This document outlines a real estate private equity case study involving the development of luxury condos in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The case examines whether an investment of R$40 million would achieve a targeted 2x multiple and 25% IRR. It finds that the assumptions around costs, timelines, and prices are risky and that returns would just barely meet targets in an optimistic scenario. Overall, the recommendation is not to proceed with the investment given uncertainties around confirming key assumptions.
This document outlines a real estate private equity case study involving the development of luxury condos in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The case examines whether an investment of R$40 million would achieve a targeted 2x multiple and 25% IRR. It finds that the assumptions around costs, timelines, and prices are risky and that returns would just barely meet targets in an optimistic scenario. Overall, the recommendation is not to proceed with the investment given uncertainties around confirming key assumptions.
Original Description:
REPE Case 03 Sao Paulo Opportunistic Pre Sold Condos Slides
This document outlines a real estate private equity case study involving the development of luxury condos in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The case examines whether an investment of R$40 million would achieve a targeted 2x multiple and 25% IRR. It finds that the assumptions around costs, timelines, and prices are risky and that returns would just barely meet targets in an optimistic scenario. Overall, the recommendation is not to proceed with the investment given uncertainties around confirming key assumptions.
This document outlines a real estate private equity case study involving the development of luxury condos in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The case examines whether an investment of R$40 million would achieve a targeted 2x multiple and 25% IRR. It finds that the assumptions around costs, timelines, and prices are risky and that returns would just barely meet targets in an optimistic scenario. Overall, the recommendation is not to proceed with the investment given uncertainties around confirming key assumptions.
LBOs… use debt and equity to acquire a property, grow it over time, and then sell it
• That same housing analogy applies… but here,
it really is a house we’re buying!
• But… the modeling itself might be much simpler,
or possibly more complex This Tutorial • Part 1: The Types of RE PE Case Studies
• Part 2: This Case Study and What Makes It Tricky
• Part 3: Doing the Quick Math on This Deal
• Part 4: Assumptions and Construction Timeline
• Part 5: Equity and Debt Draws (and More) • Part 6: Investment Recommendation Three Types of RE PE Cases • Opportunistic: Build a new property or completely revamp (“redevelop”) an existing one Three Types of RE PE Cases • Key Question: How much is the property changing? This Case Study • Property: V:House – High-end luxury condos in São Paulo – to be developed and pre-sold
• Question: Should we pay R$ 40 million to fund
the property’s development if we’re targeting a 2x multiple and a 25% IRR?
• Other Terms: Spelled out in the document –
Base Case, Downside Case, and Upside Case with different selling price / Hard Cost etc. figures This Case – Typical Opportunistic Scenario • Purpose: This one’s a mix of calculations and market data, but the modeling isn’t that complex
• Market Data: Less about forecasting trends and
more about confirming/denying initial figures
• Prerequisites: Must be good with Excel (IF,
OFFSET, INDEX/MATCH, EOMONTH, etc.) and finance / RE fundamentals (waterfalls, debt, etc.) What’s Tricky About This Case… • Problem #1: Brand-new, high-end development in Brazil… what assumptions are reasonable?
• Problem #2: How much debt and equity can we
use… exactly?
• Problem #3: How quickly can we pre-sell the units?
• Solution: Develop the property, use as little equity
as possible, and pre-sell as quickly as possible! What’s Tricky About This Case… • Trick: Wrapping your head around the “pre-sold” concept and how the returns trickle in over time
• But: Also have a strict 1-week time limit, so you
need to move quickly with the Excel formulas
• So: Spend some time on market data, but mostly
pay attention to the instructions at the end, and jump into Excel more quickly The Quick Math on This Deal • Key Insight: If the rough numbers don’t work, why would an even more complex model work?
• Conclusion: We’re already skeptical – even 50-60%
leverage won’t boost the multiple to 2x in most cases Assumptions and Timeline • Can’t do much in this type of model – can’t even build a S&U schedule since we don’t know debt/equity yet
• But we do challenge the original case study numbers for
Hard Costs – they don’t foot with reality / other sources Assumptions and Timeline • Timeline: Need to jump into Excel to explain…
• Step 1: Set up an area that tracks total units sold, %
sold, month #, year #, etc.
• Step 2: Create a tracking area for each phase
• Step 3: Finish Phase I, fill in info. at the top, move to II
• Step 4: Complete this process for Phases II and III
Assumptions and Timeline • Step 5: Split the monthly sales into Initial vs. Construction-Phase vs. Final Deposits
• Simplification: Instead of getting the Construction ones
“right,” we just take the cumulative sum of the values of units sold so far, multiply by 30%, and divide by 24
• Think About: What would it take to get this “right”?
Expenses, Equity & Debt & Other • Expenses: Hard Costs based on Gross Sq. M. only if something is under construction, and the others are percentages of monthly sales
• Equity: Do we have negative Gross Income, and have
we not yet passed 40% of all units pre-sold?
• If so, draw on equity… 20% from developers and 80%
from investors Expenses, Equity & Debt & Other • Equity: Also, check to see if we’re in the final month or the end of all construction, and if so, repay remaining debt!
• Debt: Draw on if we have negative Gross Income and
we’re past 40% of all units pre-sold; repay debt principal when we can, and accrue interest when we have to Waterfall Returns Schedule • Same idea as in the other RE PE case studies…
• Track: Equity the investors contribute each month
• Increase By: Monthly amount that corresponds to 20%,
25%, 30%, etc. annual return
• Subtract: Distributions received because of positive
cash flows in the month Summaries and Sensitivities • Monthly Model: Very “unwieldy,” so you should create an annual summary and a transaction summary
• Key Items: Sources & Uses, Returns, Construction
Timeline, and Physical Building Profile; for annual model, revenue, expenses, cash flows, and IRR/multiples
• Sensitivities: Focus on most impactful assumptions
(selling prices, hard costs, lot prices, sales velocity) The Investment Recommendation • Point #1: In a very optimistic case, we just barely meet the 2x targeted multiple; and we don’t in the Base Case
• Point #2: Market data isn’t that favorable / we lack the
data to confirm many key assumptions
• Point #3: Might work if the construction finished more
quickly, or if we could lock in Hard Costs at R$ 4,000 / sq. m., or if we could guarantee higher selling prices… but those all seem tough Recap of This Tutorial • Part 1: The Types of RE PE Case Studies
• Part 2: This Case Study and What Makes It Tricky
• Part 3: Doing the Quick Math on This Deal
• Part 4: Assumptions and Construction Timeline
• Part 5: Equity and Debt Draws (and More) • Part 6: Investment Recommendation