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Adsorption: Example: Ammonia Gas Placed in Contact With Charcoal Gets

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The phenomenon of attracting and retaining the molecules of a

substance on the surface of a liquid or solid resulting in to higher
concentration of the molecules on the surface is called adsorption
Causes of adsorption : Unbalanced forces of attraction or free
valencies which is present at the solid or liquid surface, have the
property to attract and retain the molecules of a gas or a dissolved
substance on to their surfaces with which they come in contact.

Example: Ammonia gas placed in contact with charcoal gets

adsorbed on the charcoal
Some basic terms used in adsorption

Adsorbate: The substance which gets adsorbed on any surface is

called adsorbate for example, if a gas gets adsorbed on to the
surface of a solid, then the gas is termed as the adsorbate. The
substance on the surface of which adsorption takes place is called

Absorption: When the molecules of a substance are uniformly

distributed throughout the body of a solid or liquid. This
phenomenon is called absorption.

Desorption: The removal of the adsorbed substance from a surface

is called desorption

Sorption: The phenomenon in which adsorption and absorption

occur simultaneously is called sorption.
Characteristics of adsorption

(i) Adsorption refers to the existence of a higher

concentration of any particular component at the
surface of a liquid or a solid phase.
(ii) Adsorption is accompanied by decrease in the G (free
energy change) of the system when G0 adsorption
equilibrium is said to be established.
(iii) Adsorption is invariably accompanied by evolution of
heat, i.e. it is an exothermic process. In H of
adsorption is always negative. other words,
(iv) When a gas is adsorbed, the freedom of movement of
its molecules becomes restricted. On account of it
decreases in the entropy of the gas after adsorption, i.e.
S is negative.
Classification of adsorption

Depending upon the nature of force existing between adsorbate

molecule and adsorbent
Physical adsorption: If the forces of attraction existing between
adsorbate and adsorbent are Vander Waal’s forces, the
adsorption is called physical adsorption. This type of
adsorption is also known as physisorption or Vander Waal’s
adsorption. It can be easily reversed by heating or decreasing
the pressure.
Chemical adsorption: If the forces of attraction existing
between adsorbate particles and adsorbent are almost of the
same strength as chemical bonds, the adsorption is called
chemical adsorption. This type of adsorption is also called as
chemisorption or Langmuir adsorption. This type of
adsorption cannot be easily reversed
Physisorption (Vander Waal's adsorption) Chemisorption
(Langmuir adsorption)

Low heat of adsorption usually in range of 20- 40 High heat of adsorption

kJ/mol In the range of 50-400

Force of attraction are Forces of attraction are

Vander Waal's forces. chemical bond forces.

It is reversible It is irreversible

It is usually takes place at low

temperature and decreases with It takes place at high temperature.
increasing temperature.

It is related to the case of It is not related.

liquefication of the gas.

It forms multimolecular layers. It forms monomolecular layers.

It does not require any activation It requires high activation energy.

High pressure is favourable. Decrease High pressure is favourable. Decrease of pressure
of pressure causes desorption does not cause desorption.

It is not very specific. It is highly specific.

Factors which affect the
extent of adsorption

(1) Nature of the adsorbate (gas)

and adsorbent (solid)

(i) In general, easily liquefiable gases e.g., CO2, NH3,

Cl2 and SO2 etc. are adsorbed to a greater extent
than the elemental gases e.g. H2, O2, N2, He etc.
(whilechemisorption is specific in nature.)

(ii) Porous and finely powdered solid e.g.charcoal,

fullers earth, adsorb more as compared to the hard
non-porous materials. Due to this property powdered
charcoal is used in gas masks

(2) Surface area of the solid

(i) The extent of adsorption depends directly upon
the surface area of the adsorbent, i.e. larger the
surface area of the adsorbent, greater is the extent of
(ii) Surface area of a powdered solid adsorbent
depends upon its particle size. Smaller the
particle size, greater is its surface area
(3) Effect of temperature
(i) As adsorption is accompanied by evolution of heat,
so according to the Le-Chatelier’s principle, the
magnitude of adsorption should decrease with rise in
(ii) A physical adsorption isobar shows a decrease in x/m
(where ‘m’ is the mass of the adsorbent and ‘x’ that of
adsorbate) as the temperature rises.
(iii) The isobar of chemisorption show an
increase in the beginning and then decrease as
the temperature rises.

