HIG1-04 - Grave Disturbance
HIG1-04 - Grave Disturbance
HIG1-04 - Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
A One-Round D&D 3rd Edition LIVING GREYHAWK™ Adventure
by Chris Tulach
The Smiling Halls of Good Fortune, temple to Norebo in Verbeeg Hill, wants your help. They promise good
pay and easy work. It seems as though you're in for a break from danger and death at every turn. Then again, it
is a long journey from Highfolk town to Verbeeg Hill… Recommended for investigative PCs. A Slow Rot,
Part 1. An adventure for characters level 2-6.
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Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
defeated. If this is done, notes are found in his lair detailing some money, from the rumors that have gone around.
of his plans for the town and for Polgin. • Time is important, as the temple needs heroes as soon as
If the heroes do not act quickly, the next night Farrick comes possible. It would be good of you to leave today, if you can.
for Polgin. In this instance, the PCs must fight the vampire • (If the PCs are particularly uninterested) You know, it would
spawn to save the lives of Polgin and his acolytes. not be wise to upset the followers of the god of fortune. Your
luck can change when you least expect it…
Player Introduction Mercermillan will be able to offer the PCs (as a group) 30 solars
(gp) to help with equipment costs. He promises that the temple
Yet another cold, wet day greets you this Patchwall morning. The will reimburse the PCs for travel costs incurred along the way
slate grey sky deadens the vivid colors of the forest town of Highfolk. (contingent upon acceptance of the mission). He also suggests
Despite your best efforts to wrap in warmer garb, the rain soaks that the heroes travel together as a group, as there is safety in
though, chilling your body. Everyone on the streets moves about numbers, and it would look very impressive if an adventuring
quickly from shelter to shelter, avoiding the watery kiss of a winter company presented themselves to the temple. If needed, the cler-
not long off. ic gives the PCs a map, and tells them to follow the Quagflow
As you are making your way through the merchant’s quarter, Road north to Verbeeg Hill. He then wishes the luck of Norebo
you hear a voice rising up over the sounds of a rainy autumn morn- to follow them, and departs.
ing. A human male, in bright orange and yellow clothing, sporting At this time, it is a good time for the PCs to introduce them-
a long mustache, is standing at the corner of an intersection. He selves. Have each player describe his/her character, and intro-
points over in (choose a PC) direction, and speaks. “You there, you duce him or herself in character. The heroes are then free to
look like a hero! Have I an assignment for you! Easy gold for one make any preparations they wish for the journey ahead. Let the
such as brave and steadfast as yourself!” players know that it is about 6 days’ journey to Verbeeg Hill on
horseback, and about 10 on foot.
This man is Mercermillan, a cleric of Norebo (male human
Clr2; Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7). A successful Knowledge (religion)
check at DC 5 reveals that the eight-sided dice he is wearing
around his neck is the holy symbol of Norebo, god of gambling.
Encounter 1:
He is attempting to recruit the heroes to help the Smiling Halls Screams in the Night
of Good Fortune, temple to Norebo (god of gambling) in Verbeeg
Hill (a town about 180 miles north of Highfolk). He has been Note to Judge: When the PCs set off on their journey, have them
sent by his temple to find experienced adventurers to serve as determine a marching order, as well as a night watch schedule.
guards for the gambling hall. The temple recently had an inci- The heroes will also need to purchase tents and other items that
dent involving theft of some money by several of the gambling will help to keep them warm when they camp outside.
hall guards, who were promptly fired for their actions. They are The first four days of the journey to Verbeeg Hill pass by
however, short-staffed, and are in need of some help for a few uneventfully. The rain and cold do not let up during the trip,
weeks while they train up a local staff. Plus, having great adven- which makes for miserable traveling weather. The first three
turers around the gambling house will draw more visitors just nights, the heroes are able to stay at various inns and boarding
out of curiosity. houses along the road. On the fourth night, they must make
Mercermillan talks up the excitement and good pay of the job camp outdoors. Read the following:
offer, all the while remaining very vague about the actual duties
of the employee. He knows adventurers like adventure, but also Your journey so far has been uneventful and miserable, due in no
that they enjoy easy money as well. Mercermillan attempts to small part to the incessant chilling rain and the poor road condi-
cater to either (or both) of these desires. He talks to each of the tions. Luckily, you have spent the first three nights at inns and
PCs in turn, and makes them an offer. The cleric has the follow- boarding houses along the Quagflow Road. Tonight however, you
ing information to impart: must bed down on the muddy, cold ground. Just after dusk, you
• You are to be employed by the Smiling Halls of Good Fortune find a Wayfarer’s Stone, set by the faithful of Fharlanghn, which
in Verbeeg Hill. This is the temple and gaming hall devoted marks a campsite. You bed down within a ring of trees, just off of
to Norebo, god of gambling and good fortune. the road.
• The mission (or adventure, never just job) is confidential, and
can only be revealed to you when you arrive at the temple in Undead Attack
Verbeeg Hill. Determine which PC(s) are on watch at about midnight. Make
• The adventure promises to pay well (as the temple often certain to note which heroes are sleeping in armor; if they are, be
does), and it is certain to be exciting. It should be fairly easy sure to assess the -2 penalty on Strength and Dexterity to those
Grave Disturbance
sleeping in armor with an armor check penalty of -5 or worse +3, Jump +6, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Spot +8. Feats:
(Player’s Handbook, pg. 105), starting the next morning. The next Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite).
text is read to all players, but the players of the PCs on watch will SA: Stench (Ex)—The stink of death and corruption sur-
get to act one round before the others. rounding these creatures is sickening. Those within 10 feet must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be racked with nausea, suf-
Late into the night, when the only sounds are that of the never- fering a -2 morale penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for
ending rainfall, a scream pierces the silence! An elven woman, 1d6+4 minutes. Paralysis (Ex)—Those hit by a ghast’s bite or claw
dirty, worn, and wet, runs into the camp. The peasant falls to the attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be paralyzed
ground near you, crying and screaming like one touched by mad- for 1d6+4 minutes. Even elves are vulnerable to this paralysis.
ness. She is shaking uncontrollably; it must be more than the Create spawn (Su)—In most cases, ghouls devour those they kill.
cold. The elf looks up at you, with mortal fear in her eyes, and From time to time, however, the bodies of their victims lie where
says, “They’re coming for me! Help me, please! Save me!” they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Casting bless on
Just then, you see several creatures emerge just outside of the a body before the end of that time averts the transformation.
camp. From here, their forms are a bit difficult to make out, but SQ: Undead—Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
they appear to be humanoid in shape, with eyes that burn like sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
hot coals. As they move a bit closer, you can make out the true subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
nature of the things: tattered rags wear upon decaying flesh, massive damage.
pulled so tightly against their yellowed bones that the skin tears
at the joints. One of the foul beasts is more horrific than the oth- Tier 3 (EL 7)
ers, as the skin on its face has been torn off, bits of which hang
Ghouls (6): use stat block above.
from its chin. In an unholy voice it speaks, “Thank you for lead-
ing us to such a feast! Your marrow will taste so sweet as I suck it
Ghast: use stat block above.
from your bones!” The undead move to attack.
