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Paper: (100 MARKS) : Current Affairs

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Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of history, politics and

International Affairs, as deemed necessary to interpret current affairs.

I. Pakistan's Domestic Affairs (20 marks)

 Political

 Since 1970 every election was accused of rigging , what electoral reforms you

will suggest to improve the electoral system of pakistan?

 Define term “good governance”. What measures the present government

should take to improve its performance? (2

 Critically evaluate the counter terrorism policy of pakistan and suggest

measures to eradicate this evil. (20)

 How can the corruption elimination be made part of the government systems

of Pakistan

 Discuss in detail the efficacy of counter terrorism measures adapted by

government especially with reference to the national action plan?

 Economic:

 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is considered as a game-

changer. How the CPEC can be helpful to uplift Pakistan's economy?


 What measures do you suggest to improve the security conditions of

Baluchistan in respect to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and the role

of regional powers to sabotage it?

 Critically appreciate the decision making in Pakistan regarding energy crisis in


 discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of CPEC.how will CPEC

become a game changer for the region?

 what measures would you suggest to improve the economy of Pakistan

particularly in the areas of debt reduction and enhancing export capability?

 Social

 Highlight the role of National Action Plan (NAP) in stabilization of internal

security of Pakistan. Critically analyze its outcomes?

 what is the role of education in character building of a nation? Highlight

major pitfalls in pakistan’s educational systems. (20)

 What is character building? Access the factor (character building) in

education systems of Pakistan and give suggestions for improvement

II. Pakistan's External Affairs (40 marks)

 Pakistan’s relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia)

 Discuss the possibilities of progress under the recently

agreed rubric of comprehensive dialogue between pak

and india.in your opinion what are the major constraints

at present?

 Critically examine China's strategic vision behind its 'One

Belt, One Road' venture.

 Discuss the impact of AFPAK policy on Pak-US relations.

 Do you believe that main cause of 2014 floods was indian

“water terrorism” or it was due to awful mismanagement

of water resources in pakistan? (20)

 Evaluate the significance of water conflict between India

and Pakistan in perspective of water management

projects in Indian held Kashmir.

 Do you agree that pakistan’s role in afghan jihad against

soviet union was the root cause of terrorism in pakistan

or it is a reaction of US invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11

and pakistan’s U-turn in afghan policy? (20)

 Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim World (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey)

 What are the causes of arab spring? Identify their impacts on the future

politics of the region.

 Discuss in detail the iran-pakistan gas pipeline and challenges to it.

 Pakistan’s relations with the United States

 Critically examine Donald Trump's Policy for South Asia and its implications

for Pakistan and the region.

 Pakistan’s relations with Regional and International Organizations (UN, SAARC,


 Substantiate Pakistan's role in UN peace keeping missions

III. Global Issues (40 marks)

 International Security

 Critically analyze the US-Russia relations in context of ISIS and its

impact on the security situation of Middle East.

 US-India in August 2016 signed Logistic Exchange Memorandum of

Agreement (LEMOA) that will reportedly facilitate the two allies to use

each others military facilities to check China's growing influence.


 International Political Economy

 Examine the emerging strategic competition between china and US and its

impact on global order?

 How the United States is trying to keep dominant position in the Asia-Pacific

and what is China's response to it?

 What are the opportunities and challenges for Pakistan as one of the new

members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

 Discuss the strengths of USA to implement its economic policies worldwide.

 Human Rights

 Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord

 Population: world population trends, world population policies

 Terrorism and Counter Terrorism

 Critically analyze the newly established Islamic Military Alliance and its

future implications for the Muslim World?

 Global Energy Politics

 Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security

 Analyze the effects of commissioning of nuclear-powered ballistic missile

submarine (SSBN), INS Arihant equipped with nuclear-capable missile

called K-4 over the strategic stability of South Asia.

 Nuclear Politics in South Asia

 International Trade (Doha Development Round and Bali Package)

 Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

 Explain the salient contours of the US 'rebalancing' policy and China's

assertive policy in South China Sea and latter's disputes with the regional

countries. Critically evaluate.

 The impact of burgeoning US-India strategic partnership over the security

situation of the region and Indian Ocean Region

 Millennium Development Goals, Current Status

 Globalization:

 Discuss the adverse impact of climate change on the world and the measures

recently adopted by the paris conference to address this issue?

 Middle East Crisis

 Describe the 2017 Qatar Diplomatic Crisis and its impact on the Middle East.

 How do you see recent developments in the middle east,particularly with

reference to the deteriorating relations between Saudi Arabia and iran.what

role,if any , pakistan could play in reducing the tensions between two muslim


 Kashmir Issue

 Palestine Issue

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