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October 2015

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Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Document Structure ............................................................................................................ 1-1

Chapter 2. Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

2.1 EAM - Asset Failure Analysis ............................................................................................. 2-2
2.2 EAM - Asset History ............................................................................................................ 2-5
2.3 EAM - Asset Maintenance Cost .......................................................................................... 2-6
2.4 EAM - Asset Maintenance Workorders .............................................................................. 2-9
2.5 EAM - Asset Meter Reading ............................................................................................. 2-13
2.6 EAM - Asset Quality .......................................................................................................... 2-14
2.7 EAM - Inventory Aging ...................................................................................................... 2-14
2.8 EAM - Maintenance Material Usage ................................................................................. 2-16
2.9 EAM - Maintenance Resource Availability ........................................................................ 2-17
2.10 EAM - Maintenance Resource Usage .............................................................................. 2-18
2.11 EAM - MRO Inventory ....................................................................................................... 2-22

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  iii

Introduction 1
This document describes metrics available in Release of Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications.
These metrics are housed within the Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications repository. They are used in the
pre-built analyses, and / or are available for customers to use via Oracle® Answers in building new analyses or
extending existing analyses. Oracle® Answers is the ad-hoc query and reporting tool used for building and
modifying analyses.

This document also includes additional metrics which can be made accessible by means of minimal configuration.
These additional metrics are included in the Business Modeling and Mapping Layer of the Oracle® Business
Intelligence Applications repository. Configuration required before using them merely involves exposing these
metrics to the Presentation Layer within the underlying repository.

1.1 Document Structure

Chapter 2 lists readily available metrics categorized by subject area with the associated metrics for Enterprise
Asset Management Analytics. Snapshot of an Asset Maintenance Cost Subject Area as seen from Oracle®
Answers is shown beside. The highlighted section in this snapshot lists the metrics available in the Subject Area.

These metrics are categorized by folders to which they belong within the Business Modeling and Mapping Layer
of the Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications repository. They can be made available for use in Answers by
configuring the Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications repository using the Oracle® Business Intelligence
Administration Tool.

For more information on Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications, refer


Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  1-1

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics 2
This chapter describes metrics available in Enterprise Asset Management Analytics of Oracle® Business
Intelligence Applications of this chapter corresponds to different Subject Areas in Enterprise Asset
Management Analytics.

2.1 EAM - Asset Failure Analysis

No Metric Name Description

2.1.1 Fact - Asset Failure This is the actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders. This is
Analysis.Failure Cost reported by failure date.

2.1.2 Fact - Asset Failure The total number of failures reported for the given dimensionality. By time, this is
Analysis.Count of Failures the total number of failures reported in the period.

2.1.3 Fact - Asset Failure It is the amount of down time that has been required when a work order is
Analysis.Down Time Incurred performed. Maintenance work orders have a shut down required attribute that will
be used for this calculation. Sum(case when shutdown required=’Y’ then actual
completion date – actual start date)

2.1.4 Fact - Asset Failure It is the shutdown hours of the Asset for planned Maintenance i.e. work order
Analysis.Planned Downtime subtype in('PREVENTIVE ','PROACTIVE') and work order status not in

2.1.5 Fact - Asset Failure It is the shutdown hours of the Asset for unplanned Maintenance i.e. work order
Analysis.Unplanned Downtime subtype = 'REACTIVE' and work order status not in 'UNRELEASED'.

2.1.6 Fact - Asset Failure The average of days between two failure instances. This is analyzable by failure
Analysis.Mean Time Between dates
Failures (Days)

2.1.7 Fact - Asset Failure This is the time taken in days between the work order completion date and the
Analysis.Mean Time To Repair associated failure date This should be analyzed by completion date.

2.1.8 Fact - Asset Failure The number of days where an asset was in working condition. Calculated as the
Analysis.Mean Time Between difference between mtbf and mttr.

2.1.9 Fact - Asset Failure 100* Down Time Incurred / sum of Down Time Incurred.
Analysis.Downtime %

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-2

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.1.10 Fact - Asset Failure It is the percentage of Failure count i.e. (100 * count of Failure WO's / count of
Analysis.Failure Count % Work Orders )

2.1.11 Fact - Asset Failure 100 * Unplanned Downtime / sum of Downtime incurred.
Analysis.Planned Downtime %

2.1.12 Fact - Asset Failure 100 * Unplanned Downtime / sum of Downtime incurred.
Analysis.Unplanned Downtime

2.1.13 Fact - Asset Failure Quarter to Date actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Analysis.Failure Cost - QTD

2.1.14 Fact - Asset Failure Quarter to Date Number of Failures reported for the given dimensionality. By time,
Analysis.Count of Failures - this is the total number of failures reported in the period.

2.1.15 Fact - Asset Failure Year to Date actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Analysis.Failure Cost - YTD

2.1.16 Fact - Asset Failure Year to Date Number of Failures reported for the given dimensionality. By time,
Analysis.Count of Failures - this is the total number of failures reported in the period.

2.1.17 Fact - Asset Failure Week ago This is the actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Analysis.WAGO Failure Cost

2.1.18 Fact - Asset Failure Week Ago the total number of failures reported for the given dimensionality.
Analysis.WAGO Count of

2.1.19 Fact - Asset Failure Month Ago actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Analysis.MAGO Failure Cost

2.1.20 Fact - Asset Failure Month Ago the total number of failures reported for the given dimensionality.
Analysis.MAGO Count of

2.1.21 Fact - Asset Failure Quarter ago actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Analysis.QAGO Failure Cost

2.1.22 Fact - Asset Failure Change in the Count of Failures from last quarter.
Analysis.QAGO Count of

2.1.23 Fact - Asset Failure Year ago actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Analysis.YAGO Failure Cost

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-3

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.1.24 Fact - Asset Failure Year Ago the total number of failures reported for the given dimensionality.
Analysis.YAGO Count of

2.1.25 Fact - Asset Failure Year ago down time that has been required when a work order is performed.
Analysis.YAGO Downtime Maintenance work orders have a shut down required attribute that will be used for
Incurred this calculation. Sum(case when shutdown required=’Y’ then actual completion
date – actual start date)

2.1.26 Fact - Asset Failure Year ago Downtime percentage (100* Down Time Incurred / sum of Down Time
Analysis.YAGO Downtime % Incurred).

