Generate Stepper Motor Linear Speed Profile in Real Time
Generate Stepper Motor Linear Speed Profile in Real Time
Generate Stepper Motor Linear Speed Profile in Real Time
M Y Stoychitch
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vojvode S. Stepanovica
71, 78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract. In this paper we consider the problem of realization of linear speed profile of stepper
motors in real time. We considered the general case when changes of speed in the phases of
acceleration and deceleration are different. The new and practical algorithm of the trajectory
planning is given. The algorithms of the real time speed control which are suitable for realization
to the microcontroller and FPGA circuits are proposed. The practical realization one of these
algorithms, using Arduino platform, is given also.
1. Introduction
Stepper motor is an electromechanical device that converts electrical digital pulses into mechanical shaft
rotation. Many advantages are achieved using this kinds of motors, as: (i) precise positioning and
repeatability of movement, (ii) the motor has full torque at standstill (if the windings are energized), (iii)
very reliable and easy maintenance since there are no contact brushes, and (iv) a wide range of rotational
speeds can be realized since the speed is proportional to frequency of the input pulses. Some
disadvantages of these motors are: (i) resonance can occur if not controlled properly, and (ii) not easy
to operate at extremely high speeds, [1], [2].
An important issue about stepper motors is that they are usually used in an open control loop. This
means that the motor control system has no feedback information about the position, which eliminates
expensive sensing and feedback devices.
Many systems with stepper motors need to control the speed using values of acceleration and
deceleration defined in advance. Herein we will analyze the general case, when change of speed in the
phase acceleration and deceleration is linear and different (ramp speed profile). In Figure 1 the
relationships between acceleration a [rad/sec2 ] , deceleration d [rad/sec2 ] , speed v [rad/sec] and
position s [rad] are shown. On this figure with ta , tv , td and T (all in [sec]) are labeled: the time of
acceleration, time of motion of constant speed, time of deceleration and total time, respectively. Also,
with Na , Nv , Nd and N (all in [step]) are denoted number of steps on the mentioned time intervals, see
Figure 1.
Since the stepper motor makes steps in discrete time (after each pulse) and the move of every step
is constant, the change of speed is achieved by changing the time interval between successive steps
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International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
(pulses). It means that the main problem of speed control is to determine instants of the time ti (in [sec]
when pulses (steps) are generated. If speed v [rad/sec] is constant v const. (independent of whether
it is large or small), it is very easy to determine these instants (or equivalently, generate the pulses). In
this case the time delays ti , between two arbitrary adjacent pulses, are the same and they are given as,
ti / v const. , where [rad] is the angle of the rotation motor shaft for every step. But, if the speed
is variable, vi const. , it is more difficult to determine the instants when we need to generate pulses
because the time delay between two successive pulses is changed, ti / vi const. . In the case when
acceleration/deceleration are constant, the speed is changed linearly, but the time interval ti between
two adjacent pulses is not linear. So, we need to determine the time ti , i 0,1, 2, , when pulses are
generated and that ensure linear change of speed. It is shown for the acceleration phases in Figure 2.
t 0 t1 t i time t
t0 t1 t2 ti ti 1
v const.
t 0 t1 t i time t
t0 t1 t2 ti ti 1
accelerating, v const .
Figure 2. Constant speed and accelerating step sequences
Generally, the problem of generating appropriate speed profile to a stepper motor we can split in the
two main tasks: 1) to determine a shape the speed change and 2) generate impulses in appropriate instant
of time in order to achieve this speed.
And, at the end of this section, a few words about the structure of the paper. The second section is
related to the trajectory planning (solving of the first task), where based on some input data about the
motion and properties of the selected stepper motor we calculate characteristic points of a movement,
i.e. determining a speed profile. In the third section are given two algorithms based on which to generate
pulses (solving of the second task). One of these algorithms is appropriate for realization using a
microcontroller and another using FPGA circuits. In the fourth section we will propose a way of
realization one of these algorithms. And finally, in the fifth section, are given some conclusions, and
in the appendix is given an Arduino program of practical realization one of algorithms which is
proposed in the previous sections.
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
2. Trajectory planning
Since the change of speeds are linear, then trajectory planning means that need to determine the number
of steps during which the following phases are realized: acceleration N a , motion of constant speed Nv ,
deceleration N d as well as the number of steps of the total movement N . In doing so we assume that
the total movement s and the ratio m a / d between acceleration a and deceleration d are given.