Tier 2 (EL 5) Development: After the combat is over, read the following:
Ghouls (3): CR 1; Medium-size Undead (6 ft. tall); HD 2d12; hp
The horrid creatures lie broken and motionless at your feet. The
13 (each); Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural);
elven woman, realizing that you have emerged victorious, begins
Atks +3/+0 melee (1d6+1 and paralysis bite, 1d3[x2] and paralysis
to calm down. Her dirty, tear-streaked face looks up at you, and
claws); SA paralysis, create spawn; SQ undead immunities; AL
she slowly rises to her feet. Underneath the wet grime, you can
CE; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5.
see that she is older than many of you, yet not an elder.
Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16.
“I thank you for helping me. My name is Ilynni. I lived in
Skills: Climb +6, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Intuit Direction
Weeping Willow, a small village just up the road a ways.”
+3, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Spot +7. Feats:
Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite).
Ilynni (female high elf Com1; hp 3; Profession (farmer) +5)
SA: Paralysis (Ex)—Those hit by a ghoul’s bite or claw attack
must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for
The heroes have questions for her. She is upset, but coherent.
1d6+2 minutes. Elves are immune to this paralysis. Create spawn
Here is the information that Ilynni has at her disposal:
(Su)—In most cases, ghouls devour those they kill. From time to
• I was walking through the village, out to the well to get some
time, however, the bodies of their victims lie where they fell, to
water. Normally, I don’t go out late at night, but I needed
rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Casting bless on a body
some water for my basin. I passed by the new graveyard and
before the end of that time averts the transformation.
saw some people there. I called out to them, and when they
SQ: Undead—Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
approached me, I could see that they were walking corpses,
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
so I ran. They’ve been following me for hours. It is fortunate
subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
that you camped here this evening, or I would have
massive damage.
collapsed, and they surely would have killed me.
• Weeping Willow is a farming community of about 120 folk
Ghast: CR 3; Medium-size Undead (6 ft. tall); HD 4d12; hp 26;
just a few hours up the road from here. It is so named for the
Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural); Atks +4/+1
willow trees that grow throughout the area; when it rains, the
melee (1d8+1 and paralysis bite, 1d4[x2] and paralysis claws); SA
droplets are like tears falling from the trees.
stench, paralysis, create spawn; SQ undead immunities; AL CE;
• I am not going back to Weeping Willow. My husband is dead,
SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6.
and I have sent my children to Highfolk to live with their
Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16.
Skills: Climb +6, Escape Artist +8, Hide +8, Intuit Direction
Grave Disturbance
• I will be heading to Highfolk in the morning from here. eral hundred yards from the road on either side, and ahead of you
There is an inn down the road about half a day’s walk from are several buildings that cling tightly to the trail that continues
here. I will wait for another kind stranger to take me back at north toward Verbeeg Hill. Some farmers and other common
the inn. Even though I have no money, I hope that someone folk are walking about hurriedly, no doubt trying to keep from
will take me along with them. getting soaked. A two-story inn, the sign outside proclaiming it
• My husband, Jyrin, passed away two weeks ago. He had an the Shady Leaf, is the nearest building to you, on the right-hand
accident down by the creek, and split open his head. Polgin, side of the road.
the village cleric, says that he must have slipped on a mossy
rock while fishing. Accident or no, Polgin is still to blame. Give the players Map 1. They are free to explore about the village.
• Polgin is the one who wanted the graveyard moved. About The farmers that live in Weeping Willow are friendly, but not
four weeks ago, the earth shook, and when we awoke the next awestruck. They live along a trade road, and see many adventur-
morning, we found the graveyard destroyed. All the dead ers travel through on their way to danger. They also seem to be a
were thrown about, and many of the coffins were broken. We little on edge, afraid of something (the curse). The villagers try
fixed the coffins, and laid the dead to rest. Polgin was the one not to let it show, but many of them are on the edge of outright
who suggested moving the graveyard away from where the panic. If anyone mentions the story of Ilynni, and her encounter
earth was overturned, so we listened to him. Ever since then, with undead, the villager goes to get Myrindil to talk with the
there has been a curse on the village. PCs.
• Five people have died in the past four weeks. All of the deaths
seem to be accidents. A horse trampled Ershwin, Ulee fell on Layout of Weeping Willow
her sickle, the hayloft collapsed on Norholm, and Olvilyn
The buildings in Weeping Willow consist mostly of one-story
stepped on a rusty nail and died the next morning. Of course,
homes, made entirely of wood. There is not one stone living
my husband also was a victim of these accidents. Polgin has
structure in the hamlet. All of the buildings appear to be well
brought this curse upon us for moving the dead!
made, except for a couple of farmhouses and barns that have been
• I think those undead are part of the curse. They have
abandoned for quite some time.
probably come now to take vengeance upon the town for our
The Quagflow Road runs north through the village and cross-
es Chirping Creek just at the edge of town. The farmlands stretch
• If you can help out Weeping Willow, that would be a great
out to either side of the hamlet, and squash crops in the fields
thing. I have many friends there that I would not want to see
mark the final harvest of the year. Special features of Weeping
harmed. If you go there, talk to Myrindil. He is the town
Willow are noted below; the corresponding number appears on
speaker, and is much wiser than the cleric. Avoid him if you
Map 1.
can. He has brought the curse upon the village because of his
1. Shady Leaf Inn
This two-story timber structure bears a sign outside its doors stat-
Ilynni asks the PCs if she can stay with them for tonight. She is
ing, “Shady Leaf Inn”, underneath which a smaller sign hangs
not physically harmed, but is very exhausted. The elf sleeps
which reads, “Welcome”. Around the side, you see a stable for
through much of the morning, and walks south towards
horses. Entering the place, it is cozy and inviting inside. A crack-
Highfolk at lunchtime on the next day. The PCs may escort her if
ling fire staves off the outside air, and many local farmers are sit-
they wish; otherwise, she insists she’ll be fine. Ilynni implores
ting about, warming themselves before making the long trudge
the heroes to find out what is wrong with Weeping Willow
back to their fields. A curly-haired, bearded halfling male stands
before another soul dies from the curse.
behind the raised bar, and smiles as you enter.
Note: at any time, a PC or PCs wish to continue to head on to Verbeeg
The halfling’s name is Corbeen Pickerwin (male lightfoot
Hill for the employment opportunity, the adventure is over for them. Go
halfling Exp3; hp 9; Profession (innkeeper) +7), and he (along
directly to the final subheading in the conclusion, labeled “Over Before It
with his family) runs the Shady Leaf. His two daughters, Tilda
Even Began”.
and Milly, serve the patrons drinks and food. Mirten and Rook,
his sons, clean up the rooms and common area, tend to the sta-
bled animals, and tend bar when Corbeen isn’t around. All of his
Encounter 2: Weeping Willow children are in their early to late twenties. Corbeen’s wife,
Up the Quagflow Road a few hours away lay a small hamlet that Fillinda, is the cook, and makes sumptuous meals.
must surely be Weeping Willow. The cold rain still falls today, Corbeen is more than happy to talk to any PCs that enter his
and the willow trees do indeed look sorrowful in this dismal establishment. He loves to hear tales of adventure, and recounts
weather. You can see various farmhouses and barns scattered sev- other tales he’s heard from other travelers. His daughters and
Grave Disturbance
wife roll their eyes whenever he begins telling another’s tale, as This is the meeting hall that is used as Weeping Willow’s gather-
he’s sure to forget important details, or the outcome of the story. ing area for formal and informal meetings, as well as for feasting
The innkeeper charges one solar (gp) a night for staying at the and festivals. There is nothing more of interest here.