2.1.27 Fact - Asset Failure Change in the Failure Cost from from last Quarter.
Analysis.Chg QAGO Failure

2.1.28 Fact - Asset Failure Change in the Count of Failures from last quarter.
Analysis.Chg QAGO Count of

2.1.29 Fact - Asset Failure Change in the Failure Cost from from last Year.
Analysis.Chg YAGO Failure

2.1.30 Fact - Asset Failure Change in the Count of Failures from last year.
Analysis.Chg YAGO Count of

2.1.31 Fact - Asset Failure Analysis.% Percentage of change in the Failure Cost from from last Quarter.
Chg QAGO Failure Cost

2.1.32 Fact - Asset Failure Analysis.% Quarter ago actual maintenance cost incurred on failure work orders.
Chg QAGO Failure Cost

2.1.33 Fact - Asset Failure Analysis.% Change in the Count of Failures from last quarter.
Chg QAGO Count of Failures

2.1.34 Fact - Asset Failure Analysis.% Percentage of change in the Failure Cost from last Year.
Chg YAGO Failure Cost

2.1.35 Fact - Asset Failure Analysis.% Percentage of change in the Count of Failures from last year.
Chg YAGO Count of Failures

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-4

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

2.2 EAM - Asset History

No Metric Name Description

2.2.1 Fact - Asset History.Asset Cost of procurement of an asset. Reported by acquired date.

2.2.2 Fact - Asset The actual cost (material, equipment and labor) of maintenance work orders that
History.Preventive Cost originate from PMS. The total of Breakdown and Preventive costs account for the total
maintenance costs in the organization.

2.2.3 Fact - Asset History.Actual It is the sum of actual equipment, labor and material cost used for servicing the
Maintenance Cost maintenance work order it includes PMS and Break down work orders.

2.2.4 Fact - Asset The actual cost (material, equipment and labor) for the Unplanned Work Orders where
History.Unplanned work order type is ‘REACTIVE’ (i.e.) where the work order is not planned.
Maintenance Cost

2.2.5 Fact - Asset This is the number of years since the asset was installed. Reported by acquired date.
History.Number of Years
Since Installation

2.2.6 Fact - Asset History.Actual Year to Date actual usage cost of Maintenance used for servicing the maintenance work
Maintenance Cost - YTD order.

2.2.7 Fact - Asset History.YAGO Year ago Cost of procurement of an asset.

Asset Cost

2.2.8 Fact - Asset History.YAGO Year ago actual cost (material, equipment and labor) of maintenance work orders that
Preventive Cost originate from PMS.

2.2.9 Fact - Asset History.YAGO Year ago Actual Maintenance cost used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Actual Maintenance Cost

2.2.10 Fact - Asset History.YAGO Year ago actual cost (material, equipment and labor) for the Unplanned Work Orders
Unplanned Maintenance where work order type is ‘REACTIVE’ (i.e.) where the work order is not planned.

2.2.11 Fact - Asset History.Chg Change in the Asset Cost from last year.
YAGO Asset Cost

2.2.12 Fact - Asset History.Chg Change in the Preventive Cost from last year.
YAGO Preventive Cost

2.2.13 Fact - Asset History.Chg Change in the Actual Maintenance Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Maintenance

2.2.14 Fact - Asset History.Chg Change in the Unplanned Maintenance Cost from last year.
YAGO Unplanned
Maintenance Cost

2.2.15 Fact - Asset History.% Chg Percentage of change in the Asset Cost from last year.
YAGO Asset Cost

2.2.16 Fact - Asset History.% Chg Percentage of change in the Preventive Cost from from last year.
YAGO Preventive Cost

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-5

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.2.17 Fact - Asset History.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Maintenance Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Maintenance

2.2.18 Fact - Asset History.% Chg Percentage of change in the Unplanned Maintenance Cost from last year.
YAGO Unplanned
Maintenance Cost

2.2.19 Fact - Asset History.Count The total number of failures reported for the given dimensionality. By time, this is the total
of Failures number of failures reported in the period.

2.3 EAM - Asset Maintenance Cost

No Metric Name Description

2.3.1 Fact - Asset Maintenance The actual cost (material, equipment and labor) of maintenance work orders that do not
Cost.Breakdown Cost originate from PMS. The total of Breakdown and Preventive costs account for the total
maintenance costs in the organization. These also include the cost of the follow up work
orders that get entered as part of the PMS activity but are not directly generated by the
PMS Scheduling.

2.3.2 Fact - Asset Maintenance The actual cost (material, equipment and labor) of maintenance work orders that
Cost.Preventive Cost originate from PMS. The total of Breakdown and Preventive costs account for the total
maintenance costs in the organization.

2.3.3 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the % of Breakdown cost upon the Actual Maintenance cost i.e.100 * Breakdown
Cost.Breakdown Cost % cost /Actual Maintenance cost

2.3.4 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the % of Preventive Cost upon the Actual Maintenance cost i.e.100 * Preventive
Cost.Preventive Cost % Cost /Actual Maintenance cost

2.3.5 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the sum of actual equipment, labor and material cost.
Cost.Actual Maintenance
2.3.6 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the actual usage cost of labor used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Cost.Actual Labor Cost Calculated by OLTP based on actual resource hours used (type labor)

2.3.7 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the actual usage cost of material issued for servicing the maintenance work order.
Cost.Actual Material Cost Includes both material issues and non stock item issues that come in through purchase
requisitions and are issue directly to the work order.

2.3.8 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the actual usage cost of equipment used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Cost.Actual Equipment Calculated by OLTP based on actual resource hours used (type equipment)

2.3.9 Fact - Asset Maintenance The Sum of the System estimated equipment, labor and material cost used for servicing
Cost.Estimated Cost the maintenance work order.

