, but this finish is not defined by ASTM A480/ gles can change the finish color in the deformed
A480M. A visual standard that is agreed upon in ad- area. Flat panels can appear to be different colors
vance by all parties is advisable. This finish can be when viewed from different angles or under differ-
produced by applying it over a bright annealed fin- ent light conditions. Curving can introduce visible
ish, passing a bright annealed coil through special color variation on large sheets. Some colors are
rolls, or as the final step in a series of gradually finer more difficult to match from sheet to sheet and re-
abrasives. If this finish is obtained by polishing, it is quirements should be discussed with suppliers in
applied with Scotch-Brite® pads. advance. The process slightly improves corrosion
resistance but not significantly enough to change
B) No. 9 or Super No. 8 polish stainless steel grade or type requirements.
This finish is referred to as a Super or Su- Sputtering is sometimes referred to as plasma
preme No. 8 or No. 9, 10, 11 or even 12 polish. It is vapor deposition (PVD) and applies a very thin,
buffed longer than an ASTM No. 8 polish, typically colored ceramic coating to the surface. Available
about 60 minutes, to achieve a true mirror polish. colors include gold, black, blue, wine red, rose
It is not defined by ASTM and supplier terminol- gold, silver gold, and brass. The most common
ogy for this finish varies. Applications range from color is gold, which has a TiN (titanium nitride)
decorative panels to bathroom mirrors. It is usu- coating and is sometimes referred to as Ti-Gold.
ally purchased already machine polished in sheet The color is stable, uniform, and significantly more
form and requires specifying stainless steel with abrasion resistant than electrochemical coloring.

The pattern of underlying finish is visible and color Electropolished Finishes
can be removed selectively by etching or engrav- Electropolishing can be used on stainless
ing. The finish can be damaged by more aggres- steel, especially austenitics. This process, de-
sive scratching but it is significantly more scratch scribed under Bright Finishes in Chapter 1 Finish-
resistant than electrochemical color. If the surface es for Aluminum, is used for floor plate and items
is not properly prepared prior to sputtering, de- that would be difficult to polish, such as hardware
lamination can occur during bending. Purchase and trim. Electropolishing reduces surface rough-
requirements should require that the material pass ness, removes inclusions, and increases reflectiv-
a bend test prior to shipment acceptance. ity. Smoother finishes are more corrosion resis-
A dull black color can be achieved by immers- tant. In addition, the process produces a higher
ing stainless steel in a molten salt bath of sodium quality protective passive surface layer on stain-
dichromate. The color can be brightened with wax less steel more than what would naturally occur in
or oil. The color is durable, reasonably abrasion air and, in combination with the surface smoothing
resistant, and does not chip or fade. Moderate and removal of inclusions, improves corrosion re-
deformation does not damage the color. The au- sistance. Electropolishing is a good way to reduce
tomotive industry and manufacturers of solar col- the potential for corrosion in corrosive exterior and
lectors use this coloring method. It is rarely used interior applications like pools or shower rooms,
for architecture. but it should not be considered a substitute for us-
Painting stainless steel is similar to painting ing an appropriate grade for that environment.
other metals except that it is done for aesthetic
reasons rather than corrosion protection. The re-
Graphic Finishes
painting schedule will be dependent on the paint’s
performance. The surface finish must be clean, Graphic etched, polished and abrasive blast-
dry, and rough enough for adherence. An appro- ed patterns are created by selectively applying a
priate primer and paint system should be selected. protective acid resistant film to a highly polished
The No. 2B and No. 2D mill finishes, etched finish- surface. Etching uses acid to remove a thin layer
es, and a No. 3 and 4 polishes have been painted of stainless steel from the unprotected areas and
successfully. Several suppliers sell pre-painted or changes the color of these areas to dull silver gray
coil coated stainless steel. and roughens the surface. The etched pattern can
Terne metal (80% lead, 20% tin), tin, and a be left as is or made more reflective. The finish is
zinc/tin coatings are primarily used for roofing often electropolished after completion. Both cus-
but have also been used for exterior wall panels. tom and stock etched patterns are available.
They weather to a medium to dark gray and can In selective polishing, unprotected areas are
be damaged by scratching or abrasion. The final polished or buffed to create a pattern. Some have
color is dependent on the environment. Traditional a three dimensional appearance. In selective abra-
lead containing coatings should not be used in lo- sive blasting, abrasive media are used to create
cations with low sulfur dioxide levels in the air or the pattern. Fine detail can be achieved with any
the lead can oxidize resulting in red spots on the of these techniques, and the difference in reflectiv-
surface. ity of the finishes creates the pattern.
The coating provides some additional corro- Like other metals, letters or lines can be cut
sion protection but it should not be assumed that into stainless steel by engraving. This is most
a less corrosion resistant stainless steel can be commonly used for signage. Engraved patterns
used. This finish can be painted using manufac- can be electrochemically colored or sputtered and
turer recommended primers and paints. engraving can be done after both of these coloring
Stainless steel can be plated with gold, copper
alloys, and other metals. Copper plated stainless
has had limited use in roofing applications when Standard Product Dimensions
the strength of stainless and color of copper were The standard dimensions for stainless steel
desired. Gold plating is soft and easily abraded sheet, strip, and plate are defined by ASTM A
and is sometimes hard coated. The hard coating 480/A 480M General Requirements for Flat-Rolled
could discolor and deteriorate over time. Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet,



Item Description Thickness Width Dia. or size
PLATES Flat-rolled or forged 3/16 (5) & over over 10 (254)
SHEET Coils and cut lengths: under 3/16 (5) 24 (610) & over
STRIP Coils and cut lengths:
Cold finished under 3/16 (5) under 24 (610)
BARS Hot finished flats 0.125 (3) & over 10 (254) or less
Cold finished flats 0.125 (3) & over 10 (254) or less

PIPE and TUBING The most commonly used ASTM specification for architectural and structural applications is
ASTM A554 Standard Specification for Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing (round, square
and rectangular). For information on standard sizes consult service centers, producers, or the
Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA) website. The SSINA website also lists
producers and service centers.

EXTRUSIONS Structural components are often produced by extrusion and roll forming. The relevant
and ROLL FORMED specifications are ASTM A276 and A484/A484M. Some standard shapes are available but most are
SHAPES custom. Extrusions are limited in size to shapes that will fit inside a 9 in. (229 mm)
diameter circle Stainless steel that is up to 0.38 inches thick and 48 inches wide can be roll
formed. A list of commonly stocked sizes and suppliers can be found at the Specialty Steel
Industry of North America website.
a) ASTM A276 and A484/A484M are the specifications that cover stainless steel bars and shapes used in architecture.
b) General requirements for stainless steel wire and wire rods are covered in ASTM A555/A555M.
c) SSINA website is www.ssina.com.

and Strip. ASTM does not provide surface finish Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or
definitions for other product forms. (ASTM does Heat Treated, Surface Cleaned and Polished:
have dimensional tolerance requirements for other This is generally equivalent to a No. 3 or 4 polish
product forms.) The standard shapes and their di- depending on the purchasers finish requirements.
mensions are listed in Table 3-1. In the discussion The surface is cleaned by abrasive blasted and
that follows, the finishes for each type of product pickling and polishing is used to smooth the finish
are explained. and make it more uniform. This finish was used on
the exterior of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. There
Plate Finishes are polishing houses who specialize in plate.
Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed
Plate finishes are defined in ASTM A 480/A
or Heat Treated, Descaled and Temper Passed:
480M. In most cases, plate is used for structur-
Passing the abrasive blasted and pickled plate
al applications, but there are other installations
through smooth rolls gives it a smoother finish.
where these finishes are used.
Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed
Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed
or Heat treated, Descaled; and Cold-Rolled
or Heat Treated: The scale is not removed from
and Annealed or Heat Treated, Descaled, and
the plate. This impairs corrosion resistance mak-
Optionally Temper Passed: Like the preceding
ing the finish unsuitable for most applications. It is
finish this is smooth but with fewer surface imper-
usually an intermediary processing step or used
for heat resisting applications.
Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or
Heat Treated, and Abrasive Blasted or Pickled: Sheet Finishes
This dull silver finish is essentially equivalent to a Sheet finishes are defined in ASTM A 480/A
No. 1 sheet finish and could be used for structural 480M. The stainless steel finishes most widely
components. The surface is often not that uniform used in architectural work are sheet finishes.
in appearance. Grinding marks and other surface These are identified by a system of numbers and
imperfections are common so additional finishing letters, the unpolished, or, “mill’’ finishes being
after fabrication is typically assumed in aesthetic Nos. 1, 2D, bright annealed (usually 2BA), and
applications. 2B, and the polished finishes being Nos. 3, 4, 6,

7, and 8. The use of the polished finishes is not The sheet finishes are described broadly by
limited to sheet products; they can be applied to the finishing operations used to obtain them, as
all product forms if desired by referencing ASTM shown in Table 3-2.


WITH Note 4, ASTM A480/A480M

Designation Definition

Unpolished Finishes:

No. 1 Hot-rolled, annealed and descaled - Commonly referred to as hot-rolled, an-

nealed and pickled or descaled. This is a dull, nonreflective finish.

No. 2D Cold-rolled, dull finish - A smooth, nonreflective cold-rolled, annealed, and pick-
led or descaled finish. This nondirectional finish is favorable for retention of lubri-
cants in deep drawing applications.

No. 2B Cold-rolled, bright finish - A smooth, moderately reflective cold-rolled annealed

and pickled or descaled finish typically produced by imparting a final light cold-rolled
pass using polished rolls. This general-purpose finish is more readily polished than
a No. 1 or 2D finishes. Product with 2B finish is normally supplied in the annealed
plus lightly cold rolled condition unless a tensile-rolled product is specified.

Bright Annealed A bright, cold-rolled finish retained by final annealing in a controlled atmo-
sphere furnace - A smooth, bright, reflective finish typically produced by cold roll-
ing followed by annealing in a protective atmosphere so as to prevent oxidation
and scaling during annealing.

Polished Finishes

No. 3 Intermediate polished finish, one or both sides - A linearly textured finish that may
be produced by either mechanical polishing or rolling. Average surface roughness
(Ra) can generally be up to 40 micro-inches. A skilled operator can generally blend this
finish. Surface roughness measurements differ with different instruments, laboratories,
and operators. There can also be overlap in measurements of surface roughness for
both No. 3 and No. 4 finishes.

No. 4 General purpose polished finish, one or both sides - A linearly textured finish that
is produced by either mechanical polishing or rolling. Average surface roughness (Ra)
can generally be up to 25 micro-inches. A skilled operator can generally blend this fin-
ish. Surface roughness measurements differ with different instruments, laboratories,
and operators. There can also be overlap in measurements of surface roughness for
both No. 3 and No. 4 finishes.

No. 6 Dull, satin finish, Tampico brushed, one or both sides - This finish has a soft, satin
appearance typically produced by Tampico brushing a No. 4 finish.


No. 7 High luster finish - Has a high degree of reflectivity. It is produced by buffing a finely
ground surface, but the grit lines are not removed. It is chiefly used for architectural or
ornamental purposes.

No. 8 Mirror finish - This is a highly reflective, smooth finish typically produced by polishing
with successively finer grit abrasives, then buffing. Typically, very faint buff of polish
lines can still be visible on the final product. Blending after part assembly can be done
with buffing.

TR Finish Cold-worked to obtain specified properties - The finish resulting from the cold-roll-
ing of an annealed and descaled or bright annealed product to obtain mechanical
properties higher than that of the annealed condition. Appearance will vary depending
upon the starting finish, amount of cold work, and the alloy.

Architectural Sometimes described as a No. 5 finish – These are a separate category and
Finishes may be negotiated between buyer and seller, as there are many techniques and
finish variations available throughout the world.

Text notes in ASTM specifications: These notes are descriptive information and are not legally binding. If surface
roughness maximums or specific surface appearance characteristics are desired the purchaser is encouraged to
tighten the specification by making them an additional requirement.

Strip hot rolling, forging, pressing, extruding, or similar

Stainless steel strip has five mill finishes de- hot working procedures applied to ingots, blooms,
fined by ASTM A480/A480M. No.1 Strip Finish is or billets. The bar may be heat treated and cleaned
similar to a No. 2D sheet finish, which is produced by blasting, pickling, or some other descaling
by cold rolling to the specified thickness, followed method. Final finishes also include rough turning;
by annealing and pickling. and machine straightening, centerless grinding,
It varies in appearance from dull gray matte to and polishing. The dimensional tolerances for hot-
a fairly reflective surface. No. 2 Strip Finish is the finished bars are less stringent than those for cold-
same as a No. 1 finish except that it is followed by finished bars.
a final cold roll pass, generally on highly polished Bars cut from flat-rolled stainless steel products
rolls. If the rolls are highly polished, it is equivalent have two surfaces that are pickled or descaled, and
to a No. 2B sheet finish. two cut surfaces, except when the bar is heat treated
It is a smoother, more reflective finish than No. subsequent to cutting, in which case all surfaces are
1 Strip Finish. The Bright Annealed, TR Finish, and descaled or pickled. The flat product can be polished
No. 3 and 4 polished finishes are also available prior to cutting, and the cut edges ground.
on strip and are produced to the requirements for Cold-finished bars have the surface finish that
sheet finishes. results from hot-finished bars being further pro-
It should be recognized that within each of cessed by additional cold drawing. The final finish
these finish categories some variation should be can be cold-drawn, burnished, centerless ground, or
expected, due to the characteristics of the differ- polished to provide closer tolerances and improved
ent alloys and differences in metal thickness and surface finish. The dimensional tolerances appli-
methods of processing. cable to cold-finished bars are more stringent than
those applicable to hot-finished bars.
Bars The optional surface conditions and finishes
Hot-finished bars are commonly produced by which can be specified for stainless bars are shown

in Table 3-3. Note that the mechanically polished fin- polished. The surface can be polished by the mill
ishes can be any of those identified as sheet finishes supplier, a specialty polishing house, or the fab-
in Table 3-2 and should be specified by referencing ricator to equate to polished sheet finishes with
ASTM A480/A480M and the specific finish. the hot rolled product requiring a bit of extra effort.
Round products requested pre-polished are sup-
Wire plied with either a circumferential or longitudinal
Stainless steel wire is produced in a large variety finish. Square and rectangular tubing is supplied
of compositions and finishes, usually designed for polished longitudinally.
certain specific end uses. Many of these are suitable If a finish similar to the sheet No. 3 or 4 polish
for architectural uses, but, since ASTM A555/A555M is desired, final polishing grits of 180, 240 and 320
does not define wire finishes, wire producers should are available. These are generally longer grained
be consulted for information. finishes than sheet or strip finishes. Buffed finish-
es, which are similar in appearance to a No. 7 or
Pipe and Tubing 8 polish, are also available. It is generally more
Ornamental/Structural grade tubing and cost effective to purchase pre-finished product
pipe (round, square, and rectangular) is usually and blend the finish as necessary after fabrication.
produced from a No. 2 strip finished material in Large diameter square and rectangular tubing is
thicknesses less than 0.180 in. (5 mm) which is typically not supplied by the mill suppliers with
formed and seam welded. Thicknesses of 0.180 the corner radius polished. Due to the diversity of
in. (5 mm) and up are usually produced from 2D products, service centers or mill suppliers should
annealed and pickled as well as hot finished raw be consulted regarding available finishes and sur-
materials. Specifying seamless tubing provides no face conditions of each product.
additional corrosion benefit in architectural appli-
cations but can substantially increase cost. The Extrusions
relevant ASTM specification is ASTM A554. The natural finish resulting from extrusion (usu-
Although these products are produced from ally followed by a drawing operation) resembles a
strip or plate finishes, processing changes the No. 1 sheet finish. The surfaces can be finished by
surface finish on the end product. Stretch or tool- clean, unused sand or glass bead blasting or can
ing marks can be evident especially on larger be polished by the fabricator or finisher to produce
OD and/or heavy wall material that has not been a polished sheet finish if desired.


Annealed Annealed and cold
Hot worked or otherwise worked to high
Surface Finishes only heat treated tensile strength*
Scale not removed (excluding spot conditioning) ............................. X X
Rough turned ....................................................................................... X X
Pickled or blast cleaned and pickled .................................................. X X
Cold drawn or cold-rolled ...................................................................... X X
Centerless ground ................................................................................. X X
Mechanically polished (sheet finishes)................................................. X X
* Produced in a variety of stainless steels including Types 303Se, 304/304L, and 316/316L, 430 and 17-4pH


Code Nearest US
No. Description Equivalent
629 Bright Stainless Steel, 300 Series US32
630 Satin Stainless Steel, 300 Series US32D


Hardware Finish Designations for boldly exposed surfaces in rural areas. Sheltered
Finishes for architectural hardware made of surfaces could experience minor discoloration over
stainless steel are generally designated by finish time if not cleaned. Smoother surface finishes pro-
code numbers of the Builders Hardware Manufac- vide better resistance to tarnishing and accumulate
turers Association (BHMA). Listed below are the less dirt. Regular washing helps to retain a pristine
two most commonly used. Since U.S. Finish Des- appearance.
ignations occasionally appear in specifications, Urban sites include residential, commercial,
the nearest former U.S. equivalent of the BHMA and light industrial locations with low to moderate
number is shown on the list. For a complete listing pollution from vehicular traffic and similar sourc-
and description of hardware finishes refer to ANSI/ es. Type 304/304L is usually the most cost-ef-
BHMA A156.18, American National Standard for fective choice unless pollution levels are high, in
Materials and Finishes. which case slight tarnishing can occur. This can
be avoided with regular cleaning and by specify-
ing smoother surface finishes. Type 316/316L
Selection of Proper Grade, Care, performs well in areas with high levels of urban
and Maintenance of Stainless Steel pollution, and while cleaning may not be neces-
Stainless Steel came into being in the early sary for corrosion resistance, it improves overall
1900’s. Metallurgical engineers discovered that appearance.
adding chromium and nickel to ordinary carbon Sulfur and nitrogen oxides from coal com-
steel would improve stain and corrosion resis- bustion, and gases released from chemical and
tance. Stainless steels contain at least 12 percent process industry plants typically characterize in-
chromium and form a thin (invisible), protective, dustrial sites. Surface deposits, such as soot from
corrosion-resistant, passive film on their surface. incompletely burned fuel or iron oxides, increase
This film forms spontaneously as long as the stain- the environment’s severity.
less steel surface is clean when the chromium re- When industrial pollution levels are low to mod-
acts with oxygen in air or water. If the film is dam- erate, Type 316/316L performs well and is usually
aged or removed during fabrication or polishing, it the most cost-effective choice. Type 304/304L may
self-repairs immediately so long as the surface is be satisfactory if a smooth finish is selected for a reg-
clean. ularly washed application. If pollution levels are high,
The most commonly used architectural stain- Type 316 can develop corrosion staining, but this
less steels are Types 304 and 316. The former is is minimized if smooth finishes and regular wash-
suitable for most interior and mildly corrosive exte- ing are specified. For aggressive conditions, a more
rior applications, but if the site is more aggressive, highly alloyed stainless steel may be needed. Pollu-
molybdenum-containing Type 316 or an even tion controls have made aggressive conditions less
more corrosion-resistant stainless steel may be common in the US but they are common in other
necessary to avoid corrosion, particularly if there parts of the world.
will not be regular cleaning. Seawater contains a mixture of salts (sodium,
While it is assumed other architectural met- magnesium, calcium, and potassium chlorides),
als will corrode without preventive maintenance, and local wind patterns determine how far they are
stainless steel is often expected to remain pristine carried inland. Generally, locations within 5 mi to
with little or no maintenance. The level of main- 10 mi (9 km to 18 km) of salt water are at risk for
tenance required to keep the material attractive chloride-related corrosion, but local weather pat-
in any given environment is determined by the terns vary and the performance of metals near the
stainless steel grade, finish, location, design, and site should be evaluated prior to material selec-
owner’s aesthetic requirements. tion. Type 304/304L can experience severe pitting
Rural or suburban areas with low population in coastal and marine environments and should be
densities and light, non-polluting industry can be cat- used with caution. If the environment is less cor-
egorized as rural. A site that appears rural can be rosive, Type 304 is acceptable if a smooth surface
impacted by migrant air pollution, so it is important to finish is specified, and it is frequently cleaned.
determine if there is industry upwind of the site. Type Type 316/316L is usually the most cost-effective
304/304L is usually the most cost-effective choice stainless steel for low to moderately corrosive

