This document contains a list of transaction codes (TCodes) used in SAP along with short descriptions. There are over 70 TCodes listed ranging from reports on aging, assets, balances, invoices to tables for configuration like financial accounts, materials and vendors. The TCodes allow users to generate reports, process transactions and maintain master data across different modules like FI, CO, MM, SD in the SAP system.
This document contains a list of transaction codes (TCodes) used in SAP along with short descriptions. There are over 70 TCodes listed ranging from reports on aging, assets, balances, invoices to tables for configuration like financial accounts, materials and vendors. The TCodes allow users to generate reports, process transactions and maintain master data across different modules like FI, CO, MM, SD in the SAP system.
This document contains a list of transaction codes (TCodes) used in SAP along with short descriptions. There are over 70 TCodes listed ranging from reports on aging, assets, balances, invoices to tables for configuration like financial accounts, materials and vendors. The TCodes allow users to generate reports, process transactions and maintain master data across different modules like FI, CO, MM, SD in the SAP system.
This document contains a list of transaction codes (TCodes) used in SAP along with short descriptions. There are over 70 TCodes listed ranging from reports on aging, assets, balances, invoices to tables for configuration like financial accounts, materials and vendors. The TCodes allow users to generate reports, process transactions and maintain master data across different modules like FI, CO, MM, SD in the SAP system.
ZAPPROVE Approval for SO ZASSET T-code for asset upload program ZBAL_FDL Financial Balance Sheet ZBAL_FDL_CAL_YEAR T-code for Financial Statement ZBDC_MM01 bdc for mm01 ZBRS T-code for BRS table ZCOL Collection report ZCOM T-code for Commertial report ZCRANGE T-code for G/L table ZCUS_STD Customer Balance ZCUS_STD1 Customer Balance ZDEP T-code for ZDEP table ZFCB Customer Balance ZFD_INV Sales Invoice ZFDCR Return Challan Invoice ZFDDC Delivery Challan print output ZFDDCS Delivery Challan with Serial ZFDGP Delivery Gate Pass print output ZFDTI Transfer Invoice ZFGRN Goods Received Note ZFI_BRS FI: BRS Posting ZFI_REVENUE Material Group Wise Revenue ZFIUPLOAD T-code for FI upload program ZFIUPLOAD1 FI Upload Program 1 ZFIVOUCHER Accounting voucher ZFPDO Sales Order Pending Delivery ZFQC zsd: sales Quotation ZFRC Return Challan ZFRI Return Invoice ZFSI Challan Invoice print output ZFSR Serial Number history Report ZFSR1 SD: Serial Number History ZFSR2 SD: Serial Number History ZFTC Transfer Challan ZGIN Goods Issue Note ZGL_MST FI: Custom GL Master for Report ZHOUSE T-code for House Bank table ZIMEI T-code for IMEI report
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TCode Transaction text ZINC_STM Comprehensive Statement ZINC_STM_CAL T-code for Comprehensive statement ZINV SD invoice ZJT tcode for test ZLC T-code for LC screen ZMAIN T-code for Main Group table ZMAINGRP T-code for maingroup table ZMATERIAL Material description ZMB5B Material Stock Report ZMEK1 BDC for MEK1 ZMIGO_BDC BDC for MIGO ZMM01 T-code for MM01 upload program ZMMSTO STO upload prog t-code ZMOBS Balance Sheet ZMOBS_MG Main Group details ZMOBS_NOTE Finance Note details ZMOBS_RANGE Financial Descriptions ZMOPL Statement of Comprehensive Income ZMOPL_MG Main Group details ZMOPL_RANGE Financial Descriptions ZNOC T-code for NOC screen ZNOTE T-code for finance note table ZNOTE_N T-code for Note table ZOLPL Outlet PL ZOLPL_CHA Channel Wise Report ZOLPL_MG Main Group for ZOLPOL ZOLPL_PLANT Heading For ZOLPL ZOLPL_PNRN PLANT & CostCentre For ZOLPL ZOLPL_RANGE Range for ZOLPOL ZPO_PRINT T-code for PO Printout ZPOD proof of delivery ZPOT PO Terms table maintinance ZPREG Purchase Register Report ZRANGE T-code for financial range table ZRANGE_N T-code for Range table ZSALES Sales register ZSDCM Credit summary report ZSDSTINV Mushak 11 ZSERIAL Serial No View
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TCode Transaction text ZSO Sales Order Creation ZSTO T-code for stock rransfer report ZSUBGRP T-code for subgroup table ZTAB tabscript just test ZTCODE101 Tcode for Mara Details ZUPLOAD_IMEI IMEI upload ZVAGING Vendor Aging ZVCUST vcust copy ZVEN_STD Vendor Statement