Shady Leaf. He also suggests that for an additional solar, meals can
be provided. There are 10 rooms available upstairs. He is not too 4. Religuth’s Goods
worried about the strange accidents for his own safety, but is con- Further down the road, you note a shop. The green lettering out-
cerned about his wife and children. Corbeen is more than happy to side the door reads, “Religuth’s Goods”. The windows in the place
share the following information with PCs that patronize him: are all made of glass, and through them you see a stout half-elven
• He knows all of the details that Ilynni knew, but does not man who waves you on in.
share the same disdain for the cleric as she did. Many others As you enter the well-stocked store, he says, “Ho there.
supported the cleric’s idea, and it is no one’s fault in particular. Name’s Religuth. What can I get ya?”
• Corbeen is toying with the idea of sending his wife and
daughters to Stoutstump (a halfling community about a day’s Religuth (male half-elf Com2; hp 8; Appraising +3, Spot +6)
journey north of here), as his family’s safety is beginning to keeps his store in good shape, and caters to travelers as well as vil-
worry him. lagers. He makes enough money so his wife (a human named
• Ershwin, a farmer and drunkard, was killed out by the stable Ritta) does not need to work.
late in the evening a few weeks ago, just after the graveyard Heroes may purchase any items worth 20 gp or less from the
was moved. He spooked a horse, and it ran him over as he set Player’s Handbook, page 108, Table 7-7: Goods and Services,
it loose. If the PCs are shown the stable, there is nothing of under the heading Adventuring Gear. PCs may purchase farming
note in the area. tools (such as sickles and scythes) that double as emergency
• Corbeen sends Mirten to go fetch Myrindil if the heroes tell weapons (-2 to hit and to damage). Also, PCs may find wooden
him about a possible undead presence in the hamlet. stakes for use with setting up tents here for sale as well, at a cost
of 1 small lunar (sp) for four. This may come in handy later on in
2. Myrindil’s Home the adventure.
A well appointed home sits on the left side of the road, across Religuth will share the following information with the PCs,
from a large hall. Vines and carefully tended shrubs cloak the if asked (in addition to any common knowledge that Ilynni ini-
house in green. A white door sports a red harp upon a tree-filled tially gave the PCs):
field. • He is not leaving here, no matter what. This is a prime spot
for his business, and he’s not giving up his livelihood over
This is the home of Myrindil Riverstone, town speaker (effec- some stupid curse.
tively a mayor). He is also a very minor noble of clan Krysalyn, • Religuth doesn’t care for the cleric, Polgin. He is a weak-
House Riverstone. Heroes that succeed at a Knowledge (nobility) willed man whose only decisions are wrong ones. “I’m
skill check (DC 10) will recognize the symbol on the door as surprised his other two acolytes don’t run off like the first one
belonging to the Krysalyn Clan (elves get a +2 bonus to the roll). did last year”.
They are well known as hunters and trackers, and also have talent • If asked about the other acolyte, he simply states that he was
with silversmithing and leatherworking. named Farrick, and he didn’t get along well with Polgin. The
The door is locked during the day. Heroes attempting to enter villagers looked for him for a few days, but never found him.
without Myrindil’s permission may be seen by passing villagers. He must have run off.
Inside, there are fine woodcrafts and knickknacks all about the • Myrindil’s an all right fellow. He fought against Iuz’s forces in
rooms. A fine longsword hangs over the mantle. Unless the the Vesve a few years’ back. After that, he settled down here,
heroes visit his home after nightfall, he will not be home. If they and helped us build a small community. Weeping Willow’s
do find him here, use the information presented under his sub- been here for eight years now.
heading later in the encounter.
5 and 6. Two Graveyards
3. Meeting Hall These areas are explained in detail in Encounter 3.
A long, tall one-story structure stands in the center of the town.
Willow trees surround the building, and a set of large double- 7. Weeping Willow’s Well
doors appears slightly ajar. Near the double doors hangs a large This wood and stone well stands within easy arrow’s shot of the
brass bell, with a ringing cord attached. creek, the road, and the graveyards. The well is about a
Entering the building, you note many wooden chairs, and a longsword’s length wide, and seems to go down for quite a ways.
dais towards the back end. Unlit fireplaces flank either side of the A wooden bucket hangs from a rope winch.
hall, and the large room seems to be empty.
There is nothing overly special about the well itself. It goes down
Grave Disturbance
into the ground about 40 feet, of which the last 15 Map 1: Weeping Willow
feet is water.
There is something special in the well. When
Farrick left a year ago, he tossed his necklace of prayer
beads down the well in disgust. It sits at the bottom of
the well, immersed in water. If a detect magic spell is
used, there is a faint aura of magic coming from
down the well shaft. The school of magic cannot be
determined, unless the caster looks directly at the
prayer beads, in which case the enchantment school
of magic is revealed with a successful Spellcraft
check (DC 16).
To get to the magic item, a hero will have to
climb down the well. Tossing a rope down the well
and climbing down requires no skill check. If a hero
wishes to climb down unaided by a rope the Climb
check is DC 10.
8. Harvesthope Shrine
This area is detailed under Encounter 4.
Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
• Ilynni found her husband; she has since left Weeping Willow. The New Graveyard
• Thilee found Norholm in the barn. Her response is listed
As the heroes approach point 6 on Map 1, read the following text
to them:
• Kerrin found Olvilyn’s body. He left the following day, full of
fear of his own life.
Here, the wet, bare ground holds the dead of Weeping Willow.