coastal architectural applications, and generally tween surface finish roughness and the likelihood
provides good service. If unwashed, some discol- of corrosion. Smoother surface finishes retain less
oration can occur after long-term exposure. dirt and debris, and provide better corrosion per-
A specialist should be consulted if the compo- formance than rougher finishes. As a result of this
nent is close to, or immersed in seawater to de- research, the European Standard EN 10088 rec-
termine the most cost-effective grade. If the com- ommends a surface roughness of Ra 20 micro-
ponent is occasionally splashed, such as railings inches or 0.5 microns or less for polished finishes
beside the water, Type 316 may be inadequate used in environments with high levels of particu-
unless a smooth finish is used, and it is frequently lates, corrosive pollution, and/or salt exposure,
washed. If a rougher finish is desired or regular and in applications where regular maintenance is
cleaning is impractical, a more corrosion-resistant unlikely. Alternatively, a more corrosion-resistant
grade should be used, such as 317LMN, 904L, product could be used if a rough finish is desired
or 2205. If the material will be regularly splashed for aesthetic reasons. Similar guidelines should
or immersed in seawater, super-duplex stainless be followed for finishes produced by means other
steels, such as 2507 or six percent-molybdenum than polishing. For most embossed finishes, the
austenitic, should be specified. roughness of the finish should be measured prior
Typically, chloride or salt accumulations on to pressing the pattern into the metal. However,
handrails, doorstops, and other street-level appli- when the coined or embossed finish simulates an-
cations are heavier in areas where deicing prod- other finish (i.e., abrasive blasting or polishing) or
ucts are used than in coastal locations. All deicing if the pattern is likely to retain dirt and debris, the
products contain chlorides, typically sodium, cal- roughness of the final finish should also be mea-
cium or magnesium chloride. If a site is exposed sured.
to both coastal and deicing salt or chlorides, the If the design requires welding sections thicker
environment becomes even more aggressive. De- than about 0.25 in. (6 mm), and the weld will be
icing salt carried by road mist and wind have been exposed to a corrosive environment, use low car-
found as high as the 50th floor of high-rise build- bon versions of the stainless steels (i.e., 304L or
ings and over 600 ft (183 m) from busy highways. 316L) to reduce the risk of sensitization and im-
It contaminates soil and is found in airborne dust prove weld corrosion resistance. (The corrosion
throughout the year. Vehicle and wind speeds and resistance of Type 304 is equivalent to Type 304L,
traffic levels are the most important factors in de- and Type 316 is equivalent to Type 316L.)
termining how far deicing salt laden road mists will
travel. Stainless Steel Selection
If a location has low to moderate deicing salt Guidelines Based on Site Score
exposure, is boldly exposed and washed by heavy Extracted from the International Molybdenum
rain in the spring, Type 316 needs only occasional Association (IMOA) publication IMOA ABC 00,
cleaning to remove dirt accumulations, particularly “Which Stainless Steel Should I Specify for Exte-
if a smooth finish is selected. Some light staining rior Applications?”
can occur over time but can be removed. Select all of the items on the following list that
If the application is in close proximity to a road describe the site, design and maintenance sched-
or sidewalk, or if there are horizontal or sheltered ule. Add up the points and calculate the total site
surfaces, Type 316 is usually still suitable if a score. Selecting smooth surface finishes, regular
smooth surface finish is selected and if salt de- manual cleaning or heavy rain-washing, and avoid-
posits are washed off annually after the last deic- ing sheltered components will reduce the potential
ing. In some areas, heavy spring rain may provide corrosiveness of an environment. Surface rough-
sufficient cleaning. If a rough finish is selected or ness should be below Ra 20 micro-inches (0.5 mi-
if cleaning is infrequent, staining can occur over crons or micrometers) and polished finishes should
time but can generally be removed. A more highly have a clean-cut silicon carbide finish. Information
alloyed stainless steel may be needed in particu- about the stainless steel selection system, case
larly aggressive environments with high salt and studies, and a free software program that assists
pollution exposure. users in making stainless steel selection decisions
Research has shown a direct correlation be- can be found at http://www.imoa.info.


Maintenance and Cleaning contain harsh abrasives and acids that will dam-
If an appropriate stainless steel, finish, and age architectural finishes, and should be tested in
design are selected, and there is adequate heavy an inconspicuous location before use.
rainfall to remove surface accumulations, it is pos- Abrasive pads and cleaners should be avoid-
sible for an application to look attractive for many ed, as they will change the finish. Steel wool
years without regular manual cleaning. For a should never be used on stainless steel because
pristine appearance, only occasional cleaning is steel particles will embed in the surface and cause
necessary to remove stubborn dirt and hydrocar- staining of the stainless steel as the transferred
bons. material rusts. Soft non-metallic brushes that will
Accumulations of corrosive airborne pollutants not scratch the surface can be used to loosen dirt.
and salt can causes corrosion. Dirt accumulations If changing the surface finish is not a concern,
can cause unsightly streaking. Where horizontal stainless steel wool or a non-metallic abrasive pad
surfaces cannot be avoided, as in window sills and (such as a Scotch-Brite® pad) can be used to re-
copings, the surfaces should be smooth, sloped move stubborn stains.
for easy drainage, and provided with a projecting The fabrication department can also contrib-
drip so that the wash does not run down the face ute to ultimately rusting in spots. Many fabricators
of the wall below. utilize work tables made of carbon steel and/or
Joints in the wall should be so designed so that fabricate carbon steel using the same tools and
any water which penetrates them, as well as any while the job is being processed, the job can also
condensation which can occur within the wall, will be be dragged across these work tables or cross
conducted away by an internal drainage system. contaminated by improperly cleaned tooling. This
When cleaning is required, a mild chloride- can embed carbon steel particles in the surface.
free detergent, water, and degreaser solution is These particles will contaminate the stainless and
usually sufficient. Alternatively, an ammonia and will eventually create a rusting problem in those
water window cleaning solution is an effective way contacted areas.
of removing light soil and fingerprints. Stronger Temporary protective coatings of wax, oil, or
degreasers are needed for heavier oil and grease lacquer are unnecessary; can accelerate corrosion
deposits. Proprietary stainless steel cleaners that as they fail; and are not recommended for exterior
do not contain oil, hydrocarbons, wax, or other applications. The use of strippable films of adhesive
products that coat the surface can also be used. paper or plastic is common practice during manu-
Stainless steel panels can be washed when near- facture, transit, and installation to prevent surface
by windows are washed using the same cleaning damage or contamination. Such coverings can be
solution. applied over finished surfaces by the mill or surface
In cases of stubborn dirt or staining, a chlo- finish supplier. Protective coatings or coverings on
ride-free, 200-mesh or finer calcium carbonate the fabricated parts shipped to the job site should
powder, such as Bon Ami, can be used without always be removed as soon as possible after instal-
damaging most finishes. Fine abrasive cleaners lation, and all adhesive residue should be removed
containing oxalic acid (such as Zud or Bar Keep- completely. Careful specification of protective films
er’s Friend) are particularly effective against cor- can avoid adhesive residue. Adhesive chemistry can
rosion staining. Cleaners with abrasives are not vary substantially and the film manufacturers advice
appropriate for colored and other delicate finishes. should be sought in their removal.
Some household and ‘stainless steel’ cleaners For accumulations of oil or grease, proprietary

Table Steel Selection
3-5: Stainless Based
Steel Selection on on
Based Site Score
Site Score

0 to 2 Type 304 is generally the most economical choice.
3 Type 316 is generally the most economical choice.
4 Type 317L or a similar more corrosion resistant stainless steel is suggested.
5 A more corrosion resistant stainless steel such as 2205, 904L, 317LMN, or a 6% molybdenum
austenitic stainless steel may be needed. The advice of a stainless steel corrosion specialist is
suggested to confirm the severity of the location and to assist in stainless steel selection.

Table 3-6 – Estimated Site and Design Score

Points Score
Section 1 Environment (select only the one highest applicable score)
0 Very low or no pollution
Urban Pollution
(light industry, automotive
0 Low
2 Moderate
3 High *
Industrial Pollution
(aggressive gases, soot, iron
oxides, chemicals, etc.)
3 Low or moderate
4 High *
Section 2 Coastal and/or Deicing Salt (chloride) Exposure (Select the one highest applicable
score) If there is exposure to both coastal and deicing salt, obtain assistance from
a stainless steel atmospheric corrosion expert.
Coastal/Marine Salt Exposure
1 Low (1 to10 miles (1.6 to 16 km) from salt water
3 Moderate (100 ft to1 mile (30 m to1.6 km) from salt water
4 High (<100 feet (30 m) from salt water)
5 Marine (some salt spray or occasional splashing)*
8 Severe Marine (continuous splashing)*
10 Severe Marine (continuous immersion)*
Deicing Salt Exposure only
(distance from road or ground)
0 No salt (chlorides) were detected on a sample from the site and no change in exposure
conditions is expected
0 Traffic levels on nearby roads are too low to generate road mist, or wind levels are too
low to carry chlorides to the site, and no deicing salt is used on sidewalks
1 Very low salt exposure (typically >600 ft (180 m) or 12 floors from salt source)**
2 Low salt exposure (typically 100 to 600 f (30 to 189 m) or up to 12 floors from salt
3 Moderate salt exposure (typically <100 feet (30 m) or 3 floors from salt source)**
4 High salt exposure (Direct application or splash zone)*
Section 3 Local Weather Pattern (select only one)
-1 Temperate or cold climates, regular heavy rain (not sheltered)
-1 Hot or cold climates with typical humidity below 50%
0 Temperate or cold climate, occasional heavy rain (not sheltered)
0 Tropical or subtropical, wet, regular or seasonal very heavy rain (not sheltered)
1 Temperate climate, infrequent rain, humidity above 50%
1 Regular very light rain or frequent fog
2 Hot, humidity above 50%, very low or no rainfall***
Section 4 Design Considerations (select all that apply)
0 Boldly exposed for easy rain cleaning
0 Vertical surfaces with a vertical or no finish grain
-2 Surface finish is pickled, electropolished, or roughness Ra 12 microinchres (0.3
-1 Surface finish roughness Ra 12 micro inches < x  Ra 20 micro inches (0.3 to 0.5
1 Surface finish roughness Ra 20 < x  40 micro inches (0.5 up to 1 micron)
2 Surface finish roughness > Ra 40 micro inches (1 micron)
1 Sheltered location or unsealed crevices ***
1 Horizontal surfaces
1 Horizontal finish grain orientation
Section 5 Maintenance Schedule (select only one)
0 Not washed
-1 Washed at least annually
-2 Washed four or more times per year
-3 Washed at least monthly
Total Site Score:

* Potentially a highly corrosive location. Have a stainless steel corrosion expert evaluate the site.
** A sample from the site should be tested to determine if chlorides are present. Some locations of this type are exposed to chlorides but
others are not.
*** If there is also salt or pollution exposure, have a stainless steel corrosion expert evaluate the site.


stainless steel degreasers, an organic solvent, min- used, such as Bon Ami. It should be tested in a low
eral spirits, acetone, alcohol, benzene, citric clean- visibility location first to ensure that it will not dam-
er. or a caustic solution such as trisodium poly- age the finish and should be applied in the same
phosphate can be used, followed by a water rinse. direction has the polishing lines. Many common
If more aggressive cleaning is needed to remove household abrasives are too harsh and will scratch
dirt deposits, a 200 mesh or finer calcium carbonate the finish. They often also contain chlorides.
abrasive that does not contain chlorine should be

Refer to the following for more information on grade selection:

Nickel Institute publication No. 11 024, Stainless Steels in Architecture, Building and Construction:
Guidelines for Corrosion Prevention, provides detailed information about evaluating the environment and
selecting an appropriate product. Visit www.stainlessarchitecture.org.
Which Stainless Steels Should I Specify for Exterior Applications? and case studies from IMOA
provide additional information on grade selection. Visit http://www.imoa.info.
If more corrosion resistance than Type 316 is needed, request the IMOA publication, Practical
Guidelines for Fabrication of Duplex Stainless Steels, and Nickel Institute publication 11 021, High
Performance Stainless Steels.
Additional comparative architectural metal corrosion data for different environments can be found in
The Construction Specifier article, “Metals for Corrosion Resistance: Part II,” (November 2000).

Chapter 4: Finishes for Carbon Steel & Iron

In This Section

General........................................................................................................................................... 4-2

Summary of Typical Iron and Steel Finishes.................................................................................. 4-3

Mechanical Surface Treatments..................................................................................................... 4-3

Chemical Treatments..................................................................................................................... 4-4

Applied Coatings............................................................................................................................ 4-4

Metallic Coatings............................................................................................................................ 4-4

Zinc Coatings (Galvanizing)........................................................................................................... 4-6

Table 4-1: Available Coating Thicknesses and Weights

of Commercial Galvanized Sheet and Coils................................................................................... 4-7

Precautions Regarding the Use of Weathering Steel

and Galvanized Steel..................................................................................................................... 4-9

Aluminum Coatings (Aluminizing)................................................................................................ 4-10

Table 4-2: Available Thicknesses and Weights of Type 2

Aluminized Sheet and Coils......................................................................................................... 4-10

Aluminum Zinc Coatings.............................................................................................................. 4-11

Table 4-3: Finishes for Carbon Steel Hardware.......................................................................... 4-11

Specification Standards for Galvanizing....................................................................................... 4-12

References................................................................................................................................... 4-12



General the reverse is true” most of the common finishes

used on these metals are applied as coatings. Me-
It is well known that most substances tend to chanical and chemical processes are extensively
revert to their natural form, and among the archi- used for cleaning and surface preparation, but
tectural metals, carbon steel and iron are the most rarely as true finishes.
conspicuous examples of this rule. All of the com- All types of additive coatings are used far more
mon metals oxidize, or corrode, to some extent, extensively on carbon steel than on other architec-
but while the oxides forming on other metals gen- tural metals, and for two basic reasons:
erally inhibit the progress of further corrosion, the 1) a protective covering is usually es-
oxide, or rust, that forms on ordinary carbon steel sential, as already explained, and
and iron does not act in this way. Instead, if not
2) if an opaque coating is to be used on
prevented, oxidation progresses until the metal re-
a metal it is only the coating itself which is
verts to essentially the same state in which it was
seen, and for many applications costs can
found in nature. It is generally the chief function of
be minimized by using the most economi-
the finishes used on the common ferrous metals to
cal substrate having the necessary physical
counteract this tendency, to inhibit corrosion.
Some of the high strength, low alloy, cop-
per bearing structural steels have been used in The ferrous metals satisfy this requirement.
exposed applications such as building structural It should be noted, however, that the durability of
elements, curtain walls, bridge structures and many organic coatings under exposure to the ele-
transmission towers without applying paint for sur- ments is influenced by the durability of the base
face protection. These steels are referred to in the metal itself. Deterioration of the coating may be
industry as “weathering steels.” When exposed initiated at the interface between the coating and
to the weather they develop a relatively tight, ad- the substrate, due to the penetration of the coating
herent oxide film that tends to protect the surface by corrodents, and the corrosion resistance of the
against further oxidation or rusting, with time the base metal therefore becomes a critical factor.
film darkens and takes on a color ranging from Probably the most common finish for archi-
dark reddish brown to a warm purple black. These tectural steel and iron is paint, a form of organic
surfaces, however, are not fully resistant to the ef- coating, applied by brush, spray, flow coating or
fects of rain and serious rust staining can occur dipping and frequently air dried. Relatively inex-
where water runs down and off the building on ma- pensive metallic coatings of zinc, aluminum or
terials such as concrete. combinations of these two metals, are applied to
While exposed surfaces have excellent dura- many steel building products, serving either as a
bility, unexposed surfaces and interior surfaces base for subsequent organic coatings or as a final
do not develop sound oxide films and must be finish. Vitreous coatings in the form of porcelain
cleaned and painted with rust inhibiting primers in enamel and plastic films as laminated coatings are
the same way that other carbon steels are pro- also used.
tected. Today these steels are not often used for With the exception of some hardware items,
architectural applications. metallic coatings are not used on architectural
The term “finish,” when used in reference to products made of aluminum, copper alloys or
iron and steel, usually has a somewhat different stainless steel. On the other hand they are com-
connotation than when used in reference to the monly applied to carbon steel and iron. For this
nonferrous metals. On the other metals it gener- reason metallic coatings are discussed in this sec-
ally implies a surface treatment by mechanical or tion. The organic, vitreous and laminated coatings,
chemical means, and less frequently refers to an being more general in their appropriateness, are
applied coating of some kind. With iron and steel given separate consideration in Applied Coatings,


_ Finish Normally Supplied By

Proces- Fabricator Relative Costs
Finish Mill sor or Finisher (on flat surfaces)
As Fabricated ..........................................................................X base
(hot rolled, cold rolled)
Patterned .................................................................................. X low to medium
(Other mechanical processes are generally for cleaning only.)
Cleaned only............................................................................. X very low
Conversion Coatings................................................................ X X low
(usually pretreatments for painting)
Metallic .....................................................................................X X X medium to high
Organic (see Chapter
AMP 505) 5) ..........................................................X X low to medium
Vitreous (see Chapter
AMP 505)...........................................................
5) X high
Laminated (see Chapter AMP 505) 5) ....................................................... X medium
The term PROCESSOR, as used here, refers to a ''middleman'' between the mill and the fabricator, who applies coatings, textures or other
finishes to metal in bulk form, generally cut sheet or strip or coil stock. FABRICATOR refers to the producer of stock metal shapes or the manufacturer
of the end-use product. He may also provide the final finish or he may send the fabricated products to a finisher who does the work. The FINISHER
does not usually fabricate products, but provides finishes as specified, to products fabricated by others.
The RELATIVE COSTS indicated are necessarily approximate, for general guidance only. Exact costs vary considerably with quantity, type of
product, quality of work, etc., and should always be verified.
Certain embossed patterns, because of their stiffening effect, permit the use of thinner metal, and this saving may in some cases offset their cost. In
other cases patterned finishes involve extra cost.

Chapter 5. The table above summarizes the com- mill scale, corrosion products and dirt, but they are
mon usage of all of the various finishes commonly not effective in removing oil and grease:
used on architectural iron and steel. Hand cleaning (SSPCSP2)* is commonly ac-
complished with wire brushes, abrasive paper or
Mechanical Surface Treatments cloth, scrapers, chisels or chipping hammers. Such
As previously stated, true finishes applied methods are best adapted to spot cleaning, and are
by mechanical means are rarely if ever used on not recommended for use on large areas when more
architectural iron and steel. Mechanical surface effective and cheaper methods are available.
treatments are important, however, in preparing Power tool cleaning (SSPCSP3)* A large
the metal to receive applied coatings, and these variety of power driven brushes, grinders and
deserve consideration. sanders, mostly of the rotary type, are used for
removing scale, rust, and dirt from heavy stock.
Mill Finishes Because of the severity of such cleaning methods,
The hot-rolled mill finish on carbon steel is though, they are less appropriate for thin metal.
usually characterized by a tight mill scale and rust This method of cleaning is more effective and
powder. For painting, all loose mill scale and rust more economical than hand cleaning for large sur-
particles should be removed, as they are likely to faces, but may be slow as compared with other
prevent complete adhesion and may provide focal available methods.
points for incipient corrosion. Shot and sandblasting This is perhaps the
Cold-rolled surfaces should always be prop- best means of obtaining a clean surface suitable
erly degreased before painting, and if they are ex- for painting, and may be done either wet or dry.
tremely smooth, may also require roughening to Blasting should be used with caution on thin met-
insure good adherence. al, however, because of the danger of its distorting
the metal. These are relatively expensive process-
Cleaning Methods es and may be hazardous, so are usually used
The following mechanical methods are used only where the highest quality work is required.
most extensively on carbon steel and iron to remove All solid contaminants and even tight scale can be


