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Generative Learnimg Theory

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Learning Theor y
Jane Wimberg
Darryl Hollins
What is GLT?
♦ An environment based theory
suggesting that, instead of solving a
pre-defined problem, learners must
be subjected to generating their own
learning by:
– Generating their own problems
– And then solving them…
GLT Main Points
♦ Theoretical ♦ Practical
– Closely related to
– Brainstorm
– Strategies are similar – Categorize
to cooperative learning – Team teaching
– Explore perspectives – Construct mental
– Build upon prior models/concept
– Actively generate ideas
– 4 Elements: Recall, – Generate sub-
Integration, problems, sub-goals,
Organization, and strategies for
Elaboration achieving a larger
Key Player in GLT
Merlin C. Wittrock Wittrock@ucla.edu


•The reader works not only to make a connection between

the content being read and his or her prior knowledge.
•The reader must also reorganize that prior knowledge by
taking into account the information gained from reading.

“The generative model is a model of teaching of comprehension

and the learning of the types of relations that learners must
construct between stored knowledge, memories of experience, and
new information for comprehension to occur, Wittrock, 1991.”
Instructional Design Implications
♦ Increases, increases, increases…
– active engagement in learning
– comprehension for both high and low ability students
– achievement without additional time, equipment or
– voluntary sustained attention
– students’ metacognitive skills
♦ As long as inform the learners that learning…
– is a generative process
– begins with believing in themselves
♦ And identify…
– learners’ models, preconceptions, learning strategies
and styles, attitudes, beliefs that are relevant
– learners’ self control strategies (metacognitive)
GLT Incorporated into the
Dick and Carey Model

Which steps? How?

Designers could incorporate GLT when
developing their instructional strategies and
instructional materials.

This could accomplished with KWL charts,

graphic organizers, journals and anecdotes.
Five Interesting GLT Websites
♦ http://watservl.uwaterloo.ca/~acpalmer/grabow
♦ http://www.readingcenter.buffalo.edu/center/r
♦ http://www.itis.gov.se/publikationer/eng/halm
Five Interesting Books
(from the USA Library)
Key to effective learning.
Increasing student learning through
multimedia projects.
Classroom strategies for learning.
Designing Computer-Based Learning
Digital Game-Based Learning
Something old, something new…
♦ Something Old- Merlin C. Wittrock

♦ Something New- learning can happen

through the direction of a learners own
cognitive processes
♦ Hmmmm….sounds like Constructivism

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