2.3.10 Fact - Asset Maintenance This is the estimated usage cost of equipment that is calculated by the OLTP based on
Cost.Estimated Labor the operations involved in the Maintenance BOM and the cost of the labor resources
Cost required for the operations.

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-6

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.3.11 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the estimated usage cost of Material issued that is calculated by the source system
Cost.Estimated Material based on the value of both stock items and non-stock items. Both items are valued at
Cost the cost at which they were issued to the WO.

2.3.12 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the estimated usage cost of equipment that is calculated by the source system
Cost.Estimated based on the operations involved in the Maintenance BOM and the cost of the
Equipment Cost equipment resources required for the operations.

2.3.13 Fact - Asset Maintenance Difference between the system estimated and the actual maintenance cost used for
Cost.Estimated Cost servicing the maintenance work order.
2.3.14 Fact - Asset Maintenance 100 * Estimated Cost Variance / Estimated Cost i.e. Difference between the system
Cost.Cost Variance % estimated and the actual maintenance cost divided by actual maintenance cost

2.3.15 QTD Metrics.Actual Quarter to Date actual usage cost of Maintenance used for servicing the maintenance
Maintenance Cost - QTD work order.

2.3.16 QTD Metrics.Actual Labor Quarter to Date actual usage cost of labor used for servicing the maintenance work
Cost - QTD order.

2.3.17 QTD Metrics.Actual Quarter to Date actual usage cost of material issued for Maintenance used for servicing
Material Cost - QTD the maintenance work order.

2.3.18 QTD Metrics.Actual Quarter to Date actual usage cost of equipment used for servicing the maintenance
Equipment Cost - QTD work order.

2.3.19 QTD Metrics.Estimated Quarter to Date Estimated Cost is Sum of the System estimated equipment, labor and
Cost - QTD material cost used for servicing the maintenance work order.

2.3.20 YTD Metrics.Actual Year to Date actual usage cost of Maintenance used for servicing the maintenance
Maintenance Cost - YTD work order.

2.3.21 YTD Metrics.Actual Labor Year to Date actual usage cost of labor used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Cost - YTD

2.3.22 YTD Metrics.Actual Year to Date actual usage cost of material issued for Maintenance used for servicing
Material Cost - YTD the maintenance work order.

2.3.23 YTD Metrics.Actual Year to Date actual usage cost of equipment used for servicing the maintenance work
Equipment Cost - YTD order.

2.3.24 YTD Metrics.Estimated Year to Date Estimated Cost is Sum of the System estimated equipment, labor and
Cost - YTD material cost used for servicing the maintenance work order.

2.3.25 AGO Metrics.QAGO Quarter ago Actual Maintenance cost used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Actual Maintenance Cost

2.3.26 AGO Metrics.QAGO Quarter ago Actual usage cost of labor used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Actual Labor Cost

2.3.27 AGO Metrics.QAGO Quarter ago Actual usage cost of material issued for servicing the maintenance work
Actual Material Cost order.

2.3.28 AGO Metrics.QAGO Quarter ago Actual usage cost of equipment used for servicing the maintenance work
Actual Equipment Cost order.

2.3.29 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago Actual Maintenance cost used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Actual Maintenance Cost

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-7

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.3.30 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago Actual usage cost of labor used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Actual Labor Cost

2.3.31 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago Actual usage cost of material issued for servicing the maintenance work
Actual Material Cost order.

2.3.32 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago Actual usage cost of equipment used for servicing the maintenance work
Actual Equipment Cost order.

2.3.33 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago System Estimated usage cost used for servicing the maintenance work order.
Estimated Cost

2.3.34 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago System Estimated usage cost of labor used for servicing the maintenance
Estimated Labor Cost work order.

2.3.35 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago Estimated usage cost of material issued for servicing the maintenance work
Estimated Material Cost order.

2.3.36 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago System Estimated usage cost of equipment used for servicing the
Estimated Equipment maintenance work order.
2.3.37 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago Breakdown Cost for maintenance work orders that do not originate from PMS.
Breakdown Cost

2.3.38 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago actual cost (material, equipment and labor) of maintenance work orders that
Preventive Cost originate from PMS.

2.3.39 AGO Metrics.YAGO Year ago actual cost (material, equipment and labor) for the Unplanned Work Orders
Unplanned Maintenance where work order type is ‘REACTIVE’ (i.e.) where the work order is not planned.

2.3.40 AGO Metrics.YAGO Cost Year ago Cost Variance percentage i.e. 100 * Estimated Cost Variance / Estimated
Variance % Cost.

2.3.41 AGO Metrics.Chg QAGO Change in the Actual Maintenance Cost from last quarter.
Actual Maintenance Cost
2.3.42 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Actual Maintenance Cost from last year.
Actual Maintenance Cost
2.3.43 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Actual Labor Cost from last year.
Actual Labor Cost
2.3.44 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Actual Material Cost from last year.
Actual Material Cost
2.3.45 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Actual Equipment Cost from last year.
Actual Equipment Cost
2.3.46 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Estimated Cost from last year.
Estimated Cost
2.3.47 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Estimated Labor Cost from last year.
Estimated Labor Cost
2.3.48 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Estimated Material Cost from last year.
Estimated Material Cost
2.3.49 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Estimated Equipment Cost from last year.
Estimated Equipment
2.3.50 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Preventive Cost from last year.
Preventive Cost

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-8

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.3.51 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Breakdown Cost from last year.
Breakdown Cost
2.3.52 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Unplanned Maintenance Cost from last year.
Unplanned Maintenance
2.3.53 AGO Metrics.Chg YAGO Change in the Cost Variance percentage from last year.
Cost Variance %
2.3.54 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Maintenance Cost from last quarter.
QAGO Actual
Maintenance Cost
2.3.55 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Maintenance Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual
Maintenance Cost
2.3.56 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Labor Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Labor Cost
2.3.57 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Material Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Material
2.3.58 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Equipment Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Equipment
2.3.59 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the System Estimated Labor Cost from last year.
YAGO Estimated Labor
2.3.60 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the System Estimated Cost from last year.
YAGO Estimated Cost
2.3.61 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the System Estimated Equipment Cost from last year.
YAGO Estimated
Equipment Cost
2.3.62 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the System Estimated Material Cost from last year.
YAGO Estimated Material
2.3.63 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Preventive Cost from from last year.
YAGO Preventive Cost
2.3.64 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Breakdown Cost from from last year.
YAGO Breakdown Cost
2.3.65 AGO Metrics.% Chg Percentage of change in the Unplanned Maintenance Cost from last year.
YAGO Unplanned
Maintenance Cost