removed, and besides being clean, the resulting any of a number of proprietary or nonproprietary
surface is sufficiently roughened to ensure good solutions, usually at elevated temperatures, after
paint adhesion. which it is rinsed with water. Caustic soda, soda
ash, and alkaline silicates and phosphates are
*The Society for Protective Coatings has four different speci- among the common cleaning agents used.
fications covering different degrees of blast cleaning: *Reference to detailed specification for this method, as es-
SSPCSP5* Blast Cleaning to “White Metal” tablished by the Society for Protective Coatings.
SSPCSP6* Commercial Blast Cleaning
SSPCSP7* Brushoff Blast Cleaning
SSPCSP10* “Nearwhite” Blast Cleaning Conversion Coatings
Flame cleaning This method is not generally recommended.
It is appropriate only for heavy steel parts because the heat of the Conversion coatings are widely used, both on
oxyacetylene torch used causes sheet and light members to buck- carbon steel and galvanized steel, to “convert”, the
le. It is effective in removing heavy rust and mill scale, but leaves
tightly adhering oxides. All grease, oil and dirt should be removed chemical nature of the surface film, thus improving
before flame cleaning, and for best results the metal should be the bond for paint or other applied coatings. Acid
scraped and wire brushed after flame cleaning, and painted while phosphate solutions are most commonly used for
still warm.
such treatments. These are generally proprietary
solutions, and produce a fine matte surface texture,
Chemical Treatments usually slate gray in color.
Chemical treatments are not employed on ar-
chitectural iron and steel to provide surface finish- Applied Coatings
es, but are employed only to either 1) thoroughly As already indicated, the finishes used on ar-
clean the surface, without otherwise affecting it, chitectural iron and steel are nearly always some
or 2) to chemically convert the surface film so as form of applied coating, and by far the most com-
to provide a good bond for applied coatings. Such mon are the organic coatings such as paint. Me-
treatments are briefly described in the following tallic, vitreous and laminated coatings are also
paragraphs. widely used, however, the relative extent of usage
of these types probably being in the order named.
Cleaning Processes Since the organic, vitreous and laminated coat-
Three types of chemical cleaning process are ings are extensively used on other architectural
in common use. metals also, it has seemed advisable to discuss
Pickling: (SSPCSP8)* This cleaning process these three coating types in a separate section,
very commonly used on ferrous metals, particu- rather than as a finish for any one metal in particu-
larly sheet, bars and light shapes, to remove scale lar, and this is done in Applied Coatings, Chapter
and oxide coatings. It consists of immersing the 5. The use of metallic coatings for architectural
metal in a dilute acid solution, followed by rinsing purposes, though, is confined almost exclusively
first in water, then in other solutions and thorough to iron and steel, and on this substrate they have
drying. many important applications for building products
and accessories. Consequently this type of coat-
Vapor degreasing: This process exposes the ing is discussed in some detail here, with special
metal to vapors from chlorinated solvents such attention to zinc and aluminum.
as trichloroethylene and perchlorethylene, and is
performed in special degreasing machines, either
Metallic Coatings
by a batch method or as part of a continuous pro-
cessing line. The chlorinated solvents are widely The metals most commonly used in the archi-
used in industrial cleaning operations, but have the tectural field, for the coating of carbon steel, are
disadvantages of being toxic and comparatively the following:
expensive, and they do not provide the degree of Aluminum Nickel
cleanliness that certain finishing operations such Cadmium Terne metal
as plating may require. Chromium (8090% lead, 2010% tin)
Alkaline cleaning: This method is used when Copper Tin
mineral and animal fats and oils must be removed. Lead Zinc
The metal may be sprayed with or immersed in The prime function of all such coatings is to

provide protection against corrosion, permitting tallic products consisting of a steel or other
the mechanical properties of steel to be used with metal core, covered with a thin sheet layer of
reliable assurance of durability. Some of the coat- the coating metal. Copper cladding may be
ings, however, have important decorative value as applied by casting the copper about a heated
well. steel core mounted in a covered mold out of
As compared with other applied coatings, some contact with the air, by dipping the steel core
of the metallic coatings provide unique protective into a bath of molten copper, or by deposit-
value through electrolytic action. If the coating is ing the copper electrolytically. Stainless steel
anodic to, or less noble than the base metal, as in cladding may be accomplished by electroweld-
the case of zinc, it protects by “sacrificial action;” if ing stainless steel onto the carbon steel core,
cathodic, or more noble, its protective value is due or by placing the carbon steel between two
to freedom from pinholes and to its own relative sheets of stainless steel and rolling. Aluminum
chemical inactivity in the environment to which it cladding is accomplished by rolling flat steel,
is exposed. cleaning it thoroughly, and placing it between
There are a number of different methods by two sheets of aluminum and either cold roll-
which metallic coatings may be applied: ing or warm rolling at between 600 OF (315OC)
and 700OF (370OC) “Alclad” aluminum stock is
a) The Hot Dip Process, in which the steel item, after
also produced by this method, using an alumi-
being thoroughly cleaned, is immersed in a mol-
num alloy core sheet and very thin cladding of
ten bath of the coating metal. Zinc, tin, lead, and
high purity aluminum. Also, by a roll bonding
aluminum are applied commercially by this pro-
process developed in Great Britain, steel may
cess, and consequently in the architectural field
be clad with lead to provide both the corrosion
this method of coating is by far the most widely
resistance and the sound attenuation proper-
ties of lead.
b) The Thermal Spraying Process, often referred e) The Cementation Process, by which the coat-
to as “metallizing,” which may be used with ing metal is alloyed into the surface layers of
most of the metals listed above, and is exten- the steel. A variety of different processes are
sively used for applying zinc and aluminum used, including one by which small articles are
coatings. In this process the coating metal zinc-coated by packing them in zinc dust in an
in the form of a wire or powder is fed into a airtight revolving container and heating to a
specially constructed spray gun operated with temperature in the neighborhood of the melt-
compressed air and fuel gas. The gas is ig- ing point of zinc.
nited at the nozzle, and the coating metal is
melted as it is fed into the nozzle, then is pro- f) The Fusion Welding Process, which involves ei-
jected at high speed against the surface to be ther depositing weld metal under a slag covering
coated. The coating adheres to the base metal by the electric arc method, or fusing the surfaces
by a combination of mechanical interlocking of two bodies of metal in contact, by passing a
and metallurgical bonding. Thermal spraying high density current. These initial steps are fol-
is the only method of metallic coating that is lowed by heating and rolling.
practical for use in the field.
Painting with heavily mineral-pigmented paints
c) The Electroplating Process, which has long has also been found to produce corrosion resis-
been used to apply coatings of many different tance comparable to some of these metallic coat-
metals to steel. Zinc and cadmium are com- ing processes, and the protective value of zinc-rich
monly applied by this method, and both are paints is particularly significant. While this is not
anodic to steel, but most other electroplated technically a metallic coating, but a paint, and is
coatings are cathodic, providing protection by therefore discussed in Applied Coatings, Chapter
surface covering alone. The most common 5, the merits of this means of providing protection
among these are nickel, chromum, nickel fol- from corrosion should be recognized at this point.
lowed by chromium, and copper followed by Most of the metallic coating of building and
nickel or by nickel and chromium. architectural products is done by the hot-dip and
d) The Cladding Process, which produces bime- electroplating processes, and aside from hardware


items and lighting fixtures, by far the most common for increased durability. Table 4-1 lists the com-
of these are zinc coatings, aluminum coatings and monly available coating thicknesses and weights
aluminum-zinc coatings. These types of finishes, of commercial galvanized sheet.
therefore, deserve detailed consideration. After-fabrication galvanizing is a versatile pro-
cess by which articles ranging in size from nuts
Zinc Coatings (Galvanizing) and bolts to structures 1500 ft (460 m) in height
Zinc coatings protect the steel base from cor- have been protected. ASTM standards A 123/A
rosion by a twofold action. In addition to providing 123M, A 153/A 153M, and A 653/A 653M provide
a protection barrier which seals out moisture and for minimum coating weights up to 3.6 oz/ft2 (1100
other airborne corrodents, they also protect by g/m2) depending on material thickness. Molten zinc
galvanic action. The anodic relationship of zinc to baths in the 50-60 ft (15-18 m) range are avail-
iron is such that even when the iron is exposed by able, allowing materials up to 90 ft (28 m) in length
small breaks in the coating, the zinc still provides to be galvanized by double end dipping. The abil-
protection, being slowly consumed in these limited ity to accommodate these sizes, together with the
areas by sacrificial action. ability to bolt or weld prefabricated structures after
Zinc coatings are applied by several methods. galvanizing, permit most any structure to be galva-
In order of their commercial importance, these nized. Complex shapes and open vessels may be
are the hot-dip method, electrodeposition (elec- galvanized inside and out in one operation.
trogalvanizing), thermal spraying, and several All types of plain carbon steel, some low-al-
proprietary processes. The effective protective loy steels, and iron and steel castings can be hot-
life of these coatings depends primarily on their dip galvanized after fabrication, providing a thick
thickness, but the uniformity and adherence of the zinc and zinc alloy coating that is metallurgically
coating is also essential to good performance. Re- bonded to the base metal. The molten zinc is ap-
gardless of the method of application, the heavier plied in even thickness on edges and flat surfac-
the coating, the longer will be the rustfree life of es, covering corners and seams and penetrating
the metal. Its adherence, especially under me- recesses to give protection to potential corrosion
chanical deformation, must also be considered, sites. Though galvanizing is more tolerant of sur-
because flaking or peeling of the coating may ex- face defects in the substrate than most other coat-
pose more base metal than can be protected by ing processes, the absence of defects will ensure
anodic action. a better quality coating, particularly where appear-
For architectural uses, two types of zinc coat- ance is important. Because the rate of zinc cor-
ed sheets are available: rosion relative to that of steel is known for many
types of atmosphere, a specific maintenance free
1) Galvanized sheets with ordered coating life can usually be predicted. The standard galva-
class G90 (Z275) (Minimum Check Limit nized coating applied after fabrication lasts up to
TripleSpot Test 0.90 oz/ft2 (275 g/m2) of 75 years, even in industrial, marine or urban at-
sheet) or heavier, for use where exposures mospheres.
require durable protection.
Lightweight coatings of only 0.01 oz/ ft2 (3 g/
2) Electrolytically zinc-coated sheets with m ) are normally applied by electroplating rather

coatings of 01Z (03G) of minimum 0.01 oz/ than hot dipping. Electroplating is used for small
ft2 (3 g/m2) of sheet, usually requiring ad- articles such as screws and other miscellaneous
ditional painting for satisfactory durability. hardware items. Coating uniformity by this pro-
Two variations of the hot dip method are used; cess may be poor, however, and most large scale
one for continuous sheet and strip, the other for electroplating is limited to strip and wire. Electro-
fabricated shapes. Continuous coatings are quite deposited zinc generally has a fine matte surface
uniform and ductile, and the most commonly pro- which creates a good base for paint. While such
duced is the G90 (Z275) coating, which has a thick- coatings will protect the steel base from rusting
ness of approximately 3/4ths of one mil on each during storage and fabrication, they are not heavy
side. The G90 (Z275) coating is the grade most enough to provide effective protection for outdoor
frequently used in architectural applications, but use or interior applications exposed to moisture.
heavier coatings, up to 3.6 oz/ft2 (1100 g/m2), can These light coatings should be specified only for
be supplied for use where severe exposures call painted parts or for mild interior exposures.

Coating Thickness cific set of environmental conditions, a G90 (Z275)
Coating thickness (measured as coating coating will last about 50 percent longer than a
weight in ounces per square foot or grams per G60 (Z180) coating, maintenance, painting and all
square meter) is an important factor in the effec- other factors being equal.
tive application of galvanized sheet. The coating Factors in addition to corrosion resistance
weight should be chosen carefully, with full atten- must be considered when selecting coating thick-
tion to the fabrication method and type of environ- ness. For example, the adherence of the coat-
ment in which the sheet will be expected to serve. ing generally is inversely proportional to the thick-
In general, the effectiveness of the zinc coating ness; therefore, a thin coating is more desirable
to protect the steel substrate from corrosion in for applications involving high amounts of forming.
any given environment is directly proportional to Also, spot welding becomes more difficult as the
the coating thickness. For example, for any spe- coating thickness increases.


Coating Thickness -
English Units (Metric Units)
Minimum Coating Weight
ASTM A653 oz/sq ft (g/m2)
Coating Triple Spot Single Spot Test
Designation Average Both
Sides (2) One Side Total Both Sides

G210 (Z600) 2.10 (600) 0.72 (204) 1.80 (510)

G185 (Z550) 1.85 (550) 0.64 (190) 1.60 (415)

G165 (Z500) 1.65 (500) 0.56 (170) 1.40 (425)

G140 (Z450) 1.40 (450) 0.48 (154) 1.20 (385)

G115 (Z350) 1.15 (350) 0.40 (120) 1.00 (300)

G90 (Z275) 0.90 (275) 0.32 (94) 0.80 (235)

G60 (Z180) 0.60 (180) 0.20 (60) 0.50 (150)

G40 (Z120) 0.40 (120) 0.12 (36) 0.30 (90)

G30 (Z90) 0.30 (90) 0.10 (30) 0.25 (75)

1 oz/ft2 coating weight = 1.7 mils coating thickness Courtesy of US Steel Corp.,
7.14 g/m2 coating weight = 1 mm coating thickness Pittsburgh, PA

1. The coating designation number is the term by which this product is ordered.
2. The weight of coating in oz. per sq. ft. refers to the total coating on both surfaces. The triple spot average
encompasses an edge-center-edge sampling to determine adequate coverage across the sheet width. Typically,
about half this coating is on each side.


Design Considerations • Avoid designs which require double dip gal-
for Galvanizing vanizing or progressive galvanizing.
In order to produce optimum quality galvanizing • Consult the galvanizer regarding the use of
and to ensure reasonable coating costs certain rules temporary bracing and/or reinforcing to mini-
must be followed in the design of products which are mize or prevent warpage and distortion dur-
to be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. ing galvanizing.
Drainage: For effective galvanizing, clean- Guidelines for minimizing warpage and distor-
ing solutions and molten zinc must flow into, over, tion are given in ASTM A 384/A384M, Standard
through and out of the fabricated product without Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and
undue resistance. Failure to provide for this free, Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel As-
semblies. These guidelines are also generally ap-
unimpeded flow is a frequent cause of problems.
plicable to the hot-dip coating of steel with other
Improper design of drainage results in galvanizing
of poor appearance and excess buildup of zinc.
Special procedures are also recommended
These are unnecessary and costly.
for weldments and castings, However, aside from
Venting: It is mandatory that tubular fabrica- pointing out that there are basic design consider-
tions and hollow structurals be properly vented. ations which must be taken into account when gal-
Proper galvanizing requires that the inside, as well vanizing steel assemblies, it is not the purpose of
as the outside, be completely cleaned and coated this manual to cover product design requirements
with zinc. To achieve this, air and frothy fluxes and manufacturing processes in detail. ASTM A
must be allowed to flow upward and completely 385, Standard Practice for Providing High Quality
out. Cleaning solutions and molten zinc must be Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip), covers various aspects
allowed to flow in and completely wet the surfac- of designing for hot-dip galvanizing. Excellent de-
es. Since items to be galvanized are immersed tailed information on all aspects of hot-dip galva-
and withdrawn at an angle, the vent holes should nizing is available from the American Galvanizers
be located at the highest point and drainage holes Association.
at the lowest point in each member. Vent holes
can be closed with drive caps or plugs after gal- Special Finishes and Paint Pretreatments
for Galvanized Sheets
Distortion: Some fabricated assemblies may
distort at the 850OF (455OC) galvanizing tempera- Most of the galvanized sheets used by indus-
ture as a result of relieving stresses which were try are supplied with the regular “spangled” finish
induced during steel manufacture and subsequent produced by the continuous galvanizing line. For
fabricating operations. architectural applications, however, certain other
finishes may be required, to improve the bonding
Following are some recommendations to mini- of paint or other organic coatings, and these may
mize distortion: be obtained on special order.
• Where possible use symmetrical rolled sec- Wipe Coated Galvanized Sheets are hot-
tions. I-beams are preferred to angles or dipped sheets on which the zinc is wiped down as
channels. the steel leaves the zinc pot. The resulting prod-
uct has a light zinc-iron alloy coating of approxi-
• Use parts in an assembly that are of equal or mately 0.1 oz/ft2 ( 30 g/m2) to 0.5 oz/ft2 (150 g/m2)
near equal thickness, especially at joints. and does not have a spangle. When required, it is
• Bend members to the largest acceptable radii produced to be suitable for painting after cleaning.
to minimize local stress concentration. These sheets may have certain longitudinal lines
resulting from the wiping operation.
• Accurately preform members of an assembly Galvannealed Sheets are hot-dipped sheets which
so that it is not necessary to force, spring or have been heat treated after coating to produce a dull
bend them into position during joining. gray zinc-iron alloy surface which is free of the typi-
• Continuously weld joints using balanced welding cal spangles. Although these sheets can be painted
techniques to reduce uneven thermal stresses. without further surface preparation except for normal

cleaning, surface treatment is usually recommended like a very thin coat of paint, and if used freshly
to ensure good paint adhesion and durability. The sur- mixed usually gives good results. It can be pur-
face alloy lacks ductility, however, and powdering of chased from industrial paint suppliers, or directly
the coating sometimes occurs in local areas of severely from some paint manufacturers. (See SSPC-PS
formed parts. 27.00)
The most widely known and used of the pre-
treatment processes is a hot phosphate treatment Paintability of Untreated
in which a chemical solution, or a series of chemi-
Galvanized Surfaces
cal solutions, is allowed to react with the zinc of
the coating to produce a thin crystalline surface Galvanized surfaces frequently are painted
composed largely of zinc phosphate. This film is to increase their service life or improve their ap-
measurable and usually falls within the range of pearance. Untreated commercial galvanized fin-
0.02 oz/ft2 (6 g/m2) to 0.03 oz/ft2 (9 g/m2) of sheet. ishes are generally not suitable for painting with
The phosphatizing process renders the surface “ordinary” paints, however, unless they have been
suitable for immediate painting without further allowed to weather in the atmosphere for several
preparation except for normal cleaning, and since weeks or months. Recent research, however, has
it is a surface treatment only, the other character- shown that with the proper paint even unweath-
istics of the coated sheet are the same as those of ered surfaces can be painted satisfactorily.
standard hot dipped sheets. A study conducted by the Committee of Gal-
Another paint pretreatment used by fabrica- vanized Sheet Producers, with the assistance of
tors is called a “wash primer.” This is a material the Society for Protective Coatings, has produced
which is mixed with phosphoric acid and applied important new information regarding the painting

Regarding the Use of Weathering Steel and of Galvanized Finishes
Extreme caution should be exercised in detailing the use of weathering steel. Water run-
ning off weathering steel carries minute particles of iron oxide which have a tendency to ad-
here to the wetted surface and will be evidenced by discoloration of these surfaces.
Great care should also be given to the detailing of weathering steel surfaces that will not be
boldly exposed to the atmosphere. Interior surfaces, surfaces covered by gaskets, all internal
members, and faying surfaces which may be in contact with moisture resulting from conden-
sation or water penetration must have protective coatings; otherwise advanced corrosion may
occur within a short period of time.
The use of weathering steel is not recommended in locations where it may be continuously
wet, or subject to appreciable amounts of salt spray.
In specifying galvanized sheets the most important consideration is the coating thickness
or weight needed. The standard G90 coating (minimum of 0.90 oz. per sq. ft. of sheet) will
normally be adequate, but for critical exposures such as aggressive industrial atmospheres,
heavier coatings (e.g., G165, G185, G210 or G235) are recommended.
Zinc coatings will be burned off by ordinary welding operations. The coating can be re-
stored, to provide excellent corrosion protection, by thermal spraying, by painting with zinc
dust, zincoxide or zinc rich paint, or by the use of certain proprietary products.
Zinc-coated surfaces in contact with concrete containing cinders or salty aggregates, or
with oak or red cedar wood, should be protected by a coat of bituminous paint.
Galvanic corrosion is likely to result if a zinc coating is in contact with more noble metals
such as copper or copper alloys.
Zinc-coated items should not be left standing on cinders at the building site, as the soluble
sulphites are very corrosive to zinc.
Zinc-coated items should not be stored in packs or bundles where they may be subject to
moisture due to condensation or other causes.


of galvanized surfaces. While it confirms that mill ments) has a negligible effect on the adhesion
treatments such as bonderizing and galvanneal- of the recommended paints. When materials
ing result in superior paint-holding qualities, this galvanized after fabrication are to be painted
study has also shown that untreated sheets, both soon after they are galvanized, no post-treat-
new and weathered, can be painted with a mini- ment of the surface should be specified.
mum of preparation and with excellent adherence 4. Weathering is desirable, but not necessary, to
by following a few simple rules. In brief, the results achieve good adhesion, when the correct paint is
of the study are summarized as follows: used.
1. Zinc dust-zinc oxide and Portland cement-in-
oil paints provide the best results. Latex or Aluminum Coatings (Aluminizing)
other proprietary paints specifically intended
The aluminizing of steel is a much newer pro-
for galvanized sheets can also be used.
cess than galvanizing, and aluminum coated steel
2. Quality of paint is of great importance; it should be sheets for architectural uses have been commer-
purchased only from reputable manufacturers. cially available only since 1952. But since such
3. Chemical treatment of galvanized sheets by sheets offer the strength of steel in combination
the mill to minimize “wet storage stain” (not to with the corrosion resistance of aluminum they have
be confused with special finishes or pretreat- found acceptance in many building applications.


TYPE 2: Hot-dip coated with commercially pure aluminum. It is intended principally for
applications requiring atmospheric corrosion resistance. Type 2 may ultimately be manufactured
TYPE 2: Hot-dip coated with commercially pure aluminum. It is intended principally for
into corrugated roofing and siding, grain bins, air conditioner housings and drying ovens.
applications requiring atmospheric corrosion resistance. Type 2 may ultimately be manufactured
into corrugated roofing and siding, grain bins, air conditioner housings and drying ovens.

