Phonics-Practice, Research and Policy - 173p-1 PDF
Phonics-Practice, Research and Policy - 173p-1 PDF
Phonics-Practice, Research and Policy - 173p-1 PDF
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Practice, research and policy
Edited by
Maureen Lewis and Sue Ellis
Paul Chapman
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Contributors viii
Phonics: The Wider Picture 1
Maureen Lewis and Sue Ellis
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Glossary 135
References 143
Index 153
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Sally Evans is a Key Stage 1 teacher and works in a London primary school. She
is subject leader for literacy and is fascinated by children’s literacy development
as they move through the primary years.
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Prue Goodwin works part time at the University of Reading and spends the rest
her time working freelance for schools, LEAs and children’s publishers. She has
published several books including The Literate Classroom (2000), which she
edited, and Teaching Language and Literacy in the Early Years (2002), which she
co-authored with Margaret Perkins.
Contributors ix
work in this area has recently been highlighted in a case study published by
Learning and Teaching Scotland.
John Stannard has spent his professional life in primary education as a teacher,
teacher trainer, local authority adviser and inspector. He joined Her Majesty’s
Inspectorate in 1986 and later, as Ofsted’s specialist English adviser, set up the
National Literacy Project in 18 under-performing LEAs. Subsequently, he
designed and directed the National Literacy Strategy for five years, retiring in
2000. Since then he has worked as an international consultant for CfBT, an
independent company, advising and supporting governments on national
strategies for raising standards in the Caribbean, South-East Asia, the Middle
East and Canada. He is visiting Professor at the University of Southampton,
Department of Education and, in 2000, was awarded a CBE for services to
David Wray taught in primary schools for 10 years and is currently Professor of
Literacy Education at the University of Warwick. He has published over 30
books on aspects of literacy teaching and is best known for his work on
developing teaching strategies to help pupils access the curriculum through
UKLA is a registered charity, which has as its sole object the advancement of
education in literacy. UKLA is concerned with literacy education in school and
out-of- school settings in all phases of education and members include
classroom teachers, teaching assistants, school literacy co-ordinators, LEA
literacy consultants, teacher educators, researchers, inspectors, advisors,
publishers and librarians.
UKLA provides a forum for discussion and debate, together with information
and inspiration. We do this through our wide range of conferences-
international, national, regional and local – and our publications, which
include a professional magazine, ‘English 4-11’, and two journals, ‘Literacy’
and the ‘Journal of Research in Reading’. This series of co-published titles with
Sage Publications complements our range of in – house publications and
provides a further opportunity to disseminate the high quality and vibrant work
of the association. In order to find out more about UKLA, including details
about membership, see our website:
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Phonics: The Wider Picture
Maureen Lewis and Sue Ellis
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there is no simple answer and because what we know about how children learn
to read and write changes over time. In the last decade or so there has been a
fairly widespread consensus on the elements of a successful reading programme.
This consensus view has recognized the importance of phonics as a reading
strategy, but has seen this as one strategy among several that a reader might use
within the context of a rich and broad literacy curriculum. The Australian
reading report, for example, concluded that:
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s there was heated debate as to whether phonics
should be taught as part of the early reading curriculum. Such disputes about the
role of phonics have a long history. Moya Cove’s chapter, ‘Sounds Familiar’, traces
the development of phonics teaching and the arguments around this. Cove’s ‘long
view’ helps us to see these issues from a wider perspective. The introduction of the
National Literacy Strategy (NLS) in England in 1998 gave a strong impetus in that
country for the explicit teaching of phonics to children from the age of five. The
Framework for Teaching (DfEE, 1998a) contains ‘phonological awareness, phonics
and spelling’ objectives from reception year (5-year-olds) onwards. The NLS
suggests that about 15 minutes of the daily literacy hour is devoted to daily teaching
of this ‘word level’ strand. As part of the introduction of the NLS, all teachers
received training and the second (and largest) module of the National Literacy
Strategy’s Literacy Training Pack (DfEE, 1998b) focused on subject knowledge about
phonics. A related issue to the phonics training that practising teachers were
offered was debate about the knowledge of phonics that trainee teachers needed. In
Scotland and America, it is not specified. In England, the standards for initial
teacher training institutions contained an explicit section on the phonic knowledge
that trainee teachers had to demonstrate in order to complete their course
successfully. The Rose Review continues this approach by recommending a
strengthening of the phonics training teachers and trainees receive.
Following the introduction of the NLS, Progression in Phonics (DfEE, 1999a)
was published to give teachers a practical and systematic phonics teaching
programme. This was sent to all English primary schools. The thrust of
government policy was clear: phonics should be taught and teachers needed
specific subject knowledge to do this. As a measure of this policy, three years
later in Teaching of Phonics: A paper by HMI, Ofsted reported that:
Phonics teaching has increased significantly since the implementation of
the National Literacy Strategy. The debate is no longer about whether phonic
knowledge and skills should be taught, but how best to teach them. (Ofsted,
2001: 2)
By 2005, Ofsted were more detailed in their comments about ‘how best to teach
. . . inspection evidence continues to show significant variation in the
effectiveness with which pupils are taught the phonic knowledge they need to
decode text. In the schools with high standards phonics was taught early,
systematically and rapidly so that pupils quickly gained the ability to decode text
(and begin to write too), associating letters with sounds. Where standards were
lower, expectations as to the speed at which pupils could acquire phonic
knowledge were insufficient and the phonics teaching lacked systematic or full
coverage of sounds and their combinations. (Ofsted, 2005: para. 42, our italics)
This statement was part of a growing pressure to look more closely at exactly how
phonics was taught, and mirrored similar questions raised in Australia,
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New Zealand and the United States. In Australia, for example, an open letter to
the government signed by 26 Australian psychologists and reading researchers
raised such issues (DEST, 2005: 2). Chapter 10, ‘Responses to Rose’, considers this
‘growing pressure’ in England and gives commentators with different stances on
the role of phonics in reading an opportunity to comment on the Rose Review.
In the debate on the role and teaching of phonics, advocates of a ‘synthetic phonics
only’ approach (see, for example, Chew, 1997; Miskin, 2003) argue that the results
obtained by such programmes are far in advance of those obtained by children using
a mixed phonics programme (synthetic and analytic) or a mixed strategy approach
(phonics as one of several reading ‘searchlights’). We will examine these claims, but
first we must define the differences between synthetic and analytic phonics.
In synthetic phonics programmes, children are systematically taught the
phonemes (sounds) associated with particular graphemes (letters). Children
begin from hearing the phonemes in a spoken word and blending phonemes
orally. In reading, individual phonemes are recognized from the grapheme,
pronounced and blended together (synthesized) to create the word. For
example, when encountering an unknown single-syllable word such as h/e/n the
child would sound out its three phonemes and then blend them together to
form hen. Blending is seen as a very important skill. The skill of segmenting
words into phonemes for spelling is also taught, and blending and segmenting
are introduced as reversible processes. The order in which new phonemes are
introduced and the speed at which this is undertaken are important (see
following section). Synthetic phonics programmes emphasize decodable words
and some proponents do not favour teaching other reading strategies or an initial
sight vocabulary of high-frequency, non-phonically regular words in the early
stages of beginning a synthetic phonics programme.
In analytic phonics, children identify phonemes in whole words and are
encouraged to segment the words into phonemes. They also analyse similar
characteristics in other words (for example, hen, house, hill all begin with the
same sound; tin, sin, win, pin all share the same medial and end phonemes or
the same rime ‘in’). Recognizing word families and patterns helps children
develop inferential self-teaching strategies. If they can read ‘cake’, they can
work out and read ‘lake’ without blending all the individual phonemes.
Most teachers use both synthetic and analytic phonics, but advocates of a
‘synthetics first and fast’ approach claim that it is more effective in teaching
children to read than mixed reading strategy approaches. They also claim that it
is more effective than other kinds of phonics programmes. A recent longitudinal
study in Scotland on the effectiveness of a synthetic phonics programme compared
with an analytical and an analytical plus phonemic awareness programme
(involving 300 children over seven years) concluded that ‘the synthetic phonics
approach, as part of the reading curriculum, is more effective than the analytic
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phonics approach’ (Johnston and Watson, 2005: 9). However, a systematic review
of the research literature on the use of phonics in the teaching of reading and
spelling (Torgerson et al., 2006) found that the weight of evidence was weak on
whether synthetic approaches were more effective than analytical approaches.
They found only three randomized controlled trials on this matter (including an
earlier and much smaller Scottish study of just 30 children but not including the
large longitudinal Scottish study mentioned above – the experimental design used
for this study did not satisfy the criteria for inclusion). They concluded that in
these, no statistically significant difference in effectiveness was found between
synthetic phonics instruction and analytic phonics instruction. This review
confirmed the findings of Stahl et al. (1988), who also reviewed the research on
phonics instruction and concluded that there are several types of good phonics
instruction and that there is no research base to support the superiority of
one particular type. While the Torgerson review has itself come under attack
from supporters of a synthetic phonics approach (McGuinness, 2006), for the
disinterested observer it would seem that currently there is not enough evidence
to support the comparative claims made for synthetic versus analytic phonics.
Nevertheless, the Rose Review took a pragmatic view, deciding that:
schools and settings cannot always wait for the results of long term research
studies. They must take decisions based on as much firm evidence as is
available. (DfES, 2006: para. 31)
The Torgerson review did, however, confirm that ‘systematic phonics instruction
within a broad literacy curriculum was found to have a statistically significant
positive effect on reading accuracy’ (2006: 9, our italics). The Australian Reading
Review and the National Reading Panel in America came to the same
conclusion. These findings illuminate another area of debate – whether phonics
should be a ‘fast and first and only’ strategy or part of a broader programme.
Some advocates of synthetic phonics programmes believe that beginning
readers should only encounter phonemically decodable text in order to practise
their reading skills and that there should be no ‘guessing’ words from picture,
context or initial letter cues (see, for example, Reading Reform Foundation,
2006). They argue that using a range of cues has the potential to confuse children
and that encouraging children to use information from a picture may lead to
them not understanding that they must focus on the printed word (see the Rose
Review, DfES, 2006: para. 117). Such a view sees reading as being a stepped
process of acquiring separate reading skills. Hall (Chapter 1, this book) discusses
different views of the reading process and the impact this has on people’s views
on phonics teaching. John Stannard’s response to Rose piece in Chapter 10 looks
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at the model of early reading suggested in the Appendix of the Rose Review, and
argues for the value of a multi-cueing system approach to reading with phonics
as one (important) cue among several. Advocates of a mixed strategy approach
argue that using pictures, context and syntax cues is not encouraging children to
‘guess’ but rather to use language knowledge, logical deduction and prior/world
knowledge to make sense of a word/sentence. They would also argue that a broad
literacy curriculum includes reading and being read to from a wide range of
books, not just decodable texts. The Rose Review, along with the Australia and
US reviews, emphasizes the importance of this.
Studies have been done comparing systematic phonics instruction with ‘hit or miss’
phonic instruction and these show that ‘any kind of well organized and efficient
phonics instruction is better than little or no phonic instruction that leaves phonics
to chance’ (Cunningham and Cunningham, 2002: 91). Systematic phonic
programmes introduce phonemes in a series of steps. These usually begin with
learning letter sounds, distinguishing between vowels and consonants, recognizing
initial and final phonemes in regular consonant–vowel–consonant (CVC) words
and introducing medial vowels. From this, simple CVC and CCVC words can be
segmented and blended. Long vowels are then introduced. Different programmes
may introduce consonant and vowel phonemes in different ways, but the 40-plus
phonemes are introduced systematically. Farmer, Ellis and Smith’s chapter on
‘Teaching Phonics: The Basics’ discusses the knowledge and the practical issues
that need consideration when teaching a systematic phonics programme.
Although the heart of a phonics programme is the systematic introduction
of phonemes in a planned sequence, teachers also use the many planned (and
unplanned) opportunities to teach and apply phonic lessons that occur throughout
a broad literacy curriculum. In Chapter 4, ‘Inside the Classroom’, Prue Goodwin
and Margaret Perkins describe how, far from being ‘hit and miss’, a planned
approach based on play and reading ‘real books’ can offer the opportunity to build
complex phonic knowledge. We must also consider that, no matter how systematic
the programme, there are many words in the English language that are just not
decodable. Henrietta Dombey’s chapter on English orthography (Chapter 8) helps
us to see the strengths and limits of a systematic phonics programme.
ensures that children have the knowledge they need to decode texts as rapidly
as possible (Stahl, 1992; Wyse, 2000). The caricature of the young child
plodding through an initial sound a week so that it takes almost a school year
to learn 26 letter sounds is now seen as unnecessarily slow, and it is
recognized that phonic programmes can be undertaken in weeks rather than
months by many children. Such slowly paced practices also make the
assumption that children enter school with little in the way of phonemic
awareness and letter knowledge. Children begin to learn about language from
the moment they are born, and both Jackie Marsh’s chapter on ‘Involving
Parents and Carers’ (Chapter 5) and Elspeth McCartney’s chapter on
‘Developmental Issues’ (Chapter 6) remind us of the wealth of knowledge
children acquire before they begin formal education. Skilled early years’
practioners build on and extend children’s pre-school language and speaking
and listening experiences. They do not confuse a systematic approach with a
formal approach. In the best early years setting, phonics is taught through
active, multi-sensory strategies (language games, music and so on) embedded
in a rich literacy curriculum (see, for example, Palmer and Bayley, 2004).
Such phonics teaching may often be in small group contexts to allow for
different developmental needs. In Chapter 4, ‘Inside the Classroom’, teachers
Lyndsay Macnair, who uses a synthetic phonics approach, and Sally Evans,
who uses a mixed synthetic and analytic approach, both show the importance
of active, multi-sensory approaches in their phonics teaching.
One of the interesting aspects about the phonics debate is how dominated it
is by discussion of the relationship between phonics and reading and,
consequently, how little attention is paid to the relationship between
phonemic knowledge and writing. Elspeth McCartney addresses this issue
(Chapter 6) when she argues that spelling errors commonly assumed to be the
child making visual confusions may actually reflect errors of phonemic
perception. She urges teachers to consider this possibility when looking at
children’s work because, clearly, the two errors need different types of support.
In Chapter 7, Laura Huxford explores this further by describing the strong
relationship between young writers’ developmental spellings and the phonics
curriculum. Her examples show how phonics within a broad and coherent
literacy programme can empower children as writers. Henrietta Dombey, in
Chapter 8, strikes a cautionary note, however, pointing to evidence that
challenges the wisdom of total reliance on phonics. She reminds us that the
opaque orthography of English means that teachers must be able to explain
how the spelling of word families is deeply connected to their shared history;
understanding the basis of visual and morphological patterns may be more
powerful in the long term.
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What next?
Chapter 1
Kathy Hall
A major reason why controversy exists about how best to develop reading (or
indeed any area of the curriculum) is that fundamental differences exist in our
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views about knowledge and how we come to know. If one sees knowledge as fixed
and certain and ‘out there’, separate from the knower, literacy can be viewed as an
individual and linear accomplishment, made up of a discrete set of skills like
phonics, fluency and comprehension. If one takes this perspective one is more
likely to see teaching as a prescriptive business in which curriculum content is
presented, unmediated by context or the nature of learning relationships, in small
increments to the learner. In addition, one is more likely to accept the possibility
of there being just one best way to help all pupils learn to read.
If, on the other hand, one sees knowledge (including knowledge about the
alphabet) as something that is actively built up and appropriated by learners’
active participation in tasks, if one sees learners as intentional beings whose
wider knowledge, feelings, experiences and identities constantly filter their
understanding, if one considers that what learners see as significant in a task
or particular learning situation influences what they can take away from it in
terms of new learning, then one is more likely to see teaching as a process
which must engage with the learner’s take on the world, especially the
learner’s view of themselves and the learning context. Here teaching, learning
and knowledge are viewed as intimately related. In this perspective, literacy
involves more than merely an interest in whether children can read and write;
it involves questions about what learners do with their literacy, the literacy
practices that are meaningful to them and the literacy practices they engage
in in their day-to-day lives. If one goes along with this line of thinking, one is
less likely to accept directives about there being one best way of helping
pupils to read. These fundamental beliefs and assumptions are often ignored
in discussions about the best way to teach reading, and they very often
underlie controversies about teaching methods.
To teach children to read involves more than helping them know about letters
and sounds. Teaching children to understand the alphabetic principle is
important for successful reading, but it’s only one of the many factors which need
be considered. The elements of reading that teachers have to consider as they
plan curricula, programmes and teaching strategies are shown in Figure 1.1. To
concentrate in our teaching (or indeed in our policy making) on only one of those
aspects is to ignore the larger system, any element or combination of elements of
which can produce failure. Such a narrow view gives the false impression that the
way to enhance the teaching of reading is simple and straightforward – that all it
needs is one solution involving one method or one programme.
As the US researchers who produced this diagram point out, any single
aspect needs to be seen in the context of a literacy curriculum that considers all
aspects. This means that learning the alphabetic principle cannot be divorced
from the notion of ownership or engagement or motivation to read. Desire to
read is necessary for the sustained effort needed to become a proficient reader
and teachers cannot afford to ignore this, especially as recent evidence points to
the disparity between the incidence of children in this country and in other
European countries who read for pleasure and enjoyment (Mullis et al., 2003).
The development of the alphabetic principle cannot be separated from
comprehension or writing. After all, the purpose of teaching the alphabetic
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Alphabetic Principle
Figure 1.1 Dimensions of literacy (adapted from Taylor et al., 2000: 18)
reader and the role of phonics. How best to develop the necessary phonic
knowledge in the classroom and whether current policy has got it right are
deeply controversial questions.
In essence this controversy centres on the relative effectiveness of two different
methods of teaching phonics, known as synthetic and analytic phonics. Crudely
put, synthetic phonics is about sounding out and blending, while analytic
phonics is about perceiving patterns and drawing inferences (definitions of these
and other terms are provided in the Glossary). In addition, synthetic phonics has
come to be associated with small phonological units (phonemes) linked to letters,
and analytic phonics has come to be associated with large phonological units
(onsets and rimes) also linked to letters and letter strings (for example, White,
2005). However, at least one significant researcher in the field (Goswami, 2002:
52) rejects this alignment, claiming that the onset–rime research has nothing to
do with analytic phonics. The alignment stems, in my view, from the claims in
some psychological research that knowledge of small phonological units, more
specifically phonemic knowledge, is a better predictor of success in reading than
knowledge of large phonological units (more specifically onsets and rimes). This
finding has led, unhelpfully, to a corresponding polarization of teaching methods.
Research at the University of York (Hulme et al., 2002; Muter et al., 2004)
shows that phonemic awareness is an excellent predictor of early reading skills,
and those researchers have argued that measures of onset–rime awareness are
weaker predictors. This work also claims that explicit phoneme-level training
is more effective than rhyme-level training in improving reading attainments in
children deemed to be at risk of reading difficulties. The Scottish research in
Clackmannanshire (Johnston and Watson, 2005), which was set up to assess the
relative merits of synthetic and analytic teaching approaches, highlights the
value of explicit phoneme-level training linked to letters. Other research too
makes similar claims about the relative effectiveness of synthetic phonics over
analytic phonics (e.g. Stuart, 1999; Macmillan, 2002; Chew, 1997). So it would
seem that an emphasis on small phonological units, specifically phonemes, is
important and this is in line with an emphasis on synthetic phonics.
Much of this research has been criticized on the grounds that it is asking the
wrong research question, since both large and small phonological units are
necessary for reading. The Scottish research, which has had considerable
exposure especially in the popular press, can be severely criticized on the basis
of a flawed design leading to claims about the effectiveness of synthetic phonics
that are unjustified by the evidence. I would suggest that analytic phonics was
set up for failure in the Scottish study, while synthetic phonics was set up for
success. This in no way disputes the need for phonemic knowledge, but it does
highlight the origin of the needless oppositional positioning that has developed
in the debate surrounding research, policy and practice.
In my view the evidence converges on the conclusion that attention to small
and large units in early reading instruction is helpful for all children. Insofar
as synthetic and analytic phonics are associated respectively with small and
large units, then both teaching approaches are likely to be useful and
complementary. The next sections develop this argument further.
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particular social context (Razfar and Gutierrez, 2003). While the psychological
evidence offers clues about how we might teach the alphabetic principle, it
cannot determine it for us for the same reasons I have raised about the nature
of learning and knowledge. Children, like all people, learn concepts and
practices, including phonological and phonemic knowledge, not as simple
linear content; rather, learning occurs unevenly and flexibly and by having
many varied opportunities for interaction, for practice, for application and
reflection on its purposes and processes. We should not be dogmatic about the
fine details of curriculum content any more than we should be dogmatic about
the details of teaching methods.
