Six Fundamentals
Six Fundamentals
Six Fundamentals
ﺮﺣ ۡ ِﻢ
َ ۡ َ ّٰ ۡﺴﻢ
ِ ّ اﻟﻠﻪ ا ّﺮﺣٰﻤِﻦ ا
ِ ِ ِ
In the name of Allah most Gracious, most Merciful.
Only that knowledge is appreciated by Allah, which
takes a man nearer to Him, and enables him, to observe
His commandments. So much knowledge of the religion of
Islam, as would purify and strengthen one's faith, is
obligatory for every Muslim man and woman. When a
servant of Allah has entirely submitted himself to Allah,
and has promised to observe His commandments, it is
indispensable for him to know all His commandments,
and the method of worship. Yes, he should have a perfect
knowledge of prayers, fasting, poor-rate, hajj; of mutual
dealings in everyday life, the true Islamic culture, and
other important aspects of Islamic way of living. Every
Muslim should particularly know those basic things
about Islam, the ignorance of which is likely to commit
sins; and when he has got the knowledge of these things,
he must observe them in a practical form, for it has been
mentioned in a hadith, "Verily, the worst punishment of
Allah will be inflicted on those on the Day of Judgement,
who have been scholars of religion, but did not practice it
The second part of the third lesson is zikr. The
highest degree of zikr is that a believer should be entirely
devoted to Allah, and should never forget Him. This
standard of zikr is achieved by constant spiritual
exercise, and by continuous remembrance of Allah. Those
who have realized the spiritual benefits of zikr, they do
not neglect it for a single moment of their life. Rasulullah
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) instructed a companion of
his with the following words, "Keep your tongue always
busy with the remembrance of Allah". In another hadith
he says, "When some people gather together in an
assembly, and then get up without remembering Allah,
be sure that they sat around the dead body of an ass, and
left it; therefore such an assembly will be a sorrow to
them on the Day of Qiyaamah".
The true believers should remember Allah most
often, and by contemplating the wonders of His creation,
they should glorify Him, and thereby strengthen their
love for Him. The more they remember Allah, the better
Six Fundamentals 11
"O Muslims! You are the best nation, who has been
chosen for the guidance of other nations; you command
people with virtue, and prevent them from vice, and have
a firm faith in Allah!" (AaleImran-110)
It has been reported by Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho
anho) that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said,
"You must induce people to good deeds, and prevent them
from bad ones, otherwise Allah will bring such a tyrant
sovereign over you, who will not respect your elders, nor
will he show mercy to your youngsters; then the prayers
of your pious people even will not be granted by Allah; if
you called Him, He will not pardon you!"
َ َ ُ ۡ ُ َ َ َ ُ ۡ ُ َ َ َّ ُ ّ ٰ َ
ُوﺑﻚ اَ ِﺳ ۡﺮ
ِ وﺑﻚ اﺣﻮل ِ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ ِﺑﻚ اﺻﻮل
"O Allah! I attack the enemy with your help, I plan
my work with Your help, and I walk on the earth
with Your help".