The wooden head markers (several of which are broken or
Abandoned Barns cracked) mark tidy little rows of graves. Several soaked and
If the PCs decide to ask which barns are now abandoned (or they muddy wildflowers lie at the base of many of the markers.
investigate all the barns on the map to find the abandoned ones),
give the players Map 2. Going to Ershwin’s barn (the barn at the Give the heroes Handout 1 if they decide to read the names on
far northeast of the map) reveals some strange things, as well as the markers. If the heroes wish to dig up the graves (an act that
the lair of Farrick. Go to Encounter 7. the villagers will detest, but not interfere with), they must first
fetch some tools from Religuth’s Goods. Obtaining the tools is a
What Really Happened little difficult, as Religuth does not want to sell his merchandise
to gravediggers. A Diplomacy check (DC 15) will be needed to
Farrick, the vampire spawn, has returned to his old home to do
get the goods, which will cost 150% of the standard Player’s
evil. The undead creature fed upon each “accident” victim, and
Handbook prices.
then he tore off his or her face to power the skin mask (an unholy
Have the PCs determine who they are unearthing. It takes
magic item that allows him to alter self on his form when activat-
about 30 minutes, with the proper tools, to dig up a coffin (the
ed). After doing so, he used dust of death’s mask, a variant of the dust
pouring rain makes it a little difficult). Consult the DM Handout.
of illusion that changes the features of a corpse rather than a crea-
If one of the asterisked graves is dug up, the PCs find no body. If
ture, to alter the victim’s appearance (so his fang marks and the
it is one without an asterisk, a body is found (the judge is free to
torn face could be covered up). He intended to have the villagers
improvise how the villager died).
find them each during the night, as it was the custom of Weeping
After a while of digging, it should become apparent that no
Willow to bury its dead as soon as possible. After the dead were
elven corpses are found. In addition, all of the people that have had
buried, he had the ghouls dig them up the same night, and deposit
“accidental” deaths are missing. All the other corpses are still buried.
the bodies near the Ershwin’s barn, where his lair is located.
He used his skin mask to alter his appearance to alert the vil-
lagers to the deaths of both Ulee and Olvilyn (thus accounting
for Religuth’s loss of memory—he wasn’t there). He did not need Encounter 4: Harvesthope Shrine
to masquerade as other villagers for the deaths of the others, as This area is point 8 on Map 1. Read the following as the heroes
the villagers themselves found the other three victims. approach:
Grave Disturbance
This is Polgin, cleric of Phyton, and tender of the shrine. His two them. Just get rid of whatever it is that is plaguing our village. Oh,
acolytes, Jarius and Morthin, are doing chores and making din- and if they help, tell them that I gave them to you!”
ner. He thinks little of them, as he believes that they will never
hear the Woodshaper’s call. Polgin is a good man overall, but his Inside the chest are a silvered dagger, a silvered sickle, a silvered
nasal voice, course disposition, penchant for exaggeration, and scimitar (which Polgin hands to a cleric of Phyton, if one is pres-
quick temper make him difficult to deal with on a daily basis. If ent), and a silvered scythe with the words “Reaper’s Foe” carved
questioned, Polgin can relate the following information to the on the butt of the handle.
• The morning after the earth uprooted the graves, I instructed Polgin, male human Clr2 (Phyton): Medium humanoid (5 ft. 6
the villagers to build a new gravesite near the old one. The old in. tall); HD 2d8; hp 13; Init -1; Spd 30; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Atks +0
gravesite was too up heaved to bury the dead there again. I melee (1d6-1, sickle); SA Spells, turn undead; SQ Spells,
even had them make it look nicer by burying the bodies in Domains: Plant and Water; AL CG (N); SV Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +5.
even rows. Str 9, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.
• Apparently, something strange has happened since that day. Skills: Craft (sculpture) +5, Knowledge (nature) +9, Profession
People have been having accidents, deadly ones. Many say (farmer) +9. Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Knowledge (nature)),
that there is a curse on Weeping Willow. I am certain that Skill Focus (Profession (farmer)).
there has to be another explanation. I try to help the village SQ: Domains (Sp)—Polgin has access to the domains of Plant
by proposing a different burial site, and everyone’s accusing and Water. Plant: Rebuke or command plant creatures as an evil
me of bringing a curse upon the place! cleric rebukes or commands undead. Polgin can use this ability 2
• I took a look at the accident victims. They all seemed like times per day. Knowledge (nature) is a class skill. Water: Turn or
strange, but very probable means of demise. Nothing destroy fire creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke or
unusual seemed to be at work there. command water creatures as an evil cleric rebukes or commands
• Jarius and Morthin may never hear the call of Phyton, but at undead. Polgin can use these abilities 2 times per day.
least they’re better acolytes than that Farrick. He was Equipment: Robes, holy symbol of Phyton, sickle (for emer-
obnoxious, rude, and lazy! Even ask the other villagers; they’ll gencies only)
agree with me on this one! Spells Prepared (4/3+1): 0—create water, detect poison, light,
• Farrick ran away from here about a year ago. I guess he just mending; 1st—bless, bless water, entangle (e), sanctuary.
didn’t have what it took to serve the Harvester. Personality Traits: Bad-tempered, cowardly, embellisher, self-
• If you’re here to help solve the problem, I wish you luck. I’m serving.
certain that it’ll be something other than a “curse”. If it turns
out I’m right, please come by and tell me. Then the villagers Polgin’s acolytes, Jarius and Morthin, are in their late teens
and Myrindil would learn not to blame me right away! (male human Com1; hp 4). The only thing they know of value
• If Polgin is shown the necklace found in the well, he becomes was that Farrick always disliked both of them, and said they were
wide-eyed. He says it was Farrick’s, given to him by his rich too weak-willed to ever become clerics. They both go dutifully
uncle. “I would be more than happy to take it off your hands back to their chores after a short questioning.
for these.” He then produces the silvered weapons, and wants
to trade them all for the necklace. If the PCs do not agree, he Treasure (given to the PCs from Polgin):
merely sighs and comments on how handy these weapons • Silvered dagger
could be against werecreatures and such. He will still give • Silvered sickle
them the weapons (albeit grudgingly) if they mention the • Silvered scimitar
possible undead threat. • Silvered masterwork scythe. It bears the name “Reaper’s Foe”
on the butt of the handle.
If the heroes should mention the undead, or if Polgin heard
about it from some of the villagers (that is, the PCs were telling
the commoners about the undead sightings), Polgin’s face turns Encounter 5: Another Victim
white. He quickly regains his composure, and tells the PCs to
“wait here a moment”. He goes into his room, and drags back a After walking around the village and gathering information,
long, wooden trunk. night begins to fall. The PCs may retire back to the inn for some
rest and to reflect upon what they have learned. Well into the
Huffing and puffing, Polgin drags a large, long trunk across the evening, one of the villagers (a younger farmer named Kale),
floor towards you. He sets it down, and with a loud sigh, opens runs into the inn and informs everyone there that another acci-
the lid. Inside are several gleaming weapons of silver. dent has occurred. Read the following:
“I don’t know what good these will do you, but you can have
Grave Disturbance
As you stave off the cold inside the Shady Leaf Inn, a young walls of the large room. Once the conversations have died down
human male runs into the common room. He yells out, “Another to a low din, Myrindil speaks, his voice filled with sadness.
accident! There’s been another accident! Over at the Hekart’s “People of Weeping Willow, we cannot suffer any more from
place! Old man Hekart is dead!” The lad then runs out, yelling at this curse! This is the sixth person to die in just four weeks! We
the porch of the next house. have not lost this many good folk in two years prior to this!
Therefore, it is with great reservation, that I say this to you.
