Sandstone Reservoir Characteristic Based On Surficial Geological Data of Sihapas Formation in Bukit Suligi Area, Southwest Central Sumatra Basin
Sandstone Reservoir Characteristic Based On Surficial Geological Data of Sihapas Formation in Bukit Suligi Area, Southwest Central Sumatra Basin
Sandstone Reservoir Characteristic Based On Surficial Geological Data of Sihapas Formation in Bukit Suligi Area, Southwest Central Sumatra Basin
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5 authors, including:
Tiggi Choanji
Universitas Islam Riau
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Yuniarti Yuskar1, Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra1, Tiggi Choanji1, Ziadul Faiez1, Muhammad Habibi2
Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
PT. SPR Langgak, Riau, Indonesia
Email :
Sungai Kuning Village and surrounding area located in the eastern region of Bukit
Suligi. Bukit Suligi and its surroundings are the exposed terrain of sandstone from the
Sihapas Formation, which is the main reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin. This
study aims to get the sandstone analogy of surface geological data to be able to get
better understanding of sand reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin. Correlation of
surface and subsurface geological data is done by identifying the characteristics of the
lithology. The method used is field geological survey, laboratory analysis of
petrography, micropaleontology, depositional environment and geological structure.
Based on the characteristics of lithology, age, deposition environment, and geological
cross sectional reconstruction, the Sihapas Formation has correlation with reservoir
rock in oil and gas field in eastern of Bukit Suligi. Sihapas Formation consist of
conglomerate, sandstone and shale.
Keywords: sungai kuning, central sumatra basin, reservoir rock, oil and gas
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
based upon outcrop data (Fig. 1). contribution to achieve the objective of this
Laboratory analyses and both surface and study (De Coster, 1974)
subsurface geological reconstruction giving
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Fig. 2. Fied outcrop and vertical log section of geological data at Bukit Suligi
Table. 1. Comparison of Stratigraphic column between surficial geological data and Well
Data from Petapahan Oil Field.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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