ّ ٰ َّ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ ۡ َ َ َ ّ ٰ َ َ ُ ۡ َّ َ َ ّ ٰ ۡ
ِ ِ اﻟﻠﻪ وﻟ ﺣﻮل وﻟ ﻗﻮۃ ِاﻟ ِ اﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻮﻛﻠﺖ ﻋ ﻲ ِ ﺴﻢِ ِ
Six Fundamentals 23
َ ۡ ۡ ُ ٗ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ ٰ َ َ َ َّ َ ۡ َّ َ ٰ ۡ ُ
﴾۱۳ۙ ﴿ ِ ﻣﻘﺮﻧ
ِ اﻟﺬی ﺮ ﻟﻨﺎ ﻫﺬا و ﻣﺎ ﻛﻨﺎ ﻟﻪ ِ ﺳﺒ ﻦ
َ ّ َ اﻧﺎ ۤ ِا ٰﻲ
َ ۡ ُ َ ۡ ُ َ رﺑﻨﺎ
﴾۱۴﴿ ﻟﻤﻨﻘﻠﺒﻮن
َّ َ
ِ ِ
"Glory be to Allah, who has subjected this animal to
us, and we could not overpower it without His help;
and at last we have to return to our Sustained"
َ ۡ َ َّ َ ۡ ُ ُّ ُ ۡ َ َ ٗ َّ َ ۡ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ َ ّۡ َ َ ٰ ۡ ُ
ﻓﺎﻧﻪ ﻟ ﻳﻐ ِﺮ اﻟﺬﻧﻮب ِاﻟ اﻧﺖ ِ ﻲ ﻓﺎﻏ ِﺮ ِﻲ ِ ﺳﺒ ﻨﻚ ِا ِﻲ ﻇﻠﻤﺖ
َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ َّ َ ۡ َّ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ُ َ ۡ ّ َّ ُ ّ ٰ َ
ﻮر ﺑﻌﺪ
ِ اﻟﻤﻨﻘﻠﺐ وا
ِ ﻛﺎﺑﺔ
ِ وﻋﺜﺎء اﻟﺴ ﺮِ و
ِ اﻋﻮذﺑﻚ ِﻣﻦ
ِ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ ِا ِﻲ
َ َۡ َ َۡۡ َ ۡ َۡ ۡ ُ َ ُۡ ۡ َۡ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ
واﻟﻤﺎل۔ ﻫﻞ
ِ اﻟ ﻲ اﻟﻤﻨﻈﺮ
ِ ِ وﺳﻮء
ِ اﻟﻤﻈﻠﻮم
ِ ودﻋﻮۃ
ِ اﻟﻜﻮر
ۡ َ َّ ُ ّ ٰ َ
say thrice,
َﻓﻴﻬﻬﺎ َ َ ﺑﺎرک
ۡ ِ ﻟﻨﺎ
ِ ِ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ
"O Allah! let it be auspicious for us."
َ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ ُ ّ ٰ َ
Then he should say this prayer,
ۡ َ ِ اﻫﻠﻬﺎ
َاﻟﻴﻨﺎ َ ۡ َ وﺣﺒﺐ َﺻﺎﻟ ۡﻲ َ ۡ َ وﺣﺒﺒﻨﺎ ِا ٰٓﻲ
ۡ ّ َ َ اﻫﻠﻬﺎ َ ۡ ّ َ َ
ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ ارزﻗﻨﺎ ﺟﻨﺎﻫﺎ
"O Allah! Let us enjoy the fruits of this city, and
infuse our love into the hearts of the people of this
city, and cause the love of the pious of this city in
our hearts". (Hisn Haseen)
17. Do not eat onions while you are in the mosque, and
if you have eaten them out of the mosque, do not
enter it, until such time that there is no odor left.
19. First pick up the table cloth, and then get up.
for us".
2. The water from the station taps and that from the
toilet in the train is clean. If this water is not
available then only will Tayammum be permissible.
1. Every member of the Tabligh group is responsible
for his expenditure during the journey.
19. When you return from the journey, and enter your
home, say,
َ ۡ َ َ ﻳﻐﺎدر
ً ۡ َ ﻋﻠﻴﻨﺎ ُِ َُ َّ ً ۡ َ َ ّ َ ً ۡ َ ً ۡ َ
ﺣﻮﺑﺎ ﺮﺑﻨﺎ ﺗﻮﺑﺎ ﻟ
ِ ِ اوﺑﺎ اوﺑﺎ
Owban, owban, lirabbinaa towban, laa yughaadiru
alaynaa hpwban.
23. Those who go out for deeni work or for gasht, and
their hearts are effected by meeting unmindful and
negligent people or irreligious places should make
good this loss by zikrullah and fikr of the Deen in