The alphabet is the visual code for representing oral language. Learning how to
crack this code would be much simpler if there was just one letter for every
sound (or phoneme). But there are almost twice as many phonemes as letters,
and each letter is used to represent several sounds in different contexts – note
for instance the ‘t’ in ‘nation’, ‘native’ and ‘nature’. English has a ‘deep’
orthography unlike say Finnish, German or Greek. (Henrietta Dombey
explores the impact of deep orthography on learning to read and spell in
Chapter 8.) The point is that the relative inconsistency in mappings of letters
and sounds makes learning to read English much harder than learning to read
many other languages (Goswami, 2005; Ziegler and Goswami, 2005). Some
words in English, for example ‘people’, ‘yacht’ and ‘choir’, represent no pattern
in the language in that there are no other words with similar sound-letter
mappings or, put more technically, they have no ‘orthographic neighbours’
(Zeigler and Goswami, 2005: 19) and must be learned as distinct patterns. A
whole word approach therefore is relevant for such words. Once again this
highlights the inadequacy of using just one teaching method.
Spotlight on comprehension
Cultural: learners bring with them knowledge and beliefs about the
reading activities they are engaged in; they have views about themselves as
particular people in relation with other people, for example, how they wish
to be recognized by their peer group; in sum they have identities and are
active agents in the learning enterprise.
Communicative: concepts about print, about genres, since different texts
have different intentions and purposes.
Verbal reasoning: literal and inferential reasoning ability and the ability to
understand, for example, metaphor.
Phonic knowledge: visual and aural perception of letters and phoneme–
grapheme relations.
Semantic: meaning of the words.
Syntactic: grammar of sentences and larger units.
Since these are interdependent and support each other it makes sense for the
teacher to be mindful of all of them. This of course need not preclude selecting
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Integration and application: The notion of integration captures this idea and
is better than ‘balance’ in conveying what accomplished teachers do.
Integration is more sophisticated than mixing a little bit of this and a little
bit of that. It involves teaching word recognition or how to crack the code
alongside the development of comprehension. While they offer systematic
teaching in language conventions to foster letter–sound correspondences,
accomplished teachers understand that the application of this knowledge
to print is key: first, children need to see the rewards to be gained from the
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The idea of solving reading difficulties via the curriculum or via a teaching
method is seductive, but there are many reasons why schemes, programmes or
curricula are an inadequate basis for improving practice. How the schemes,
programmes or the curricula get translated into learning can’t be predetermined –
as already noted, teaching and learning have to be considered in tandem. The
problem with mandating schemes and programmes is that they cannot take into
account the contexts of their implementation and thus they cannot place the
learner at the centre of the learning enterprise.
Also, from the perspective of teachers and teaching, the more we dictate
teachers’ moves and script their lines, the more we’re likely to alienate good
teachers. In the United States, heavily scripted phonics lessons and
programmes are routinely marketed as compensation for poor teachers. What’s
not mentioned is that they also alienate and even drive out good teachers. It is
imperative that such a situation should not develop here.
Phonics is ‘big business’, with financial rewards awaiting anyone who invents
‘the best’ scheme or programme for teaching it. In the United States there are
various ‘lobbies’ whose existence and lobbying have the potential to distort the
‘normal research’ investigations and national and local policy processes. Such
lobbying can be counter-productive for pupils; it stimulates practice, policy and
research in artificially narrow domains without encouraging consideration of
the broader picture outlined in the early part of this chapter. In addition, lobbies
almost always distort policy and research by introducing a political and an
adversarial dimension where polarities and simplifications win out over the
realities and complexities. Six years ago Colin Harrison (1999) observed that
whenever you get a situation where there isn’t agreement among members of the
research community, as we currently have about the teaching of phonics,
rhetoric and lobbying often become the basis on which decisions about teaching
come to be made. While this lack of consensus remains, it is my view that the
theory of reading pedagogy has progressed, especially through the work of
significant researchers like Usha Goswami (see especially, for example, Zeigler
and Goswami, 2005), and this line of work has clearer implications for practice
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than were available six years ago. On the basis of the review of evidence
conducted by the USA’s National Reading Panel (NRP) (2000b), we also know that
the teaching of phonics is essential for the beginning reader and that phonics is
best developed in a systematic way. The NRP review also showed how several
methods of teaching phonics in the classroom are successful, but found that the
methods themselves were significantly indistinguishable in their effects. This
was also the conclusion reached in a more recent systematic review of evidence
(Torgerson et al., 2006).
Phonics teaching is far from all that beginning readers need to became
successful readers. They need to have experience of a wide range of literature –
fiction and non-fiction – so that they learn about the pleasure and knowledge
that can come from being read to and from reading for oneself. Beginning
readers must be taught how to use all the cues and strategies that will help them
make sense of text and this will include strategies to decode words as well as
strategies for comprehending text. Phonics teaching is an important part of this
story, but it is not the whole story.
Talk with a colleague about why the phonics debate is so heated. You
might locate a suitable article in the popular press to focus your talk.
Examine one of the phonics schemes and consider the assumptions
it makes about how best to develop children’s acquisition of the
alphabetic principle. Is it in line with a) your views and b) the
evidence presented in this chapter?
Revisit Figure 1.1 and talk with a colleague about ‘the place of
phonics’ and ‘putting phonics in its place’.
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Chapter 2
Morag Stuart
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Let’s take an imaginary child – always easier to deal with than a real one!
Chelsea is five, and she’s just starting school. We are going to follow Chelsea’s
journey from not being able to read the words on the page, to doing this with a
certain degree of ease: from pre-reader to word reader. Chelsea is going to be a
child who takes to reading as naturally as a duck takes to water, and we are
going to learn what it is that enables her to be so rapidly successful.
At five, Chelsea’s oral vocabulary is well within the average range for her age:
she is a typically developing 5-year-old in terms of her ability to understand and
produce spoken words. Her grammatical system is also well within the average
range for her age: she is also a typically developing 5-year-old in terms of her
ability to understand and produce a range of different sentence structures.
Chelsea is as well able to understand spoken messages and stories as any other
typically developing 5-year-old. In her short life, she has experienced the full
range of experiences that one might expect an inner-city 5-year-old like Chelsea
to have experienced. She has attended morning sessions at nursery since she was
three and a half. She goes to the shops with her mum, and spends time on the
swings in the local playground. She is invited to birthday parties. She travels on
buses and in cars, and sometimes on trains. She goes to the doctor. She also
frequently visits her nan who lives nearby, and sometimes her granny who now
lives by the sea. Her parents, grandparents and nursery teachers/carers have read
her lots of stories. We might therefore expect, given her age-appropriate language
system and her range of childhood experiences, that once Chelsea learns to
read the words on the page, she will be as well able as any typically developing
5-year-old to understand the stories she reads. What essential attributes does
Chelsea bring to the task of learning to read the words on the page?
Chelsea learned quite a lot about letters before she started school. She’d had an
alphabet frieze in her bedroom, and her nan had a favourite alphabet book that
they used to enjoy together. At nursery, she learned the alphabet song, and began
to write her name. There was an alphabet frieze at nursery too, and Chelsea and
her friends sometimes played at copying the letters from that. By the time she was
five, Chelsea could name many of the letters on the alphabet frieze. Knowledge of
letter names has frequently been identified in the research literature as a reliable
predictor of success in learning to read words: this might be one of the factors that
contributed to Chelsea’s capacity to take to reading like a duck to water.
Alphabet books and friezes tend to illustrate each letter with an object whose
name starts with the sound of that letter (a picture of a bear to go with ‘b’; a
picture of an egg to go with ‘e’ and so on). So, at five, Chelsea had also begun to
realize that letters had sounds as well as names, and she’d begun to associate
some of the letters with the sounds they represented. She knew that ‘m’ was /m/
for mummy, ‘d’ was /d/ for daddy, ‘n’ was /n/ for nan, ‘b’ was /b/ for bear.
From the nursery rhymes her nan taught her, and the rhyming songs and
games she played at nursery, Chelsea had got the idea of rhyme. If you asked
her what rhymed with ‘cat’, she could tell you that ‘bat’ did, and so did ‘lat’ and
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‘dat’. She was beginning to be able to categorize words by the sound patterns
they had in common – beginning to be ‘phonologically aware’. At its broadest,
phonological awareness involves being able to turn away from the meanings of
words and pay attention to their form. Chelsea, like many other young children,
became aware first of rhymes. But by the time she started school, Chelsea could
also tell you what sound a word started with: that ‘cat’ began with /k/ and ‘dog’
with /d/. She probably was helped towards this by her experience with the
alphabet books and friezes, where letters were illustrated by objects whose
names began with the sound of the letter, and by the day-to-day exchanges at
home where /m/ was for mummy and /d/ for daddy.
And here we come to the most crucial influence on Chelsea’s flying start in
learning how to read words: by the time she started school, she had already begun
to understand the alphabetic principle. She knew that there were letters. She knew
that letters could be named and written. She knew that spoken words were
composed of sounds. She knew that those sounds could be represented by letters.
There is ample research evidence that children who understand these aspects of
the alphabetic principle are likely to learn to read words quickly and easily (see,
for example, Bus and van Ijzendoorn, 1999; Foorman et al., 2003; Mann and Foy,
2003; Treiman, 2000). Moreover, as Brian Byrne has shown in his important
longitudinal studies, providing children with teaching that enables them to
understand the alphabetic principle before they start school has long-lasting
beneficial effects on their ability to read the words on the page (1998: 75–106).
According to David Share (1995), these long-lasting beneficial effects occur
because young children who understand the alphabetic principle and who are
taught letter–sound rules (elementary phonics) as their first introduction to
reading have a powerful self-teaching device available. They can ‘sound out’
and hence pronounce unfamiliar words that they come across in their reading.
If the word is one that is already in their spoken vocabulary, sounding out and
pronouncing it will allow them to understand it. If it is a word that is not in
their spoken vocabulary, the context in which it appears will give them some
idea of what it might mean, thus contributing to oral vocabulary development.
Using phonic rules to sound out unfamiliar words thus has the power to
develop both written and spoken vocabulary. Furthermore, Share argues that
paying close attention to the letter-by-letter sequence of the unfamiliar word as
it is sounded out facilitates its storage in sight vocabulary (by sight vocabulary,
we mean a store of words that are instantly recognized on sight, and linked to
their meanings and pronunciations).
Chelsea was lucky, in that her first teacher understood the place and value of
early phonics teaching, and provided the children in her class with systematic
and structured teaching of letter–sound correspondences. This wise and
wonderful teacher also made sure that it was fun for the children, and that they
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Chelsea also took part in shared reading sessions with big books. She often
looked at the big book herself once the session had ended, and played school
with her friend, when they took turns in being the teacher and reading the big
book. Because the same big books were shared frequently in reading sessions,
Chelsea very quickly learned several of the texts off by heart. Then, her ‘playing
school’ sessions with her friend became real learning sessions: Chelsea was
careful to follow each word in the text with her finger, as the teacher did, and
to recite the text she had learned by heart as she did so. Most often, the word
she recited was the word she was pointing to and looking at, although there
were occasional mismatches – 5-year-olds are not necessarily perfect at
identifying word boundaries in connected speech, so her recitation occasionally
ran ahead of her pointing. When the word attended to on the page matched the
word she was speaking, Chelsea had the opportunity to learn that that
particular arrangement of printed letters represented that particular spoken
word. She was able also to start storing some sight vocabulary.
Jackie Masterson, Maureen Dixon and I carried out a training experiment
(Stuart et al., 2000) to see how easy it is for 5-year-old beginning readers to store
new words in sight vocabulary from repeated shared reading of the same texts.
It turned out to be much harder than we expected! We tried to teach the children
16 new words, which were printed in red to make them identifiable as the words
to be learned. There was one of the red words on each page. After the children
had seen and read each red word 36 times, no child was able to read all 16 of
them, and the average number of words read correctly was five. We were quite
shocked by this, because we had made a database of all the words from all the
books the children were reading in school, and so we knew how many different
words each child had been exposed to in their first term reading at school. This
ranged from 39 to 277 different words, with a mean of 126. Hardly any of these
words occurred frequently in any individual child’s pool of vocabulary: on
average fewer than four words occurred more than 20 times – yet 36 repetitions
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had not been enough to guarantee that children would remember a word. When
we tested children’s ability to read words they’d experienced more than 20 times
in their school reading, on average they could read only one word correctly.
Chelsea would have been one of the stars if she had taken part in our
experiment. We had actually split the children into two groups, based on their
knowledge of letters and their ability to give the first sound in a spoken word.
One group had, like Chelsea, good understanding of the alphabetic principle.
They were near perfect at telling us that ‘sandwich’ began with /s/, and at
choosing the written letter S as the one you’d need if you were going to start
writing ‘sandwich’. We’ll call this group the ‘graphophonic group’. The other
group had no idea what ‘sandwich’ or any other spoken word we presented
started with, and made random choices when asked which letter you’d need if
you were going to start writing ‘sandwich’ or any other word we’d presented.
We’ll call this group the ‘non-graphophonic group’. The graphophonic group
learned significantly more of the new words than the non-graphophonic group:
after 36 encounters with each word, the graphophonic group could on average
read seven words and the non-graphophonic group only three.
We suggested that two things – awareness of phonemes in spoken words, and
letter–sound knowledge – are crucial to this swifter acquisition of sight
vocabulary. Sight vocabulary involves forming links between the visual form of
the word and its meaning and pronunciation. The link from the visual form of a
word to its meaning is essentially arbitrary. If, like Chelsea, and like the children
in the graphophonic group, you can also make some logical links between some
of the letters in the visual form of the word and some of the sounds you can hear
in the spoken word, this should underpin and reinforce the arbitrary link from
visual form to meaning. This, we suggest, is why the graphophonic group who
could identify initial sounds in words and map from a sound to a letter learned
more words than the non-graphophonic group. Similar suggestions have been
made by Linnea Ehri (1995) and Usha Goswami (1993).
Interestingly, we had also measured the children’s visual memory abilities,
because making links between visual forms of words and their meanings could
be seen as involving visual memory – memory for things you have seen. Our two
groups of children were matched for visual memory ability. For children in the
graphophonic group, there was no correlation between visual memory scores
and number of words learned. But for children in the non-graphophonic group,
this correlation was highly significant: although children in this group learned
fewer words, the children with better visual memory scores were more likely to
learn some words. It seems that if a child has no understanding or knowledge
of the alphabetic principle, then they’d better have a good visual memory.
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The fact that we’d found evidence not only of differential rates of learning
but also that the two groups were perhaps trying to set up representations of
words based on entirely different kinds of information led us to a further
question, namely, what aspects of printed words do children store in their
earliest representations of sight vocabulary? Some children seem to be able to
use logical links between print and sound to remember sight vocabulary, whilst
others seem to have to rely on the arbitrary links between print and meaning
that their visual memory allows. We (Dixon et al., 2002) set out to investigate
whether these different ways of remembering words led to the formation of
qualitatively different representations in sight vocabulary.
We worked again with 5-year-olds, and tested their ability to tell us what
sounds spoken words began and ended with. We also again tested their
knowledge of letter sounds. From these screening tests, we assigned the
children to three groups. Children who could identify both initial and final
phonemes and could select the letters to represent given phonemes at levels
significantly above chance were assigned to group 1; children who could
identify initial but not final phonemes, and could also select letters to
represent given phonemes at levels significantly above chance were assigned
to group 2; and children who could do neither phoneme identification task
and were at chance on the sound-letter matching task were assigned to group
3. Chelsea, who could identify initial phonemes but not final phonemes (that
is, could tell you that CAT begins with /k/, but not that CAT ends with /t/)
and who by now had been taught lots of letter sounds, would have been
assigned in this experiment to group 2.
We then set out again to teach some new words to all the children. But this
time, we didn’t just expect that group 1 would learn more quickly than group 2,
who in turn would learn more quickly than group 3. This time we also predicted
that children in the three different groups would store different representations
of the words they learned. As children in group 1 were aware of sounds at both
the beginning and end of words, we predicted that they would include the
beginning and end letters of the word in their representation. Children in
group 2 we thought would selectively store the beginning letter, and we didn’t
know what children in group 3, relying on visual memory rather than on
forming links between some letters and some sounds, would store.
We made the learning task fearsomely difficult by making all ten words the
same length, by printing them in capital letters so there were no overall
distinguishing patterns of ascenders and descenders, and by having five pairs of
words starting with the same letter. That is, we tried to teach SANDAL, SIGNAL,
PENCIL. We showed the children the words on flashcards and we got them to
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match the words to pictures and we planned to continue this training until each
child had read all ten words correctly in two consecutive sessions. But nine
children, mostly from group 3, never met this criterion, and for such children
training was stopped after 56 presentations of each word (14 training sessions).
Then we tested the children with the real words and a variety of misspelled
versions of each, to discover which aspects of each word were represented in the
child’s memory for that word. We laid out a word and its seven variants on the
SANLAD SADNAL) and asked the child ‘Which of these says “SANDAL”?’ We
noted which word the child chose and then asked, ‘Do any of the others say
“SANDAL”?’ And we kept on noting the child’s response and asking this
question until the child said, no, none of the others was ‘SANDAL’.
We expected children in group 1 to choose fewer variants of each word,
because we expected them to have stored the first and last letter in their sight
vocabulary representation. If this were so, then they would likely accept
SANDAL SARDAL SANCAL SADNAL, that is, the real word and the three
variants that retained the first and last letter. We were quite close here: on
average, children in this group accepted 3.4 items, and were more likely to be
misled by variants where the change was in the middle of the word.
We expected children in group 2 to choose more variants of each word than
children in group 1, because we expected them to have stored only the first
letter in their sight vocabulary representation. If this were so, then they would
that is, the real word and the five variants that retained the first letter. We were
quite close here too: on average children in this group accepted 5.9 items, and
only very seldom accepted variants where the first letter was wrong. And we
expected children in group 3 to choose at random and possibly accept the real
word and all its variants: they accepted on average 6.5 items, and were more
likely than children in group 2 to accept variants where the first letter was
wrong, although they were still less likely to accept variants where the first
letter was wrong than variants with changes in other positions within the word.
It clearly was a very hard task, and Chelsea might have commented, as did some
of the children in groups 2 and 3: ‘I know which ones say rocket, nearly all of
them!’ and ‘But all of them look like turnip to me!’
Let’s just pause here for a recap and think forward. Chelsea got off to a good
start in reading because she knew about letters, she knew that spoken words
were patterns of sounds, she could identify the initial sound in spoken words,
she knew that sounds in words could be written with letters, and she knew the
letters that stood for a few sounds. These attributes allowed her quickly to learn
remaining letter–sound rules, and to use these to work out the pronunciations
of some of the unfamiliar words she came across in reading texts. As we’ve seen,
according to David Share the ability to sound out unfamiliar words acts as a
self-teaching device: children who can use phonics to sound out unfamiliar
words can then store these words in sight vocabulary for subsequent rapid
recognition. Our experiments suggest that these attributes are what allowed
Chelsea also to use her experiences in shared reading and in playing at reading
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How much better would Chelsea have done if she had also been able to identify
the final sounds in spoken words? In that case, her sight vocabulary
representations of words would include the first and last letters. That is, the
word ‘BOAT’ would be represented as ‘b–t’, and the word ‘NIGHT’ as ‘n–t’.
From another of our experiments (Stuart et al., 1999), we argue that these
skeletal representations provide the child with a particularly powerful device for
So let’s assume that by the time she was six (the age of the children in Stuart
et al., 1999), Chelsea had got to grips with final sounds in words and was now
storing both beginning and end letters in her sight vocabulary representations.
If so, then as she reads and re-reads these words in the books she is now reading
every day, in guided as well as shared reading sessions and at home with her
parents, every repeat encounter with a word provides an opportunity to
complete its representation in sight vocabulary. As she reads ‘BOAT’, the ‘b’ is
already linked to /b/ and the ‘t’ to /t/: the ‘oa’ must therefore link to the
remaining portion of the sound pattern, to the /əυ/ in the middle of /bəυt/. As
she reads ‘NIGHT’, the ‘n’ is already linked to /n/ and the t to /t/: the ‘igh’ must
therefore link to the remaining portion of the sound pattern, to the /ai/ in the
middle of /nait/. Chelsea aged six is able to learn further phonic rules from her
experience of reading! Stuart et al. (1999) demonstrated this ability in 6- to
7-year-old readers who learned to read before the NLS was implemented. These
children were taught only the sounds of single letters at school: no vowel
digraphs were taught. We reasoned that if the children were nonetheless able to
read made-up ‘words’ containing vowel digraphs correctly, they must have
learned about the vowel digraphs from their reading experience, because
nobody was directly teaching them these.
We used our database of the children’s reading vocabulary to identify vowel
digraphs that the children had come across very frequently (ee, ea) or very
infrequently (oy, ei) in words they read in their school reading books. And as a
check on our hypothesis that correct reading of vowel digraphs indicated self-
teaching through reading, we further reasoned that children should in that
case be more likely to read correctly the vowel digraphs they’d experienced
frequently than those they’d not come across very often. So, in our experiment,
‘ee’ and ‘ea’ should be read correctly more often than ‘oy’ and ‘ei’. But vowel
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digraphs differ in more than just frequency of occurrence: for example, they
also differ in the consistency of their pronunciation. So we manipulated this
too: ‘ee’ is always pronounced /i/ and ‘oy’ is always pronounced /ɔ¹/ in all the
English words in which they occur; ‘ea’ and ‘ei’ are pronounced in a variety of
ways in different words in English (bead, great, head; vein, heir, weird). So we
also reasoned that consistency should affect vowel digraph reading accuracy:
the consistent should be easier to learn than the inconsistent.
