Study On Time Delay Analysis For Construction Project Delay Analysis
Study On Time Delay Analysis For Construction Project Delay Analysis
Study On Time Delay Analysis For Construction Project Delay Analysis
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 03, March-2015
Abstract— Time delay is one of the biggest problems facing in •Recommendations to control delay during construction
many construction buildings in India. Completing projects on phase for construction project
time is the key factor of the project, but the construction process
is subject to many variables and unpredictable factors, which I. STUDY ON DELAY ANALYSIS
result from many sources such as availability of resources,
external factors, performance of parties and type of building. If
A. Construction project planning
there is a delay in project it leads to loss of productivity, Planning explains “what” is going to be done, “how”,
increased cost, contract termination and disputes between “where”, by “whom”, and “when” for effective monitoring
contractor and owner. The aim of this project is to examine the and control of complex projects. The objective of project
causes and effects of delay on building construction project planning is to complete the construction within the specified
during construction phase and to provide control measures for time and budget. In construction project planning the steps
time overrun in the project. A study carried out on construction
need to be identified are as follows.
schedule delays and various delay analysis techniques and
methods in order to evaluate the causes of delay and their •Feasibility of the project
impacts in the construction project. Then a questionnaire survey •Project management plan
is done to find the major causes of delay faced by Client, •Identifying the constraints in the project (time, cost,
Contractor, Consultant and Project manager. Population resources)
sample of 35 was used in which 30 was deployed. From the •Project delivery method, stakeholders, funding sources
survey and study identified 67 causes of delay under 9 major •Construction method
groups such as Project team, Owner, Contractor, Consultant, •Identifying risk in project
Architect, material, labour, equipment and external factors. •Milestone, duration and budget
Then a ranking method is done based on relative importance
•Roles and responsibility
index method to find major cause of delay. It is found that the
most common factors of delay which is repeated in most of the •Preparation of contract documentation
project are lack of funds to finance the project to completion, B. Project scheduling
labour shortage, material shortage, lack of effective
communication, lack of supervision and changes in drawings. Project scheduling covers only the issue of when? i.e. when
The outcome of the project is to provide recommendation to works need to be done and completed. By doing project
control delay in the project during construction phase. scheduling it helps to control and measure the project
duration and provides information for timely decisions to be
Keywords— Delay analysis technique, causes of delay, tools taken when there is a change in schedule. The results of doing
to evaluate delay in construction, delay control measure a detailed project schedule are duration of the project and
completion date can be easily tracked, helps to calculates the
INTRODUCTION start or end of a specific activity, evaluate the effect of
changes, improves work efficiency, predict and calculate the
In construction, delay could be defined as the time overrun cash flow, resolve delay claims and it serves as an effective
either beyond completion date specified in a contract or project control tool
beyond the date that the parties agreed upon for delivery of a
project. It is a project slipping over its planned schedule. The C. Types of project scheduling
delay in the project has an adverse effect on project success Selection of the most appropriate scheduling technique
in terms of time, cost and quality. The objective of the project depends on the size and complexity of the construction
is Project, the preferences of the entity preparing the schedule,
• To identify delay factors in construction projects and the scheduling requirements of the Contract. The most
common scheduling techniques used for construction projects
• To rank the delay factors according to the importance
level on delays in project are Gantt Charts or bar charts, linear schedules, program
evaluation and review technique and Critical Path Method
•To find the tools to analysis and evaluate the time delay (CPM) schedules.
factors in the construction building.
The tools to evaluate and analysis time delay factors are CPM
Causes of delay Recommendations
and PERT. The collected data from the tools should be filled
in template for event analysis. Weather Conducting detailed and perfect surveys towards
condition the field condition and previous weather data
External factors Monitor the work done by the earlier contractors to
DESCRIPTION FORMULA VALUE make sure that delays outside your control are
recognized and documented.
Planned quantity PQ
Planned duration PD Lack of funds Optimize cash flow in accordance with the
requirements and make sure fund needed for
Planned productivity PP project is available to execute the project
Total budget TB
Deviation of Develop detailed and accurate schedule to
Cost per unit C TB/PQ scheduling facilitate easy and controlled scheduled execution
Actual quantity AQ
Lack of Planning and applying Management Information
Actual duration AD communication System(MIS)
Actual productivity AP
Poor decision Conduct routine/regular coordination meeting and
Planned value PV, BCWS (AD*TB)/PD making process develop a procedure regarding decision making.
D. Conclusion
The major causes of delay which is found repeating in Alway Some
almost every project are external factors, financial No Cause of delay s Often times Rarely Group
difficulties, shortage of labor, insufficient labor productivity, Original contract
owner interference and improper planning. After analyzing duration is too
the data it is clear that the contribution of Contractor in 1 short
delay of the construction project is high then followed by
Legal disputes
client then consultant side and others. Resource allocation is 2 between parties
the main criteria for doing schedule planning to allocate Inadequate
duration for each activity included in the project so that delay definition of
in the construction project can be reduced. substantial
3 completion
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Heading 5) Ineffective delay
4 penalties
I extend my gratitude to our Faculty Head Dr. A. Lilly Types of
Rose, M. Arch., PhD, Head of the Department Dr. N. construction
Jothilakshmy, B. Arch; M.T.P., PhD, Assoc. Prof.T.Vennila 5 contract
M.Arch, Mr.S.Kavin Kumar and Assoc. Prof. Ar. K. Suresh Type of project
Babu for their helpful suggestions and comments during my 6 bidding
project presentation. Mr.K.Gopala Krishnan, Mr.Karthik
Mohan, Mr.G.Hemanth kumar and my parents for their help Delay in progress
7 payment by owner
and support to complete the project.
Delay to furnish
and deliver the
site to the
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Work Experience
Email Id