Stunting, Prevalence, Associated Factors, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia
Stunting, Prevalence, Associated Factors, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia
Stunting, Prevalence, Associated Factors, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia
Yadessa Tegene Woldie1 --- Tefera Belachew2 --- Dejene Hailu3 --- Tesfalem
Teshome4 --- Hordofa Gutema5
Department of Health Information Technique, Hawassa College of health science, Hawassa, Ethiopia
Population and family health Department, College of public health and medical science, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
College of medicine and health sciences, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia
Department of Public Health, Hawassa College of health science, Hawassa, Ethiopia
Department of Health Education and promotion , College of medicine and health science, Bahir Dar University Bahir Dar Ethiopia
Background: Stunting is a serious health problem and deep rooted in southern Ethiopia of poor diet, in
adequate food intake, disease burden, population growth, poor health service delivery and repeated drought.
Objective: to assess the prevalence of stunting and associated factors among under five year’s old children in
the study area. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Wondo Genet Woreda from February,
25 to March 15, 2011. The sample size was determined using formula for estimating single population
proportion. The sample size was determined using formula for estimating single population proportion.
Three Kebele’s were selected by stratified two stage cluster sampling method and study households were
identified by simple random sampling technique from each ‘Kebele. The data was analyzed using SPSS
v.16.0 statistical software version16.0. For all statistical significance tests, the cut- off value set will be
p<0.05 with CI of 95%. Results: Out of 576 study participants 50.3% were stunted. Stunting was 3.1times
more common in households where decision was made by husband only (P=0.001), paternal education level
of 7-8 grade was 2.29 times the contributing factor of stunting [AOR= 2.29, 95% CI: 1.15-4.54].
Children who did not eat vegetable source foods were 2.54 times more likely to be stunted [AOR= 2.54,
95% CI: 1.20-5.37]. Conclusion and Recommendation: Prevalence of stunting in Wondo Genet Woreda is
similar when compared to the national figure and among female and male participants. Home delivery was
found to be the protective factors of stunting and similar impact was seen by displacement from usual
residence. Thus the community based nutrition program for prevention and early detection of stunting
should be strengthened.
Keywords: Stunting, Prevalence, Associated factors, Wondo genet, Ethiopia.
† Corresponding author
© 2015 Asian Medical Journals. All Rights Reserved.
International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
Received: 8 June 2014/ Revised: 18 November 2014/ Accepted: 22 November 2014/ Published: 26 November 2014
Contribution/ Originality
This study is the first of its kind in this study area. So it contributes for strengthening in the
existing literature at national and regional level.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that stunting is one of the most important
indices of child well-being throughout the world. In developing countries approximately 32%, or
186 million children <5 years of age are stunted. [1]
Stunting reflects long-term nutritional status of a child and is assessed by height-for-age.
The WHO considers two standard deviations less than the mean short-for-age or stunted. Three
standard deviations less than the mean are considered severely stunted and between two and
three standard deviation less than the mean is moderately stunted. The WHO has recommended
that the US National Center for Health Statistics growth charts be used as the reference
population when looking at growth patterns in children. During infancy and very early childhood,
low height-for-age is the most sensitive indicator for moderate malnutrition. If intervention
occurs early, then stunting that occurs during infancy may be reversible. Stunting generally
begins in infancy and develops within the first two years of life. In developing countries 30-60%
of children have some degree of stunting. [2, 3]
The highest levels of stunting are from Eastern Africa, where on average 50 % of preschool
children are affected in the year 2010. In Eastern Africa stunting is increasing at 0.08 % per year.
Over the period 2000 to 2005, numbers are expected to increase from about 22 to 24.4 million
preschool children. The recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of Ethiopia gives a similar
picture of the state of stunting to that of the 1998 survey. In this survey, the prevalence of
stunting in Ethiopia was 51.2 percent. According to the 1992 survey, national prevalence of
stunting in Ethiopia is (64 %) which was the highest in the world. [4-7]
The 2005 Ethiopian national survey has reported that, of all the under five children in the
country, 47% are stunted. This shows that the rate of stunting in Ethiopia is still higher than the
reported percent for developing countries. The situation of child malnutrition is different among
regions. For instance, in southern Ethiopia; the prevalence of stunting is 52 %, one of the highest
rates in Ethiopia and unacceptably high by any standards [8]. Reducing the prevalence of
stunting from 46% to 40% is one of the activities designed to be implemented in the first phase of
the national nutrition program. So far there is no study which documented the prevalence of
stunting and associated factors in the study area. The objective of this study is to assess the
prevalence of stunting and associated factors among under five years old children in Wondo
Genet Woreda, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia by hypothesizing There is high prevalence of
stunting in Wondo Genet Woreda compared to the recent national figures.