Usually, by the stepper motor manufacturer are specified the next parameters: number of steps per round
K [step], starting speed (the stepper motor can go from 0 to this speed in no time) vs [rad/sec],
maximum speed vM [rad/sec] and the maximum acceleration1 aM [rad/sec2].
Now, our problem can be described as: we need to move a stepper motor for N ( [s / ]) steps (here
the symbol [] denotes the nearest integer), 2 / K [rad] , so the start speed not higher then vs , the
acceleration a not higher then aM , during the motion the speed v must never exceed the maximum
speed vM and the ratio acceleration/deceleration is m.
At the beginning of trajectory planning we assume that the total movement s can be achieved with
a triangular speed profile, which include only two phases: acceleration and deceleration (we also assume
that the acceleration a during the acceleration phase is maximum, a aM ). In this case the movement s
is (see Figure 3, left)
1 2 1 2
s so sa sd vsT ata ata td dtd (1)
2 2
1 1 2
where so vsT , sa = ata 2 and sd ata td dtd are the motions: due to the start speed vs during the
2 2
time T, due to acceleration a on the time ta and due to deceleration d on the time td (we assume that the
deceleration d not limited, but the time td T ta 0 ), respectively. Since the speed at the end of the
acceleration phase is the same as the speed at the beginning of the deceleration phase, then the next
a T
ata dtd d T ta T ta ta (2)
m 1 m
is valid. From the equations (1) and (2) it is obtained
aT 2 2vs 1 m 2s 1 m
2 s vsT T2 T 0, (3)
1 m a a
from where we get the solving of the above square equation per T, as
If the manufacturer is specified the speed in [step/sec] and acceleration in [step/sec2] then relation between
them are: 1[step/sec] 2 / K [rad/sec] and 1[step/sec2] 2 / K [rad/sec2]
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
vs 1 m vs 1 m 2s 1 m
T . (4)
a a a
Using this T we calculate the time of the acceleration phase ta T / 1 m and checking that the speed
v vs ata at the end of the acceleration phase is greater than the maximum allowed speed vM .
s, vs , vM , a M , K ,
m a / d,
2 s
, N , a aM , tv 0,
vs m 1 v m 1 2 s m 1
T s
a a a
ta , td T t a , v vs ata
m 1
trapezoidal triangular
speed profile speed profile
v vM
v vs
v vM , t a , Tad ta m 1, N a N / m 1 ,
aTad 2 Nd N Na , N v 0,
td Tad ta , sad vs Tad ,
2 m 1
s sad
tv = , T Tad tv ,
N ad sad / , N a N ad / m 1 ,
N d N ad N a , N v N N ad ,
If it is v vM , then the initial assumptions is true, so that the total movement can be realized with a
triangular speed profile. In this case the number of steps in the acceleration phase N a and in the
deceleration phase N d are calculated as
Na N / 1 m , Nd N Na . (5)
The flow chart of this algorithm of the trajectory planning is shown on Figure 4. However, when v vM
is not true, then is the total movement s can be realized with trapezoidal speed profile (see Figure 3,
right). In this case, we additionally need to include a third phase, the phase of moving with constant and
maximum speed, v vM . Now, based the speeds vs and v and the accelerating a we calculate the
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
time of the acceleration phase ta v vs / a and the total the time Tad ta 1 m of the both phases,
of acceleration and deceleration, together. Using this Tad we calculate the total movement sad in the
phases acceleration and deceleration (see (3)) , as
aTad 2
sad vsTad , (6)
21 m
so that the movement sv in the phase of constant speed is sv s sad . The time tv during the phase of
constant speed is realized and the total time T of all phases are given as
s sad
tv , T Tad tv . (7)
Now, in the case of trapezoidal speed profile, using of the known movements s, sad and sv and the step
, we can calculate the number of steps: Na , Nd and Nv in the each phases of the motion, as:
Nad sad / , Na Nad / 1 m , Nd Nad N a , Nv N Nad . (8)
The complete algorithm of the trajectory planning for the general case of the trapezoidal speed profile
is shown on Figure 4.