In this experiment, we split children into two groups, according to whether they
were reading above or below the level expected for their age on a standardized
word reading test. There was an effect of reader group: children reading at or
above the expected level for their age were better at reading the vowel digraphs
correctly. We also found the expected effect of vowel digraph frequency: ‘ee’ and
‘ea’ were read correctly much more often than ‘oy’ and ‘ei’. Our scoring system
militated against finding any effects of consistency, as we counted any of the
several alternative pronunciations of each inconsistent digraph as correct.
The explanation I’ve given of how some children – 6- to 7-year-old children
who are reading words well – might be able to learn further phonic rules from
their experience of reading depends crucially on the notion that sight vocabulary
representations which incorporate beginning and end letters of words provide
opportunities for the child to infer that the remaining letters must represent the
middle sound of the word. We found some support for this notion also, in that
children who could identify the middle sound in a spoken word (that is, who
could tell us that the middle sound in /bəυt / was /əυ/) were the best at reading
vowel digraphs. The children with all the necessary prerequisites in place for
such inferential learning to occur were indeed the best learners.
So, by the age of seven, Chelsea’s ability to teach herself phonic rules from
reading continues to increase the power of her phonic decoding abilities, so that
she can sound out more and more complex words, which she can then store in
sight vocabulary for future swift recognition. These two different kinds of word
recognition processes (sight vocabulary; phonics) work together to reinforce
and strengthen each other. Phonic knowledge allows rudimentary decoding of
unfamiliar words and underpins early sight vocabulary; early sight vocabulary
allows further phonic rules to be inferred; expansion of the phonic rule system
allows more complex unfamiliar words to be decoded and stored as sight
vocabulary; as sight vocabulary expands, so does the possibility for further
inferences to be made; this further expands the phonic rule system and so on.
This is why some children, like Chelsea, take to reading like ducks to water.
But what of the children who do not: how can they best be taught? First, we need
to be able to identify such children early on. When we start teaching children
to read, we need to know whether they are phonologically aware: whether they
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can identify rhymes and initial and final phonemes in spoken words. We need
to know how many and which letter sounds they know. This information is
quick and easy to obtain. It is probably counter-productive to start teaching
children to read before they are capable of understanding and using the
alphabetic principle. As Stuart et al. (2000) showed, children who are required
to learn to read words before these capacities are developed rely on visual
memory and are unable to do more than learn to associate arbitrary features of
print with word meanings: this learning is unproductive and cannot generalize
to novel items. Therefore, the first priority with 5-year-olds who are not
phonologically aware and who do not know letter-sound correspondences is to
teach them these things.
The research evidence clearly indicates that teaching phoneme awareness
and phonics facilitates the development of word reading and spelling skills
(for a review of the effects of phoneme awareness training, see Ehri et al., 2001b;
for a review of the effects of phonics teaching, see Ehri et al., 2001a). In
intervention studies with inner-city children, most of whom were learning
English as an additional language (Stuart, 1999, 2004), children who were given
one term of systematic phonics and phoneme awareness teaching in their
second term in Reception were significantly better readers and spellers of words
at the end of Year 1 than children not taught in this way. They retained their
word reading and spelling advantage at the end of Year 2 over children in the
sample who were not given any systematic phonics teaching throughout KS1.
One class not taught systematic phonics in Reception had received one year of
systematic phonics teaching during Year 2. This class were equally as good word
readers as the Reception-taught group by the end of Year 2, although their
ability to read ‘made up’ words (an analogue for ‘unfamiliar words’) was still
less well developed than that of the children taught phonics for one term in
We also know that early systematic phonics teaching does not abolish
individual differences: some children learn what is taught faster and with less
need for practice than others. But it is clear that systematic phonics teaching
which includes the two components of phoneme awareness and linking
phonemes with letters is beneficial to the progress of children who learn with
more difficulty and who need more practice (Hatcher et al., 2004).
If we adopt phoneme awareness and phonics teaching as the entry point for
teaching reading, then many of the children we teach will, like Chelsea, get off
to a flying start in reading and will progress, as Chelsea did, to develop a self-
teaching system for reading words. This will be true even of some of those who
enter school without the attributes that enabled Chelsea to get off to such a
flying start, but who are quick to pick up on these things when they are given
the opportunity to do so through structured, systematic and intensive teaching.
The children who are slow to pick up on these things need more time and
practice. For example, in the school where the Jolly Phonics programme was
developed, the whole Reception class would go through the 10-week
programme in the first term. Those who had not got it at the end of the first
term were given additional small group teaching in the second term. Those who
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still had not got it then were given additional individual teaching in the third
term. By the start of Year 1, the alphabetic principle was understood and used
to some extent by all children. This, I suggest, is what we should be aiming to
achieve for all the children we teach.
Identify children in your class who bring some of the different kinds
of understanding about sounds in words that are described in this
chapter. Reflect on how well your current phonics curriculum is
meeting their needs.
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Chapter 3
Teaching Phonics:
The Basics
Research about phonics for reading – and for spelling – exists in abundance. This
chapter turns attention to the practical knowledge, skills and processes teachers,
classroom assistants and student teachers need to embrace to teach phonics
effectively. Interviews with practitioners and with tutors who provide continuing
professional development courses consistently highlight the need for practitioners
to have solid, practical understanding of the subject. Experienced phonics
teachers will recognize much of the information in this chapter, and could use it
when planning the content and activities for parents’ workshops and induction
sessions for new staff. The practicalities of how to teach a sequenced phonics
programme are well covered in many commercial programmes and governmental
resources, and such resources are easily accessible. This chapter therefore does not
focus on the minutia of the order in which to teach phonemes, segmenting and
blending, but rather on the fundamental understanding about these processes that
practitioners must consider.
When people begin working on phonics it is easy to make small and basic mistakes
that create confusions for children. One basic mistake is confusing letter names
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and letter sounds. Children need to be taught quite clearly that letters have a
name and make a sound. For some letters, the name and the sound are quite
similar (the letter ‘f ’, for example, makes the sound at the beginning of ‘fish’). For
others, the name and the sound are quite different (the letter ‘c’ makes the sound
at the start of ‘cat’).
The complex orthography of English means that letters do not consistently
make the same sounds (compare, for example, the ‘c’ in ‘cat’ and in ‘circle’ or
the ‘s’ in ‘sea’ and in ‘sugar’). This can be confusing for children and needs to
be acknowledged rather than ignored. It is particularly important to discuss it
when children are doing activities such as the ‘sound bag’ or collecting objects
beginning with a particular sound (perhaps to make a ‘sound table’). Chapters 6
and 8 provide more detailed explanation of the complex relationship between
sounds and letters in English.
Several phonics schemes begin by teaching children the sounds that letters
make, and teach the letter names slightly later. This is fine unless children have
already been taught the letter names at home or learned them from alphabet
songs or watching popular television programmes such as Sesame Street. It is a
good idea, when adults begin talking about letters, to ask the children what
they already know. If the children already know the letter name, it makes sense
to use this as an anchor for new knowledge about the sound. Otherwise, some
children become confused, knowing lots of ‘free-floating’ bits of information
about the letter but unsure of how it connects together and unable to use their
knowledge effectively or confidently. Being able to link letter names and sounds
is useful in other ways too. The important thing about letter names is that they
are constant; the letter ‘a’ is always called ‘a’ but the sounds the letter ‘a’ can
represent are numerous. Also, the letter names can help children to understand
long vowels. Don’t let children always associate letter names with upper-case
writing and sounds with lower-case writing.
Making sounds
When you say ‘sounds’, be careful not to distort the sound by enunciating in an
exaggerated way. It is especially important to avoid adding an extra ‘uh’
(technically called a ‘schwa’ sound) to the consonant; try to say ‘c’, ‘rrr’ and ‘t’
rather than ‘cuh’, ‘ruh’ and tuh’. Some sounds are running sounds like aaaa,
rrrrrrrrr, llllllllllll, mmmmmm, nnnnnnnn and sssssss and are fairly easy to
articulate without the intrusive ‘schwa’, but c, t, b, p, g are much harder and are
notoriously vulnerable to over-articulation or vocalizing a vowel at the end. The
sound that ‘c’ makes can, with care, run on. Other consonants, however, especially
those known as the plosives (e.g. b and p) are much trickier. Sometimes it helps
to separate a sound by rapidly repeating it in its briefest form – b b b b b b.
Over-enunciation of isolated sounds interferes with children’s understanding
of how to blend sounds, segment sounds and listen for sounds.
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It seems obvious to check that the children know what you mean when you use
terminology such as ‘word’, ‘letter’ and ‘sound’. Young children may not have
had a lot of previous discussion about the mechanics of print and may not be
completely secure about what these terms mean. Even experienced teachers can
make assumptions about the vocabulary and experiences children bring.
Words such as ‘beginning’, ‘middle’ and ‘end’ can also cause confusion. Some
children may still be struggling to use ‘beginning’, ‘middle’ and ‘end’ easily
when talking about physical objects that they can see and touch. Spoken words
are far harder – they are transitory: they cannot be seen and they cannot be
touched. When children first learn to talk, they think of words solely in terms of
what they mean: for a young child ‘ice lolly’ is often one word (because it relates
to one thing) and it means, quite simply, an ice lolly. It must seem very strange
to children unused to thinking of words as a sequence of sounds or articulatory
movements, to suddenly hear their teacher talking about an ‘ice lolly’ as two
words, each with a ‘beginning’ and an ‘end’. Hatcher (2000) and Adams et al.
(1998) offer some practical advice for helping children to hear the sounds.
Experience has shown that adults often discern small units better, not in sound
but in writing. There is an irony here, for teachers often bemoan the fact that
children do not listen very well. Classroom experience shows that children are
able to discern phonemes aurally once they have reached the phoneme-chunking
stage of phonological development (see Chapter 8). Adults, by contrast, are
often almost irretrievably immersed in visual, print-borne information and find
it difficult to focus on hearing the sounds rather than seeing the letters. One of
the most basic mistakes adults make in teaching phonics, therefore, is that their
knowledge of the letters used in the written word overrides their ability to hear
the number of actual sounds in it.
For example, take the word ‘cat’. Say the word slowly and smoothly, stretching
out the sounds to let them run easily into each other. Count how many different
sounds you say in the word. Adults generally have no trouble identifying three
sounds (or phonemes) – ‘c’, ‘a’ and ‘t’. You will note that the number of phonemes
in the word ‘cat’ matches the number of letters. However, now do the same
exercise for ‘chat’. You should find that ‘chat’ has the same number of phonemes
as ‘cat’ but a different number of letters: the first phoneme in ‘chat’ is ‘ch’, a single
sound but represented by two letters – a digraph.
The following activity will help practitioners to find out for themselves the
extent to which they have a secure and explicit awareness of phoneme (sound)
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Number of Number
phonemes of letters Digraphs (two Trigraphs (three Quadragraphs
(sounds) in in the letters that make letters that (four letters that
the word word one sound) make one sound) make one sound)
Cat 3 3 – – –
Chat 3 4 ch – –
and grapheme (letter(s) that represent the sound) boundaries. Consider in turn
each of the words in Table 3.1. Say each word slowly and smoothly. As you say
the words, listen very carefully for the different phonemes you hear and count
them. Beware! You may have a tendency to see the letters of the word rather
than hear the changes in sound as the word is said. Compare your answers with
those of a colleague before reading the next paragraph.
You should have found that ‘splat’ has five phonemes (and five letters);
‘bridge’ has four phonemes (‘b’ ‘r’ ‘i’ ‘j’) and six letters. ‘Catch’ has three
phonemes (‘c’ ‘a’ ‘ch’ – note that the final phoneme is exactly the same as the
first sound in ‘chat’) but it has five letters, whereas ‘clock’, also with five letters,
has four phonemes (‘c’ ‘l’ ‘o’ ‘c’).
An understanding of how sounds are articulated can help to stop adults being
blinded by the number of letters in a word (see Chapter 6). Various practical
approaches can support people in listening to the phonemes in a word, rather
than looking at the letters. Miskin (2005) recommends counting the phonemes
by stretching each sound along a separate finger whilst saying the word slowly
and smoothly. Marie Clay recommends using Elkonin boxes, where empty
squares represent the number of phonemes in the word. The word is
pronounced slowly and smoothly (stretched-out) and counters placed in the
appropriate square as each new phoneme is heard (Clay, 1993: 33). It is also
helpful if children are taught to write digraphs, trigraphs and quadragraphs in
flowing, joined script from the start to emphasize the link with the sound and
establish automatic spelling patterns.
It is critical that practitioners feel very secure in their concepts of
phonemes and graphemes and their boundaries. Why? Because this marks the
difference between phonics teaching of the past and what has been referred to
as ‘new phonics’. Old phonics teaching tended to assume blending as an
obvious and automatic process, and blended sounds were often taught as a
unit. (For example, children would be asked to look for ‘sp’ in the beginning
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of words such as ‘spell’, the end of words such as ‘wasp’ and in the middle of
words such as ‘raspberry’). Thus, old phonics teaching approaches didn’t
consistently take sounds down to the basic unit of the phoneme. The ‘new
phonics’ approach argues that this is important; children must be taught to
hear and understand phonemes if they are to understand the alphabetic
principle (Bielby, 1994).
Many practitioners have ‘picked up’ terms such as ‘onset and rime’ and ‘CVC
words’ but haven’t necessarily thought about how the two relate to each other.
When practitioners are teaching using onset and rime, the teaching activity should
involve isolating all the consonants at the beginning of a syllable up to the first
vowel. This is the onset. The first vowel and any remaining vowels and consonants
are the rime. For example cl/ock are the onset and rime for clock, w/ig-w/am
are the onsets and rimes for the two-syllable word ‘wigwam’. Teaching activities
using onset and rime involve children in listening to these sounds. Having
identified these sounds, teachers then often ask children to analyse the visual
patterns of the letters and use this information to work out new words. For
example, the rime ‘ock’ helps children work out dock, lock, sock and so on.
Hearing onset and rime and seeing letter patterns are not inevitably bound
together, however (see Chapter 1 for a fuller discussion).
When practitioners teach CVC words, they are often teaching children to
hear and identify all the individual phonemes in the word, in sequence. The
tasks tend to involve activities such as blending individual phonemes to make
a whole word or separating a whole word into its constituent sounds.
It is not a bad idea to use the technical terms with children, as long as this
doesn’t confuse them. The important thing to remember is that the activities
associated with onset–rime and with CVC words require different kinds of
thinking about the sounds and the relationship between sounds and letters;
both are valid and important for different reasons. Chapter 2 explains the
importance of teaching CVC words and Chapter 8 explains the importance of
acknowledging letter strings that do not fit the principle of matching one
phoneme (sound) per letter.
Crucial to any exploration of phonics for teachers, teaching assistants and other
practitioners is the need to clarify the core concepts and terminology used.
Spend a few moments thinking about how you would complete each of the
following sentence starters. Try to capture the essence of each term by jotting
down key words and phrases:
Phonics is . . .
Phonemic awareness is . . .
Phonological awareness is . . .
Phonetics is . . .
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Invite other colleagues to engage in this task and share your comments. A useful
starting point is to consider which of the four terms felt least threatening – or
most familiar – to each of you, as well as what you have each written down.
Discuss how you felt when trying to differentiate these terms. Many teachers,
students and teaching assistants report an uncomfortable level of inadequacy,
even embarrassment. This often leads to consideration of the importance of
open discussion and direct training in both initial teacher education and
subsequent professional development courses.
A glance down the list shows that all the four terms share the same stem phon –
linking them all in some way to sound. A focus on the term ‘phonics’, however,
cannot solely encompass sound, but also the association between a sound and
the symbol(s) used to depict that sound in writing. Teachers may be familiar
with educational psychologists’ reports which sometimes refer to ‘sound to
symbol’ and ‘symbol to sound’ processing. This kind of language is more
accurate than ‘sound to letter’ and ‘letter to sound’ processing. The moment we
make reference to the symbolic information of writing we move into ‘graphic’
rather than ‘phonic’ information. Hence it seems that the term ‘phonics’ is
better understood as a shorthand term for either ‘grapho-phonics’ (if the
literacy process is reading) or ‘phono-graphics’ (if the literacy process is
spelling/writing). Now our original terms have multiplied. We have:
phonological awareness
graphological awareness
Everyone learns more effectively when they understand how the learning will
be useful and can link the learning activity they have been set with wider, more
general experiences. This matters because children need to apply new knowledge
many times before it moves from working memory to long-term memory and
becomes effortless and automatic.
Sometimes links that seem obvious to practitioners are less obvious to children,
who often ‘ring-fence’ knowledge and see it as only applicable to particular
activities or situations (Guthrie, 2004). Thus, the links between phonics lessons,
reading and writing need to be demonstrated and followed through to make the
wider applications completely explicit. Children need to be shown how phonics
is useful, and this must be integral to the teaching session, rather than an
‘afterthought’ at the end of the lesson or a separate lesson. It also means that
children should be coached in using their knowledge during real-life writing and
reading tasks, not just on games, worksheets and activities.
It is always good practice to ask children to suggest when they will be able to
use and apply what they have learnt: it helps to make the links explicit,
encourages a disposition for seeing links and encourages children to take
responsibility for, and notice opportunities for, their own learning. Incidental
comments by adults are also a powerful influence on the learning ethos in class.
Teachers and classroom assistants who point out and encourage children to
apply their learning to new activities, and who notice and compliment children
when they spontaneously make such links, help create this ethos.
Teaching that is too pedestrian and earnest lacks impact. Short, pacy and
frequent phonics inputs have more impact than longer, drawn-out sessions
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Be a ‘noticing’ practitioner
Kathy Hall (see Chapter 1) and Colin Harrison (2004) will help
practitioners locate phonics teaching within the wider domain of
reading. Harrison, C. (2004) Understanding Reading Development.
London: Sage.
Adams, M.J., Foorman, B., Lundberg, I. and Beeler, T. (1998)
Phonemic Awareness in Young Children. Baltimore MD. Paul,
H. Brookes. This book builds up children’s phonological develop-
ment through a series of carefully structured yet fun-packed
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Chapter 4
In all the debates about the role of phonics and the kind of phonics we should
use, it is important to consider what the different approaches to phonics means
in terms of classroom practice. What are the teaching and learning experiences,
and what are the outcomes for children who are taught by practitioners with
different beliefs about the teaching of phonics?
In the first part of this chapter a teacher who first used synthetic phonics
in Clackmannanshire describes how she now mixes the approach with more
writing and play-based activities in her current school in Stirling. In the second
part, a teacher describes how she uses both synthetic and analytic phonics in
her class. The final account describes a heavily integrated and contextualized
approach based on exploring language in many ways.
Lyndsay Macnair
I have taught phonics to infants in Scotland and New Zealand but I first became
aware of a new approach to teaching phonics whilst I was teaching in England.
Former colleagues in Clackmannanshire were piloting a synthetic phonics
programme and were keen to share their success. I spoke at length with my former
colleagues and had opportunities to observe lessons. On my return to teaching in
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A typical phonics lesson lasts approximately 30–40 minutes and is split into
roughly six parts:
• Warm-up begins with oral starter activities which include the alphabet song,
the name game, letters before and after, and ‘vowel owls’.
• Revision of previous teaching using letter flashcards and magnetic wedge.
The children identify and say the letters and do the actions as the flashcards
are shown. This is reinforced again by asking the children to find letter
sounds on the wedge. The children are then asked to read words from the
board that reinforce the previous letters taught. At this point I get the
children to rub the words off the board as they read them (which gives great
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satisfaction). Included on the board are the tricky words, which the children
learn alongside the letter sounds. I also have a selection of words as
flashcards. These are stuck to the board and collected instead of being
rubbed off. The children are given an opportunity to spell words. At this
point I remind them that to read a word they need to sound and blend it.
The children help me write words on the board sounding out each letter in
turn reinforcing beginning, middle and end. The children then make words
using their magnetic letters.
• A new sound is then taken from the alphabet and shown to the children with the
explanation that the letter makes a particular sound. At this point an action
is introduced to help the children remember the sound for that letter. The
children are then shown the printed version of the letter on the flashcard as
well as the written version on the board and wedge. Words containing the new
sound are written on the board and a volunteer is asked to find the new sound,
circle it and say its position in the word either beginning, middle or end. I then
ask for examples of words containing the new sound and write them on the
board, or the child can write them on the board with the help of their peers.
The children are asked to put the word into the context of a sentence.
• Word making with the magnetic letters to reinforce the new sound is always
popular with the children. Words are given and the children have to locate
the letter for each sound and place them in the correct order at the bottom
of their boards starting at the left-hand side, which is marked with a star.
This is an opportunity for paired working, when the children can assist each
• Letter formation is practised with magic finger pencil writing on the floor, a leg
or in the air. Volunteers are asked to come and write on the board. The children
are shown a cursive font from the start, as we encourage cursive handwriting
at my school. I use individual whiteboards for this, giving children the
opportunity to make errors without worrying about its finality. The children are
then asked to assess their work and circle the best example, and I do the same.
These boards can be photocopied for evidence when required.