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
breast feeding, Weaning practice, Immunization status, Child illness, Vitamin A supplementation,
Maternal age, ANC follow up, Place of delivery, Monthly income, Source of water, Number of
rooms, Presence of Latrine and Household food insecurity were independent Variables.
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
3.1. Socio Demographic Characteristics of the Study Population
Socio Demographic Characteristics of the Study Population presented in table 1. In this study
a total of five hundred seventy six participants were involved giving a response rate of 100%.
From the 576 participants, 288 (50%) were male children giving a male to female ratio of 1:1. The
mean age of the study participants were 34.8 ((±1.5) months. From the study participants 511
(88.7%) were protestant, and 43 (7.5%) were Orthodox. Majority of the study subjects 466
(80.9%) were Sidama, other account for 110 (20.1%). The majority 553 (96%) of the study
participants were married and lives in union. Most of the study subjects 433 (75.2%) had no
formal schooling and only 1 (0.2%) had completed college or universities level education while the
remaining 142 (24.65%) had attended formal schooling. Housewives and farmers account for 403
(70%) and 124 (21.5%) respectively and civil servants account the smallest figure 8 (1.4%).
The mean family size of the study participants was 6.35 (2.04) persons, while 30.7% of the
households had more than 7 family members. Of the households more than half of the study
participants 319 (55.4%) had two under five year old children and 5(0.5%) of the households had
four under five years of age. The majority 556 (96.5%) of children lived in male-headed
households. Farming was the major sources of income 483 (83.9%). In 321 (55.7%) of the
households decision on how the money would be spent was made only by husbands. Among the
respondents, 59.2% of the households had latrines covered with a shade while 10.4% did not have
a latrine. Access to safe water was reported by 91% of the respondents. In more than half of the
study participants 279 (48.4%) maize were their staple diet followed by kocho 247 (42.9%).
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
(SD) number of rooms in the houses were 2.3 (0.9%). Majority of the households 410 (71.2%) had
a farm land size of <0.25 hectares and 91(15.8%) had >0.25 hectare and the remaining 75(13%)
households had no farm land. The commonest cash crops in the area 210 (36.5) was chat. Most of
the households 446 (77.4%) had animals (such as ox, cow, horse, donkey, goat, sheep, or chicken)
while 22.6% of them had no animals. Concerning monthly income of the study subjects 505
(87.7%) were ≤500 Birr and the remaining 71 (12.3%) had monthly income of >500 Birr.
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
those children who ate (AOR= 2.54 [95% CI: 1.20-5.37]). Those children who ate fruit
occasionally were 68% less likely to be stunted than who did not eat fruit and who ate once a
week. Those who ate from animal source occasionally 47% less likely to be stunted (AOR= 0.53
[95% CI: 0.29-0.97]). Children of households not displaced from their usual residence 2.9 times
more likely to be stunted than displaced children (AOR=2.92[95%CI: 1.36-6.28]).
We found out that the prevalence of Stunting was 50.3%, the rate being 51.7 for boys and
48.96% for female. Other than a slight decrement, the result was parallel with the 2005 national
and regional (SNNPRS) figure of Ethiopia which is 47% and 52%, respectively [8]. There is no
significant difference in prevalence of stunting between the national figure of 2005 and under five
children of Wondo Genet Woreda (P>0.05).
Age and sex are important demographic variables and are the primary basis of demographic
classification in most cross-sectional studies in developing countries and here in Ethiopia have
shown that female children are at higher risk of stunting than male children. Few studies showed
boys are more malnourished than girls. Study conducted in West Gojam Zone revealed, male
children’s face nutritional disadvantages compared to female children. Even though male
preference is prominent in this study area and studies in Ethiopia tending to show that it is female
infants who usually receive less food than their male counterparts surprisingly, there is no
significant association between gender difference and stunting (p>0.05). Similarly, study
conducted in Gaza striprevealed as there is no difference in stunting between boys and girls [10-
14]. The finding of this study revealed that sex preference doesn’t face nutritional disadvantage
in Wondo Genet Woreda.
Although the pathways through which paternal education may influence stunting have been
less frequently investigated, work from Indonesia and Bangladesh suggests that these may
include health-promoting behaviors such as childhood vaccination, family planning, attendance at
the local health clinic and vitamin A supplementation [15]. Study conducted by EHNRI also
revealed that likelihood of being stunted was 1.4 times higher among children of father who has
no education compared with children whose father has some secondary or higher education.
