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Sandstone Reservoir Characteristic Based On Surficial Geological Data of Sihapas Formation in Bukit Suligi Area, Southwest Central Sumatra Basin

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Conference Paper · November 2017


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5 authors, including:

Yuniarti Yuskar Dewandra Bagus

Universitas Islam Riau Universitas Islam Riau


Tiggi Choanji
Universitas Islam Riau


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ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3



Yuniarti Yuskar1, Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra1, Tiggi Choanji1, Ziadul Faiez1, Muhammad Habibi2
Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
PT. SPR Langgak, Riau, Indonesia
Email : dewandra.bagus@eng.uir.ac.id


Sungai Kuning Village and surrounding area located in the eastern region of Bukit
Suligi. Bukit Suligi and its surroundings are the exposed terrain of sandstone from the
Sihapas Formation, which is the main reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin. This
study aims to get the sandstone analogy of surface geological data to be able to get
better understanding of sand reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin. Correlation of
surface and subsurface geological data is done by identifying the characteristics of the
lithology. The method used is field geological survey, laboratory analysis of
petrography, micropaleontology, depositional environment and geological structure.
Based on the characteristics of lithology, age, deposition environment, and geological
cross sectional reconstruction, the Sihapas Formation has correlation with reservoir
rock in oil and gas field in eastern of Bukit Suligi. Sihapas Formation consist of
conglomerate, sandstone and shale.

Keywords: sungai kuning, central sumatra basin, reservoir rock, oil and gas

regionally southwestern ward gently

sloping deposition surface (Cameron, 1983).
Bukit Suligi is located in southwestern The present day distribution of sedimentary
part of Riau province, trending from and basement rocks can be related to the
southeast - northwest. This hill extent in two regional structure of Sumatra. The Barisan
districts of Rokan Hulu and Kampar uplift and Sumatra Fault System (SFS)
Regency which include in Sumatra Fault controlling the distribution of rock on the
System and Barisan Mountains. Research is mountain front (Clarke, 1982). This paper
focusing in some parts of Bukit Suligi area, describes the results of the fieldwork as they
especially at Sungai Kuning Village that relate to the Sihapas Formation, the
exposing reservoir rock in the southwestern principal reservoir horizon of the Basin.
part of Central Sumatra Basin. The Central
Sumatra Basin (CSB) that was formed The objective of this study is to get
during the Late Eocene (?) to Early analogies and provide a better
Oligocene is the most prolific hydrocarbon understanding of reservoir from surficial
basin in Indonesia. Sedimentation was geological data that can be correlated with
controlled by the configuration of a subsurface reservoir. Petroleum geology
studies of the Bukit Suligi area are mostly

ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3

based upon outcrop data (Fig. 1). contribution to achieve the objective of this
Laboratory analyses and both surface and study (De Coster, 1974)
subsurface geological reconstruction giving

Fig. 1. Detail location samples and measurement of geological data.

1.1 Regional Geology The Sihapas Formation is early Miocene in

age and represents the basal, clastic
The Central Sumatra Basin consists of a
succession laid down in the CSB at the
succession of Tertiary sediments overlying
onset of the transgressive, Tertiary 2b
a complex pre-Tertiary lithology, it is
Supergroup (Mertosono and Nayoan, 1974).
bounded on the west and southwest by the
This transgression culminated in the early
Barisan Mountains, on the east by the
middle Miocene with the regional
Malaysian Shield and on the north by the
deposition of the outer shelf to upper
Asahan Arch. The Southern boundary of the
bathyal mudstones of the Telisa Formation
Central Sumatra Basin is not well defined
(Mertosono and Nayoan, 1974).
(Eubank and Makki, 1981). The
traditionally accepted boundary is a During a period of emergence in pre-
geographic one drawn as a north-southwest Miocene time, the general area was eroded
line through the Kampar High and Tiga to a nearly flat surface. All pre-Sihapas
Puluh Mountains (Heidrick and Aulia, sediments were stripped off except in a local
1993). low in the middle of the present day
structure (P., S.A, et al, 2013). These
A gradual southward thinning of Tertiary
sediments are now preserved on the
sediments, however, suggests the possible
downthrown side of the east to the southeast
existence of a pre-Tertiary Basement high
part of the Bukit Suligi Area.
south of Pekanbaru (Kampar High). To the
west lies the Barisan Mountains, where pre- 2.1 Stratigraphy
Tertiary rocks and overlying Tertiary There is ambiguous stratigraphic
sediments outcrop along faults and uplifts. terminology in the study area. The

ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3

Cenozoic rock-stratigraphic units in the Different nomenclature on Geological Map