The PCs can get quick directions to Bolinus Hekart’s establish- I advise all of you to leave this town. Gather up your posses-
ment. It is easy enough to find, however, since a crowd has gath- sions and families, and go somewhere else. I know that some of
ered just outside the building. you have nowhere to go, but even the slums of Greyhawk City
would be better than not knowing whether you or your loved
A throng of farmers and villagers stand around the body of an ones would be the next victim. I will stay as long as needed to
older human male. A woman lies on the muddy ground next to make certain that everyone that wishes to depart is able to leave.
his lifeless body, crying uncontrollably. She pounds her fists in After that, I will leave as well.
the mud, sending streaks of brown across her white dress. I have failed you all as town speaker. I have not been able to
Collapsing in a gibbering heap, she is helped to her feet by sever- protect and provide for you in this, your greatest time of need.
al villagers and brought back inside her home. Now, I can only hope that your journey from this place will be
Polgin approaches you. Several villagers are shouting “curse- swift, and that in years to come, only good memories will remain
bringer”, “arrogant fool”, and other unfriendly words as the cleric of the community we worked so hard to build. I am sorry it has
walks up to you. “His name was Bolinus Hekart. His wife said come to this. I will call for carriages from Verbeeg Hill in the
that she heard him tumble down the stairs. He’s always had trou- morning.”
ble walking ever since he cut himself bad with that scythe…”
With that said, Myrindil steps down from the dais, and walks out
The villagers part the way to let the heroes take a look at the body. the door. The villagers are screaming at Polgin, blaming him for
A successful Heal check (DC 10) reveals that the man died of a all the deaths. Polgin leaves the hall right behind Myrindil,
broken neck. The wounds are consistent with that of someone before things get violent. Many people sit in the hall for a time,
falling down stairs. If any detailed observation is done (more some angry, some weeping, some just sitting in silence. As the
than one round) or a hero states that they are disbelieving the PCs interact with the villagers, feel free to express the frustration
wounds, secretly roll a Will save (DC 11). If the save is successful, and hopelessness the people feel. It should become obvious to
pull the PC(s) aside and read the following: the PCs that these people need their help now, before these folk
abandon their community.
All of a sudden, the image before you melts away, and reveals a
much more horrific sight. The face of the man is nothing more
than fleshy pulp, as if some animal had savagely clawed it off! The Encounter 6: Where Are You
body is also very pale, almost white. Two small puncture wounds
are visible on the side of his neck! Going With That Corpse?
Some heroes may wish to remain outside, perhaps to see if any-
The characters that view this scene are free to react appropriate-
thing strange or unusual goes on while the meeting is taking
ly. Note that telling the villagers what they see is a bad idea; they
place. Something strange does happen. If the PCs follow the
fly into a uncontrollable panic if this course of action is taken.
farmers to the graveyard, read the following:
Telling Myrindil only strengthens his resolve to save his people
by convincing them to leave the town. Modify the speech below
The farmers take the body of old man Hekart to the new grave-
as appropriate.
yard. Once they arrive, however, they begin to head off to the east
Regardless of the situation, in a few moments, the bell at the
with the body!
meeting hall begins to ring. A farmer cries out, “Meeting at once!
Meeting at once! By the order of the town speaker!”
If the heroes wish to stop them now, they may do so. Questioning
Polgin tells three of the farmers to prepare the body for bur-
them reveals much of the same information if the heroes decide
ial (unless the PCs object). The farmers take the body off to the
to follow along (read the text further below if the characters stop
graveyard. All of the folk outside the home begin to move
the farmers now).
towards the meeting hall.
If the PCs continue to follow, they need to make Hide and
Move Silently skill checks. Due to the pouring rain, and the sheer
Most of the residents of Weeping Willow have gathered here in
dullness of the farmers, the highest Listen/Spot check made is an
this late hour. Myrindil stands at the dais, waiting for everyone to
8. If the tailing heroes pass their checks, the farmers carry on
take his or her seat. Two young boys stoke the fireplaces on the
about their business. Read the following (the heroes may inter-
Grave Disturbance
rupt the text at any time): tures as old man Hekart: they all have their faces torn off, punc-
ture wounds in their necks, and have been drained of all their
The trio of farmers takes the body to one of the farms, a few hun- blood. Feel free to read the description in Encounter 5 to play-
dred yards to the east of the village. Next to the barn, they reach ers that have not heard it yet.
down on the ground and grab shovels. They begin to dig into the One other hole is found among the graves. If dug up, read the
mud, apparently digging a grave for the recently deceased following:
Bolinus. After finishing the hole, they deposit Bolinus’ corpse,
fill the hole, and begin to depart. From this grave, you dig up a gruesome mess. Clumps of rotting
flesh, internal organs, and masses of skin are found within the
The heroes may confront the men. Kirwyn, Jonath, and Pergrin muddy tomb. It appears as though the tissues and organs were
(male human Com1; hp 4) do not reveal why they buried the man ripped off of various bodies. A few of the organs look like some
at this spot. It is only with either convincing (Diplomacy skill animal has gnawed upon them.
check DC 15), or threats (Intimidate skill check DC 10) that they
unloosen their tongues: These are the remains of several corpses that were brought here
• Myrindil told us right after the man died to take him to the by the mysterious stranger. They were shed of all their flesh, and
gravesite, but then head for Ershwin’s farm. He told us to were animated into skeletons. The skeletons are now bound to
bury him right outside the barn, and that shovels would be the service of Farrick.
there for us.
• He has had us take each body here. After we’re done, we Inside the Barn
usually go back, put together a coffin, and bury that in the
The barn itself is in decent shape. If the characters head inside,
dead folk’s place. We get it all done in the same evening, so no
read them the following:
one knows any better.
• Myrindil said that since the town is cursed, perhaps burying
The barn looks to be kept well. Inside, there are many wooden
them somewhere else will help get rid of it. It doesn’t seem to
crates stacked against the east wall. A ladder leads up to a hayloft
be working all too well, though.
overlooking the west wall. Straw covers the ground. All is silent
from within; the only sound the falling of the cold Patchwall rain
A Sense Motive check (DC 25) reveals that all three of the men
have been magically influenced in some way. The real story
behind their motive is this: Farrick, disguised as Myrindil, has
The crates are all labeled as various wines and other liquors. There
used his charm attack to compel them to help him. He has done
is nothing but packing straw inside each. A Search check (DC 15)
this to the same group of farmers for each of the deaths. The PCs
reveals a trapdoor beneath a few of the crates. Opening the door
are free to deal with the farmers as they wish; the farmers just
exposes wooden stairs leading down.
want to get back to the village, finish the job, and get to sleep.
The PCs may decide to attack the farmers. They beg and plead
for mercy from the heroes as they are being attacked. They do not
Into the Lair
fight back. Killing the farmers would be considered an evil act, in With all of the activity above, Farrick is aware that someone is in
any circumstance. the barn. He prepares by covering the skeleton lying in the cof-
The heroes may decide to investigate Ershwin’s barn. If this is fin with dust of illusion, and then bolsters all the skeletons in the
the case, proceed to Encounter 7. cellar—the skeletons all count as 4 Hit Dice creatures for turning pur-
poses during the combat.