Children whose father had some primary education were also 1.3 times more likely to be stunted
compared to children whose father had some secondary or higher education [16]. Contrary to the
above reports, in this study we have observed significant positive association between paternal
education (grade 7-8) and child stunting (P<0.05). The probable reason for this finding might be
those father in this range of educational level may not be employed in different organization
because of their academic rank or they might be attending their education, so may not get enough
time and money to care for their children.
Study conducted in Nepal showed that power over economic decisions regarding food is not
favorable for children’s nutritional status when held solely by the mother or father. They found
that when parents share power over what food to buy or what to cook, children enjoy slightly
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
better growth than their counterparts whose parents do not share power [17]. Similar to the
above findings in this study we found a significant positive association between decision making
role made by only the husband and stunting (AOR= 3.11[95%CI: 1.61-5.99]). Those children of
parents’ decision making role on utilization of money handled only by the husband were 3.1 times
more likely to be stunted than others. Study conducted in Ecuador showed as malnutrition rates
were much higher for children who were born at home; the stunting rate for home-born children
was 37.8 percent, compared with 18.6 percent for those born in institutional settings. The ratio
was almost 2 to 1 in most cases [18].In this study a significant association between place of
delivery and stunting was found, which is contrary to the above findings. Those children born in
health facility were 6.26 times more likely to be stunted (AOR= 6.26[95%CI: 1.11-35.34]). This
may not be surprising because in our study area mothers seek medical help only when they face
difficulty during labor and delivery. Mal nutrition is one cause of abnormal labour for mothers,
and it has an intergenerational cycle.
Infant-feeding practices constitute a major component of child caring practices apart from
socio- economic, demographic, health care and environmental factors [19]. In this study it was
observed that those children who ate from animal source occasionally are less likely to be stunted
by 47% than who didn’t eat and those who consume every day. Those who ate fruit occasionally
were less likely to be stunted by 68%. Children who didn’t eat vegetables were more likely to be
stunted than who ate (AOR=2.54[95%CI: 1.20-5.37]).
Birth order of the child is one of the demographic variables explaining the risk of stunting in
children. Study conducted in other parts of Ethiopia revealed that Children of first birth order
were found to be at a significantly higher risk of stunting than children of higher birth order
[16]. Contrary to this study, there is a significant positive association between higher birth order
and stunting. Similar finding was observed in study conducted by EDHS [8]. This higher risk of
stunting in higher birth order children could be due to shortage of resource because of large
family size.
Study conducted in Peru revealed a significant association of displacement from usual
residence and child stunting [20]. Similarly study from Mexico also revealed the positive
association between stunting and displacement [21]. However we found out negative impact of
non displacement from usual residence on child stunting (2.92[95%CI: 1.36-6.28]) .Non displaced
children were nearly 2.92 times more likely to be stunted than displaced. The possible reason for
this unexpected finding might be shortage of money which urged them to stay at home during the
disaster time.
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
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[7] Central Statistical Authority, "Demographic and health survey 2000." Preliminary Report, ORC
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
Table-1. Sociodemographic characteristics of study subjects in Wondo Genet Woreda, southern Ethiopia (n=576)
Socio-demographic variables Frequency Percent
Household head
Male headed 556 96.5
Female headed 20 3.5
Maternal education
Have no formal education 433 75.2
Have formal education 143 24.8
Paternal education
Have no formal education 334 58
Have formal education 242 42
Maternal occupation
House wife 403 70
Civil servant 8 1.4
Farmer 124 21.5
Petty trader 32 5.6