Central Sumatra Basin include (oldest to of The Pakanbaru Quadrangle, Sumatra
youngest), the Pematang formation, Sihapas (Wongsosantiko, 1976) used Sihapas
group, Telisa, Petani, and Minas formations formation not Sihapas Group. The simple
(Eubank and Makki, 1981; Lee, stratigraphy of the study area into time
1982;Roezin, 1974). Sihapas Group based sedimentary rock units (Table 1) are
consists of four formations. The formations Sihapas, Telisa and Petani Formation. This
are Menggala, Bangko, Bekasap and Duri study is focused in Sihapas formation that
formation. It is mainly reservoir in the exposed in Sungai Kuning Village and
Central Sumatra Basin. surrounding, Bukit Suligi area.
The transgressive phase of the Neogene is
represented by the Sihapas group and 2. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
overlying partially diachronous Telisa
formation. The lower portion of the Based on geological field data, lithology
Miocene Sihapas is represented by an at Sihapas Formation consist of sandstone,
upward fining conglomeratic, coarse to fine conglomerate and shalestone. It is
grained sandstone succession (Menggala dominated by sandstone with reddish
Formation) that is capped by calcareous yellow (weathered) and greyish yellow
shale of the Bangko formation. A fluvio- (fresh) color, fine - coarse grain size,
deltaic depositional environment is rounded shape, good sorting, and closed
suggested for the Menggala whereas the fabric. Sedimentary structure such as cross
Bangko has a more intertidal to marine bedding, ripple mark, and parallel
influence. The Upper Sihapas records a lamination also present of nodule (Figure 2).
continuation of the early Miocene Petrographic analysis showed mineral
transgression with medium to coarse composition of quartz arenite sandstone
grained micaceous sandstone of the with quartz (86%), Feldspar (3.5%), Rock
Bekasap representing marginal facies of the Fragment (6%), opaque mineral and other
more basinal shales of the Telisa formation minerals (4.5%).
(Rozalli, et al, 2012). The lower to middle In determining age and depositional
Miocene Telisa formation consists of a environment, microfossil analysis was
shale-dominated succession with interbeds performed on calcareous claystone and
of limestone and fine grained glauconitic resulting Sihapas Formation was deposited
sandstone. Depositional environments at Early Miocene. Depositional facies
range from inner to outer littoral conditions analysis shows that the Sihapas Formation
with a more marine influence towards the was deposited on the estuarine and intertidal
top. The upper contact of the Telisa sandstone environments. Sandstone in the
formation is marked by a distinct lithologic study area has an average trend N 3250 E
and faunal break corresponding to the and the average dip of the layer is 100.
middle Miocene regressive phase of the
Neogene cycle (Duri event). The overlying By comparing surface geological data with
sediments of the Petani formation constitute oil well data on Petapahan Oil Field (Table
a monotonous sequence of shalemudstone 1), it shows that sandstone reservoir has
containing minor sandstone and siltstone similar characteristic to the sandstone found
intercalations that show a progressive in the Sungai Kuning area, Bukit Suligi.
upwards shallowing and general waning of The vertical log reconstruction describes
marine conditions (Lee, 1982). the correlation between field data and
subsurface data (Table 1).

ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3

Fig. 2. Fied outcrop and vertical log section of geological data at Bukit Suligi

Table. 1. Comparison of Stratigraphic column between surficial geological data and Well
Data from Petapahan Oil Field.

ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3

From studying lithology characteristics of field on south central Sumatra Basin,

surface geological data, it will give the best shows the similarity characteristic
analogy for interpreting the sandstone of each other.
reservoir model in oil and gas field. 3. There are possibilities to correlate
Sandstone characteristic of Sihapas the surface data and subsurface by
Formation that found in Bukit Suligi area further analysis to predict the
predicted to have connectivity with the
hidrodynamic effect on oil field.
Bekasap Formation at several oil and gas
fields in southwest Central Sumatra Basin.
Although there is still lot data analysis
needed to convinced the connectivity REFERENCES
between surficial geological data and Cameron, N. R. The Stratigraphy of The
reservoir on subsurface, but from geological Sihapas Formation in the Northwest of
reconstruction trends and dips layer and the Central Sumatra Basin. Indonesian
also by combining typical description Petroleum Association, Proceedings
lithology, concluded that this reservoir is 12th Annual Convention, Jakarta, 1983,
connected each other. I, 43–66, (1983).
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area was the occurrence of hydrodynamic Clarke, M. C. Geological Map of The
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3. CONCLUSION Association, Third Annual Convention,
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From this study some conclusions could be
defined: Eubank, R., & Makki, A. C. Structural
1. Based on field geological data, Geology of The Central Sumatra Back-
Arc Basin. Oil and Gas Journal, 79 (50),
Sihapas Formation consist of
200–206, (1981).
sandstone, conglomerate, claystone
lithology. The main Heidrick, T. L., & Aulia, K. A structural and
characteristics of sandstone are tectonic model of the Coastal Plains
reddish yellow (weathered) and Block, Central Sumatra Basin,
Indonesia. Indonesian Petroleum
greyish yellow (fresh) color, fine -
Association, Proceedings 22nd Annual
coarse grain size, rounded shape,
Convention, Jakarta, 1, 285–317,
good sorting, and closed fabric. (1993).
Sedimentary structure such as cross
bedding, ripple mark, and parallel Mertosono, S., & Nayoan, G. A. S. The
lamination also present with minor Tertiary basinal area of Central
Sumatra. Indonesian Petroleum
nodule. This sandstone is
Association, Proceedings 3rd Annual
interpreted to be deposited at Early Convention, Jakarta, 63–76, (1974).
Miocene on estuarine and intertidal
depositional environtment. P., S. A., M., R., W., U., A., B., & A., B.
2. Comparison between characteristic Paleogene Sediment Character of
Mountain Front Central Sumatra Basin
lithology, mineralogy, and other
Cekungan Sumatra Tengah.
description on geological surface
data and reservoir data at oil well

ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3

Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 8 Rozalli, M., Putra, A., Budiman, A., Utomo,
(3), 143–149, (2013). W., Suandhi, P. A., & Bachtiar, A.
New Insights Into the Petroleum
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Malacca Strait Contract Area (Central
Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum
Sumatra Basin). In Proceedings
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Convention & Exhibition, (2012).
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