2.4 EAM - Asset Maintenance Workorders

No Metric Name Description

2.4.1 Fact - Asset Maintenance The time taken to complete a work order i.e. actual start date - actual complete
Work Orders.Cycle Time date of work order (reported on completion dates)

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-9

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.4.2 Fact - Asset Maintenance This is the number of days between the planned completion date and the actual
Work Orders.Days Delayed completion date if the actual completion date is beyond the planned completion

2.4.3 Fact - Asset Maintenance

Work Orders.Cycle Time
Bucket Range
2.4.4 Fact - Asset Maintenance The number of work orders where work order subtype in
Work Orders.Planned Work 'PREVENTIVE','PROACTIVE'. This includes all planned work orders (both work
Orders orders generated from PMS as well as work orders that are Planned but not
generated through PMS ex: follow up orders) When analyzed by time, this joins on
scheduled Start Date

2.4.5 Fact - Asset Maintenance 100 * Planned work orders / count of Work orders.
Work Orders.Planned Work
Orders %
2.4.6 Fact - Asset Maintenance The number of work orders where work order type is 'REACTIVE' (i.e.) where the
Work Orders.Unplanned Work work order is not planned When analyzed by time, this joins on scheduled Start
Orders Date

2.4.7 Fact - Asset Maintenance 100 * Planned work orders / count of Work orders.
Work Orders.Unplanned Work
Orders %
2.4.8 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the count of Cancelled Work Orders that have work order status
Work Orders.Count of ='CANCELLED' these work orders fall under this category.
Cancelled Work Orders

2.4.9 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the count of Completed Work Orders that have work order status
Work Orders.Count of ='COMPLETE' these work orders fall under this category.
Completed Work Orders

2.4.10 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the number of preventive maintenance work orders which is originate from
Work Orders.Count of PMS.
Preventive Work Orders

2.4.11 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the count of Routine Work Orders that have work order priority <> 'Emergency'
Work Orders.Count of Routine these work orders fall under this category.
Work Orders

2.4.12 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the count of Emergency Work Orders that have work order priority
Work Orders.Count of ='Emergency' these work orders fall under this category.
Emergency Work Orders

2.4.13 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the number of Reactive maintenance work orders that have work order
Work Orders.Count of subtype='Reactive' these work orders fall under this category.
Reactive Work Orders

2.4.14 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the Count of Work Orders created in source system irrespective of status.
Work Orders.Count of Work

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-10

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.4.15 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago Planned work orders that the number of work orders where work order
Work Orders.YAGO Planned subtype in 'PREVENTIVE', ‘PROACTIVE’. This includes all planned work orders
Work Orders (both work orders generated from PMS as well as work orders that are Planned but
not generated through PMS ex: follow up orders)

2.4.16 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago Unplanned Work Orders that the number of work orders where work
Work Orders.YAGO order type is ‘REACTIVE’ (i.e.) where the work order is not planned.
Unplanned Work Orders

2.4.17 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Count of Completed Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.YAGO Count of
Completed Work Orders

2.4.18 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Planned Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.Chg YAGO
Planned Work Orders

2.4.19 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Unplanned Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.Chg YAGO
Unplanned Work Orders

2.4.20 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Count of Completed Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.Chg YAGO
Count of Completed Work
2.4.21 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Planned Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.% Chg YAGO
Planned Work Orders

2.4.22 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Unplanned Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.% Chg YAGO
Unplanned Work Orders

2.4.23 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Count of Completed Work Orders from last year.
Work Orders.% Chg YAGO
Count of Completed Work
2.4.24 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the count of work orders which are completed late then the scheduled date.
Work Orders.Work Order
Completing Late

2.4.25 Fact - Asset Maintenance 100 * Work Order Completing Late / count of Work orders.
Work Orders.Work Order
Completing Late %

2.4.26 Fact - Asset Maintenance On – Time Completion is the count of all maintenance work orders that have a
Work Orders.On Time actual completion date less than the planned completion date.

2.4.27 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago On – Time Completion is the count of all maintenance work orders that
Work Orders.YAGO On Time have a actual completion date less than the planned completion date.

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-11

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.4.28 Fact - Asset Maintenance On – Time Completion % is the percentage of On-Time Completed maintenance
Work Orders.On Time work orders to all completed maintenance work orders in that period.
Completion %

2.4.29 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the percentage of On Time Completion quarter ago.
Work Orders.QAGO On Time
Completion %

2.4.30 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago On – Time Completion % is the percentage of On-Time Completed
Work Orders.YAGO On Time maintenance work orders to all completed maintenance work orders in that period.
Completion %

2.4.31 Fact - Asset Maintenance DownTime incurred during maintenance work orders.
Work Orders.Down Time
2.4.32 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago down time that has been required when a work order is performed.
Work Orders.YAGO Downtime Maintenance work orders have a shut down required attribute that will be used for
Incurred this calculation. Sum(case when shutdown required=’Y’ then actual
completion date – actual start date)

2.4.33 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Downtime Incurred from last year.
Work Orders.Chg YAGO
Downtime Incurred

2.4.34 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Downtime Incurred from last year.
Work Orders.% Chg YAGO
Downtime Incurred

2.4.35 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the count of Released Work Orders that have work order status ='RELEASED'
Work Orders.Count of these work orders fall under this category.
Released Work Orders

2.4.36 Fact - Asset Maintenance Backlog indicates the count of all maintenance work orders that have yet to be
Work Orders.Count of Backlog addressed. All released work orders that are not in Completed, Closed or
Work Orders Cancelled statuses fall under this category.