• Consolidation is completed in the form of a game, a written activity, a
whiteboard activity or a reading activity. I try to have a blank sound board
on the go for that day, giving the children a chance to add words containing
the new sound throughout the day, circling the sound for the day. If the child
cannot spell the word, I help them to sound it out. I often challenge the
children to find more words than the day before. This is a fun way to learn
and the children especially enjoy playing the games. These include picture
cue cards, a game which the child takes and makes the word either with the
magnetic letters or the whiteboard. Pairs matching words to pictures also
helps to develop memory skills. The children really enjoy sitting in a circle
with a mountain of words in front of them. They are timed to collect as many
words as they can read. If they are stuck they can put the word back or seek
peer or teacher help. This can be differentiated by placing the harder words
in front of the more confident child, saving simpler words for the less
confident. It’s the sense of achievement that is important in this game.
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Having taught phonics for a number of years, I was surprised at the speed
and eagerness with which the children approached reading. The rate at which the
children progressed through the reading scheme as well as their hunger for non-
fiction material was impressive. They were willing to try the strategies shown
during the phonics lessons on everything. They were displaying competent word
attack skills and as a result new words were not daunting but rather a challenge to
be overcome. This had a huge impact on the rest of my teaching. The children
were able to write independently very early on and were confident in their writing.
They were unfazed by new vocabulary. They sounded words out and wrote them
down; yes, phonetically spelled, but nonetheless the children were writing and
were not afraid to have a go. The spelling improved as their knowledge base grew.
The amount the children wrote also increased, as did the range of contexts they
wrote about. The children’s handwriting improved as the children were exposed to
the cursive formation of letters right from the beginning, and when digraphs were
taught the children wrote them with the joins in place, knowing no different.
Environmental topics were now more challenging; the children in Primary 1
(who entered the class aged four and a half to five and a half) were able to
complete simple research activities I had previously introduced in Primary 2,
such as finding key vocabulary and facts from non-fiction material. The
children were also able to transfer the knowledge gained from research when
compiling their Jungle Journals, writing at least three facts about a variety of
grassland and jungle animals. Citizenship also benefited as the children were
keen to write more in their class journals after visits home or to interesting
places. The children were also able to read the journal themselves.
An added bonus was that of peer support. The children were able to help one
another and to read what each other had written. We made time for sharing
writing with our friends and classmates. Teaching synthetic phonics had a huge
impact not only on the class but also on the rest of the school and the parents.
I was aware that this approach to phonics was new to many parents. Many felt
it alien to them and were concerned about ‘not teaching it right’. As a result
the parents were invited to attend workshops within the school and in the class,
where they were shown a typical phonics lesson to help them develop a clearer
understanding of the strategies and expressions used. It was also an opportunity for
the teacher to dispell any parental concerns or confusion in a friendly informal way.
The parents were shown a range of the activities and games that the children
completed on a weekly basis. Many were surprised by the capability and confidence
of their child.
Within the school there were implications for the management team as well as
fellow teachers. Provision of resources and training had to be sustained as the
approach was rolled out throughout the infant department and beyond. The
attainment of the children had to be recognized and developed. These children
needed to be challenged at every opportunity or they would become bored and lose
their enthusiasm. This had implications for teaching and resources. The children
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community of learners and so the social practices adopted in this classroom are
taken as the norm by the children. The teacher’s commitment to the programme
comes through clearly. Such commitment is likely to impact on outcomes. The
teacher’s commitment was strengthened by professional development support.
Sally Evans
My literacy teaching starts with the classroom environment. There are plenty of
attractive books (fiction and non-fiction) and a comfortable carpeted area where
we gather to read, as a class, a group or individually. There are posters, alphabet
friezes, labelled displays, word walls and labelled resources, all of which create a
print-rich environment. I have lots of language resources, including phonic
resources such as games, magnetic, felt and wooden letters and individual
whiteboards for children to ‘have a go’. The role-play area is set up to provide a
context in which they can see and use reading and writing (and mathematics).
This half-term we have a hospital, last term we had our Fairy Tale Cottage where
a notice on the door saying Just gone for a walk turned it into the Three Bears’
cottage, one saying Lift up the latch and walk in turned it into Grandma’s cottage, a
royal invitation in the letter box turned it into Cinderella’s kitchen and so on.
There are always writing materials in this area and the children use their phonic
knowledge as they write out a shopping list for mummy bear or a ‘do not disturb’
notice for Grandma’s door. We have a puppet theatre with a range of puppets
including a ‘Word Wizard’. Word Wizard’s cloak was made by one of our parents
and has letters scattered over it. Word Wizard takes part in many of our phonic
games and attempts at blending and segmenting. He’s very good at these and can
help, prompt and demonstrate. We also have ‘Baby Word Wizard’ (who has a
different coloured cloak and an L-plate) who often gets things wrong or gets stuck.
The children love helping him out.
I use ICT constantly to support and encourage reading. This includes things
such as phonic games on the computer, electronic Big Books, writing our own
books based on digital photographs that children add captions to and so on. I have
many everyday uses of ICT that support literacy. For example, when the children
enter the classroom in the morning and sit on the carpet, the computer is running
a programme that runs the words ‘Hello Isha, Hello James . . .’ (through all the
names of the class) along the bottom of the interactive whiteboard. As they settle
down they look out for their name and their friends’ names. As the year progresses
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the message becomes longer – ‘Good morning’ or ‘How are you today?’ The children
are thrilled when a new message appears and read it with great excitement.
So what does a typical week of phonics teaching look like in my classroom? Most
days start with some songs, nursery rhymes or a language game as we gather on the
carpet. For some children these reinforce their phonemic awareness, for others
they are essential in continuing to give them vital early language experiences they
still need. Each day we have a literacy session of about an hour. We spend about
15 minutes on word level work, and three or four times a week this will be
dedicated wholly to phonic work. It will often begin with a song such as ‘Vowel
Rap’ or the ‘OO Song’ and then I will introduce a new sound or sounds that we will
draw on our neighbour’s back and on our whiteboards as we say it aloud. I will
write a word containing the phoneme and we will segment it into all its phonemes.
We will put it with other phonemes we know (using magnetic letters or the
interactive whiteboard) to blend into a word. We write the word and we will
generate other words with the same pattern. Children will try writing these on
their whiteboards. I introduce phonemes in an ordered way – initial, final and
medial – and we differentiate between consonants and vowels. We will play a game
using the sound(s), perhaps with our letter fans or on the interactive whiteboard.
We often create a sentence or two, which I scribe and which the children read back
to me. As the year progresses they write their own sentences.
I often start the literacy session with this word level work before moving on to
some shared reading or writing where children have further opportunities
to apply their phonic knowledge. During the independent group work some
groups will do further phonic practice through more games or through intensive
work with an adult. As well as the word level time within the literacy session,
playing around with sounds is threaded through short activities throughout the
day. For example, I may ask the children to line up in a certain order depending
on phonemes – all those whose name begins with ‘m’, with ‘b’; in PE we make the
shapes of letters as a warm-up activity, running round the hall and then making a
Y or a T or whatever.
Another word level session in the week will have a quick recap and revisit of
what we have done in phonics up to that point, but will then focus on sight
vocabulary and vocabulary extension. Handwriting is integrated into all the
word level sessions as we create letter shapes, but further handwriting activities
are undertaken at other times during the week too.
My long-term phonics planning is based on the medium-term plans provided
on the Playing with Sounds CD-ROM. This takes most children through all the
seven steps of Progression in Phonics by the end of term 1. The steps have also
been modified to introduce some vowels earlier so that the children can blend
words at an early stage. This is faster than the original pace suggested by
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In the three years since I began teaching I have learnt a huge amount about the
role of phonics. Every day I see how it helps my children to read and to write,
but I do not think it works in isolation; it is part of a broader package.
Many of the activities described above are similar to those described in the
‘synthetic phonics classroom’, but simultaneously with the phonic teaching there
is work on sight vocabulary, other reading cues and supported reading and
enjoyment of books beyond the child’s reading ability. In guided reading sessions
children would be encouraged to use phonics to read unknown words, but
they would also be reminded of other strategies that can help them. There is a
different pace of phonics teaching in this class – although still fast – and a
different amount of time given to it. Emphasis is also given to using letter patterns.
This teacher integrates phonics with the wider literacy curriculum and sees
phonics as one skill to be developed and used among others, not as a completely
distinct skill to be taught separately and first. Like the synthetic phonics teacher,
this teacher plays short games to reinforce phonic knowledge, offering children
lots of kinaesthetic and interactive opportunities to learn. Also like the synthetic
phonics teacher, she actively encourages children to use their phonic knowledge
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There are decades of research into how we read, how children learn to read and
how best to teach it. Anyone training to be a teacher can find shelves of books
in university libraries about the complex combination of skills and experiences
involved in being a reader. Each book may offer slightly different advice; some
authors may make bold statements about the efficacy of one teaching method
or another, but all the authors will have set out with the genuine intention of
enhancing learning experiences for children and improving general ‘standards’
of reading in society. Other sources of guidance available to teachers include
government generated documents (for example, The National Curriculum,
DfES/QCA, 2000; NLS Framework for Teaching, DfEE, 1998a), advice published
by interested parties, such as librarians (The Reading Agency, 2004 Enjoying
Reading) and many strongly worded articles and reports in journals and
newspapers. Once qualified, however, it doesn’t take long for most primary
teachers to realize that, though very helpful, all the advice on offer cannot take
into account the diverse range of needs within a class of up to 30 young
children. For example, just one aspect of reading – learning to interpret the
alphabetic code into meaning – has generated many different approaches from
which to choose. As no one teaching method will be successful for every child,
the rational teacher will look for and use whatever is helpful.
There is no doubt that for beginner readers a main element of learning to
read is the process of making sense of written language as a symbol. If children
are to become independent readers, they need to know how the symbolic system
works and they need to be able to use and manipulate the ‘code’. This is the
aspect of reading referred to as ‘phonics’, and it involves learning the
relationship between the speech sounds (phonemes) and their symbolic
representation in the form of one or more letters of the alphabet (graphemes).
It sounds surprisingly simple, yet it causes more debate among teachers,
academics and politicians than any other aspect of the reading curriculum. It is
essential that teachers understand how to navigate the debates, acquire a
confident knowledge of literacy learning and provide pupils with positive
learning experiences.
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All these activities will happen in different ways: they may be planned lessons
with the whole class or a group; they may be incidental conversations about
print during shared or guided reading or writing; they may be independent
activities when children analyse and make words from letters by manipulating
letters and letter combinations; they may be casual conversations about how
print works or they may be opportunities to highlight print features in display
and resources available to the children. All these different types of activities
will be part of the teacher’s planning so that lots of ways of using and talking
about print are part of the children’s classroom experience.
The first thing that children need to be able to do when tackling phonics is
to hear and discriminate between the sounds. It is important that this is done
before any explicit reference to how they are represented in print. The starting
point is work on phonological awareness, that is, the ability to hear differences
in speech sounds. Classroom activity related to phonological awareness will
involve a lot of drama, movement, singing, clapping, listening and music:
Singing songs and nursery rhymes that accentuate sound patterns (for
example, Hickory, Dickory Dock and Humpty Dumpty), which help children
‘tune’ in to speech sounds.
Sharing books with lots of opportunities to join in, especially with exciting
noises such as those made by the dogs in Yip Yap Snap! (Fuge, 2001) or the
traffic in Noisy Noises On the Road (Wells, 1988).
Playing skipping and clapping games, which encourage rhythmic
movement accompanied by words.
Talking about the sounds we hear around us every day. Asking questions
such as ‘What sound does the cow make?’, ‘Can you hear the bell ring?’ and
‘Are you listening to the music?’, all of which introduce very young
children to the vocabulary of sound and encourage them to talk about the
quality of sounds. ‘That is a high sound.’ ‘That bell is ringing quickly.’
‘That music makes me feel happy.’
Listening to sounds and identifying and differentiating between those
they hear. As they become more experienced, children will become more
adept at hearing subtle differences between sounds.
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All these activities become reading lessons as the children learn to hear, identify
and discriminate between different sounds. In a classroom there would be lots
of opportunities for children to play with sounds – a tape recorder, a sound area
with materials to make sounds, displays of words to do with sounds. There
would also be a specific focus on listening to sounds – group activities where
sound lotto is played, making sound accompaniments to well-known stories,
matching sounds with the objects or people who make them, trying to make
different qualities of sound with voices and instruments.
Phonological awareness needs to be firmly established before moving to the
next stage when children start to explore how sounds are represented in print.
The purpose of our teaching is to enable children to become independent and
effective readers, in control of written language. Although all the different
sounds and their symbols must be learned, the whole experience should be
firmly embedded in the complete meaning-making process. We may choose to
make use of a published scheme (there is no point in reinventing the wheel)
but, as schemes tend to adhere to one approach, we must avoid allowing it to
dictate exclusively what happens in the class. Matching phoneme to grapheme
is only one way that children will acquire the decoding skill. It is helpful to
consider onset and rime, letter clusters and syllables. It is also important to look
at words in their meaningful context, whether thinking about writing your own
name or seeing a well-known story in print. Again there will be lots of activity
in the room as letters and sounds are painted, sung, drawn in the sand, made by
stretching arms and legs, spotted in displays around the school and even grown
with cress seeds on bits of felt.
Of course, all the time that this focused work is going on, there will be plenty
of other literacy experiences taking place. Everything related to literacy should
be perceived by the children as interrelated. They need to be aware that
working hard to remember a piece of grapho-phonic information holds the key
to being able to read the super story book they shared yesterday.
There are no absolute rules in phonics. There are more common ways of
representing sounds, but often well-known words do not conform to usual
patterns. Think of the phoneme /ie/. It can be represented in many
different ways: light, tie, eye, kite, I, climb, height, fly. Which is the most
common? Which is the most unusual? Collecting words and sorting them
is a powerful way of helping children to understand how the English
language uses symbols to represent sound.
Children need to understand that there are some differences which matter
and some which don’t. In their previous experience a chair has always been
a chair, whichever way it is facing and whichever way up it is. Letters do
not work like that. Playing with letters is a way of becoming familiar with
their forms – magnetic letters, letters made from sandpaper, fur fabric,
satin, wood, letters written on a partner’s back, letter shapes I can make
with my body, letters drawn in wet sand, in rice, in sawdust, letters painted
in water on the playground, grown in cress on blotting paper, made out
of play-dough. It is important to give children every possible opportunity
of becoming familiar with the shapes of letters. Classrooms will be full of
examples of written language which draw attention to letters representing
sound. Alphabet charts can be made about almost every subject, letters can
be highlighted in any print, words sharing a common rime can be listed,
words with similar letter strings can be linked. Children’s names can be
used to explore the sound–symbol relationship.
Listening to sounds and playing with them does not stop when we move to
more focused phonic teaching. This too should be text based, and there are
many wonderful books which play with language. Phonics is great fun
when we find the rhymes in books like The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss, a
Preston Pig story by Colin MacNaughton or the brilliant Tanka Tanka Skunk
by Steve Webb.
There are also some stories for young children beautifully written in lyric
prose. The work of Martin Waddell, in particular, uses alliteration, assonance
and rhyme as a natural part of his style. When children listen to Farmer
Duck or Can’t you Sleep, Little Bear? they are hearing and seeing literary
language at its best.
There are many packages that offer good ideas for games that we can use with
children or adapt for the special circumstances of the class. For example, the
Primary National Strategy publication Playing with Sounds (DfES, 2003a) is an
excellent resource, full of good ideas for exploring language in an enjoyable
way. It contains examples of both child-initiated learning and play and planned
teacher-directed activities.
Shared writing will be another way in which children will be taught explicitly
how sounds are represented in print. Here it is the language of the teacher
which will make that clear: ‘How do I write down that word? It sounds like that
other word we already know.’ It is in situations like this that children come to
realize that the same phoneme is not always represented in the same way; by
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exploring patterns they will come to appreciate both the conventions and the
vagaries of English spelling, determined by morphemic structure (meaning, for
example, ‘sign’ and ‘signature’) as well as phonological structure (sound).
The key characteristic of all these activities is that the alphabetic nature of
written language is explored and taught within the context of texts which are
meaningful and relevant to the children. Decoding is a means to an end and not
an end in itself; once we know what a word ‘says’, we need to talk about what it
means to us – how the story relates to our own feelings and experiences or how
the text entertains, instructs, persuades or informs us. Readers and writers need
phonic knowledge in order to engage with texts. It becomes one of the tools they
use; struggling readers are often those who become stuck in the skill of using
the tool rather than allowing the purpose of the literacy activity to dominate.
Although teaching should be logically organized, we must remember that
learning is recursive – it spirals forwards in an irregular fashion rather than
taking uniform steps along a straight line. It is not possible to say how or when
every child will make a leap of understanding or which of the phonics-focused
sessions prompted it. Synthetic phonics, analytic phonics, whole-to-part, onset
and rime, analogy – all are available to teachers and all have their part to play
in the early years classroom. In acknowledging different learning styles within
the classroom, we can take every opportunity available to us. It will be when a
young reader becomes lost in a book that everything falls into place. Above all,
children need to enjoy reading and to share their personal responses to the
variety of texts they encounter both in and out of the classroom. Acquiring
phonic knowledge is just one of the essential steps to achieving that end.
Again you will have recognized similarities between some of the approaches
mentioned in this account and in the two previous accounts in terms of the
kinds of activities undertaken. This account, however, embeds the teaching of
phonics within what is broadly called a ‘whole language’ approach. Emphasis
is placed on understanding the purpose of reading and in reading enjoyable
‘real books’ – although the authors acknowledge the usefulness of reading
schemes too. Knowledge about language is discussed and language is seen as a
flexible and intriguing tool rather than a set of unbreakable rules. Phonic rules
are given attention but are not an end in themselves. The personal and social
aspects of language learning are invoked and a literacy-rich physical and social
environment central to the quality of learning. The role of the teacher is
characterized as that of a skilled practitioner orchestrating many aspects of
language learning, not merely as a deliverer of programmes. Pace and content
are more personalized to the needs of the learner.
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In Chapter 1, Kathy Hall argues that different views about the role of
phonics reflect deeper differences about how we view knowledge.
What different views of knowledge do you think are represented in
these three classrooms?
Chapter 5
Involving Parents
and Carers
Jackie Marsh
*Throughout the chapter, the word ‘parents’ is used to refer to both biological and non-biological
parents and carers.
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to hear and play with sounds aurally. Teachers need to stress this to parents as,
often, parents move straight to work on phoneme-grapheme correspondence
when this is developmentally inappropriate for their children.
There are a number of approaches to involving parents in children’s early
reading. At the simplest level, teachers can engage parents in one-to-one
conversations about how they can support reading, and perhaps use parent-
friendly literature that can be taken home and used when parents need
additional guidance. An alternative is to offer specially designed one-off
workshops that introduce parents to key strategies. Holding regular drop-in
sessions for parents is also helpful and allows them to return to issues if they
find they need extra support. Finally, a series of workshops can be organized as
part of a structured family literacy programme. Whatever approach is used, it
is important for schools to be clear about how they will involve parents in early
reading and to communicate this to families. Simply sending books home for
parents to share with children will not always lead to best practice. When
considering setting up a programme (however informal) for parents, a number
of principles should be considered.
The following section offers a set of guiding principles that could inform work
with parents, but is not an exhaustive list; schools will want to add principles
arising from a consideration of their own specific contexts.
Active engagement
Workshops for parents should provide plenty of opportunities for parents to try
out activities and to rehearse the strategies that are introduced to them. This
can develop parents’ confidence and enhance their self-esteem.
Once fundamental approaches to working with parents have been established
by schools, teachers can set about designing workshops and programmes that
will provide parents with guidance on supporting children’s early reading
development. If it is not possible to hold such sessions, then teachers should at
least attempt to engage parents in regular conversations about supporting
children’s reading, providing them with strategies and guidance where necessary
through handouts and lists of websites. However, research shows that family
literacy programmes are effective (Hannon, 2003; Nutbrown et al., 2005) and,
where possible, schools should strive to engage parents in structured sessions
that offer opportunities to build confidence and skills.
The following section considers ways that parents can be encouraged to
support children’s reading.
There are numerous books with ideas for games and activities with children
that parents can use to promote children’s engagement in early reading. Such
activities need an underpinning framework to help parents gain a broader
picture of where the activities fit in children’s overall reading experiences. The
ORIM Framework is a model that has worked for a number of schools and
Local Authorities and is used by the Raising Early Achievement in Literacy
(REAL) Project (Nutbrown et al., 2005). The framework identifies four strands
of early literacy development: environmental print, books, early writing and
key aspects of oral language. It also outlines four key roles for parents in which
they can provide: Opportunities, Recognition, Interaction and a Model of
literacy in each of the four early literacy strands. Table 5.1 provides further
details of these key roles and what each of them entails.
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Table 5.1 Four key roles for parents (Nutbrown et al., 2005)
press). Parents also need guidance on the very wide range of materials that are
now on offer in supermarkets and bookshops to support early learning. Again,
some of these contain developmentally and pedagogically inappropriate material.
Developing a set of criteria for choosing such material could usefully be an
activity included in a family literacy workshop.
