14 Chapter 4
14 Chapter 4
14 Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
An investor in the stock market would be interested in analysing the
stock price movements. Prices in the stock market fluctuate due to continuous
buying and selling in the market. There are basically two approaches used in
analysing the share price movements. They are fundamental approach and
technical approach. Both these approaches have the same objective of buying at
lower price and selling at a higher price to gain good return on investment. It
can be said that the end goal of these two methods are one and the same.
intrinsic value of a share based on its current and future earning capacity. They
would buy the share when its market price is below its intrinsic value.
study of past prices and a few other related summary statistics about security
demand for a share is greater than its supply the chances of price showing an
upward trend is more which prompts the analyst to buy. On the other hand if the
supply is more than demand he would sell the particular share or book his
even before the period of extensive and fully disclosed financial information,
United States, the use of trading rules to detect patterns in stock prices is
Fig. 4.1
Approaches to valuation
Approaches to Valuation
is traced to the late 1800s. Many of the techniques used today have been utilized
for over 60 years. These techniques for discovering hidden relation in stock returns
can range from extremely simple ones to quite elaborate and complicated ones.
not only a personal predilection, but a professional one as well. Technical analysis
is anathema to the academic world. We love to pick on it. Our bullying tactics are
prompted by two considerations (1) the method is patently false; and (2) It is easy
to pick on. And while it may seem a bit unfair to pick on such a sorry target, just
Wall Street. All major brokerage firms publish technical commentary on the
market and individual securities, and many of the newsletters published by various
“experts” are based on technical analysis. In recent years the efficient market
hypothesis has come under serious siege. Various papers suggested that stock
returns are not fully explained by common risk measures. A line of research
from past returns. In general, the results of these studies are in sharp contrast with
earlier studies that supported the random walk hypothesis and concluded that the
predicable aviation in equity returns was economically and statistically very small.
returns have been suggested as: (1) Market inefficiency in which prices take
swings from their fundamental values, and (2) Markets are efficient and the
the recent studies on predictability of equity returns from past returns suggest that
stage and to ride the trend until the weight of evidence suggests that the trend has
reversed the directions. The first task of a technical analyst is to ascertain the
with the help of historic price and volume of data. Majority of the technical
analysts monitor the price movement on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
summarized follows:
the market discounts everything. It signifies that the price at which the
security is quoted represents the hopes, fear, inside information and all
b) The market moves in trends and the trends when established, has a
tendency to continue further for some time and then reverse at some other
point of time.
e) Trends in stock prices have been seen to change when there is a shift in the
f) There are both rational and irrational factors which surround the supply and
g) The shifts in demand and supply can be detected through charts prepared
h) Patterns which are projected by charts record price movement and these
i) Action and reaction resulting from buying and selling pressures lead to
Technical analysis can be very well applied to various markets. The same
approach can be adopted in trading in the commodity market, currency market and
others of similar type .However one has to understand that there is nothing in the
whole world which can be perfectly predicted. That says the relevance of the word
“WEIGHT” that is used by a technical analyst. The “WEIGHT” here refers to the
Charles Dow who was the editor in of a Wall Street Journal formulated this
theory. This theory was presented in a series of editorials in the Wall Street Journal
basis but is influenced by three distinct cyclical trends which are simultaneous in
minor movements.
The primary movement has a long cycle which carries the entire market up
or down. Secondary reactions are opposite reactions to the primary movement and
be present in the market only for a short while. Minor movements are nothing but
the day today fluctuations in the market. These three movements have been
compared to the tides, the waves and the ripples in the ocean.
Fig. 4.2
Primary trend and secondary reactions
Source: Kevin. S, Portfolio Management, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2000, P 23
Market Indicators
Line Studies
Chart Formations
Market indicators are used to gauge the changes in all securities with in a
specific market. They typically analyse the stock market, although they can be
used for other markets like futures. Such indicators add depth to technical analysis
because they analyse more information than price and volume. Market indicators
Examples of monetary indicators are interest rates, the money supply in the
and they do the opposite. Their rationale in this behaviour is that if there are too
many people who believe price will rise then there won’t be enough investors left
to push prices much higher. The following are the most widely followed surveys
Investor’s Intelligence
current momentum of the market is and explains what prices are actually doing.