Thickness & Weight
Thickness Equivalents
& Weight Equivalents
Gauge Thickness Thickness
in Inches & WeightPounds Per Sq Ft
No. Mean
Gauge Low Highin Inches
Thickness Type 1 Type Per
Pounds 2 Sq Ft
10 .138
No. .129
Mean .147
Low 5.598
High Type 15.571 Type 2
11 .123
10 .114
.138 .132
.129 4.977
.147 5.5984.950 5.571
12 .108
11 .099
.123 .117
.114 4.365
.132 4.9774.338 4.950
13 .093
12 .085
.108 .101
.099 3.753
.117 4.3653.726 4.338
14 .079
13 .071
.093 .087
.085 3.182
.101 3.7533.115 3.726
15 .071
14 .065
.079 .077
.071 2.856
.087 3.1822.829 3.115
16 .064
15 .058
.071 .070
.065 2.570
.077 2.8562.543 2.829
17 .058
16 .053
.064 .063
.058 2.325
.070 2.5702.298 2.543
18 .052
17 .047
.058 .057
.053 2.081
.063 2.3252.053 2.298
19 .046
18 .041
.052 .051
.047 1.836
.057 2.0811.809 2.053
20 .040
19 .036
.046 .044
.041 1.591
.051 1.8361.564 1.809
21 .037
20 .033
.040 .041
.036 1.469
.044 1.5911.441 1.564
22 .034
21 .030
.037 .038
.033 1.346
.041 1.4691.319 1.441
23 .031
22 .027
.034 .035
.030 1.224
.038 1.3461.197 1.319
24 .028
23 .024
.031 .032
.027 1.101
.035 1.2241.074 1.197
25 .025
24 .021
.028 .029
.024 0.979
.032 1.1010.952 1.074
26 .022
25 .019
.025 .025
.021 0.857
.029 0.9790.829 0.952
27 .020
26 .017
.022 .023
.019 0.775
.025 0.8570.748 0.829
28 .019
27 .016
.020 .022
.017 0.764
.023 0.7750.707 0.748
29 .017
28 .014
.019 .020
.016 0.653
.022 0.7640.625 0.707
30 .016
29 .013
.017 .019
.014 0.612
.020 0.6530.585 0.625
Courtesy of Block Steel Corp., Skokie, IL
30 .016 .013 .019 0.612 0.585
Courtesy of Block Steel Corp., Skokie IL
Courtesy of Block Steel Corp., Skokie IL
Two grades of aluminum-coated steel are Commonly available sizes of aluminized steel
available: sheets are listed in Table 4-2.
Type 1 has an aluminum-silicon coating
which provides excellent resistance to a com- Aluminum Zinc Coatings
bination of corrosion and high temperatures (to The coating of steel with aluminum and zinc
12500F), and has important uses in the automotive combines the protective properties of both of
industry. these metals. It is produced by hot dip coating cold
Type 2, the architectural grade, has a rolled sheet steel on a continuous line. Aluminum
commercially pure aluminum coating which exhib- provides the barrier protection and long life of alu-
its excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion, minum coatings while the zinc provides the sacri-
but is not recommended for use at temperatures ficial or galvanic protection of zinc coatings at cut
above 900OF (480OC). or sheared edges. This combination of coatings
Aluminum coatings are applied by the hot dip produces a highly corrosion resistant sheet steel.
process. Unlike zinc coatings they offer no significant
Chromate pretreatments for prepainted sheets
protection by anodic action in most environments,
are recommended instead of zinc phospates or
but they do provide a durable barrier which prevents
complex oxide pretreatments typically used for
moisture and other corrodents from reaching the
prepainted galvanized steel. Chromate pretreat-
base metal. Cut edges of coated sheets are vulner-
ments result in improved resistance to edge creep
able to some rusting and should usually be protect-
and provide better corrosion resistance than other
ed, but the rusting is said to be limited to the edge
types of pretreatment.
itself, and no rust bleeding or undercutting of the alu-
minum occurs. In certain environments the coating New epoxy primers, approved by the manu-
can be preferentially corroded by metals lower in the facturers of aluminum zinc coated steels, should
galvanic series, and the same protective measures be used to improve paint adhesion and to over-
against galvanic corrosion as those recommended come edge creep without adversely affecting oth-
for aluminum are generally advised. er properties.
Aluminized steel weathers much the same as Aluminum zinc coated sheet steels with hot-
aluminum, the general corrosion resistance of the dip coated and prepainted edges can be supplied.
coating in normal atmospheric exposures being Such protection produces outstanding resistance
similar to that of aluminum alloy 1100. to corrosion originating at the edge.


Finishes for architectural hardware made of carbon steel are generally designated by finish code
numbers of the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, BHMA. A variety of finishes are available.
Listed below are those most commonly in use today. Since U.S. Finish Designations occasionally appear
in specifications, the nearest U.S. equivalent of the BHMA number is shown on the list. For a complete
listing and description of hardware finishes refer to ANSI/BHMA A156.18, American National Standard
for Materials and Finishes.
Code Nearest US
No. Description Equivalent
604 Zinc plated, dichromate sealed N.A.
631 Flat black coated US19
633 Satin brass plated, clear coated US4
637 Bright bronze plated, clear coated US9
639 Satin bronze plated, clear coated US10
640 Oxidized satin bronze plated, oil rubbed US10B
649 Light oxidized bright bronze plated, US20
clear coated
650 Dark oxidized statuary bronze plated, US20A
clear coated
651 Bright chromium plated over nickel US26
652 Satin chromium plated over nickel US26D


Specification Standards for Galvanizing

ASTM A 123/A 123M – Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron
and Steel Products.

ASTM A 153/A 153M – Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.

ASTM A 653/A 653M – Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron
Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process.

ASTM A 879/A879M – Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated by the Electrolytic Pro
cess for Applications Requiring Designation of the Coating Mass on
Each Surface.

ASTM A 924/A 924M – Specification for General Requirements for Sheet Steel, MetalliCoat
ed by the Hot-Dip Process.

ASTM B 633 – Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and


For more detailed information on the subject of metallic finishes for carbon steel, the following
references are suggested:
AWS C2.23M/C2.23 Secification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coating (Metallizing) of
Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel, American
Welding Society, www.aws.org.
Recommended Details of Galvanized Structures, American Galvanizers Association, Centennial, CO,
Painting Galvanized Structural Steel, American Galvanizers Association, Centennial, Colorado,
The Design of Products to be Hot Dip Galvanized after Fabrication, American Galvanizers
Association, Centennial, CO, www.galvanizeit.org.
Systems, Standards, Guides, and Specifications, The Society for Protective Coatings (formerly the
Steel Structures Painting Council) Pittsburgh, PA, www.sspc.org.
Surface Preparation Specifications, ASTM, www.astm.org.

Chapter 5: Applied Coatings

In This Section
General........................................................................................................................................... 5-2

Composition of Coatings................................................................................................................ 5-2

Explanation of Terms..................................................................................................................... 5-3

Essential Properties of Coatings.................................................................................................... 5-4

Film Formation-Drying and Curing................................................................................................. 5-5

Adhesion of Coatings..................................................................................................................... 5-6

Surface Engineering....................................................................................................................... 5-8

Corrosion Control......................................................................................................................... 5-11

Metallic Coatings.......................................................................................................................... 5-15

Primer Coat.................................................................................................................................. 5-17

Intermediate Coats....................................................................................................................... 5-18

Factory Applied Finishes.............................................................................................................. 5-19

Field Applied Topcoats for Carbon Steel and Iron....................................................................... 5-22

Application of Coatings................................................................................................................. 5-23

Care and Maintenance of Painted Metals-General Considerations............................................. 5-26

Summary of Cleaning Tips........................................................................................................... 5-27

References................................................................................................................................... 5-28


Applied Coatings

General change has increased. A major driving force for

One usually looks at paint as a way to add an change has been the need to reduce VOC (vol-
attractive color (appearance) to a surface. Metals, atile organic compound) emissions because of
including coated steel sheet products, are often their detrimental effect on air pollution. The drive
painted for this reason. But, in addition to the use to reduce VOC emissions has also been fueled
of paint to provide color, there is another reason to by the rising cost of organic solvents. Other im-
paint coated steel sheet. That reason is: additional portant factors have also accelerated the rate of
corrosion protection! change in coatings. Increased concern about toxic
Coatings may be described by their appearance hazards has led to the need to change many raw
(e.g., clear, pigmented, metallic, or glossy) and by materials that were traditionally used in coatings.
their function (e.g., corrosion protective, abrasion Furthermore, manufacturers often want their coat-
protective, skid resistant, decorative, or photosensi- ings modified so that they can be used at faster
tive). Coatings may be distinguished as organic or production rates, baked at lower temperatures, or
inorganic, although there is overlap. For example, changed in color. Product performance require-
many coatings consist of inorganic pigments dis- ments have tended to increase, most notably is
persed in an organic matrix (the binder). the need for increased effectiveness of corrosion
This chapter is limited to coatings with or- protection by coatings.
ganic binders that are applied purposefully to a
substrate. Electroplated copper, nickel, and zinc Composition of Coatings
coatings are not discussed. Discussion of organic Organic coatings are complex mixtures of
coatings is further restricted to those materials that chemical substances that can be grouped into four
can be historically traced back to paints. broad categories: (1) binders, (2) volatile compo-
What is the difference between a coating and nents, (3) pigments, and (4) additives.
paint? Not much—the terms are often used inter- Binders are the materials that form the con-
changeably. However, it has become a common tinuous film that adheres to the substrate, binds
practice to use coatings as the broader term and together the other substances in the coating to
to restrict paints to the familiar architectural and form a film, and presents an adequately hard outer
household coatings and sometimes to mainte- surface. The binder governs, to a large extent, the
nance coatings for doors and windows, bridges properties of the coating film. Vehicle is a com-
and tanks. Still another common term that is es- monly encountered term. It usually means the
sentially a synonym for coatings and paint is fin- combinations of the binder and the volatile compo-
ish. nents of a coating. Today, most coatings, includ-
Coatings are used for one or more of three rea- ing water-borne coatings, contain at least some
sons: (1) for decoration (2) for protection, and/or (3) volatile organic solvents. Exceptions are powder
for some functional purpose. The low gloss paint on coatings and radiation curable coatings.
the ceiling of a room fills the decorative need, but it Volatile components are included in a ma-
also has a function: It reflects and diffuses light to jority of coatings. They play a major role in the
help provide even illumination. The coating on the process of applying coatings, they are liquids that
outside of an automobile adds beauty to a car and make the coating fluid enough for application, and
also helps protect it from rusting. While the public they evaporate during and after application.
most commonly thinks of house paint when talking Pigments are finely divided insoluble solids
about coatings, all kinds of coatings are important that are dispersed in the vehicle and remain sus-
throughout the economy, and they make essential pended in the binder after film formation. Gener-
contributions to most high-tech fields. ally, the primary purpose of pigments is to provide
Since about 1965, the pace of technical color and opacity to the coating film. However,

they also have substantial effects on application either in the field or in a controlled factory environ-
characteristics and on film properties. While most ment.
coatings contain pigments, there are important
types of coatings that contain little or no pigment, A baking coating is a coating composition,
commonly called clear coats, or just clears. Clear either clear or pigmented which requires an el-
coats for automobiles and transparent varnishes evated temperature either to accelerate solvent
are examples. evaporation or to cure or crosslink the film to its
hard, completely polymerized form.
Additives are materials that are included in
small quantities to modify some property of the Plural component coatings begin forming
coating. Examples are catalysts for polymeriza- film by chemical reactions after mixing two or more
tion reactions, stabilizers, and flow modifiers. Most components. The reactions can proceed either at
coatings are complex mixtures. Many contain sev- room or at elevated temperatures. In theory neither
eral substances from each of the four categories, component reacts on its own, that is, it requires
and each substance is usually a chemical mix- the other part to yield a dry coating film. These
ture. coatings generally possess superior durability, ad-
The number of possible combinations is limit- hesion and corrosion protection properties.
less. The number of different applications is also
limitless. Waterborne coatings are essentially the
same as conventional coatings except that the res-
Explanation of Terms in (binder) has been suspended in water through
Trade sales paint is the term used in the coat- the use of surfactants and that the majority of sol-
ings industry to designate those coating products vents are replaced by water. Waterborne coatings
that are sold over the counter and usually applied can either be air-dry or chemical crosslinking. Due
in the field. However, coatings intended for appli- to lower VOCs waterborne coatings are more en-
cation to industrial structures are not included in vironmentally friendly than solvent-based paints.
this category. Most chemistries such as epoxy, polyurethane,
alkyds, polyesters, etc., can be made into water-
Industrial finishes is a term used to desig- borne coatings.
nate either those coatings that are applied in the
factory or those used for industrial maintenance. Powder coatings, as the name implies, are
coatings in solid form. The fine particles of a one-
Enamel is a type of paint distinguished for its part coating is sprayed onto metals and some
gloss. Enamels differ from flat paints by having a plastics. The powder adheres to the substrate by
higher percentage of liquid binder, which usually electrostatic forces.
makes them harder, smoother, less porous, more There are two types of powder coatings. Ther-
durable, and better able to withstand scrubbing. moplastic and thermosetting. Thermoplastic pow-
Commonly, they are either gloss or semi-gloss, ders include chemistries such as nylon, polyethyl-
the gloss enamels having the higher percentage ene and vinyl. Thermoplastic powders are sprayed
of binder and the lower percentage of pigments; onto preheated parts (or dipped into clouds of
flat enamels contain a flatting agent to eliminate powder in a fluidized bed) followed by further
the gloss. Most enamels are solvent reduced, but baking in the oven at 350-450 F. Upon cooling a
in recent years field applied latex (water-reduced) tough coating film much like conventional coating
semigloss enamels have been gaining in use. is obtained. The average film build is about 200
microns (8 mils).
Lacquer is a clear or colored solution coat- Thermosetting powder coatings include ep-
ing that dries by solvent evaporation alone. Drying oxy, polyurethane, polyester and any combina-
may take place either at ambient temperature or tion thereof. The fine powder is usually sprayed
with the aid of applied heat. electrostatically and baked at temperatures in
An air-dry coating is any coating that dries the range of 275-450 F. The average film build is
or is chemically cured at ambient temperatures, about 50 microns (2 mils).


Essential Properties of Coatings erally considered necessary. However, protection
Certain desirable properties are present to a is also a function of the properties of the coating
varying degree in all coatings, depending upon their resin. For example, a 3.0 mil epoxy coating may
composition. These properties can be selectively be superior to a 7.0 mil linseed oil alkyd coating.
controlled by adjusting the components of the for- Manufacturers standards should be consulted for
mula. Very often, though, when one property is im- properties of coatings which they supply.
proved, another is weakened; hence compromises
are frequently necessary. The user may find it advis- Spreading rate depends on the desired film
able to accept somewhat less than highest perfor- thickness and the amount of hiding pigments
mance in respect to one property in order to obtain in the coating. Where good hiding property is a
better performance in respect to another. prime requirement, a properly pigmented flat coat-
Some of the more important properties of metal ing should hide at a spreading rate of 400 to 500
coatings and their roles in performance are briefly square feet per gallon in one coat. If surface pro-
outlined in the following paragraphs. The intended tection is critical, as with an anticorrosive paint,
use determines which properties are pre-eminent the required coating may have a spreading rate of
in any given case. Hence the coating with prop- only 150 square feet per gallon and two or three
erties that most closely meet the requirements such coats may be required. High build coatings
should be selected for maximum performance. are usually preferred in such instances.

Flow relates to the ease with which a coat- Permeability of coatings, or the ability of mois-
ing can be applied. Too much ease of flow may ture and gases to work their way through, is dimin-
result in a runny, poor hiding film, especially on ished by increasing film thickness and increased
vertical surfaces; poor flow may cause brush or by adding extender pigment or certain hiding pig-
roller drag, which slows application, increases ments. Thick coatings add to substrate protection.
labor costs, and results in surface imperfections. Each combination of binder and pigment has an
To help assure thick films where needed, bodying optimum relationship for limiting permeability most
agents (rheology control agents) may be used to effectively. This is called the Critical Pigment Vol-
reduce flow and aid film build. ume Concentration (CPVC), and indicates the per-
centage of pigment that the binder can completely
Leveling refers to the ability of a coating to wet and bind up. As the percentage of pigment
smooth out after application by brush, roller or exceeds this concentration each added pigment
spray gun. Coatings should spread evenly over particle, as a general rule becomes a pathway for
the surface, without valleys between brush marks, moisture or corrosive chemicals. Permeability is
stipple from rollers or “orange peel” effects from also reduced by multiple coatings.
spraying. Their protective value is reduced in all
such visible depressions. Adhesion of a coating to a substrate must be
tenacious if cracking and peeling are to be avoided.
Film thickness is directly related to protection Surfaces must be free of contamination before ap-
against moisture and corrosive environments as plying coatings if satisfactory adhesion is to be ob-
well as other potential sources of damage. Natu- tained. The importance of clean surfaces to good
rally, as film build, or thickness increases, cover- adhesion cannot be overemphasized. In some in-
age per gallon decreases. A specified film build stances abrasive blasting is needed to obtain suit-
may result from a single coat or from multiple coats able surface conditions. Aluminum and other non-
depending on the solids content of the coating and ferrous metals may require chromate treatments or
the thickness specified. Most coatings provide dry wash primers to ensure proper adhesion.
films of from 1.0 to 2.5 mils (0-62.5 microns) per
coat, but high solids coatings, such as plastisols, Flexibility is essential if the coated material is
can provide coatings between 4.0 to 8.0 mils. For to be subjected to forming processes. Even if this
exposure to highly corrosive atmospheres a total is not a requirement, any coating to be used on
of 1.0 mils, usually in more than one coat, is gen- the exterior of a building must be able to withstand

dimensional changes caused by expansion and edge,’’ or the ability of the applied coating to stay wet
contraction under thermal stress. so that when applied to an adjoining area it will blend
with the edge of the first coated area without show-
Abrasion and impact resistance is desirable in ing an overlap. Schematic representation of film for-
all coatings, to minimize physical damage to the film, mation by drying is given in Figure 5-1.
both between the application of successive coats 2) Drying of latex systems through evapora-
and after the finished product is used. tion of water, solvents and coalescence. While
most latex systems follow the two steps of set-
Stain resistance has gained increasing im- to-touch and surface drying, molecules within the
portance in recent years because of a widespread matrix continue coalescing until a cohesive film is
application of graffiti in public places. Very hard obtained. This is analogous to through-dry in the
undercoats, usually topped with clear solvent re- solvent-borne systems but usually takes longer
sistant ultra hard polymers, are now available to than those systems. This process, depending on
resist penetration of inks and the solvents carrying the chemistry of systems, may be slow or fast. In
them. either case, the film is dry to touch. In general re-
coating will require a longer wait than the solvent
Weatherability of a metal coating depends on borne systems. Schematic representation of film
its resistance to chalking, which eventually deterio- formation from a latex solution by coalescence is
rates the coating film; to color changes caused by given in Figure 5-2.
ultraviolet rays; to wind driven rain, to salt spray, if
near the sea, and to wind borne chemicals.

Weldability of a primer is the ability of the

coating to withstand the heat of welding without
losing its protective value.