For schools that serve multilingual communities, working with parents provides
a range of opportunities, but also additional challenges. Not all parents may be
able to speak English and some may not be literate in either English or their first
language. However, much can be done in work with families on early reading
development, as the following case study of Springfield School, Sheffield,
indicates. Here, the Deputy Headteacher, Val Johnson, outlines some approaches
the school has taken to work with parents on reading:
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Most of our parents are bilingual and many do not read or write English
and so we can’t just send home reading books with children and expect
parents to share them with their children. Nor are the reading record books
that many schools send home with children for parents to write in
appropriate for our families. So we have done a number of things to
develop parents’ engagement with their children’s learning. We have held
workshops with translators in which we have had a few parents at a time
attend, as that allows intensive work. We emphasize that it is important
for parents to talk to children at home using their first language. We spend
a lot of time talking about how they can support their child through
sharing stories, talking about books using the pictures and taking an
interest in what they do. We have also had a storysacks project in which
parents made bilingual storysacks. This gives parents the message that we
value their home languages and also increases confidence in re-telling
stories that they are familiar with. We also use photographs of trips that
parents have been on with children to make books – these shared events
can provide a good opportunity for talk around texts.
Other strategies that can be used to involve bilingual parents in early reading
development include:
Making a video for parents in their first language which explains how
children develop reading skills and how they can help them, even if
parents are not able to read English, for example, by talking about the
pictures, re-telling the story through the pictures.
Helping parents to make tapes of rhymes and stories in the children’s first
Giving parents digital or disposable cameras and asking them to take
photographs of everyday objects at home. These can then be used to make
dual-language alphabet books to share with their children. Collective
approaches to some of the more challenging letters (for example, x and z)
can be taken!
has indicated that many women read more often at home than men and are
more involved in literacy activities with their children (Millard, 1996). But
there are strategies that can be used to encourage men to take part in activities
that promote early reading and these are outlined in the next section.
In the following case study, Gary Roberts and the Aberdeen Family Learning
Team outline how men were targeted for involvement in family learning
programmes. The projects were funded by Learning Connections, the Adult
Literacy section of Community Scotland.
school staff helped him to use language appropriate for beginning readers,
and his son loved reading a book that his own dad had made.
Dads’ favourite books: one school used a wall in a corridor to document the
favourite books of children’s fathers, displaying copies of book covers
where possible, along with speech bubbles containing the fathers’ thoughts
on the books they had named as favourites.
Setting up a Curiosity Kits scheme: non-fiction book bags with related
artefacts that have been shown to encourage book sharing between
children and males in the family (Lewis and Fisher, 2003).
There are a number of potentially sensitive areas in this work. Some children may
live in single-parent families and not be in regular contact with their fathers.
Focusing on fathers’ involvement may cause distress to some children in these
cases. It is also important that any attempts to involve fathers do not draw
energies away from developing family learning more generally. Both mothers and
fathers need to feel welcomed in school and able to become involved in family
learning projects. Balancing all of these elements in any work with families is
never easy, but is important in order to ensure widespread involvement.
Chapter 6
Elspeth McCartney
By the time that normally developing children begin to learn to read and write they
have already learned to talk. This means that they have succeeded in segmenting the
stream of sound they hear into meaningful words, and learned how to pronounce
most of the words of English. Learning to relate written forms such as words and
letters to their auditory counterpart continues a process that started in infancy.
Learning to talk involves recognizing, representing and storing the phonemes
(speech sounds) of the languages heard by a child. Each word in a language has
its own phonological form, stored alongside the word’s meanings in the lexicon
(mental word store). Identifying a word spoken by another or saying it aloud
requires that the correct phonological form is identified or used. Long before they
learn to read or write, children analyse the phonemes of the language(s) to which
they are exposed, but do this on a largely unconscious level. By the time they learn
to decode written text they have created an internal template of the language’s
phonemes and word forms and can match written words against this, as a step in
accessing meaning. This chapter traces children’s development of phonological
representations and their growing ability to reflect upon them consciously, and
considers some of the implications of this process for learning to read. It begins
with a brief overview of the phonology of English to clarify the information that
children bring to the process of reading.
The English language uses about 40 distinct elements to form all the words
of the language (and English may have about half a million words). These
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elements are called ‘phonemes’. Phonemes are divided into vowels and
consonants and contrast the words of a language so that changing a phoneme can
change the meaning. Think of words like ‘cat’, ‘bat’, ‘fat’, ‘rat’, ‘sat’, ‘pat’, ‘tat’, ‘vat’,
‘chat’, ‘that’, ‘hat’, which differ only in their initial phoneme. Understanding how
phonemes are formed can help to explain why young children confuse
phonemes that adults may feel are ‘obviously’ different. Often the confused
phonemes are quite close in articulatory terms.
Vowels and consonants are most easily defined by considering how a speaker’s
breath is shaped in the mouth as it passes from the lungs whilst talking. For
vowel sounds the breath is not stopped or occluded on the way, although every
vowel has a ‘buzz’ of voicing added from the vocal cords vibrating together in
the larynx (also called the voice box or Adam’s apple). The air passes out fairly
freely, shaped only a little by the tongue and lips.
To make different vowels, we need to think about the physical positions adopted
by the tongue and lips and how close the tongue is held to the roof of the mouth.
The back or front of the tongue can be bunched up more or less closely to the roof
of the mouth, or the tongue can be held fairly flat; the lips can be rounded or spread.
To understand the very tiny differences that children must notice, try this sequence:
round your lips, and hold the tip of your tongue down behind your lower teeth. This
leaves the tongue bunched up high at the back and lets you make ‘back’ vowels.
Make a ‘high’ to ‘low’ vowel sequence (start with the back of the tongue close to the
roof of your mouth) whilst letting some air out and sounding at the larynx. You
should first get an ‘oo’ vowel, as in ‘oodles’. Lower the back of the tongue to make
‘oh’, as in ‘over’; then lower it further to ‘o’ as in ‘orange’ then ‘ah’ as in ‘bath’. Now
make ‘front’ vowels, with the front of your tongue bunched up near the roof of your
mouth with lips spread, giving ‘ee’ as in ‘eerie’, then lower your tongue a little for
‘eh’ as in ‘empty’ and lower it further for ‘a’ as in ‘apple’. There are also vowels made
with the centre of the tongue (‘central’ vowels) like the ‘u’ in ‘utter’, the ‘i’ in ‘insect’
and the ‘e’ in ‘the’. Many unstressed syllables in English words use this last vowel
sound, although spelled in all sorts of ways. To make things even more complicated
for children, vowels can follow each other very rapidly in a word, forming
‘diphthongs’. Say ‘a’ with ‘ee’ to make the vowel sound in ‘my’; ‘a’ with ‘oo’ to make
the vowel sound in ‘now’, and ‘o’ with ‘i’ to make the vowel sound ‘boy’. There are
great differences among the accents of English in the exact sound of vowels heard,
and considerable variation within and across speakers.
The consonants of English (see Table 6.1) are also classified by the
mouth movements used to realize them. Consonants can be either voiced or
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voiceless – compare these by putting a finger and thumb tip on either side of
your larynx, and saying ‘f ’ followed by ‘v’, or ‘s’ followed by ‘z’. You should feel
the voicing ‘buzz’ on the ‘v’ and ‘z’ sounds, which are ‘voiced’ consonants, but
not on the ‘f ’ or ‘s’, where the air passes through the larynx without the vocal
cords vibrating, making ‘voiceless’ sounds.
Consonants are also defined by whether the air-stream coming through the
lungs is completely stopped for a short time in the mouth then released with a
small explosive noise (called ‘stop’ or ‘plosive’ consonants); squeezed between
two parts of the mouth moving close together (making ‘fricative’ and ‘glide’
consonants); or released through the nose rather than the mouth. These
features are called the ‘manner’ of release. In voiced and voiceless pairs the
‘stop’ or ‘plosive’ consonants (both terms are used) are ‘p’, ‘b’; ‘t’, ‘d’; and ‘k’, ‘g’.
When children confuse ‘p’ and ‘b’ or ‘t’ and ‘d’, we need to remember that it is
a tiny difference (approximately 40 milliseconds of vocal cord vibration) that
distinguishes them. The ‘fricatives’ are ‘f ’, ‘v’; ‘s’, ‘z’; ‘sh’, ‘zh’; ‘th’ both voiced
and voiceless and ‘h’, where two parts of the mouth come so close together that
we hear the turbulence as the sound is squeezed through.
The ‘affricates’ have air stopped as for a ‘t’ or ‘d’ but released as for a fricative
‘sh’ or ‘zh’, giving the voiced and voiceless affricates ‘ch’ as in ‘church’ (from ‘t
+ sh’) and ‘j’ as in ‘jury’ (from ‘d + zh’). The last group of consonants released
through the mouth are the glides ‘l’ as in ‘look’; ‘r’ as in ‘red’; ‘w’ as in ‘wet’; and
‘y’ as in ‘yellow’. The air passes through the mouth more freely than for stops,
fricatives or affricates, but less freely than for vowels.
There are also three voiced consonants, ‘m’, ‘n’ and ‘ng’ as in ‘ring’ where the
air-stream is released through the nose, and is blocked off from the mouth for
their short duration by the soft palate (back of the roof of the mouth) rising up.
Say these three sounds with a thumb and finger either side of your nose, and
feel the sound resonating there. Then hold a small mirror just under your nose
as you say them – you will see it mist up, as the air comes through. The nasal
sounds ‘m’ and ‘n’ are heard early in children’s speech.
The last way in which consonants are classified is by the place they are made
in the mouth. The two parts of the mouth that meet together or come close
together in English can be the two lips; the top teeth and lower lip; the tongue
tip and back of the top teeth, the tongue tip and hard palate (roof of the mouth),
or the tongue back and the soft palate (velum). The larynx itself can shape the
air just enough so that ‘h’ is heard. The figure below gives the consonant sounds
of English classified as above, including the bilabial and velar fricatives heard
in Scottish English in ‘white’ and ‘loch’.
Some of these consonants may look unfamiliar as they do not have parti-
cular letters attached to them. English uses the grapheme ‘th’ for both the
tongue–teeth fricatives (the voiceless ‘th’ as in ‘thought’ and voiced ‘th’ as in
‘though’). The voiced version is heard at the start of closed-class words like
‘the’, ‘then’, ‘thou’ and ‘that’ whereas the voiceless consonant can start content
words like nouns (‘thumb’, ‘thatcher’, ‘thimble’), verbs (‘think’, ‘thump’) and
adjectives (‘thorough’, ‘thin’). Adults may not notice that there are two
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Manner of release
(Voiced consonants are in bold)
Place in mouth Stops Nasals Fricatives Affricates Glides
Two lips p, b m wh w
Larynx h
Table 6.1 The consonants of English (adapted from McCartney, 1984: 18)
phonemes because both are written as ‘th’, but the existence of two phonemes
and one spelling can confuse children. Similarly the ‘zh’ phoneme that is only
heard in the middle of words such as ‘measure’, ‘pleasure’ and ‘treasure’ and in
‘borrowed’ words like ‘beige’ and ‘rouge’, Gigi and Zhazha may not be noticed
by adults.
As adults, we also unconsciously accept the rules governing how many
consonants can appear in sequence at the start and end of English words: one,
two or three at the start before a vowel is needed (so that ‘string’ would be
among the longest sequences permitted) and up to four at the end (as in
‘sculpts’, where the grammar marker ‘s’ gives four phonemes). We also know
that only some consonants can follow others in clusters; try saying both the ‘k’
and ‘n’ at the start of ‘knife’, for an example of a cluster of consonants that has
dropped out of English, or reversing the ‘l’ and ‘s’ in ‘slip’ for a pattern that does
not occur. Some consonants occur only in particular syllable positions, for
example ‘ng’ appears at the end of syllables as in ‘ringing’ but not at the start.
There is variation in consonant use among speakers and among English
accents: ‘r’ is not heard after a vowel in some accents, and voiceless ‘th’ is
becoming ‘f ’ in others, but less variation in consonants than among vowels.
For young children, the picture gets even more complicated when we think
about connected speech rather than individual sounds. Speech is the most rapid
motor sequence that humans undertake, and when we talk, the consonants
are not realized in their full forms as classified above. The rapid
movements required for speech mean that phonemes accommodate to the
sounds around them. For example, consider the word ‘have’ in the sentence ‘I
must have been wrong’, said at normal conversational rate (which is fast!). The
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word is unstressed in this sentence and its vowel sound will become rather
central. The unvoiced consonant ‘h’ at the start follows two unvoiced
consonants, the ‘s’ and ‘t’ cluster in ‘must’, and will tend not to be heard since
voicing coming in for the vowel will mask it. A child writing ‘I must have . . .’
as ‘I must of . . .’ may be responding to such factors, playing the sentence
through their internal phonological representations, and coming up with the
very similar sounding word ‘of ’ (which has a central vowel followed by
phoneme ‘v’, although this is written ‘f ’). There is a tiny difference in sound,
but resulting in a big mistake in writing.
Assimilation can also occur within words, for example across syllable
boundaries. The rapid nature of speech means that speakers tend to collapse
phonemes, moving mouth parts together for one but opening them for the next.
An example is the word ‘handbag’, which is usually pronounced ‘hambag’.
Here the nasality from the phoneme ‘n’ is reflected in the nasal ‘m’, which has
moved forward to the lip position required to open for ‘b’. (Such features can
occasionally become fixed in spelling: the county of Dunbartonshire in
Scotland, from Dun Briton, fort of the Britons, contains the town Dumbarton,
where the spelling has changed to reflect the pronunciation.) Such assimilation
is not due to ‘lazy’ or ‘slovenly’ speech, nor to particular accents, but is a
universal accommodation to the limits of rapid muscle movement in humans.
However, it can pose problems for children who arrive at literacy with an
auditory-based system, and then meet the complexities of English spelling.
was one vowel, can be represented as in ‘bow’, ‘dough’, ‘toe’, ‘go’, ‘sew’, ‘boat’,
‘four’, ‘bone’, ‘course’ and ‘floor’, where the letters underlined represent no
phoneme except the vowel. Consonants also have variations: consonant ‘s’, for
example, can be written at the start of a syllable as in ‘see’, ‘science’,
‘psychology’ or ‘cycle’ and at the end as in ‘gas’ or ‘mess’. Its voiced twin ‘z’ can
be as in ‘zip’, ‘pizza’ or ‘scissors’ at the start of a syllable, and as in ‘maze’, ‘jazz’
or ‘has’ at the end. Consonant ‘sh’ can be as in ‘ship’ or ‘sugar’; ‘f ’ as in ‘fire’ or
‘photo’; ‘ch’ as in ‘church’ or ‘watch’, and ‘j’ has two different spellings in the
same word ‘judge’. The letter ‘x’ often represents two phonemes, ‘k’ plus ‘s’ or
‘g’ plus ‘z’ said as a cluster – for example! Much of this has to be learned as
word-specific spelling, and teachers spend time teaching rules, word ‘families’,
analogies and sometimes the reasons for odd spellings to help children cope
with the variations encountered. Chapter 8 gives further examples.
Learning the spoken forms of phonemes is affected by the development of
motor skills. Whether because human children develop oral motor abilities in
similar ways and at similar rates, or for some other reason, there is a predictable
pattern in which phonemes are acquired across languages by little children.
Vowel sounds appear early, and are often remarkably accurate. Broadly
speaking, consonants made at the front of the mouth are heard early, then those
made in the middle, then those at the back. In English this gives rise to the
sequence ‘p’, ‘b’; then ‘t’, ‘d’; with ‘k’, ‘g’ later. Fricatives are often realized by a
stop sound made at a similar place in the mouth to the fricative, and glides are
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Table 6.2 The age at which consonants are usually heard (adapted from McCartney, 1984: 18)
often assimilated to ‘w’. Single consonants are heard before clusters, so that
‘spoon’ becomes ‘poon’, and unstressed syllables and final consonants are
omitted – ‘banana’ becomes ‘nana’ and ‘book’ becomes ‘boo’. A combination
of these processes produces typical ‘baby talk’. Processes also disappear at
predictable times in child development, making it possible to determine if a
child is progressing normally or showing delay in speech development. Dodd
et al. (2005) give an overview of phonological acquisition. The ages at which
consonants are typically used is outlined in Table 6.2.
As Table 6.2 shows, many children begin learning to read before they show
complete mastery of the consonant system of English. They can, however, gain
from phonological approaches to reading; indeed, many speech and language
therapists also use activities that develop phonological awareness to help
children with speech delay to develop their speech. In general, children with
early speech problems have normal internal representations of the phonology
of English and learn to read and spell successfully (Snowling et al., 2000),
although children with persisting impairments in other aspects of language
such as grammar and word-learning often show significant literacy difficulties
(Stothard et al., 1998).
Whilst not being able to pronounce a speech sound is not usually a reason for
being unable to perceive it or to learn its varied spellings, there are a small
number of children who use speech patterns that are uncommon in ‘typically
developing’ children, such as ‘backing’ sounds to the velar position or omitting
word initial consonants. Such children are often quite unintelligible. They are
thought to have difficulty in building up internal phonological representations,
and can as a group show long-term evidence of reading comprehension difficulties
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(Leitão and Fletcher, 2004). These children may need help from speech and
language therapists and learning support teachers. Any child using such unusual
speech patterns should certainly set alarm bells ringing.
Children learn to perceive and use the phonology of English without being able
to reflect consciously on the internal phonological representations they are
developing. Our understanding of their abilities is gained through experimental
tasks and analysing their speech output: they cannot tell us the rules they are
developing, nor manipulate the phonology of words. As children approach the age
of school entry, however, they become more consciously aware of phonology, and
can be encouraged to think about speech sounds as identifiable elements. This
conscious awareness and ability to manipulate phonology has been described as
phonological awareness, and may be an important factor in predicting the ease
with which children will map their (accurate) internal representations of the
phonology of English on to its (imperfect) alphabetical system. See Chapter 8 for
a detailed discussion of the orthography of English.
Phonological awareness
Breaking words up in this way may be one of the ways in which children learn
to perceive ‘rhymes’, words where the onset differs but the rime does not. The
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Since phonological processing skills may give clues as to the facility with which
children will develop reading, teachers are often interested in investigating this
area. There are two main approaches: assessing a child’s phonological
processing skills separately from literacy skills, and analysing their reading and
written work for evidence of phonologically-based confusions.
Children who get stuck at the alphabetic stage of literacy are calling upon their
internalized, auditory-based phonological representations, and over-regularizing
the orthographic system of English to try to make a fit. Stone et al. (1998) suggest
looking at the errors children make when reading and writing, to see if they could
have a phonological basis. A child writing ‘has’ as ‘haz’ is reflecting the accurate
phonological form of the word, and a child writing ‘fote’ for ‘vote’ is only reflecting
a slight error in the timing of voicing between voiced-voiceless twin phonemes.
Errors that are often put down to visual confusions could be due to phonological
slips – such as ‘p/b’, ‘m/n’, ‘b/d’ – and vowels will often be written using a letter
that does represent the vowel sound, but not in the word being tackled. Listening
to a child attempting to read a word aloud will also give clues as to how a child is
processing text. ‘Closed class’ grammar words and markers deserve particularly
close attention. A child who spells words as they are ‘in their head’ does not have
a phonological problem, but may need to be taught a lot of spelling rules.
Focused teaching
Think about the movements you are making with each part of your
mouth as you say the words ‘standby’, ‘surfboarding’ and
‘thermometer’ aloud a number of times, very slowly. Now say them
again, but quickly this time. What differences do you notice?
Listen carefully to your children to see if they use voiceless ‘th’ or ‘f ’ in
words like ‘thumb’, ‘Catherine’, ‘teeth’, ‘nothing’. You might even hear ‘h’
in some.
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Chapter 7
Phonics in Context:
Spelling Links
Laura Huxford
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the various ‘logics’ behind the spellings of words can help teachers to analyse
and understand pupils’ misspellings and suggest an approach to teaching spelling
which builds on phonics.
The term ‘phonics’ is shorthand for an element of the curriculum which covers
teaching and learning the alphabetic system or code – the correspondences
between phonemes and graphemes – and the skills of segmentation and blending.
It is also used to denote the use of phonemic processes to read and spell.
Various psychological models have been suggested to account for how we read
and write, but in essence we probably draw upon some sort of visual store of words
which we have accumulated over time as we have repeatedly encountered and used
them. The accuracy with which we retrieve words from this personal store is more
crucial for spelling than reading. Most of us would agree that there are words that
we can read with no difficulty but that when required to write them we cannot
recall every letter with total accuracy. Common examples include ‘gauge’,
‘separate’ and ‘accommodate’. Most people try out a number of versions of the
word to be spelled and select the one that ‘looks right’. However, we also have
words in our spoken vocabulary that we have not encountered in texts very often
and therefore have not created secure mental images of them. When writing such
a word we tend to spell it by analogy on the basis of the syllabic structure of
another similar sounding word and then represent remaining phonemes with the
most likely graphemes. The spelling options are further reduced by considering
other words that are related in meaning. For example, on the basis of the
phonemic structure, the ‘y’ in the spoken word ‘pyroclastic’ could reasonably be
spelled with an ‘i’ and the unstressed ‘o’ with any vowel, for example ‘piraclastic’
or ‘pirerclastic’. But the meaning of the word suggests that the first four letters
relate to other words such as ‘pyrotechnic’ and ‘pyromaniac’, which would lead the
writer to spell the word correctly with ‘y’ and ‘o’. Similarly, plant enthusiasts,
familiar with the form of Latin plant names, would be likely to write correctly the
name of any plant that they had heard about but never encountered in print. Thus,
even experienced spellers use a phonemic approach to spelling, usually overlaid
with another strategy, when writing unfamiliar words.
