Fire, Salt, and Water That Does Not Wet The Hands
Fire, Salt, and Water That Does Not Wet The Hands
Fire, Salt, and Water That Does Not Wet The Hands
I just realized that there are a many mercuries in alchemy. There is metallic mercury, then there is
a clear metallic water, transparent and mercurial, which has interesting properties. There is
mercury metal itself. There is also a mercury plant. Then there is the universal mercury, universal
chaotic water, which can become the true philosophical mercury when it falls into the hands of a
true artist.
Therefore, to illustrate my thoughts, I'll explain the experiences that I have had for many years.
The Plant Kingdom absorbs most of its food from the air. This nourishment is a luminous
material, as a very subtle embodiment of nitre. Therefore, I took a plant and calcined it. In
traditional European alchemy, oak ash was found to give the best salt, especially rotten oak bark.
In the animal kingdom, the lion is called the king of beasts.
In the plant kingdom, the oak is called the king of trees, it may also be called the Green Lion. Of
all the vegetables or plants, the oak gives the strongest alkali.
Therefore, calcine the ashes of rotten oak, white or gray, or better, moss-covered bark. Such ash
can provide 80-85 grams of salt per kilogram of ash. This salt in chemistry is called potassium
carbonate K2CO3, but when we prepare it ourselves, it contains more sulfates and chlorides, and
when the salt is well made, it is as white as snow, with strong shades of turquoise, blue and green.
It may be called by analogy, vitriol, because of its color, and also when it is sharpened with lime it
gives potassium hydroxide or caustic potash. It is fusible like oil, hence the name vitri-oleum or
oil of vitriol is well suited. We must not forget that before glass, there was glass of potash or soda
glass, and when the salt is melted for a long time, the salt loses its fusibility and is vitrified. This
suggests that sea sand is rather a transformation, a sweet coction and digestion of the sodium salt
of sea water. What the sea and the sun make slowly, can be reproduced rapidly in a crucible.
Therefore it is easy to change a silica salt into glass, all the potters making a glaze on stoneware
know this as fact.
So, take potassium hydroxide because it is a salt with which it is easy to work, and let it
deliquesce into a clear salt, usually during good outside conditions,
it will easily double its weight, eg.: 100g. of dry KOH can attract in 3 nights, 200-210gr of water.
With K2CO3 it takes about a week, before it dissolves completely per deliquium, so KOH is faster.
Take a few drops of this water of KOH and pour them gently into a large glass bowl, so it appears
just like a brilliant film, but not liquid. Then place the glass bowl in a warm room, behind a
window. After 4-5 days, inside the glass bowl we'll see thousands of very tiny needle-like
crystals. Take a razor blade and rapidly scrape this white powder, taste it, it is cold, slightly spicy.
It is a nitre, rock salt, that was attracted by the magnetic power of salt. It also has a strong
ammonia taste. It is known that Azoth or nitrogen turns into ammonia in contact with a catalyst, in
this case the alkali.
Now, I would say that most of the time, the nourishment of a plant or tree is a luminous matter
which is a embodiment of a wonderful and heavenly nitre. The plant digests it, and it fixes itself,
so that the salt water within the plant dissolve the Sulfur principle, which joins with it, and thus
making it very thin and liquid, so also the plant sap becomes the vehicle of the latter, or rather
the vehicle of the soul.
Can we not expect that our wonderful salt does the same thing in the universal air, conveying also
the universal soul?
Now if we calcine our plant, the flammable sulfur fumes will go with the more volatile parts. In
the ashes of the fire remains the most fixed part, the principle of life, which once exposed to light
of the moon, draws its counterparts that were once more volatile. By this method, the fire
"elementised" the Salt with fire. So we see that the bird becomes fixed through the fire, and then
attracted it to the volatile air. Do we not see here the Ouroboros dragon devouring its tail? The
end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. Now can we not also consider that this vitriolic
salt of a beautiful green and blue nature, if volatile, transfers its beautiful hue to our blue sky.
Snow and ice blocks in the high mountains also cast the same shade.
It may also be due to the heavenly corporification of nitre, as astral spirit. Furthermore, when we
consider that in the plant, whose aqueous salt dissolves sulfur, oil, or the soul and is the vehicle
through the plant, it is justified if we give it the function or the name of Spirit. Thus, it is certainly
a spiritual mercurial water, specified for the plant kingdom*. Do you agree with me, sir?