Film Formation-Drying and Curing

Dry time is significant because it indicates the
“safe’’ period, when the threat of surface contami-
Figure 5-2. Coalescence in latex systems.
nation has ended and when a successive coat
may be applied. There are three mechanisms of 3) Drying by curing or chemical reactions.
drying. These reactions are commonly called cross- link-
1) Drying through the evaporation of solvents ing reactions. Similar to the above two categories,
or water. All lacquers and varnishes follow this the film formation is a function of time and temper-
mechanism. There are also two significant stages ature. In general, chemically crosslinked systems
for this type of drying: are more weatherable, durable, corrosion and sol-
A) set-to-touch, or surface drying, when dust and vent resistant than simple air-drying lacquer type
surface contaminants will have no effect, and coatings. Drying oils and some alkyd coatings are
B) through dry, when drying is complete to the one-part coatings that crosslink when exposed to
substrate and recoating can proceed. Too rapid dry- environmental oxygen. Most room temperature
ing, in addition to affecting leveling, also affects “wet crosslinking coatings are two-part systems. In
general the film formation begins soon after the
parts are mixed together and continues for several
hours or days. Most two part systems are formu-
lated to provide a set-to-touch state in a matter
of minutes or hours while the through cure (com-
pletely crosslinked) may take additional days. Ex-
posing two part systems to elevated temperatures
will speed up the cure. Schematic representation
of film formation by chemical crosslinking is given
Figure 5-1. Drying by solvent evaporation. in Figure 5-3.


naciously to the substrates and preferably last as
long as the object itself. Since coatings must func-
tion by surface attachment only, the nature and
condition of the surface is critical to the success of
any durable coating venture.
Both durability and performance of coatings,
to a large extent, depends on cohesion and adhe-
sion. Cohesion is associated with the strength of
Figure 5-3. Chemical crosslinking. coating. That is, how tough, how elastic or how
hard a coating is. Adhesion, on the other hand,
Chemical crosslinking one component coatings is viewed as the strength of the bonds that the
requires elevated temperatures to cure. In general, coating forms with a surface. These are two dif-
the higher the temperature, the faster the cure and ferent and interrelated properties. Adhesion loss
film property development. Thermosetting powder due to cracking is related to coating strength while
coatings, one part epoxy, polyurethane, polyester “sheeting off” and delamination of a coating may
melamine coatings require temperatures in the be due to the lack of adhesion possibly as a result
range of 275-420° F for a complete cure. of poor surface preparation. The schematic repre-
sentation of cohesion and adhesion as a function
Powder coatings are deposited on an object of weathering is shown in Figure 5-5.
as finely divided solids consisting of resinous ma-
terial, additives to aid performance, and colorants
if desired. The object to be coated is electrically
grounded if the powder is to be electrostatically
sprayed, and may be heated before or after the
powder is applied. A less frequently used pro-
cedure is the fluidized bed process, in which the
object is heated and immersed in an enclosure
in which the powder is ‘’fluidized’’ by a gentle air
current. Coalescence of the powder particles on
the heated surfaces, in either method, leaves a
smooth, hard coating. Schematic representation
of film formation in powder coatings is given in
Figure 5-5. Adhesion and cohesion loss in a coating.
Figure 5-4.
An important factor controlling this property is
the balance between adhesion and cohesion. In
Adhesion of Coatings
general, the difficulty of removing the coating can
Except for temporary and protective coatings, be strongly affected by the roughness of the sub-
all other types of surface coatings must adhere te- strate. If the substrate has undercut areas that are
filled with cured coating, a mechanical component
makes removal of the coating even more difficult,
analogous to holding two dovetailed pieces of
wood together. However, greater surface rough-
ness is only of advantage if the coating penetrates
completely into all irregularities, cracks, and crev-
Melting ices of the surface. Failure to completely penetrate
can lead to less coating to interface contact and
will leave voids between the coating and the sub-
strate, which can cause problems.
Leveling/curing In order to obtain interaction between a coat-
ing and a substrate, it is necessary for the coating
Figure 5-4. Fusion and crosslinking to wet the substrate. Simply, the surface tension of
in powder coatings. the coating must be lower than the surface tension

Figure 5-6. Schematic representation of wetting a surface by a liquid.

of the substrate. In the case of metal substrates, tension to obtain wetting, but the degree of pen-
clean metal surfaces have very high surface ten- etration is controlled by the viscosity of the con-
sions and any coating will wet a clean metal sur- tinuous phase of the coating. Slowly evaporating
face. solvents should be used in coatings to be applied
Wetting is the first step in securing a coating directly over metal. Systems that cross-link slowly
onto a surface. A complete wetting will allow the minimize the increase of viscosity of the continu-
spread of coating over the entire surface of the ous phase. Because viscosity of the vehicle drops
substrate, permitting penetration through the im- with increasing temperature, baking coatings can
perfections and undercuts within the substrate. be expected to provide better adhesion than a
Schematics of wetting and its degrees are shown similar composition coating applied and cured at
in Figure 5-6. The lack of wetting is demonstrated room temperature. This confirms that the obser-
by a grey sphere contacting the surface at only vation that superior performance is obtained with
one point (upper left). The complete wetting is in- high temperature baked, slow-cure primers when
dicated by the flat grey liquid. Subsequent to this, excellent adhesion is a critical requirement.
the coating cures or hardens while within the sub- Adhesion is strongly affected by the interaction
strate, thereby securing the coating onto a sur- between coating and substrate. On a clean steel
face. substrate containing some iron oxide, the forma-
Wetting is a function of surface free energy. tion of certain bonds between a coating binder and
The surface free energy simply is the energy dif-
ference between atoms on the very top surface of
a substrate and the atoms in the bulk. The higher
the surface energy, the better is wetting. Con-
versely, it is difficult to completely wet low surface
energy substrates. Liquids generally bead up on
low surface energy surfaces. This is analogous to
water drops on a freshly washed and waxed car.
Wetting can be improved and enhanced in
two ways. 1) By modifying the substrate surface. Figure 5-7. Mechanical adhesion.
This can be accomplished by removing oils, and
dirt etc. Once grease and other materials are re- the surface is very probable. There are several
moved, surfaces of most steel and aluminum sub- more theories of adhesion discussion of which is
strates demonstrate high free energy which will beyond the scope of this publication.
allow good wetting. This method is discussed in The adhesion of coating is also affected by the
more detail under the Surface Preparation Meth- development of stresses as a result of shrinkage
ods. 2) By reducing the surface tension of coating during drying of the film. For example, most fast
(or using low surface tension coatings). Among dry lacquers lose solvents in a matter of minutes a
the coating materials, silicone coatings and those substantial volume reduction occurs in the fraction
containing Teflon are the lowest surface tension of a second. This loss of volume supply the force
coatings. needed to pull the film from the substrate. Hence,
It is critical that the coating provides good ad- less external force must be applied to remove the
hesion to a metal surface by complete penetration film, and adhesion is poorer. Sometimes such
into the surface irregularities of the metal substrate stresses can be relieved by heating the coating
(Figure 5-7). This requires sufficiently low surface to anneal it. Internal stresses can also result from


solvent loss from the film and other polymeriza- the corrosion fighting chemicals in the primer coat
tion reactions, as well as changes in temperature. to perform their function.
These stresses alone or in combination with inter- Since coatings must function by surface at-
nal stresses developed during film formation can tachment only, the nature and condition of the ad-
affect coating durability, particularly adhesion. herent surfaces is critical to the success of any
coating venture. A rough surface provides more
Surface Engineering surface area than a smooth one of the same gross
dimensions. In addition, the surface will usually
Many of the most pressing issues the coatings
have a chemical composition different from that of
industry faces today are related to surface prepa-
the bulk and in some cases the surface composi-
ration. The highest quality coating will show excel-
tion has little in common with the bulk composition
lent results only if the surface pretreatment (clean-
either through adsorption of contaminants from
ing and priming) is performed correctly and the
the environment or from segregation of bulk con-
overall system is maintained up to its potential.
stituents at the surface. The outer layers can be
loosely bound or tightly adhered and might have
Proper preparation of the metal surface
high or low cohesive strength in themselves. Con-
prior to coating is one of the most impor-
taminant and segregated bulk components are not
tant requirements for a successful finish-
always homogeneously distributed in the surface
ing operation.
region and in-homnogeneities can lead to poten-
tial corrosion sites, weak bond areas, and bond
Without a good bond to the substrate no coat-
discontinuities that can concentrate stress.
ing will perform satisfactorily. Adhesion is there-
The “surface” of metals such as steel or alumi-
fore a prime essential in all cases, not merely at
num alloys might consist of several regions hav-
the time of application but continuing indefinitely,
ing no clearly defined boundaries between them
and this can be assured only by proper surface
(Figure 5-8).
preparation. It is entirely possible to produce, with
a minimum of surface preparation, a painted metal
surface which appears to have adequate adhesion
before exposure to corrosive influences. Most or-
ganic coatings, however, are permeable to mois-
ture and gases, and corrosion of the metal may
occur under the organic film. Unless the surface
has been properly prepared, such corrosion leads
to the formation of metal salts and moisture pock-
ets beneath the coating, causing premature failure
of the protective coating by loss of adhesion.
Ideally, nothing should be allowed to come be-
tween the bare metal and the coating. Even the Figure 5-8. Schematic representation of a metal sur-
slightest deposit of ever present moisture from the face prior to surface preparation.
atmosphere will play some role, depending upon
circumstances, in determining the life of the coat- Moving outward from the bulk metal, there will
ing. Careful shop coaters will even go so far as to likely be a region which is still metallic but which
heat the metal products prior to applying a coat- has a chemical composition different from the bulk
ing, so that even the suspicion of moisture will be due to the segregation of alloying elements, or im-
eliminated. purities. Next, there will be a mixed oxide of the
More obvious than moisture are surface con- metals followed by the hydroxide and probably an
taminants such as dust, rust, mill scale (a complex absorbed water layer (Figure 5-9).
bluish iron oxide that forms on steel in forging or In addition, there will be contaminants ab-
forming processes), grease, oil, weld deposits, sorbed from the atmosphere that might include
sweat or chemicals. These must all be removed sulfur, nitrogen, halogen or other compounds de-
if adhesion is to be adequate to keep corrosive pending on the local air and rain pollutants and
materials away from the substrate and to permit how the metal has been stored. There could also

poor stripping if the enchants are not kept clean
and at the proper concentrations. Etching followed
by deliberate deposition of a controlled surface
can provide the most reproducible surface but at
the greatest expense. Physical deposition such as
treatment of steel with zinc to produce galvanized
surface is an excellent way. Chemical deposition
of the new surface, such as in chrome conversion
coating or zinc phosphate treatment, has been
used for many years where long life and durability
of metal constructions are important.
Figure 5-9. Schematic representation The processes commonly used for cleaning
of a clean metal surface. and conditioning the surface vary somewhat with
the different metals and coatings, but they may
be processing aids such as rolling oils, cutting lu-
generally be classified as follows:
bricants, drawing compounds and corrosion inhib-
itors. Finally, the mechanical working of the metal
1. Chemical treatments: Pickling, or acid
will probably have, to some degree, mixed all
cleaning (SSPCSP8)l alkali cleaning, con-
these regions together into something for a non-
version treatments.
homogeneous “surface frosting”.
Choosing surface treatments and primers is as 2. Solvent cleaning and degreasing (SSPC-
important to success as choice of coating. All must SP1).
be considered at once since success depends on 3. Mechanical cleaning: hand clean-
their proper interaction. Surface treatments are ing (SSPCSP2); power tool cleaning
operations that change the morphology or com- (SSPCSP3)l abrasive or shot blasting
position of the substrate surface and may involve (SSPCSP5, SP6, SP7, SP10)1 flame
adding as well as removing or rearranging mate- cleaning, steam cleaning.
rial. Primers are usually thin organic coatings ap-
plied to the surface (which might also have been The first two methods listed, chemical and sol-
treated) to give a more reproducible and durable vent cleaning, are used for all of the metals. The
surface for the coating. In all cases, the major term “pickling” is used in the iron and steel industry
reason for treating or priming is not necessarily to and the term “acid cleaning” in the nonferrous metal
improve the adhesion but rather to produce a con- trades. All of the typical processes have been de-
trolled, reproducible and durable surface in order scribed in some detail in the discussions of chemi-
to obtain a more predictable coating. cal finishes and treatments, as applied to the various
The cheapest and least controlled is to simply metals, in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4. The use of me-
accept whatever surface is present and make no chanical methods for cleaning is largely confined to
attempt to change it. This can be entirely adequate carbon steel and iron, and they have therefore been
in many constructions. Solvent wiping can remove discussed in connection with finishes for those met-
many organic contaminants but requires ventila- als in Chapter 4.
tion and that the solvent be changed as needed to Frequently pretreatments are applied after
avoid redepositing contaminants (the “steady state” cleaning to serve either as passivators of the
situation). Mechanical abrasion, such as sanding metal or to provide a better bond for primers that
or shot blasting, is effective where the substrate is may otherwise not be sufficiently adherent to the
sturdy enough. Abrasion usually leaves abrasive metal surface. Phosphates, chromates and other
residue embedded in the surface and the fresh chemicals used in pretreatments discourage cor-
surface of many materials can be quite reactive rosion by making the metal passive to electrical
so that it changes rapidly on exposure to air or to flow that may be set up if moisture reaches the
cleaning solvents. Chemical stripping or acid etch- surface. A vinyl wash primer is spread, like the
ing removes the outer layers and replaces them passivators, in films of fractional mil thickness to
with a more controlled layer, but as with solvent bind the primer to surfaces to which it would not
cleaning, there is the danger of redeposition or otherwise adhere.


Figure 5-10. Mechanical adhesion as a result of surface roughness.

Surface roughness affects adhesion in two types of surface contaminants make it very difficult
ways 1) through surface roughening one is ac- to achieve any form of quality adhesion.
tually increasing the surface area where coating Chemical cleaning alone, even a five stage
contacts the surface. The larger the contact area system probably will not produce a clean enough
the harder it is to remove a coating. Therefore, the surface if parts exhibit the characteristics listed
difficulty of removing a coating can be increased above.
by increasing the surface area. 2) By providing
surface irregularities, pores, holes and crevices Three Types of Mechanical
into which the coating solidifies. In this manner the Surface Preparation:
coating, much like a nail in a wood assembly, acts
1) Air/Media Blast: The most common type
as a mechanical anchor. Therefore, if the sub-
generally referred to as sandblasting is a combi-
strate has undercut areas that are filled with so-
nation of compressed air and media. Problems
lidified and hard coating, a mechanical component
associated with employee safety, referred to as
makes removal of the coating more difficult, anal-
“silicosis” has altered wide spread use in open
ogous to holding two dovetailed pieces of wood
air environments. A specially designed cabinet or
together. Iron or zinc phosphate coatings provide
enclosed area, along with air induced breathing
larger contact areas and thus enhance adhesion
apparatus, has insured continuing growth of this
and corrosion resistance. Figure 5-10 illustrates a
method of mechanical surface preparation.
hypothetical profile of a substrate profile.
2) Water/Media Blast: This method is gain-
Mechanical Cleaning ing popularity because of the reduction of silicosis
The mechanical, abrasive method is suitable associated problems. Wet spot blasting of weld-
where steel surfaces exhibit severe corrosion, ments has become accepted because of these
loosely adherent heat scale, or numerous weld- reasons: (a) during the welding process, oily soils
ments and where soils have been carbonized in are carbonized, creating an impossible cleaning
and around the exposed weldment area. These condition through a three or five stage washer. (b)

Optimum Process for Mechanical Cleaning

Normal Process Optimum Process

1. Blast 1. Chemically degreased

2. Clean and phosphate 2. Rinse
3. Rinse 3. Dry
4. Seal rinse 4. Blast
5. Dry 5. Alkaline clean
6. Coating 6. Rinse
7. Phosphate
8. Rinse
9. Seal Rinse
10. Dry off
11. Coating

The surface of weldments is basically inert to the to its maximum potential.
development of a conversion coating because of Chemical pretreatment, primarily iron phos-
the scale developed. Wet spot blasting units are phating, is the most widely used pretreatment pri-
relatively inexpensive, low in labor requirements, or to coating. In this process a thin layer of phos-
and prove to provide the best possible substrate phate coating is deposited onto steel substrates.
conditions prior to phosphatizing. Because the coating is an integral part of the steel,
it is usually highly adherent which provides an ex-
3) Centrifugal Wheel (Airless): This airless cellent base for coating adhesion. The simplest
process is quite popular for larger, heavier-bodied operation can require about 5-15 minutes. The thin
parts where rust and scale must be removed. Cen- phosphate coating is smooth to touch, however,
trifugal wheel is most often done in an enclosed on a molecular level it provides larger surface area
cabinetry operation. The media is normally steel of adhesion. A close up picture of a typical phos-
shot of varying sizes, depending on the substrate phated steel surface is shown in Figure 5-11.
profile required.
Chemical Cleaning: The highest quality
coating will show excellent results ONLY if the Corrosion Control
pretreatment (cleaning and phosphating) is done Rusting, the oxidation of iron and steel to iron ox-
correctly, and the overall system is maintained up ides, is the most common form of corrosion and

Dip Tank Application Methods

Dip Tanks - Best suited for large volumes of small parts.

3 Stage Dip - 1 2 3 4 5
Clean & Rinse Seal ------- -----
Phosphate Rinse

5 Stage Dip - Alkaline Rinse Phosphatize Rinse Seal/Rinse


Time: 3 - 15 minutes
Temperature: 160 - 180ºF
Concentration: 6 - 15% volume

Advantages Disadvantages
Low cost process equipment will handle Need 5 stage for best results.
volume of small parts. Cleaning with impingement
is difficult (smut).
Good for multi-configured parts not likely High chemical concentrations
to receive good spray coverage. require high heat.

Iron Phosphating

Purpose - Promote adhesion of coatings, prevent corrosion, and maximize life of coatings.
Iron Phosphating - The development of an amorphous coating on iron bearing metals.
Process - 1 stage, 3 stage, 5 stage

Time: 60 seconds, 90 seconds for spray

3 - 5 minutes for dip
Temp: Ambient to 160OF (60-70OC)
20-60 mg/sq. ft. (20-60 mg/900 cm2)


Advantages Disadvantages
Low cost Less corrosion protection
Wide parameters than zinc phosphate
Application easy to maintain
Disposal not complicated Line speed requires planning.
Industry standard for most coatings

Zinc Phosphating

Purpose - Promote adhesion. Increase corrosion protection.

Zinc phosphating - Microcrystalline formation.
Primary metals - Ferrous (iron bearing)
Aluminum and zinc bearing
Process - 5 stage minimum, typically 7 stage.
Time: 60 - 90 seconds spray
3 - 5 minutes dip
Temp: 140 - 160OF (60 - 70 OC)
150 - 300 mg/sq. ft. (150 - 300 mg/cm2)

Advantages Disadvantages

Increase corrosion protection More costly

Greater process Equipment
Zinc effluent treatment
Greater control required

Seal Rinse Advantages/Disadvantages


Advantages Disadvantages

No disposal problems Less tolerance to hard H2O

Good adhesion Daily dumping and recharge
Removes unreacted phosphate Less salt spray hours
Requires D.I. water

the most obvious one (Figure 5-12). The good

news about rust for the coating industry is that
paint can be used to control it. The bad news is
that it is not really totally preventable. However,
in many cases, through good manufacturing pro-
cesses one can delay corrosion for long periods
of time.
Corrosion is an electrochemically driven pro-
cess of energy exchange. In this process, the
metal, which was originally found in nature as an
ore, is reconverted back to its ore. In the metallic Figure 5-11. Photo-micrograph of phosphated steel.