When the characters descend the stairs, read the following:
Encounter 7: The Lair of the Beast After descending the stairs for a few minutes, you reach what
Note to judge: This encounter is very deadly for a group of PCs below looks like a wine cellar. Against the far wall, where racks and
the minimum Tier for the scenario. Lower-level heroes (a Tier One party) racks of broken wine bottles sit, the floor is stained with the liq-
may have to realize they cannot deal with a threat of this magnitude. uid. In one corner of the room, just now within your light, you
With that said, the judge should not pull any punches if such a group notice a single wooden coffin.
knowingly enters the lair of a vampire (spawn).
Consult Map 3 for the layout of the room.
Outside the Barn The coffin is trapped, but not locked. The trap is a spring trap,
Searching the outside of the barn (Search check DC 15) reveals which shoots a poison needle at anyone attempting to open the
several hastily made graves. Within each grave is a villager (all of lid.
the villagers that recently died). Each one shares the same fea-
Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
(Ex)—A vampire spawn can climb sheer Map 2: Under the Barn
surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.
Fast Healing (Ex)—A vampire spawn heals 1
point of damage each round so long at it
has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit
points in combat, it automatically assumes
gaseous form and attempts to escape. It
must reach its coffin home within 2 hours
or be utterly destroyed. Once at rest in its
coffin, it regains 1 hit point after 1 hour,
then resumes healing at the rate of 1 hit
point a round. Domains (Sp)—Farrick has
access to the Domains of Death and Evil.
Death: Farrick may use a death touch once
a day. The death touch is a spell-like ability
that is a death effect. Farrick must succeed
at a melee touch attack against a living
creature (using the rules for touch spells).
When he touches, roll 3d6. If the total at
least equals the creature’s current hit
points, it dies. Evil: You cast evil spells at +1
caster level.
Equipment: One pinch of dust of illu-
sion, skin mask, unholy symbol of Nerull.
Spells Prepared (4/3+1/1+1): 0—detect magic, guidance, resist- Farrick’s Resting Place
ance, virtue; 1st—bane, cause fear*), command, doom; 2nd—death Beneath the floorboards in the secret room lies Farrick’s real cof-
knell*, hold person. fin. The heroes must succeed at a Search check (DC 18) to locate
*domain spells the area of the floor where the coffin is found underneath. His
Personality: Vicious, vindictive, cunning, ruthless, arrogant. real coffin is also trapped.
Tier 3 (EL 7) Poison needle trap: +10 ranged (1) + purple worm poison (Fort
save to resist (DC 24); 1d6 Str/1d6 Str); Search (DC 24), Disable
Skeletons (10): use stats above.
Device (DC 20).
Farrick, male vampire spawn Clr3 (Nerull): use stats above.
Inside the coffin (in addition to possibly Farrick and the equip-
ment listed above) is a bone scroll tube containing a message
Tactics: Farrick attempts to engage spellcasting PCs first, trying
from Farrick to his “master”. Give the PCs Handout 2. After the
to avoid strong fighting types. He uses his energy drain attack
battle and searching is done, go to the Conclusion.
first, and uses his spells to support him. He attempts to death
touch a foe that looks hurt. After nightfall, if he is down to less
Treasure from Farrick and his lair:
than 5 hit points, he goes into gaseous form and seeps up into the
• A pinch of dust of illusion
barn, making his way outside. He takes off into the wilderness,
• Bone scroll with note (Handout 3)
eventually losing the characters that attempt to follow. He then
• Skin mask. Note that this item is wholly evil, and is a relic ded-
makes his way back to the barn before sunrise, and reforms in his
icated to Nerull. After one week’s time, if the owner of the
coffin (if still intact). If his coffin is not intact, he is destroyed.
mask has not devoured another humanoid’s facial skin, it
Note that if he is at 0 hit points or less, he is only able to move
will melt away. Reference Appendix B for more information
about outside for 2 hours before returning to his coffin. During
on the skin mask.
daylight, Farrick seeps through the floor cracks if he is at less
Note: Under no circumstances will PCs be allowed to keep this mask. If
than 5 hit points. He then rests in his coffin, hoping that the PCs
a PC should figure out a way to activate the mask (by eating the flesh of
will not find him there. If found, he continues his battle, and
another humanoid), they will become corrupted, evil, and removed from
fights to the death.
play permanently.
Grave Disturbance
PCs that do not wear armor during the night do not currently
The PCs Stop Farrick After He Kills Polgin
have it on. They need to don the armor, or race out into the night, Finally, you have revealed the source of Weeping Willow’s
weapon in hand. “curse”. The undead creature is defeated, but the town paid a ter-
rible price: six of its villagers are dead, as well as the acolytes and
The commotion seems to be coming from the Harvesthope cleric of the Harvesthope Shrine. Myrindil assures you that
Shrine. People are gathered near the shrine’s entrance, but no you’ve done more than any could have asked for the small com-
one seems willing to enter. A look of fear is present on every sin- munity. Many drinks and meals are purchased in your honor,
gle villager’s face. and the gratitude Weeping Willow feels for you is worth much
more than gold alone.
Going into the shrine: As you bed down at the Shady Leaf after a night of revelry,
one thought continues to gnaw at your mind. Who is this “mas-
You behold a terrible sight as you enter the shrine to Phyton. The ter” Farrick referred to, and what evil plot is he hatching at this
two acolytes, Jarius and Morthin, lie slumped against the wall, moment? You drift off to sleep, hoping your final thoughts don’t
their heads cracked open and bleeding. At the far end, upon the turn into nightmares…
altar, lies the corpse of Polgin. His body is stark white, and his
neck bears feral puncture wounds. A strange, yellowish mist The PCs Cannot Stop the Attacks
seeps through a hole in the back wall of the shrine. The following morning, Myrindil sees off the first of the vil-
lagers departing Weeping Willow. Tears streak down their faces,
If the heroes follow the mist outside, they can track it back to as they leave a home they built with their own hands and hearts.
Farrick’s lair. There, he can be defeated as in Encounter 7. He is Myrindil is stoic, saying little through the entire affair, and you
not able to pull the ruse with the skin mask in time. He is able to can barely stand to be around him when he is helping the farm-
bolster the undead, however. ers depart.
A few days later, a quiet village at his back, Myrindil mounts
Use the statistics and combat tactics for Farrick as listed in his horse and slowly rides away in the cold Patchwall rain, never
Encounter 7. Describe him without the skin mask, altering the looking back over his shoulder. Only the innkeep Corbeen, and
text presented for Farrick’s first attack. the shop owner Religuth, remain; their families having left yes-
terday. What will become of them, and this cursed ghost of a vil-
Note to judge: If the heroes are unable to stop Farrick here, he is gone lage? You ponder these thoughts as you make your way home.
by the next morning, having completed his task. The barn in which he
made his lair is cleared of his presence (though the coffins and traps are
Wait, It’s Not Over Yet!
still there). Go to the failure conclusion listed below.