2.4.37 Fact - Asset Maintenance Count of all backlogged maintenance work orders that have a planned completion
Work Orders.Count of Past date in the past.
Due Backlog
2.4.38 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the percentage of Past Due Backlog Work Orders to the Released
Work Orders.Past Due maintenance Work Orders (100* Count of Past Due Backlog WO's / Count of
Backlog % Released WO's).

2.4.39 Fact - Asset Maintenance Quarter ago Past Due Backlog percentage (100* Count of Past Due Backlog WO's
Work Orders.QAGO Past Due / Count of Released WO's).
Backlog %

2.4.40 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago Past Due Backlog percentage (100* Count of Past Due Backlog WO's /
Work Orders.YAGO Past Due Count of Released WO's).
Backlog %

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-12

Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

No Metric Name Description

2.4.41 Fact - Asset Maintenance It is the percentage of Backlog work orders to the count of total work orders (100 *
Work Orders.Backlog % Count of Backlog WO / Count of total Work Orders).

2.4.42 Fact - Asset Maintenance Quarter ago Backlog percentage (100 * Count of Backlog WO divided by Count of
Work Orders.QAGO Backlog total Work Orders).
2.4.43 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago Backlog percentage (100 * Count of Backlog WO divided by Count of
Work Orders.YAGO Backlog total Work Orders).
2.4.44 Fact - Asset Maintenance Quarter ago Maintenance work order Past Due Backlog quantity.
Work Orders.QAGO Past Due
2.4.45 Fact - Asset Maintenance Quarter ago Maintenance work order Backlog quantity.
Work Orders.QAGO Backlog

2.4.46 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago Maintenance work order Past Due Backlog quantity.
Work Orders.YAGO Past Due
2.4.47 Fact - Asset Maintenance Year ago Maintenance work order Backlog quantity.
Work Orders.YAGO Backlog

2.4.48 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Maintenance work order Past Due Backlog quantity from last
Work Orders.Chg QAGO Past quarter.
Due Backlog

2.4.49 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Maintenance work order Backlog quantity from last quarter.
Work Orders.Chg QAGO
2.4.50 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Maintenance work order Past Due Backlog quantity from last year.
Work Orders.Chg YAGO Past
Due Backlog

2.4.51 Fact - Asset Maintenance Change in the Maintenance work order Backlog quantity from last year.
Work Orders.Chg YAGO
2.4.52 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Maintenance work order Past Due Backlog Quantity
Work Orders.% Chg QAGO from last quarter.
Past Due Backlog

2.4.53 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Maintenance work order Backlog quantity from last
Work Orders.% Chg QAGO quarter.
2.4.54 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Maintenance work order Past Due Backlog Quantity
Work Orders.% Chg YAGO from last year.
Past Due Backlog

2.4.55 Fact - Asset Maintenance Percentage of change in the Maintenance work order Backlog quantity from last
Work Orders.% Chg YAGO year.

2.5 EAM - Asset Meter Reading

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No Metric Name Description

2.5.1 Fact - Asset Meter The reading as on the Meter Reading date. For Change meters, this will be the
Reading.Actual Reading incremental value and for Absolute meters, this will be the same as the current
meter reading till date.
2.5.2 Fact - Asset Meter The meter reading till date. For Absolute meters, this will be the same as the actual
Reading.Meter Reading Till reading. For Change meters, this will be the summary of meter readings entered till
Date date

2.5.3 Fact - Asset Meter The last reading on the meter.

Reading.Prior Reading

2.5.4 Fact - Asset Meter Difference between Actual Reading and Prior Reading.
Reading.Change in Reading

2.6 EAM - Asset Quality

No Metric Name Description

2.6.1 Fact - Asset Quality.Count of Tests Is the number of tests performed

2.6.2 Fact - Asset Quality.Test Quantity Test quantity is the quantity used in the test

2.6.3 Fact - Asset Quality.Result Value Result value of attribute being tested

2.7 EAM - Inventory Aging

No Metric Name Description

2.7.1 Facts - Inventory This metric is the quantity of product available to fill open orders. Available product is
Aging.Available Quantity defined as unrestricted inventory that is not reserved, blocked or otherwise unavailable for
immediate demand fulfillment. The Available Quantity metric is an important component
for understanding historical inventory fluctuations, stockouts, and allocation situations. By
analyzing available inventory activity over time, slow-moving and obsolete materials can
be identified.

2.7.2 Facts - Inventory Available Amount represents the Available Quantity valued at the cost of an item
Aging.Available Amount

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2.7.3 Facts - Inventory The quantity of items that is obsolete. Measurable for both lot-controlled and non-lot
Aging.Obsolete controlled items. For non-lot controlled items, if the shelf life plus the date on which the
Inventory Quantity item was received into the inventory is lesser than the current date, then the item is
considered as obsolete. For lot controlled items, if the lot expiration date is lesser than the
current date, then the lot is considered as obsolete. The item level reporting for lot
controlled items is a summarized value from the lot level obsoletes.

2.7.4 Facts - Inventory The value at standard cost of items that is obsolete. Measurable for both lot-controlled and
Aging.Obsolete non-lot controlled items. For non-lot controlled items, if the shelf life plus the date on which
Inventory Value the item was received into the inventory is lesser than the current date, then the item is
considered as obsolete. For lot controlled items, if the lot expiration date is lesser than the
current date, then the lot is considered as obsolete. The item level reporting for lot
controlled items is a summarized value from the lot level obsoletes.

2.7.5 Facts - Inventory Year Ago obsolete inventory value based on the Gregorian and Enterprise Calendars
Aging.Year Ago
Obsolete Inventory

2.7.6 Facts - Inventory This is the total No.of Days since the inventory is lying
Aging.Days In Inventory

2.7.7 Facts - Inventory This is the number of days by when all the inventory of this item/lot will expire (maximum
Aging.Days Left Expiry of days left expiry across receipt date)

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2.7.8 Facts - Inventory This is the number of days since when the earliest lot/item available in inventory has
Aging.Days Since expired (maximum of days since expired across receipt date)

2.7.9 Facts - Inventory Year Ago obsolete inventory Quantity based on the Gregorian and Enterprise Calendars
Aging.Year Ago
Obsolete Inventory

2.8 EAM - Maintenance Material Usage

No Metric Name Description

2.8.1 Fact - Material Usage.Actual It is the actual quantity of materials that were issued to a maintenance work order.
Material Quantity This includes issue of both stock items and non-stock items.