word ‘dawn’s early light’ or the change from night to day. The Aroom Indicator
allows anticipating changes in security prices from trending to trading range. These
changes are anticipated by measuring the number of periods that have passed since
the most recent X-period high and X-period low. The Aroom indicator consists of
two plots, one measuring the number of periods since the most recent X-period
high (Aroom Up) and the other measuring the number of periods since the most
recent X-period low (Aroom Down). The actual plotted value is a “Stochastic” like
security makes a new 14 day high, the Aroom Up=100; when the security makes a
new 14 day low, the Aroom Down=100. When the security has not made a new
high for 14 days, the Aroom Up=0; when the security has not made a new low 14
difference between the mean price of a commodity and the average of the means
over the time period chosen. This difference is then compared to the average
difference over the time period. The result is then multiplied by a constant that is
designed to adjust the CCI so that it fits into a “normal” trading range of +/- 100.
While the CCI was originally designed for commodities the indicator also
4.4.3 MACD
security’s price from a 12-day moving average of its price. The result is an indictor
that oscillates above and below zero. When the MACD is above zero, it means the
12-day moving average is higher than the 26-day moving average. This is bullish
as it shows that current expectations (i.e the 12 -day moving average) are more
bullish than previous expectations (i.e) the 26-day average. This implies a bullish
or upward shift in the supply/demand lines. When the MACD falls below zero, it
means that the 12- day moving average is less than the 26-day moving average,
4.4.4 Momentum
The momentum indicator measures the amount of a security’s price that has
changed over a given time span. There are basically two ways to use the
buy when the indicator bottoms and turns up and sells when the indicator peaks
and turns down. Other way is to use Momentum Indicator as a leading indicator.
This method assumes that market tops are typically identified by a rapid price
increase (when every one expects prices to go higher) and that market bottoms
typically end with rapid price declines (when every one wants to get out).
Oscillator means movement across a reference point. Oscillators are used along
with the price chart and never advised to be used in isolation to predict price
period is made. As the security’s price changes, its average price moves up or
There are five popular types of moving averages: simple (also refereed so
be calculated on any data series including a security’s open, high, low, close,
also common. The only significant difference between the various types of moving
Simple moving averages apply equal weight to the prices. The most
commonly used weights are 1 for day one, 2 for day two and so on. As per this
method one has to multiply the closing prices with the weights and add the
weighted closing price. Exponential and weighted averages apply more weight to
recent prices. Triangular averages apply more weight to prices in the middle of the
time period. Variable moving averages change the weighting based on the
oscillators. The name “Relative Strength Index” is slightly misleading as the RSI
does not compare the relative strength of two securities, but rather the internal
RSI can be calculated for any number of days depending upon the need of
the technical analyst. In fact, it can be said that greater the time period, the lower
will be the volume of wrong signals. Daily RSI is calculated by taking daily
closing price, for weekly computation weekly data has to be taken and for monthly
indicator which is used as an excuse to buck the trend but should be used to
identify trading opportunities along the trend. The Stochastic Oscillator compares
whether a security’s price closed relative to its trading range over the last X-time
periods. The formula for the per cent K parameter of the Stochastic is:
Lowest low
(Today’s close) –
%k period
eg.: to calculate a 20 day per cent K: First, find the security’s highest high and
lowest low over the last 20 days. For this example let’s assume that during
the last 20 days the highest high was 46 and the lowest low was 38, a range
of 8 points. If today’s closing price was 41, per cent K would be calculated.
The stochastic oscillator always ranges between 0 percent and 100 percent.
A reading of 0 percent shows that the security’s close was at the lowest price that
the security had traded during the preceding x-time periods. A reading of 100 per
cent shows that the security’s close was at the highest price that the security had
periods ago. Larrey Williams notes that the value of this type of Oscillator can vary
greatly depending on the number of time periods used during the calculation. Thus,
he developed the Ultimate Oscillator that uses weighted sums of three Oscillators,
each of which uses a different time period. The three Oscillators are based on
The parameters for the Oscillator are shown below. These parameters are
First cycle: Enter the number of time periods in the short- term cycle
Second cycle: Enter the number of time periods in the intermediate term
Third cycle: Enter the number of time periods in the long-term cycle.
Line studies are technical analysis tools that consist of lines drawn on top
of a security’s price and /or indicator. These include support lines, those indicating
resistance and the trend line concepts. The following are the major types of line
One of the basic tenets put forth by Charles Dow in the Dow Theory is that
security prices do trend. Trends are often measured and identified by “trend lines”.
