1. Inventories are defined by all of the following except
a. Used in the production or supply of goods and services for administrative purposes
b. Held for sale in the ordinary course of business
c. In the process of production for such sale
d. In the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or the rendering of services
2. Which of the following should not be taken into account when determining the cost of inventories?
a. Storage costs of part- finished goods
b. Trade discounts
c. Recoverable purchase taxes
d. Import duties on shipping of inventory inward
3. Which of the following should be included in inventory?
a. Goods in transit purchased FOB destination
b. Goods received from another entity for sale on consignment
c. Goods sold to a customer which are being held for the customer to call at the customer’s convenience
d. None of these
4. Valuation of inventories requires determination of all of the following except
a. The costs to be included in inventory
b. The physical goods to be included in inventory
c. The cost of goods held on consignment from other entities
d. The cost flow assumption to be adopted
5. Which of the following costs should be included in inventory valuation?
a. Administrative costs c. Storage costs relating to finished goods
b. Abnormal material usage d. Fixed production overheads
6. Which of the following costs of conversion cannot be included in cost of inventory?
a. Cost of direct labor c. Salaries of sales staff
b. Factory rent and utilities d. Factory overhead based on normal capacity
7. Which is not a mandated disclosure in relation to inventory?
a. Accounting policy adopted in measuring inventories, including the cost formula used
b. The carrying amount of each item of inventories
c. The carrying amount of inventories carried at fair value less cost of disposal
d. The amount of inventories recognized as expense during the period
8. Which is not a common disclosure for inventories?
a. Inventory composition c. Inventory financing arrangement
b. Inventory location d. Inventory cost method
9. What is consigned inventory?
a. Goods that are shipped but title transfers to the receiver.
b. Goods that are sold but payment is not required until the goods are sold
c. Goods that are shipped but title remains with the shipper
d. Goods that have been segregated for shipment to a customer
10. In accounting for sales on consignment, sales revenue and the related costs of goods sold should be recognized by
a. Consignor when the goods are shipped to the consignee
b. Consignee when the goods are shipped to the third party
c. Consignor when the consignee has sold the goods
d. Consignee when cash is received from the customer
11. If a material amount of inventory has been ordered through a formal purchase contract at the statement of financial
position date for future delivery at firm prices
a. This fact must be disclosed
b. Disclosure is required only if prices have declined since the date of the order
c. Disclosure is required only if prices have risen substantially
d. An appropriation of retained earnings is necessary
12. Under PAS 2, inventories shall be stated at
a. Lower of cost and fair value c. Lower of cost and nominal value
b. Lower of cost and net realizable value d. Lower of cost and net selling price
13. When inventory declines in value below original cost what is the maximum amount that the inventory can be valued
a. Sales price c. Historical cost
b. Net realizable value d. Sales price reduced by estimated cost to sell
14. Why are inventories measured at LCNRV?
a. To report a loss when there is a decrease in future utility
b. To be conservative
c. To report a loss when there is a decrease in utility below the original cost
d. To permit future profit to be recognized
15. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding LCNRV?
a. NRV is the selling price less estimated cost to complete and cost to make a sale
b. In most situations, entities price inventory on a total inventory basis
c. One of two methods may be used to record the income effect of valuing inventory at NRV
d. Entities use an allowance account in reducing inventory at NRV
16. Which of the following attributes would not be used to measure inventory?
a. Historical cost c. Net realizable value
b. Current replacement cost d. Present value of future cash flows
17. Which method may be used to record a loss due to a price decline in the value of inventory?
a. Loss method c. Cost of goods sold method
b. Sales method d. Loss method and cost of goods sold method
18. When the cost of goods sold method is used to record inventory at NRV
a. There is direct reduction in the selling price of the inventory
b. A loss is debited directly and credited to inventory
c. Only the portion of the loss attributable to inventory sold is recorded
d. The NRV is substituted for cost and the loss is buried in cost of goods sold
19. When using the periodic system, which of the following generally would not be separately accounted for in the
computation of cost of goods sold?