The surface of steel is not at all homogenous.
Some areas are more active (are more prone to
oxidation) than others and if there is scratch, pin-
hole, or scribe, that area definitely will be more
active. Weld metal often is more active than sur-
rounding steel. Steel is more active than the mill
scale that sometimes covers it (incompletely).
These more active sites are where oxidation (cor-
rosion) occurs.
Unlike many other metal oxides such as those
Figure 5-12. Cross section of a corrosion site.
of chromium, zinc, copper, and aluminum, rust
does not stick tightly to iron and steel. In addi-
state, the metal is in a higher energy state than tion, it tends to pick up water from the air and is
it was when combined with other elements as an somewhat soluble in water. Therefore, rust tends
ore. That is, corrosion is a naturally occurring phe- to pull away from iron or steel so that new rust is
nomenon. In short, metals corrode because they
need to return to their original form.
Corrosion has four components. The metal
(part of it) that corrodes (anode); the metal (part
of it or another metal such as weld material) that
causes corrosion (cathode); some sort of electrical
connection; and a conductive media such as salt
water (electrolyte). The first three requirements
are always present in a fabricated metal work
piece- such as steel and weld material and the
connection. However, dry salt alone without two
other reagents cannot cause corrosion. The other
two reagents are water (moisture) and oxygen.
The three reagents, salt (ions, electrolyte); water, Figure 5-14. The most “active” metals are those
and oxygen are called the Corrosion Triangle. For that most readily release energy.
corrosion to happen all three must be present and
at the right concentration. The schematic of corro- formed. The growing rust layer tends to push any
sion triangle is shown in Figure 5-13. paint away from the metal and also acts as weak
Some metals corrode faster than the others. boundary layer, particularly when water is present,
This tendency is also related to how much energy so the coating may adhere poorly.
it takes during the smelting process to produce the As the coating loses adhesion, salt solution
metal. The more energy that must be imparted in moves into the gap and corrosion spreads further
the smelting process, the more readily the metal and further. After the coating falls off or is scrapped
corrodes. In Figure 5-14, the most “active” metals off, the effects of this process often are seen as
are those that most readily release energy, and a series of concentric circles around the original
therefore, they are the ones most susceptible to point of attack. These circles indicate (Figure 5-15)
corrosion. that the corrosion occurred as a series of stages
rather than in a smooth, continuous process.
Corrosion has many types and shapes. While
all types result in some type of damage, some
are less dangerous than others. A few of the well
known types are as follows:

Flash rust
Filiform corrosion
Figure 5-13. Chemical components of corrosion. Perforation corrosion


Stress corrosion Techniques for Controlling Corrosion
Cosmetic corrosion Techniques for the control of corrosion are
Erosion corrosion very diversified. The three basic types that can
Pitting corrosion easily be employed are: Barrier protection (paint),
Granular corrosion inhibitive primer protection, and cathodic protec-
tion (sacrificial zinc-galvanized steel).
Of the above, flash rust is the easiest one to
deal with. Flash rust occurs when steel grit debris
corrodes due to surface moisture. It can be easily
prevented by surface treatment prior to priming or
Blistering, which is the first sign of corrosion,
generally is the result of poor adhesion. All organic
coatings are permeable to water, oxygen, and var-
ious ions from the environment. If there is a mar-
ginal adhesion, water and ions can penetrate the
Osmotic pressure 2,500 - 3,000 kPA
coating and find their way to the metal surface. As Resistance to deformational forces 6 - 40 kPa
the permeation and penetration process contin- Figure 5-16. Schematic representation of blister for-
ues more water, ions, and soluble additives from mation mechanism.
the coating will collect beneath the coating. The
trapped water and salts exert osmotic pressure. Corrosion Prevention by Coatings
At some point, the forces generated by osmotic
pressure displace the paint from the substrate and How can corrosion be prevented or reduced?
bends the coating film, thereby leading to the for- A number of things can be done before objects are
mation of a blister. painted, better design, better quality substrates
(galvanized steel, for example), better cleaning,
Osmotic pressures can be expected to range
and better pretreatment. Design is crucial. If an
between 2,500 and 3,000 kPa while the resistance
object traps water, electrolyte (salt) and dirt, cor-
of organic coatings to deformational forces is much
rosion will occur regardless of the quality of the
lower, ranging from 6-40 kPa. As the blister grows
preparation and paint. On the other hand, a good
larger, the exposed area of unprotected steel surface
design, coupled with good cleaning, pretreatment,
increases, more corrosion products are formed, and
and painting should resist corrosion for a very long
the process proceeds still more rapidly. However, if
time. Closer cooperation between designers, pre-
the coating covers the whole surface and provides a
treatment suppliers, painters, and paint manufac-
tenacious adhesion, probability of water becoming in
turers is needed. This is part of the total system
contact with a bare steel surface will be greatly de-
concept. The whole “finish” must be developed
creased. Schematic representation of this process is
with cooperation between all of the suppliers. The
shown in Figure 5-16.
various components cannot be taken in isolation.
What is the part of the coating in this scenario?
Consider the constituents of the corrosion site: the
metal substrate, water, oxygen, and a salt solu-
tion. If any one of the latter three can be removed,
corrosion will be prevented. Typical organic coat-
ings have such high water permeabilities that wa-
ter cannot be kept out. With oxygen, there will be
enough present for corrosion except in the case of
very thick (15 mil) maintenance coatings. There-
fore, the only thing left for the coating is to pre-
vent salt (ions, electrolyte, which penetrates the
coating much slower than water or oxygen) from
getting to the metal surface or greatly reduce the
Figure 5-15. Corrosion of steel.
rate of penetration. If corrosion does begin, then

the job of the coating is to prevent or reduce the tunately, steel sheet is prone to rusting, a phenom-
spread of corrosion. enon that causes the surface to become unsightly
The substrate is kept isolated from conductive and, over time, may contribute to product failure. For
electrolyte by the physical, insulating barrier of the this reason, steel has been protected by a variety
crosslinked coating (more of a filter than a barrier), of methods ranging from internal alloying (stainless
by the use of flat plately pigments such as mica- steel, for example), to coating with paints or metallic
ceous iron oxide which provide another barrier. coatings.
Another approach is to use inhibitive primers Galvanized coatings and other metallic coat-
that contain special inhibitive pigments that dis- ings on steel sheet provide good, long-term pro-
solve in water. Unlike the ions of corrosive salt, tection from corrosion. One can obtain many
these materials react with the substrate to form years of corrosion protection through the proper
protective films that further protect steel from cor- use of the metallic coatings available in today’s
rosion. market. Nevertheless, the application of high qual-
ity paint can add substantially to the overall life of
A somewhat different technique is to alter the
coated steel sheet products. A classic example of
nature of the very top surface of the substrate.
the improvement in product life that a good paint
One way to prevent or reduce corrosion is to use a
system can provide is the enhancement achieved
material that is sacrificial, i.e., it dissolves instead
with automotive-body steels. The metallic coating
of the iron or steel. Galvanized steel has a zinc
on automotive body panels is quite thin compared
coating that plays this part. The zinc becomes the
with the metallic coating thickness on sheet panels
anode (a larger one) and slowly dissolves, but the
used for many other types of applications, but with
steel (the cathode) does not. In addition, the zinc
the synergistic effect of the paint systems used by
corrosion products are more stable, passivating,
the automotive industry, the life of the body panels
and adherent than is rust. They are relatively im-
is very long.
permeable, block pores in the coating, and gener-
Metallic coatings can protect steel in two
ally provide a protective barrier. A variation of this
method exists in which a powdered zinc is incor-
porated into a coating formulation. The sacrificial 1. Like paint, they provide barrier protection,
material used in organic coatings is zinc dust (90- and
95 % of the total weight of the dry coating). Metal 2. In many instances, they provide galvanic
contact between the steel and the zinc particles is protection.
essential in the early stages of the exposure, but Each of these types of protection is described
due to the corrosion products, good protection is below.
provided even after the contact has been lost.
Even with well-formulated coatings containing Barrier Protection
effective corrosion inhibitors, damage can occur
to the cured film that allows corrosion to begin. In The main mechanism by which galvanized
such a case, it is crucial for the coating to have coatings protect steel is by providing an impervi-
the ability to resist the spread of corrosion. To ous barrier that does not allow moisture to contact
do this a coating must have adhesion, especially the steel - without moisture (the electrolyte) there
good wet adhesion, and be resistant to alkaline is no corrosion. The nature of the galvanizing pro-
corrosion products. If the coating cannot be lifted cess ensures that the metallic zinc coating has ex-
or dissolved, then it will be very difficult for the salt cellent coating adhesion, abrasion, and corrosion
solution to travel along the metal/coating interface resistance.
and widen the corrosion front. Unfortunately, poor Galvanized coatings will not degrade over time
surface preparation and pretreatments with poor as with other barrier coatings, such as paint. How-
alkali resistance can negate the effects of a good ever, zinc is a reactive material and will corrode
coating and allow corrosion to spread. and erode slowly. For this reason, the protection
offered by galvanized coatings is proportional to
the coating thickness. The ability of a zinc coating
Metallic Coatings to protect steel by acting as a barrier depends on
Steel sheet is a very versatile product. Unfor- zinc’s corrosion rate. It is therefore important to


understand zinc’s corrosion mechanism and what sufficiently acidic, for example. This is good and
factors affect its corrosion rate. bad. It is good in that, if the oxide film were totally
Freshly exposed galvanized steel reacts with protective, the zinc would no longer offer galvanic
the surrounding atmosphere to form a series of protection to the steel at exposed areas. Thus,
zinc corrosion products. In air, newly exposed zinc rusting of steel would occur at scratches and other
reacts with oxygen to form a very thin zinc oxide exposed areas. The downside of the somewhat
layer. When moisture is present, zinc reacts with incompleteness of protection of the oxide film on
water and carbon dioxide resulting in the forma- a galvanized sheet is that the coat itself corrodes
tion of zinc carbonate. Zinc carbonate is a thin, and thus, has a defined life.
tenacious, and stable (insoluble in water) layer Among the commercially available metallic-
that provides protection to the underlying zinc, and coated steel sheet products, zinc (galvanize) of-
results in its low corrosion rate in most environ- fers the most galvanic protection. Galfan® behaves
ments. somewhat similarly with respect to the level of gal-
The second shielding mechanism is zinc’s abil- vanic protection that it provides. Galvalume® steel
ity to galvanically protect steel. When base steel sheet offers somewhat reduced galvanic protec-
is exposed, such as at a cut edge or scratch, the tion versus a galvanized or Galfan® coating. What
steel is cathodically protected by the sacrificial cor- does this mean about the relative performance of
rosion of the zinc coating. In practice, this means these products?
that a zinc coating will not be undercut by rusting As with most things in life, everything comes
steel because the steel cannot corrode adjacent with a price. Galvanically protective coatings are
to the zinc coating. Any exposure of the underly- consumed by corrosion eventually. That is why a
ing steel, because of severe coating damage or at galvanized sheet has a definite lifespan before the
a cut edge, will not result in corrosion of the steel corrosion of the steel begins. Thus, the amount of
and has minimal effect on the overall performance zinc applied to the steel during manufacture, de-
of the coating. scribed as the coating weight (mass), is important
If the coating is consumed, why use it? In the to the life of the product. Coating weight (mass)
case of a zinc coating, the rate of corrosion that is expressed as G60 (Z180), G90 (Z275), G200
it undergoes while protecting steel is consider- (Z600) etc. per ASTM Specification A 653/A 653M.
ably lower than that of the steel. In this way, a thin G60 (Z180) means that the coating weight (mass)
coating of zinc can be applied to steel to protect is 0.60 oz/ft2 (180 g/m2), minimum (total coating
the steel for a long time. For example, in a rural on both sides of the sheet). This coating weight
atmosphere where the number and concentration (mass) can be translated into thickness; a G60
of pollutants in the air is generally quite low, zinc (Z180) coating of zinc is about 0.00055 in. (0.014
might corrode at a rate of 1.0 m/year (0.04 mil/ mm) per side of the sheet.
year) while low-carbon steel in this same environ- For a galvanized coating, the rate of corrosion of
ment might corrode at a rate 5 times as high (5 the coating is typically linear in most environments.
μm/year or 0.2 mil/year) or even higher. A primary That is, twice the coating thickness translates to
reason for the reduced rate of zinc corrosion ver- twice the life. That is, a G60 has twice the thickness
sus the rate for steel is that, as it corrodes, it forms of a G30 coating and the life of the product (defined,
an adherent, protective oxide/carbonate film on its perhaps, as the time to 10 percent rust) in a given
surface similar to the oxide film on the surface of environment is approximately twice as long. Similar-
aluminum. This film itself helps to prevent contact ly, a G90 coating is approximately 50 percent thicker
between the environment and fresh zinc. Thus, than a G60 coating, and thus would be expected
the rate of corrosion decreases. Recall that steel to perform 50 percent better (in terms of time to 10
typically does not form a protective film in that the percent rust). Of course, different environments are
oxide layer spalls, thereby, constantly exposing more or less corrosive than other sites, so that the
fresh iron to the environment. “life” of the coating varies considerably for different
The film that forms on the surface of zinc is “environment types”.
not as protective as the aluminum oxide film on When the salt spray test is used for testing
the surface of metallic aluminum. That is, the ox- metallic-coated steel sheet, the corrosion perfor-
ide is susceptible to dissolution if the moisture is mance is rated in the following ways:

• Number of hours until rusting of the steel is In general, the application of high quality paint
first evident, can add substantially to the overall life of zinc
• Number of hours until 5% of the surface area coated steel sheet products. The reason for im-
is rusted, proved corrosion resistance is as follows:
• Number of hours until 10% of the surface In situations where the accumulations of zinc
area is rusted, etc. corrosion products build up over the surface, the
The onset of red rust on a sample of galva- effective anode area will inevitably be reduced. In
nized sheet, for example, means that the coating this case, while the barrier properties of the film
has been consumed by the corrosion reaction, may improve, the cathodic protection of newly ex-
and the corrosion of the base steel is beginning. posed steel at nicks and abrasions will be dimin-
There is no one best performance criterion. It sim- ished. A similar situation arises when abrasions
ply depends on what the user defines as failure. and scratches occur. In this case, the area of ac-
The following table is one guideline that can be tive zinc available for cathodic protection may be
used as a measure of expected performance of limited to merely the edges of the zinc film at the
three zinc-containing hot-dip coatings. immediate site of the scratch and is insufficient to
protect the area of the steel exposed.
In addition, where the pH of the environment
Coating Galvanized Steel is outside of the 5.5-9.5 range (acid rain or heavily
The main mechanisms by which galvanized industrial and cattle spaces), acidic and alkaline
coatings protect steel are: constituents of the environment may attack and
dissolve the polarizing barrier film of zinc corrosion
1) By providing an impervious barrier that
products and the zinc anode itself. The anode will
does not allow moisture to contact the steel - with-
be consumed more rapidly, with its eventual de-
out moisture (the electrolyte) there is no corro-
struction and consequent breakdown of the steel
for lack of the protective anode.
2) By acting as an anode and sacrificially cor-
roding thereby protecting the steel substrate.
Zinc is a reactive material and will corrode and Primer Coat
erode slowly while protecting the steel substrate. On carbon steel or iron, the application of a
For this Number the
 reason, of hours until rusting
protection offeredof the steel is first evident,
by galvanized rust inhibiting primer is an essential step in the fin-
coatings is proportional to the coating thickness.
 Number of hours until 5% of the surface area is rusted,
ishing process. Aside from inhibiting corrosion and
While in theory by increasing the zinc coating thick- helping to seal the surface, this first coat must also
Number of hours until 10% of the
ness substantial corrosion resistance can be ob-
 surface area is rusted, etc.
contribute to the adhesion of subsequent coatings.
Thein onset
practice, mostly
of red rust due
on a tosample
process and eco- sheet,
of galvanized To accomplish
for example, the above
means that functions,
the coatingthe
been it-
by theitcorrosion
provides reaction,
a limitedand
value.the corrosion ofself the must
base adhere tenaciously,
steel is beginning. be is
There rather imperme-
no one best
performance criterion. It simply depends on what the user defines as failure. The following table is one guideline
that that can be used as a measure of expected performance of three zinc-containing hot-dip coatings.

Table to Saltto
5-1: Guideline Spray Resistance
Salt Spray of Zinc-Containing
Resistance Hot-Dip
of Zinc Containing Coatings
Hot-Dip Coatings

Approximate Time to 5% Red Rust

(per micron [ μ m] of coating thickness)
Galvanize (zinc-coated) 10 hours
Galfan (zinc-5% aluminum alloy-coated) 25 hours
Galvalume (55% aluminum-zinc alloy-coated) 50 hours

Galfan is a trademark of the Galfan Technology Centre, Inc. 
Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc.
Galvanize Z275 – typical coating thickness/side is 20.5 μ m, so approximate time to 5% red rust is 205 hours in salt spray.
Galfan ZGF275 – typical coating thickness/side is 21.5 μ m, so approximate time to 5% red rust is 540 hours in salt spray.
Galvalume AZ50 – typical coating thickness/side is 21.5 μ m, so approximate time to 5% red rust is 1075 hours in salt spray.

Coating Galvanized Steel

The main mechanisms by which galvanized coatings protect steel are:

1) By providing an impervious barrier that does not allow moisture to contact the steel - without moisture (the
electrolyte) there is no corrosion.
able to the elements and agents of weather and Phenolics: With basic silica lead chromate or
the topcoat inhibit corrosion by various mecha- zinc chromate, phenolics provide good protection
nisms. The primer should be formulated in such a when exposure to excessive dampness or water
way that none of its components will be softened immersion is likely to occur. A phenolic with red
or attacked by the high resin content and solvent lead is also used (See TTP86, Type IV).
of enamels used over them. “Enamel holdout’’ is a
required characteristic of such primers. Alkyds: Usable with most corrosioninhibiting
A hot rolled mill finish is usually a satisfactory pigments, alkyds serve as binders for moderately
surface for receiving prime coats, if it is free of priced, readily adherent primers of intermediate
rust and loose scale. Tight blue mill scale on such durability, where meticulous surface preparation
surfaces need not be removed if they are primed is not practicable. (See SSPC PS 2.00)
soon after manufacture, and if the intended use is
for interior work where there will not be high hu- Acrylics: In both waterborne and solvent-
midity. But if the steel has been exposed to the thinned versions, the acrylics have proven suc-
atmosphere for only a few days, sufficient invisible cessful for coil coatings and other finishes. Water-
rust will usually be present to require the removal borne versions are used for maintenance primers
of mill scale regardless of the intended use of the where conditions permit only water blasting, acryl-
end product. Rust pitting is never acceptable on ics can be applied over moist surfaces. Hardness,
metal to be used for architectural iron work. Cold flexibility, and water resistance are good.
rolled surfaces are likely to be oily and should be Polyesters: These provide impact resistance,
properly cleaned. If they are extremely smooth, hardness, solvent resistance and gloss retention
phosphatizing or some form of abrading, such as with oven curing.
mechanical steel brushing, will usually insure sat-
isfactory primer adhesion. Vinyls: Recently developed high-build vinyl
The most successful corrosion-inhibiting primer primers with iron oxide or zinc chromate provide
coats usually contain pigments that are compounds excellent chemical resistance with less application
of zinc, chromium or molybdenum with oxidizing, effort than older types of vinyl, which are excellent
ionizing or sacrificial action. Those used in organic except for their extremely limited film build. (See
coatings include zinc oxide, zinc phosphate, zinc SSPC PS 4.00)
dust and calcium, zinc or strontium molybdate.
For use on aluminum, primers usually contain Silicates: Ethyl silicate and other silicates
chromate pigments. Vinyl wash primers can be used with zinc dust constitute outstanding primers un-
in place of conversion coatings except on intricate der extremes of weather and salt and chemical
assemblies, but for exterior use should be followed exposure. (See SSPC PS 12.00).
by a chromate primer. Primers containing lead, mer-
cury or copper should not be used on aluminum. Chlorinated rubber: Excellent resistance to
moisture vapor transmission and to acids, alkalis
Primer Vehicles and various salts characterize coatings based on
The vehicles or binders commonly used for chlorinated rubber.
primer coats on carbon steel and iron are the fol- Oils: These are often added to other vehicles
lowing: to penetrate rust and promote adhesion. Some lin-
seed oil, often combined with alkyds, is used with
Epoxy: Excellent adhesion over carefully pre- red lead. Where only the poorest preparation can
pared surfaces is provided by epoxies. They are be given to rusted surfaces, straight red lead in
resistant to impact, moisture and chemicals. For oil is used. (See TTP86, Type 1 and SSPC Paint
high performance, epoxies combined with poly- System 1.00)
amide resins are used with lead pigments or zinc
dust. With zinc dust, epoxy primers also permit
welding of the protected surface. Epoxy esters, Intermediate Coats
made with a fatty acid, are used for less demand- Metal fabricators are usually required to ap-
ing conditions. (See SSPC PS 13.01). ply a shop coat primer, with the intermediate and

final coats generally being applied in the field by ing little solvent, have also been gaining in usage,
the painting contractor. With increasing frequency, some of them being cured by ultraviolet or electron
however, specifications are calling for complete beam radiation. Powder coating for architectural
coating in the shop before delivery, to reduce metal products is also successfully being used.
costs and obtain what is generally regarded as Architectural metal coatings applied at the
a better job, avoiding the problems of moist field factory on both ferrous and nonferrous metals
conditions, uncertain temperatures, dust and oth- may be either clear or pigmented. Clear lacquers
er enemies of good coating performance. In such are often used as short-term protective coatings
specifications, field touchup is required, to correct for aluminum and the copper alloys, but are not
any damage received in transit. recommended for stainless steel. Many clear fin-
Depending on the film build desired and the ishes degrade on exterior exposure because the
resinous binder used, one or more intermediate sun’s ultraviolet rays gradually affect their mol-
coats may be needed between the primer and the ecules. Clear acrylics, however, have long been
final topcoat. To get a 7 mil film for a difficult envi- recognized for their ability to withstand UV radia-
ronment, one epoxy coat may be sufficient, but to tion. Also, some costly aliphatic urethane binders,
get the same film build with a conventional vinyl, developed for aircraft and space vehicles, have
as many as four coats and a primer may be re- demonstrated outstanding UV resistance. The
quired. When lesser film builds are adequate, a less resistant clears can somewhat be improved
single epoxy, urethane, or alkyd topcoat may be by addition of UV absorbers.
sufficient. Pigmented coatings are affected less by UV light
A first intermediate coat should have essentially than the clears, because pigments to some degree
the same properties as the primer. Frequently it is screen or absorb them. Zinc oxide is particularly ef-
the same paint with a tinted hiding pigment to insure fective as a UV absorber. Because they yellow and
complete coverage. A second intermediate coat, chalk under UV exposure, epoxies, phenolics and
when used, should be the same as the topcoat or some alkyds and urethanes are not normally select-
midway in properties between the primer and the ed for white and pastel colors on exteriors, although
topcoat. A slight color difference is preferred, to in- alkyds are satisfactory when their vegetable fatty
sure that any voids in the topcoat will be apparent. acid components are derived from soybean oil, saf-
Current primer technology has, in many cas- flower oil or other suitable drying oils.
es, eliminated the need for intermediate coats with Factory applied finishes fall into two catego-
most inorganic zinc, organic zinc, and epoxy poly- ries with respect to curing method: those that are
amide primers. This is significant because of the air-dried and those that are force dried or baked.
saving in labor costs. Binders used with either type may harden by oxi-
dation or other chemical reactions, or by physical
Factory Applied Finishes steps made possible by application. The latter in-
Until recently, factory applied metal finishes were clude evaporation of the solvents in the applied
almost exclusively solvent-reducible. Now, however, coating, if the material is a lacquer, or the coales-
Federal and local regulatory agencies in some states cence of binder particles if a latex emulsion, such
limit the amount and types of solvent that may be re- as an acrylic, is used.
leased into the atmosphere. Consequently, water re- Factory applied finishes are mainly enamels.
ducible, powder and high-solids finishes are replac- This means that they have a high proportion of
ing a growing number of solvent-reduced materials resin and usually form hard, resistant finishes.
and there is little doubt that this trend will continue Some enamel binders are thermosetting and re-
for some time. It appears, though, that many solvent- quire heat to harden them; others are heated only
reduced products cannot readily be replaced, and it to hasten reaction with oxygen, or to hasten po-
is likely that with suitable changes in solvent content lymerization of the combination of certain chemical
they will continue to be used. constituents. Some lacquers are heated to speed
Water-reducible acrylics, alkyds, polyesters, evaporation of the solvents and thus the drying of
siliconized polyesters, modified urethanes and the film.
fluorocarbons, are growing in importance as fac- High performance exterior metal finishes,
tory applied finishes. High-solids coatings, requir- factory applied and heat-treated, have been rap-