2.8.2 Fact - Material It is the standard quantity of materials that should be used to service a
Usage.Standard Material maintenance work order as per the maintenance work order BOM. This could
Quantity include both stock items and direct (non-stock) items.

2.8.3 Fact - Material Usage.Actual It is the actual value of the materials that were issued to a maintenance work order.
Material Cost This includes value of both stock items and non-stock items. Both items are valued
at the cost at which they were issued to the WO

2.8.4 Fact - Material It is the standard value of materials that should be used to service a maintenance
Usage.Standard Material Cost work order as per the maintenance work order BOM. This could include both stock
items and direct (non-stock) items and is valued at item cost.

2.8.5 Fact - Material Usage.YAGO Year ago Actual usage cost of material issued for servicing the maintenance work
Actual Material Cost order.

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2.8.6 Fact - Material Usage.YAGO Year ago Planned usage cost of material issued for servicing the maintenance work
Standard Material Cost order.

2.8.7 Fact - Material Usage.Chg Change in the Actual Material Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Material Cost

2.8.8 Fact - Material Usage.Chg Change in the Planned Material Cost from past year.
YAGO Standard Material Cost

2.8.9 Fact - Material Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Material Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Material Cost

2.8.10 Fact - Material Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Planned Material Cost from last year.
YAGO Standard Material Cost

2.8.11 Fact - Material Usage.Material Difference between Actual Quantity Used and the Standard Quantity of the Material
Qty Usage Variance

2.8.12 Fact - Material Usage.Material Difference between Actual Cost and the Standard Cost of the Material
Cost Variance

2.8.13 Fact - Material Usage.Material It is % of Material Qty Usage Variance by Standard Quantity
Qty Usage Variance %

2.8.14 Fact - Material Usage.Material It is % of Material Cost Variance by Standard Cost

Cost Variance %

2.8.15 Fact - Material Usage. It is the Material Cost Variance Year ago
YAGO Material Cost Variance

2.8.16 Fact - Material Usage.Chg It is the difference between Material Cost Variance and the Year ago Material Cost
YAGO Material Cost Variance Variance

2.8.17 Fact - Material Usage. % Chg It is the % difference between Chg YAGO Material Cost Variance by Material Cost
YAGO Material Cost Variance Variance

2.9 EAM - Maintenance Resource Availability

No Metric Name Description

2.9.1 Fact - Resource Availability.Resource It is the available hours of resources that were can be use for service a
Availability maintenance work order. This includes both equipment and Labor

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Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

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2.9.2 Fact - Resource Availability.Resource It is the Cost of resources that were available to do the service a
Availability Value maintenance work order. This includes both equipment and people
resources and is costed at the usage rate.

2.9.3 Fact - Resource Availability.YAGO Change in the Resource Availability from last year.
Resource Availability

2.9.4 Fact - Resource Availability.Chg Percentage of change in the Resource Availability from last year.
YAGO Resource Availability

2.9.5 Fact - Resource Availability.% Chg Percentage of change in the Resource Availability from last year.
YAGO Resource Availability

2.9.6 Fact - Resource Availability.Actual This is the actual hours of resources that were used in order to service a
Resource Hours maintenance work order. This includes both equipment and Labor

2.9.7 Fact - Resource Availability.YAGO Year ago actual hours of resources that were used in order to service a
Actual Resource Hours maintenance work order.

2.9.8 Fact - Resource Availability.Chg Change in the Actual Resource Hours from last year.
YAGO Actual Resource Hours

2.9.9 Fact - Resource Availability.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Resource Hours from last year.
YAGO Actual Resource Hours

2.9.10 Fact - Resource Availability.Resource 100 * Resource actual hours / Resource available hours. Reported by
Utilization % transaction date.

2.9.11 Fact - Resource Availability.% QAGO Percentage of Resource Utilization from last quarter.
Resource Utilization

2.9.12 Fact - Resource Availability.% MAGO Percentage of Resource Utilization from last month.
Resource Utilization

2.9.13 Fact - Resource Availability.% YAGO Percentage of Resource Utilization from last year.
Resource Utilization

2.9.14 Fact - Resource Availability.% Chg Percentage of change in the Resource Utilization from last year.
YAGO Resource Utilization

2.10 EAM - Maintenance Resource Usage

No Metric Name Description

2.10.1 Fact - Resource Usage.Actual It is the actual Cost of resources that were used in order to service a
Resource Cost maintenance work order. This includes both equipment and people resources
and is costed at the usage rate.

2.10.2 Fact - Resource Usage.Actual This is the actual hours of resources that were used in order to service a
Resource Hours maintenance work order. This includes both equipment and Labor resources.

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Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

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2.10.3 Fact - Resource Usage.Actual It is the actual hours of resources (type as Equipment) that were used in order
Equipment Hours to service a maintenance work order.

2.10.4 Fact - Resource Usage.Actual It is the actual hours of resources (type as Labor) that were used in order to
Labor Hours service a maintenance work order.

2.10.5 Fact - Resource Usage.Standard It is the Planned Resource Cost of the resources (type as Equipment and
Resource Cost Labor) used for service maintenance Work order.

2.10.6 Fact - Resource Usage.Standard It is the Planned Resource hours of the resources (type as Equipment and
Resource Hours Labor) used for service maintenance Work order.

2.10.7 Fact - Resource Usage.Standard It is the Planned hours of the Equipment used for the service Maintenance for
Equipment Hours Work Order.

2.10.8 Fact - Resource Usage.Standard It is the Planned hours of the Labor used for the service Maintenance for Work
Labor Hours Order.