3.1. Calculate times when the pulses are generated using time per steps algorithm
The first pulse (step) controller generates at the start of motion, at the start of the phase of acceleration,
i.e. at the time t0 , see Figure 5. After the first pulse is generated, the controller needs to calculate the
time period t0 until the next pulse, wait until this period has elapsed, and then generate the next pulse,
at time t1 . This will go on until the desired position is achieved, or in other words, the desired number
of pulses has been generated. At the start, the speed is vo vs , and it retains its value until the moment
t1 when it becomes v1 , at the moment t 2 becomes v2 , and so on. Since after each pulse the motor makes
one step for the angle , so that is
vi ti ti , (9)
where the vi is speed at an arbitrary instant of time ti and ti the time delay between two successive
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
instants of time, ti and ti 1 . In the case when the controller is realized by using a microcontroller, the
accel . decel.
t i a
vi / ti f
velocity v [rad/sec]
vi 1 / t i 1
v1 / t1
vo / to
vs t0 ti 1 ti
t0 t1 t i 1 ti t i 1 time t [sec]
t 0 ti 1 ti
t0 t1 t i 1 ti ti 1 time t [sec]
Figure 5. Calculate the time when pulses are generated
required time delay ti is implemented using counter ci that counts impulses of known frequency f ,
so it is ti ci / f . Based on the above considerations, the speed is changed only at the discrete time ti .
But, since inertia always exists, thus we can assume that the speed vi between two arbitrary successive
instants of time ti 1 and ti , i 1 , changes linearly (see bright lines in Figure 5. ). Thus, the speed vi at the
arbitrary instant of time ti , and in the phase of acceleration, becomes
vi vi 1 a ti 1 , i 1 . (10)
Using above equations, the value of the counter ci becomes
f f f ci 1 a
ci ci , Ra . (11)
vi vi 1 a ti 1 f
c i 1 1 R a c i 1
f 2
ci 1 f
In a similar way, in the phase of deceleration, we obtain
ci 1 d
ci 2
, Rd . (12)
1 Rd ci 1 f2
From (11) and (12) we can see that the time delay ci (or equivalently ti ) is calculated based on the
previous time delay ci 1 , i 1 , which is already known and what is very suitable for realization. Further,
it implies that it is necessary to determine the initial time delay co and the time delay during of the phase
of constant speed (if exist) cm . These time delays are obtained based on the start speed vs and the
maximum speed vM , respectively, as
f f
co and cm . (13)
vs vM
After detailed analysis and simulation of the above proposed algorithm, in [9] was shown that the
speed profile that generated by stepper motors more exact (closer to the theoretical) if in the first and
last five steps are introduced some corrections. These corrections are realized by using the next equations
( i the current number of steps)
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
0.08 0.08
c i ci 1 , 1 i 5 and ci ci 1 , 1 N i 5 . (14)
i N i
where are i the current number and N the total number of steps. For more details see paper [9]. On the
Figure 6 is given flow chart of this algorithm (without the corrections that are given by (14) ).
N , N a , N d , Ra , Rd ,
C Co , Cm , n 0,
C, n
n n 1
n Na R Ra
n N
end Y
n N Nd R Rd
C Cm C
timeDelay(C) C
1 RC
3.2. Calculate times when the pulses are generated using steps per time algorithm
Calculating the time delay between two pulses using algorithm that is given by equations (11) and (12)
require two multiplication, one addition, and one division (all with float number of double precision)
for each step. This algorithm it is not suitable for implementation by using FPGA circuits, because
multiplication and division with them is difficult or very slow. Unlike them, the addition and subtraction
with this circuits is realized very easily and very fast. Therefore, for FPGA-based controllers, it is
necessary to find another algorithms, in which for all calculations in real time, are used only addition
and subtraction operations.
It is known from theory that between the acceleration a t , velocity v t and position p t , at
some time interval 0,T , the following relations apply:
t t
v t a d and p t v d , t [0, T ] . (15)
0 0
Above equations are given in a continuous domain. In a discrete domain with a constant time period Ts ,
so it is T MTs , where Ts is very small real number and M is integer, these equations at discrete time
interval tk kTs , k 0,1,2, , m, m M become:
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
m m
v kTs v k a k Ts and p kTs p k v k Ts . (16)
k 0 k 0
According equation (16), if it is dimension of the acceleration a in steps / Ts 2 , then dimension of the
velocity v is in steps / Ts and dimension of the position p is in steps ( for example: if it is Ts in
ms - milliseconds, then a in steps / ms2 , v in steps / ms and p in steps ).