idly growing in importance over the past decade. made only after consultation with representatives
These virtually qualify as super coatings, some of of reliable manufacturers.
them being guaranteed for as long as 15 years of
service. Included among these are coatings based Acrylic Resins: Acrylics have many valuable
on fluorocarbons, silicone acrylics, silicone polyes- properties, notably their color and gloss reten-
ters, and vinyl plastisols. These coatings are gain- tion and exterior weathering, both as clears and
ing wide acceptance as finishes on both aluminum pigmented. While they are many higher perform-
and steel, for such products as industrial wall pan- ing resins available today, the price per function
els, metal curtain wall, and windows, in moderate favors the use of acrylics as a coating. Premium
to severe chemical environments. They are not quality acrylics, medium in price, have performed
to be confused, however, with the so-called “high satisfactorily in many industrial atmospheres for
performance architectural coatings” (HIPAC), more than a decade. They are suitable for use as
which are field applied and air-dried products usu- a topcoat over epoxies, organic zinc primers, chlo-
ally based on epoxies, silicone alkyds, urethanes rinated rubber and some alkyd primers. Acrylics
or other excellent binders. These, with very limited are available Aside from the widely used emul-
exceptions, do not approach the performance of sions, they are available as solvent-reducible
the factory applied and oven-treated super coat- thermosetting and thermoplastic metal finishes,
ings. and their use as water-reducible metal finishes for
Coatings chemists have become highly skilled many purposes is steadily growing. Acrylic organi-
in tailoring the factory applied finishes to provide sols and powder coatings are also available.
specific properties. Nevertheless, the improve-
ment of a given property can often be accom- Alkyd Resins: These resins, in the past, have
plished only at the expense of lower performance been the workhorses of the coatings industry be-
in respect to some other property. The dominant cause of their adhesion, flexibility, hardness, and
challenge will usually determine which properties general serviceability. Their low cost has made
will be emphasized, and in many instances some them attractive, in spite of their relatively limited
compromises are necessary. It is important, there- service life and the tendency of some types to yel-
fore, that the specifer recognize which properties low in outdoor exposure. In recent years, however,
are most essential for a specific application and the newer but proven materials such as acrylics
select the combination of coating properties that and polyvinyl acetate emulsions in the moderate
will provide optimum overall performance. price range of products, and the high performance
Assume, for example, that a client desires a synthetics such as epoxy, urethane, chlorinated
light colored high performance exterior coating. rubber, and vinyl resins, have been replacing
The coating preferred may be based on a binder them.
which, though highly durable, is known to fade and
Alkyds, which are closely related to polyester
lightly chalk. If white is mandatory, a somewhat
resins, can be modified with styrene, silicone, or
less durable but nonyellowing and nonchalking
acrylic resins to overcome some shortcomings
coating may have to be selected. Or a binder with
and to change the characteristics of the resins.
maximum impact resistance may be indicated, but
The addition of urea or melamine resins to ther-
the best binder for this purpose may offer inferior
mosetting alkyd formulations speeds cure from
solvent resistance, and this may be a consider-
one hour to seconds, and improves gloss, chemi-
ation of such importance as to require a compro-
cal and solvent resistance, and durability. Alkyds
mise on impact demands.
are also used to modify cellulosic lacquers. Alkyd
In the following discussion of the various bind-
resins in general are susceptible for degradation
ers used in factory applied finishes and in the ac-
through hydrolysis over time, yellowing hardening
companying chart, generalizations rather than
and chalking. Unmodified alkyds can function sat-
specific recommendations are presented.
isfactorily in indoor applications.
Performance properties and costs are neces-
sarily stated in relative terms. This information
is intended to provide reliable basic data for the Cellulosic Resins: The types of cellulosic that
specifier in respect to the various coatings and are used as principal resins in lacquers require the
their general uses, but final selections should be addition of plasticizers or resins such as alkyds,

phenols or urea formaldehyde to improve both ad- and chemical plants. Epoxy resins best function
hesion, and tensile strength. The three such types as primers.
are: Fluorocarbons: These are costly premium
a. Nitrocellulose (cellulose nitrate), which is flam- coatings, ranking high among the ultra high per-
mable and discolors with aging. It is compat- formance exterior coatings. They are available
ible with many plasticizers and other resins in a wide variety of colors, but only low to me-
and is generally modified with alkyd resins. dium gloss. Because of their high resistance to
ultravio!et rays, they are distinguished for color
b. Cellulose acetate, which has low flammability
retention and excellent weatherability. They have
but otherwise has most of the limitations of ni-
high resistance also to abrasion, impact, chemical
trocellulose plus poor compatibility with most
attack and dirt pickup, so are easy to maintain. To
plasticizers and resins.
insure good adhesion, the use of an extremely thin
c. Cellulose acetate butyrate, which, when film of epoxyzinc chromate or similar compatible
modified with an acrylic, yields a coating with primer is usually required.
exceptional hardness, adhesion, and nonyel-
Melamine Formaldehyde Resins: These are
lowing properties.
similar to urea formaldehydes, except that they are
not as compatible with many resins. Their advan-
Two other cellulosics are interesting because of tages are that they harden more rapidly, have bet-
their unique applications. Ethylcellulose is dissolved ter gloss and color retention and alkali resistance,
at high temperature in solvent blends that cannot and can be baked at lower temperatures. These
hold it at room temperature. It is returned to ambi- resins are used primarily as modifiers.
ent temperature and becomes a gel prior to dipping
Phenolic Resins: Combinations of phenol and
hot objects which, when coated, take on a smooth,
formaldehyde with or without the addition of vegeta-
uniform film that dries to 15 to 30 mils. This is known
ble oils have outstanding resistance to alkalis, chem-
as a form of gel coat.
icals, and moisture. They adhere to metal, and some
The other cellulosic is methylcellulose, in versions are suitable for baking enamels where light
which color particles are suspended and mixed or pastel colors are not desired.
with nitrocellulose or other lacquer materials with
a second color, to make multicolor coatings. Polyester Resins: Polyesters are oil free al-
kyds with certain advantages in chemical reactiv-
Chlorinated Rubber: Coatings based on this ity. They have a wide range of durability and flex-
resin are used for special purposes, mainly to resist ibility. Specially formulated polyesters with amine
attack by microorganisms; where low permeability modification are available as water-reducible coat-
to water and water vapor is needed” and where ings; various others are used for high solids coat-
radioactive materials may have to be cleaned up. ings, powder resins, gel coats, and radiation cured
Epoxy Resins: Epoxy resins are character- materials. With silicone modifications they serve
ized by their adhesion, gloss, corrosion resistance, as high performance exterior coatings.
hardness, and overall durability. The most impor- Silicones: Silicone based coatings are char-
tant of the several epoxy types are those cured acterized by exceptional resistance to heat and
by polyamide resins, which impart flexibility, dura- weather exposure. In recent years these proper-
bility, abrasion and impact resistance, and overall ties have been imparted to other binders by sili-
chemical resistance. They are one of the most im- cone modification of organic polymers, Silicone
portant binders used in powder coatings. alkyds improve the weathering and gloss retention
Thermosetting epoxy acrylics are used where of alkyds, and silicone modifications of acrylics,
mar resistance, gloss and color retention and polyesters, epoxies and urethanes enhance their
chemical resistance are required. Pigmented epox- weathering and color retention properties. Two of
ies cured by amine resins are used in areas where the more widely used ultra high performance ex-
corrosion and chemical resistance is needed. terior coatings for metal are based on siliconzied
Some epoxies yield high-build, tile-like pigmented acrylics and siliconized polyesters. Both of these
coatings capable of withstanding repeated scrub- products have excellent color and gloss retention,
bing in sanitary areas such as hospitals, dairies chalking and erosion resistance, and durability un-


der prolonged outdoor exposure. Field Applied Topcoats
Urea Formaldehyde Resins: Added to alkyd for Carbon Steel and Iron
resins these provide flexible, hard films with excel- The final coat in a system should provide sat-
lent color retention but poor impact resistance. isfactory protection for the primer and intermedi-
Urethane Resins: resins and coatings are ate coats in accord with the specific requirements.
available in a wide selection of types, ranging from While impermeability to moisture is usually desir-
those resembling alkyds, but with some advan- able in metal coatings, all are permeable to some
tages, to highly sophisticated products capable degree. Impermeability generally is proportional
of withstanding exposure to weather, abrasion, to film thickness. Coatings having a film thickness
scrubbing, solvents and impact. Some air dried of 2 mils or less are likely to be permeable, while
versions perform like baked coatings. The newer high build systems up to 40 mils thickness result in
types have overcome yellowing tendencies. Those long-term impermeability.
derived from versions used for aircraft and space Color retention is as important for exterior
equipment are so hard and solvent resistant that topcoats as is weather resistance. Many top-
graffiti can be removed from them with strong sol- coats suitable for wood and masonry may also be
vents without discernible damage to the surface. used on metal. There are also several high per-
Urethane coatings are available as one- or formance coatings the cost of which may justify
two-part solvent and water-reducibles, powder their use only on metal. Suitable products for use
coatings, and as one part moisture cure version. as topcoats on iron and steel are quite numerous.
The two components generally cure dry-to-touch The older solvent reduced paints, such as those
in a few minutes at room or elevated temperature based on alkyds and phenolics, still serve useful
depending on their formulation. The two-part ure- purposes, and the synthetic resin binders provide
thanes provide better durability, solvent resistance topcoats with a wide range of durability potential.
and thoughness compared to air-dry urethanes. These range from the water reducible coatings
These costly resins have outstanding chemi- based on conventional acrylics, polyvinyl acetate
cal and stain resistance and toughness. The older or aminized polyesters, with moderate life cycles,
formulations yellowed and chalked outdoors, but to the ultra long term coatings based on epoxies,
new color stable types have been developed. The urethanes, vinyls, certain siliconized polymers, the
moisture-cured versions can be formulated to cure newer acrylics and the fluorocarbons.
within 30-60 minutes of application. Where moderate durability and indoor applica-
tions are required, alkyds are considered satisfac-
Vinyl Chloride Copolymers: Vinyl chlorides tory. For exterior application, when gloss retention
are combined with varying amounts of polyvinyl is an important consideration, the silicone modi-
acetate for softening and flexibility. The resulting fied alkyds are often used. Special requirements
binders are tough, nonflammable and resistant to or exposure conditions may require topcoats hav-
moisture, oils, salt water and chemicals. Pigmented ing higher performance values. Coal tar epoxies,
versions have excellent durability. Factory applied for example, consisting of epoxies and bituminous
vinyls include solutions, plastisols and organosols. asphalt, are used in heavy coats with suitable pig-
The plastisols have been supplied commercially ments where moisture is expected to be unusually
to the coil coating industry for more than a decade severe and color retention is not important. (See
and have found wide use as a high performance SSPC PS 11.01). Where exposure to the sun’s
exterior coating for building sheets and panels, rays may cause a buildup of heat on the metal
even when used in corrosive environments. surface, as on siding and roofs, white or light col-
Powder Coatings: Powder coatings use a ored coatings are preferred. Aluminum pigmented
wide variety of resins discussed above. Ther- paints are appropriate for such applications.
mosetting powders are available in polyester, A phenolic topcoat over a phenolic primer
epoxy, phenolic, acrylic, silicone resins and their serves well in locations that are damp or subject
combinations. As such, they demonstrate similar to chemical fumes, but their tendency to yellow
properties to those of liquid resins. Thermoplastic and chalk outdoors may be a problem. With alu-
powders include, polypropylene, nylon, fluorinated minum pigments, however, they have proven very
polymers, and vinyl chloride. durable. Chlorinated rubber finishes serve as

good insulators against electrolytic action where deposition, and powder coating, among others.
dissimilar metals are in contact, and they have Spray applications, widely used both in the
good acid and alkali resistance. Vinyl finishes factory and at the job site, are of several different
offer outstanding resistance to acids and alkalis types. The spray guns, all of which are designed to
and perform well in salt environments, but most of atomize the coating, may use either compressed
them offer very thin film build per coat. The newer air or other gas, or hydraulic pressure as the mo-
high build vinyls overcome this deficiency but ex- tive force, with various interchangeable nozzles
posures have not yet shown what sacrifices in per- and air caps for different kinds of coating. Thinning
formance may accompany improved film build and of the coating is often necessary, and only recom-
consequent labor saving. mended types of thinners should be used.
Epoxy finishes are distinguished for their Hot spray is a method which employs heat to
toughness and their acid and alkali resistance, but thin the coating, instead of a thinner. Its advantag-
they tend to chalk and yellow outdoors. Some ep- es are faster application, ease of applying thicker
oxies, chiefly those combined with polyamides and coats, moderately improved drying time and re-
polyamines, cure at room temperatures but per- duction of overspray.
form like oven baked coatings. These should not Airless spray utilizes hydraulic pressure, at-
be confused with epoxy esters. Other types dry to omization being achieved by release of the pres-
a tile like hardness but, unlike tile, are seam free, sure through a small orifice, along with some flash
permitting meticulous cleanup in sanitary areas. evaporation of solvents. Some units use a combi-
Urethane, coatings are available in a wide nation of heat and pressure. In general, this meth-
selection of types, ranging from those resembling od has all the advantages of hot spray, plus the
alkyds, but with some advantages, to highly so- elimination of heating units and the minimization
phisticated products capable of withstanding ex- of overspray.
posure to weather, abrasion, scrubbing, solvents, Electrostatic spraying uses the principal of
and impact. Some air dried versions perform like electrostatically charging the paint particle sprayed
baked coatings. The newer types have overcome so that it is attracted to the grounded object to be
yellowing tendencies. Those derived from versions coated which is of opposite polarity. This phenom-
used for aircraft and space equipment are so hard enon causes paint particles, which might normally
and solvent resistant that graffiti can be removed have missed the work piece, to be attracted to it
from them with strong solvents without discernible and even pulled around to the opposite side of
damage to the surface. the work piece from that being sprayed. Articles
Acrylics, in water reducible formulations for to be coated are conveyed through a spray zone
exterior applications, have excellent color and where an electrostatic field is maintained. Trans-
gloss retention and weather resistance. They are fer efficiencies with electrostatic spraying, i.e., the
suitable for use over inorganic zinc primers, epox- percent of the material sprayed which reaches the
ies, chlorinated rubber, and some alkyd primers. work piece, may often reach as high as 98 percent,
Premium quality acrylics, medium in price, have effecting a significant reduction in paint usage com-
performed satisfactorily in industrial atmospheres pared to the usage experienced with conventional
for more than a decade. methods. Electrostatic application equipment is
available in both manual and automatic types and
Application of Coatings in the form of air spray, airless spray or rotary disk
Organic coatings are applied to metals by a or bell atomizers. Many states now recognize the
variety of methods, depending upon the type of use of electrostatic spray equipment as a compli-
coating and whether the application takes place ance method in reduction of solvent emissions due
in the field or in the factory. Field applied paints, to the greatly reduced volumes of coating material
varnishes (clear coatings) and lacquers may be required in the production process.
applied by brush, roller, or spray gun. Factory ap- Dipping is an old, simple, and relatively crude
plied finishes have traditionally been, and still are, method of application, in which the object being
applied by spray, but other methods are being in- coated is momentarily immersed in a coating bath.
creasingly used. These include flow coatings, cur- With the proper coating formula, this is an appropri-
tain coating, roller coating (coil coating), electro- ate method for coating complex objects, provided



Application Life
Binder Type Typical Uses Shop Field Cost (years)

ACRYLICS – Solvent reducible yes no M 5

Water reducible: Residential siding and similar products;
air dried – nets and implements; clear topcoats yes yes M 5

baked – yes no M 10-15

ALKYDS Exterior primers and enamels yes yes L-M 5-7

CELLULOSE ACETATE Decorative high gloss finishes yes no M 2-3


CHLORINATED RUBBER Corrsion-resistant paints; swimming pool yes yes M 2-3

coatings; protection or dissimilar metals

CHLOROSULFONATED Paints for piping, tanks, valves, etc. yes yes H 15


EPOXY Moisture- and alkali- resistant coatings; yes yes M 15+

non-decorative interior uses requiring
high chemical resistance

FLUOROCARBONS High performance exterior coatings; yes yes H 20

industrial siding; curtain walls

PHENOL FORMALDEHYDE Chemical- and moisture- resistant yes yes M 10


POLYESTER Cabinets and furniture; ceiling tile; piping yes yes L-M 15
Maintenance finishes for both interior and
exterior applications

POLYVINYL CHLORIDE Residential siding; rain-carrying equip- yes yes L-M 5-10
ment; metal wall tile; baseboard heating
covers, etc. Plastisols: industrial siding;
curtain walls

SILICATES (inorganic) Corrsion-inhibitive primers; solvent- yes yes L-M 10-15

resistant coatings

SILICON-MODIFIED High performance exterior coatings; yes yes H-VH 10-15

POLYMERS industrial siding; curtain walls

URETHANE (aliphatic-cured) Heavy duty coatings for stain, chemical, yes yes M-H 10+
abrasion and corrosion resistance

KEY: L = Low; M = Moderate; H = High; VH = Very High; NA = Not Applicable or Not Available; P = Poor; F = Fair

they are designed to permit adequate drainage. method may be used with low viscosity resins or
Flow coating is closely related to dipping, and solutions, suspensions, or resin emulsions.
is appropriate for coating objects too large to dip. Roller coating is a long established method,
These are conveyed through a tunnel equipped suitable only for flat stock, that is commonly used
with nozzles that deluge them, using fluid pressure for continuously coating coiled sheet and strip.
only. Excess material is collected and pumped The coating is applied by a roller that is con-
back again to the nozzle reservoir. tinuously replenished with liquid, usually by a
Curtain coating is a method of finishing flat feed roller. The application may be either direct
objects or sheets, in which the item to be coated or reverse; that is, the application roller may ro-
passes through and perpendicular to a freely fall- tate either in the direction of the passing stock
ing “curtain,” or waterfall, of coating. The flow rate or in the reverse direction. Reverseroll coating is
of the falling liquid and the linear speed of the sub- more suited for critical work, as it permits inde-
strate passing through the curtain are regulated pendent adjustment of several variables affecting
to provide the desired thickness of coating. This quality.


Color Gloss Abrasion Water- Weldable

Stable Retention Stain Weather and Impact Reducible Clear as
Exterior Exterior Resistance Resistance Resistance Flexibility Available Available Primer

A yes VG G G F-G G yes yes*

yes G G F-G G G yes yes yes*

yes G-E G G-E G G yes yes yes*

A no G F F F F-G yes yes yes*

C yes G F G G G no yes no

C yes F F G G G no no no

C yes NA F E F-G E no no no

E no P G G-E E G yes yes yes*

F yes E E E E G no yes no

P no F F G-E G-E G no yes yes*

P some G-E G-E G-E G G-E yes yes yes


P yes G F G-E G G-E yes no yes*

S NA NA NA NA G G no no yes

S yes G-E G G-E G-E G yes no no


U some E G-E G-E G-E E yes yes yes*


G = Good; E = Excellent * For light non-structural welding only

Electrodeposition is a method of coating Powder coatings are deposited on an object

metal objects by suspending them in a water bath as finely divided solids consisting of resinous ma-
containing resins, electrolytic stabilizers and pig- terial, additives to aid performance, and colorants
ments, so that the objects are virtually plated with if desired. The object to be coated is electrically
resins and color by electrolytic deposition. Objects grounded if the powder is to be electrostatically
in the bath become either anode or cathode de- sprayed, and may be heated before or after the
pending on the chemistry of coating, while the an- powder is applied. A less frequently used pro-
ode (cathode) is either the tank or some suitable cedure is the fluidized bed process, in which the
object suspended in the tank. Suitable resins and object is heated and immersed in an enclosure in
pigments for this process were formerly limited which the powder is ‘’fluidized’’ by a gentle current
mainly to water-soluble epoxies and alkyd modi- of air.
fied phenolic resins and iron oxides, but progress Coalescence of the powder particles on
has been made in extending the selection and the heated surfaces, in either method, leaves a
color range of the resins. smooth, hard coating.