Several PCs might want to head to Verbeeg Hill to see about that
exciting job opportunity. When they arrive at the Smiling Halls
of Good Fortune, they are told that the positions of security
Grave Disturbance
guards for the gambling houses are filled, and to be more prompt
in the future. They are more than welcome to come in and try
some games of dice, though…
The End
Grave Disturbance
Experience Point Summary text of the adventure (e.g armor on foes). If it is not listed in
the text, the characters cannot keep it. Items of this nature
To award experience for this adventure, add up the values for the can be sold for 50% of book value, or recorded on a log sheet.
objectives accomplished. Then assign the discretionary roleplay- • Animals, followers, monsters, henchmen, and so forth (any
ing experience award. The roleplaying award should be given for living being, basically) may not be kept from a scenario for
consistent character portrayal and contribution to the fun of the any reason unless the treasure summary lists the being
game. You can award different roleplaying amounts to different specifically. It is okay for the player characters to form
characters. relationships with NPCs, but these will not be certed and
Award the total value (objectives plus roleplaying) to each cannot bring material benefit to the character. Contacts
character. (sources of extra information) must be specifically certed.
• Theft is against the law, but may be practiced by some player
Encounter 1 characters. Items which are worth more than 250 gp that are
Saving Ilynni and defeating the undead 100 xp of personal significance to the owner (including family
Questioning Ilynni 25 xp heir looms), and all magical items, will be discovered in the
possession of the character by one means or another. The
Encounter 2 character must return the item and pay a fine equal to three
Questioning more than 2 villagers 25 xp times the value of the item stolen. In addition, the PC caught
Speaking with those who found the bodies 25 xp receives campaign-decided penalties for being known as a
Finding the necklace in the well 25 xp thief, such as Infamy. For other stolen items which meet the
criteria in #1 above, use your judgment and the
Encounter 3 circumstances within the game to determine whether a PC
Figuring out that an earthquake spell may have been thief gets away with the theft or not.
involved 25 xp
Digging up the graves 25 xp Any item retained according to these rules, which does not have
Discovering all the new bodies are missing 25 xp a certificate, will not ever have a certificate issued for it.
Discovering all the elves are missing 50 xp The campaign staff reserves the right to take away any item
or gold acquired for things which it later finds unreasonable but
Encounter 4 which were allowed at the time.
Telling Polgin about the undead threat 25 xp
Encounter 5 Encounter 2
• Necklace of prayer beads (bless) (1 lb., fine brass work, 500 gp):
Seeing through the illusion 50 xp
This necklace is made of brass corn kernels. A golden charm
Not revealing the vampire’s presence to the villagers at
of a scimitar in front of an oak tree hangs off of the necklace.
large 50 xp
This magic item also doubles as a holy symbol for a cleric of
Encounter 6
Questioning the farmers 25 xp
Encounter 4
Encounter 7 • Silvered dagger (1 lb., silver, 10 gp): This silvered weapon has
Defeating Farrick and his undead minions 250 xp a wooden hilt, ornately carved with images of fruits and
Discovering information on the skin mask 25 xp vegetables.
• Silvered sickle (3 lbs., silver, 30 gp): This silvered weapon has
Encounter 8 images of the four seasons intricately carved in its shaft.
Defeating Farrick and his undead minions 150 xp • Silvered scimitar (4 lbs., silver, 75 gp): This silvered weapon
Discovering information about the skin mask 25 xp has a wooden hilt, and it bears upon it images of
domesticated farm animals.
Discretionary roleplaying award 0-25 xp • “Reaper’s Foe”, masterwork silvered scythe (12 lbs., silver,
390 gp): This scythe has a blade of silver, and has a handle
Maximum possible XP award: 750 xp made of ashwood. Upon the butt of the handle is carved the
words “Reaper’s Foe” in Common. The weapon is finely
balanced, and provides the user with a +1 nonmagical bonus
to attack.
Treasure Summary
Player characters may keep items from the scenario that are list- Encounter 7/3
ed on the treasure list below or which meet the following condi- • Dust of illusion (N/A weight, magic dust, 500 gp): The dust in
tions: this small leather pouch appears to be nothing more than
chalk, until it is viewed for a short period of time. It shifts
• The item must be non-magical and specifically listed in the and fades in and out when looked at for a while.
Grave Disturbance
Appendix A: NPC and Monster (DC 15) or be racked with nausea, suffering a -2
morale penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for
Statistics 1d6+4 minutes. Paralysis (Ex)—Those hit by a ghast’s
Encounter 1 bite or claw attack must succeed at a Fortitude save
Tier 2 (EL 5) (DC 15) or be paralyzed for 1d6+4 minutes. Even elves
Ghouls (3): CR 1; Medium-size Undead (6 ft. tall); HD are vulnerable to this paralysis. Create spawn (Su)—In
2d12; hp 13 (each); Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2 most cases, ghouls devour those they kill. From time
Dex, +2 natural); Atks +3/+0 melee (1d6+1 and paraly- to time, however, the bodies of their victims lie where
sis bite, 1d3[x2] and paralysis claws); SA paralysis, cre- they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days.
ate spawn; SQ undead immunities; AL CE; SV Fort +0, Casting bless on a body before the end of that time
Ref +2, Will +5. averts the transformation.
Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16. SQ: Undead—Immune to mind-influencing
Skills: Climb +6, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease.
Intuit Direction +3, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability
+7, Search +6, Spot +7. Feats: Multiattack, Weapon damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
Finesse (bite).
SA: Paralysis (Ex)—Those hit by a ghoul’s bite Tier 3 (EL 7)
or claw attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC It is the same as Tier 2, except add 3 ghouls.
14) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes. Elves are
immune to this paralysis. Create spawn (Su)—In most Encounter 2
cases, ghouls devour those they kill. From time to Myrindil Riverstone, high elven male Rgr2:
time, however, the bodies of their victims lie where Medium humanoid (5 ft. 11 in. tall); HD 2d10; hp 16;
they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Init +1; Spd 30; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Atks +5 melee (1d8+2
Casting bless on a body before the end of that time [crit 19-20], longsword); SA Favored enemy (orcs); SQ
averts the transformation. Favored enemy (orcs); AL NG; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will
SQ: Undead—Immune to mind-influencing +2.
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Str 14, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14.
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability Skills: Animal Empathy +5, Diplomacy +4,
damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Profession
(farmer) +7, Ride +2, Speak Common, Speak Elven,
Ghast: CR 3; Medium-size Undead (6 ft. tall); HD Speak Sylvan, Wilderness Lore +7. Feats: Track,
4d12; hp 26; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Weapon Focus (longsword).
natural); Atks +4/+1 melee (1d8+1 and paralysis bite, Equipment: Nothing particularly valuable
1d4[x2] and paralysis claws); SA stench, paralysis, cre- (longsword is at home).
ate spawn; SQ undead immunities; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Personality Traits: Calm, decisive, protective,
Ref +3, Will +6. responsible.
Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16.
Skills: Climb +6, Escape Artist +8, Hide +8, Encounter 3
Intuit Direction +3, Jump +6, Listen +8, Move Silently Polgin, human male Clr2 (Phyton): Medium
+7, Search +6, Spot +8. Feats: Multiattack, Weapon humanoid (5 ft. 6 in. tall); HD 2d8; hp 13; Init -1; Spd
Finesse (bite). 30; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Atks +0 melee (1d6-1, sickle); SA
SA: Stench (Ex)—The stink of death and cor- Spells, turn undead; SQ Spells, Domains: Plant and
ruption surrounding these creatures is sickening. Water; AL CG (N); SV Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +5.