Others1 9 1.6
Marital status
Married in union 553 96
Married not in union 10 1.7
Divorced 5 0.9
Widowed 8 1.4
Muslim 21 3.6
Orthodox 43 7.5
Protestant 511 88.9
Others2 1 0.2
Source of income
Farming 483 83.8
Daily laborer 17 3
Others3 76 13.2
Decision making on use of money(n=576)
Mainly husband 156 27.1
Only husband 96 16.7
Both jointly 321 55.7
Only wife 3 0.5
Sidama 466 80.9
Oromo 46 8
Amhara 11 1.9
Others4 53 9.2
1-Evajelist, traditional healer 2-Jova, Catholic, 4-Wolayita, Hadiya,
Adventist 3-donation, merchant, silte, gurage
civil servant
Table-2.Maternal and Child characteristics of the study subjects in Wondo Genet Woreda, 2011 (n=576)
Maternal and Child characteristics Frequency Percent
Sex of the index child
Male 228 50
Female 228 50
Birth order of the index child
1-2 129 22.4
3-4 201 34.9
≥5 246 42.7
Interval between the last children(n=545)
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
Table-3. Maternal and Child characteristics of the study subjects in Wondo Genet Woreda, 2011 (n=576)
Maternal and Child characteristics
Frequency Percent
Feeding from vegetable
Yes, once a week 93 16.1
Yes, occasionally 215 37.3
No 268 46.5
ANC during the last pregnancy
Yes 563 97.7
No 13 2.3
Place of delivery
Home 561 97.4
Health facility 15 2.6
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
Delivery attended by
TBA 413 75.3
Health personnel 17 3
Others 125 21.7
Maternal age at marriage
18-35 277 48.1
>35 299 59.9
Total under five children born to a mother (Mean + SD) 1.7±0.6
Total children born to a mother (Mean + SD) 4.3±1.9
Table-4.Housing condition and reported assets of the study participants in Wondo Genet Woreda, 2011(n=576)
Housing condition and reported assets
Name Frequency Percent
House type
Grass roof hut (thatched roof) 288 50
Corrugated iron roof 282 49
Walls covered with cement andCorrugated ironroof 6 1
Number of rooms in the house
1-2 353 61.3
3-5 223 38.7
Land ownership
Land size ≤ 0.25 hectare 410 71.2
Land size > 0.25 hectare 91 15.8
Do not have their own land 75 13
Farm animals
Own farm animals 446 77.4
Do not own farm animals 130 22.6
Cash Crop production (n=343)
Coffee 3 0.5
Fruit 28 4.9
Chat 210 36.5
Monthly income(Birr)
<500 505 87.7
≥500 71 12.3
Staple food of house hold
Kocho 247 42.9
Maize 279 48.4
Teff 50 8.7
Table-5. House holds food security of study participants in Wondo Genet Woreda, 2011 (n=576)
Food security status %
Food secured 298 51.7
Mildly food insecure 22 3.8
Moderately food insecure 62 10.8
Severely food insecure 194 33.7
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International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2015, 2(2): 36-49
Table-7. Analysis of selected characteristics of stunted and non- stunted children in Wondo Genet Woreda, Southern
Ethiopia (logistic regression analysis) (n=576)
Factor associated with stunting
Variables Stunted Non stunted Crude OR Adjusted OR
No. ( %) No. ( %)
Decision in money
Mainly husband 68[11.80] 88[15.28] 1 1
Only husband 64[11.11] 32[5.56] 0.39[0.04-4.35] 3.11[1.61-5.99] **
Both jointly 156[27.08] 165[28.65] 1[0.09-11.45] 1.16[0.67-2.01]
Only wife 2[0.35] 1[0.17] 0.47[0.04-5.27] 0.35[0.02-8.23]
Displaced 15[2.60] 39[6.77] 1 1
Non displaced 275[47.74] 247[42.88] 0.35[0.19-0.64] ** 2.92[1.36-6.28] **
Paternal education
Not educated 166[28.82] 168[29.17] 1 1
Read and write 24[4.17] 27[4.69] 1.98[0.49-8.03] 0.56[0.28-1.12]
Grade1-6 46[7.99] 47[8.16] 1.78[0.40-7.89] 1.09[0.61-1.95]
Grade7-8 33[5.73] 21[3.65] 1.96[0.46-8.29] 2.29[1.15-4.56] *
Grade9-12 18[3.13] 17[2.95] 3.14[0.71-13.95] 1.08[0.46-2.54]
College/University 3[0.52] 6[1.04] 2.12[0.46-9.84] 0.51[0.09-2.93]
Place of delivery
Home 278[48.26] 283[49.13] 1 1
Health facility 12[2.08] 3[0.52] 0.25[0.07-0.88] * 6.26[1.11-35.34] *
Birth order
1-2 60[10.42] 69[11.98] 1 1
3-4 99[17.19] 102[17.71] 0.76[0.49-1.17] 1.39[0.79-2.46]
5-12 131[22.74] 115[19.97] 0.85[0.59-1.24] 3.19[1.64-6.21] **
Fed animal source
Yes every day 46[7.99 37[6.42] 1 1
Yes occasionally 198[34.38 220[38.19] 0.78[0.42-1.48] 0.53[0.29-0.97] **
No 46[7.99 29[5.03] 0.57[0.34-0.94] * 1.07[0.49-2.36]
Fed fruit
Yes once a week 22[3.82] 16[2.78] 1 1
Yes occasionally 93[16.15] 110[19.09] 1.26[0.64-2.48] 0.32[0.13-0.79] *
No 175[30.38] 160[27.78] 0.77[0.55-1.09] 0.52[0.11-1.73]
Fed vegetable
Yes once a week 40[6.94] 53[9.20] 1 1
Yes occasionally 98[17.01] 117[20.31] 0.58[0.36-0.93] 1.64[0.89-3.05]
No 152[26.39] 116[20.14] 0.64[0.45-0.92] * 2.54[1.20-5.37] *
**: P<0.01 *: P<0.05
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