Care and Maintenance of Painted thoroughly rinsed with clean water. If the cleaner
Metals/General Considerations has been permitted to dry, it may be necessary
to sponge the surfaces while rinsing. Rinsed sur-
Organic coatings do not normally show an ap-
faces may be permitted to air dry or may be wiped
preciable amount of dirt accumulation. In many at-
dry with a chamois, squeegee, or lint free cloth.
mospheres, dirt and soil would not be detrimental
Cleaner rundown should be minimized and
to the coating, but cleaning and surface care may
those areas subject to rundown should be rinsed
be desirable for the sake of appearance. In areas
immediately, and as long as necessary, to lessen
where heavy industrial deposits have dulled the
the probability of streaking. Cleaning chemicals
surface where materials from construction pro-
must not be allowed to collect on surfaces, to pud-
cesses have soiled the surface, or where cleaner
dle on horizontal surfaces, or to collect in joints
has rundown from other surfaces, surface clean-
and crevices. These surfaces, joints and crevic-
ing is desirable.
es should be thoroughly flushed with water and
Climatic conditions affect the cleanliness of
organic coatings. In some areas rainfall may be
sufficient to keep exterior surfaces looking clean Mild detergents and soaps which are safe
and bright. In areas of low rainfall or in heavily in- for bare hands should be safe for coated metal.
dustrialized areas, periodic cleaning will be neces- Stronger detergents, such as some dishwater de-
sary. This is also true of foggy coastal regions with tergents, should be carefully spot tested. Some of
frequent cycles of condensation and drying which the latter would necessitate using rubber gloves
may cause a build up of atmospheric salts and and long handled brushes. Some mild clean-
dirt. In any climate, sheltered areas under over- ing solutions are available for automatic building
hangs may become soiled from lack of rain wash- washing machines.
ing. Cleaning painted metal components in the ex- Mild solvents such as mineral spirits may be
terior wall may be scheduled along with cleaning used to remove grease, sealant, or caulking com-
the glass. pounds. Stronger solvents or solvents containing
If automatic wall cleaning equipment is to be cleaners may soften paints. To prevent damage
used on a building, a test should be made early in to the finish, the coating manufacturer should be
the equipment design to ensure that the cleaning consulted and these types of solvent or emulsion
solutions and brushes, as well as the frequency cleaners should first be spot tested. Care should
of cleaning, will have no detrimental effect on the be taken to assure that no surface marring takes
coating. place in this manner since it could give an undesir-
able appearance at certain viewing angles. Clean-
ers of this type are usually applied and removed
Cleaning Procedures
with a clean cloth. Remaining residue should be
Painted surfaces should be cleaned as soon washed with mild soap and rinsed with water. Use
as possible after installation to remove construc- solvent cleaners sparingly.
tion soils and accumulated environmental soils. Since solvents may extract materials from
Ideally, a forceful water rinse from the top down sealants which could stain the painted surface or
should be employed before applying any cleaner. could prove harmful to sealants, their possible ef-
Some type of surface agitation helps. A low vol- fects must be considered. Test a small area first.
ume of water at moderate pressure is better than If cleaning heavy tenacious surface soil or
a high volume at low pressure. Rubbing the sur- stubborn stains has been postponed, a more ag-
face with soft brushes, sponges, or cloth during gressive cleaner and technique may be required.
the rinsing also helps. Cleaner and technique should be matched to the
If a simple water rinse with brushing, spong- soil and the painted finish. Some local manual
ing, or rubbing with a cloth is not sufficient to re- cleaning may be needed at this point. Always fol-
move the soil, a mild detergent or mild soap will be low the recommendations of the cleaner manufac-
necessary. Washing with a mild detergent or mild turer as to proper cleaner and concentration. Test
soap should be done by brushing or sponging with clean a small area first. Cleaners should not be
a uniform pressure, first horizontally, then verti- used indiscriminately. Do not use excessive, abra-
cally. Following the washing, the surfaces must be sive rubbing since it may alter surface texture or

impart a bright “shine’’ to the surface. chemical reactions and may evaporate water
Dried concrete spillage on the painted surface from solution. Extremely low temperature may
may be quite stubborn to remove. Special clean- give poor cleaning results. Cleaning under
ers and/or vigorous rubbing with nonabrasive adverse conditions may result in streaking or
brushes or plastic scrapers may be necessary. Di- staining. Ideally, cleaning should be done in
Iuted solutions of Muriatic Acid (under 10 percent) shade at moderate temperature.
may be effective in removing dried concrete stains • Do not substitute a heavy duty cleaner for a
and effective proprietary cleaners for concrete and frequently used, mild cleaner.
mortar staining are available, however, a test area • Do not scour painted surfaces.
should be tried first and proper handling precau-
• Never use paint removers, aggressive alka-
tions must be exercised for safety reasons.
line, acid, or abrasive cleaners. Do not use tri-
Mixing cleaners may not only be ineffective
sodium phosphate or highly alkaline or highly
but also dangerous. For example, mixing chlorine
acid cleaners. Always do a test surface.
containing materials such as bleaches, with other
cleaning compounds containing ammonia, can • Follow manufacturers recommendations for
produce poison gas. Always rinse the surface af- mixing and diluting cleaners.
ter removing heavy surface soil. • Never mix cleaners.
• To prevent marring, make sure cleaning
Summary of Cleaning Tips sponges, cloth, etc., are grit free.
• Overcleaning or excessive rubbing can do • “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
more harm than good. cure.”
• Strong solvents (MEK for example) or strong • In addition to the foregoing, consideration must
cleaner concentrations can cause damage to be given to the effects rundown may have on
painted surfaces. shrubbery, personnel, equipment and other
• Avoid abrasive cleaners. Do not use house- items located below. Such considerations may
hold cleaners that contain abrasives on paint- affect the timing in the cleaning schedule.
ed surfaces.
• Abrasive materials such as steel wool, abrasive Inspection
brushes, etc., can wear and harm finishes. It is suggested that the building owner or man-
• Avoid drips and splashes. Remove rundowns ager provide a qualified inspector to see that the
as quickly as possible. cleaning operations are carried out in accordance
• Avoid temperature extremes. Heat accelerates with the recommended procedures.



For more detailed information on the subject of organic coatings and corrosion control by coatings
the following references are suggested:

1. Wicks, Z., W., Jones, F., N., Pappas, S., P., Organic Coatings-Science and Technology, 2nd Ed.
Wiley-Interscience, 1999.
2. Baghdachi, J., Adhesion Aspects of Polymeric Coatings, Federation of Societies for Coatings Tech-
nology, 1997.
3. Hare, C., H., Protective Coatings-Fundamentals of Chemistry and Composition, Technology Publish-
ing Company, 1994.
4. Baghdachi, J., Coatings and Corrosion Control Instructional Manuals, 1997-2004, freshpaint@aol.
5. Munger, C. G., Vincent, L., D., Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings, National Association of
Corrosion Engineers, 2nd, Ed., 1999.
6. Wicks, Z., W., Corrosion Protection by Coatings, Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology,

Contributing & Referenced Organizations

N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami,

FL 33135.

Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association

================================== (BHMA), 355 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor New
============= York, NY 10017.

The Aluminum Association (AA), 900 19th Copper Development Association (CDA), 260
Street NW, Washington, DC 20006. Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016.

American Architectural Manufacturers Federation of Societies for Coatings

Association (AAMA), 1540 East Dundee Technology, 492 Norristown Rd., Blue Bell, PA
Road, Suite 310, Palatine, IL 60067-8321. 19422, www.coatingstech.org.

American Galvanizers Association (AGA), International Organization for Standardization

12200 East Iliff Avenue, Suite 204, Aurora, (ISO) Note: ANSI represents U.S. technical
CO 80014. activities in this organization.

American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), National Association of Corrosion Engineers
1000 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC (NACE Intl), 1440 South Creek Dr., Houston, TX
20036. 77084, www.nace.org.

American National Standards Institute Porcelain Enamel Institute (PEI), 1911 North
(ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY Fort Meyer Drive, Arlington, VA 22209.
Powder Coating Institute, 2121 Eisenhower
ASTM International (ASTM), 100 Barr Ave., Suite 401, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA
19428-2959. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC),
4400 5th Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
American Welding Society (AWS), 550
Zinc Institute (ZI), c/o Zinc Institute Archives,
Held by Special Collections, Linderman Library,



Acid chloride treatments..................................2-7 Bright finishes..................................................2-6

Acid chromate treatments...............................1-7 Bright finishes, chemical..................................1-6
Acid sulfate treatments ...................................2-7 Bright finishes, highly specular,
Acrylic lacquer, clear organic, INCRALAC......2-8 diffuse bright...............................................1-7
After fabrication galvanizing ...........................4-6 Bronze, definition.............................................2-2
Alkaline cleaning ............................................4-4 Brushed finishes, aluminum ...........................1-4
Alkyd coatings.................................................2-9 Brushed finishes, copper alloys.......................2-4
Aluminized sheet and coil, thicknesses Buffed finishes, aluminum...............................1-3
and weights, Table 4-2.............................4-10 Buffed finishes, copper alloys..........................2-4
Aluminizing....................................................4-10 Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association,
Aluminum Association, AA............................1-16 BHMA.................................... 1-15, 2-11, 3-13
Aluminum, finishes for.....................................1-2
Aluminum coatings.................................4-5, 4-10 Carbon steel, finishes for.................................4-2
Aluminum hardware, finishes for, Carbonate treatments......................................2-7
Table 1-1..................................................1-15 Care and maintenance,
Aluminum zinc coatings.................................4-11 anodized finishes......................................1-11
Anodic coatings...............................................1-7 Care and maintenance, painted
Anodic coatings, Architectural Class I.............1-9 finishes............................................1-13, 5-26
Anodic coatings, Architectural Class I I...........1-9 Cartridge brass................................................2-2
Anodic coatings, classification.........................1-9 Cementation process, metallic coating............4-5
Anodic coatings, clear ....................................1-8 Chemical brightening.......................................1-6
Anodic coatings, color ....................................1-8 Chemical cleaning.........................................5-11
Anodic coatings, electrolytically deposited .....1-8 Chemical cleaning, aluminum.........................1-6
Anodic coatings, integral color .......................1-8 Chemical cleaning, copper..............................2-6
Anodic coatings, integral color hardcoats . .....1-8 Chemical cleaning, iron and steel...................4-4
Anodic coatings, standard designations, Chemical finishes, aluminum...........................1-5
Table 1-5..................................................1-21 Chemical finishes, copper...............................2-6
Anodic films.....................................................1-5 Chemical finishes, standard designations,
Anodized aluminum, care Table 1-4..................................................1-20
and maintenance......................................1-11 Chemical finishes, standard designations, Table
Anodizing, sulfuric acid process .....................1-8 2-4............................................................2-15
Applied coatings..............................................4-4 Chromate pretreatment, aluminum
Applied coatings, preparation for...... 4-3, 4-4, 5-9 zinc coating . ............................................4-10
Applied organic coating finishes .....................2-8 Clad sheet aluminum.......................................1-5
Architectural uses of coatings, Cladding process, metallic coating .................4-5
Table 5-2.........................................5-24, 5-25 Cleaning, chemical .........................................1-6
As fabricated finishes, aluminum.....................1-3 Cleaning methods...........................................4-3
As fabricated finishes, copper alloys...............2-2 Cleaning procedures ...........................1-12, 5-26
Cleaning, stainless steel.........................3-6, 3-15
BHMA finish code numbers .................1-15, 2-11 Clear organic coatings.....................................2-8
Brass, definition...............................................2-2 Coatings..........................................................5-2


Coating adhesion............................................5-6 Extruded architectural bronze.........................2-2
Coating galvanized steel...............................5-17
Coatings, anodic, clear, color .........................1-8 Fabricator............................... 1-2, 2-3, 3-2, 4-3
Coatings, comparative properties, Factory finishes.............................................5-19
Table 5-2.........................................5-24, 5-25 Fastener alloys................................................2-2
Coatings, essential properties.........................5-4 Field finishes.................................................5-22
Coatings, metallic...................................4-4, 5-15 Film, anodic ....................................................1-5
Coining............................................................3-3 Finisher . ................................... 1-2, 2-3, 3-2, 4-3
Colored finishes...............................................3-8 Finishes for aluminum hardware,
Commercial bronze.........................................2-2 Table 1-1..................................................1-15
Conversion coating........................... 1-7, 2-7, 4-4 Finishes for brass and bronze hardware,
Commercial galvanized sheets and coil, thick- Table 2-1..................................................2-11
nesses and weights, Table 4-1 ..................4-7 Finishes for carbon steel hardware,
Copper Development Association, CDA.......2-11 Table 4-3 .................................................4-11
Corrosion.......................................................5-12 Finishes for stainless steel hardware,
Curtain coating.....................................5-23, 5-24 Table 3-4 .................................................3-13
Flame cleaning................................................4-4
Degreasing, vapor............................ 1-6, 2-6, 4-4 Flow coating..................................................5-24
Designation of mechanical finishes for stainless Fusion welding process, metallic coating .......4-5
steel sheet, Table 3-2...............................3-11
Designation system, Galvanic action ...............................................4-6
aluminum finishes.....................................1-16 Galvanized surfaces, painting of ...........4-9, 5-17
Designation system, aluminum finishes, Galvanized sheets and coil, thicknesses and
examples..................................................1-17 weights.......................................................4-7
Designation system, copper Galvanizing......................................................4-6
alloy finishes.............................................2-11 Galvanizing, Specification Standards for . ....4-12
Designation system, copper alloy finishes, ex- Galvannealed sheets.......................................4-8
Dipping..........................................................5-24 Hand rubbed finishes, aluminum.....................1-4
Directional textured finishes, aluminum...........1-4 Hand rubbed finishes, copper alloys...............2-4
Directional textured finishes, copper alloys.....2-4 Hand cleaning, iron and steel .........................4-3
Drying and curing of coatings..........................5-5 Hardcoat color anodizing.................................1-8
Hot-dip galvanizing, after fabrication ..............4-6
Electrodeposition...........................................5-25 Hot-dip process, metallic coating....................4-5
Electrodeposition, zinc....................................4-6 Hot-dip process, galvanizing...........................4-6
Electrolytically deposited color anodizing........1-9 INCRALAC......................................................2-8
Electroplating..........................................4-5, 4-12 Impregnated color anodizing...........................1-8
Electropolished finishes...................................3-9 Inspection, applied coatings..........................5-27
Electropolishing...............................................1-6 Integral color anodizing...................................1-8
Enamels..........................................................5-3 Lacquers..........................................................5-3
Epoxy............................................................5-23 Laminated finishes, standard designations,
Epoxy coatings, clear......................................2-9 Table 2-5 .................................................2-15
Epoxy primers, aluminum zinc coatings........4-11
Etched finishes.........................................1-6, 2-6 Maintenance, brown statuary finishes.............2-9

Maintenance, green patina finishes...............2-10 and maintenance......................................1-13
Maintenance, stainless steel........ 3-6, 3-14, 3-15 Painting of galvanized surfaces.......................4-9
Matte finishes, chemical, fine, medium, Patina finishes........................................2-7, 2-10
coarse..............................................................1-6 Patterned finishes.....................................1-5, 2-6
Matte finishes, fine, medium, coarse........2-4, 2-6 Pickling ...........................................................4-4
Matte finishes, sandblasted, extra fine, fine, me- Pigmented coatings.........................................2-9
dium, coarse...............................................1-4 Polished finishes, copper alloys......................2-3
Mechanical cleaning......................................5-10 Polished finishes, stainless steel.... 3-7, 3-8, 3-11
Mechanical finishes, aluminum.......................1-3 Powder coating............................... 5-3, 5-6, 5-25
Mechanical finishes, copper alloys...........2-2, 2-5 Power tool cleaning, iron and steel.................4-3
Mechanical finishes, Precautions: aluminum, anodized finishes....1-10
stainless steel.............................. 3-2, 3-4, 3-5 Precautions: aluminum, chemical finishes......1-7
Mechanical finishes, standard designations and Precautions: aluminum, mechanical finishes..1-5
definitions.................................................3-11 Precautions: copper alloy finishes, chemical...2-8
Mechanical finishes, standard designations, Precautions: copper alloy finishes, color
Table 1-3..................................................1-19 uniformity..................................................2-10
Mechanical finishes, standard designations, Precautions: copper alloy finishes,
Table 2-3..................................................2-14 mechanical.................................................2-5
Mechanical surface treatments, iron Precautions: galvanized finishes.....................4-9
and steel.....................................................4-3 Precautions: stainless steel finish protection...3-5
Melamine modified alkyd coating....................2-9 Precautions: use of weathering steel..............4-9
Metallic coatings.....................................4-4, 5-15 Primers..........................................................5-18
Mill finishes, aluminum....................................1-2 Process finishes........................ 1-2, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4
Mill finishes, iron and steel..............................4-3 Processor.................................. 1-2, 2-3, 3-2, 4-3
Mill finishes, stainless steel.............................3-2 Product design considerations
Muntz metal.....................................................2-2 for hot-dip galvanizing................................4-6

Nitrocellulose coatings....................................2-9 Quality control tests.........................................1-9

Non directional textured finishes, aluminum....1-4
Non-directional textured finishes, Red brass........................................................2-2
copper alloys..............................................2-4 Relative costs, finishes for aluminum..............1-2
Non-etch cleaning, aluminum..........................1-6 Relative costs, finishes for carbon steel
Non etch cleaning, copper alloys....................2-6 and iron . ....................................................4-3
Non specular as fabricated finishes................1-3 Relative costs, finishes for copper alloys........2-3
Relative costs, finishes for stainless steel.......3-2
Oiling ..............................................................2-9 Restoration, statuary finishes..........................2-9
Organic coatings .....................................2-8, 5-2 Resins........................................ 5-20, 5-21, 5-22
Oxide film or coating produced Roller coating................................................5-24
by anodizing...............................................1-8
Oxide treatments.............................................2-7 Sacrificial action.......................................4-5, 4-6
Paint pretreatments for galvanized Sandblasted finishes, aluminum......................1-4
sheets ........................................................4-8 Sandblasted finishes, copper alloys................2-5
Paintability of untreated galvanized Satin finishes, aluminum, fine, medium,
surfaces......................................................4-9 coarse.........................................................1-4
Painted aluminum, care Satin finishes, copper alloys, fine, medium,


coarse.........................................................2-4 Stainless steel wire, finishes for....................3-12
Sealing of anodic coatings..............................1-9 Standard finish designations, Aluminum
Selection guidelines, stainless steel..............3-15 Association ..............................................1-16
Selection of grade, care, and maintenance of Statuary bronze finish......................................2-7
stainless steel...........................................3-14 Steel, finishes for ............................................4-3
Selenide treatments........................................2-8 Steel, weathering . ...................................4-2, 4-9
Shot blasted finishes, aluminum, fine, medium, Structural steel, high strength, low alloy,copper
coarse.........................................................1-4 bearing . .....................................................4-2
Shot blasted finishes, copper alloys, fine, me- Sulfide treatments...........................................2-8
dium, coarse...............................................2-5 Summary of standard designations,
Shot blasting....................................................4-3 Table 1-2..................................................1-18
Special finishes for galvanized sheets............4-8 Summary of standard designations,
Specification standards for galvanizing...........4-7 Table 2-2..................................................2-13
SSPC Specifications for cleaning Surface preparation.........................................5-8
of steel.................................................4-3, 4-4
Specular as fabricated, cold rolled, finish........1-3 Thermal spraying process...............................4-5
Specular finish, aluminum ..............................1-3
Specular finishes, copper alloys...............2-3, 2-4 Unified numbering system...............................2-2
Specular, smooth (mirror like) finish................1-3 Unspecified “as fabricated” finish....................1-3
Spray applications.........................................5-23 U .S. Finishes
Standard finish designations, Copper Develop- Designations...................... 1-15, 2-10, 3-13, 4-12
ment Association......................................2-11
Stainless steel bars, surface finishes and condi- Vapor degreasing............................. 1-6, 2-6, 4-4
tions, Table 3-3.........................................3-13
Stainless steel extrusions, finishes for..........3-13 Wash primer....................................................4-9
Stainless steel pipe and tubing, finishes for..3-12 Waxing ...........................................................2-9
Stainless steel plate, finishes for...................3-10 Weathering steel....................................4-2, 4-10
Stainless steel shapes, classification of, Welding anodized aluminum...........................1-3
Table..................................................3-1, 3-10 Wipe coated galvanized sheets.......................4-8
Stainless steel sheet, finishes for..................3-10
Stainless steel strip, finishes for....................3-12 Zinc coatings...................................................4-6




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