Adsorption isotherms

1. A mathematical equation, which describes

the relationship between pressure (p) of the
gaseous adsorbate and the extent of
adsorption at any fixed temperature, is called
adsorption isotherms.
2. The extent of adsorption is expressed as mass of
the adsorbate adsorbed on one unit mass of the
3. Thus, if x g of an adsorbate is adsorbed on m g
of the adsorbent, then
Freundlich adsorption isotherm

1. Freundlich adsorption isotherm is obeyed by the

adsorptions where the adsorbate forms a monomolecular
layer on the surface of theadsorbent.
2. k and n are constant at a particular temperature and for a
particular adsorbent and adsorbate (gas), n is always
greater than one, indicating that the amount of the gas
adsorbed does not increase as rapidly as the pressure.

Application of adsorption

1. Production of high vacuum

2. In Gas masks : This apparatus is used to adsorb

poisonous gases (e.g. oxide of sulphur etc.) and thus
purify the air for breathing.

3. For desiccation or dehumidification : These substances

can be used to reduce/remove water vapours or moisture
present in the air. Silica gel and alumina are used for
dehumidification in electronic equipment.

4. Removel of colouring matter from solution : (i) Animal

charcoal removes colours of solutions by adsorbing
coloured impurities. (ii) Animal charcoal is used as
decolouriser in the manufacture of cane sugar.

5. Heterogeneous catalysis : Mostly heterogeneous catalytic

reactions proceed through the adsorption of gaseous
reactants on solid catalyst.
6. Separation of inert gases : Due to the difference in
degree of adsorption of gases by charcoal, a mixture of
inert gases can be separated by adsorption on coconut
charcoal atdifferent low temperatures.

7. Softening of hard water

(i) The hard water is made to pass through a
column packed with zeolite (sodium aluminium
(ii) Ca•••++, Mg++ ions which are responsible for
hardness, get adsorbed on zeolite, exchanging sodium

(iii) The exhausted zeolite is regenerated with 10% of

sodium chloride solution.

(8) In curing diseases : A number of drugs are

adsorbed on the germs and kill them or these are
adsorbed on the tissues and heat them
(9) Froth floatation process
A low grade sulphide ore is concentrated by separating it from
silica and other earthy matter by this method
(10) In dyeing : Many dyes get adsorbed on the cloth
either directly or by the use of mordants

It would be my pleasure to
express my sincere thanks to My
Chemistry Teacher Mr. D.K.
Sharma In providing a helping
hand in this project. His valuable
guidance, support and
supervision all
through this project titled: “Surface
Chemistry ”, are responsible for
attaining its present form.

This is to certify that Payal Kumari of class XII has

successfully completed the investigatory project on
the topic.
“Surface Chemistry “ under the guidance of
Mr. D.K. Sharma During the year 2018- 19 in
the chemistry practical examination held by

Examiner Signature

This is to certify that Payal Kumari of class XII has

successfully completed the investigatory project on
the topic.
“Surface Chemistry “ under the guidance of
Mr. D.K. Sharma During the year 2018- 19 in
the chemistry practical examination held by

1. NCERT Text Book

2. Slide Share
3. Bijus.Com
4. YouTube

1. Adsorption
2. Some basic terms used in
3. Characteristics of adsorption
4. Classification of adsorption
5. Factors which affect the extent
of adsorption
6. Adsorption isotherms

7. Freundlich adsorption

8. Application of adsorption

Surface chemistry deals with the study of phenomena that occur at

the surfaces or interfaces of substances, like adsorption,
heterogeneous catalysis, formation of colloids, corrosion,
crystallization, dissolution, electrode processes, chromatography
The physical boundary of any condensed phase like liquid or
solid is considered as surface. It separates one phase from the
other. It can be considered as series of points which make a plane
or layer where one phase ends and the other begins. The surface
may be uni-layered or multi-layered.
The interfaces that exist between two immiscible liquids like oil
and water; between a metal and a gas like platinum and hydrogen;
a liquid and a gas etc., are some examples.
The interfaces between two phases can be represented as:
phase1/phase2 or phase1-phase2

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