From (16) it can be seen that for calculating, for example p k k 0 v k Ts , necessary addition
and multiplication with Ts . But if this equation it is solved at every Ts , then multiplication with Ts is
not necessary, since at every instant of time Ts the new part of position v k 1Ts v k 1 is added to
the existing value of position.
N , Na , Nd , v , A, D, n 0,
p 0, stoj false,
vv A
interrupt p pv
Y p n 1
A 0 N a n N Nd
Y n n 1
A D n N Nd
nn N
Y end
stoj = true
And finally, let the dimensions are: of acceleration a steps / Ts 2 , of speed v steps / Ts and of
positions p steps , and let at the initial time t0 0 kTs , k 0 , their values are: acceleration A ,
speed V s , position 0 and number of steps steps 0 , then by solving the next equations:
speed speed acceleration
position position speed
at every instant of time Ts , it is equivalent to the solution of the equations (16). The value of position
that is given from (17) it is the same to the expected current position, and value of the steps is the same
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
to the actual current position. The instant of time when a new pulse (step) is generated now is determined
from the next requirement: if (position-steps >= 1) then the new pulse is generated and the new actual
current position steps becomes steps=steps+1. Flow chart of this algorithm is shown in Figure 7. In this
flow chart the next label: p – position, n – steps, v- speed and A-acceleration are used.
The implementation of the procedure (17) (i.e., the solution of the equation (16)) is easiest to
accomplish using an interrupt, where interrupt occurs by every Ts instant of time. The value of the time
period Ts depends of the motion parameter ( K , aM , vM ) and of type and speed of a processor, which is
the problem of special analysis that is not the subject of this paper.
Figure 8. Devices for the experiment: Arduino, driver and stepper motor
Arduino program through which, based on the entered data, the planning of the trajectory and
generation of the pulses using the steps per time algorithm (section 3.2) is given in the appendix. In this
program we use the interrupt frequency F = 10 000 Hz, so that the time period Ts 1/ F 0.1 ms . Since
the inputs data for acceleration, speed and position the next units of measure: [rad/sec 2], [rad/sec] and
[deg] are used, respectively, then it must be translated into new units: [steps/Ts2], [steps/Ts] and [steps].
This conversion are achieved using the following relations: acceleration [rad/sec2] K / 2 / F 2
acceleration[steps/Ts2], speed[rad/sec] K / 2 / F speed[steps/Ts] and position [deg] K / 360
position [steps].
The given program enables the input and change of all parameters of movement, as well as their
displaying. After the reset, the initial values are loaded, and the current position of the stepper motor
shaft is considered as a zero position. After each next entry of the new position, the program determines
the direction and value of the angle from the current to the new position and plans the trajectory between
these two positions.
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
5. Conclusion
In this paper, problem of the control of a stepper motor with linear change of the speed is considered.
This problem involves solving two tasks. The first task (that is solved in section 2) is the trajectory
planning so that all requirements relating to the parameters of motor and motion are fulfilled, while the
second task is the real-time control of the motor motion, according to the requirements from the first
task (this task is solved in section 3). The general case is analyzed, when the absolute values of the
acceleration in the phases of acceleration and deceleration are different. Two completely different
algorithms related to real-time control of motors are proposed. One of these algorithms is adapted for
controllers based on FPGA circuits, while both algorithms are suitable for controllers that are based on
a microcontroller.
All the theoretical considerations in this paper were simulated by experiment. The results of the
experiment confirm the proposed theoretical considerations and show that are all proposed algorithms
very fast and simple.