It seems, one way or another, that sunlight is able to embody a real salt, only after it is polarized
by the moon. After 2 or 3 nights, your salt will deliquesce into a clear and transparent water,
weigh it, it must be doubled, more or less. 100 grams of dry ( should give 170 to 200-210 grams
of ( liquid. Next, take this water and place it in an amber glass casserole with a suitable lid. Those
available today in supermarkets made of amber glass are ideal because the lid closes properly,
but not completely airtight, so that inside, the vapors can move about and escape from time to
time, under pressure from above. Put the casserole containing the liquid usually made of Pyrex
on an electric hot plate with the thermostat set at the lowest possible temperature. The salt
water records a temperature of 80° Celsius. So I left it to quietly circulate and evaporate over 10
to 12 hours time - slowly, slowly. If you open the lid from time to time, you see when it is dry,
most beautiful flowers, which are figures made by the salt. It looks exactly like the flowers of ice
we get the in windows in winter when frozen, so we understand why and how these frost
flowers occur so admirably.
While the water is reducing, a beautiful sweet smelling aroma fills the room, and also the
crystallization on the cover continues to change. It often looks like hundreds of stars in the sky,
and it will also take the form of stellar regulus of antimony, so that we can also understand how
this salt gives this particular star with antimony. When you think the water is fairly low, or
almost totally gone, remove your glass casserole from the heat, and let cool. The Salt is still clear
and liquid like water, but when it cools it solidifies like wax with a beautiful white star in its body.
It may contain moisture, but it is best not to burn the sensitive, volatile astral spirit, freshly
solidified in our subject. I used to cut it into pieces with a screwdriver, then weigh it, it will have
increased enormously in weight, and although moisture is in it, but if you put it back onto the
hotplate, it becomes fused at low temperatures, and becomes like wax at about 70° Celsius and
flows like water again. Then repeat several times the deliquescence, evaporation, congelation,
etc.. If you do not boil too strongly, your salt will increase in quantity each time. I was able to
obtain 500 grams of solid material from 200 grams of dry salt at the beginning, in fewer than 7
Eagles (or deliquescences).
The salt will evolve and change in nature, so that at each eagle it becomes less and less caustic, it
becomes more and more nitrous and has a strong ammonia taste like fermented urine. After 9
eagles it becomes difficult to deliquesce as it is saturated, and its magnetic power declines. Now,
if you choose to boil at a higher temperature on the hotplate, after the 4 or 5 eagles, to complete
dryness, you'll find that you'll lose everything you fixed throughout the process with
approximately 1/3 of your magnet, then 200 grams through loss should be reduced to 120 grams.
This simple experiment isn’t very impressive at first, but can still explain how we can fix the
volatile, or how we can volatilize the fixt. What is above is like what is below, and what is below
is like what is above. It is easy to change their natures.
Now when we see how this wonderful nitre may be able to be embodied and we can get an
excellent fusibility throughout, with a beautiful smell of wax, do we not consider how, in truth,
great is the wax of the bee? Is it not an astral spirit fully mature, the more refined and particular
plant and animal kingdoms, and joined to a plant's finest sulfur?
Bees gather pollen that is really a salt ), oleaginous, and very pure from the vegetable kingdom,
then they fix it by digestion and separate the honey from the wax.
Now reconsider our 5, I now draw the sign of the cross in the circle, because we have with the
horizontal the fixed and with the vertical the volatile. If we study it carefully, we see that from the
beginning, by making our homemade salt, we have with our alkali some sulfates and chlorides
and the deliquescence added ammonia with a good amount of nitre. So we have ammonium
chloride and nitre. Are we not, therefore, considered to be in possession of a spiritual aqua regia?
A true solvent for gold? Not quite "open" to work on metal, but the alchemist will lend his hand to
push it a step further. Now, if we consider that we have a spiritual aqua regia, we may as well
consider that gold is there too. Have we not solidified universal luminous matter or the universal
soul in our subject, a true spiritual gold?
If we understand this topic we have done well. Can we not consider that our simple chaotic
water contains whatever is necessary for our philosophy? Naturally in this state, it is only the
virgin's milk; a crude mercury.
This is where the alchemist can enter the stage, to accomplish what nature has left undone in this
Green Lion, in that green water.
Can we not also consider that the center of our salt is a red ammoniac? Most philosophers agree
that the heart of nitre is internally red, pure fire, and externally white. When we burn a tree and
bring it back to ashes, the volatile astral spirit becomes fixed, the external fire has elementised,
the flammable sulfur departs as fume, but we can also consider a Sulphur of nature can also be
fixed in the center of our salt, waiting only for an alchemist to release it from its prison.