Those within 10 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save Str 9, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Grave Disturbance
Encounter 7 and 8
Tier 2 (EL 5)
Skeletons (4): CR 1/3; Medium-size Undead (6 ft.
tall); HD 1d12; hp 6 (each); Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4
Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+ 1 Dex, +2 nat-
ural); Atks +0 melee (1d4[x2], claws); SQ Undead
immunities; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11.
Feats: Improved Initiative.
SQ: Undead—Immune to mind-influencing
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease.
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability
damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
Tier 3 (EL 7)
Same as above, except there are 10 skeletons.
Grave Disturbance
Appendix B: Farrick and the Skin hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it auto-
matically assumes gaseous form and attempts to
Mask escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or
Farrick, male vampire spawn Clr3 (Nerull): CR 5; be utterly destroyed. Once at rest in its coffin, it
Medium-size Undead (5 ft. 11 in. tall); HD 4d12; hp regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then resumes healing
26; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; at the rate of 1 hit point a round. Domains (Sp)—
AC 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural); Atks +5 melee (1d6+4 + Farrick has access to the Domains of Death and Evil.
energy drain, slam); SA Charm, energy drain, blood Death: Farrick may use a death touch once a day. The
drain, spells, command undead; SQ Undead immuni- death touch is a spell-like ability that is a death effect.
ties, damage reduction 10/silver, cold and electricity Farrick must succeed at a melee touch attack against a
resistance 10, gaseous form, spider climb, fast healing living creature (using the rules for touch spells).
1, spells, Domains: Death and Evil; AL CE; SV Fort +1, When he touches, roll 3d6. If the total at least equals
Ref +5, Will +5. the creature’s current hit points, it dies. Evil: You cast
Str 16, Dex 14, Con —, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14. evil spells at +1 caster level.
Skills: Bluff +8, Climb +8, Concentration +8, Equipment: One pinch of dust of illusion, skin
Hide +10, Jump +8, Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen mask, unholy symbol of Nerull.
+11, Move Silently +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +10, Spells Prepared (4/3+1/1+1): 0—detect magic,
Spellcraft +7, Spot +11. Feats: Alertness, Combat guidance, resistance, virtue; 1st—bane, cause fear (e), com-
Casting, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes. mand, doom; 2nd—death knell (e), hold person.
SA: Charm (Su)—This is similar to the vam- Personality Traits: Vicious, vindictive, cun-
pire’s domination ability (see the Monster Manual), but ning, ruthless, arrogant.
the save DC is 14, and the effect is similar to charm per-
son as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer. A charmed subject Skin Mask: This is an unholy relic dedicated to
allows the vampire spawn to drain his or her blood Nerull. It is not known how many exist, nor who (or
(see below). Energy Drain (Su)—Living creatures hit by what) created them. Several members of Nerull’s cler-
a vampire spawn’s slam attack suffer 1 negative level. gy have been found using them. The power that it
The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a bestows upon the wearer makes it hard to determine
DC of 14. Blood Drain (Ex)—A vampire spawn can the proliferation of such a horrid creation.
suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by mak- The mask appears to be a large flap of facial
ing a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it skin, rotting and grey. The inside appears to be pink
drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent and fleshy. The skin mask feels warm to the touch,
Constitution drain each round. and will detect as evil if an appropriate spell or ability
SQ: Undead—Immune to mind-influencing is used upon it. When active and placed over the
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. user’s face, it allows the user to alter self once per day,
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability for one hour’s time. If the user of the skin mask, in
damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. altered form, makes any sort of physical attack (not
Gaseous Form (Su)—As a standard action, a vampire spellcasting), the mask sloughs off, and the true form
spawn can assume gaseous form at will, as the spell cast of the wearer is revealed.
by a 5th-level sorcerer, but it can remain gaseous In order to attune the skin mask to a new
indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect wearer, and to keep it functioning for more than one
maneuverability. Spider Climb (Ex)—A vampire spawn week, a horrible ritual must be enacted to fuel the
can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb mask’s power. The wearer must tear off the facial flesh
spell. Fast Healing (Ex)—A vampire spawn heals 1 of a living humanoid, and while the creature is still
point of damage each round so long at it has at least 1 living, devour it. The mask then retains its power for
Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
Handout 1
A list of names on each of the markers in the graveyard.
Corvis Nighbreath Ruakesh Dirtbender
Duntin Gillivant Quillist "the Dashing"
Hamish Ersteader Oppinpal
Rylinar of Phyton Devon Wildwinig
Lolik Cregk
Mierdilae Brightwinter Mogan Wood
Ressit "the Hammer" Ulneea
Tulmo Takebreaker Wagesha
Aesinyl Ershwin Strongspirit
Nilgin Pickerwin Ulee
Jakarl Huntsman Jyrin
Visin Blueleaf Norholm Nottigwill
Imil Olvilyn Glimmerglade
Handout 2
A note found, written in blood,
on a parchment inside of a bone scroll tube.
I have nearly finished my work here. The foolish mortals know not what sort of affliction they have received.
They think it a curse! Hah! Somehow they believe that your ability to erupt the earth caused their "problems".
Ah, to be so naïve again…I wouldn't think it!
Soon, I will have my revenge upon that fat pig of a man. The cleric will rue the day he ever met me,
and will pay dearly for the torture he put me through as his acolyte. Even now, the villagers doubt him, and
suspect that he is the agent of their suffering. How close to the truth they really are!
Master, you have given me true power, and shown me the most righteous path of blasphemy to obtain
more of the Reaper's attentions. I will never forget the day I threw that cursed birthright down the well, and
strode out of this sickening place. Soon my game will be done, and I will join you to learn more of the Foe of All
Your servant,
Grave Disturbance
DM Handout
A list of names on each of
the markers in the graveyard.
Grave Disturbance
Grave Disturbance
A Grave Disturbance
Critical Events Summary - RubyCon III
1. Did the heroes go to Weeping Willow to attempt to solve their problem? Yes No
2. Did the PCs dig up any of the graves in the new graveyard? Yes No
3. Did the heroes find out that all of the elven bodies were missing? Yes No
4. Did the PCs tell Myrindil about the missing elven bodies? Yes No
5. Did any of the heroes see through the illusion on the body of Bolinus Hekart? Yes No
6. Did the heroes alert the townsfolk that a vampire was in their midst? Yes No
10. Did the heroes find the note Farrick wrote to his master? Yes No
11. Did the PCs determine the function of the skin mask? Yes No
12. Did the players run out of time before the end of the scenario? Yes No
Please list the character name, player name, and RPGA number of any PCs killed by the ghouls.
If the skin mask corrupted a character (a PC figured out how to activate it and did do so), please list the character name, player
name, and RPGA number below.
Please note below any elves of Clan Krysalyn (character name, player name, and RPGA number) that succeeded in defeating
Grave Disturbance