Arduino program
#define K 4096 //number of steps per one revolution
#define F 10000 //interrupt frequency 10kHz
float s = TWO_PI,vs = 0.5,vM = 2,aM = 2.0, m = 2,T,ta,tv,td,ss,aa = aM,vv = vM;//a[rad/sec^2],v[rad/sec],s[rad]
double alfa = TWO_PI/K, Af = aM/alfa/F/F, Vsf = vs/alfa/F, Df = -Af/m, //Af[steps/Ts^2],Vsf[steps/Ts]
brzina = Vsf, pozicija = 0; //
//cN-current number of steps, dN-desired number of steps
long N, Na, Nv, Nd, broj, cN, np = -1;
byte cw[] = {0b0001, //A,
0b0011, //A,B
0b0010, //B,
0b0110, //B,C
0b0100, //C,
0b1100, //C,D
0b1000, //D,
0b1001}; //D,A
byte dcw = sizeof(cw), kk = 0, maska = 0xF0, ledPin = 13;
char ch, chh;
boolean smjer = true, stoj = true;
void setup() {
Serial.print("CONTROL of STEPPER MOTOR\n");
Serial.print("Commands: Pxxxx, desired position s[deg]X10 \n");
Serial.print(" Bxxx, start speed vs [rad/sec]X10 \n");
Serial.print(" Vxxx, max. speed vM [rad/sec]X10 \n");
Serial.print(" Axxx, max. acce aM [rad/sec2]X10 \n");
Serial.print(" Rxxx, the ratio m*10 of acce/dece \n");
Serial.print(" S,-stop, M,- move, W-write paramet. \n");
DDRB = 0b00001111; //pins 8,9,10,11 are outputs
PORTB = PORTB & 0xF0; //all outputs are zero
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); //led pin, this pin start and stop is labeled
//settings interrupt, every 1/10[ms] the interrupt has occurred
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
if (ch == ','){
if (chh == 'P') {
s = broj/10.0; // s[deg]
stoj = planTrajek(s);
if (chh == 'B') vs = broj/10.0;
if (chh == 'V') vM = broj/10.0;
if (chh == 'A') aM = broj/10.0;
if (chh == 'R') m = broj/10.0;
if (chh == 'S') stoj = true;
if (chh == 'M') stoj = false;
if (chh == 'W') pisiSve();
broj = 0;
//this procedure displaying current data
void pisiSve(){
Serial.print("Displacement s = ");Serial.print(s,2); Serial.print("[deg]\n");
Serial.print("Start. speed vs = ");Serial.print(vs,2);Serial.print("[rad/sec]\n");
Serial.print("Max. speed vM = ");Serial.print(vM,2);Serial.print("[rad/sec]\n");
Serial.print("Max. accler. aM = ");Serial.print(aM,2);Serial.print("[rad/sec^2]\n");
Serial.print("Ratio of a/d m = ");Serial.print(m,2); Serial.print("\n");
Serial.print("Stop = ");Serial.print((stoj)? 1:0);
Serial.print(", Move = ");Serial.print((stoj)? 0:1);Serial.print("\n");
//trajectory planning procedure
boolean planTrajek(float _s){
Serial.print("\nDATA: newP = ");Serial.print(_s,2); Serial.print("[deg], ");
Serial.print(", curP = "); Serial.print(float(cN*360.0/K)); Serial.print("[deg]");
N = int(_s*K/360.0) - cN ; //difference from desired and current position [steps]
if (N < 0) smjer = false;
else smjer = true;
if (N == 0) {np = -1; return true;} //
N = abs(N); float s_ = N*alfa;
T = sqrt( pow( (vs*(1+m)/aa),2)+2*s_*(1+m)/aa )-vs*(1+m)/aa; //N = round(s/alfa);
ta = T/(1+m); vv = vs + aa*ta; //td = (T-ta); tv = 0;
Na = int(N/(1+m)); Nd = N - Na; Nv = 0;
vv = vM; ta = (vM-vs)/aa; T = (1+m)*ta; ss = vs*T+aa*pow(T,2)/(2*(1+m));
//ss - is tha part of movement in the phases of acceleration and deceleration only
//np - number of steps on the movement ss
np = int(ss/alfa); T = (1+m)*ta+(s_-ss)/vv; //tv = (s_-ss)/vv; td = T - ta - tv;
Na = int(np/(m+1)); Nd = np - Na; Nv = N - np; //Nv - number of steps in the phase v=const.
//Vsf [steps/0.1ms] - the start speed, Af[steps/(0.1ms)^2]-acceleration, Df-deceleration
Vsf = vs/alfa/F; Af = aa/alfa/F/F; Df = -Af/m;
brzina = Vsf; pozicija = 0; np = 0;
International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2017) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/294/1/012055
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