For young children very few words are familiar. But in the English language,
which is an alphabetic system, they do have the rudimentary building blocks
for spelling words. Young children who are taught or who deduce elements of
the alphabetic code make very good use of it to spell. Read (1986), Bissex (1980)
and Gentry (1982) catalogued examples of children’s propensity to break
(segment) words into phonemes and find appropriate letters to represent the
sounds they identified. Most teachers of young children can furnish the visitor
with examples (such as those shown in Figure 7.1 on p. 89).
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Young children’s efforts at spelling are based on a keen analysis of the sounds
they hear within words so, for instance, the word ‘new’ may be spelled ‘niyoo’.
Their efforts are also based on an emerging and usually idiosyncratic knowledge
of sound–symbol correspondences. Letters are pressed into service in
unconventional ways, so upper-case N might be used as its name which is
pronounced ‘en’ after ‘h’ to spell ‘hen’ (hN) (Ferreiro and Teberovsky, 1982).
However, they do not confine themselves to representations based on sounds in
words. As Gunther Kress illustrates in his book Early Spelling (2000), very young
children also employ pictures and other symbols to convey their message. (This
approach to writing – linking the written form directly to the meaning of words –
will be partially regained when the writer understands more fully the
complexities of English orthography.) Nevertheless, the use of phonics to spell
has three advantages for the developing writer: words can be spelled without
recourse to anyone else; the system is flexible as the same letters are used over
again to make any word; and each word does not have to be memorized. Although
the spelling may not be correct, it is usually decodable by a persistent reader,
particularly when the writer has attained the stage of representing vowel sounds.
These were the arguments used in the early 1980s by researchers and teacher
practitioners in the United States and also in England during the National Writing
Project to support ‘developmental writing’ or ‘invented spelling’ – although the
recognition that this was phonic spelling was not widely acknowledged. Running
concurrently across the United Kingdom, and stemming originally from the
research of Margaret Peters that spelling should be ‘taught not caught’ (Peters,
1985), was the message that spelling was primarily a visuo-kinaesthetic skill (Cripps,
1991) with the dictum ‘Look, cover, write, check’. There was legitimate concern in
the profession that children who are allowed to only ‘spell as they hear’ will practise
bad habits and internalize incorrect spellings. This is an example of the age-old
conflict between allowing children to pursue their learning in step with what is
perceived as their ‘natural’ development and trammelling their learning to avoid
potential confusion. The issue here, as I have already indicated, is that even
experienced writers need a phonemic spelling strategy to spell unfamiliar words.
So, not allowing children to explore phonics in relation to spelling would reduce
their strategies for spelling these words. But in encouraging phonics in the early
stage, children must be helped to realize that other factors override the simple ortho-
graphy generated from phonological correspondences. In England, the National
Literacy Strategy made an explicit attempt to resolve this conflict by recognizing
the value of phonics to spelling, but also stressing the significance of morphology
and etymology (DfEE, 1998a; DfES, in press).
phonics was associated more with the special educational needs curriculum
than mainstream. Generally, phonics was taught to enable children to blend
for reading. However, the research consistently showed a strong correlation
between success in segmentation and successful reading (Liberman, 1971;
Liberman et al., 1974; Lundberg et al., 1980). Reading Recovery was one of the
earliest programmes to include segmentation, and more recent phonics
programmes such as THRASS™ and Phonographix© place segmentation at the
In mainstream early years education, developmental writing, also known as
‘invented spelling’, was highly regarded. It was viewed as a more motivating
approach for children than dictating what they wanted to say and then copying
the teacher’s writing. But on the whole, teachers did not make a connection
between the processes in developmental writing and phonics. The NLS
professional development materials brought the two together. In the teacher
training material (DfEE, 1998b), in Progression in Phonics (DfEE, 1999a) and in
Playing with Sounds (DfEE, 2003a) there was early emphasis on segmentation
and letter knowledge, followed by blending for reading.
There was a growing body of research and pedagogic argument to support
this position. Building on the research showing the importance of segmentation
cited above, were developmental studies indicating that children acquire the
skill of segmentation slightly in advance of the skill of blending. Anecdotal
evidence for this can be found as long ago as the writing of Montessori (1912,
1964), and Chomsky (1979) proposed that children should learn to spell before
learning to read to capitalize on their early propensity to hear sounds in words.
Empirical evidence that children could spell phonemically-regular words that
they could not read was contained in a study by Bryant and Bradley in 1980.
Frith (1985) proposed a model of learning (Table 7.1) to read and spell in which
she proposed that spelling was the pacemaker for reading. Subsequently,
longitudinal studies by Cataldo and Ellis (1988) and Huxford et al. (1991)
showed a developmental progression in which children’s ability to spell
phonemically-regular words preceded their being able to read them.
Based on much of the literature of the period, for example Ehri (1984),
Frith’s model traces developmental progressions for reading and writing:
children’s earliest writing consisting of pictures as symbols for words, events or
messages; a logographic stage where children read and write words they have
memorized as shapes, such as their names and signs; an alphabetic (phonic)
stage; and finally an orthographic stage when knowledge of morphology
facilitates reading and writing. Many teachers and parents recognize these
stages in children.
The fascinating element of this model is that the stages do not occur in
parallel for reading and writing. The logographic stage in writing appears short-
lived; children abandon it in favour of using a phonic approach. The phonic
stage in reading starts after the phonic stage in writing. In practice this means
that children latch onto the alphabetic principle and begin to write words as
they sound. In phonemically-regular short-vowelled words such as ‘bat’, ‘hot’
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1a symbolic logographic
1b logographic logographic
2a alphabetic logographic
2b alphabetic alphabetic
3a alphabetic orthographic
3b orthographic orthographic
and ‘fig’, this strategy will produce correct spellings so long as the children’s
knowledge of letters is adequate. However, if the words are not in their visual
lexicons, they probably will not be able to read them as their blending ability
may not be sufficiently developed. The National Literacy Strategy capitalized
on the need for letters in developmental writing and used the purpose for
writing as the vehicle for learning phonics.
At first children will use letters to represent some sounds as well as other marks
or random letters. When they start to use letters exclusively to represent the
phonemic properties of the message, they are likely to write a string of letters
representing the prominent phonemes at the beginning of some words and
syllables. For example, a child might write ‘Iwtsmgm’ (‘I went to see my granma’).
Consonant phonemes are easier to hear than vowels, and so for a short period
young children may fill out their words but only with consonants. For example,
‘Sm cm hm wv m ysd’ (‘Sam came home with me yesterday’). The addition of
vowels and the incorporation of words they know well from their reading make
the writing much easier to read and lift children’s perceptions of themselves as
independent writers: ‘I wet to the pub wiv mi dad and mi mum and I had sum
cris’ (‘I went to the pub with my dad and my mum and I had some crisps’). The
consonants ‘n’ and ‘m’ are quite difficult to hear next to another consonant, so
these often appear later.
Of course, the children’s aural perception of the phonemes in a spoken word
dictates which phonemes they represent. This can work in both directions:
over-representing, such as ‘nyoo’ for ‘new’, and under-representing, such as
‘sepret’ for ‘separate’. The examples in Figure 7.1 are from personal narratives
by 4- and 5-year-old children.
In example (a), ros dinr (roast dinner), the child has not heard the letter ‘t’
in roast as the two words elide. Children make letters work hard. In example
(b), Choclt (chocolate), the letter ‘l’ represents the /l/ phoneme and the
following unaccented vowel – perfectly logical when the child calls this letter
sound ‘lu’. Similarly in example (c), ‘I went to the prk. I went wiv mi mum and
mi dad’ (‘I went to the park. I went with my mum and my dad’), the child spells
the ‘ar’ phoneme in ‘park’ with the letter ‘r’, using the name rather than the
sound of the letter.
Some confusions are quite common, according to the research literature.
For instance, children regularly spell words beginning with ‘tr’ such as ‘train’
with ‘chr’, thus writing ‘chrain’, or ‘chrip’. In examples (d) – (f) children’s
pronunciation shows clearly through their writing.
In example (d), ‘At the weekend I went to Cheltenham wiv miy Dad and miy
mum and miy siststu and miy buvu’ (‘At the weekend I went to Cheltenham
with my Dad and my mum and my sister and my brother’), the child shows his
pronunciation of ‘th’ as ‘v’ in ‘with’ and ‘brother’ and exaggerates the /ie/ in
‘my’ so hearing a /y/ sound at the end. But he is consistent in his spelling (or
misspelling) of the word.
In example (e), ‘I went to the park and I fell off the mugky bars and bumt my
herd and I had a big bump on my herd’ (‘I went to the park and I fell off the
monkey bars and bumped my head and I had a big bump on my head’), for the
word ‘monkey’ the child has used the letter ‘g’ to capture the illusive ‘ng’ phoneme,
which is a correct representation of how the word is usually pronounced.We do not
tend to say ‘munky’; we actually pronounce it mungky. Similarly she has not
represented the ‘p’ in bumped because she does not pronounce or hear it with a ‘p’.
But when she comes to ‘bump’ she can hear the ‘p’.
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In example (f), ‘I had a juncoo booc pusoo’ (‘I had a jungle book puzzle’), you
can hear the child losing the ‘le’ at the end of the words ‘jungle’ and ‘puzzle’,
and he is consistent in spelling the ‘le’ with ‘oo’ in both words.
The final example (g), ‘At the weekend I had visites hu wur the next door
nebus’ (‘At the weekend I had visitors who were the next door neighbours’), is
from a girl rising six years old who has taken to joined writing with ease and
seems totally comfortable in writing any word she wishes by inventing
phonemically plausible spellings.
These examples are from children in a school in the south-west of England.
Examples from children in the north of England look different in certain
respects. For instance, some people pronounce the middle vowel of the words
‘wool’, ‘book’, ‘hood’, ‘mug’, ‘love’, ‘come’ with the same phoneme, and young
children’s spelling reflects this. They may spell all these words with ‘oo’ or all
with ‘u’, so the word ‘come’ could be spelt ‘cum’ or ‘coom’. The interesting
effects of regional pronunciation on spelling is explored in some detail in Wells
Teachers need to be aware of how children’s pronunciation affects their
early spelling. In the examples given in Figure 7.1 and detailed above,
in almost all the words there is a phonemically plausible reason for the
spelling. The children try really hard to write intelligibly and should be
congratulated. However, as they get older there is a need for them to
accommodate to English orthography – a fundamentally morphemic
orthography in which there are strong phonemic overlaps or correspondences.
Words are composed of morphemes but the conventions that govern how the
morphemes join often coincide with phonemic regularities. For example,
short-vowelled verbs such as ‘pin’, ‘rub’ and ‘beg’ double the final consonant
when ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ are added, making ‘pinning’, ‘rubbing’ and ‘begging’,
‘pinned’, ‘rubbed’ and ‘begged’. This rule or convention holds good for a large
number of words and explains why ‘beginning’, a word which often catches
children out, has a double ‘n’.
However, this phonemic convention has to sit alongside morphemic
knowledge of past-tense verbs. In ‘begged’, ‘pinned’ and ‘rubbed’ the /d/
phoneme is sounded immediately after the preceding consonant. The child
must be aware that the word requires the morpheme ‘ed’, not just ‘d’, to
describe a state or action in the past. But, in verbs ending in ‘t’ and ‘d’ (‘rented’,
‘shouted’, landed, ‘needed’) the ‘ed’ sounds like ‘id’, and unless children
recognize the need to mark the past tense with ‘ed’, they tend to write ‘rentid’
and so on. In verbs ending in ‘p’, ‘k’, ‘f ’ (‘jumped’, ‘picked’, ‘stuffed’), the ‘ed’
sounds like ‘t’; ‘jumpt’ is a very common error in children’s writing. To
confound children further, there is a group of irregular past tense verbs that do
end in ‘t’ and virtually all are phonemically regular, for example, ‘kept’, ‘felt’,
‘sent’, ‘lost’, ‘left’. When past tense is insecure, children have been known to
apply this convention to non-verbs and spell words such as ‘soft’ as ‘soffed’.
Peter Bryant and Terezinha Nunes have accumulated a significant corpus of
research on the effects of grammar and morphology on children’s spelling and
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children manipulate concrete objects, not simply pictures, where they move
around the room and interact with each other as well as adults. Playing with
Sounds also includes a large number of examples where adults have taken the
opportunity to extend the children’s learning within activities that the children
have initiated.
Although the use of phonics empowers children when writing
independently, some children find the effort of forming letters deters them
from writing. These children need support in developing their fine motor
skills so that they can take part in an activity which they would be more likely
to relish if the physical side was not such an obstacle. Developing Early Writing
(DfES, 2001) suggests ways of offering this support as well as providing ideas
for helping children to internalize the letter movements through gross motor
activities. While these (and other) children are improving their handwriting
skills, they can be purposefully writing using small keyboards, magnetic
letters or, better still, an interactive whiteboard where they can select letters
and move them around on the screen. Unlike magnetic letters, letters on an
electronic whiteboard cannot run out!
Phonics, however, is only part of the story in learning to spell. Recognizing
how words are structured is arguably the first step in securing a personal
vocabulary of words. The NLS five-session spelling programme for 7- and 8-
year-old children (DfES, 2001) assumes that realistically, teachers will devote
five teaching sessions over a fortnight to teaching spelling and that at least two
of these will be extended to include independent work by the children and be
the subject of a follow-up whole class plenary session.
The five sessions allow for teaching the structure of words, attention to
spelling age-appropriate vocabulary by analysing the structure and identifying
the ‘tricky’ parts of words that are likely to be difficult to remember. An equally
important part of the programme is practice and application, so that as well as
understanding how words are constructed, children retain them in memory for
use in writing when they need to pay as much attention as possible to
composition, not transcription.
The programme uses investigation and problem solving as the basis for
learning how words are constructed. These investigations take the form of
games such as ‘Word sort’, ‘Guess my word’, ‘Add race’ and ‘Find your team’.
The approach taken to learning how to commit words to memory is to ask
the question ‘Why is this word spelled like this?’ The work on word structure
helps children to answer this question. But sometimes children need to spell
words that have an irregular feature. Children are encouraged to find parts
of the word that fit a convention and then to decide upon some way to
remember the ‘tricky’ part. For instance, the notorious word ‘yacht’ has three
phonemes, two of which are spelled perfectly regularly. The /o/ phoneme is
represented by three very unusual letters. People invent different ways to
recall this group of letters. Some prefer to visualize the shape, others to say
the letter names, others to create a mnemonic. The process of analysing it
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into three phonemes with an ‘odd middle’ goes a long way to helping children
remember it.
Phonemic analysis helps towards understanding the structure of words.
Morphemic analysis, as described earlier, is also essential. The reason the word
‘accommodate’ has two sets of double letters is because it is a series of
morphemes, each of which needs to be written in full – ‘ac-com-mod-ate’. The
origins of words (etymology) provide reasons for their spelling. Another well-
used example is the relationship between the words ‘sign’ and ‘signal’; the
pronounced ‘g’ in ‘signal’ is an etymological mnemonic for the unpronounced
‘g’ in ‘sign’. Like all problem-solving activities, children are fascinated by word
study of this sort.
DfES (2003b) Year 2 and 3 Planning Exemplification and Spelling
Programme, Reference no. 0493-2003. London: DfES. Available online
Chapter 8 in this book, ‘Phonics and English Orthography’ by
Henrietta Dombey.
Chapter 6 in this book, ‘Developmental Issues: Speaking and
Phonological Awareness’ by Elspeth McCartney.
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Try spelling some words that you have heard but are not sure how to
spell. What strategies do you use? Check the spellings in a dictionary.
If there are places where you have gone wrong, try to work out why
this is.
Identify a child in your class who is a poor speller. Use the key ideas
in this chapter to list what this child does know and understand
about spelling and identify some of the things that the child has yet
to learn. Pick the single thing that you think will give the biggest
overall learning pay-off for this child and make this a teaching
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Chapter 8
Henrietta Dombey
The teaching and learning of phonics have to be set in context. Before we can
make a decision about the suitability of a synthetic phonic approach to the
teaching of reading, we need to consider what it is that children have to learn.
Others have discussed what is involved in learning to read in terms of
comprehension and putting reading to use (see Chapters 1 and 4). These
considerations are vitally important for all children learning to read, all over
the world. However, in this chapter I am looking at what is involved in learning
to read English: at the difficulties encountered and the support given, the
challenges and the opportunities offered by the peculiarities of English spelling –
the orthography of written English.
Is it harder to learn to read English than other languages? The brief answer is
‘probably yes’, if we’re talking about other languages with an alphabetic script.
The idea of an alphabet is, of course, that it is phonographic, that is the written
signs represent speech sounds, rather than logographic, where the written signs
stand for the meanings of the words represented. In a ‘pure’ alphabetic system,
each letter represents a phoneme, the smallest unit of speech sound that makes
a difference to meaning. The word ‘cat’ is an example of a purely phonographic
English word: the spoken word has three phonemes, each of which serves to
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distinguish it from other words such as ‘mat’, ‘cot’ and ‘can’, and each of which
is represented in the written word by a single letter of the alphabet. If all
English words were spelled like this, we could say we had a ‘pure’ alphabetic
system of writing. But as we all know, this is not typical of English spelling.
Many of the languages of continental Europe have a fairly reliable match
between letters and phonemes. In Italian, for example, the 25 phonemes of
spoken Italian are represented by 24 single letters (no ‘k’ or ‘y’) and 8 letter
combinations, such as ‘ch’, where English might use ‘k’. Italian and other
languages with a similarly straightforward relationship between phonemes and
letters are said to have a transparent or shallow orthography. In contrast, English
has an opaque or deep orthography. In the English writing system some 461
graphemes – letters or letter combinations – represent some 40 to 45 phonemes
(the number varies according to your accent and your procedure of
classification). Because of interference from other factors, such as the age of
starting schooling, the teaching approach adopted and the part played by the
written word in different societies, it’s very difficult to isolate the contribution
played by orthography to the speed and ease with which young children learn
to read. Researchers have found that children do seem slower to learn to read
in languages with deep orthographies. In line with children in many countries
of continental Europe, most Italian children master the basics of word
recognition in only six months of schooling (Cossu et al., 1995). But it has been
estimated that the deep orthography of English adds two to three years to the
process for children learning to read in English (Seymour et al., 2003). It also
takes longer for individuals to process deep orthographies and appears to
involve different parts of the brain (Paulesu et al., 2000). We need to look at the
orthography of English to know how this deep orthography is constructed –
what the complexities are that children have to learn.
The ‘common-sense’ view is that the English spelling system is chaotic, and that
the deviation of many spellings from the phonographic principle is largely the
result of significant changes to pronunciation, coupled with marked conservatism
in the written language. But how true is this? How chaotic is English spelling? Is
it the result of a combination of oral flexibility and written rigidity?
Certainly a number of attempts have been made to rationalize English
spelling, to make it more phonographic. In the last century the most notable
have been the Shavian extended alphabet devised by Kingsley Read in 1959
(MacCarthy, 1969) and the Initial Teaching Alphabet (Downing, 1965). The
Shavian extended alphabet was the result of a large bequest left by George
Bernard Shaw for this purpose. It consists of 48 invented letters, each one
consistently representing a phoneme of received pronunciation (the high-status
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accent sometimes known as ‘BBC English’), but none resembling any letters of
the Roman alphabet. It would seem that this totally transparent orthography was
nevertheless too strange to those already familiar with conventional English
spelling in Roman letters, so made little impact. Working on a different principle,
the Initial Teaching Alphabet (ITA), invented by Sir James Pitman, took the
letters of the Roman alphabet as its base, supplementing these with further
invented letters so that every phoneme could be represented unambiguously.
ITA flourished in the 1960s, but gradually withered, perhaps as a result of the
dissatisfaction experienced by parents, children and some teachers at the lack
of continuity between children’s experience of print at home and at school.
Extending the alphabet and regularizing English spelling appear to be
non-trivial matters, not easily accomplished.
Certainly, the orthography of English is essentially alphabetic. At base the
English writing system works by representing phonemes with graphemes. This is the
first key feature of English orthography, and, at its most straightforward, it
gives us words such as ‘cat’ and ‘chip’. But many English words don’t quite work
in this way.
History has, of course, shaped our spelling. The spelling of words such as
‘knight’ and ‘lamb’ reflect the rather different pronunciation of their Anglo-
Saxon ancestry. Over the centuries the pronunciation of words has shifted, but
their spelling has remained relatively constant. But it’s not just the history of
changing pronunciation growing away from stable spelling that has shaped the
orthography of English. A stronger influence seems to be the many words
imported from other languages that have brought with them rather different
spelling patterns (Sampson, 1985).
