07) Hector Treñas vs. People of The Philippines
07) Hector Treñas vs. People of The Philippines
07) Hector Treñas vs. People of The Philippines
There being no showing that the offense was committed within Makati, the RTC of that city has
no jurisdiction over the case.
Dispositive Portion
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated 9 July 2010 and the Resolution
dated 4 January 2011 issued by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 32177 are SET ASIDE on
the ground of lack of jurisdiction on the part of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 137, Makati
City. Criminal Case No. 01-2409 is DISMISSED without prejudice. This case is REFERRED to the
IBP Board of Governors for investigation and recommendation pursuant to Section 1 of Rule
139-B of the Rules of Court. SO ORDERED.