A trend line is a sloping line that is drawn between two or more prominent points
on a chart. It is nothing but the direction of movement. There are basically three
directions in which the prices can move and these three dimensions give rise to the
The trend is said to be a rising trend, when the prices are moving upwards.
Rising trends are defined by trend line that is drawn between two or more troughs
(low points) to identify price support. When prices keeps moving downwards it is
said to be a falling trend. Falling trends are defined by trend lines that are drawn
between two or more peaks (high points) to identify price resistance. If the prices
are moving in a narrow range, the trend can be said as a flat one.
Speed Resistance Lines also called 1/3-2/3 lines and are a series of trend
lines that divide a price movement into 3 equal sections. They are similar in
quantitative way to determine the underlying trend and when the prices are
overextended. A Linear Regression trend line uses the least squares method to plot
a straight line through prices so as to minimize the distances between the prices
price charts. The most important technique is probably the percentage retracement.
Gann divided the price action in to eight parts and each of this part was divided by
eight to get a unique percentage. He believed that this percentage can be used to
identify the tops and bottoms posted by the scrip. He was also a firm believer in the
50 percent retracement rule. As per this rule the share should have a support level
at the 50 percent retracement level. This level can be computed by taking the net
rise in price.
conjunction with time and price. Gann believed that specific geometric patterns
and angles had unique characteristics that could be used to predict price action. All
of Gann’s techniques require equal time and price intervals be used on the charts,
so that a rise/ run of 1 x 1 will always equal a 45 degree angle. Gann believed that
the ideal balance between time and price exists when prices rise or fall at a 45-
degree angle relative to the time axis. This is also called a 1 x 1 angle. Prices rise at
around the year 1170. It is rumored that Fibonacci discovered the relationship of
what are now referred to as Fibonacci numbers while studying the Great pyramid
successive numbers is the sum of the previous two numbers .For example: 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, etc. These numbers possess an interesting
number and any given number is approximately 0.618 times the following number.
There are four Fibonacci studies: arcs, fans, retracements and time zones.
of a change in trend as prices near the lines created by the Fibonacci studies.
resistance levels can be triggered by fundamental changes that are above or below
fulfilling prophecy. The cause is not as significant as the effect – new expectations
Support levels indicate the price at which majority of investors believe that
the prices will move higher, and resistance levels indicate the price at which
majority of investors feel prices will move lower. The following points explain the
Support levels occur when the consensus is that the price will not move
lower. It is the point where buyers outnumber sellers.
Resistance levels occur when the agreement is that the price will not move
higher. It is the point where the sellers outnumber buyers.
technical analysis a chart is truly worth a thousand words. Chart patterns can be
Reversal Patterns
Continuation Patterns
These are the turning points during any up move or down move. Support
level is the price level where one can expect buying pressure to mount to an extent,
whereby the fall in prices would be halted for the time being. Resistance level on
the other hand would indicate the price level where the selling pressure would
Support and resistance levels
Source: Kevin. S, Portfolio Management, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2000, P 79
double bottom and triple bottoms and double tops and triple tops. In double bottom
a share exhibits another bottom near the previous bottom after some time. If the
share finds support in the third time also somewhere near the previous bottoms we
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 52
while the prices are moving up which makes it move downwards, that particular
level is called as the resistance level. The price will bounce back when it reaches
that particular level. The double tops and triple tops are stronger resistance levels.
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 53
Reversal patterns are chart formations that tend to reverse the direction of
the trend. These patterns can be spotted on the daily, weekly or monthly charts. For
prior trend. In the market generally the signal of a trend reversal is the violation of
The most popular reversal pattern is the Head and Shoulder formation
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 69
The first hump ie the left shoulder is formed first and then the price of the
scrip dips to form a downward swing. The prices then rise to post a higher top and
then to another hump to post a bottom. The second higher top is termed as the
head. The third top is termed as the right shoulder. For the completion of the head
and shoulder pattern, it is necessary for the prices to move below the neckline.
Neckline is the trend line drawn by connecting the lower price levels of the
established pattern.
Inverse head and shoulder formation is the reverse of the head and shoulder
formation. It occurs at the end of the bear phase and has three distinct.