Complexity has marked English spelling for nearly a thousand years. Before
the Norman invasion, the language of what is now England was Old English,
with a number of regional variants. But there was a standard written system,
based on the language of Wessex (Sampson, 1985). This was the language of
official documents, and thus very unusual in Europe, as elsewhere Latin
continued to serve the purpose of official transactions. This written English
operated to a set of rules that made it largely phonographic, in other words, it
operated with a nearly transparent orthography.
But with the large-scale imports of Norman French from the 11th century
onwards, came a different set of patterns. The two contrasting spelling patterns
can be seen very clearly in pairs of homophones such as ‘shoot’ and ‘chute’, ‘ark’
and ‘arc’, ‘root’ and ‘route’, ‘mussel’ and ‘muscle’ (Carney, 1994). As Carney
observes, the two sets of spellings represent not only their origins in different
orthographies, governed by different sets of spelling rules, but also ‘different
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This potted history of English spelling has shown many different systems at
work. We don’t need to teach young children the history (although parts of it
may well interest them). But we do need to help them become aware of the
systems at work in the words they encounter when learning to read and to spell.
Children need to have control of these systems, in recognizing their key
features, if they are to become ‘self-teaching’, learning new words for
The first key feature is as stated earlier. At base the English writing system
works by representing phonemes with graphemes. But to make them independent
decoders, it is never going to be enough to teach children the phoneme–
grapheme correspondences of words such as ‘dog’ and ‘cat’, whose spellings
remain relatively close to their Old English origins. We need to help them
become aware of other patterns. Rhyme is particularly useful here: in groups
such as ‘dance’ and ‘glance’, ‘ball’ and ‘call’ the words both rhyme and have
the same end spellings: in each set, the rime – the part from the vowel to the
end of the word – is identical. The rime is a stable spelling that represents a
stable pronunciation, and so provides a better clue to word identification than
does a grapheme-by-grapheme analysis. So we’ve come to the second key
feature of English orthography: rime patterns. The rime is often a more reliable
guide to pronunciation than are the individual letters that go to make it up.
One important reason for this is often overlooked. In contrast with Spanish,
Italian and Finnish, all of which, as we have seen, have a more phonographic
orthography, English is vowel rich. Leaving aside those gliding vowels, the
diphthongs, Spanish has only five simple vowels, each of which is represented
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Table 8.1 Thirty-seven rimes that yield nearly 500 words in English (Wylie
and Durell, 1970: 787–91)
into has more her two like him see time could
made over did down only way find use may water
long little very after words called just where most know
Table 8.2 The 100 most common words in written English (Carroll et al., 1971)
Starting children off with the ‘easiest words’ is what many phonics schemes
have tried to do over the decades. Starting children off with words such as ‘bat’
and ‘cat’, ‘man’ and ‘pan’, with a straightforward one-to-one relationship between
phonemes and letters, demonstrates the alphabetic principle. But it’s very hard
to make a readable text without words such as ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘I’ and ‘you’. The harsh
fact is that it’s the commonest words in the English language which have the
most irregular spellings; Table 8.2 shows this clearly.
Although this list is from the United States and is 25 years old, it is accepted
as having a continued relevance for us in the United Kingdom. Looking at these
lists, we can see that it would be hard to construct even a simple text for young
children learning to read without using a number of these words. To read a
range of texts with any degree of fluency and accuracy – such as that required
to demonstrate a Level 2 in England’s national curriculum (the notional level
for a 7-year-old) – a child would have to be able to recognize all these words.
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Teaching children to read in English is not the same as teaching them to read a
transparent orthography such as Italian, Spanish, Finnish or Swahili. It is more
complex. More patterns are involved and we need to be aware of this. And then
there are the exceptions to the patterns. So we need to teach children not only
the alphabetic principle, but also the other patterns that shape English
orthography, particularly rhyme/rime patterns. And we also need to teach them
those essential ‘one-off ’ words.
Exactly when and how we do this is a matter of careful decision making about
young children’s capacity to learn different sets of patterns, their need for
meaningful ‘naturalistic’ texts and their capacity to learn in different ways. But
phonics teaching that is, consciously or otherwise, founded on the idea that
English spelling is straightforwardly phonographic will not meet the
requirement of teaching children to teach themselves the words they need to
know to become effective readers of English.
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If you are interested in exploring more about the complex history of the
English language, try:
If you have not already done so, complete the activities relating to
Table 8.2: The 100 most common words in the English language.
Then select two or three popular books for young children. See how
many of the words in the first few pages fit any of the patterns you
have explored. Which are words that would need to be learned
individually? What are the implications for reading such books for
children using only a synthetic phonics approach?
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Chapter 9
Moya Cove
There are many competing detailed methods each with its own supporters and
detractors, but it is now generally recognized that no single method is
applicable to all children on all occasions.
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just some of the episodes which have shaped our thinking and practice in the
teaching of phonics within early reading.
The alphabets most commonly used throughout the world today are descended
from the Phoenician alphabet developed during the 12th century BC. The
Phoenician alphabet gradually developed from a pictographic form into a more
abstract form of a phonetic, consonantal alphabet which was adopted by the
Greeks and modified to include vowel representations. They became the first
Europeans to write using an alphabet and, with the ensuing growth of modern
European languages these alphabetic approaches dominated the teaching of
reading from the Greek period to the 19th century.
The alphabetic method was centred on teaching children to recognize and
name the letters of the alphabet, both capital and lower case, in alphabetical
order. For the most part this was achieved through progressing from the
alphabet to spelling out and saying the words of the bible. Diack reports that in
1846 one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors commented that the ‘. . . sole text for all
reading instruction was the language of Scripture in the authorized version’
(1965: 11). However, in his study of the development of reading pedagogy,
Diack also refers to teaching materials which seem to have departed from
dependence on the Bible. One such example is the ‘hornbook’ developed in
England in 1450, which comprised one sheet set in a wooden frame covered
with transparent horn. It depicted the cross of Christ, the alphabet – in small and
capital letters – and columns of ab, eb and ib syllables. The existence of these
syllables caused Diack to question whether it was possible to differentiate with
precision between alphabetic and phonic methods since the vowel–consonant
pairing in the hornbook would suggest a focus on learning sounds rather than
mere letter names. The hornbook, then, might be seen to herald a move towards
a phonic approach. Interestingly, hornbooks spawned the ‘gingerbread method’
in the 18th century, when letters were made into gingerbread in an effort to
enliven the ‘wearisome drill’ and inspire children to learn their letters – an
early version, perhaps, of alphabetti spaghetti!
The 18th century saw the publication in America of Noah Webster’s ‘Speller’,
one of the most popular texts in the history of teaching reading and selling
80 million copies during the century following its publication (Congdon, 1974).
This might best be described as a forerunner of the reading ‘primer’ and, while
it employed a predominately alphabetic approach to teaching reading, the logic
and organization of the approach points towards the beginning of phonics
methods and again highlights the intricacies involved in making absolute
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The alphabetic method continued well into the 19th century, but began to be
replaced by a phonic approach around 1850 which quickly gained popularity in
both England and America. In England, HMI endorsed the use of a new ‘phonic
method’ when, during the 1840s, Battersea Training College introduced this
approach into their training programme. The ‘new’ approach, as described by a
college president of the time, involved learning the sound ‘. . . not by its
common arbitrary name but by the sound which it has in composition’; he went
on to explain that after working on combinations of letter sounds on a slate
board a reading book was introduced but ‘. . . not until the child has a necessity
of it in his further progress; it is then a relief and not a task’ (Diack, 1965: 28).
Phonics teaching was widely embraced and approaches such as the Dale
method (Diack, 1965: 105), which was prevalent in England between the late
19th and early 20th centuries, helped popularize the approach. This method
was highly systematic and, in essence, involved a range of ‘pre-reading’
perceptual activities, introduction of letters and the fusion of separate sounds
into words – all hallmarks of established practice at that time.
Publishers were not slow to exploit the opportunities presented through the
new phonic method, and a number of books designed to help children grasp
‘sounding out’ began to appear. Hunter Diack reports on young Master Winston
Churchill’s experience (around 1880) with one such book published in 1857,
Reading Without Tears, A Pleasant Mode of Learning to Read, and cites this
revealing quote from Churchill’s autobiography My Early Life: ‘Mrs. Everest
produced a book called Reading Without Tears. It certainly did not justify its title
in my case. I was made aware that before the Governess arrived I must be able to
read without tears. We toiled each day. My nurse pointed with a pen at the
different letters. I thought it all very tiresome’ (Diack, 1965: 30). How many
children over a hundred-year period, we might ask ourselves, identified with
Churchill’s heartfelt recollections?
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influence of Gestalt learning theory and its consequent impact on reading theory.
This resulted in treating whole words as basic learning units.
Chall reported on a period of relative consensus on methodology in America
from about 1930 and details a set of eight principles on which effective
pedagogy was founded from the 1930s to the 1960s. The statement on phonics
specified that ‘Drill or practice in phonics should be avoided; instead phonics
should be “integrated” with meaningful connected reading. In addition, the
child should not isolate sounds and blend them to form words. Instead he
should identify unknown words through a process of visual analysis and
substitution’ (Chall, 1967: 14). This desire for balance (similarly advanced in
the 1947 English pamphlet referred to at the beginning of the chapter)
resonates across the decades to the present day.
Word methods continued to prevail until the mid-1950s, when the efficacy of
the approach was called into question. In England, disquiet was expressed
when a number of reading surveys highlighted that ‘failing’ readers lacked
phonic knowledge, which generated considerable concern about children who
were unable to read. In America the publication of Why Johnny Can’t Read
(Flesch, 1955), in the form of a letter from the mother of a child who had found
reading difficult, caused an unprecedented public debate. Flesch’s vehement
criticism of word methods caused a significant backlash for the approach and
brought calls for a return to phonics. Public unease was intensified when
America suffered the space-race humiliation of Russia launching the first
satellite in 1957, causing the Americans to look critically at their education
system. In the aftermath, Jeanne Chall’s Learning to Read: The Great Debate of
1967 explored reading pedagogy in detail and ultimately favoured phonic code
methods. Chall found great diversity in the range of phonics programmes but
concluded that they incorporated most of the conventional wisdom of the day
with one major departure – the issue of pacing. The authors of the separate
phonics programmes felt that phonics teaching through the basal readers was
‘. . . too little, too late’ (Chall, 1967: 23), and their own published programmes
reflected this with an earlier and more intensive emphasis on phonics.
In England, the impact of Flesch’s book was not insignificant, particularly
since public interest in developing a strong education system was acute in the
post-War period. The teaching of reading became increasingly politicized in
England and America and, with the growth of state education systems and
educational research, there came a wider and more rigorous debate. Although
the pendulum swung back to an emphasis on phonics, newer varieties of the
method appeared, such as the phonic–word method developed by Daniels and
Diack in the 1950s and reported by Southgate as ‘. . . an analytic approach to
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how phonics was taught; the Clackmannanshire findings set in motion a chain
of events which included a national review of the teaching of phonics in
England and which culminated with the publication of the Rose Report (DfES,
2005a). This most recent chapter in the history of teaching phonics is well
documented elsewhere in this book, but suffice it to say here that there may
well appear to be echoes of earlier history resounding in 2006.
Looking at the history of the teaching of phonics brings about a distinct sense of
déjà vu, and the unhelpful phonics dichotomy could so easily lead to a state of
confusion for the class teacher whose prime objective is to support reading
development in the most effective way possible. The more contested issues – of
what form of phonics approach to use, how systematic it should be, when to start
it and how fast to pace it – run through the history as familiar leitmotivs. But at
the same time the history shows that, from as early as the 18th century, there
have been champions of reading for meaning and mixed-teaching methods.
The evidence on how the most effective teachers of literacy support reading
development (Medwell et al., 1998) yields important insights with regard to
teaching phonics, most notably that they place an emphasis on ‘. . . embedding
systematic attention to word and sentence level aspects of reading and writing
within whole text activities which are both meaningful and explained clearly to
pupils’ (1998: 31). Moreover, the effective teachers studied by Medwell and her
colleagues were found to have ‘. . . developed a variety of coherent theoretical
positions and were able to synthesize these into a working philosophy which
underpinned their teaching’ (1998: 66). The importance of this kind of informed
belief system has been pointed out many times (Diack, 1965; Southgate and
Roberts, 1970; Bullock in DES, 1975) and is reinforced most recently in the
United Kingdom Literacy Association Submission to the Review of Best Practice
in the Teaching of Early Reading where the ‘profound role’ of the teacher is once
again highlighted (UKLA, 2005).
The question Chall posed in the 1960s of ‘Why don’t we learn from the past?’
(1967: 93) still seems apposite today, and one that we must surely address if we
are to avoid phonics history repeating itself. The key recommendations in the
UKLA submission to the review of best practice suggest that we need neither
an allegiance to one or other phonics approach or new teaching materials but,
rather, we should enhance the quality of implementation of existing
programmes. It would be heartening to be able to report in years to come that
this had been harmoniously achieved, but given that the history shows an
outbreak of phonics panic every ten years or so (with uncanny proximity to the
mid-decade point), perhaps we should all watch this space in 2015!
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‘Why don’t we learn from the past?’ (Chall, 1967: 93): discuss with
colleagues why the debates around phonics are still so fierce today.
What would help teachers to move forward and avoid yet more
polarization of thinking and practice?
‘What is right at one level of teaching reading may be insufficient at
another . . . and wrong at yet another. Furthermore, the question of
teaching reading is not a question of teaching either this way or that
way, but in most cases teaching both this way and that way’ (Jansen,
1985: 172): what are the implications of this in relation to the
teacher’s role in teaching phonics and in supporting children’s
reading development?
Chapter 10
In this chapter, educationalists with differing views on the best way to teach reading
give their response to the final report of the review into the teaching of reading,
undertaken by Jim Rose on behalf of the Department for Education (DfES,
2006). Although not statutory, this report will guide future policy on the teaching
of reading in England. Its recommendations are of considerable significance to
that country and may have a wider impact as a model for those in other countries
who wish to see more attention given to the teaching of phonics.
The setting up of the Rose Review was the culmination of a campaign over
several years by pressure groups and individuals who believed that the multi-
strategy approach (including phonics) advocated by the National Literacy
Strategy/Primary National Strategy was ineffective. They believed that the
model of phonics teaching offered by the NLS was flawed. Some of these critics
argued that an explicit ‘synthetic phonics first and only’ approach would be
more successful in teaching children to read. The introduction to this book
gives a detailed outline of these debates. At the same time as some critics were
arguing for more phonics teaching, others argued for a return to a less structured
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(or regimented, as they saw it) approach to literacy teaching with a greater emphasis
on reading for enjoyment and reading quality books.
In the years from 2000, many parliamentary questions relating to synthetic
phonics were asked, mainly by a small group of Conservative Party MPs (see
Hansard website), and newspapers printed articles asking why there was not
more phonics teaching in schools. In 2003, in response to what appeared to be
a concerted campaign in parliament and the media, and following the publication
of Teaching of Phonics in Primary Schools (Ofsted, 2001), the DfES held an
invitation seminar on phonics teaching. Advocates of a synthetic phonics ‘only
and early’ approach were represented at the seminar, as were authors of a range
of phonics programmes, phonics experts from the research community and
representatives of the NLS. The papers from this seminar are available online at
In response to this seminar, the National Literacy Strategy slightly amended its
advice on the pace and sequence for teaching phonics and produced new support
materials, Playing with Sounds (DfES, 2003a). It advocated both synthetic and
analytic phonics and re-emphasized the importance of regular, systematic
teaching of phonemic awareness skills and phonics from foundation stage
onwards. Nevertheless, debate on the best way to teach beginning readers
continued in the press and in parliament. In 2004, the House of Commons
Education and Skills Select Committee set up a parliamentary inquiry to
investigate ‘the methods used in schools to teach children to read’:
We took evidence from witnesses who argued that ‘phonics’ programmes should
have more prominence in the early teaching of reading (these programmes
concentrate on establishing an early understanding of sound–letter
correspondence). We took evidence from others who questioned the utility of
this approach, preferring to focus on the development of vocabulary and the
enrichment of linguistic experience, as well as from those who support the
current Government advice in the form of the Primary National Strategy. Many
of those who contacted us during this inquiry argued passionately for or against
these different methods. Our aim was to determine objectively which method
worked best, based on the available evidence, or, if the evidence was insufficient,
to recommend steps that should be taken in order to reach a conclusion. (House
of Commons Education and Skills Committee, 2005: para. 3)
After an inquiry lasting several months, the committee came to no definitive
conclusion but recommended that:
In view of the evidence from the Clackmannanshire study, as well as evidence
from other schools where synthetic phonics programmes have been
introduced, we recommend that the Government should undertake an
immediate review of the National Literacy Strategy. This should determine
whether the current prescriptions and recommendations are the best available
methodology for the teaching of reading in primary schools. . . We strongly
urge the DfES to commission a large-scale comparative study, comparing the
National Literacy Strategy with ‘phonics fast and first’ approaches. (House of
Commons Education and Skills Committee, 2005: para. 52)
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The interim report was published in November 2005 and the final report was
published in March 2006. The final report recommends that:
In relation to aspect 1 (best practice in teaching phonics)
– Priority and clear guidance should be given to developing children’s
speaking and listening skills.
– High-quality, systematic phonic work as defined by the review should
be taught discretely as the prime approach in learning to decode (to
read) and encode (to write/spell) print.
– Phonic work should be set within a broad and rich language curriculum.
– The Primary National Strategy should continue to exemplify the kind
of teaching all children should experience (quality-first teaching).
In relation to aspect 2 (early years, foundation stage and renewal of the
NLS framework)
– For most children, high-quality, systematic phonic work should start by
the age of five. This should be multi-sensory.
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Rhona Stainthorp
‘What do you think of the Rose Review, . . . in 500 words, . . . by the end of the
month?’ said the e-mail. Since we’re talking here of the Independent Review of
the Teaching of Early Reading (DfES, 2006a), it is clear that, indeed, a rose by any
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other name would smell as sweet: this report will always be known as the Rose
Review. Any other independent chairperson and there may have been no pleasing
alliteration. No shared initial phonemes and, as we all know, awareness of
phonemes really is useful for mapping letter–sound correspondences. And
mapping letter–sound correspondences is essential for achieving the alphabetic
principle, thus paving the way for accurate word reading. Under different
guidance we might not have had such a wise and thoughtful report. And, as in
so many other areas, Shakespeare got there first:
It took Gough and Tumner (1986) another 400 years or so to come up with the
‘simple view of reading’. But better late than never.
There are many positive aspects of the Review, but I want to focus on the
decision to steer the teaching of reading away from its predication on the
‘searchlights model’ towards a recognition that reading is the product of
accurate word reading and language comprehension. As is made explicit in the
appendix to the review, there is clear empirical evidence that skilled readers
are accurate, fast, effortless word readers but poor readers are slow, laborious
and often inaccurate. Beginner readers also find word reading challenging.
However, if they are taught the letter–sound correspondences and how to blend
sounds into words, they are armed with a strategy for reading words
independently. No one argues that this will produce 100 per cent accuracy in
English as would be the case in a transparent orthography like Turkish.
However, if children have this knowledge they have a necessary tool for
developing fluent word reading. The searchlights analogy was a distraction
because it proposed that the four searchlights were equally useful and
interchangeable. The Review has accepted that this is not the case. In
acknowledging the ‘simple view of reading’ as a more accurate account, the
importance of language comprehension for reading has also been highlighted.
Quite rightly, the report recognizes that there are teacher education
implications if the recommendations for teaching early reading are to feed
forward to better school achievement. Initial teacher education will have to
move from ‘this is what to do and how to do it’ towards ‘this is why you should
do it and here is the literature with the empirical evidence to back this up’. This
throws the ball squarely into the universities’ court to guide students through
the research evidence.
The review is not a nice knock-down argument, but it is a knockout. It’s a
genuinely thoughtful, measured document that deserves to be read in full. It
should form the basis of university seminars and school inservice sessions on
the teaching of reading.
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And don’t forget to read the appendix – ‘there’s glory for you’. Well, she
would say that, wouldn’t she!
Editors’ note: Rhona Stainthorp was one of the authors of the appendix to the
Rose Review.
The Reading Reform Foundation (RRF) welcomes the Rose Review, which
deals clearly and fairly with important issues.
Most important of all is the way that it deals with the ‘searchlights’ model which
was at the heart of the original National Literacy Strategy (NLS) Framework for
Teaching (DfEE, 1998a). This model, based on views which had been strongly
held in Britain since at least the early 1980s, proposed that children should, from
the very beginning of learning to read, identify printed words by using not only
grapheme-phoneme knowledge but also grammatical knowledge, contextual
knowledge and the recognition of whole words. As the Rose Review says,
however, ‘a model of reading which encourages switching between various
searchlight strategies, particularly when phonic work is regarded as only one
such strategy, all of equal worth, risks paying insufficient attention to the critical
skills of word recognition which must first be secured by beginner readers’
(DfES, 2006: para. 116). A similar comment from an Ofsted report is quoted in
para. 118. The RRF has always opposed the searchlights model and welcomes the
scholarly account of the real relationship between ‘word recognition’ and
‘language comprehension’ which is given in Appendix 1 of the Rose Review.
