CV Acuan Budi Waluyo PHD
CV Acuan Budi Waluyo PHD
CV Acuan Budi Waluyo PHD
Gg. Taman Siswa RT.07 RW.03 No. 67, Bengkulu 39113 Indonesia | E-mail:
Ph.D., Comparative and International Education, Lehigh University, USA, GPA: 3.83 2014 – 2017
Concentrations: international education, education system and policy, international program evaluation, Southeast
Asian and Asian studies, globalization and post-colonialism, social justice, ICT in education, teacher training, and
international assessment.
Dissertation: Examining a Model of Scholarship for Social Justice
Scholarship: Grantee of PhD Fulbright Presidential Scholarship from the U.S. Government
M.A., Educational Technology and TESOL, University of Manchester, UK, 2nd Upper Class 2011 – 2012
Concentrations: beyond approaches, methods, and techniques in ELT, language learning and technology,
blended learning in digital age, evaluation and design of educational software, multimedia design and development,
teaching and learning online, and developing researcher competence.
Thesis: Analyzing Teachers’ Beliefs about Video and Their Use of Video in Practice
Scholarship: Grantee of the Master’s Degree Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program, USA
B.A., English Education, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia, GPA: 3.33 2005 – 2009
Concentration: English Language Teaching (ELT)
Thesis: An Analysis of Complaint Strategies of the English Students of Bengkulu University towards their Lecturers
Scholarship: Grantee of Supersemar and Merit Based Scholarships from the Ministry of Higher Education,
Quantitative Research Software: SPSS, MPlus, and HLM | Capable of using large-scale data.
Qualitative Research Methods: Critical Discourse Analysis, Participatory Action Research, Ethnography, Case Study,
Visual Research Methods.
Program Evaluation, Grant Writing Proposal, Program Management, and Educational Technology.
TESOL/TEFL, E-learning, Blended Learning, Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle, Blog, Website, MobileApp,
Professional Experience
Research Fellow | Columbia University | New York, USA | July 2016 – May 2017
Research Grant Winner, administered by Columbia University, Ford Foundation, and IIE, USA.
Researched the impacts of the Ford Foundation IFP, involving the data of 4300 fellows from 22 countries.
Used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Mplus, and Qualitative Interview analysis.
Diversity Committee | Lehigh University | Bethlehem, USA | August 2014 – May 2016
Created different programs and initiatives on diversity and multiculturalism for faculty members and students.
Managed Travel Grants for Faculty members and students, worth $5000.
Academic Mentor | Lehigh University | Bethlehem, USA | August 2015 – May 2017
Aided incoming international Master’s and PhD students with campus resources, academic advice, and research skills
to achieve significant academic success at Lehigh University.
Program Assistant in Indonesia Internship | Lehigh University | Bethlehem, USA | January – December 2015
Coordinated and managed the partnership between Lehigh University, USA and Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia,
which allowed undergraduate and graduate students from Lehigh University to join Universitas Gadjah Mada’s
community service programs in remote areas in Yogyakarta, Indonesia for seven weeks in summer.
Reporter and Writer at United Nations | United Nations Headquarters, New York | January – May 2015
Attended and wrote reports of NGO briefings at United Nations Headquarters, New York on Gender and Educational,
International Development.
Reviewed literature and U.N. documents as well as writing papers and blog posts on NGOs at the U.N. and Women’s
Reviewed manuscripts for publication in the journals of Frontiers in Education in China, International Organization
Studies, and comparative Education Review.
Program Assessment and Evaluation | Caring for Cambodia (CFC), Cambodia | August – December 2014
Evaluated the Teacher Training Program provided by Caring for Cambodia (CFC).
Used statistical analysis and individual and focus group interviews with teachers and stakeholders as well as analyzing
policy documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Cambodia
Teaching Experience (3 Years at Higher Education Level)
English Lecturer | English Education Department, Muhammadiyah University| March 2013 – March 2014
Developed teaching materials and taught the courses of Academic Reading and Writing for more than 100 students.
English Lecturer | Public Health and Midwifery Departments, The Academy of Health Science Tri Mandiri Sakti |
September 2012 – March 2014
Developed English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching materials and taught the courses of English for Public Health
and Midwifery students for more than 150 students.
English Lecturer | English Literature Department, Dehasen University | February 2013 – August 2014
Developed teaching materials, conducted classroom action research, and taught the courses of Phonetic and
Pronunciation, British Study, and Speaking for more than 100 students.
English Lecturer | UPT Bahasa Inggris (Language Institute), Bengkulu University | April 2009 – August 2010
Teaching English for Bengkulu University students in the departments of Law, Match, Accounting, Chemistry, Biology,
Machine Engineering, and Economics, involving more than 200 students.
Teaching TOEFL Prediction for students in Nursing and Midwife Academy.
Designing lesson plans, selecting teaching materials, facilitating active classroom activities and evaluating the teaching
and learning processes.
Book Chapter: Wiseman, A. & Waluyo, B. (2017). The Dialectical Impact of PISA on International Educational
Discourse and National Education Reform. In Louis Volante (Eds.). The PISA effect on global educational governance
(pp. 33 –48). New York, NY: Routledge
Book Review: Waluyo, B. (2015). Book review: Bigalke, TW, & Zurbuchen, MS (Eds.).(2014). Leadership for Social
Justice in Higher Education: The Legacy of the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program. Palgrave
Macmillan. 250 pages. ISBN: 9781137366498. In FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education (Vol. 2, No. 1, p.
Research Article: Waluyo, Budi. (2013). Integrating video into english conversation as speaking stimulus. LPMP
Research Article: Examining the Evidence from TIMMS on Indonesian Students’ Low Performance from Teacher
Quality, Curriculum, and Socio-economic Status, in Journal Review.
Research Article: A Multi - Level Model of the Effects of Student’s Use of ICT and School’s Resources and World Bank
ESS 2020, in Journal Review.
Research Article: Examining a Model of Scholarship for Social Justice, in Preparation.
Book: Waluyo, Budi. (2015). Inspirasi Paman Sam (The Inspiration of Paman Sam). Bestari.
Book: Waluyo, Budi. (2014). Untukmu Scholarhip Hunters (For You, Scholarship Hunters). Bitread.
Book: Waluyo, Budi. (2012). The Mancunian Way. Diva Press.
Compilation Book: Waluyo, Budi. (2013). Stories behind the Success of Teaching English uniquely and passionately.
Halaman Moeka Publishing.
Founder of Learn for the Future, 100.000+ students | and May 2015 – Present
Member of Steering Committee of Caring for Cambodia, Lehigh University 2016
TEDx Speaker, LehighSpeak and LeadTalk Speaker at Lehigh University, USA 2014 and 2015
Attending Briefings in the Headquarters of the United Nations, New York 2015
Seminars and Workshops Speaker in various places and universities in Indonesia 2012 – 2015
Presenting papers in International Conferences in the U.S. 2015 – 2016
Teaching English and E-learning for Indonesian workers in Indonesian Embassy, London, UK 2012
Student Representative at the University of Manchester 2011-2012