Itswc Award
Itswc Award
Itswc Award
of time towardsaccomplishing Wilderness State Fark. The nessPark In 2004the Council
F{, the missionof StateParl<s. The InterTribal land is the first wasawarded$252,700from the
nominee must demonstrate an Native American intertribal StateWaterResources C,ontrol
#H outstanding contribution or wildernessareain the U.S.The Board to participate in the
sustaina seriesof long-term SinkyoneWildernesslocated removalof more,than50miies
b# contributionsto the missionof south of the King Range of abandonedloggingroads
the Departmentof Parksand National ConservationArea and streamcrossingsat Sinky-
#q Recreation.. contains sevencoastalwater- one,a rneasurerequiredbefore
North CoastRedwoodsDistrict land and SinkyoneWildemess tus. The Water Board grant
SuperintendentSteveHorvitz. StatePa'rk.The conservation enabledthe Council to hire
The North Coast Redwoods and stewardshipgoalsshared tribal members who were
District extends from by the Council and StateParks skilled as healry equiPment
Branscomb (near Laytonville) providea commongroundthat operatorsto particiPatein the
north to the Oregonborder. hasled to the developmentof a StatePark watershedrehabili-
The DewittAward is named uniquepartnershipb-etween the tation/road removalProgam"
for Iohn B.Dewitt (1937-1996), two entities, The Council also contributed
who devotedhis life to the pro- Mr. Rosaleshasworked for to theprojectby providinglocal
tection of public lands.He was the InterTiibal Sinkyone Tiibalmemberstrainedin cul-
the recipientof the first Cali- WildemessCotrncilsince1990. tural resourcemonitoring to
fornia StatePark Partnership In 1991 the Council began ensure that sensitiveNative
k# Award. laterrenamed in his workingcollaboratively with the Ar4ericanresourceswerePro-
honor for a privatepersonwho North C.oastRedwoodsDistrict tectedduring the project.The
ffi made outstanding contribu- to help steward and restore Council hasprovided cultural
When contactedabout the Mr. Rosales hasbeenresponsi- restorationprojectssince1991.
award, Hawk Rosales,com- ble for designingand imple- In thefuture,the Councilwill
mented,"Although we really menting projects that have openthreepublic hiking trails
appreciatereceivingthe Dewitt benefitedthe cultural-ecologi- that depart from Usal Road,
Award,wevalueevenmore the cal resourcesofthe Sinkyone trav€rseInterTriballand, and
strongand long lastingfriend- area.StateParkDistrict Super- connectto the tost CoastTiail