The Rose Review notes that ‘nearly half the schools visited did not give enough
time to teaching children the crucial skill of blending (synthesizing) sounds
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Where directly applicable research findings were felt to be inconclusive, the Rose
team decided that observation based on common sense was a reasonable guide.
The RRF agrees, and would point out that research findings might have been
more conclusive if more rigorous studies had been carried out by government
departments and/or by others who have argued against a pure synthetic phonics
approach for beginners. The NLS, which we have had since 1998, has itself not
been based on rigorous research, as is clear from Appendix 1 of the Rose Review.
While the research cited in this Appendix may not provide clear evidence that
synthetic phonics is better than analytic phonics, it does provide justification for
the abandoning of the searchlights model. From this point of view, the way
forward that the Rose Review proposes is more research-based than the multiple-
cueing approach, which has been officially sanctioned since 1998 and which was
widely promoted in Britain for many years before that.
The RRF believes that the Rose Review provides the rationale for an approach
to literacy teaching which is not only scientifically sound but also lively and
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John Stannard
The Rose Review presents a sensible appraisal of the teaching of early reading. It
reiterates advice the NLS has been giving since 1998, reinforced with evidence
from more recent research. He doesn’t much like the ‘searchlights’ and wants it
replaced with Morag Stuart’s and Rhona Stainthorp’s ‘dual-route’ model (see
Appendix 1, The Rose Review). They posit a ‘simple’ account of reading in which
word recognition and comprehension are distinct but parallel components,
dimensions or processes which, they argue, must exist separately because they can be
more or less separately described. The model is used to imply that the reading
curriculum should consist of two parallel but distinct streams designed to develop
these allegedly distinct psychological processes. Although the model is heavy with
presupposition, Rose’s conclusions still make a lot of sense. On the one hand he
wants to see early, focused and fast teaching of phonics, or to paraphrase:
At Key Stage 1, there should be a strong and systematic emphasis on the
teaching of phonics . . . pupils should be taught to:
• discriminate between the separate sounds in words;
• learn the letters and letter combinations most commonly used to spell
those sounds;
• read words by sounding out and blending their separate parts;
• write words by combining the spelling patterns of their sounds. (DfEE,
1998a: 4)
But this description is taken not from the Review but from the introductory text
in the NLS Framework for Teaching explaining the diagram of the searchlights
In parallel, Rose argues that there should be a rich experience of books and
reading and a renewed emphasis on speaking and listening, to develop positive
attitudes, vocabulary and communication skills. Route 1 sounds like Progression in
Phonics (DfEE, 1999a) or Jolly Phonics (Lloyd and Jolly, 1995) plus carefully levelled
texts, while route 2 is more like shared reading and story telling. In time these two
‘routes’ should fuse into one, though it is not entirely clear how this is supposed to
The searchlights metaphor does not make this hard-and-fast distinction, but
applies different emphases at different stages of reading. In the early stages,
children should use phonics as a first strategy for decoding. If they cannot decode
a word phonically, they should use other knowledge to help work it out, then check
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it back; if they decode a word but don’t understand it, they should try to derive its
meaning from the text and, if the text is predictable, they should use its
momentum to accelerate the decoding of words. Critics don’t much like this
because they think it confuses children.* But this is opinion, not fact. While we
know that phonics improves decoding, there is no evidence that, where children
are taught phonics systematically, using other strategies to make sense of texts
confuses them. On the contrary, it is how most successful readers learn. Far from
‘guessing’ at words, as it is sometimes pejoratively described, they learn to predict,
make sense, create connections, self-correct and build autonomy. This strengthens
rather than diminishes the importance of phonics as the first line of attack on
words, and underlines the value of teaching it early, systematically and rapidly.
We should get this into perspective. For teachers, nothing much hangs on
which metaphor or model is preferred, provided we are clear about what
strategies work in practice, and allow reasonable latitude for teachers to
differentiate and apply them wisely. Rose has set this out pretty well, bearing in
mind the sensitivities of the various lobbies, and aligned his advice carefully
with the NLS. The much-vaunted Clackmannanshire study (Johnston and
Watson, 2005), if it shows anything, shows that good phonics teaching delivers
reading accuracy and fluency but has little impact on comprehension.
In 2005, 84 per cent of year 6 children in England achieved level 4 in national
tests for reading and more than 90 per cent achieved level 3. These scores could
go down. Getting more children to level 4 (the expected level for 11-year-olds)
means improving the performance of level 3s, who already ‘. . . read a range of
texts fluently and accurately [and] read independently, using strategies
appropriately to establish meaning’ (English National Curriculum Statutory
Order, Level 3 description, DfES and QCA, 2000). Improvement depends more
on teaching comprehension and even more on the effective teaching of writing.
Sadly, neither of these was within Jim Rose’s remit, and I doubt that mandating
phonics in the National Curriculum or investing money in training teachers on
the Stuart and Stainthorp model will make the necessary difference.
Editors’ note: John Stannard, CBE, designed and directed the National
Literacy Strategy from 1998 to 2003.
Jonathan Solity
There are three issues that any approach to teaching literacy has to address.
The first concerns the standards of lower-achieving pupils. It is generally
*See, for example, Teaching Children to Read (Education and Skills Committee, 2005), Report of the
House of Commons Select Committee 21 March 2005, pp.13–14, where the Reading Reform Foundation
and Ruth Miskin characterize it as ‘contradictory’, ‘impossible’, and a recipe for reinforcing failure.
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recognized that approximately 20–25 per cent of pupils fail to reach acceptable
levels at end of key stage 2, and that the majority of these children are from
low-income families. This is a worrying state of affairs given the vast number of
initiatives that successive governments have introduced to raise standards over
the last 25 years.
The second issue concerns children’s attitudes to reading. The evidence
indicates that children in England are less positive about, and enjoy reading
less, than their peers in comparable countries (Bell, 2005; PIRLS, 2001; Ofsted,
2004). The third issue concerns the extent to which progress has been made in
implementing genuinely inclusive practices into schools. The NLS, through its
three-wave model, effectively ensures that failing readers are excluded from
mainstream classrooms and are withdrawn for additional one-to-one or small
group help teaching.
The Rose Review skilfully addresses a range of issues and provides a starting
point for addressing the above areas. Most notably it draws on research, where
possible, to inform the advice offered. The Review is highly critical of the
searchlights model; it was based on the flawed instructional premise that
determining how to teach was best achieved through an analysis of experienced
readers rather than a logical analysis of the skills required by beginning readers.
Its withdrawal, given the dogma and vigour with which it was introduced, is the
educational equivalent of Tony Blair acknowledging that there were never any
weapons of mass destruction. The alternative framework focuses on decoding
and comprehension. Carnine et al. (1997) provide a detailed analysis of their
respective roles in teaching reading.
Rose recognizes the value of synthetic phonics, but notes the considerable
differences between advocates of the approach. These are most obvious in
relation to ‘how much’ phonics to teach and the role of reading schemes and
real books. Gontijo et al. (2003) analysed 160,595 different words and found
that they can be represented by 195 graphemes and 461 grapheme–phoneme
associations. Solity and Vousden (2006) have shown that teaching as few as 60
grapheme–phoneme correspondences enable children to read the majority
of monosyllabic words that they will encounter. Teaching multiple mappings
(where one phoneme represents more than one grapheme or one grapheme
represents more than one phoneme), as recommended by the NLS and certain
phonics programmes, is of little value as the majority occur rarely and potentially
confuse children as there is no logical basis for selecting one representation
rather than another.
It is assumed that phonic skills are best taught in conjunction with reading
schemes rather than real books. However, their limitations, particularly for low-
achieving pupils, have been well documented. These children rarely become
‘free readers’ and so quickly lose interest and motivation. Furthermore, recent
research has demonstrated that the structure of real books and reading schemes
is similar and the claimed advantages of reading schemes are questionable
(Solity and Vousden, 2006). Rose recognizes the potential value of real books
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when noting that they can fulfil ‘much the same function’ as decodable books
(DfES, 2006: para. 84).
There are few issues raised by the Rose Review which were not also covered in
the Bullock Report (DES, 1975). It is staggering that so little progress appears to
have been made in over 30 years. Will the Review be seen to signal another swing
in the pendulum back towards teaching phonics, or represent a substantial and
enduring shift in practice? Potentially, the status of the Review will be judged on
whether the outcomes for the lowest 25 per cent change in the future.
Recent research (Shapiro and Solity, 2006; Solity and Shapiro, 2006) suggests
that two critical changes need to occur in practice. The first is that, contrary to
conventional wisdom, lower-achieving pupils are best taught through a
combination of real books and a small, optimal number of core phonic and
sight vocabulary skills. Second, they should be taught through differentiated,
whole class teaching, which meets a diverse range of needs.
The Review is informed by research. It would be a fitting tribute and legacy
if outstanding questions and concerns were also examined through appropriate
mainstream, classroom-based experimental investigations, delivered by teachers
rather than researchers, so that future decisions about what to teach are research,
rather than rhetoric, based.
Synthetic Arguments
Michael Rosen
a set of strategies with which to manage the vast amount of reading that
doesn’t fit the simplified system; and
a good deal of time spent proving that reading is a worthwhile and
interesting thing to do.
Virtually every initiative taken by this government has made classrooms places
that are less and less likely to spend time providing this. Children are human
beings, with drives, culture, habits and feelings. Books deal with these human
characteristics. Learning how to say a set of words that fit the phonics bill pays
no attention to them. Those children who have already been convinced that
reading a whole book will be a great thing to do (probably by their parents reading
to them) will have little or no problem making the leap from phonics to real
books and staying with them. For the millions of others who aren’t convinced
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that reading is interesting or cool, no matter how good they are with their
phonics, it’s not clear why or how they will want to stick with it.
Dominic Wyse
After the media attention given to the interim Rose report, the release of the
final report was something of a quiet affair. But it shouldn’t have been. The
Rose Review represents one of the most controversial documents on the teaching
of reading in England ever to be released. For example, it is the first official
publication to recommend the real book approach!
There is no doubt, too, that the simple text in some recognized favourite
children’s books can fulfil much the same function as that of decodable
books. Thus it may be possible to use these texts in parallel, or in place of
them. (DfES, 2006: 27, my italics)
Well, if not whole-hearted advocacy of the real book approach, it does offer
minimal recognition of the significance of children’s literature, at least for
supporting decoding.
This, of course, isn’t the most controversial aspect at all; it is the lack of
attention paid to the wealth of research evidence on the teaching of reading.
Rose concluded that:
Having considered a wide range of evidence, the review has concluded that
the case for systematic phonic work is overwhelming and much strengthened
by a synthetic approach. (DfES, 2006: 20)
As I reported in Wyse (2000), the research does show evidence that children’s
word reading can be enhanced by systematic phonics teaching contextualized
within a rich literate environment particularly for children aged between five
and seven. Twenty out of the 43 studies covered by the NRP and the Torgerson
review were carried out with children aged six to seven. Only nine studies were
carried out with 5 to 6-year-olds. No studies were carried out with 4-year-olds
or younger. It is also important to note that these phonics instruction studies
showed gains for whole-language philosophies such as oral reading of stories
and discussion; language-based reading activities; language development training;
a focus on comprehension; and embedded (or contextualized) teaching of
phonics. The idea that children younger than five will benefit from the kind
of synthetic phonics programme advocated by some contributors to the Rose
Review is not supported by research evidence, and is one of its most worrying
It is extraordinary that a report on a subject of such importance fails to
exploit fully the research evidence because of alleged ‘uncertainties’. Instead,
claims are made on the basis of inspection evidence and the ambiguous notion
of ‘leading-edge practice’. Rose claims that:
Even this use of inspection evidence is not sufficiently balanced. In 1990, the
HMI report (Ofsted, 1995) observed that in the teaching of reading in England
‘phonic skills were taught almost universally and usually to beneficial effect’
(1995: 2) and that ‘Successful teachers of reading and the majority of schools
used a mix of methods each reinforcing the other as the children’s reading
developed’ (1995: 15). During 1993–94, inspection evidence found that ‘In most
schools pupils acquire satisfactory phonics skills and a range of strategies for
understanding printed texts’ (1995: 6). This picture accorded with research
which found regular and judicial use of phonics teaching as part of a balanced
approach to be the norm (Cato et al., 1992).
The main piece of research used by the Rose Review is the Clackmannanshire
study (Johnston and Watson, 2005). Resigned to the fact that the study ‘received
some criticism by researchers’, its use is defended by a focus on the classroom
practice that was featured. In that case, why use this study and not one of the
hundreds of other studies about reading teaching? Or, why not look at other
kinds of reading pedagogy that have been successful, including whole-language
The Rose Review remit would have been more useful if it had required an
examination of the NLS as a whole, including addressing the question of
whether it should be replaced with something better. As far as phonics is
concerned, there is an urgent need for another round of the ‘reading wars’ to ensure
that any revisions to the NLS represent a truly evidence-informed picture. The
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Poor Mr Rose!
David Wray
You have to feel a bit sorry for Jim Rose. He has been involved in primary
education at the very highest level for many years, as a senior HMI he has
guided policy and practice, and as a member of the ‘Three Wise Men’ he had an
enormous impact upon the nature of primary teaching in this country. Yet, as
his career draws to its close, what is it that he will be most remembered for by
primary teachers? I fear it will be as the man who said that young children were
not allowed to read books until they had mastered their 44 phonemes. ‘Phonics
first and fast’ may well be his lasting epitaph!
All of which is a bit unfair really. Especially as that is not quite what he
actually says in his final report. On page 3, for example, Mr Rose states, ‘the
introduction of phonic work should always be a matter for principled,
professional judgement based on structured observations and assessments of
children’s capabilities’ (DfES, 2006). There is probably not a single teacher,
commentator or parent who would disagree with this claim. Yet the result of
this report will be to supplant such ‘principled, professional judgement’ with
the requirements of ‘the programme’ of teaching phonics. Mr Rose himself lays
great stress on ‘fidelity to the programme’, which seems to mean that a teaching
programme should be followed to its bitter end even if it is manifestly not
working for individuals or groups of children.
Again, on page 16, Mr Rose claims that ‘It is widely agreed that phonic work is
an essential part, but not the whole picture, of what it takes to become a fluent
reader and skilled writer, well capable of comprehending and composing text’
(DfES, 2006). It is a shame, then, that his report is being claimed as thorough
vindication of the position of those extremists who claim that phonics work is the
whole picture for beginning readers. One such person, the writer of a commercial
teaching programme focused on phonics, even claims that her programme ‘is
intended to replace the National Literacy Strategy for those children who are in
the early stages of learning to read (at or below NC level 2b)’ (Miskin, 2004: 4).
The children encompassed by this definition include the majority of children at
key stage 1. So ‘the whole picture’ for these children will therefore be phonics
work, not the more rounded and balanced programme which the NLS currently
suggests, and which Mr Rose’s claim seems to support.
So, what is going on here? The cynical interpretation is that, however
balanced and ‘wise’ a report Jim Rose has written, the damage has already
been done. Government ministers, and Rose himself, try to dress the report’s
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Chapter 11
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committed teachers are slower to identify and solve problems as they arise. This
further impacts on the programme’s success.
When changes to literacy policy are initiated by central government and
monitored by external inspections, it would be easy to see schools and teachers
as passive victims of circumstance. But the context for implementation is
created by the practical things that real people do (Datnow et al., 2002).
Teachers, classroom assistants, literacy co-ordinators, head teachers and school
governors create and control the experiences, structures and culture within
their school. They create the local context of implementation and thus
determine the impact any new phonics programme or resource will have.
A key factor in successful change is the extent to which school staff understand
and buy-in to the new ideas. Staff buy-in will increase if a new phonics
initiative is clearly located within the school’s wider literacy curriculum and if
they can see how it contributes to the long-term strategic plan to raise
attainment and benefit the children (Ofsted, 2004).
Success is also more likely when teachers feel empowered, and central to this
is respect for the knowledge and experience they bring. ‘Uniform change’ and
‘effective change’ may not be the same thing. Co-ordinators and head teachers
who see their role as policemen protecting the fidelity of a bought-in phonics
programme are likely to be less successful than those who see their role as
hands-on facilitators whose aim is to help staff integrate the programme into
their teaching and work out how to use it most effectively to meet the needs of
the children. Reform models with such flexibility are also more sustainable.
Effective facilitators will introduce and implement staff development on
phonics in ways that deepen professional understandings and support changes
in pedagogy. At the same time, they will encourage teachers to mould the
initiative to ensure that it fits well with the school’s wider literacy strategy and
with pupils’ learning.
Good leaders are able to keep people going, remind them of their successes
and keep them focused. Although they have a vision of how they would like
things to be, they are not totally blinded by it; they listen to what others say.
When school reforms fail, the head teacher is often seen as supporting the
reform from a distance rather than directly leading it (Datnow et al., 2002). In
highly effective schools, head teachers are seen as the instructional leaders,
with a clear understanding of how reading is taught, assessed and monitored
(Ofsted, 2004).
The first point when considering the school’s policy and practice on phonics
teaching, is for all staff, including the senior management team, to think about
the issue from different angles:
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The children’s learning: Do the children find the content of the phonics
programme intellectually interesting, and do they have sufficient
opportunities to practise and apply their new knowledge and skills?
The children’s achievements: Does the existing phonics programme achieve
good results for the children, in line with, or better than, other schools
with similar intakes?
The wider literacy curriculum: New initiatives often have a ‘ripple effect’ on
other teaching and may distort the wider aims of the curriculum. It is
important to ensure a balanced, coherent experience for children. The
bottom line is that the phonics programme should contribute to a
successful, engaging and emotionally satisfying literacy curriculum, not
become an end in itself.
The staff’s capacity to deliver: Different beliefs about literacy, different
understandings of phonics and different experiences of teaching the
literacy curriculum all affect how a new initiative will be interpreted and
implemented. Staff may need to consider their own content knowledge as
well as the content and sequence, pace and variety of their phonics
teaching and how they nudge and support children to apply and use their
phonic knowledge in new situations.
Encouraging teachers and classroom assistants to describe what they do, how they
do it and the next steps they might take develops content knowledge and ensures
ownership of the curriculum. Analytical discussion of specific children and of
how to move their learning forward, deepens content knowledge and broadens
pedagogical understanding. Working from specific examples enables educators to
link theory and practice within a particular context. Research shows that whole
staff identification of issues, followed by agreed action to address the issues and
sharing the outcomes, is a powerful form of professional development (EPPI,
2003). Whole staff discussion is a vital first step in this process.
Staff development
There does, however, need to be a clear focus and drive. Boyle et al. (2005)
note that the most common staff development activities in England were
observation of colleagues and sharing practice, but ‘coaching’ and ‘research
inquiry’ were reported as having most impact. Study groups involving regular,
sustained and collaborative work on topics chosen by the group as well as
coaching or mentoring arrangements, where teachers work with an equally or more
experienced colleague, have both proved successful.
their own values, beliefs and assumptions about reading and learning to read;
what they believe to be important and effective about their own practice; and
their observations of children and of possible benefits that could result
from a review of phonics teaching in the school.
It goes without saying that discussion needs to be collegiate and reflective,
rather than argumentative and confrontational. Explicit acknowledgement that
the ultimate aim of the reading curriculum is to help children make sense of
and respond to text may be important, along with detailed discussions of how
any changes in teaching phonics might contribute to this.
often don’t know what to do about this. Chapter 6 explains the articulatory
basis of speech and how to identify children who may need additional help or a
different kind of help with phonic work.
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Consonant The sounds made when breath from the lungs is stopped
or occluded before it emerges from the mouth. They
can be voiced or voiceless.
Glossary 137
Glides (liquid sounds) Sounds made by air passing through the mouth
more freely than for stops or fricatives, but less
freely than for vowels. English glide sounds are ‘l’,
‘r’, ‘w’, ‘y’.
Glossary 139
Plosive The sound made when the air from the lungs is
completely stopped for a short time in the mouth,
then released. Also called a ‘stop’. English plosives
are ‘p’, ‘b’, ‘t’, ‘d’, ‘k’, ‘g’.
Quadragraph Four letters that make one sound, for example, ‘ough’
as in ‘ought’.
Rhyming strings A number of words that all rhyme with each other.
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Glossary 141
Rime The part of a syllable that contains the vowel and any
consonant or consonant cluster that might come after
the first vowel. The rime in the word ‘tea’ has no
consonants. The rime in the word ‘teach’ is ‘each’.
Voiced When air from the lungs is given a ‘buzz’ from the vocal
cords vibrating together. In English, the sounds ‘d’
and ‘b’ are voiced and compare to their unvoiced
counterparts ‘t’ and ‘p’.
Voiceless When air passes through the larynx without the vocal
cords vibrating.
Vowel The sound made when breath from the lungs is given a
buzz from the vocal cords vibrating together but not
stopped or occluded in other ways. English words
contain at least one vowel. In the alphabet a, e, i, o, u (y)
are known as vowels and they are used in all the
graphemes that form vowel digraphs and trigraphs. The
letters ‘w’, ‘y’ and ‘r’ are also used, for example, ‘ow’, ‘ay’
and ‘ar’.
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