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 73
The major difference between the head and shoulder pattern and the inverse
head and shoulder is that in the reversal pattern volume plays an important role. In
the reverse pattern if prices have to show an upward trend then active buying is a
must. Prices going down can be because of any of the minor reasons also, but
These are patterns which provide a breathing space to earlier sharp rise or
fall and after the completion of these patterns the prices tend to move along the
original trend.
this chart pattern. Among the continuation patterns, triangles are the most attractive
ones. Triangle is formed with the help of two trend lines. One is the upper trend
line connecting the consecutive significant tops and other trend line is drawn by
a triangle is two bottoms and two tops. It indicates a continuation of the trend.
Triangle Formation
Source: Kevin. S, Portfolio Management, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2000, P 82
Flags and Pennants are the other commonly found chart patterns .Both are
continuation patterns and in general is preceded by either a sharp rise or fall in the
value of the scrip. These patterns are considered to be one among the most reliable
chart patterns.
Bullish Flag
Source Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 97
Bearish Flag
Source Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 97
The flag formation looks like a parallogam with the two trend lines forming
two parallel lines. Volume of trading is expected to fall during the formation of the
two trend lines ,the upper trend lines which is falling is drawn by connecting the
lower tops .The lower trend line will be rising and is drawn by connecting the
rising bottoms. The normal time span for the formation of a pennant will be less
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 99
Figure 4.12 depicts a typical bullish pennent for Tata Power. It can be seen
from the figure that after the formation of this chart pattern there was further
increase in the share price for some time before another trend reversal.
Tata Power - Bullish Pennent
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 99
4.6.4 Gaps
The discontinuity seen in a bar chart or any other chart patterns are termed
as ‘Gap’ in technical analysis. Gap can be detected in daily, weekly and even in
monthly bar charts but they are more commonly seen in daily charts. Gaps can be
Common gaps
Breakout gaps
Runaway gaps
Exhaustion gaps
Common gap is observed when the prices move in a narrow range. Break
out gap mark the completion of the congestion pattern. When the prices move in a
narrow range it is called as a congestion gap. The move which ensures a breakout
generally carries the prices faster and further away. Runaway gaps occur when the
prices either rise or fall rapidly. Normally they occur during a straight line rise or
fall. Exhaustion gaps follow the runaway gaps and they occur when the rally is
getting exhausted.
Majority of the western indicators are called as lagging indicators as they predict
the market moves after the turning point has been reached. In case of candlestick
technique, it can predict the market moves before the turning point is reached.
In this technique, construction of charts are done taking care of open, high
,low and closing prices of the scrip(Figure.4.13).The X-axis would represent the
days and Y-axis the prices. The charts will represent the demand and supply
Japanese Candlestick Chart
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 184
From the above figure it can be observed that a candlestick chart has
basically three parts-the upper shadow, lower shadow and the body. The upper and
lower shadows are in the form of a straight line. The top of the upper shadow would
represent the high prices of the day and the bottom of the lower shadow will be the
lower prices of the same day. The body of the candlestick would be shaded, if the
opening price is higher than the closing prices. The body will not have any shading,
if it is lower than the closing price. So by looking at the shade of the body an analyst
can interpret whether the day was having a bullish trend or a bearish trend.
there are mainly three types of chart pattern: White candle, Black Candle, Doji
Types of Candles
Source: Capital Market, Technical Analysis-Ideal for Beginners, Capital Market Publishers India
Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, 2005, P 185
The White candle can be interpreted as closing prices for the period were
higher than the opening prices. The black candle would indicate that the closing
prices were lower than the opening prices. Doji candle indicates that the open and
technical analysis. Such skeptism arise from the lack of convincing evidence that
the application of technical trading can be consistently profitable. Many blame that
technical analysis fail in giving precise trading rules. They argue that even when
In spite of all these criticisms against technical analysis, the fact is that
technical analysis has cheered the development of behavioural finance over the past
decade. This enthusiasm stems from the belief of the technicians that stock prices are
driven by rational and irrational behavior. However, in many cases this irrational
behavior is not linked to the specific price patterns identified by the technical experts.
As a result there exists a significant gap between the theory and practice.
experience and judgment is the key to success. In many cases greed and fear rules the
market and in such conditions all these rules for trend line construction and pattern
potential and the acceptance of graphical analysis by the investors, the significance of
the tools used for technical analysis, has not diminished over these years.