2.10.9 Fact - Resource Usage.Resource It shows how efficiently the resources (type as Equipment and Labor) involved
Efficiency in a maintenance organization are able to fulfill the task. This is the actual
hours of resources used in maintenance work orders upon the available hours.

2.10.10 Fact - Resource It shows how efficiently the resources (type as Equipment) involved in a
Usage.Equipment Efficiency maintenance organization are able to fulfill the task. It is the actual hours of
resources used in maintenance work orders divided by available hours.

2.10.11 Fact - Resource Usage.Labor It shows how efficiently the resources (type as Labor) involved in a
Efficiency maintenance organization are able to fulfill the task. It is the actual hours of
resources used in maintenance work orders upon the available hours.

2.10.12 Fact - Resource Usage.Resource Difference between Actual Cost and the Standard Cost of the Resource (type
Cost Variance as Equipment and Labor) work.

2.10.13 Fact - Resource Usage.Resource It is % of Resource Cost Variance by Standard Cost

Cost Variance %

2.10.14 Fact - Resource Usage.Resource Difference between Actual Time and the Standard Time of the Resource (type
Qty Usage Variance as Equipment and Labor) work.

2.10.15 Fact - Resource Usage.Resource It is % of Resource Qty Usage Variance by Standard Time
Qty Usage Variance %

2.10.16 Fact - Resource Difference between Actual Time and the Standard Time of the Resource (type
Usage.Equipment Qty Usage as Equipment) work.

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2.10.17 Fact - Resource It is % of Equipment Qty Usage Variance by Standard Time

Usage.Equipment Qty Usage
Variance %

2.10.18 Fact - Resource Usage.Labor Qty Difference between Actual Time and the Standard Time of the Resource (type
Usage Variance as Labor) work.

2.10.19 Fact - Resource Usage.Labor Qty It is % of Labor Qty Usage Variance by Standard Time
Usage Variance %

2.10.20 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago actual Cost of resources that were used in order to service a
Actual Resource Cost maintenance work order.

2.10.21 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Actual Resource Cost from last year.
YAGO Actual Resource Cost

2.10.22 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago actual hours of resources that were used in order to service a
Actual Resource Hours maintenance work order.

2.10.23 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Actual Resource Hours from last year.
YAGO Actual Resource Hours

2.10.24 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Resource Hours from last year.
YAGO Actual Resource Hours

2.10.25 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Actual Resource Cost from last year.
YAGO Resource Cost

2.10.26 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago Labor Efficiency shows how efficiently the resources (type as Labor)
Labor Efficiency involved in a maintenance organization is able to fulfill the task.

2.10.27 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago Equipment Efficiency shows how efficiently the resources (type as
Equipment Efficiency Equipment) used in a maintenance organization is able to fulfill the task.

2.10.28 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago Resource Efficiency shows how efficiently the resources (type as
Resource Efficiency Equipment and Labor) involved in a maintenance organization is able to fulfill
the task.

2.10.29 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Labor Efficiency year from last year.
YAGO Labor Efficiency

2.10.30 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Equipment Efficiency from last year.
YAGO Equipment Efficiency

2.10.31 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Resource Efficiency from last year.
YAGO Resource Efficiency

2.10.32 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Labor Efficiency from last year.
YAGO Labor Efficiency

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2.10.33 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Equipment Efficiency from last year.
YAGO Equipment Efficiency

2.10.34 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Resource Efficiency from last year.
YAGO Resource Efficiency

2.10.35 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Change in the Resource Usage Variance from last year.
Resource Usage Qty Variance

2.10.36 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago Equipment Usage Variance is difference between Standard Time and
Equipment Usage Qty Variance the Actual Time of the Resource (type as Equipment) work.

2.10.37 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago Labor Usage Variance is difference between Standard Time and the
Labor Usage Qty Variance Actual Time of the Resource (type as Labor) work.

2.10.38 Fact - Resource Usage.YAGO Year ago Resource Cost variance is difference between Standard Cost and the
Resource Cost variance Actual Cost of the Resource (type as Equipment and Labor) work.

2.10.39 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Resource Usage Variance from last year.
YAGO Resource Usage Qty

2.10.40 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Equipment Usage Variance from last year.
YAGO Equipment Usage Qty

2.10.41 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Labor Usage Variance from last year.
YAGO Labor Usage Qty Variance

2.10.42 Fact - Resource Usage.Chg Change in the Resource Cost variance from last year.
YAGO Resource Cost variance

2.10.43 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Resource Usage Variance last year.
YAGO Resource Usage Qty

2.10.44 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Equipment Usage Variance from last year.
YAGO Equipment Usage Qty

2.10.45 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Labor Usage Variance from last year.
YAGO Labor Usage Qty Variance

2.10.46 Fact - Resource Usage.% Chg Percentage of change in the Resource Cost variance from last year.
YAGO Resource Cost variance

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Enterprise Asset Management Analytics

2.11 EAM - MRO Inventory

No Metric Name Description

2.11.1 Facts - MRO Inventory.Opening Available Quantity (Ending Balance) of the previos period.
2.11.2 Facts - MRO This metric is the quantity of product available to fill open orders. Available
Inventory.Available Quantity product is defined as unrestricted inventory that is not reserved, blocked or
otherwise unavailable for immediate demand fulfillment. The Available Quantity
metric is an important component for understanding historical inventory
fluctuations, stockouts, and allocation situations. By analyzing available
inventory activity over time, slow-moving and obsolete materials can be

2.11.3 Facts - MRO Inventory.Value Value Only Group Amount represents a group of material managed only on
Only Amount value basis and not on quantity basis. For these, materials quantity is never
updated. Example: Hierarchy articles and group articles.

2.11.4 Facts - MRO The total inventory value in chart of accounts or group currency for the product
Inventory.Standard Cost at the standard cost.
2.11.5 Facts - MRO Inventory.In This is the total physical quantity in transit for the product (in inventory unit of
Transit Quantity measure).

2.11.6 Facts - MRO Inventory.Value This is the in-transit amount of value-only group amount stated in group
Transfer Amount currency.