a. Trade discounts applicable to purchases during the period
b. Cash discounts taken during the period
c. Purchase returns and allowance of merchandise during the period
d. Cost of transportation for merchandise purchased during the period
20. When using a perpetual inventory system
a. No purchases account is used
b. A cost of goods sold account is used
c. Two entries are required to record a sale
d. All of these are correct regarding perpetual inventory system
21. The specific identification method of inventory costing
a. Eliminates all opportunity for profit manipulation
b. Matches the flow of recorded costs with the physical flow of goods
c. Can be used only with a perpetual inventory system
d. Is a violation of generally accepted accounting principles
22. Which of the inventory cost flow assumptions provides the best measure of earnings, where “best” means most
appropriate for predicting future earnings, when prices have been declining?
b. Specific identification d. Average cost
23. An inventory method which is designed to approximate inventory valuation at the lower of cost an NRV is
a. LIFO c. Conventional retail method
b. FIFO d. Specific identification
24. This is often used for convenience for measuring inventories of large number of rapidly changing items with similar
margins for which it is impracticable to use other costing method.
a. Standard costing method c. Gross profit method
b. Retail method d. Relative sales price method
25. Which statement is not true about gross profit method?
a. It may be used to estimate inventory for interim statements
b. It may be used to estimate inventory for annual statements
c. It may be used by auditors
d. None of these
26. How is the gross profit method used as it relates to inventory valuation?
a. Verify the accuracy of the perpetual inventory records
b. Verify the accuracy of the physical inventory
c. To estimate cost of goods sold
d. To provide an inventory value of LIFO inventories
27. A major advantage of the retail inventory method is that it
a. Permits entities to avoid taking an annual physical inventory
b. Gives a more accurate measurement of inventory than other methods
c. Hides cost from customers and employees
d. Provides a method for inventory control and facilitates determination of the periodic inventory
28. What is the effect of net markups on the cost- retail ratio when using the conventional retail method?
a. Increases the cost- retail ratio c. Depends on the amount of the net markdowns
b. No effect on the cost- retail ratio d. Decreases the cost- retail ratio
29. Which of the following is not dealt with by PAS 41?
a. The accounting for biological assets
b. The initial measurement of agricultural produce harvested from biological assets
c. The processing of agricultural produce after harvesting
d. The accounting treatment of government grant received in respect of biological asset
30. Which of the following is unlikely to be used in fair value measurement of biological asset?
a. Quoted market price
b. The most recent market transaction price
c. The present value of the expected net cash flows from the asset
d. External independent valuation
31. Where should changes in the fair value of a herd of cattle be recognized in the financial statements?
a. In profit or loss c. In profit or loss or other comprehensive income
b. In other comprehensive income d. In the statement of cash flows
32. Generally speaking, biological assets relating to agricultural activity should be measured using
a. Historical cost c. A fair value approach
b. Historical cost less depreciation less impairment d. Net realizable value
33. Where there is a production cycle of more than one year for a biological asset, separate disclosure is encouraged for
a. Physical change only c. Total change in value
b. Price change only d. Physical change and price change
34. Which of the following information should be disclosed in relation to agriculture?
a. Separate disclosure of the gain or loss relating to biological assets and agricultural produce
b. The aggregate gain or loss arising on the initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce and from
the change in fair value less cost of disposal of biological assets
c. The total gain or loss from biological assets and agricultural produce
d. There is no requirement to disclose separately any gain or loss
35. An entity had a plantation forest that is likely to be harvested and sold in 30 years. The income should be accounted
for in which of the following way?
a. No income should be reported annually until first harvest and sale in 30 years
b. Income should be measured annually and reported using a fair value approach that recognizes and measure
biological growth
c. The eventual sale proceeds should be estimated over the 30- year period
d. The plantation forest should be valued every 5 years and the increase in value should be recognized in
comprehensive income
36. Depending on the business model for managing financial assets, an entity shall classify financial assets subsequent
to initial recognition at
a. Fair value c. Either fair value or amortized cost
b. Amortized cost d. Neither fair value nor amortized cost
37. A financial asset shall be measured subsequently at amortized cost when
I. The business model of the entity is to hold the financial asset in order to collect contractual cash flows on
specified dates.
II. The contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.