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Respondent Mekeni Food Corporation (Mekeni) offered petitioner Antonio Locsin II the position of

Regional Sales Manager to oversee Mekeni’s National Capital Region Supermarket/Food Service and
South Luzon operations. In addition to a compensation and benefit package, Mekeni offered
petitioner a car plan, under which one-half of the cost of the vehicle is to be paid by the company
and the other half to be deducted from petitioner’s salary.

Mekeni furnished petitioner with a used Honda Civic car valued at P280,000.00, which used to be the
service vehicle of petitioner’s immediate supervisor. Petitioner paid for his 50% share through salary
deductions of P5,000.00 each month.

Subsequently, Locsin resigned. By then, a total of P112,500.00 had been deducted from his monthly
salary and applied as part of the employee’s share in the car plan. In his resignation letter, petitioner
made an offer to purchase his service vehicle by paying the outstanding balance thereon. Unable to
agree on the terms of the proposed purchase. Petitioner thus returned the vehicle to Mekeni

Petitioner made personal and written follow-ups regarding his offer to purchase his service vehicle.
Mekeni replied that the company car plan benefit applied only to employees who have been with the
company for five years;for this reason, the balance that petitioner should pay on his service vehicle
stood at P116,380.00 if he opts to purchase the same.

petitioner filed against Mekeni and/or its President a Complaint for the recovery of monetary claims
consisting of unpaid salaries, commissions, sick/vacation leave benefits,and recovery of monthly
salary deduction swhich were earmarked for his cost-sharing in the car plan.

The case was docketed in the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), National Capital Region
(NCR), Quezon City

Labor Arbiter:
hereby rendered directing respondents to turn-over to complainant x x xthe subject vehicle
upon the said complainant’s payment to them of the sum of P100,435.84

Appeal si Mekeni

National Labor Relations Commission:

Labor arbiters decision is set aside and reversed.
1. petitioner’s amortization payments on his service vehicle amounting to P112,500.00 should
be reimbursed - - - unjust enrichment would result, as the vehicle remained in the possession
and ownership of Mekeni
2. the employer’s share in the monthly car plan payments should likewise be awarded to
petitioner because it formspart of the latter’sbenefits under the carplan

Appeal si Mekeni sa CA: saying that the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in holding it liable
to petitioner as it had no jurisdiction to resolve petitioner’s claims, which are civil in nature

CA decision: modified ang decision ni NLRC:

reimbursement of Locsin’s payment under the car plan in the amount of P112,500.00, and the
payment to him of Mekeni’s 50% share in the amount of P112,500.00 are DELETED

NLRC may jurisdiction:

1. Complaint against Mekeni is one for the payment of salaries and employee benefits.
2. car plan arrangement:
Under a typical car plan,the company advances the purchase price of a car to be paid back
by the employee through monthly deductions from his salary. The company retains
ownership of the motor vehicle until it shall have been fully paid for. However, retention of
registration of the car in the company’s name is only a form of a lien on the vehicle in the
event that the employee would abscond before he has fully paid for it. There are also
stipulations in car plan agreements to the effect that should the employment of the
employee concerned be terminated before all installments are fully paid, the vehicle will be
taken by the employer and all installments paid shall be considered rentals per agreement.
3. In the absence of evidence as to the stipulations of the car plan: CA treated petitioner’s
monthly contributions in the total amount of P112,500.00 as rentals for the use of his service
vehicle for the duration of his employment with Mekeni.

APPEAL si petitioner SC.

Issue: whether petitioner is entitled to a refund of all the amounts applied to the cost of the service
vehicle under the car plan.

1. Mekeni car plan offered to petitioner was subject to no other termor condition than that Mekeni
shall cover one-half of its value, and petitioner shall in turn pay the other half through deductions
from his monthly salary. Mekenihas not shown, by documentary evidence or otherwise, that there
are other terms and conditions governing its car plan agreement with petitioner
- Thus, the CA’s reliance on Elisco Tool is without basis, and its conclusions arrived at in the
questioned decision are manifestly mistaken
- There are also stipulations in car plan agreements to the effect that should the employment of the
employee concerned be terminated before all installments are fully paid, the vehicle will be taken
by the employer and all installments paid shall be considered rentals per agreement.
- It was made clear in the above pronouncement that installments made on the car plan maybe
treated as rentals only when there is an express stipulation in the car plan agreement to such
1. there ispreciselynostipulation to sucheffectintheiragreement
2. it maynotbe saidthat the carplan arrangement between the parties was a benefit that the
petitioner enjoyed; on the contrary, it was an absolute necessity in Mekeni’s business operations,
which benefited it to the fullest extent: without the service vehicle, petitioner would have been
unable to rapidly cover the vast sales territory assigned to him, and sales or marketing of Mekeni’s
productscould not have been booked or made fast enough to move Mekeni’s inventory

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