2.11.7 Facts - MRO This is the total physical quantity of the product under inspection (in inventory
Inventory.Inspection Quantity unit of measure). This quantity would become available for use once they pass

2.11.8 Facts - MRO This metric is the balance of inventory that is on reserve and restricted from use
Inventory.Restricted Quantity for open orders or manufacturing production orders. This type of inventory is
also known as allocated or assigned material. The Restricted Quantity metric is
useful in determining the amount of material that is on reserve for future
production or customer orders.

2.11.9 Facts - MRO Inventory.Blocked This is the total physical quantity of the product under hold for specific reasons
Quantity (in inventory unit if measure). This quantity would become available for use once
the hold is released -- these would typically include stocks that may have been
damaged slightly and need to undergo a re-certification process etc.

2.11.10 Facts - MRO This represents the standard re-order quantity size for replenishment of
Inventory.Replenishment inventory of this product (in inventory units of measure).

2.11.11 Facts - MRO Quantity in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor and is not
Inventory.Available subject to usage restrictions. A consignment vendor retains ownership of the
Consignment Quantity quantity until it is withdrawn from stores.

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2.11.12 Facts - MRO Quantity in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor and is in quality
Inventory.Inspection inspection. A consignment vendor retains ownership of the quantity until it is
Consignment Quantity withdrawn from stores.

2.11.13 Facts - MRO Quantity in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor and has usage
Inventory.Restricted restrictions. A consignment vendor retains ownership of the quantity until it is
Consignment Quantity withdrawn from stores.

2.11.14 Facts - MRO Inventory.Block Quantity of all blocked batches that belong to a consignment vendor. Examples
Consignment Quantity of batches are: Production lots, delivery lots etc.

2.11.15 Facts - MRO Inventory.Reorder Reorder Point is the inventory level at the storage location that triggers a re-
Point order for replenishment of this product.

2.11.16 Facts - MRO Inventory.# of This metric tells us the number of inventory items that have a current available
Products Requiring Reorder quantity less than the suggested inventory reorder point. By knowing the
number of products that need re-ordeing we can better understand the related
inventory processes required (e.g., purchase requisitions that need to be created
and processed, etc.)

2.11.17 Facts - MRO Inventory Turn measures the number of times that inventory turns over in a
Inventory.Inventory Turn recent one year period. It is an indicator of how well a company's products are
doing in the market. It is calculated as dividing annual inventory sold to
customers by the average inventory level.

2.11.18 Facts - MRO This is the total physical quantity of the product under inspection (in inventory
Inventory.Inspection Amount unit of measure). This quantity would become available for use once they pass

2.11.19 Facts - MRO This metric is the balance of inventory that is on reserve and restricted from use
Inventory.Restricted Amount for open orders or manufacturing production orders. This type of inventory is
also known as allocated or assigned material. The Restricted Quantity metric is
useful in determining the amount of material that is on reserve for future
production or customer orders.

2.11.20 Facts - MRO Inventory.Blocked This is the total physical quantity of the product under hold for specific reasons
Amount (in inventory unit if measure). This quantity would become available for use once
the hold is released -- these would typically include stocks that may have been
damaged slightly and need to undergo a re-certification process etc.

2.11.21 Facts - MRO This represents the standard re-order quantity size for replenishment of
Inventory.Replenishment inventory of this product (in inventory units of measure).

2.11.22 Facts - MRO Quantity in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor and is not
Inventory.Available subject to usage restrictions. A consignment vendor retains ownership of the
Consignment Amount quantity until it is withdrawn from stores.

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2.11.23 Facts - MRO Quantity in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor and is in quality
Inventory.Inspection inspection. A consignment vendor retains ownership of the quantity until it is
Consignment Amount withdrawn from stores.

2.11.24 Facts - MRO Quantity in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor and has usage
Inventory.Restricted restrictions. A consignment vendor retains ownership of the quantity until it is
Consignment Amount withdrawn from stores.

2.11.25 Facts - MRO Inventory.Block Quantity of all blocked batches that belong to a consignment vendor. Examples
Consignment Amount of batches are: Production lots, delivery lots etc.

2.11.26 Facts - MRO The value of inventory which is work in progress.

2.11.27 Facts - MRO Inventory.Days DIO (Days Inventory Outstanding). Also called Inventory DSI (Days Sales of
Inventory Outstanding Inventory) DSI/DIO = (Average Inventory/Cost of Goods Sold) * 365 Or DSI/DIO
= 365/Inventory Turns

2.11.28 Facts - MRO Inventory.YAGO The inventory value, a year ago, for the product at the standard cost in the chart
Standard Cost Amount of accounts in group currency.

2.11.29 Facts - MRO Inventory.Chg (Standard Cost Amount - Year Ago Standard Cost Amount)
YAGO Standard Cost Amount
2.11.30 Facts - MRO Inventory.% Chg The total inventory value in chart of accounts or group currency for the product
YAGO Standard Cost Amount at the standard cost.
2.11.31 Facts - MRO Inventory.YAGO (Standard Cost Amount - Year Ago Standard Cost Amount) * 100/ (Year Ago
Available Quantity Standard Cost Amount)

2.11.32 Facts - MRO Inventory.Chg (Available Quantity - Year Ago Available Quantity)
YAGO Available Quantity
2.11.33 Facts - MRO Inventory.% Chg (Available Quantity - Year Ago Available Quantity) * 100/ (Year Ago Available
YAGO Available Quantity Quantity)

2.11.34 Facts - MRO Inventory.YAGO Quantity, a year ago, in the warehouse that belongs to a consignment vendor
Available Consignment Quantity and is not subject to usage restrictions. A consignment vendor retains ownership
of the quantity until it is withdrawn from stores.

2.11.35 Facts - MRO Inventory.Chg (Available Consignment Quantity - Year Ago Available Consignment Quantity)
YAGO Available Consignment
2.11.36 Facts - MRO Inventory.% Chg (Available Consignment Quantity - Year Ago Available Consignment
YAGO Available Consignment Quantity)*100/(Year Ago Available Consignment Quantity)

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Enterprise Asset Management Analytics Metric Reference Guide  2-25

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